Cotton (fabric) is the ideal choice for people who care about their comfort and health. Cotton (fabric) is the ideal choice for people who care about their comfort and health. Advantages and disadvantages of cotton fabric

English-Russian translation COTTON

transcription, transcription: [ˈkɔtn]

1) cotton to spit cotton American; decomposition ≈ thirsty; trans. be furious

2) cotton plant Syn: cotton-plant

3) cotton thread Syn: sewing-cotton, cotton thread

4) cotton fabric; pl. cotton clothing

5) cotton wool (also: cotton wool)

1) cotton cotton crop ≈ cotton harvest cotton manufacture ≈ cotton production

2) cotton, made from cotton II Ch.

1) plug with cotton All the interstices cottoned up. ≈ All cracks are plugged with cotton wool.

2) to get along, get along, suit each other (together, with) to cotton to people easily ≈ get along well with people All I ask is that I may be able to cotton with the man she"s set her heart on. ≈ All that what I want is to get along with the person she chose. Syn: get on, harmonize, agree.

3) to fall in love, to become attached (to) ∙ cotton on cotton to cotton up

(botany) cotton plant; cotton - * in seed unrefined cotton - long-staple * long-staple cotton wadding cotton paper paper fabric pl clothing made from paper fabric paper thread; cotton yarn (botany) drooping, fluff, hairiness (slang) benzedrine (inhaled from cotton wool) cotton - * oil cotton oil cotton - * manufacture cotton production - * yarn cotton yarn - * goods cotton goods (colloquial) (with, together) get along , get along - gradually all *ed together and plunged into conversation gradually the awkwardness disappeared, and a casual conversation began to agree, harmonize (to) become attached, fall in love; become addicted - I *ed to him at once I immediately felt sympathy for him - I don"t * to him at all I don’t like him at all - he rather *s to the idea he really likes this idea

cotton wool (also: cotton wool) ~ thread; a needle and cotton needle and thread ~ pl clothes made of paper fabric ~ to fall in love, become attached (to); I don"t cotton to him at all I don’t like him at all ~ agree; get along (together, with) ~ cotton ~ cotton; cotton plant ~ cotton paper; paper fabric ~ cotton

~ on coll. understand ~ on make friends (to - with)

~ up (to) try to win over

~ to fall in love, become attached (to); I don"t cotton to him at all, I don’t like him at all

~ thread; a needle and cotton

Big English-Russian dictionary. Big English-Russian dictionary. 2012

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  • COTTON — I Seed-hair fiber of various plants of the genus Gossypium, in the mallow family, native to most subtropical…
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  • COTTON - I. ˈkä-t ə n noun Usage: often attributive Etymology: Middle English coton, from Anglo-French cotun, from Old Italian cotone, from …
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  • COTTON - cotton, C~ BrE AmE ˈkɒt ə n AmE ˈkɑːt ə n ▷ cotton|s z ˌ cotton ˈ candy BrE …
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  • COTTON - / ˈkɒtn; NAmE ˈkɑːtn/ noun, verb ■ noun [U] 1. a plant grown in warm countries for …
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  • COTTON - (n.) Cloth made of cotton.
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  • COTTON - (n.) A soft, downy substance, resembling fine wool, consisting of the unicellular twisted hairs which grow on the seeds of ...
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  • COTTON - (v. i.) To unite; to agree; to make friends; --usually followed by with.
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Today, cotton is considered one of the most important raw materials in the textile industry. In the global industry, its percentage relative to other raw materials is more than 50%.

The oldest beautiful fabric

Cotton, or cotton fabric, is one of the most popular fabrics around the world today. Its name comes from the Arabic word qutun, which means “beautiful and unique fabric.” Cotton is one of the most ancient fibrous plants on the globe used by humans. Many fabrics found by archaeologists during excavations of ancient civilizations were cotton. During excavations in the city of Mohenjo Daro, archaeologists discovered cotton that is at least 5,000 years old. In the Middle Ages, cotton fabric was also popular, but only among the rich segments of the European population, as it had a fairly high cost.

Advantages and disadvantages of cotton fabric

Cotton is a fabric that is characterized by inelasticity, gets dirty easily, but is also easy to wash, however, there is a danger that after the first washing procedure things may shrink. It is quite easy to paint. Cotton has excellent thermal conductivity. Items made from this fabric should be ironed using steam or slightly damp. This is due to the fact that cotton is destroyed due to exposure to high temperatures.

Cotton fabrics do not like light. When exposed to ultraviolet radiation, they become yellow and less durable. Unlike wool, cotton is not a favorite delicacy for moths, since the body of this insect cannot digest it.

The worst enemy of cotton fabrics is citric acid, which can destroy them quite quickly. But cotton tolerates strong alkalis and some other acids quite steadfastly.

Cotton is a fabric that is quite pleasant to the touch and comfortable to wear. All over the world, natural cotton is valued for the fact that the body can breathe freely in it.

Cotton (fabric): description

Cotton fabrics include warm flannel and exquisite corduroy, simple chintz and respectable cambric. Therefore, cotton is a fabric that, thanks to its variability and diversity, is almost impossible to describe. Today, the most valuable and highest quality cotton fabric is considered to be cotton, which is made from the longest cotton fibers. The best views The raw materials for its production are considered to be American and Egyptian. Cotton is an all-season fabric. It is used to make shirts and nightgowns, underwear, trousers and much more.

Varieties of cotton

Depending on the processing method, the methods of weaving the fabrics and the density of their weave, and the combination with other materials, many types of cotton are distinguished: stretch cotton, polished cotton, supercotton, mercerized cotton and others.

Satin fabric with a natural base is called satin-cotton. Its reverse side is a thin natural base, and the front one is ordinary satin.

Stretch cotton is a cotton fabric with or without a pattern. Stretch cotton fabric is characterized by many bright colors. The advantage of this material is that it is quite high content natural fibers in it. Due to this, this fabric has excellent hygienic properties and practicality. Clothes made from stretch cotton are comfortable to wear and have good thermal conductivity.

Supercotton is characterized by a high density of thread weaving, due to which it has higher strength characteristics compared to others. That is why bed linen is often made from it.

Mercerized cotton is a cotton fabric that is kept in a special concentrated soda solution under tension. The main goal of this procedure is to achieve high strength characteristics, increase density and indelible shine. Also, the coloring process becomes easier.

Polished cotton

Cotton memory fabric is widely used due to its successful combination with synthetic thread. It is called polished due to its smooth front side. The advantages of this material include the fact that it perfectly allows air to pass through, thereby allowing the surface of the body to breathe freely, absorbs moisture well, and is easy to wear and care for. Polished cotton has no analogues. It is virtually washable and dries fairly quickly. The material is very pleasant to the touch, and clothes made from it look luxurious, graceful, expensive and elegant. It is mainly used to make trousers, shorts, skirts, and dresses. It is also suitable for finishing.

Cotton is a fairly practical and hypoallergenic material, from which almost all things for children are sewn. Cotton clothing today is a smart choice for people who value their own health and comfort.

  1. noun
    1. cotton; cotton

      Examples of use

      1. First stop, St. George -- a beautiful town of red rock landscapes.In the 1850s, Brigham Young dispatched families to St. Georgeto grow cotton because of the hot, arid climate.

        First stop, St. George is a beautiful city of red mountain scenery. In the 1850s, Brigham Young sent families to St. George to grow cotton due to the dry, arid climate.

        Subtitles for the video "My journey through the whitest cities in America. Rich Benjamin", page 1
      2. Nineteen years old, six feet two inches tall, long of bone and hard of muscle, with sunburned faces and deep auburn hair, their eyes merry and arrogant, their bodies clothed in identical blue coats and mustard-colored breeches, they were as much alike as two balls of cotton.

        Tall, strong-bodied and narrow-hipped, tanned, red-haired, nineteen years old, wearing identical blue jackets and mustard-colored breeches, they were indistinguishable from each other, like two bolls of cotton.

        GONE WITH THE WIND Volume 1. Margaret Mitchell, page 1
      3. But the mater cottoned

    2. cotton; paper fabric

      Examples of use

      1. Our expedition lasted nearly six weeks; we had been to Lucca to take in oil, to Leghorn for English cottons, and we ran our cargo without opposition, and returned home full of joy.

        I was away for more than a month and a half; We took oil from Lucca, and English paper from Livorno. We unloaded very successfully, sold everything for a big profit and, joyful, returned home.

        The Count of Monte Cristo part 2. Alexandre Dumas, page 36
    3. cotton
    4. thread;
      a needle and cotton
    5. cotton wool (also: cotton wool)
  2. adjective
    1. cotton

      Examples of use

      1. In spite of the slight frost, two women in heavily laundered cotton dressing-gowns were standing outside on the open stone porch. The cold made them shudder, but they stood their ground.

        Despite the frost, two women in washed cotton robes stood on the open stone porch - they shivered, but stood.

        Cancer building. Alexander Solzhenitsyn, p. 2
    2. cotton

      Examples of use

      1. Next come white athletic socks, followed by a white cotton tee-shirt - roundneck, not strappy.

        Then white sports socks, followed by a white cotton tank top, closed at the throat rather than with straps.

        Blind Willie. Stephen KING, page 11
  • cotton [ˈ ] - verb
    1. agree; get along (together, with)

      Examples of use

      1. I don't as a rule cotton to Britishers – they’re a stiff-necked lot – but I liked this one.”

        As a rule, I don’t really like the British - they are very prim, but I warmed up to the colonel.

        Murder on the Orient Express. Agatha Christie, page 53
      2. But the mater cottoned to him at once, took him on as secretary-you know how she"s always running a hundred societies?"

        But his mother immediately took a liking to him and made him her secretary. You know, she is always a member of a good hundred charitable societies.

        Mysterious Affair in Styles. Agatha Christie, page 3
    2. to fall in love, to become attached (to);
      I don"t cotton to him at all; I don’t like him at all;
      cotton on a> make friends (to cotton with); b> colloquial understand;
      cotton up (to) try to win over
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    1. cotton (cotton, cotton wool)
    2. cotton fabric
    3. cotton growing
    4. chintz

    Plural number: cottons.


    1. cotton (cotton, wadded)
    2. cotton gin


    Egyptian cotton
    Egyptian cotton

    absorbent cotton
    absorbent cotton wool

    red cotton
    red chintz

    cotton fiber
    cotton fiber

    cotton clothes
    cotton clothing

    cotton balls
    cotton balls

    cotton factory
    cotton gin


    Tom ate too much cotton candy.
    Tom ate too much cotton candy.

    Cotton absorbs water.
    Cotton absorbs water.

    Corduroy is a thick cotton fabric with velvety ribs.
    Corduroy is a thick cotton fabric with velvety ribs.

    I bought some cotton candy for Tom.
    I bought Tom some cotton candy.

    I bought two cotton Shirts.
    I bought two cotton shirts.

    His skin smelled like cotton candy.
    His skin smelled like cotton candy.

    We will crop the field with cotton this year.
    This year we will sow the field with cotton.

    I clean my ears using cotton swabs.
    I clean my ears with cotton swabs.

    The factory produces cotton goods.
    This factory produces cotton goods.

    He's wearing a white cotton shirt.
    He is wearing a white cotton shirt.