Scorpio man: sex, desires and women. Sexual horoscope: Scorpio woman. Sexual horoscopes for all zodiac signs

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When wondering how to win a Scorpio man, girls should carefully study the character traits of this sign. Experts assure that it is very difficult to earn the attention of this guy if he himself is not interested in the girl. This man is distinguished by his determination, independence and cold mind. He makes all decisions based on the voice of reason, including in love. The exception is when a girl evokes a storm of emotions in him and makes his heart pound. In this case, a woman does not need to think about how to win a Scorpio man, because he himself will do everything possible to conquer the person he likes with his natural charm and intelligence. But if Scorpio is “not in love,” you will have to make a lot of effort to make him fall in love with you.

Scorpios are the most temperamental men of all zodiac signs. Sex for them is a real performance, and its sensuality and passion reach the maximum level. Any spectacular girl who hinted to Scorpio about the possibility of intimacy may end up in his bed on the same day, but this does not mean at all that she managed to win his heart. That is why, when answering the question - how to conquer a Scorpio man, it can be recommended to interest the Scorpio in your personality, and not in external data, although the attractiveness of a partner is very important for him. The main traits of a girl who can conquer a Scorpio are mystery, sexuality and emotionality. At the same time, she must have extraordinary intelligence and be an interesting conversationalist.

So how to attract a Scorpio guy if he doesn't show interest? It’s worth trying, for starters, to become his good friend, to open up your inner world to him from the most advantageous side. However, you should not blindly entrust your soul and heart into his hands; you should surprise Scorpio every day and evoke different emotions in him. For example, today openly show concern for him and participate, and tomorrow radically change the tactics of behavior to indifference and indifference to his person. You need to be prepared for the fact that relationships with Scorpio should always be emotional, reminiscent of a constant game with feelings. If a girl is thinking about how to conquer Scorpio for sexual relations, then it makes sense to openly yawn about this to a man. A passionate and temperamental nature will appreciate the girl’s courage and defiant behavior.

Before conquering a Scorpio man, you should make sure that his heart is free. People born under this sign, in most cases, are monogamous; if a girl once won his heart, he will love her all his life. Even despite his extreme sexuality, a Scorpio in love is unlikely to decide on relationships with other girls. This is due to the fact that feelings and sex are two interconnected concepts for him; if he has found his soulmate, he no longer wants to waste his money on “little things.” But if a Scorpio man is free, then it makes sense to still try to interest him in his own personality. It should be taken into account that Scorpio does not like a girl’s intrusiveness or vulgar behavior; in a girl he looks for hidden sexuality and open charm.

Scorpio men want to see next to them a modest but spectacular woman who is not only temperamental in bed, but can also become his friend, ally and interlocutor. Accordingly, it is worth showing a Scorpio man these qualities of yours, captivating him with your sensuality, intellectual abilities and mystery. You should open your heart and soul to this guy only when you are completely confident in the seriousness and strength of his feelings. Premature assurances of love or open flattery will only alienate Scorpio, who does not want to be conquered. But an honest and self-confident girl, capable of defending her opinion and knowing her worth, will certainly not be ignored by Scorpio.

Scorpio is one of the most energetically powerful signs of the Zodiac. Representatives of this sign have polar properties, and it is their combination that gives this sign incomparable specificity. Insightful and practical, independent and affectionate, in any case, they show all the passion of their nature in what their attention is directed to, be it: personal relationships, business, hobbies or the fight for an idea. And more often than not, their persistence and endurance help them achieve results. For Scorpios, their self-expression is very important - in love, creativity, career. If this does not happen, they become isolated in their inner world, and such powerful energy, confined in a limited space, becomes explosive., gadgets will play the role of good activators. Scorpios will also be inspired by contemporary art, which is in tune with them and will strengthen their extraordinary view of the world. For furniture and interior items, perhaps the minimalist style is suitable. High-tech style decoration will also help Scorpio to concentrate and structure their tasks.

The deep Water sign of Scorpio always gravitates towards unraveling mysteries, both life and Ecumenical. Therefore, we give representatives of this sign detective stories, as well as various esoteric literature. Scorpio will treat various amulets, amulets, and magical souvenirs with understanding, because he knows a lot about this!

These are spectacular and attractive men who tend to conquer any representative of the fair sex they like. And many people like them, because they have strong energy, they just have a crazy sexual horoscope. Scorpio is generally a sign that rarely neglects its sexual abilities.

Sexuality of a Scorpio Man

He is a voluptuous, sexual animal. In bed with a Scorpio man, you can count on more than you expected. He has an excellent knowledge of female anatomy and has an active erotic imagination. No barriers hold him back, and no shyness hinders him. Each meeting should bring the maximum amount of pleasure. His energy is inexhaustible, he starts immediately on a high note and continues on an increasing note. From the very first kiss you understand that he is in the mood for the real deal. He will go straight to the target.

He is not interested in the refinement of technology. He only wants to satisfy his uncontrollable needs. Before he has time to undress, he is ready for business. His insistence is already absolutely obvious when he stands naked with his legs apart. This excitement is transmitted to the woman. She will begin to choke with passion even before he takes possession of her. He gets right down to business. His kisses are not gentle, but demanding and persistent. He needs to completely dominate the woman. If he hurts her, it will mean her submission to him. He is convinced that every woman dreams of being physically defeated.

Guided by sexual attraction, he enjoys worshiping him. He loves humidity (Scorpio is a water sign). Scorpio strives to stretch out the process as much as possible in order to prolong the pleasure. The Scorpio man is prone to extravagant tendencies. He loves to experiment and his experiments are unforgettable. His hidden desire for violence can become obvious and malicious. He may develop mental disorders if he feels that he is being neglected.

How to surprise a Scorpio man in bed

Surprising this sophisticated man in bed is a real art, so you need to think about this issue especially carefully. It’s worth surprising him with certain methods, since he doesn’t like uncertainty; any doubt from his partner is a signal of danger for him. He is critical and even intimacy is subject to careful analysis, so it is better not to try to seduce him with ordinary techniques.

It's easy to surprise

It's actually quite easy to surprise him. It is enough to simply surrender to your feelings, abandon the conventions and principles of education, let him feel your body and even soul. Then he will be surprised by her relaxedness, desire to be with him and not be afraid of his sizzling passion. All this will cause his surprise, joy and desire to be with this woman always.

Surprise with clothes

You can surprise him with an unusual suit. But you shouldn’t follow the beaten path. You will have to work hard and choose something unusual and amazing. He must really be shocked. To do this, you need to know that he loves not red, but burgundy color. You can fly on the wings of fantasy and dress like a fairy tale. He will like it, and he will be grateful for attention to his desires.

Surprise with imagination

Minutes of intimacy with him are always preceded by conversations and communication. To surprise him in this matter, you only need a small erotic theme. He will be simply delighted if his partner talks about her desires and asks about his fantasies. As a result, he will not only be surprised, but also satisfied. After all, often it is enough for him to simply feel his excitement in order to want to satisfy her too.

The most important!

His partner needs little. She should be relaxed and prepared for intimacy with him. It could be her clothes, a new scent that excites the imagination. It can also be a conversation. You can use these methods separately or together. In general, it’s better to improvise, depending on his reaction. Then he will be truly surprised and interested in his partner, and will try to reach the peak of pleasure with her. Thus, achieve complete harmony with him in intimate relationships It won't be an easy task. Especially at the initial stage, when you are just getting to know each other.

If you are a lover of thrills, strong emotions and feelings, then you need to pay attention to Scorpio. The zodiac sign Scorpio is influenced by the planet Pluto, and representatives of this sign simply cannot imagine their existence without the passion of mutual attraction and deep feelings.

If you want to please Scorpio and satisfy him, you must remember that he is unlikely to passively wait for his object to show activity. Determined and passionate, Scorpios follow the “try everything” principle in sex and love, and in relationships with a partner they have a certain hypnotic sophistication. Despite the fact that Scorpios are secretive in their desires and feelings, he needs a passionate and emotional girl in bed.

To satisfy Scorpio, you can follow his desires, you need to be gentle and never show your leadership

The desire to experiment needs to be covered up with delicate hints or gestures. Only this approach will allow her to become the one and only woman he desires. By adopting this line of behavior, you will be able to enjoy his ability to give pleasure. You will like everything he offers and this role will be to his liking. We must try to become soft, pliable and inexperienced, Scorpio likes this.

It should be noted that Scorpio does not need foreplay or time to build up at all.. He is ready to get down to business at any time; for him, passion flares up not with light sparks, but immediately with a bright and hot flame. With such a man, you can forget about timid kisses, awkward movements and problems with potency. Scorpios are always excited, and they are ready to excite women with just one look. Men born under this sign are accustomed to dominate, subjugate and control a woman during lovemaking. However, you should not be afraid, since a woman will only receive bliss from all actions.

For the sake of being next to this man, the desire to experience love techniques in full, she should learn a little. She must become completely submissive to his desires. Of course, she will be able to refuse his unusual desires, but otherwise it is worth sticking only to his authority. Then she can become that one woman with the hope of continuing the relationship in a serious way. This is due to the fact that the intimate sphere means a lot to him and he tries to embody in her all that is most intimate.

A Scorpio man in bed is the conquest of hitherto unprecedented heights, this is real art. Scorpio men are passionate lovers who will give their partner maximum pleasure, because the more satisfied his woman is, the more satisfaction Scorpio himself receives.

These people get their first intimate experience while still very young. According to the sex horoscope, Scorpio is an incredibly loving sign. Sensual and open to new knowledge, from the moment they became acquainted with sex, they never cease to hone their skills in obtaining pleasure. Outwardly appearing as indifferent and slightly arrogant people, they are always calm, even slightly cool in everyday life.

In their intimate life, Scorpios have no time for decency; they are completely freed from all conventions and show themselves in all their glory.

Sexual and erotic horoscope for Taurus

People of this sign, due to their innate commitment to everything mystical, treat sexual intercourse as a special ritual, a kind of sacrament leading to the transformation of their personality at the highest level. All areas of Scorpio's interaction with the world are permeated with sexual energy, thanks to which they universally and constantly desire to satisfy their sensual needs.

Intimate habits and wishes

Scorpio in bed will do everything his own way, pursuing his own selfish goals. It cannot be said that their partner suffers greatly from this: more than anything else in the sexual sphere, people of this sign love to subjugate and tie to themselves. And being very perspicacious and sensual natures, they understand that the easiest way to tie a person to themselves is to give him fabulous pleasure, so that the seditious thought of escaping does not even visit his foggy head.

These people are capable of excellent self-control and always keep their emotions under control. However, all this false husk flies away from them as soon as it comes to real passion.

Scorpio always stands out in a crowd. His natural sexuality cannot be hidden: smooth sensual movements, animal grace of the body, enveloping low voice - all this distinguishes him from any group of people. Representatives of this sign are permanently interested in sexual contacts. It was among them that it was recorded big number people who enter into several marriages during their lives.

How to win a representative of this sign?

It is difficult to maintain strong marriage bonds and happy family with Scorpio, if there is no desire or ability to enter his service. Only by recognizing his leadership and hiding your ambitions can you live happily ever after with him. If you really want to avoid a tragic breakup with your life partner, but you are unable to satisfy his (or her) sexual appetites, there is only one way out - to let him go free.

You'll have to let your significant other pursue her erotic dreams elsewhere. It is useless to show Scorpio your jealousy or dictate terms; he will simply leave and will not put up with the encroachment on his freedom.

And they always achieve this goal, spending unforgettable nights (and days) of love with their chosen victim. Having given their partner fabulous pleasure, of course, not to the detriment of their loved one, Scorpio is inclined to begin to manipulate. And the enchanted poor fellow will do whatever he wants.

Sexual horoscope: Scorpio man

This person has the charisma and temperament of a leader, capable of surprising at the most unexpected moments. He is an unsurpassed player and a virtuoso sexual actor. Magnificent in bed, he does not allow himself to relax even for a moment, so that God forbid he does not fall into the intricacies of female charms. More than anything else, the Scorpio man values ​​his freedom in sex. He will not tolerate encroachment on his personal space.

What do representatives of this sign want from intimacy?

He treats sex as a form of exquisite competition in which it is necessary to demonstrate not only endurance and passion, but also excellent acting and remarkable intelligence. He is not interested in sex with an easily accessible, narrow-minded woman. He will be much more pleased to conquer an intellectually developed and independent lady by bringing her to his bed.

However, he will not revel in his victory for a long time; he is more attracted to the process of achieving it. You shouldn’t worry too much about the defeated person; as a consolation prize, the woman will receive a sensual temperament and experience that very unforgettable sex with Scorpio. No wonder there are so many females around him who dream of losing to him.

But still, oddly enough, sex is not the main thing in life for him. The most important thing is to study and understand the intimate secrets of women, the order of their mental organization, their weaknesses. With such knowledge, he will be able to subjugate anyone he wants to his power.

Scorpio in sex will never cease to amaze you with his actions. He is an excellent expert on the structure of the female body, his behavior is not limited by any guidelines or rules. He gushes with sexual energy and has an inventive imagination. He begins each new erotic meeting with full confidence that everything will be magical again and the companion will get tired of counting orgasms.

It is difficult to consider Scorpio as a spouse: after all, they usually remain unmarried.

Despite his vivid imagination and vast sexual experience, he does not really work on the technique of intimate pleasures. He doesn’t need this, he is ready for action long before the transition to such. His lust and irrepressible desire penetrate his partner like an electric wave, and she will already be on edge when he begins to enter her.

The lover’s caresses cannot be called gentle; he kisses the woman roughly and demandingly. His position is only dominance and nothing else. He will hurt his partner by showing him who is boss and she must submit to him. Scorpios believe that every woman on the planet dreams of being raped, having raw power displayed, and having her body enslaved.

Indeed, Scorpio experiences perverted sexual pleasure from inflicting physical pain during sexual intercourse, not every partner will like it. However, if a person prone to receiving masochistic pleasure from pain falls into the experienced and powerful hands of Scorpio, such sex will be remembered by both as something incredible.

A man who elevates sexual relations to the rank of something mystical and ritual prefers unprotected sex, and this applies not only to condoms, but also to oral contraception of his partner.

Sexual horoscope: Scorpio woman

If the classics of the romantic genre had to describe what a Scorpio woman is like in sex, they would use words such as “mysterious,” “fatal,” “obsessed.” The passion of these representatives of the fair sex knows no bounds. Everything this woman does, thinks, and desires serves one purpose - sexual satisfaction.

Plus, those born under the sign of Scorpio have an attractive appearance and an extraordinary mind. It is no wonder that men, after meeting her for the first time, are relentlessly pursued by her alluring image. Those who, in their erotic fantasies, imagine themselves in the company of a sultry woman burning with passion, subsequently get the opportunity to realize their dreams. She superbly controls herself and the environment, but as soon as it comes to bed, the command and control mode is turned off and a woman unbridled and magnificent in her madness appears before the lucky man.

What do representatives of this sign want from sex?

For representatives of the opposite sex, a relationship with her is both wonderful and dangerous. It’s already clear why she’s beautiful. Why is it dangerous? Having experienced the pinnacle of sexual joys with this woman, they are no longer able to refuse her; they again and again look for excuses to meet with her. Thus, gradually and imperceptibly they fall into slavery to their beautiful and power-hungry goddess. But this only applies to lovers; for her husband, she softens a little and, without completely giving up control, makes him feel confident and happy.

She loves to conduct various experiments in bed. Even if her partner is a sophisticated player of sexual games, she will find something to amaze him with. A night spent with a Scorpio woman will definitely remain in the memory of anyone, even the most experienced man. By giving pleasure to her partner, and seeing that he really receives pleasure from her actions, she thereby increases her ecstasy many times over. Giving herself completely in sex, this partner demands the same investments from her chosen one.

Scorpio’s behavior in everyday life, permeated with erotic magnitudes, turns many interested male glances in her direction. And she likes it. She does not remain in debt, and her favorable attention will certainly please the vanity and masculine pride of the chosen one, igniting the flame of passion in him.

You can have sex with this woman love games long and with pleasure. Despite the fact that, most likely, it is the partner who will dictate the rules of the game, both will enjoy it. A woman born under the sign of Scorpio has secret knowledge about how to behave with men in the bedroom. For example, she knows for certain that if a man is not guided, he will do everything too quickly. She knows for sure that making love is not just the movement of two bodies - it is the movement of two souls in space and time.

Possessing special sexual magic, she is able to create a miracle even with a man who considers himself incompetent, in other words, impotent. Of course, the magic will only work if the origins of the chosen one’s failure are psychological, and not the consequences of injury or illness. Moreover, from the point of view of the woman herself, she is not providing any service to anyone, but is simply doing her best to help the man please her, her beloved.

As already mentioned, a woman of the Scorpio sign prefers to manage relationships and dominate. If she fails to meet a man who agrees to act as her pet, she can turn her attention to other representatives of the fair sex. Lesbian love is by no means alien to women of this sign. Needless to say that in a same-sex relationship she will choose the male role?

Erogenous zones of Scorpio

In the human body, the constellation Scorpio rules the genital area, but this does not mean that they can only be aroused by deeply intimate caresses. They don’t need to be aroused at all; they are permanently in full readiness for sex.

  • Representatives of this sign are such sensual natures that any gentle impact on a completely random part of their body can lead them to instant spontaneous combustion;
  • However, if the partner of a Scorpio woman begins to caress her body, showering it with light kisses, a miracle may happen, and this power-hungry creature will temporarily forget about her desire to dominate and allow herself to be a weak woman;
  • There is also a tip for male Scorpio lovers: during sexual intercourse, try to gently move your palms along the back and pectoral muscles of your partner. There is a high probability that with such manipulations you will be able to increase the duration of love intercourse.

Sexual horoscopes for all zodiac signs

Table: men and women of all zodiac signs