How to plan the sex of a child before conception. How to plan the gender of the child? Myths and reality How to plan the sex of a child using a table

This method is considered the most popular and was known back in Ancient China, where it was actively used. Also, some sages of those times suggested that the sex of the child was influenced by the age of the mother, as well as the month in which the child was conceived. For example, they believed that a 25-year-old woman can conceive a boy only in winter or autumn, while for a 24-year-old woman the opposite is true. At the same time, special tables were compiled in which you could find your age and find out when it is better for a woman to conceive a boy and when a girl. Calculate the gender of the child using the Chinese gender determination calendar.

And today many experts argue that those tables are very similar to today’s and, in principle, are not far from the truth. If you still believe the forecasts of the ancient Chinese, then the chance of conceiving a child of the desired gender increases slightly - by as much as 60%.

After some time, this issue reached Japan. Most Japanese checked the gender of their child by the month of conception and the month in which the parents were born. For example, if both dad and mom were born in November, then they will be able to conceive a girl in July, but with a boy they will have to wait until February. If dad was born in July and mom in January, then a girl can be conceived in June, and a boy in January. But this method of planning the sex of the unborn child is also not particularly effective, and if you believe it, then the chance that your results will coincide with reality is very insignificant and equal to 5-8%

Blood renewal planning method

More recently, Europeans developed the theory of “blood renewal,” which will also help plan the gender of the unborn child. Its basis is that whose blood is fresher at the time of conception, the child will be born of that gender. It is also worth considering that in women, blood is renewed once every three years, and in men once every four. In order to find out the result, it is necessary to divide the woman’s age (the total number of years at the time of conception) by three, and the man’s age, respectively, by four. Then compare the remainders from division. The blood will be younger in that parent. Whose balance will be less?

But this method is even less effective than that of the ancient sages. It is only 51-52% correct, which means that your assumptions may coincide with real option only 1-2%. Also, after numerous modern studies, it was discovered that blood cells on average can live no more than four months.

Planning according to the day of the week

IN modern world There are two new methods by which you can plan the sex of your unborn child.
  1. When using the first method, all attention is paid to calculating the day when female body ovulation must occur. Just like the sperm that help conceive a boy live less than those that help give birth to a girl. If sexual intercourse was performed on the day of ovulation, a boy will most likely be born. If the hedgehog is 1-2 days before ovulation, then there will be a girl, since the sperm carrying the “male” Y chromosome will already die. But this development of the case also does not give one hundred percent confidence in the result - only 8-13% effectiveness this method.
  2. The second method may seem a little strange. If parents want to give birth to a girl, then lovemaking should wait a while, but if their plans include a boy, then sex should become a regular daily activity. As experiments show, if a man abstains for a long time, his body begins to produce antibodies that block male sperm. Then the probability that the result will be a girl is quite high. The same situation is possible if you do everything the other way around, only then can a boy be born. If you believe the statistics, then approximately 65-70 cases out of a hundred coincide with the expectations and efforts of the parents.
  3. Another way is to calculate using

Planning the sex of a child based on ovulation includes the following recommendations:

  • To conceive a girl, sexual intercourse must occur 2 to 3 days before ovulation. If sperm “wait” longer for the egg, then the chances are higher that sperm with a female set will survive. By the time the girl sperm reaches its destination, the boy sperm will no longer be able to fertilize the egg, so although arriving late, the girl sperm will still be able to fertilize the egg.
  • To conceive a boy, sexual intercourse must occur 12 hours before ovulation. Since boy sperm will reach the egg faster than girl sperm, it is necessary for the sperm to reach the uterus almost at the time of ovulation. Y sperm will reach the fallopian tube just in time for the release of the egg or even earlier. Thus, the chances that a Y sperm will fertilize the egg are higher.

The effectiveness of this method is 80%.

Planning the sex of the child by blood renewal

Even in ancient Egypt, a method of planning the sex of a child by renewing the blood was known. “Renewal” of the blood was not some kind of process that can be traced in the body purely physiologically; it was, rather, a kind of rise in vitality ( blood was considered the source of human strength), which improves the condition of the whole organism, including promoting the maturation of genetically complete germ cells ( sperm and eggs). It was believed that a man’s blood is renewed every 4 years, and a woman’s - every 3. Whose blood is “fresh” at the time of conception will be the child of that gender.

To calculate whose blood is fresher, you can use calculators, tables and calculate everything manually. To use this method, you need to know the date of birth of both future parents and the date of conception. Starting from the year of birth, all the years when blood renewal occurred are calculated, for example, if the mother was born in 1990, then the years of blood renewal will be 1993, 1996, 1999, 2002, and so on. For the father, they calculate the same, only they add 4 years.

If the mother’s blood was renewed, for example, in 2018, and the father’s in 2016, and the parents want to conceive a child in 2019, then a girl will be born. Since 2020, a couple has a chance to give birth to a boy, as the man’s blood will be renewed again. If it turns out that both future parents renewed their blood in the same year, then the month of birth should be taken into account. For example, if a woman’s birthday has not yet arrived, and a man is this year has already noted it, then the man was the first to change the blood, and a boy should be expected. After the expectant mother's birthday, the woman's blood will be considered somewhat fresher, so the chances of conceiving a girl are higher. In any case, with such a coincidence, the gender of the child is more difficult to plan in advance.

It is important to know that there are cases when the blood is renewed earlier than expected, for example, if one of the parents had heavy blood loss, blood transfusion ( surgery). In such cases, when calculating, it is important to remember the year of such an event and begin to further calculate the blood renewal schedule from this date.

The veracity of this method can be easily verified by calculating the blood renewal schedules of the mother and father and comparing them with the date of conception of already born children.

Chinese baby gender planning calendar (Chinese gender chart)

This method dates back more than 700 years. The gender table was used in China by privileged members of the royal family; it was found in the imperial tomb. Now it is known all over the world, but most often the method works for the Chinese, perhaps due to their national ( genetic) features. The method is based on the mother's age and month of conception. This table was created based on the Chinese lunar calendar, so the age indicated in the table corresponds to the “lunar age” of the woman. It differs from “usual” biological age. This explains the frequent discrepancy between the sex of the child and the date of conception.

Thus, the Chinese lunar calendar requires calculating a woman’s age not from the date of her birth, but from the date of conception, that is, you need to add 9 months to the woman’s date of birth. The month of conception also does not correspond to the Gregorian style; it is also lunar, that is, it consists of 29 days ( sometimes it lasts 30 days). The lunar months in each year differ from the usual calendar months, so when exactly the lunar month begins and ends, you should look in advance.

Difficulties in determining lunar age may arise for women if they were born in January and February, or more precisely between January 21 and February 22. The point is that New Year According to the Chinese calendar, it occurs in this period of time. If a woman's birth date falls before the Chinese New Year date in the year of her birth, the year of birth will be different from the usual one. For example, if the expectant mother was born in 1990 before January 27 ( the date of the Chinese New Year that year), then the year of her birth is considered not 1990, but 1989, and her age must be calculated from 1989.

The table is easy to use; you need to find the mother’s age in the right column, and the month of conception in the top row. The intersection point will indicate the sex of the child if conceived in the specified month ( M - boy, D - girl).

The Chinese believe that this method of planning the gender of a child has an accuracy of more than 95%.

Chinese gender chart

Lunar age of mother

Lunar month number

Japanese method (schedule) of planning the sex of a child

The Japanese gender planning calendar is similar to the Chinese gender chart, but the Japanese take into account the month of birth of the mother and father. The gender of the desired baby is calculated in two stages; accordingly, two tables are used. In the first table, you should find the number that is in the cell where the column of the father’s month of birth and the line of the mother’s month of birth intersect.

part one)

Mother's birth month

Father's birth month

After determining the code number, you should refer to the second table, where the resulting number must be compared with the month of conception. At the point where the numbers intersect there will be the gender of the child ( M - boy, D - girl).

Japanese baby gender planning chart ( part two)

Code number from the first table

Month of conception

Planning the sex of the child according to the age of the mother (planning by month)

This method is known from the medicine of Kazakhstan. It is based on the woman’s biorhythms, her age and month of conception and is also known as the “Shamrina method”. Elena Shamrina observed women for about 20 years and determined the relationship between a woman’s age and the month of conception, thereby identifying “female” and “male” months, and they are different for a woman’s even and odd age.

Planning the gender of a child using the Shamrina method

Gender of the unborn child

Woman's age

Lucky month to conceive



  • February;
  • April;
  • June;
  • August;
  • October;
  • December.


  • January;
  • March;
  • July;
  • September;
  • november



  • January;
  • March;
  • July;
  • September;
  • november


  • February;
  • April;
  • June;
  • August;
  • October;
  • December.

When using this method, it is important to exclude the woman’s month of birth from the calculations, and also to make sure that ovulation occurs in the middle of the month. If ovulation occurs in the very first or very last days of the month, then the likelihood of conceiving a child of the desired gender is reduced, since conception may be affected by the biorhythms of the previous or next month.

Shamrina also caught the following relationship. If after giving birth, even before the start of the first menstruation, a woman becomes pregnant again, then a child is born of the same sex as the one who was recently born. It turns out that during the first menstrual cycle after childbirth, some kind of “memory” regarding fertilization or bearing a child of the desired sex is still working. It is possible that hormonal changes in a woman’s body during pregnancy also affect the conception of a child of the same sex, if conception occurred in the first menstrual cycle after childbirth. This is a completely reasonable explanation, if you remember that a high level of male sex hormones in the female body increases the likelihood of conceiving a boy. If a woman carried a boy for 9 months, then in her body there is still a certain “excess” of male sex hormones, which form the male genital organs in the fetus. Perhaps they are the ones that cause the re-conception of a boy in the postpartum period, if a woman gave birth to a boy several months ago.

Poses and features of sexual behavior for conceiving a boy and a girl

Purely technically, with the help of certain sexual positions, it is possible to ensure that sperm of the desired sex reach the egg earlier. In positions that provide deep penetration ( man from behind, woman on top or standing sex), it is easier to conceive a boy, because “fast” sperm with a male set of chromosomes, when thrown directly into the uterus, reach the egg faster than “slow girls”. The mucous plug of the cervical canal plays a major role in this process. During sexual intercourse, contractions of the uterus cause the opening and closing of the external opening of the cervical canal, the mucous plug is partially pushed into the vagina, enveloped in sperm and retracted back.

To conceive a boy, it is also desirable that the woman achieve orgasm before the man. The fact is that during orgasm, mucus is released from the cervix and vaginal walls, which has a more alkaline reaction. This reduces the acidic environment of the vagina, making it more neutral ( less acidic), helping to maintain the viability of Y-sperm. Therefore, if the female orgasm occurs before the male, then the environment will become neutral before the release of sperm ( sperm is released during a man's orgasm) and “protect” sperm with a male set of chromosomes, which are less resistant to an acidic environment than sperm with a female set.

If you want to conceive a girl, you don't need to put much effort into it. All other positions, without deep penetration, lead to sperm entering the posterior vaginal fornix ( pocket behind the uterus). The sperm stays there for some time, and then the sperm move towards the uterus. The chances of conceiving a girl in such cases increase due to the fact that sperm with a female set are more resistant to the acidic environment of the vagina.

To conceive a child of a certain gender important has also the frequency of sexual contacts. If future parents want a girl, then doctors recommend complete abstinence for 1.5 months, and if they want a boy, then attempts to conceive should be made as often as possible. This recommendation is explained by the fact that with more or less prolonged abstinence, less tenacious sperm carrying the Y chromosome die in the testicles, and mainly female sperm remain. Perhaps this is how the body destroys already aged, and therefore genetically inferior sperm, if the sperm is not used for a long time ( Girl sperm “age” later). At the same time, with frequent sexual intercourse, sperm renewal occurs, and “young” sperm enter it. The effectiveness of this method is only 15 - 20 percent, and the conditions for conceiving a girl are not always suitable for future parents, so not everyone uses it.

Lubricants must not be used ( lubricants to facilitate sexual intercourse) if partners want to conceive a male child. Lubricants disrupt the acid-base balance in the vagina, which leads to the rapid death of Y-sperm, while the more tenacious X-sperm have a greater chance of fertilizing the egg, since they are more resistant to any adverse effects of the “external” environment.

The emotions that a couple experiences during intercourse and the conception of a child also affect gender. In ancient eastern texts there are references to the struggle between female and male energies at the moment of conception, that is, at the moment of fusion of the bodies of future parents. Energy, that is, feelings and mental “attitude,” can cause the egg to become more sensitive to sperm with a certain chromosome, or the female body will create an environment for the desired sperm. So, if during sexual intercourse a man shows a lot of care, affection and devotes all his efforts to pleasing the woman he loves, then he gives more of his masculine energy, and a boy is conceived. A girl is also born when a woman trusts her partner more and allows herself to be led, to think about his pleasure, that is, they “activate” feminine energy ( at the same time, a woman may not experience orgasm during such sexual intercourse, although this will contribute to the conception of a girl).

Diet for conceiving a boy and a girl

French scientists have found that the sex of the child also depends on the reaction ( acidic, alkaline) the internal environment of a woman’s body and sperm. They observed the food preferences of married couples who had predominantly boys or girls. As a result, doctors came to the conclusion that certain products can affect the activity of sperm with a male or female chromosome, as well as their survival in the vagina or uterus. The effectiveness of this method is 80%.

The acid-base balance in the body may deviate slightly more towards an acidic or alkaline reaction, while remaining within normal limits. However, this slight shift is often enough to “help” sperm with female or male chromosomes more easily reach the egg. So, it is believed that the more acidic the environment in the vagina and uterus, the higher the chance that a girl will be born. To have a boy, you need a more alkaline environment. Nutrition helps to achieve the right environment, because every product has an acidic or alkaline reaction.

The explanation for the effectiveness of the diet in planning the gender of the unborn child comes down to the same theory about the worse survival of sperm with the Y chromosome in an acidic environment, so sperm that carry the female X chromosome have a better chance. In an alkaline environment, the chances of sperm carrying a male chromosome increase, since they are more mobile and manage to reach the egg faster than sperm carrying a female chromosome.

To conceive a boy, you should eat foods rich in potassium, and to have a girl, foods rich in calcium. Potassium is a mineral that reduces the acidity of the body's internal environment. In contrast, acidity is increased by calcium and foods rich in it. For the diet to “work”, you need to start sticking to it 3 months before conception, and both parents should stick to the diet, because the acidity of the sperm affects the activity of sperm no less.

Products for conceiving a boy and a girl

To conceive a boy

Products for conceiving a girl

Consume more


Consume more


  • meat ( any);
  • meat broths;
  • sausages, boiled pork, liver, jellied meat;
  • potatoes, corn, legumes, soybeans;
  • pasta;
  • mushrooms;
  • cereals;
  • spices ( especially spicy);
  • pickles;
  • salted cheese, salted cottage cheese, salty butter and margarine;
  • fish;
  • caviar ( sturgeon);
  • bananas, peaches, apricots, olives, avocados, tomatoes;
  • dried fruits ( dates, dried apricots, prunes);
  • dark chocolate, coffee;
  • bread, crackers, cookies.
  • milk ( any dishes using milk);
  • eggs;
  • seafood;
  • green vegetables ( lettuce, beans, onions, sweet pepper, cucumbers);
  • cocoa;
  • sweets ( including pastries, cakes, milk chocolate);
  • nuts.
  • dairy products ( live fermented milk yogurt, cottage cheese, kefir, cheese curds);
  • unsalted cheese;
  • seafood ( shrimp, crabs, sea ​​fish );
  • cucumbers, lettuce, radishes, carrots, radishes;
  • cilantro, parsley, dill, onion;
  • pineapple, pears, strawberries, raspberries;
  • mineral water;
  • sweet juices, fruit drinks;
  • green tea;
  • nuts;
  • spices, mustard.
  • meat ( you can only boil it);
  • salt;
  • sausages, smoked products, pates ( exclude);
  • salted cheese ( exclude);
  • butter, margarine ( possible, but not enough);
  • avocado, cabbage, beets, tomatoes, legumes ( reduce consumption);
  • pasta, rice ( not often);
  • apricots, cherries, oranges, dried apricots, bananas, dates ( it is advisable to exclude);
  • dark chocolate;
  • coffee.

If future parents want a boy, then they can salt the food generously, but if they want a girl, then it is recommended not to add salt to anything.

According to the Trivers-Willard theory, girls are born in favorable times, that is, when there is enough food. During times of famine, the number of boys born increases. This is probably the same natural mechanism that is activated to increase the number of men in the population during “bad times” ( when you need to protect the family and encourage the birth of more children.) Knowing about this mechanism, we can suggest that women eat high-calorie foods if they want to conceive a girl, and eat less before conception if they plan to give birth to a boy.

Italian researcher Angelo Gagnacci came up with a different hypothesis after observing 10,000 women. Comparing their weight before pregnancy and the gender of the born child, the scientist came to the following conclusion. If at the time of conception a woman weighs less than 54 kilograms, then she is more likely to give birth to a girl, and if the weight was more than 54 kilograms, then boys are born. It is believed that it is more difficult to bear a boy, so nature takes care of “thin” expectant mothers and gives them a girl. However, this observation does not refute Trivers’ theory, because thinness often occurs in women with accelerated metabolism, who eat abundantly, but still do not gain weight. At the same time, women who have overweight, deny themselves high-calorie foods, and low-calorie foods, according to Trivers' theory, are one of the factors in conceiving boys.

Planning the sex of the child based on the blood type and Rh factor of the parents

Blood group and Rh are indicators of red blood cells that depend on the presence of certain proteins on the surface of red blood cells. Rh is positive if there is a protein called “D antigen” on the red blood cells, and if it is absent, then Rh is considered negative ( no protein).

Gender of the child according to the Rh factor of the parents

Many researchers believe that even if one of the parents is Rh negative, then there is a higher chance of having a girl, and if both future parents have the same Rh ( it doesn't matter whether it's positive or negative), then a boy is born.

With blood groups, things are a little more complicated. Belonging to a particular blood group depends on the combination of proteins A and B in red blood cells. To find out your Rh and blood type, you need to take a blood test.

Gender of the child based on the blood type of the parents

Mother's blood type

Father's blood type

Planning the gender of the child according to the phases of the moon (according to the lunar calendar, according to the zodiac sign)

A similar method of planning gender by month is planning by zodiac, that is, by the location of the moon in a particular zodiac at the time of conception. This method is actively used in India. It is based on the division of all 12 zodiac signs into “male” and “female”. During its cycle, the moon moves from one sign to another every 2.5 days. So, in order to conceive a boy, you need to plan conception at the moment when the moon is in such constellations as Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, Aquarius. To conceive a girl, you should wait until the moon is in such constellations as Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn, Pisces.

In addition to this rule, Hindus also take into account the zodiac signs of the parents themselves. If a woman was born under a “masculine” zodiac sign ( Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius), then more often her first child is a girl, or a boy is born under the “female” zodiac sign. A girl will also be born first if both future parents are under the auspices of a “male” zodiac sign. The same rule applies in reverse for women born under the “feminine” zodiac sign ( Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn, Pisces). That is, a woman born under a “feminine” zodiac sign will be the first to give birth to a boy or girl under a “male” zodiac sign.

As you can see, this method is inaccurate ( both the biological and astrological gender of the child are equal), however, in order to increase the chances of having a child of the desired sex, it is worth taking into account these astrological features.

Planning the gender of the child during IVF

It is possible to choose the sex of the unborn child if fertilization is carried out using assisted reproductive technologies, for example, in vitro fertilization ( ECO). IVF is a procedure carried out in a laboratory in which several mother's eggs are fertilized with the father's sperm, resulting in several embryos ( embryos). Before embryos are introduced into the uterus in some cases ( according to indications) preimplantation genetic diagnosis is carried out. This procedure is needed to determine the presence or absence of genetic diseases based on the chromosome set of the embryo and select a healthy embryo ( some hereditary diseases are linked to the sex chromosome, that is, they are transmitted through the Y or X chromosome). At the same time, the procedure allows you to find out which sperm fertilized the egg - with chromosome X or Y.

There is another procedure that allows you to separate sperm of the desired sex before fertilization and use them exclusively. This technology, known as Microsort ( Microsort), represents laser selection at the cellular level. Such selection is possible due to the difference in size of sperm with male and female chromosome sets. Y sperm are smaller than X sperm. The researchers came to this conclusion when they determined that sperm containing more female-chromosomal sperm contained 2.8% more genetic material than sperm containing more Y sperm.

During the Microsort procedure, the sperm undergoes a series of tests. First, it is “washed” to remove dead sperm, then it is stained with a fluorescent substance and passed through a filter under pressure. Such a filter allows you to examine each sperm and measure its chemical and physical parameters. This technology is also called flow cytometry. Flow cytometry makes it possible to distinguish X-sperm from Y-sperm based on the characteristics of the fluorescent glow of sperm ( X sperm glow brighter because they contain more genetic material). The entire selection procedure lasts 6 - 7 hours. The sperm can then be injected into the uterus or used for IVF.

Sex selection using medical technologies in many countries, including Russian Federation, for the purpose of planning the sex of a child, is prohibited by law. These technologies are used only to prevent hereditary diseases in the fetus, if the parents or their immediate relatives have them. Some countries, such as Cyprus and Türkiye, allow parents to choose the sex of the child during IVF, so it is recommended that the procedure be carried out there for this purpose. Israel allows you to resort to these methods to select gender if 4 children of the same sex were born in a family.

Who is more difficult to conceive - a boy or a girl?

It is more difficult to conceive a boy. Scientists came to this conclusion after analyzing the characteristics of sperm with a male and female set of chromosomes. Sperm with the male set have a Y chromosome, they are more mobile, but do not live long, unlike sperm with the X chromosome, that is, the female set, which can retain the ability to fertilize an egg several days after intercourse.

It is the vitality of sperm that is the decisive factor in conceiving a child of one sex or another. The vitality of “boys” is affected by the acidic environment of the vagina and overheating of the testicles, various diseases of both spouses, sexual position, frequency of sexual intercourse, nutrition, as well as the time of orgasm in a woman. All of the above factors most often have an adverse effect on male sperm, and it is the boy sperm that die first, which increases the chances of conceiving a girl.

How to conceive twins?

If the gender of the child can be approximately planned, then the conception of twins cannot be planned, since twins are an exception to the rule, which is observed with a frequency of 1 case in 250 pregnancies. Twins can be born in two cases - if two sperm fertilize two eggs or if after fertilization, not one embryo, but two, is formed during cell division. It is impossible to influence the fertilization process and “force” the body to conceive twins, but if a woman undergoes an IVF procedure ( in vitro fertilization), that is, when the fusion of sperm and egg occurs outside the female body, the chances of conceiving twins are higher.

According to the IVF protocol, women under 35 years of age are given ( inserted into the uterus) 2 embryos, and after 35 years - 3. If 2 embryos take root, then twins are born ( look different from each other), and if one embryo implanted, but during the division process 2 embryos were formed, - twins ( similar in appearance). Despite the fact that 3 or 5 day old embryos are transplanted, the process of dividing the fertilized egg does not occur in a test tube, but already in the uterine cavity. It has been noted that the occurrence of twins from the same embryo during IVF occurs much more often. The fact is that IVF uses additional hormonal stimulation of the ovaries so that as many eggs as possible are formed in them. Probably, when there are a lot of hormones in the female body, the process of dividing the fertilized egg may be somewhat “disturbed”, and as a result, 2 rudiments of a new life are formed.

The chances of conceiving twins increase in the following cases:

  • Woman's age over 35 years- it is believed that the older the woman, the more the fertilization process is subject to changes, which means there is a greater chance that after the division of the embryo, 2 embryos are formed.
  • Heredity- in some families, the birth of twins is a common occurrence, since a certain program of genes operates that regulate the course of division of the fertilized egg.
  • Excess body weight- increases the chance of conceiving twins, probably due to some hormonal imbalance, which is always present to one degree or another with excessive accumulation of fat in the body.
  • Taking hormonal medications- if an infertile couple is treated with hormonal drugs, then they have a greater chance of conceiving twins.
  • Cancellation of oral contraceptives- abrupt discontinuation of birth control pills leads to the opposite effect; a woman experiences a release of hormones and active maturation of eggs, which is similar to hormone stimulation during IVF.
  • Breastfeeding- if sexual intercourse occurs during the period after childbirth, when a woman is breastfeeding a baby, then there is a greater chance that 2 embryos will be formed after conception.
  • Short menstrual cycle- if the cycle lasts 20 - 21 days, then in one month more than 1 egg can mature and be released in a woman’s body, that is, the likelihood that fertilization of both eggs will occur is higher.
  • Bicornuate uterus- this is an anomaly of the uterus in which it has, as it were, two cavities connected by a septum, with each “horn” connected to one fallopian tube and connected to one ovary. With this anomaly, the maturation of 2 eggs in each ovary is most often observed; if both are fertilized, pregnancy will develop in each horn. True, the chances of bearing twins with such an anomaly of the uterus are lower.
  • Reception folic acid - if a woman takes vitamin B9 before conception, then she is 40% more likely to be able to conceive twins.
  • Yam- eating this root vegetable increases the chance of conceiving twins, which is confirmed by the fact of the birth of twins in black women eating yams in African countries.

Will actifert help you conceive a girl?

Aktifert is a gel that facilitates the advancement of sperm and, accordingly, conception, by reducing the acidity of the vagina. It is known that the natural acidic environment of the vagina has a bad effect on sperm, which has an alkaline reaction. Actifert, by reducing the acidity of the vagina, increases the chances of conceiving a boy rather than a girl, because sperm with a male chromosome “feel better” in an alkaline environment and, due to their speed, reach the egg first. To conceive a girl, it is better not to use vaginal alkalizing gels at all, since the natural acidity of the vagina is less harmful to sperm with a female chromosome. They move more slowly, but live longer and pass the acidic environment of the vagina more easily.

Will an ovulation test help you conceive a girl or a boy?

Ovulation test ( the process of releasing an egg from the ovary) is carried out from the 11th day of the menstrual cycle for several days in a row to determine the peak secretion of luteinizing hormone. An ovulation test is carried out in the same way as a pregnancy test, that is, the woman places the test in a glass of urine and waits for the lines to appear. Positive test ( two stripes) means that ovulation will occur within 1 - 2 days - the sac with a mature egg will rupture, and the egg will fall from the ovary to fallopian tube. If the ovulation test gives a weakly positive result, that is, the second strip is not as bright as the first, then it means you will have to wait more than 2 days for ovulation. This is the best period for conceiving a girl, since sperm with a female chromosome live longer than sperm with a male chromosome, so they will survive for 3 or more days ( by the time of ovulation) and will be able to fertilize the egg.

If the couple wants a boy, then sexual intercourse should be postponed closer to the time of ovulation. When the test shows the brightest second line, you should wait another day, scheduling the act so that it occurs approximately 12 hours before ovulation.

To accurately know the time of ovulation, an ovulation test is recommended to be carried out over several months ( cycles). This way, a woman will know when she personally ovulates and plan conception by the hour.

What should a man do to conceive a boy?

To conceive a boy, doctors recommend that a man follow a number of rules. Firstly, 3 months before conception you should start following a diet. The diet is complemented by giving up alcohol and smoking. Eating certain foods increases the activity of sperm labeled “boy” or “girl”, due to their more acidic or more alkaline reaction. Male sperm is alkaline. This environment ensures better survival of male sperm.

  • meat ( including sausages, offal, jellied meat);
  • potato;
  • cereals;
  • pasta;
  • mushrooms;
  • salty foods ( cheese, fish, pickles);
  • caviar;
  • dates, prunes, dried apricots;
  • dark chocolate;
  • coffee ( It is recommended to drink coffee before sexual intercourse);
  • bananas, peaches, tomatoes, olives, apricots, avocados.

All of these foods contain a lot of potassium. It is this microelement that helps maintain the alkaline environment of sperm. Dishes can be salted generously and hot spices added.

To preserve more sperm, which genetically carry the male principle, it is important not to overheat the testicles. It is no coincidence that the sperm depot is anatomically located outside the abdominal cavity, but separately, in the scrotum. Internal body temperature is detrimental to sperm of any “sex”, but sperm containing the male Y chromosome are less stable.

To prevent overheating of the testicles, you should:

  • Avoid going to the sauna or hot baths during the period of preparation for conception;
  • Do not direct a stream of hot water onto the testicles while taking a shower;
  • do not wear tight underwear; boxer briefs are better;
  • take a cold shower;
  • do not keep the laptop on your lap ( heating up, it begins to release a lot of heat, which is directed towards the groin).

To conceive a boy, a man also needs to reconsider his sex life and its features. Doctors recommend making love as often as possible if you want to conceive a boy. They explain this by the same lesser vitality of Y-sperm, as well as the need for a new portion of sperm to arrive, where there will be more “young” male sperm, and sperm renewal is facilitated by sexual intercourse and the release of already accumulated sperm. Sperm from girls live longer, so infrequent sexual intercourse most often leads to the conception of a girl.

  • doggy style ( the man is positioned behind);
  • sex in a standing position;
  • cowgirl position ( woman on top).

These positions allow you to achieve deep penetration, that is, sperm entering the uterus faster, without delay in the vagina. In such conditions, more active, faster and more mobile sperm with a male genetic makeup will be the first to reach the egg.

In addition to the position, the man should try to make the woman experience orgasm earlier. The fact is that during orgasm, the cervix and vagina are moistened with alkaline secretions, resulting in an acidic vaginal environment ( she's normally sour) becomes neutral. It is the neutral environment that better preserves Y-spermatozoa, which are very sensitive to acid and quickly die in the vaginal environment.

From lubricants ( intimate gels for moisturizing and facilitating sexual intercourse) should be abandoned. They have a bad effect on sperm in principle, that is, the chances of conceiving a child of any gender become several times less. However, since sperm with a female set are more tenacious, when using lubricants, the likelihood of conceiving a girl is higher. Instead of lubricants, it is recommended to use egg white if the partners did not have and do not have food allergies ( egg white can cause an allergic reaction).

What should a man do to conceive a girl?

Conceiving a girl requires less effort from both parents. Nature arranges it so that sperm, which are designated by chromosome X ( female chromosome), live longer than sperm, designated by the Y chromosome ( male chromosome). For this reason, conceiving a boy is theoretically much more difficult. X-sperm are preserved better, even when the testicles are overheated ( tight underwear, frequent trips to the sauna).

To conceive a girl, sexual positions without deep penetration are suitable, when neither partner can control the depth of insertion of the penis into the vagina ( for example, the classic pose: man on top, woman on bottom). If the penis does not penetrate deeply during intercourse, then the sperm does not enter the uterus immediately, but after accumulation in the posterior vaginal fornix, behind the uterus. Even if the fast Y sperm “break off” and reach the uterus earlier, the less mobile X sperm have a better chance of reaching the egg. The longer the path, the greater the likelihood that it is the girl sperm that will survive.

One of important points To conceive a girl is the nutrition of the future father. Girls “love” everything sweet, dairy products, spices, nuts, seafood. It will be more difficult to conceive a girl if a man eats a lot of meat. The fact is that meat contains a lot of potassium, it alkalizes sperm, increasing the chances of male sperm. “Girl” foods contain calcium, which makes the sperm reaction a little more acidic, which sharply reduces the motility and vitality of male sperm.

On what day of the cycle can you conceive a boy and on which day a girl?

Every month, for about 7 days, a woman is able to conceive, and the chances of conceiving a child of a certain gender on different days are different. 7 days during the menstrual cycle is the period of ovulation. Ovulation is the day when an egg leaves the ovary and enters the fallopian tube. This day falls in the middle of the cycle. There is no exact day of ovulation for all women. You can find out about its approach by signs of ovulation ( decreased body temperature, clearer mucus, increased sexual desire, positive ovulation test result). A woman should monitor the signs of ovulation over several cycles in order to know exactly what day ovulation occurs, which days are considered days before ovulation, and which days after.

To conceive a girl, it is recommended to begin active actions 2-3 days before ovulation, and if you want a boy, then 12 hours before ovulation or on the day of ovulation. This approach is associated with the characteristics of sperm, which contain the genetic material for fertilizing a girl and a boy. The sperm needed to conceive a boy move faster but live shorter, so intercourse should occur as close to ovulation as possible ( “boys” will be in time before “girls”). Sperm with the genetic makeup for conceiving a girl are slow, but they live for several days, outliving the “boys,” so in all those cases where you have to wait for an egg, the chances of giving birth to a girl are much higher.

There are many superstitions in the world associated with pregnancy. Using some, you can try to determine the gender of the unborn baby. Some women claim that in their case the signs turned out to be more accurate than ultrasound, others treat all kinds of superstitions with irony. offers entertainment for both categories of expectant mothers: a funny list of 14 ways to determine the sex of a child without resorting to the help of doctors.

1. Food preferences
If a woman prefers sweets during pregnancy, it means she will have a girl. Mothers of boys, when carrying them, prefer salty and spicy foods.

2. Toxicosis
Girls are often blamed for toxicosis. Boys don't bully their mothers like that.

3. Belly
The gender of the unborn child is also predicted by the position of the abdomen: if it is low, it will be a boy; if a pregnant woman wears a high belly, it is a girl.

4. Chinese calendar
This method of prediction is approximately 700 years old. According to Chinese beliefs, the gender of the child is associated with the date of conception. If it is known for sure, you can check the calendar and find out who will be born. They also use the calendar at the pregnancy planning stage, choosing the date of expected conception depending on whether the family wants a boy or a girl.

5. Heart rate
During the examination, you should ask the doctor what the fetal heart rate is. From 140 and above - a girl, below 140 - a boy.

6. Skin condition
They say that girls steal the beauty from their mothers, hence the sudden appearance of pimples, blackheads and oily shine. As in the case of toxicosis, boys are much more merciful.

7. Ring test
To carry out the test you need to remove wedding ring, hang it on a string and lift it above your stomach. If the ring dangles back and forth, it will be a girl. The movement of the ring in a circle promises a boy.

8. Grace
A beautiful and measured pregnancy is a sign that a girl will be born. Boys make mothers clumsy and slow.

9. Hands
If, when asked to show her hands, a woman stretches out her limbs with her palms down, it means she is having a boy. If the palms are facing upward, there is a girl in the stomach.

10. Dreams
If a pregnant woman dreams that she is having a boy, it means she should be expecting a girl. And vice versa.

11. Chest
When the left is larger than the right, it will be a boy. If the right one seems larger than the left one, it will be a girl.

12. Test with a child
If someone's child is interested in the belly of a pregnant woman, you can tell fortunes on it. If a boy approaches the belly, a girl is expected to be born. A girl will show interest in the belly if there is a boy in it.

13. Garlic test
The woman should eat some garlic and wait a couple of hours. If a pregnant woman smells like garlic, she is having a boy. The absence of smell indicates that the family will soon have a girl.

14. Test with keys
Having dropped her keys on the floor, a woman should pick them up without looking. If she pulled the round side of the key, there would be a boy, and if she grabbed the long part, the child would be a girl.

The idea that it is possible to plan the sex of a child was given to me by my mother-in-law. She said that it is possible to plan the gender of the child based on the blood renewal method. Then I thought that if it is possible to somehow influence the gender of the unborn child, then this chance should not be missed. My parents really wanted a boy. When my older sister was born, their hopes for the arrival of a son grew greatly, and they really expected that this time there would definitely be a boy. By acute form belly, older women often predicted the appearance of a boy. And the doctor announced to my mother that there would be not one child, but two. My parents even prepared names: Vadim and Maxim.

But the Lord God wanted a girl to be born. My childhood was spent among toy trucks and cars. My first doll was given to me when I was 10 years old by some relatives who came to visit. And I constantly felt guilty that I was born a girl. I ended up having short hair and playing with boys more often than girls. I was the first girl in the class whom the boys started calling by name rather than by last name.

In general, when I found out about the possibility of planning the gender of the child, I was excited about this idea. Knowing your child's methods can save many parents and children from similar situations. If you can avoid disappointment, then why not? Especially for those who have 3 girls, and the husband stubbornly wants a son.

Methods for planning the gender of a child

After studying all these Chinese and Japanese gender planning calendars, I realized that the probability of having a boy is 50%. I decided to look for something else. I tested the blood renewal method on my friends and relatives, who could accurately remember the years of birth of their parents. The probability exceeded 80%. I didn’t stop there. I thought that if you combine everything real ways planning the gender of the child, you can independently increase the likelihood of having a child of the desired gender.

According to the blood renewal method, it turned out that before December 2007 (the deadline) we had to conceive a boy.

Preparing for conception

3 months before the expected date, we were tested for sexually transmitted diseases, my husband quit smoking, and we stopped buying alcohol. And a month before conception we decided to go to the sea and relax.

All these 3 months I wrote down the days of menstruation and the timing of unusual discharge. Once I even noticed a transparent clot of lubricant on my panties. I recorded this day as the date of ovulation.

All these 3 months I gave up milk, kefir, yogurt, and sweets. Sometimes I ate cottage cheese. And she ate large quantities of meat, fish, and sausage. She ate a lot of fried food and did not skimp on salt.

Failed attempts to conceive

After three months of preparation, we decided it was time. Armed with ovulation tests and an electronic thermometer, I began to important stage planning the gender of the child. It was important not to miss ovulation. And so that the husband is not at work at this time (he worked for days).

After a couple of days of communicating with the electronic thermometer, I decided to leave it for more important matters and catch ovulation only with the help of test strips. And besides, a change in rectal temperature could be caused not only by ovulation, but also by other factors.

Every morning I ran to the bath and looked at the stripes that appeared for a long time. Sometimes it was not clear whether there was a second stripe or not. In such cases, I used a different test.

When it was already the middle of the cycle, and I still didn’t see the treasured two stripes, I was upset. Maybe the day of ovulation fell on the day when my husband was at work, or maybe the test was just wrong, and my husband and I missed this day. Or maybe I didn’t ovulate at all that month. Since it does not come every month, but approximately 8-10 times a year (for women under 28 years old).

I was upset. I used to think that getting pregnant was not a problem. This conclusion was confirmed by many cases of unwanted pregnancies among girls I knew.

I plunged into the abyss of the Internet, hoping to find even more information on my question. And I found information that you can talk about problems with conception only after a year of unsuccessful attempts to get pregnant. This calmed me down a little, but December was already upon us, and I didn’t have time for unsuccessful attempts. The closer to December, the more likely it was to conceive a girl. And we still hoped to conceive a boy.

At the beginning of the second, I was determined to conceive our boy in the coming days. I bought ovulation tests again. I immediately decided not to buy them in large quantities, since I still hoped that my plans would be fulfilled soon. I must say that not all salespeople in pharmacies then knew about ovulation tests and often brought me. This month I even purchased a couple of tablet tests for controversial cases in the middle of the cycle. A lot of money was spent on these test strips. But I reassured myself that IVF () costs much more. And a lot of effort has already been spent on conceiving a healthy boy!

In the middle of the cycle, I saw the coveted stripes on the express test. I couldn't believe my eyes. I was so excited and happy! I ran to do a control check with a tablet test. And - oh, God! - He also showed me the strip. While I was jumping there with stripes, my husband quickly left for work without even having breakfast. I had a day off. And somehow I did not immediately realize that without my husband I would not be able to conceive our long-awaited boy today. I rushed to the phone to please him with my news.

My husband had a lot to do that day. And I sat at home all day, waiting for a call with the news of my imminent arrival.

My husband was able to take time off and come only in the evening. There was still hope. Having met, we indulged in love passion. And then I lay there for a long time, raising my legs up, and smiling widely, widely. It probably looked pretty funny from the outside. But my head was then full of other thoughts.

The next day we decided to repeat our attempt. So to speak, a “control shot” in the hope that everything is not over yet, and there is still time.

After 10 days, I took a pregnancy test using express strips. The result was simply wonderful. I had no words. I was in seventh heaven. She danced and jumped. I brought the strip to my husband as an expensive trophy. And, breaking into a smile, she announced to him: “You will soon become a dad!” For a long time he could not believe it and get used to it, but I still infected him with a smile from ear to ear. And we decided to hold off on sex for now, because we were afraid that something would go wrong.

We walked with this expression on our faces for 3 days. And on the fourth morning they came... their periods. It was terrible. It felt like I had lost a child. I was devastated. I looked at the menstrual blood and thought that this could be a “home” for our baby. After all, menstruation is the release of an unfertilized egg.

At work, everything ceased to interest me, nothing made me happy. I found myself looking at the TV, and my thoughts were somewhere far, far away. And all about the baby.

On the way home from work, I often indecently stared at the little ones in strollers and thought: “Can they really give birth, but I can’t? And there are 6 billion people on Earth (and how many more there were!). Why can they, but I can’t? And how many women abandon their babies right in the maternity hospital...” These thoughts brought tears to my eyes.

My husband brought me back to reality. He reminded me that it was just an attempt to conceive, not the loss of a child. Yes, I probably went too deep into myself.

Hooray! I am pregnant!

The third menstrual cycle of planning the sex of the child has begun. Sometimes thoughts crossed my mind that maybe I should leave this idea of ​​gender planning, relax and forget about everything. After all, it is then, according to the grandmothers, that the long-awaited conception occurs. But it was too early to give up. I decided that now I will not wish for the appearance of the treasured stripes and worry about their absence. And think about conception as little as possible.

This month I started catching ovulation using strips right from the last days of my period. And I was simply stunned when I saw two lines on the test on the last day of discharge. I didn’t take it seriously and chalked it all up to residual discharge on the last day of my period. I did not use the repeat test. She tenderly kissed her still sleeping husband, thinking that he was still sleeping. A sweet kiss grew that morning into passionate mutual caresses and hugs between two loving people.

After this incident, I no longer saw double stripes. I didn't even worry about their absence. I tried not to think about our goal, but every morning I used tests.

Menstruation did not come on the expected day. She didn’t come on the second day either. But since I always had an irregular menstrual cycle, I decided to wait another week to take a pregnancy test. But every day I lived without menstruation added to my hope for the long-awaited conception, and the desire to take the test earlier was simply impossible to restrain. And I decided to take the test without waiting until the next morning. The only problem was that I was at work that day and didn’t have any tests with me. During my lunch break, I ran to the nearest pharmacy. But they were not there. Maybe another girl would come back, but not me. I took the bus to another pharmacy. There were tests there. But, looking into my wallet, I realized that I didn’t have enough money for the test.

Upset by this, I left the pharmacy and accidentally met my colleague. I don’t know what he did there, but I still borrowed money from him “for painkillers for the tooth.”

I just arrived at work and immediately locked myself in the toilet. I bought the spray test because it can be used without a cup. I read the instructions, took the test and... Hurray, I'm pregnant! I left the toilet happy and radiant. I don’t know what the girls who met me in the toilet thought. I immediately called my husband and pleased him with my news.

The next week we did an ultrasound. We first saw our baby when he was 5 weeks old. He still had a ponytail back then. At an appointment with a gynecologist, we learned that our child was conceived immediately after the end of menstruation. And we were sure that we would have a boy. At around 22 weeks we were told at an ultrasound that we were having a boy.

Our son is now about a year old. And we are already thinking about our daughter. Now I know that you can and should plan your life the way you want. Even when it comes to planning the gender of the child.

Statistics show that 106 boys are born today for every 100 girls. Male embryos are always more vulnerable, although more of them are formed. This initial imbalance of the male and female sex compensates for the losses of men during the period of intrauterine gestation, in the period up to one year and until the end of life. Boys in the first year of life, like male embryos in the uterus, die much more often than girls.

Is it possible to plan the gender of your unborn child? How to make this more likely?

A little history of floor planning

They first tried to plan the sex of an unborn child in Ancient China. This planning was based on the mother's age at the time of conception and the month of conception. For example, a 25-year-old woman was more likely to conceive a boy in winter and autumn, and a girl in the spring. Then special tables were developed indicating months favorable for conceiving children of both sexes. However, today the accuracy of Chinese forecasts is 60%.

The Japanese also determined the gender of the unborn child. But they already took into account the data of the future father. Thus, calculations were based on the month of conception and the months of the parents’ birthdays. For example, if both parents were born in November, then in July they can conceive a girl, in February -. The accuracy of the Japanese forecast is 54-59 percent.

Blood renewal planning method

Doctors in Europe have developed a theory of blood renewal, which also makes it possible to plan the gender of the unborn baby. According to this medical theory, the blood in a woman’s body is renewed once every three years, and in a man’s body - every four years. Whose blood will be fresher at the time of conception, the baby will inherit that gender. For a specific calculation, it is necessary to divide the woman’s age at the time of conception by three, and the man’s age, respectively, by four. Then you need to compare the division remainders. The parent whose balance in numbers is smaller will have younger blood. The sex of that parent is what the child will inherit. The accuracy of planning for blood renewal is 51-53 percent.

Gender planning based on ovulation

This planning method is considered the most accurate today. So, a female egg ready for fertilization lives in the tube for 24 hours, and during this time conception can occur. Let us remember that the egg is released in. Male sperm with many sperm can live in the female genital organs for 3-5 days. That is why, if sexual intercourse occurs three to five days before ovulation, then sperm can wait for the egg and fertilize it. Of course, on the way to the egg, many sperm die. Only the most active can reach the place where it is located.

More viable and at the same time “lazy” are sperm that are carriers of the X chromosome, that is, the female principle. And carriers of the Y chromosome (male) are more mobile, but less viable. This means the following. If the sperm carrying the Y chromosome gets to the egg first, the expectant mother will become pregnant with a boy and vice versa.

How, based on the above, can you become pregnant with a boy? You should have sex on the day of ovulation or close to its onset. To get pregnant with a girl, you should plan sex 2-3 days before ovulation. Then the “boy” sperm will die and only those that will conceive a girl will remain.

The main difficulty of the method is to correctly calculate the date of ovulation. It’s good if a woman always has a stable, regular cycle. For example, with a stable 28-day cycle, a woman ovulates 13-14 days after the start of menstruation. For the expectant mother you just need to use it to calculate the date of ovulation.

If a woman's cycle is not stable, then there are special tests to determine ovulation. You can buy them at the pharmacy and plan sex accordingly on the day of ovulation if you want to give birth to a boy.

It should be noted that the effectiveness of this method is the highest and is 85%.

Abstinence method

It is very simple and its effectiveness is 70%. So, to conceive a girl, future parents should refrain from intimate relationships. At the same time, the male body begins to produce antibodies against sperm carrying the Y chromosome, and as a result, the likelihood of conceiving a girl increases. If you make love more often, then on the contrary, the chances of having a boy increase.

So, the gender of the unborn child can be breaded. But still, it is better to plan the pregnancy itself, that is, to take a responsible approach to the birth of a new healthy life.

Especially for Elena TOLOCHIK