Chicken fillet like in KFC. How they cheat at KFC: The main secret of American chicken. Sesame batter for chicken like KFC

Good day, dear readers. I haven’t spoiled you with new recipes for a long time, but today I decided to share with you a new experiment. We will try to cook Spicy chicken wings KFC. This is of course a very unhealthy dish, high in calories and in general... but sometimes you really want something unhealthy and very tasty.

I warn you right away that this is an experiment, and as often happens when preparing a new dish in artisanal conditions, everything does not always work out smoothly the first time. IN step by step recipe I tried to write down all my notes and recommendations, which I will definitely try to take into account next time.

The recipe was found on the Internet, and I changed it a little to my liking. If you have any additions, recommendations or tips for improving this recipe, I would greatly appreciate them.

And now the actual recipe

  • Chicken wings – 1000-1500 g
  • Wheat flour – 6 tbsp. l.
  • Wheat flour for breading.
  • Starch - 3 tbsp. l.
  • Egg – 1 pc.
  • Water – 200 ml.
  • Vegetable oil – 1 l.
  • Salt – 1 tsp.
  • Seasoning for chicken - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Dry herbs (Italian, Provencal or any other to your taste) - 1 tsp.
  • Ground black pepper – 0.5 tsp.
  • Paprika – 1-2 tsp.
  • Ground red hot pepper - to taste.

Preparation time: 1 hour. Cooking time: 40 minutes.

Ingredients for the recipe “Deep-fried spicy chicken wings with beer (like KFC)”

Recipe for KFC hot wings:

If necessary, clean the chicken wings from any remaining feathers, rinse and dry with a paper towel. Then cut the wings into 3 parts. For cooking we only need the first 2 parts of the wing. But the outermost part can be used to prepare broths or fed to your pets.

P.S.: Wings, like all liquid ingredients for batter, must be room temperature.

This is what our wings will look like.

P.S.: If you want to cook really spicy wings, then at this stage it is best to mix them with salt, a small amount of water (2-4 tbsp.) and hot ground pepper and leave for at least an hour. In addition to pepper and salt, you can add other spices to taste. It is best to take a suitable bag, add spices and water, mix, and fold the wings. Then mix everything thoroughly and leave to marinate, stirring occasionally.

Now prepare the batter in a suitable container. Mix flour, starch, and all spices to taste. I added chicken spice, but you can do without it.

P.S.: It is thanks to starch that the crust is very similar to cereal. I used cornstarch, but the breading was too hard in some places. Maybe it's the cornstarch, or maybe you just need to reduce the starch to flour ratio.

If you have ideas on this matter, I would be happy to hear them.

Mix all dry ingredients well and taste. If necessary, add salt or spices.

Mix the egg with a small amount of water and beat.

P.S.: In my opinion, instead ordinary water It is better to use sparkling mineral water. Usually, using this water makes the batter more airy. Although, I haven’t had time to try it on this recipe yet, so I can’t say with 100% confidence that this is a good idea.

Add the beaten egg and water to the dry ingredients and mix the batter. Gradually add the rest of the water in small portions until we have a consistency somewhere between yogurt and kefir.

Place the prepared wings in a container with batter and mix everything well.

Separately prepare the dry breading. To do this, add paprika to the flour for color. If you wish, you can add a little turmeric, but it has a fairly rich taste and aroma, so the main thing is not to overdo it with this ingredient. Mix everything well. You can also add salt or other spices to the dry breading to taste.

Remove chicken wings from batter and dip into dry breading.

P.S.: I followed the recipe and, to save time, rolled several portions of wings in dry breading at once. But it's better not to do this. Because while your wings are waiting their turn, some of the batter will slide down and mix with the flour, and the crust on the wings will turn out uneven. It is best to dip the wings in the dry breading just before frying.

Pour vegetable oil into a suitable DRY container. The container should be high enough, and the oil, ideally, should fill it no more than 1/3, while the wings should float freely in it. Bring the oil to a boil and drop 4-5 wings of the same size into it. Fry them until golden brown for 6-7 minutes. It is best to use a deep fryer. But if you cook wings on the stove, you need to choose a thick-walled pan that holds heat well and heats up evenly. Also, pay attention to how your stove heats dishes. If the temperature under the pan is too low, the wings will take a very long time to get ready, during which time the pepper will lose its pungency, and the wings themselves will be saturated with oil and will be very greasy.

P.S.: Just a note. Boiling oil spilled on a stove, especially a gas stove, is a marvelous fiery flash up to the ceiling, which, under no circumstances, should be tried to be extinguished with water. So be careful and move the curtains away from the stove :)

Remove the finished wings from the oil and place on paper napkins or towels to drain excess fat. Then add another portion. If suddenly the wings turn out raw inside, then you can put them in the oven for 10-15 minutes and let them finish.

Ready-made wings are a wonderful, not girly, snack to go with beer. And with spicy tomato, cheese or garlic sauce, it’s simply delicious.

Chicken wings like KFC - spicy, rosy, crispy!

Many of us have more than once enjoyed the crispy and spicy wings of the KFC restaurant chain. Yes, KFC's hot wings are damn good! Gourmets, as if possessed, gobble them up on both cheeks, despite all the harmfulness and absolute unhealthiness of this fried and fatty dish. Today we decided to tell you how to cook wings like at KFC. Interesting?! Then let's start mastering the recipe without wasting a second.

Homemade KFS wings with spicy breading

Under our strict guidance, you will easily master the recipe for wings from FSC, there is no culinary “witchcraft” in this recipe, simple ingredients and the same simple circuit cooking. Chicken wings as in FSC require the following list of products for their preparation at home:

  • A kilo of chicken wings;
  • Half a glass of flour;
  • 130 ml. milk with fat content 2.5%;
  • 2 chicken eggs;
  • 50 gr. corn flour;
  • Half liter vegetable oil;
  • 200-270 gr. corn flakes without glaze and sugar;
  • 10 gr. dry paprika;
  • 1 chili pepper;
  • Salt - to taste;
  • Cayenne pepper on the edge of a knife;
  • Ground chili pepper on the edge of a knife.

Step-by-step process for preparing breaded KFC chicken wings

Scroll necessary products clear, now you can safely move on to how to cook your own chicken wings like at KFC. The most important thing is to follow the culinary “instruction” step by step that our instructions describe and you will succeed.

We proceed like this:

  1. Our cooking begins with cutting the wings, or rather, by removing the unnecessary thin part (near the joint) and dividing the wing into two pieces. This process is repeated with each chicken “semi-finished product”.
  2. We wash the fresh chili, cut it into two parts and carefully select all the seeds. Finely chop the pepper and pour it into a large bowl, add salt and grind the resulting mixture thoroughly.
  3. Pour all the paprika into a bowl with chili and salt, and also send all the wings there, mix well so that the pepper-salt mass envelops each piece. Leave the chicken in this “marinade” for 1 hour.
  4. Pour the corn flakes into a plastic bag, place the bag on the table, arm yourself with a kitchen rolling pin and begin to roll out the flakes until they are medium finely chopped. There is no need to turn the crackers into flour, they should be felt in the dish!
  5. Now the batter is being prepared, for this we mix in one bowl chicken eggs, milk, salt, dry chili, cayenne pepper and wheat flour. Mix everything well, in the end you should get something like “sour cream”.
  6. Take a large plastic bag, pour all the cornmeal into it, and also pour in the marinated chicken wings. We tie the bag and start shaking, shaking until the flour covers each piece. Enveloping the chicken in cornmeal will help our breading to adhere well to the surface and not come off during frying.
  7. We take a cauldron with thick walls and put it on the stove to warm up, pour in the vegetable oil and wait until it is completely heated. The oil has become very hot, take out the chicken pieces from the bag and dip them in the batter, and then sprinkle with crushed corn flakes. We dip the piece into our homemade deep fat fryer. Frying should last about 5 minutes.
  8. On the table, spread a paper towel in several layers and place all the fried pieces on top of it; the towel will absorb all the excess oil.

Spicy wings prepared just like KFC. Delicious, crispy, golden brown crust, alluring aroma... You simply cannot resist such an appetizing appetizer, quickly start eating chicken pieces! Naturally, this recipe for wings from KFC is not the same recipe that is followed when cooking in the world famous restaurant chain, but we tried to get as close as possible to the restaurateurs’ secret recipe.

Strips like KFC: recipe

Many people simply love fast food. Crispy crusts, delicate fillings, enticing aromas and mind-blowing combinations of spices do their job, winning more and more hearts. But it’s no secret that you shouldn’t abuse such food, and the prices for it in our country are not so economical.

There is only one way out - learn to cook your favorite foods yourself. By the way, this is not such a troublesome matter. In this article we will look at one of the most popular fast food dishes - strips, like in KFC. The fast food chain's recipe is theoretically a proprietary secret and is designed for professional equipment, but you can easily master it and implement it in your own kitchen.

What are strips

This word is of English origin and literally means “stripes”. Strips, like those at KFC, the recipe for which we recommend in this article, are meat cut into oblong pieces - this fully justifies the name of the dish. Form strips slightly larger than your finger, then they will be convenient to fry and eat.

Tasty but safe

Food in fast food restaurants is high in calories, has a lot of spices and is heavily breaded. Frankly speaking, all this is not good for health. But we're not going to prepare strips every day, like KFC?

Restaurant recipes can be adapted to your taste - and this is also important. For example, replace synthetic seasonings with natural ones: curry, paprika, aromatic herbs. The quality of the oil will also not cause you any concern, because by preparing such a snack at home, you will be sure that it was used only once.

How to choose meat that will produce the same strips as those at KFC? The recipes used by chefs contain breast, a tender, lean meat. Theoretically, you can cut strips from the thighs, but, firstly, the dish will turn out even fattier, and secondly, dense meat from the breast holds its shape much better and does not disintegrate during frying.

The secret of breading

There are many ways to make crispy crust. It is generally accepted that only flour is used in KFS. But since the recipe has long ceased to be secret and went to the people, it has undergone many improvements. If you like a crispy crust, you can use not only flour, but also other ingredients:

This guarantees good result, and you will get wonderful crispy strips, just like at KFC.

The recipe with cereal also contains flour, but it is needed for the batter. To prepare it, beat a couple of eggs, add half a glass of milk and the same amount of flour. Add a spoonful of paprika (sweet, not hot), add salt and continue whisking. When the batter reaches the consistency of sour cream, add the meat cut into strips into it. This amount is enough for one large breast.

In a separate bowl, mix 2/3 cup of cereal and half a cup of flour. Dredge the strips and then fry in hot oil.

You can prepare strips, like in KFC, the recipe of which contains breadcrumbs, pieces of chips or just flour, in exactly the same way.


You should understand that you will need a lot of oil, and it is better to fry in a deep frying pan. On average, you will use about 500 ml of oil for the indicated amount of products.

If you have a splash guard, you can use that. But you shouldn’t cover it with a regular lid.

Fry the strips for 2-3 minutes on each side. During this time, the chicken will be completely cooked in the hot oil.

After frying, KFC chicken strips, the recipe of which is as close as possible to the original, must be freed of excess fat. You can simply place them on paper towels or napkins.


Of course, such a delicacy can become a complete addition to a side dish. But usually crispy chicken strips are served as an appetizer. Before serving, simply place the strips on a platter in a single layer or mound, like at KFC. The recipe also regulates the presence of sauce. It is desirable that it be light and refreshing, and not greasy. Mayonnaise, for example, will increase the calorie content of a dish to the limit. But ketchup will work well. Do you like it spicy? Serve the strips with jalapeno sauce, chili, adjika or mustard mashed with herbs. This appetizer goes surprisingly well with soy sauce.

KFC chicken strips

Do you like KFC chicken strips? These are the most tender pieces of fillet in a crispy, truly mesmerizing crust. You can easily prepare them at home: and they will turn out no worse than in KFS restaurants - I have already checked this several times. In addition to the fact that they are very tasty, you can also make a lot of them: from one breast you will get a full bowl of tasty treats - enough for the whole company. Therefore, together with “I Love to Cook,” I decided to tell you how to prepare restaurant-style chicken fillet strips at home.


  • chicken fillet - 600-700 grams;
  • water at room temperature - 250 milliliters;
  • vegetable oil - 2 tablespoons;
  • salt - 2 teaspoons;
  • vinegar- 1 tablespoon;
  • ground pepper (black and red), dry garlic - 1 teaspoon each;
  • sugar - 1 teaspoon;
  • corn flakes - 400 grams;
  • eggs - 2 pieces;
  • flour - 180 grams;
  • vegetable oil for frying - 300-400 grams.

KFC chicken strips. Step by step recipe

  1. Prepare the marinade: mix water at room temperature with vegetable oil, wine vinegar, add 1 teaspoon of salt, sugar, 0.5 teaspoons of ground red and black pepper, dried garlic. Mix everything well so that the salt and sugar dissolve.
  2. Take fresh fillet for strips (not frozen) - it will be elastic and retain more juiciness. The type of future strips will depend on how you cut the fillet. This is not important, but I would like to suggest cutting them into oblong bars, approximately 10 x 2.5 centimeters in size. To do this, we clean the fillets from the films and cut them lengthwise into even strips about 2-3 centimeters wide. And then we cut these strips in half. Of course, the size of the chicken pieces will depend directly on the size of the fillet itself, but this is not important - the main thing is that their shape is beautiful and neat.
  3. Transfer the meat to the marinade, mix well, cover with a lid or cling film, and leave to marinate. The longer it sits, the tastier, more tender, and juicier it will be. Therefore, it is best to prepare it the night before and marinate it overnight in the refrigerator. If you have limited time, then the meat needs to stand for at least 2 hours (this is best done at room temperature).
  4. Prepare the breading: separate the whites from the eggs, add 0.5 teaspoons of ground black and red pepper, dry garlic and stir lightly. Please note: we do not beat the whites; they must maintain a viscous consistency so that they cover the pieces of meat well.
  5. Add 1 teaspoon of salt to the sifted flour and mix them in a bowl.
  6. Crush unsweetened corn flakes using a rolling pin, a masher, or you can use a blender, but not too finely. Also, if desired, you can add 1-2 tablespoons of breadcrumbs.
  7. Dip the marinated fillet in egg white, roll in flour, dip in egg white again and bread in corn flakes. We do this with all pieces of meat.
  8. Fry in a frying pan or deep fat in a well-heated large amount of vegetable oil until golden brown (this will take approximately 10-12 minutes).
  9. Place the breaded fried chicken strips on a paper towel to remove excess fat and transfer to a plate.

Real FSC strips are ready! Golden, crispy, spicy crust and tender, very juicy meat filling- real jam! Serve them with various sauces and salads - it's really very tasty. If you are against food fried in vegetable oil, then these chicken strips can be cooked in the oven by placing them on a wire rack. Bake for 10-15 minutes at 200 degrees. After the oven, the breading turns out to be less crispy, but still, it will be very tasty. Another interesting option is if, instead of corn flakes, you bread it in rolled oats or breadcrumbs. For variety, you can prepare several types of strips and serve them: your guests will certainly like them.

KFC, a fast food restaurant specializing in chicken dishes, is located in many cities around the world. Fast food has gained popularity thanks to its signature recipe for a crispy breading in which chicken pieces are coated before frying. If previously the cooking recipe was kept strictly secret, now only the lazy do not know how to make chicken the same way as in KFC.

What is the secret of the taste of KFC chicken and can you cook it at home?

The peculiarity of preparing juicy chicken in a crispy breading lies in the addition of the necessary herbs and spices. It is the 11 ingredients that make up the famous breading that give chicken pieces their recognizable unusual taste. Cooking chicken meat the same way as at KFC is not at all difficult if you prepare the following ingredients:

  • thyme, basil and oregano (dried leaves);
  • common salt, garlic and celery;
  • ground pepper (black and white);
  • ground ginger;
  • paprika;
  • dry mustard.

The chicken is pre-marinated, coated in herbs, spices, wheat flour and pressure fried at 185°C. The chicken pieces are then allowed to cool and reheated in the oven.

The peculiarity of preparing juicy chicken in a crispy breading lies in the addition of the necessary herbs and spices

This is exactly how the famous chicken is prepared at KFC, but if you cook it at home, you will get an even more tasty and healthy product.

What you need for cooking

In order to cook chicken like at KFC, you need to take into account all the proportions of the ingredients. If you strictly follow the recipe, you will get exactly the same taste. Before you start the process, you need to prepare the necessary kitchen utensils:

  • a couple of deep bowls;
  • thick-bottomed pan or cauldron;
  • cooking thermometer;
  • plate;
  • colander;
  • paper napkins

Now you can start cooking!

The following ingredients will be required:

  • chicken - 1 pc.;
  • flour - 2 tbsp;
  • salt - ⅔ tbsp;
  • basil and thyme (dry leaves) - 0.5 tbsp;
  • dry oregano leaves - ⅓ tbsp;
  • paprika - 4 tbsp;
  • ground celery, ginger, black pepper - 1 tbsp each;
  • low-fat cream - 200–300 ml;
  • garlic salt (can be replaced with dry garlic) - 2 tbsp;
  • ground white pepper - 4 tbsp;
  • dry mustard - 1 tbsp;
  • egg;
  • rapeseed oil (canola).

How to cook KFC chicken

The entire cooking process consists of several simple steps:

Once the pieces are cooked, place them on a plate lined with paper towels. They will absorb excess oil and the chicken will be crispy and lean. If the chicken pieces have acquired a golden crust before they are ready, you need to place them in an oven preheated to 180 degrees and dry them on the grill for about 15 - 20 minutes.

By the way! For fans of KFC's spicy chicken, additional cayenne pepper is added to the breading mixture. It will make the chicken pieces spicy and add a piquant flavor.

What to serve with crispy chicken

If you decide to make chicken like KFC, you should think in advance about what to serve it with. The always-win-win option is, of course, the sauce. The ideal combination is obtained with mustard, garlic or tomato dressing.

For those who are not afraid of calories and rapid weight gain, french fries or Idaho fries are an excellent side dish for crispy chicken. By the way, to reduce the number of calories, such potatoes can be baked in the oven; the result is no worse than the deep-fried version.

Chicken like KFC can be served with fresh lettuce leaves

Classic serving option - juicy chicken with vegetable salad. Tasty and healthy!

Also, chicken pieces prepared like at KFC will be an excellent snack to go with beer. Just add cayenne pepper to the breading for all the spicy flavor!

By preparing crispy chicken from FSC, you can not only surprise your guests, but also diversify your daily diet. Try experimenting with the amount of certain spices, and perhaps you will get your own taste, even better than the famous fast food restaurant.

The American chain KFC has become famous throughout the world for its signature dishes cooked in breading (and not only), especially for all sorts of chicken delicacies such as strips. Those who visited this catering establishment at least once appreciated the taste of the dishes there, while others wanted to cook them at home. It is worth considering that KFC is not only strips, but also: hamburgers, burgers, cheesecakes, tacos with various fillings, French fries and much more.

The five most commonly used ingredients in KFC recipes are:

How are chicken strips prepared? Everything is very simple:

  1. Cut chicken fillet (wings, legs, optional) into strips along or across the grain.
  2. Pepper and salt.
  3. Place a frying pan on the stove to heat over low heat.
  4. Separately, beat the egg in a deep plate.
  5. Place flour and corn flakes mixed with starch in two other plates.
  6. Dip each piece of chicken in the egg, flour, egg and cereal alternately.
  7. Fry the fillet on both sides until cooked.
    Vegetable oil for frying is used at discretion.

A simple KFC cheesecake with cottage cheese is prepared like this:

  1. Mix flour with sugar.
  2. Add margarine and chop it into crumbs with a knife and flour. Then rub the dough with your hands.
  3. Mash the cottage cheese with a fork, mix with sugar, beat in the eggs, mix.
  4. Place the dough in round shape in the form of a basket with sides, pierce it in several places with a fork.
  5. Place the filling into the basket and bake until done.
    Use the topping to your taste: chocolate glaze, whipped cream, caramel syrup.

Five of the fastest KFC recipes:

  • Chicken wings at KFC are deep fried under pressure; at home this device can be replaced with a frying pan with a thick bottom and walls
  • Corn flakes for strips use unsweetened ones
  • Before rolling the chicken in the flakes, crush them into 4 pieces with a rolling pin
  • for strips use cayenne pepper and chili
  • Remove excess oil from chicken using a paper towel
  • Strips are usually served with ketchup

Fast food is incredibly tasty, but also harmful. Although sometimes you want to pamper yourself and your loved ones with fried deliciousness, our family especially likes chicken like KFC, which can easily be prepared at home. This is an original recipe just like in a cafe - so the Internet assured me.

Chicken like KFC: ingredients

At a fast food restaurant, you can enjoy your order in literally 10 minutes. It really takes little time to prepare the dish, but the ingredients need to be prepared in advance.

What you will need:

  • Chicken – 1 kg;
  • Water – 1 glass;
  • Vegetable oil – 20 ml;
  • Flour – 300 g;
  • Salt – 1 tbsp;
  • Paprika;
  • Turmeric;
  • Dried garlic;
  • Pepper.

Additionally, take a bottle of oil for deep frying. These are all the ingredients needed for the marinade and breading as in FSC; I decided to cook not only wings, but also chicken legs. You can fry breast strips in the same way.

If you don’t like to read and want to see the detailed process of cooking chicken like in FSC, then watch the video or find mine Instagram.

KFC chicken: recipe with photos

The dish goes through 3 main stages: marinating, breading and frying. The wings must first be cut into 2 parts; the thin tail is not used in the recipe.

Step 1. For a marinade like in FSC you will need a glass of water, vegetable oil, salt and spices. Mix all ingredients in a bowl in which you will marinate the meat. Be sure to add dried garlic, paprika and turmeric. I took the seasoning, which contained everything I needed.

Step 2. Now add chicken legs, wings or breast, stir and leave in the refrigerator for 12 hours. You can reduce the time, but I recommend preparing the marinade overnight.

Step 3. The next day, start cooking. The whole process will take you about 30 minutes. The breading is based on flour, salt and spices. Add more paprika to make the finished dish golden. Don't add too much salt, just a pinch is enough.

Step 4. Dredge the pieces in flour very thoroughly so that there are no uncovered areas. Shake off excess using a sieve, rack or basket.

Step 5. And here is the biggest secret of KFC! The chicken should be immersed in cold water for 1 minute. Place the pieces a short distance apart to prevent them from sticking together.

Step 6. Take out the workpiece and let it drain excess liquid. Place the legs in flour again. This process can be repeated several times if you want a thick layer of crispy breading. I recommend periodically tightening the skin.

Step 7 You can cook chicken like in FSC at home in a slow cooker, in a frying pan, deep-fried, or even in a regular saucepan. For frying, I needed a whole jar of vegetable oil, which was not at all rational, but I wanted to get the result like in a KFC cafe. And my husband was already waiting! Heat the oil well, test the temperature with a small piece of breading - it should bubble.

Strips are a very popular dish on the KFS menu, which are pieces of white tender chicken meat in a crispy breading. The difference between this fast food and nuggets is in the method of preparation and size. make them small and bread them in breadcrumbs before frying. The strips are cut into long strips and several breading methods and special coating technology are used.

The calorie content of the dish is on average 290 kcal per 100 g and depends on the ingredients. Spicy foods have fewer calories. In this article we will look at how to prepare strips at home step by step without any difficulty so that they are very similar to the original.

Original recipe for strips like KFC

This is a wonderful snack not only for loved ones, but also for friends in a warm company. An incomparable combination of spices, delicious crust and the alluring aroma of meat will not leave anyone indifferent.

Required components:

  • 3.5 cups wheat flour;
  • 1/2 cup milk;
  • 900 g chicken fillet;
  • 0.5 l sunflower oil;
  • One egg;
  • About 2 large spoons of herb mixture (oregano, curry, basil, ginger, garlic) - optional, or regular chicken seasoning;
  • A small spoon of red hot pepper (optional);
  • 3 tablespoons red ground sweet paprika;
  • Large spoon of salt.

Recipe for strips as in FSC:

  1. Defrost the poultry fillet and cut it into thin pieces (2x8 cm). This is the size of the original blanks;
  2. Prepare the sauce in a deep bowl: mix the egg with half a glass of milk and beat. You can use a mixer;
  3. Add 0.5 cups of flour, a large spoonful of paprika and salt. Beat until thick sour cream. If the consistency is liquid, add flour, if thick, add milk;
  4. Place the pieces in the dressing for soaking for a few minutes;
  5. For this amount of fillet, this process will need to be done twice: pour hot pepper (for a spicy version), 1.5 cups of wheat flour, a tablespoon of paprika, a mixture of herbs to taste into a durable plastic bag;
  6. Place your hand on the bag and shake vigorously;
  7. Pour half a liter of oil into a deep frying pan (or saucepan). While it is boiling, take 6-7 chicken pieces from the mixture, put them in a bag and shake. One package is enough for about two times, then you need to make another with exactly the same composition;
  8. Place the slices in boiling oil, which should completely cover the meat (but can be crushed with a fork). Fry on all sides for about three minutes, remove with a slotted spoon, and transfer to a paper napkin;
  9. While the first batch of chicken is fried, shake the next batch in the bag.

From 900 g of poultry fillet, you get strips like in KFC in the amount of four servings of six pieces each. This culinary masterpiece is served with tomato or mustard sauce.

You can make an original seasoning from horseradish and sour cream:

  1. Place thick sour cream (400 g) in a deep container;
  2. Add to it three large spoons of prepared horseradish and chopped fresh dill, add salt and stir.

To make piquant hot strips, you need to add one or two teaspoons of hot hot ground red cayenne pepper to the remaining seasonings.

Chicken strips with corn flake breading

If you keep the meat longer in the marinade, it will be more tender. That’s why these homemade strips have a crispy crust and are very juicy inside. It is advisable to use a deep fryer for frying - this way the chicken will absorb less oil.

Product composition:

  • 400 g corn flakes;
  • 2 egg whites;
  • 2 small chicken breasts;
  • A glass of flour;
  • A small spoonful of red pepper, black pepper, dry garlic;
  • A tablespoon of wine vinegar;
  • Salt, sugar - to taste;
  • Glass of water;
  • A liter of sunflower oil.

Description of preparation:

  1. We make the marinade. In a deep bowl, pour two large spoons of sunflower oil, a glass of water, sugar and salt (about a teaspoon each), wine vinegar, half a portion of dry garlic and peppers;
  2. Cut the fillet into thin slices, then in half to make oblong pieces;
  3. Put them in the marinade, stir, cover with a lid, marinate for at least two hours, but best of all, overnight;
  4. Let's make the breading. Mix the remaining black and red peppers, garlic and two egg whites;
  5. Pour flour into a separate bowl, add salt, mix;
  6. Chop the unsweetened corn flakes not very finely. You can place them in a plastic bag and walk over it with a rolling pin, or use a blender (to get pieces, not flour);
  7. We independently dip each piece into the protein, into flour, again into the protein and into the cereal breading;
  8. The future chicken appetizer can be deep-fried or in a deep frying pan for three minutes on each side until golden brown. In the pan, the chicken pieces should be completely submerged in the oil. To remove excess fat, place the food on a paper towel.

The dish is served with mayonnaise and ketchup, with various sauces.

Spicy strips

This dish is quick and easy to prepare. It will greatly delight your guests with its piquancy.


  • 50 g soy sauce;
  • 700 g chicken fillet;
  • Spicy herbs (tarragon, rosemary), spices, ground pepper and salt - to taste;
  • A small spoonful of apple cider vinegar and dry garlic;
  • Breadcrumbs - “by eye”;
  • 3-4 eggs.

Cooking chicken strips at home:

  1. Cut the bird into pieces of equal width;
  2. To make the marinade, mix Apple vinegar, soy sauce, pepper, herbs, add salt;
  3. Place the chicken in the mixture and leave for two hours;
  4. Let's prepare the ingredients for breading: break the eggs into one container, add salt and pepper, pour flour into another, and breadcrumbs flavored with dried garlic and chicken spices into a third;
  5. Place the pieces in each bowl one by one and fry them on all sides in sunflower oil. There should be a sufficient amount of it.

Place the finished products on a paper towel to get rid of excess oil.

Snack with sesame seeds

The presence of sesame is the main difference from original recipe FSC. This seasoning gives the food a pompous appearance and a special taste.

Required products:

  • Chicken fillet – 400 g;
  • Flour – 3 large spoons;
  • Poultry spices, salt;
  • 2-3 eggs;
  • Sesame - “by eye”.

Recipe for homemade strips with photos:

  1. Cut the meat into oblong pieces;
  2. Mix the flour with spices, add some salt, and thoroughly coat the chicken in this breading;
  3. Dip the semi-finished products in a pre-beaten egg, roll in sesame seeds;
  4. Place on a greased baking sheet. Bake for 30 minutes.

Place the food on a beautiful dish and garnish with lettuce leaves. You can serve the aromatic dish with French fries and any dressing you like.

Oatmeal snack

How to make strips so that they are crispy and tasty, and win the hearts of real gourmets?

You will need:

  • Chicken fillet – half a kilo;
  • Oatmeal – approximately 300 g;
  • Hard cheese – 200 g;
  • Soy sauce – 50 g;
  • Spicy herbs and seasoning for chicken, salt to taste;
  • 2-3 eggs.

Cooking instructions:

  1. Mix soy sauce with herbs and chicken seasoning;
  2. Marinate the poultry meat, previously cut into equal pieces, in it and leave for 2 hours;
  3. After this time, grate the hard cheese on a fine grater, pour the flakes into a separate bowl, and beat the eggs with salt;
  4. Dip the slices according to this pattern: egg, cereal, egg, cheese. Immediately fry in hot oil in a frying pan.

Before serving, garnish with lettuce leaves or herbs.

Video: Recipe for strips like KFC