Cute names for a guy. What men like to be called. A nickname for a loved one is not a constant value, but a variable

05.07.2020 Plumbing work

Having started dating or living together, a couple comes up with not only general rules, traditions, but also cute affectionate nicknames for each other. Some of them are widely used by many lovers, others are known only to two people.

Often girls want to say kind words to their beloved, call him in a special and unusual way, but they don’t know whether the guy will like them. To help such individuals, we have compiled our list of the most interesting and original pet nicknames.

The most popular tender words for your beloved guy

Most often, in everyday communication or among friends, girls call their beloved in the most neutral words, generally known to everyone. Even if a couple has their own affectionate nicknames, you shouldn’t introduce them to everyone around you. Let your invented words remain a secret for strangers.

Here is a list of popular words you can use to call your boyfriend in public:

  • Cute
  • Darling
  • Expensive
  • My good
  • Native
  • My sun
  • My handsome

Using these affectionate words in the company of friends, you can show others your feelings for your guy, demonstrate a tender and romantic relationship between you. Many girls like to call their boyfriend affectionately, and gentlemen are usually very pleased and flattered to hear this. Attaching the pronoun “my” to any pleasant word further indicates closeness in a relationship; there is no need to be afraid to say it often.

Affectionate words-associations for your beloved guy

Many couples like to call each other diminutive words or phrases associated with beautiful, strong, cute animals. You can follow their example and affectionately call your loved one by some pleasant nickname. The main thing is not to use offensive nicknames, so as not to accidentally call your gentleman a goat or a ram.

Here are the most commonly used nicknames:

  • Teddy bear, little bear
  • Cat, kitten, cat
  • Lion, lion cub, lion cub
  • Tiger, little tiger
  • Hare, bunny

You can bend these words, come up with similar ones based on them, it’s not forbidden to even affectionately call a guy a gopher, a hamster or a piglet if he likes it. However, you should not use such nicknames in an unfamiliar group or in a serious situation.

Cute pet nicknames for your loved one

In a circle of friends or at home, you can call each other what you want, any phrases, nicknames, as long as they are not offensive. If you have at least a little imagination, it’s not forbidden to come up with them yourself, it will even be more interesting and original. If nothing comes to mind, you can use the hints.

Here are the most common nicknames for lovers:

  • Fluffy
  • Sun
  • Baby
  • My hero
  • My treasure
  • My joy
  • Playful

You can affectionately call your loved one by name, for example, not Seryozha or Seryoga, but Serezhenka or Serzhik. A lot of guys like this. If your boyfriend has some outstanding abilities, for example in cooking, repairs, sex, why not come up with words for praise? It would also be useful to note the muscles, appearance, hairstyle, manner of dressing.

Suitable nicknames include:

  • My strongman
  • Sexual
  • Desired
  • Superman
  • Sweet
  • Zolotse
  • My precious
  • Sweet tooth
  • The only one

Guys like it when their girlfriends call them affectionately and tenderly, while hugging or kissing them. It is even more necessary to say kind words if the gentleman is embarrassed by his appearance or has low self-esteem - let him believe in his strength, in your love.

Gentle praise and sayings for a guy

To call your loved one affectionately, you don’t need to invent complex phrases - you just need to praise him, say something tender. You can even compare him with one of the actors, film heroes, fairy-tale characters, as long as the young man likes it.

  • You are the best
  • You are my strongest and most fearless
  • You are my only, most beloved in the world
  • There is no one better than you
  • My most tender romantic
  • How sexy and tireless you are
  • I go crazy from your kisses and touches
  • Only with you I feel good and comfortable
  • I think about you constantly, all day

The list of phrases may depend on the friend’s mood, his abilities, skills, strength, intelligence, appearance. Don’t be afraid to praise a guy even for a trivial matter or help, he will definitely appreciate it and take it into account.

Unusual and funny nicknames for boyfriend

If your relationship is long and strong enough, and both of you have good humor, you can come up with any stupid or funny words for each other. Make sure that they do not sound too offensive or stupid, otherwise you can upset your gentleman with your joke.

It will be unusual to hear such nicknames addressed to you as:

  • Sweeties
  • Fat Tummy
  • Lysik
  • Pepper
  • Heffalump
  • Sonya
  • Peach
  • Angel
  • sexy
  • Donut

If the guy is not offended, you can call him whatever you like. The main thing is that the words should be gentle and sincere.

Reading time: 2 min

How to call a guy affectionately so that he likes it? Many representatives of the fair sex want to have this information in order to deliver as many pleasant moments as possible to their loved ones in moments of communication. It has long been proven by psychology experts that for any person the sound of one’s own name at the subconscious level is the most favorite sound. Guys are no exception and they are also pleased to hear the sound of the native sounds of their name. Therefore, psychologists advise everyone who wants to win a man’s favor to address representatives of the stronger sex by name as often as possible.

Young people in relationships very often call each other not by their real names, but by affectionate nicknames. Often in couples, girls do not think about the sound of these nicknames and simply choose a nickname for their loved one, tracing a complete analogy with the guy’s name.

But girls often have a question: how to affectionately call a guy so as not to offend him and it looks dignified and beautiful? Often funny nicknames, which girls really like, can seriously “offend” men. The main thing here is not to shine with feminine wit when choosing an original male nickname, but to come up with something affectionate and tender to express your sincere feelings.

Girls often use affectionate nicknames when they use tricks to achieve their goals or when they need to apologize. But not all girls spoil their boyfriends with pleasant words, but in vain. By underestimating the importance of affectionate names, they thereby deprive guys of the opportunity to realize how important this relationship is to a girl. Therefore, it is very important to remember that sweet speeches are very much to the liking of the stronger half of humanity.

You need to approach love with all responsibility and you need to choose kind words for a guy’s name seriously. Girls, under the influence of feeling, often try to call their loved one some original word, which, in their opinion, will act as a kind of expression of love. But they often don’t know which one would be more appropriate to choose. Standard words would be “darling”, “darling”, “cat”, and so on. But these nicknames have become so familiar that they are no longer surprising and there is a need to come up with something new.

To determine what to affectionately call a guy so that he likes it, you should make a little effort. You need to think about what the guy does, what his features or abilities are. You can come up with words for praise and note the appearance, muscles, manner of dressing, hairstyle of your loved one.

The following nicknames are suitable for this: my strongman, superman, sweet, desirable, sweet tooth, dude, sweetie, the only one, precious, courageous, unforgettable, mysterious, extraordinary, wise, wonderful, understanding, strong, sincere, caring, sincere, talented, elegant .

Guys love it when their girlfriends call them tenderly and affectionately, while kissing and hugging them. You especially need to say kind words if the guy has an understated personality and is embarrassed by his appearance. This will help him believe in his strength and the girl’s love.

By calling her beloved guy affectionately, a girl can make a positive impression on him, but in this matter the most important thing is to be able to feel when, how and what to say and whether it will be appropriate.

You can affectionately call a guy, for example, not Seryozha, but Serzhik or Seryozhenka, and so on male names You can use suffixes to make them tender and affectionate. A lot of guys like this.

Some popular affectionate words are widely used by lovers, but the original ones are known only to two people. To help girls who want to say kind words to their boyfriend, but don’t know how, the following list of popular and interesting words.

So, a list of popular words that you can call a guy affectionately and use in public: my good, dear, dear, handsome, my sunshine, caring, wonderful, unique. So, using these kind words in the company of friends, you can show your feelings for the guy to other people, thereby demonstrating your romantic and tender relationship.

Many girls like to call a guy affectionately, and young people are very pleased to hear this. If you attach the pronoun “my” to any pleasant word, this will further indicate closeness in the relationship, so you should not be afraid to say it often.

Tender and funny words for a guy

Often, among friends or acquaintances, girls call their boyfriend neutral words, generally known to everyone, but in private they try to say something special, affectionate and original. You should not introduce invented words to your immediate circle; let them remain a secret to strangers.

Many couples like to call each other diminutives or phrases that will be associated with strong, beautiful, cute animals. You can repeat their example to affectionately call the guy some pleasant nickname. The main thing is not to call him offensive nicknames and not to accidentally call your gentleman “ram” or “goat”.

So, you can call a guy affectionately and funny using animal nicknames: cat, cat, kitten, bear, bear cub, lion, lion cub, lion cub, tiger, tiger cub, hedgehog, hare, bunny, dragon, little dragon.

These words can be declined and similar ones can be invented based on them. If a guy likes it, then it’s not forbidden to even affectionately call the guy “hamster”, “gopher” or “little pig”. But you should not use such nicknames in a serious setting or in a team.

In private at home, you can call your loved one whatever you want, any nicknames, phrases, as long as they are not offensive. If you get creative, you can come up with them yourself, and it will be even more original and interesting. But, if nothing comes to mind, then you can use the tips.

The most popular nicknames for girls in love for their boyfriends are: macho, naughty, my joy, my hero, sunshine, baby, sweetie, hot, diamond.

The list of how to affectionately call a guy can be expanded with gentle statements and praise. After all, in order to affectionately call your loved one, you don’t need to come up with complex phrases at all and it will be enough to simply praise him by saying something tender. You can compare a guy with one of the movie heroes or actors, fairy-tale characters, as long as the young man likes it.

I constantly think about you all day;

Only with you I feel comfortable and good;

You are the most beloved in the world;

You are the best;

There is no one better than you;

You are my only one;

You are my most fearless and strong;

How tireless you are;

My most tender romantic;

I go crazy from your touches and kisses.

Girls need to take into account one more thing when communicating with a guy: it’s one thing to choose kind words and a completely different thing to choose the right moment to utter them. For example, if the chosen one, on whom the girl wants to make a favorable impression, just came out of the restroom and then they blurt out to him that he is as gentle as a cat, then naturally the guy will fall into a slight shock or stupor.

And if at dinner, after drinking a glass of wine, looking tenderly into his eyes in the dim light, you say that he has a very bewitching look, then he will like the second option. However, you shouldn’t focus too much on the right moment. If a girl is not indifferent to her chosen one and loves him sincerely, then the right moment for beautiful and pleasant words will appear by itself.

A skillful compliment can work wonders. You can be convinced of this if you say them more often, because living with pleasant words is more interesting and easier, and loving a guy is sweeter. But what to affectionately call a guy is up to the girl, because no one knows her beloved one better than her.

It has long been a myth that only women love with their ears. Men also love to receive pleasant and tender words .

However, pleasant phrases acquire weight and significance in specific situations. Tender words spoken out of place best case scenario will cause confusion in a man.

Most men are proud and very vulnerable, so it’s important for them to hear words of support and praise. They want to be appreciated and proud of their successes. Therefore, affectionate and pleasant words are appropriate in any situation in which a man has proven himself.

This includes not only the conquest of Everest and saving humanity from the epidemic. A simple everyday situation is enough to make a man feel loved.

For example, a man organized a romantic dinner, organized a trip to a concert or museum, helped with shopping or cleaning. All these everyday “feats” deserve a kind and affectionate word. The man will understand that he tried not in vain, and he managed to please his beloved woman.

Under no circumstances should you turn affectionate words into a tool of manipulation and say them at the “right” moment!

If you call a man affectionately only when asked, he will stop perceiving pleasant words in their true sense and will associate them only with the next task.

To charge your man with positive thoughts for the whole day, don’t be shy about telling him sweet words in the morning before work.

This is especially important if a man experiences some professional or life difficulties: tenderness in words will support him, he will know that everything he does has meaning and importance.

Also It is important to speak kind words in an intimate and home environment, on vacation and in bed. These are the most convenient places for verbally expressing your feelings: you can feel free to say the most sincere and tender words and be sure that a man will hear and appreciate what is said.

Pleasant words are always appropriate, in any situation when you want to express your true feelings and tell your partner about them. Words of love and tenderness do not require special dates and “appropriate” moments. It’s just important not to forget to talk about your feelings out loud.

What kind words do men love?

Men, just like women, want respect and understanding.. Therefore, it is rare that a man will refuse a compliment addressed to himself or become irritated by words of support.

Men want to hear how wonderful and wonderful they are for their woman, how smart and elegant they are. A man needs confidence that a woman appreciates him and will not leave him, preferring an opponent.

What do men want to hear from women?

Words of support

Not everyone's life goes smoothly. Busy work, quarrels with friends and colleagues, problems with parents, finances or housing. Stress, irritability, overwork - all this greatly affects physical and mental health.

That is why, no matter how difficult it is for a man at the moment, so that he does not worry or occupy himself, he wants to know that his spouse or girlfriend will always be there and always support so that it doesn't happen. Don't forget about this.

Words of gratitude

Sincere gratitude sometimes has a stronger impact than words of love. You can be grateful not only for completing a specific task or for an action performed.

You can express gratitude to your man in general: for being there, for being reliable and caring, for listening carefully and supporting.

Words of praise

A man expects praise for his actions; it is important for him to know that in the end he was right and did everything right. You should not praise a man for every minor action with an ironic overtone(“Well done, honey, you took out the trash!”).

In most cases it is inappropriate and sounds mocking oh, what can offend a partner.

However, if a man showed his abilities, quickly understood the situation or achieved certain success (finished a project ahead of schedule, received a promotion, got the last tickets to the theater for the premiere), then it is necessary to praise him. Let him know that he is appreciated.

Words of love

Of course, everyone wants to know for sure that they are loved. It is enough to tell a person about this or remind him that he is loved just like that, and not for some feats and abilities. It is worth reminding a man more often that he is loved and significant.


Oddly enough, but Men love compliments, just like women. A man likes compliments that emphasize not only his mental abilities and successes, but also his appearance.

If a man, going on a date, tried to look “brand new,” then you should tell him that he looks beautiful and elegant. Then the man will understand that his efforts were not in vain.

Important to remember! Pleasant and affectionate words, phrases of gratitude and admiration help improve the mood of the recipient. Tender words inspire, inspire confidence and give energy.

You should not skimp on pleasant compliments and tenderness addressed to your partner. Even if a man has already heard many times that he is smart and handsome, it won’t hurt to remind him of this again.

Affectionate words for your beloved man, boyfriend (list)

What kind words can you say to your boyfriend or man:

  • Cute;
  • Darling;
  • gentle;
  • affectionate;
  • sweet;
  • the only one;
  • best;
  • wonderful;
  • crazy;
  • strong;
  • real;
  • Beautiful;
  • fairy;
  • beloved;
  • unique;
  • brave;
  • soft;
  • shining;
  • delicious;
  • fluffy;
  • hot;
  • temperamental;
  • attentive;
  • unusual;
  • magic;
  • clear;
  • caring;
  • desired;
  • sincere;
  • long-awaited;
  • unforgettable;
  • sexual;
  • talented;
  • omnipotent;
  • hot;
  • erotic.

Finding the right epithet is not difficult. The main thing is to listen to your loving heart.

List of tender words

Tender words can brighten and soften any phrase. If partners argue about something, but at the same time call each other affectionately and by name, they make it clear to each other that they do not want a scandal and quarrel, but only want to clarify the situation and find the truth. This is important to remember when communicating with your partner.

Remember that kind words for a man, the list of such is endless. You can always add more and more new words to the list that will please your loved one. It’s enough just to show your imagination, emphasize best qualities your stronger half.

How tenderly can you address your man:

Kind words in your own words (I miss you, I’m waiting)

There is no need to be afraid to express your feelings in simple words. It is not necessary to have a gift for poetry or writing to express your feelings beautifully and tenderly through words, both verbally and on paper.

Sometimes a simple note with the words “I love you and can’t wait to come home” is enough! to express your feelings. The main thing is the presentation and the underlying meaning.

Here are some examples of how you can simply and sincerely show feelings of love and affection for your partner:

Unusual kind words for a man

The fantasy of a woman in love can be limitless. It is worth trying it in inventing unusual, original and non-trivial words for your beloved man.

The list of affectionate words for men is a personal, individual part of each girl. The choice is hers, depending on her preferences.

Here's an inspiring list of creative words of endearment:

Funny pet names for men

Nicknames usually hint at more close connection than just acquaintance and friendship, since nicknames can reflect the character traits, habits and views of the partner’s world.

That's why nicknames should be chosen appropriately to a specific man . Only then will he truly appreciate his “second” name, invented by his friend.

It is important to know! Not all men like nicknames. A man can be quite pleased if the woman he loves simply calls him “darling” or “darling.” Therefore, before coming up with a nickname for your chosen one, it is worth discussing with him how he feels about affectionate addresses.

What funny, gentle names and nicknames to choose for your man:

  • Fluffy;
  • Kitten;
  • Lion cub;
  • Murzik;
  • Dandelion;
  • Bagel;
  • Little squirrel;
  • Nibbler;
  • Donut;
  • Fir-fir;
  • Mouse;
  • Baldy;
  • Sugar;
  • Tiger;
  • Barsik;
  • Buska;
  • There-there;
  • Zaykin;
  • Mumrik;
  • Sweet;
  • Umka;
  • Paw;
  • Volchik;
  • Little Eye;
  • Lapkin;
  • Cupcake;
  • Catfish.

Affectionate words for a loved one (friend)

A male friend can also be addressed affectionately and express your respect and admiration through affectionate words, especially if the relationship promises to develop into something more than just friendship.

However, it is worth considering that the personal distance between friends is still much greater than between loving couples and spouses. When choosing a treatment, you should adhere to tact and clearly understand the boundaries of what is permitted., so as not to go into familiarity.

For example, For a beloved friend, you can use the following neutral addresses:

  • Expensive;
  • Cute;
  • imposing;
  • cute;
  • understanding;
  • courageous;
  • necessary;
  • native;
  • unusual;
  • interesting;
  • soulful;
  • extraordinary;
  • friendly;
  • musical;
  • communicative;
  • attractive;
  • nice;
  • mysterious;
  • fabulous;
  • smiling;
  • unexpectedly pleasant;
  • joy;
  • Sun;
  • beauty;
  • bunny;

Affectionate words in English for a man

Tender and affectionate words can be found in every language in the world. If a woman speaks a foreign language well, she can express her feelings in a foreign form, even if her partner does not understand.

Endearments in a foreign language will give a woman more charm and expand her vocabulary of affectionate words. If the girl doesn't own foreign language, he can still learn a few foreign words and phrases that express feelings.

For example, some affectionate words in English:

  • Honey - dear, sweet;
  • Sunshine - sunshine;
  • Pumpkin - pumpkin;
  • Muffin - cupcake, pie;
  • Shorty - baby;
  • Wifey - sweetheart;
  • Babycakes - baby;
  • Sweetie pie - sweet pie;
  • Sweetheart - dear, beloved (literally “sweet to the heart”);
  • Bubble - bubble;
  • My love - my love;
  • My precious - my beauty;
  • Sugar plum - sugar plum;
  • Bunny - bunny;
  • My hero - my hero;
  • Sugar lips - sugar sponges;
  • Sweet cheeks - sweet cheeks.

Kind words to my beloved husband

Certainly, husband is a priori the most the best man , otherwise the woman would not have married him. However, it won’t hurt to remind him of this from time to time. At the same time, you need to understand that the relationship between spouses is close and trusting.

Most likely, they know each other’s worldview, habits, and gestures very well. That's why the slightest manifestation of falsehood, ridicule or indifference will be immediately noticed.

What kind and gentle words can a wife say to her husband:

Tender words of gratitude for a man

Gratitude can be expressed in different ways. AND Sometimes, instead of words, a tight hug or kiss is enough, so that a person understands the power of gratitude, and sometimes a simple “thank you,” spoken with feeling and sincerity.

Sincere gratitude expressed from pure heart, is valued much more than the usual polite words.

A man can hear indifference behind cliched phrases, which will leave him with a not very pleasant impression of the woman.

How to tenderly express your gratitude:

Affectionate compliments to your beloved man

Compliments are needed to highlight a person's strengths. and express your admiration (regardless of gender). That is why “duty” compliments are rarely truly heard.

Don't give compliments inappropriately, simply because the rules of decency require it. For example, a person doesn’t feel well, hasn’t slept much and doesn’t look very fresh, and the compliment “you look good” or “you’re so handsome today” will sound like ridicule.

It is more appropriate in this example to ask about health status than to emphasize what is not there.

What compliments should a man give so that he feels a woman’s sincere admiration and feels confident?

Here are some examples:

Sweet words that rhyme with name

Not all names rhyme. At the same time, it can be difficult to find an affectionate rhyme even for sonorous names. However, when addressing your partner playfully, you can use appropriate rhymes to the name.

Some examples of rhyming names:

Poems for your beloved man with affectionate words

It will not be difficult for a girl who knows how to write poetry to compose at least a quatrain. For those who are not familiar with poetry, poems by classic poets will help— Tsvetaeva, Akhmatova, Akhmadullina, Bergholtz, Gippius. You can also compose simple couplets expressing tender feelings.

A few examples of simple quatrains:

Expressing your feelings is great! It is important for a loved one to hear sincere words of love and devotion every day. You should not be afraid to express your feelings - your loved one will definitely remain grateful.

In this video you will learn how to use kind words for men. a list of these words.

This video will give you an example of kind words for your man.

Love is an unusually strong feeling. It lifts us to the heights of bliss and plunges us into the abyss of madness. Love makes us perform feats or completely deprives us of the ability to act. Just one affectionate glance from a loved one makes the heart beat tremulously, and one unkind word makes existence meaningless.

We compose sonnets for our loved ones, write music for them, come up with affectionate nicknames and names for them, funny to others, but so touching for the lovers themselves. There is no need to think for a long time about what to call your loved one, tender words will fall from your lips themselves. Even an offensive nickname from the lips of a loved one sounds like a beautiful melody. A loved one will happily respond to the nicknames “Babe”, “Peach”, “Boar”, “My Fool”, “Elephant”, “Rabbit” and others if they are affectionately pronounced by a loved one.

You can’t count the number of “Suns”, “Pussies”, “Fishes”, “Bunnies”, “Sweethearts”, “Pretties”, “Cuties”. Every couple in love invents their own language, understandable only to them, which seems stupid or funny to others. For young man a flattering nickname would be one that emphasizes his merits: “My Superman”, “Giant of Thought”, “Giant”, “Batman” and others. Girls will not remain indifferent if their lover calls them any pet names, as well as names that emphasize their beauty and intelligence.

The outburst of feelings is especially observed in separation. What tender letters girls receive from their loved ones in the army. What affectionate names they call each other! And no matter who the young man is in civilian life, for his girlfriend he is and will remain a hero, a defender, a hero.

Married couples reserve other affectionate names for each other: “Bee,” “Worker,” “My Mistress,” “Mommy.” A man can earn the nickname “Golden Hands”, “Daddy”, “Jack of All Trades” and others.

Not long ago, in the middle of the night, I was woken up by a phone call.
“Fish,” they said on the phone, “are you sleeping?”
“I’m sleeping,” I answered, half asleep.
- Oh, bunny, excuse me, please. Don't be angry, honey, don't be angry, little one. Sorry, my joy, that it’s so late, I miss you very much.
This was followed by apologetic words with affectionate addresses. And although my beloved husband was sleeping next to me, I could not interrupt the flow of words from a stranger - such love and care showed through in his every word. When I finally explained to him that he had the wrong number, we were both disappointed. He - because he was unable to talk with his beloved, and I - because my beloved no longer utters such heartfelt words for me.

Dear lovers! Tell each other how much you love and appreciate each other. Sweet words will paint the world with bright colors, and your love will sparkle with new delightful colors.

Love has its own vocabulary. When the object of your adoration is nearby, you want to call him tenderly and in a special way. But how to choose words that will melt a man’s heart? You will find the most popular, original and affectionate nicknames for a guy in this article. Perhaps such verbal manifestations of feelings will bring you even closer to your chosen one.

Should you come up with cute nicknames for your close friend?

Lovers often call each other not only by name. They use special words when communicating with their partner, which add tenderness and intimacy to the relationship. The cute nickname that his girlfriend pronounces to a guy is a kind of “pass” to his personal space. After all, only she, the only one, will be allowed by the hundred-kilogram “jock” to be addressed as Baby, Zaya, Baby and Sparrow. And a strict businessman will allow himself to be called Pokemon, Mimi and Miracle Hedgehog.

Affectionate nicknames are an addition to the happiness of lovers. Psychologists are seriously confident that by calling your soulmate Chick, Tiger Cub, Pet and other warm and pleasant words, you can strengthen your relationship and maintain passion in it for a long time. It is not surprising that this love tradition not only does not disappear, but is becoming even more widespread.

Are there rules in the language of love?

No matter how touching the appeal Behemoth, Lapulya, Kisya may sound, before you call your man a similar name, you should think about whether such improvisation will please him or will only irritate him. To avoid getting into trouble, use these tips on how to choose the right nicknames for men. Proceed like this:

be natural! Your loved one should feel that your “dear”, “beloved” is pronounced from the heart, and not out of “duty of duty”;

don't overdo it! Most men are partial to compliments and nice words, but they can’t stand baby talk. If you start peppering your speech with “kittens,” “baby elephants,” and “suns,” you will get the opposite effect. All these “tenderness” will cause him a furious protest and make him doubt the correctness of his choice;

Never emphasize your lover’s shortcomings with a nickname. So, if he has problems with weight, then he is unlikely to be pleased with the appeals “Puzatik”, “Fatty”, “Kabanchik” (Kabasya), “Donut”. It is unreasonable to call a man of short stature a Pupsik, and a modest and not entirely self-confident man a Quiet Man. If a guy's ears stick out, then Cheburashka is not the best option affectionate nickname;

Do not forget that there are nicknames intended only for “home” use. In public, they will only cause embarrassment to your friend or hint to others about problems in your relationship.

Read also:

But, in general, there are no universal rules. Some people will like being Hamster, Mouse and Chicken, while others will find it offensive. Therefore, be sure to take into account the character, sense of humor and tastes of your boyfriend.

If you can’t come up with an affectionate nickname for a guy, the list of affectionate words given below will help in this matter:

Neutral "names"

They can be used in everyday communication and in the presence of strangers. Such nicknames cause pleasure among almost all representatives of the stronger sex:

  • Cute;
  • Native;
  • Beloved;
  • Sun;
  • My good;
  • Golden;
  • Joy happiness).
  • associations with animals:
  • Kitty, Kotyara;
  • Bunny;
  • Teddy bear;
  • Leo (Little Lion);
  • Tiger;
  • Baby elephant;
  • Jerboa;
  • Hedgehog;
  • Goat.

Nicknames hinting at the character and appearance of a loved one:

  • Handsome;
  • Strongman;
  • Hero;
  • Naughty;
  • Beast;
  • Macho;
  • Indomitable;
  • Sexy (Sexy, Sex-bomb);
  • Honey;
  • Superman;
  • Monster;
  • Prince;
  • Ray;
  • Angel;
  • Gingerbread;
  • Fluffy;
  • Imp;
  • Sugar;
  • Thorn.
  • unusual:
  • Kisik;
  • Kusyusha (Kusaka);
  • Masipusichka (Masyusik);
  • Pusya;
  • Crocus;
  • Pepper;
  • Heffalump;
  • Lapunya;
  • Gnaw;
  • Salad;
  • Tusik;
  • Cupcake;
  • Lintipuzik;
  • Furpaw;
  • Sofa;
  • Harmful.

Only in private (nicknames that are not intended for other people's ears):

  • Desired;
  • Want;
  • Insatiable;
  • Delicious;
  • My precious one;
  • Tireless;
  • Passionate;
  • Hot;
  • Long awaited;
  • libertine;
  • Unique;
  • My life;
  • My lord (overlord).

The secret meaning of the “middle name”: what do nicknames mean?

It turns out that a woman (like a man) chooses affectionate nicknames for her close friend for a reason. The meanings of some of them will help you better understand yourself and your love relationships. If you often use the word “dear”, it means that you like that your union is stable and you are confident in your partner.

If you want to call your loved one Hedgehog, it means that you are afraid of losing him. If you address him as Bunny, then you equate him with everyone else. After all, such a nickname has long become practically another name. But those who want to dominate the family prefer to call their man “Baby”. The same is with children's nicknames (Pupsik, Toptyzhka, etc.). Psychologists believe that women give them when they see their partner as an unintelligent child who is incapable of taking responsibility.