Who is Andrey Kochergin? Biography of Andrey Kochergin, personal life and interesting facts. Teachers and step-by-step learning

AGAINST THE CURRENT With Lieutenant Colonel Kochergin.

He began training in martial arts in 1978. His first and still most important teacher is Nikolai Aleksandrovich Shemenov. The second teacher is the vice-president of the Russian Karate Federation Alexander Vladimirovich Gorbunov, 5th dan WUKO. Kochergin started with judo, then there was “Soviet sports karate”. Then I studied kyokushinkai. While living in Germany, I practiced Wing Chun and Muay Thai. Upon returning to his homeland, he actively worked in the St. Petersburg Daido Juku Federation. For six recent years is the technical director of the International Combat Karate Union “Koi no Takinobori Ryu”. Master of Sports in officer all-around, Master of Sports in shooting, 3-time champion of the Leningrad Military District in shooting with a Makarov pistol. Holder of 5th dan in karate. Works at the Military Institute physical culture. Head of the “Center for Applied Research” at the International Institute for Advanced Studies, working for the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation in terms of sabotage training. Andrey served in an army sports company and served in Germany, and repeatedly carried out special combat missions, which are still completely classified.

In the world of martial arts there are such charismatic leaders that, against the background of their charisma, it becomes insignificant what school they represent. The very names of these people become names of styles. And it doesn’t matter whether we agree with their ideas, whether the technology really works or how many students there are in the school. You can't pass by anymore.

All. The name is already in history, and the school is already a phenomenon. Andrey Kochergin is one of these people with a bright style. He is the owner of the site koiсombat.org, popular on the “massacre” Internet. The forum of this site gathers everyone who is truly interested in martial arts.

Kochergin's speeches can be seen on television, his articles appear in the press. Even people far from martial arts know the “special forces soldier who cut his leg on TV.” They say different things about him. Many people succumb to the temptation to label themselves as “scumbag”, “crazy”. This temptation appears in some spectators who watch how Andrei is strangled until he loses consciousness with a climbing rope by two healthy men, and then he himself strangles all the participants in his seminar in the same way.

Word from Kochergin:
“Only when on the edge of an abyss does a person fearfully look around and from this uncomfortable point in his life, until his eyes hurt, he clearly sees what is really valuable and what is just candy wrappers from candies already eaten. It sounds cynical and rude, but the more often the edge is visible, the more meaningful the subsequent life becomes. Memento mori - that's how it seems in Latin - It all depends on the method of reminder. How acutely the brain lacks blood at the moment when the combat training noose is compressed around the neck. The reflection of the world weakens, and the remnants of consciousness sluggishly try to maintain a semblance of a thought process. The picture floats, objects take on evil and stupid shapes, the only thing that keeps you in this part of existence is pain. Wild pain from the nylon cord tearing my neck. It seems that the larynx, increasingly squeezed by the noose, will treacherously, squeaky, crunch and fall inside, leaving no chance for aimless looking at the calendar with a new date and naive photographs of the seasons. Rage and complete lack of the right to choose is what saves. Get scared, be surprised by the pain, freeze for a second, and now your head sank into cotton-like silence. That's it, kayak.
What a fucking pain. Pain, only it, and blood - for real, everything else is fiction. If it were not for these “two friends,” how many things could not be understood. Pain makes you live, and blood is life” (from the ironic autobiography “How Steel-2 Was Tempered”).

So Andrey Kochergin is anyone, but not a “scumbag”!

The fact that this person’s psyche is intact is evidenced by his humor, self-critical attitude and adequacy in various situations. When necessary, he is extremely correct and polite, when necessary (with students, for example) he is foul-mouthed and merciless.

Where are the roots of Koi no Takinobori Ryu?
The roots themselves are Japanese, it is called Hokutoki. Japanese fight without rules, in which there are virtually no restrictions. Any sport has competition rules and training methods. Our methodology is revolutionary in terms of the speed of understanding the material and methodological techniques. And the rules are very simple, these are the rules of Hokutoki. Even, for example, in “Valetudo”, fights that are declared as one of the most free from rules and in which our athletes actively participate, even there there are restrictions. And we only have a couple of them instead of the six that Valetudo has. “Mixed fight” is a very regulated sport, and so is Pankration. And the declarative statement that these are “fights without rules” is somewhat strained. I would call them “professional fights.”

How do you deal with trauma? Dosed contact?
No. Full contact. The funniest thing is when a person is absolutely sure that they will hit him in the head, when a person is absolutely sure that if he exposes his shoulder or neck on the ground, a piece of skin or meat will definitely be torn out with his teeth, it doesn’t matter - When he is sure that if the distance will allow, his opponent will hit his head, break his nose and knock out his teeth, he will not allow this to be done out of a completely mundane sense of self-preservation. People who come to my seminars even get upset: well, it’s as if they promised that all this would happen, but no one does it. I say: the guys have been prepared for a couple of days, they are all in the know. So this is where the beauty lies. And when they say: if you want to hit me in the groin, hit me in the groin, but no one will give it to you. So no one hits you in the groin, because there is no point, because they see that the person is waiting for it. We kind of create an expectation. Expecting the maximum amount of trouble. And these troubles don't happen. That's it.

What about the restrictions - throat, groin, eyes?
The only thing we are not allowed to do is gouge out the eyes with our fingers and apply penetrating painful techniques to the throat; we do not poke our fingers into the throat. It's all simple: if you want to hit the knee, go ahead! Well, hit it, for God's sake! In the groin - yes please! If you want to hit with your head, please! Finish on the ground - for God's sake! Kicking - yes please! Elbows on the ground - yes, please, whatever you want! Except for one thing - you can’t poke your fingers into your eyes, because you can really gouge out the eye and you can injure the larynx, this is too weak a link. You can’t kill, but you can seriously injure a person, and unreasonably. I am more than sure that a blow with a bare fist is less traumatic than a blow with a glove. Moreover, this is not my opinion, this is the objective opinion of doctors. That's why I work with great pleasure bare hands I've been working for a very long time. In fact, since 1983 we have been in full contact.

That is, when people are taught to punch with only gloves, this disfigures the technique?

And doesn't really prepare them for a real life situation, for the street?
It's not even about the street. It's really ugly, but there are positive aspects. After working with gloves and bare hands, working is much more interesting. Therefore, we take gloves as a given, as a kind of burden and convention in conducting a training match. For example, we are not Muay Thai fighters, but a couple of Muay Thai athletes were in the first positions in my Russian rankings, I can even name their names.

Your students?
Yes. Igor Ushakov (up to 57 kg). Was number one in 99 in Muay Thai. Moreover, he took the prize for the will to win at the World Pankration Championship in the same year and received 1st dan. Because the whole philosophy of our style lies not in the victory that the coach or judge appreciated, but in the will to win that the fighter showed. Igor fought with the European kickboxing champion, received - quite rightly - two straight shots to the head, and from the first second he could no longer see anything, everyone understood this perfectly well. But he beat, beat, beat, beat, fought to the end. The judges decided that he lost. Nevertheless, the chief judge considered it possible to give him a prize for the will to win, which confirmed my opinion that, in principle, the battle was not lost. Because he fought to the end without seeing anything. I asked how he was, he said: “I don’t remember anything from the first second, I don’t remember this fight at all.” Well, why not an indicator?

How do you feel about the statement that on the street - a failed battle is a won battle?
Depends on how it failed. It's easy to be invincible - it's enough not to fight. Stay at home, don't go out - you are invincible. It depends why the battle didn’t take place - because you run very fast? Remember the story about the rooster? When they prepared a fighting rooster and gave it to a serious master.
The first time they ask: “Is the rooster ready?”, he says: “No, he’s not ready, he fights all the time.” After a while: “Okay, is the rooster ready?” - “No, he constantly looks angrily at his opponents.” Finally for the third time - “Is the rooster ready?” - “Yes, he is ready, because he sits and is calm, he doesn’t give a damn about them and all his opponents avoid him.” So this situation, when no one gives a damn, suggests that he does not need to realize himself, he is already realized. He doesn't need to prove anything to himself. And everyone knows it. In order not to do anything stupid, you need to be completely calm and prepared. The calmest people in the world are serious fighters, confident in themselves. Therefore, idle talk about karatekas fighting in the streets or serious boxers trying to punch someone on the scoreboard is not true. These are bad boxers, these are stupid karatekas, these are narrow-minded people, these are untalented people, these are unprofessional people. They are just trying to prove something to themselves. All!

In what areas do you conduct classes?
In addition to the Hokutoki sports group, we have a fire training group and a special training group. This is special forces. There is a group of combat knives - Tanto Jutsu, in general a lot of things. I don’t rush from side to side, they are all in the same taxonomy. Having learned to do one thing, you can do something else. Previously, this was called the base-bush method.

Thank you. Any wishes?
Don't do anything halfway. Well strong people - good people! That's it.

Publication in the KUNFU magazine, 2003.
Text: Nikolay Matyushin
Photo: Alisa Tikhonova

Information from the site http://www.koicombat.org

Andrei Nikolaevich Kochergin (1964) - creator and ideological inspirer of the Russian school of karate Koi No Takinobori Ryu.

Kochergin began training in martial arts in 1978. His first and still most important teacher is Nikolai Aleksandrovich Shemenov. The second teacher is the vice-president of the Russian Karate Federation Alexander Vladimirovich Gorbunov, 5th dan WUKO. Kochergin started with judo, then there was “Soviet sports karate”. While living in Germany, I practiced Wing Chun and Muay Thai. Upon returning to his homeland, he actively worked in the St. Petersburg Daido Juku Federation.

For the last six years he has been the technical director of the International Combat Karate Union “Koi no Takinobori Ryu”. Repeated champion of the Leningrad Military District in shooting, MS of Russia in shooting with a Makarov pistol, on April 30, 2003, record holder of the Moscow Region - 294 points out of 300 (MS of Russia 292 points).

On March 15, 1987, the Ural Military District MS USSR championship in officer all-around - 3600 points, with the MS norm of 3400, competed with a broken foot. Holder of the 8th dan IUKKK. Works at the Military Institute of Physical Culture. Head of the Center for Applied Research at the International Institute for Advanced Studies. The founder of modern knife fighting in Russia.

Books (4)

Absolute ruthlessness... towards yourself

Two books in one: "A Man with an Ax" and "Fireproof Advice"!

A man with an ax is a hero of Russian streets and a protector of the family. A simple man who can teach his enemy a lesson in courage - worthy masculine behavior in a deadly situation. Famous master hand-to-hand combat, the founder of the Koi no Takinobori Ryu karate style, Andrei Kochergin, clearly explains to everyone how to behave in order to remain a Man.

Fireproof advice - The book you're tired of waiting for. Prophecies about her appearance constantly arose in the conversations of people from the closed world of martial arts. The famous master of hand-to-hand combat, founder of the Koi no Takinobori Ryu karate style, Andrei Kochergin is a truly extraordinary person. His professional methods and original worldview invariably become the subject of discussion and fierce debate.

Introduction to Combat Karate School

This publication is devoted to the concept of development of the combat karate school “Koi no Takinobori Ryu”, created to study and popularize new forms of teaching full contact karate, testing and adapting new tactical and technical solutions, both created within the school and adopted in martial arts.

A separate topic of study is the creation of the latest methods for training special purpose personnel.

How steel 2 and 0.5 was hardened

How was this “steel” tempered? Where did this “man with an ax” come from? Read: this is a cruel and honest story about how a frail boy, literally breaking himself over his knee, eventually became a man, became a fighter and downright “shaitan karateka.”

And finally it will become clear where all THIS comes from - what amazes, what you believe in, what you are afraid of, what you love, what you hate, what you die for...

Man with an ax

A book that cannot be forgotten. A man with an ax is a hero of Russian streets and a protector of the family. A simple man who can teach his enemy a lesson in courage - worthy masculine behavior in a deadly situation.

The famous master of hand-to-hand combat, founder of the Koi no Takinobori Ryu karate style, Andrei Kochergin, clearly explains to everyone how to behave in order to remain a man.

Reader comments

Paul/ 06/15/2019 well... a little stupid.

Alla Raikhmut/ 05/6/2019 Andrey, God bless you. You are awesome. A true warrior of Christ. I myself love to fight. Good health to you and God bless you.

Vladimir/ 04/22/2019 Andrey Nikolaevich, I had the opportunity to download your book "...or death" on audio, I listened to it 8 times, memorized it down to the decimal point. I will definitely study everything you wrote. A huge request, the presidential elections are coming soon, nominate your candidacy! I think Not only Orthodox Christians will support you. May God give you strength and patience!

A Kochergin/ 11/16/2018 Meet my two new books: “The Knife” and “You Should Be Here.” The knife is complete training manual on knife fighting, which has been created for more than 11 years since 2007, includes an educational film filmed by RTR employees, using professional equipment, and a book, which is in Russian and English, lesson by lesson, clarifies the nuances of each of the 40 lessons. “You Should Be Here” is a continuation of the autobiographical collection of stories “How Steel 2 and 1/2 was Tempered”, with the only difference that “Steel” was written by a 36-year-old guy, and “You Should” was written by a 54-year-old guy and believe me, In this life, a lot has happened in these 20 years... funny and terrifying. I think this is the best thing I've ever written. December 6 autograph session in Bukvoed on Nevsky

A Kochergin/ 10.24.2018 Dear readers. The publishing house "EXMO" has published the 9th edition of my book "A Man with an Axe", look for it in large bookstores. The Krylov Publishing House has published two books: the 3rd edition of the book "...or Death?" and a more than personal piece “You should have been here” in which I continued the paradigm “How steel -2 and 1/2 was tempered” and offered to the readers real stories from my strange life, which in my opinion will be both soul-saving and moralizing, not despite the harshness of what is written. Well, I spent 11 years on my fundamental work “The Knife” (video + book), this is the only training manual of its kind on sports knife fighting, knowing the context, I can say with confidence that there are no analogues in the world. Hurry to form your own judgment about these books. Yours A. Kochergin, by the grace of God Russian Orthodox man

Marina/ 01/09/2018 I am not a warrior, but an ordinary woman. And your books inspire even women.) They inspire to win and teach the will to win. Thank you.

Jum/ 12/29/2017 Kochergin taught me a lot. I’m 32, I’m alive, healthy, I passed the ATO - Thank you.

Sergey/ 12/6/2016 Thank you for your vast experience, for your time, thank you!

A Kochergin/ 09/08/2016 Dear readers, God bless and help you in your affairs. I’m far from being a chervonets to be liked by everyone indiscriminately, but I once read a quote from a classic: ...hatred is a coward’s revenge for the horror suffered (c) - reading posts filled with hatred, I think with horror how I caused such fear. Forgive me Brothers, I clearly did not plan such a reaction and was just honestly doing my job. I am reproached for “the weak results of my students”, this is very strange. Here is your contemporary, who invented the whole sports direction “Sports knife fighting” and believe me, Russia is ahead of the rest in it, namely my students are the first among equals to this day. I am the coach of the first MSMK in St. Petersburg in Muay Thai - you didn’t know? Multiple champion of the Leningrad Military District and record holder of the Moscow Region in pistol shooting - haven’t you heard? Candidate of Sciences, who completed his postgraduate studies at the Department of Boxing University. them. Lesgafta - do you know what this is? Serving today in the hottest place in the Caucasus: the special forces unit of Ingushetia, as a security adviser to General Yevkurov. Senior teacher of the Department of Physical Training of the RVVDKU (VDV Ryazan), teacher of combat training at the Academy of Communications. Combat training instructor for the most legendary unit of the Army at the Kholuai base - have you heard of this one? AND ALL THIS IMMEDIATELY AND RIGHT NOW, moving from unit to unit... It is strange that, finding it possible to throw dirt at me, you did not find the strength within yourself to clarify what I am doing for my country and my people, and this is very sad. .. God bless and help you

Valery/ 04/20/2016 I’m already 70. I’ve always tried to exercise. He worked through life and physically and was in charge. Now I am on disability due to post-traumatic arthrosis of the hip joint, but every morning I do exercises for a little over an hour. For what? It's nice to feel like a man. You think there are no doubts, but to feel like a weakling... They criticize Kochergin, let them not be offended, weak males. On a purely physiological level, there is fear and hostility towards someone who is stronger and more successful. No one has yet canceled our animal origin and hidden instincts. Well done Andrey, and who among us is not without a quirk. When judging, think about yourself first.

Vlasova Marina/ 03/16/2016 Good afternoon! Help me contact Andrey to forward the letter from America. Letter regarding Archimadrite Iakim Parr

Michael/ 12/20/2015 Kochergin-warrior, trainer, writer, talented person, Vovan???uh..., what is Vovan and other spiteful critics?? Well, that's all

Guest/ 10/30/2015 Andrey Nikolaevich listened to your speeches very cool, I think that you need to hang around with the deputies and this is not a joke, I’m very serious

Andrey Nikolaevich Kochergin(b. 1964) - President of the International Union of Combat Karate “Koi no Takinobori Ryu” (IUKKK), writer.


Repeated champion of the Leningrad Military District in shooting, MS of Russia in pistol shooting, record holder of the Moscow Region on April 30, 2003, - 294 points out of 300 (MS of Russia 292 points). March 15, 1987 Championship of the Ural Military District of the USSR MS in officer all-around 3600 points, with the MS norm of 3400, competed with a broken foot. 2 years senior coach of the LenVO ARB youth team. 02/11/97 registered by IUKKK, hanshi P. Graun 8th dan assigned to A. Kochergin 5th dan (certificate No. 1). 01.11.98 honorary 5th dan from master Tanimura (certificate No. 0-76) 04.10.06 Kancho Blooming and Kenji Kurosaka awarded A. Kochergin the 7th dan of Budokai Kyokushinkai. Graduate student. scientific supervisors Professor Ashkinazi and Professor Gorelov. books: "Introduction to Combat Karate" "How the Steel Was Tempered - 2" "Everyone Shouldn't Know This" "A Man with an Ax" Monographs from those opened in the "Publications" section Articles in magazines: Kalashnikov, in the special forces magazine Bratishka, Prorez, Mens Helf , Blade, Cartridge, etc. Films, studio 17: “Combat knife”, “Applied hand-to-hand combat”.

Achievements of students: At the Youth World Championship in Pankration in Moscow - Piskarev 3rd place, Igor Ushakov a prize for the will to win.

Knife: V. Skuins, - champion of the Latvian Open Championship, champion of the Russian All-Style Championship, 2nd place in the St. Petersburg Open Championship. A. Basynin - medalist of the Latvian championship V. Kurennoy - 2nd ranking place at the second Russian championship, champion of the St. Petersburg Open Championship, silver medalist of the all-style Russian knife championship. D. Beleskin - 2nd ranking place at the 1st Russian Championship. S. Mikheev - BC champion, champion of the 2nd Russian Championship. A. Kochergin 7:0 in battles with Cristian Parra Gelarde (Mexico, Acapulca) Philippine school of Richard Bustillo.

Martial arts without weapons: Ilya Ushakov, Igor Ushakov, Sergey Piskarev - multiple champions of the Leningrad Military District in ARB, medalists of Russia. V. Kurennoy is the champion of the Russian Open Championship Low Kick Party, silver medalist of the St. Petersburg Open Championship in Muay Thai. Artyom Buzuev is a multiple champion of St. Petersburg in Muay Thai. Igor Ushakov is a multiple Muay Thai champion of St. Petersburg. A. Basynin - champion of the Russian Open Championship Low Kick Party, prize for the best technique. Y. Klochkov - prize for the Will to Win Low Kick Party. O. Weinblat winner of Hokutoki 2006


Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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    Andrey Kochergin General information Statistics Andrey Nikolaevich Kochergin (b. 1964) President of the International Union of Combat Karate “Koi no Takinobori Ryu” (IUKKK), writer. Achievements. Repeated champion of the Leningrad Military District in shooting, MS of Russia in shooting from ... Wikipedia

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  • A man with an axe. Absolute ruthlessness towards yourself, Andrey Nikolaevich Kochergin. A book that cannot be forgotten. A man with an ax is a hero of Russian streets and a protector of the family. A simple man who can teach his enemy a lesson in courage - worthy masculine behavior in...


How often a significant social phenomenon or event is obscured by the person initiating it. So, not too many people seriously know what exactly Nietzsche wrote and preached, what exactly he has to do with Zarathustra, but everyone knows the name of this founder of the “philosophy of will,” in other words, the theory of power.

Sports life does not often spoil us with events of epoch-making significance. Even the amazing records of champions are quite predictable and expected; the rate of their growth is quite certain and can be calculated based on objective indicators of the development of the pharmaceutical base and the evolution of training methods. All the more amazing are the people who managed to find themselves in the center of public attention, representing something completely different from the generally accepted and familiar. The appearance of such flagships is a rare occurrence and always a little scandalous.

Muhammad Ali is an Olympic champion who brought intrigue and spectacle aesthetics to professional boxing. Who remembers which Olympics he won? And at the same time, any boxing connoisseur will remember in detail his illogical, at first glance, victories over such titans of the ring as Foreman and Frazier.

Largely thanks to Ali, boxing has turned from a bloody chopping block into a super-profitable show, not without drama. His merit lies not in the technical perfection presented to the world, but in the demonstration of a bright personality full of artistry.

The world urgently needs heroes!

Such, for example, is Mae Oyama - the founder of Kyokushin karate, a person who managed to combine seemingly opposite concepts - hard contact karate and network marketing policy. And no one cares at all whether Oyama actually broke the horns of the quiet Japanese buffalo or whether he filed them down before the start of the show.

The great champions and coaches of the past, without any doubt, set the benchmark in the direction in which today's sport has been moving for many years. But nothing stands still, which means that we simply need new ideas that can stir the minds of our colleagues by demonstrating something out of the ordinary and therefore extremely attractive.

Andrey Kochergin appeared literally out of nowhere; just yesterday only narrow specialists from military departments and training centers. Yes, Dynamo veterans can remember Andrey from 1978–1983, when he began studying “Soviet sports karate”, starting a year before the formation of the official USSR federation. And today it turns out that all these years Kochergin, without much publicity, fulfilled the standards of a master of sports in several sports, actively taught own generation comprehensive combat training - and not only in the predictable part of hand-to-hand combat, but also in tactics, fire training and knife fighting. This was done without unnecessary noise - more and more in field training camps for army special forces.

And suddenly there followed a flurry of Kochergin’s articles about edged weapons, crazy survival tests, sewing up his own cut legs (!) and resisting strangulation in a noose, which lasted more than a minute. Ropes cut off without a swing, carcasses punched right through with a knife, bottle necks broken off by a direct blow from a fist, and much more, which is enthusiastically replicated by television and magazines, has now filled that part of the Internet where fans of massacres gather. Kochergin instantly and unconditionally became a newsmaker from karate, knife and shooting. Dial at any search engine“Andrey Kochergin”, and you will be more than surprised at the excitement that this man caused around his extraordinary person. Although this is all the external side of Andrei, by which this phenomenon in domestic karate is mainly judged. However, this point of view has sufficient grounds, because listing all these risky experiments is the same as mournfully retelling the contents of One Thousand and One Nights. Let's leave the fairy tales alone and, without enthusiasm, try to find out what really remarkable things were done by the person who signed the name “Buryat”.

Well, firstly, he doesn’t do anything, he just has a rough army sense of humor and thus described “the cut of his simple face.”

Kochergin is really very competent and, what is especially surprising for our country, a sought-after specialist in combat training. Fire tactics, special physical and mental training, knife and applied hand-to-hand combat - these are the few things that are known to most special forces today as the “NDK-17 combat training system” and are recognized by leading world experts as the most striking phenomenon in this area in recent times.

Kochergin is indeed a multiple champion of the Leningrad Military District in shooting with standard weapons (PM), a master of sports of Russia and a record holder of the Ministry of Defense.

The NDK-17 knife fighting technique is such a simple and at the same time powerful system for handling edged weapons that even a non-specialist is able to understand all its applied significance and be horrified by the cruelty of the method of mastering the material. There's nothing you can do about it. “Absolute ruthlessness towards yourself!” It is this slogan that stands in the title of most of Andrei’s works.

The variety of karate he practices is called Hokutoki and represents the most unrestricted sporting match. You can’t gouge out your eyes and injure your neck, everything else is welcome and easy, even if you bite (not a joke)!

You can declare anything - few people will prohibit it; how exactly to practice what is declared is another matter. Surprisingly, this man, who began training more than twenty-five years ago, made a discovery that had not yet been noticed by anyone! All information about karate and other eastern systems of hand-to-hand combat is authoritarian, almost mythological in nature. Kochergin subjected most of the previously indisputable technical solutions to rigorous scientific, biomechanical analysis and compared them with modern ideas in terms of methodology. The effect was amazing! "Legs from koi","killer hands from koi",“evil leg tactics”, fighting with the use of teeth, elbows and head strikes. No, of course, in other forms they throw elbows and wrestle. But to bring all technical actions into a harmonious system of movement, when, having understood exactly how all the actions are connected, you can guess for yourself exactly how to do everything biomechanically correctly - this is truly a titanic work of a person who is not devoid of scientific talent. If you list all the technical, tactical and methodological discoveries of Kochergin, you will inevitably doubt: was it really done by one person?

Today Andrey Kochergin is an absolute record holder in conducting seminars and master classes. Mexico, Austria, Germany, Latvia, Belarus, Ukraine and, of course, most large cities in Russia have already had the pleasure of seeing this man, whose energy resembles a nuclear reactor. More than seventy seminars in less than three years, and what a lot! Personal guards of presidents, police academies, special forces at different ends globe, world karate champions and national team coaches are only the brightest consumers of his scientific creativity.

The volume of methodological information borrowed from methodologies by colleagues koi, simply colossal. Stars are present at almost every Kochergin seminar Russian sports, and in all these years they have shown nothing but delight and surprise.

All of the above is truly surprising and pleasing. Not in Japan or in China, but in Russia lives a man who is revolutionizing ideas about karate, expanding ideas about human capabilities, about honor and courage. When the majority of quite conscientious members of the federations were walking in the direction indicated by the founders, this angular guy with a clean-shaven head fell out of the general formation and, squinting blindly, pointed his calloused finger at a point on the horizon, scratched his beard and said: “We’re going to get there!” And they believed him - at first cautiously, in advance, and now unconditionally, because it is difficult not to believe a man with such monstrous masculine charm, with humor in every ordinary word and with permanent irony towards his own person. After talking with Andrey, many were extremely surprised. He is the same as in his books, on the Internet and on television, he is always predictably cheerful, cocky, he is always the center of attention, he is really hard to miss in a crowd.

Essentially, with the advent koi The vector of development of the hand-to-hand combat system has changed. If earlier methods and pedagogical techniques went from karate to the army, now the special forces drive has come to karate halls. Time will tell the viability of this solution. But time has already shown the extraordinary nature of a person who has a well-deserved right to make mistakes, if only because he is looking for something new that has not been found by anyone before. Many have long wanted something “hotter”, now these guys have koi.

Television channels make programs about him, excerpts from his seminars are simply inserted into any story about karate or special forces to increase the degree of presentation. He is invited as an expert to court, on radio and television, books and articles are written about him, he gives lectures and writes so hard that you can’t put it down.

And all this can obscure the most important thing - the role that Andrei Kochergin has already played in the development of karate throughout the world, played without looking back at the conservative founding fathers, relying entirely on scientific analysis and traditions of the Soviet sports school.

Hurry to see the master live - he is our contemporary, communication with such people is worth telling your grandchildren about him.

And hurry to see exactly what he has created today, because, with all his originality, he is just a source, and not the result of the work done. And let this work not be in the shadow of his charismatic personality.

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AGAINST THE CURRENT With Lieutenant Colonel Kochergin.

He began training in martial arts in 1978. His first and still most important teacher is Nikolai Aleksandrovich Shemenov. The second teacher is the vice-president of the Russian Karate Federation Alexander Vladimirovich Gorbunov, 5th dan WUKO. Kochergin started with judo, then there was “Soviet sports karate”. Then I studied kyokushinkai. While living in Germany, I practiced Wing Chun and Muay Thai. Upon returning to his homeland, he actively worked in the St. Petersburg Daido Juku Federation. For the last six years he has been the technical director of the International Combat Karate Union “Koi no Takinobori Ryu”. Master of Sports in officer all-around, Master of Sports in shooting, 3-time champion of the Leningrad Military District in shooting with a Makarov pistol. Holder of 5th dan in karate. Works at the Military Institute of Physical Culture. Head of the “Center for Applied Research” at the International Institute for Advanced Studies, working for the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation in terms of sabotage training. Andrey served in an army sports company and served in Germany, and repeatedly carried out special combat missions, which are still completely classified.

In the world of martial arts there are such charismatic leaders that, against the background of their charisma, it becomes insignificant what school they represent. The very names of these people become names of styles. And it doesn’t matter whether we agree with their ideas, whether the technology really works or how many students there are in the school. You can't pass by anymore.

All. The name is already in history, and the school is already a phenomenon. Andrey Kochergin is one of these people with a bright style. He is the owner of the site koiсombat.org, popular on the “massacre” Internet. The forum of this site gathers everyone who is truly interested in martial arts.

Kochergin's speeches can be seen on television, his articles appear in the press. Even people far from martial arts know the “special forces soldier who cut his leg on TV.” They say different things about him. Many people succumb to the temptation to label themselves as “scumbag”, “crazy”. This temptation appears in some spectators who watch how Andrei is strangled until he loses consciousness with a climbing rope by two healthy men, and then he himself strangles all the participants in his seminar in the same way.

Word from Kochergin:
“Only when on the edge of an abyss does a person fearfully look around and from this uncomfortable point in his life, until his eyes hurt, he clearly sees what is really valuable and what is just candy wrappers from candies already eaten. It sounds cynical and rude, but the more often the edge is visible, the more meaningful the subsequent life becomes. Memento mori - that's how it seems in Latin - It all depends on the method of reminder. How acutely the brain lacks blood at the moment when the combat training noose is compressed around the neck. The reflection of the world weakens, and the remnants of consciousness sluggishly try to maintain a semblance of a thought process. The picture floats, objects take on evil and stupid shapes, the only thing that keeps you in this part of existence is pain. Wild pain from the nylon cord tearing my neck. It seems that the larynx, increasingly squeezed by the noose, will treacherously, squeaky, crunch and fall inside, leaving no chance for aimless looking at the calendar with a new date and naive photographs of the seasons. Rage and complete lack of the right to choose is what saves. Get scared, be surprised by the pain, freeze for a second, and now your head sank into cotton-like silence. That's it, kayak.
What a fucking pain. Pain, only it, and blood - for real, everything else is fiction. If it were not for these “two friends,” how many things could not be understood. Pain makes you live, and blood is life” (from the ironic autobiography “How Steel-2 Was Tempered”).

So Andrey Kochergin is anyone, but not a “scumbag”!

The fact that this person’s psyche is intact is evidenced by his humor, self-critical attitude and adequacy in various situations. When necessary, he is extremely correct and polite, when necessary (with students, for example) he is foul-mouthed and merciless.

Where are the roots of Koi no Takinobori Ryu?
The roots themselves are Japanese, it is called Hokutoki. Japanese fight without rules, in which there are virtually no restrictions. Any sport has competition rules and training methods. Our methodology is revolutionary in terms of the speed of understanding the material and methodological techniques. And the rules are very simple, these are the rules of Hokutoki. Even, for example, in “Valetudo”, fights that are declared as one of the most free from rules and in which our athletes actively participate, even there there are restrictions. And we only have a couple of them instead of the six that Valetudo has. “Mixed fight” is a very regulated sport, and so is Pankration. And the declarative statement that these are “fights without rules” is somewhat strained. I would call them “professional fights.”

How do you deal with trauma? Dosed contact?
No. Full contact. The funniest thing is when a person is absolutely sure that they will hit him in the head, when a person is absolutely sure that if he exposes his shoulder or neck on the ground, a piece of skin or meat will definitely be torn out with his teeth, it doesn’t matter - When he is sure that if the distance will allow, his opponent will hit his head, break his nose and knock out his teeth, he will not allow this to be done out of a completely mundane sense of self-preservation. People who come to my seminars even get upset: well, it’s as if they promised that all this would happen, but no one does it. I say: the guys have been prepared for a couple of days, they are all in the know. So this is where the beauty lies. And when they say: if you want to hit me in the groin, hit me in the groin, but no one will give it to you. So no one hits you in the groin, because there is no point, because they see that the person is waiting for it. We kind of create an expectation. Expecting the maximum amount of trouble. And these troubles don't happen. That's it.

What about the restrictions - throat, groin, eyes?
The only thing we are not allowed to do is gouge out the eyes with our fingers and apply penetrating painful techniques to the throat; we do not poke our fingers into the throat. It's all simple: if you want to hit the knee, go ahead! Well, hit it, for God's sake! In the groin - yes please! If you want to hit with your head, please! Finish on the ground - for God's sake! Kicking - yes please! Elbows on the ground - yes, please, whatever you want! Except for one thing - you can’t poke your fingers into your eyes, because you can really gouge out the eye and you can injure the larynx, this is too weak a link. You can’t kill, but you can seriously injure a person, and unreasonably. I am more than sure that a blow with a bare fist is less traumatic than a blow with a glove. Moreover, this is not my opinion, this is the objective opinion of doctors. Therefore, I work with my bare hands with great pleasure, I have been working for a very long time. In fact, since 1983 we have been in full contact.

That is, when people are taught to punch with only gloves, this disfigures the technique?

And doesn't really prepare them for a real life situation, for the street?
It's not even about the street. It's really ugly, but there are positive aspects. After working with gloves and bare hands, working is much more interesting. Therefore, we take gloves as a given, as a kind of burden and convention in conducting a training match. For example, we are not Muay Thai fighters, but a couple of Muay Thai athletes were in the first positions in my Russian rankings, I can even name their names.

Your students?
Yes. Igor Ushakov (up to 57 kg). Was number one in 99 in Muay Thai. Moreover, he took the prize for the will to win at the World Pankration Championship in the same year and received 1st dan. Because the whole philosophy of our style lies not in the victory that the coach or judge appreciated, but in the will to win that the fighter showed. Igor fought with the European kickboxing champion, received - quite rightly - two straight shots to the head, and from the first second he could no longer see anything, everyone understood this perfectly well. But he beat, beat, beat, beat, fought to the end. The judges decided that he lost. Nevertheless, the chief judge considered it possible to give him a prize for the will to win, which confirmed my opinion that, in principle, the battle was not lost. Because he fought to the end without seeing anything. I asked how he was, he said: “I don’t remember anything from the first second, I don’t remember this fight at all.” Well, why not an indicator?

How do you feel about the statement that on the street - a failed battle is a won battle?
Depends on how it failed. It's easy to be invincible - it's enough not to fight. Stay at home, don't go out - you are invincible. It depends why the battle didn’t take place - because you run very fast? Remember the story about the rooster? When they prepared a fighting rooster and gave it to a serious master.
The first time they ask: “Is the rooster ready?”, he says: “No, he’s not ready, he fights all the time.” After a while: “Okay, is the rooster ready?” - “No, he constantly looks angrily at his opponents.” Finally for the third time - “Is the rooster ready?” - “Yes, he is ready, because he sits and is calm, he doesn’t give a damn about them and all his opponents avoid him.” So this situation, when no one gives a damn, suggests that he does not need to realize himself, he is already realized. He doesn't need to prove anything to himself. And everyone knows it. In order not to do anything stupid, you need to be completely calm and prepared. The calmest people in the world are serious fighters, confident in themselves. Therefore, idle talk about karatekas fighting in the streets or serious boxers trying to punch someone on the scoreboard is not true. These are bad boxers, these are stupid karatekas, these are narrow-minded people, these are untalented people, these are unprofessional people. They are just trying to prove something to themselves. All!

In what areas do you conduct classes?
In addition to the Hokutoki sports group, we have a fire training group and a special training group. This is special forces. There is a group of combat knives - Tanto Jutsu, in general a lot of things. I don’t rush from side to side, they are all in the same taxonomy. Having learned to do one thing, you can do something else. Previously, this was called the base-bush method.

Thank you. Any wishes?
Don't do anything halfway. Well, strong people are kind people! That's it.

Publication in the KUNFU magazine, 2003.
Text: Nikolay Matyushin
Photo: Alisa Tikhonova

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