"sour green" beauty

Cherry plum is a very healthy fruit, which contains various acids, vitamins and microelements. Most people are wary of unripe cherry plum, but, nevertheless, it has its own beneficial properties and characteristics. What are its benefits and how to use it, we will tell you in this material.

Useful components in the composition

Green cherry plum contains a large amount of vitamin C, which is extremely beneficial for human health. In addition, the unripe fruit contains vitamins B, A, PP and E. The fruit also contains a large amount of fiber, calcium, phosphorus, iron and potassium.

All of these vitamins and microelements have a positive effect on human health. For example, B vitamins are great for relieving stress, vitamins A and E support youth and beauty, potassium is good for the heart, and calcium is good for bones and hair.

This fruit has been used since ancient times as folk remedy which helps fight fever. A decoction of green fruits not only has an antipyretic effect, but is also an excellent diaphoretic. It is also generally accepted that green cherry plum helps digestion, improves appetite, fights vitamin deficiency.

Separately, it is worth noting that this fruit helps to digest well and correctly. various vitamins, which is extremely important for older people.


Unripe fruit is extremely beneficial for human health, since it contains a large amount citric acid. This green fruit is used to make famous Georgian sauces that are served with meat dishes. This sauce will add a spicy and unique taste to any dish. Thanks to green cherry plum sauce, what you eat is absorbed much better by the body and there is no heaviness in the stomach after the meal. In addition, with a portion of this sauce, a person saturates his body with a variety of vitamins and microelements.

If we continue to talk about the use of green fruit in cooking, it is worth mentioning that even jam and compotes are made from unripe cherry plums. Despite heat treatment and preservation, this fruit perfectly retains almost all its beneficial properties and vitamins. If you seal jam with seeds, then such jars should be stored exclusively in a dark and cool place.

Those who are accustomed to eating healthy and varied can easily freeze cherry plum and consume it in the winter season, when the human body is in dire need of vitamins.

In addition to cooking, cherry plum is widely used in cosmetology, since this green fruit is considered to be one of the natural antioxidants. Cosmetologists often use it during certain cosmetic procedures aimed at rejuvenating the skin and the body as a whole. A mask made from green fruit pulp and its seeds nourishes and moisturizes the skin especially well during the hot season. Most often, such masks are used by those with sensitive skin and skin prone to oiliness.


Excessive consumption of this fruit can lead to some problems and harm the body. Because of great content organic acids, unripe fruit can cause heartburn and intestinal dysfunction. It’s not in vain that everything is good in moderation. Green cherry plum should not be overused.

"According to scientific classification. One of the representatives of the domestic plum family, it is one of those rare fruits that practically do not lose their beneficial properties during processing.
The first thing that comes to mind, perhaps, when you mention such a fruit as cherry plum is tkemali sauce. This Georgian sauce is made from sour cherry plum varieties, and it is very suitable as a seasoning for fish and meat, promoting digestion. In addition, cherry plum is also a raw material for various types preserves, jam, marmalade, jams and jellies. Few people know that cherry plums are also used to make juices, kvass and even wine.

This amazing fruit has a unique, sweet and sour taste even in its raw form. The riper the cherry plum fruits, the sweeter they are. However, unripe fruits are also used, albeit in a more prosaic, but very important area. Green cherry plum is very rich in citric acid - up to 15%, and it is quite easy to extract.

Composition and beneficial properties of cherry plum

Ripe cherry plum fruits contain up to 5% sugar, organic acids, pectin and numerous vitamins, in particular vitamin C. All these substances create a very successful combination, due to which both fresh cherry plum and various seasonings prepared from its fruits promote the absorption of meat and fat . Calorie content fresh cherry plum fruit is 34 kcal per 100 grams. The nutritional value: proteins - 0.3 g, fats - 0.1 g, carbohydrates - 7.9 g.

Cherry plum seeds also bring considerable benefits. Oil is extracted from them, which is similar in composition to almond oil (the seed makes up up to 43% of the weight of the fruit). Cherry plum oil, like almond oil, contains the glycoside amygdalin, which has the ability to decompose into hydrocyanic acid, glucose and benzoaldehyde in the presence of the emulsin enzyme and water. However, cherry plum oil has found its main use in the production of perfumes and medicinal soaps.

Cherry plum can be considered a completely waste-free product, since the meal remaining after oil production consists 73% protein and is an excellent raw material for the production of casein. The shells of cherry plum seeds are also used for production. So, back in the 30s they began to make from it active carbon, used for cleaning various food industry products (sugar, vodka and others).

Cherry plum in treatment

Cherry plum– an excellent dietary remedy. Its fruits are useful both in dried form and in the form of compotes, jams, jelly, jam, and juice. Cherry plum juice quenches thirst, tones and refreshes. It is used for vitamin deficiencies, scurvy, acute respiratory diseases, stomach diseases and as a mild laxative. This juice, slightly diluted with water and mixed with camphor, is an excellent wound healing agent.

Cherry plum contains relatively little sugar, and thus can be included in the diet of patients diabetes mellitus. The dried pulp of this fruit retains its taste and all its dietary properties for a long time.

However, cherry plum also has contraindications. Due to the fact that its fruits contain significant amount organic acids, it is not recommended for patients with gastritis, high acidity of gastric juice, stomach or duodenal ulcers. In all other respects, cherry plum fruits do not have any drawbacks, and will be useful to every lover of tasty and healthy fruits.

Sergey Korotya

Cherry plum is a close relative of plum. This plant is also called tkemali and cherry plum. The range of applications of cherry plum is incredibly wide: food industry, traditional medicine, cosmetology, design, cooking. But this is far from full list industries in which this tree and its fruits are actively used by humans. This popularity is due to the fact that there is practically no waste when processing the mentioned fruit. Even the seeds have been used: the outer shell is used to produce activated carbon, and the contents are used to make various cosmetic oils.

Useful properties of cherry plum

The pulp of the cherry plum fruit is very valuable - only 35 kcal per 100 g of product. Fresh fruit is an excellent source of vitamin C, its amount can reach 13 mg per 100 g. Also, green cherry plum is incredibly rich in vitamins E, PP, A, B, P, as well as fiber and minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, potassium and iron. Interesting feature Cherry plums also have the fact that the proportions of minerals and vitamins directly depend on the color. Thus, the Shater variety of cherry plum has large yellow-green fruits, incredibly rich in vitamin C and citric acid, while the iron content in them is much less than, for example, in the orange-pink fruits of the Gek variety.

What are the benefits of green cherry plum?

Even the unripe fruits of this tree can be incredibly beneficial. Green cherry plum contains a huge amount of citric acid, the content of which can reach 14% of dry volume. This means that unripe specimens are best suited for cheap industrial production this type of acid. In cooking, green cherry plum serves as an excellent addition to various meat dishes: side dishes and sauces containing unripe cherry plum fruits not only give the dish a piquant taste, but also improve its digestibility.

While cherry plum is green, it is also an excellent antioxidant. Therefore, cosmetologists recommend using this product as one of the components for various programs of rejuvenation and cleansing of the body. For example, a mask made from crushed seeds and cherry plum pulp can restore freshness to the face after a long hot day. It is especially useful for those with oily and sensitive skin. However, when creating a list of necessary procedures using a fruit such as green cherry plum, you should carefully read the contraindications.

The use of cherry plum in the household

Everyone knows that heat treatment often destroys almost all vitamins and useful material contained in raw materials. However, cherry plum fruits are so rich in these very substances that even in jam, compotes and other types of preservation, green cherry plum is still incredibly useful. Supporters of a raw food diet can be recommended to dry or freeze these unique gifts of nature.

Green cherry plum folk medicine and cosmetology

Traditional healers often recommend cherry plum decoction as an excellent remedy for improving digestion and appetite. It will be especially useful for people suffering from Cherry plum - an excellent antipyretic, diaphoretic and anti-inflammatory agent, therefore decoctions and infusions are prepared from the roots of this fruit tree and are used in the treatment of colds.

ABOUT beneficial properties one can talk about green cherry plum for hours...However, the amount of information that the reader will glean from our article is quite enough to arouse interest in this amazing product.