Nutritional supplements. What does the letter E mean... When is vitamin E needed?

10.02.2021 Construction

If the text without " e"read - you spend more time than with " e».
Reading slows down and discomfort is felt. And this is harmful to health.
(Professor of MPGU I.G. Dobrodomov).

3.1 Research of educational and fiction literature

We decided conduct research educational and fiction literature that the children of our school encounter. To do this, we went to the school library.

Observation 1. First of all, we looked through the dictionaries. Checked for words starting with the letter " e" We made sure that " e" placed with the letter " e"as recommended" Rules of Russian spelling and punctuation" The number of words in dictionaries varies. ( Appendix 9)

Observation 2. We looked through the popular encyclopedia " I'm exploring the world» 2002. All books in this series are printed without the letter " e" Apparently the publishing house did not take into account that these books are also used by younger children. school age and it’s still difficult for them to read words without the letter “ e" And if we take into account that this is an encyclopedia, which means there are words that are difficult to understand, then it is difficult for a younger student to work with such a book.

Observation 3. We analyzed educational literature for grades 1-4. We found out that all textbooks are printed with the letter “ e", as required " Rules" In senior and middle school textbooks there is no letter “ e"mainly in history, biology, geography. It's sad that the letter " e" is also absent in the Russian language for grades 9, 10, 11. Author Vlasenkov. ( Appendix 10)

Observation 4. Studied fiction for children, available in the library. To do this, we took ten books from the 6+ category and ten books from the 12+ category. We found out that the letter “ e» is retained for primary schoolchildren – 80%, for middle age – 75%. (Appendix 11)

Middle-level children have fairly good reading skills, and it is easier for them to read and comprehend what they read, but for younger schoolchildren, reading without “ e" difficult. We decided to find out if this is true.

3.2 Conducting the experiment

Experiment. Based on these observations, testing the results of reading technique in elementary, middle and high school students has become necessary. Second and sixth grade students were invited as an experiment. They suggested reading the text where the letter “ is present e" and text without the letter " e». ( appendix 12)

Conclusion: The experiment showed that text containing the letter " e"The guys read it faster. ( Appendix 13)

3.3 Survey results

Having made sure that the absence of " e"in writing and in print creates speech illiteracy and requires more time to read and comprehend the text, we decided to find out how the children of our school feel about this letter. We conducted a survey and received the following results ( Appendix 14).

3.4 Opinion of classmates and the public

In our class, four boys have “ e" To the proposal to replace " e" on " e", the guys refused, explaining that it sounded unusual and ugly.

In continuation of the conversation about first and last names, we decided to visit the district registry office. In conversation with Chertkova Nadezhda Vladimirovna We found out that when registering a newborn child, the letter “ is clearly written on the birth certificate e", if it is present in the surname or first name or patronymic.

Conclusion:« The Russian alphabet consists of 33 letters, and one of them is the letter “ё”"which has not been canceled"

V.V. Lopatin

I am glad to note that the letter “ is appearing more and more often e"on the pages of books, newspapers and magazines, published in dictionaries, both in our country and abroad. Naturally, with " e» Almost all children's books, a large number of scientific books, fiction and poetry are published.

In Australia, in one of the districts of Sydney - Wentworthville, a public Orthodox weekly newspaper "Slovo" is published in Russian. The entire newspaper is printed with the letter " e" In addition, an entire page is devoted to the permanent column “ Russian language" It’s a pity that the editors of our regional newspaper “ On native Earth » letter « e" do not recognize.

Everyone who loves the Russian language insistently asserts: the non-use of the letter “ e"leads to distortion and mutilation of the Russian language.

Otherwise how to understand: “ Royal ski track"(name of the holiday in the city of Korolev). Try and figure it out: “ Everything is ahead or Everything is ahead». « NOTE TO LENA"Who is the note to Elena or Leonid?

Day after day we burn with fire,
We won’t sigh, we won’t groan,
If we don't catch a break,
So we'll take a break.
V. Berestov

Conclusion: In our work we tried to prove the need to use the letter " e"in writing and in printed publications. In the course of studying literature, research, observations, experiments, and surveys of children, we proved that the use of the letter “ e"necessary and appropriate.

Our hypothesis was confirmed. Indeed, the non-use of the letter " e"in writing and in print leads to a distortion of Russian speech. The presence of the letter " e"reduces the discrepancy between the spelling of words and their pronunciation, makes texts easier to read, increases reading speed, and helps you understand how to pronounce this or that unfamiliar word.

In addition, it is mandatory to use the letter “ e» will contribute to the unification of writing rules, which will have a positive impact on the literacy of the population Russian Federation.

Many events are being held to attract public attention to this problem. Whole books are published, museums are opened, monuments are erected to this letter. We also decided to contribute to supporting the letter " e" We had a conversation in class and made crafts with the image of this letter. ( Appendix 15).

Food additives (FA) are substances intentionally added to food products in order to improve the production process, increase the product’s resistance to various types damage, preservation of structure and appearance product or changes in organoleptic properties (taste, color, smell).

All food additives are coded using the letter “E” and a four or three digit number. Why "E"? Experts associate this with both the word Europe and the abbreviations EU/EU, as well as with the words ebsbar/edible, which translated into Russian (from German and English, respectively) means “edible.”

According to the proposed digital codification system food additives, their classification, in accordance with their purpose, is as follows (main groups):

E100-E182 - dyes;

E200-299 - preservatives;

E300-399 - antioxidants (antioxidants);

E400-499 - consistency stabilizers, thickeners, emulsifiers;

E450, E1000 - emulsifiers

E500-599 - acidity regulators and anti-caking agents;

E600-699 - taste and aroma enhancers, flavorings;

E700-800 - spare indexes for other possible information;

Pros and cons of "E"

  1. Extended shelf life of products.
  2. Improved production technology or, in some cases, the only production option.
  3. Improving the taste and attractiveness of the product, its consistency.
  4. This substance has been tested for safety.
  5. For this substance, purity criteria are established that are necessary to achieve a certain level of food quality.

1. The use of PD raises the question of their safety. This takes into account the MPC (mg/kg) - the maximum permissible concentration of foreign substances (including additives) in food products, the ADI (mg/kg body weight) - the permissible daily dose for an average body weight of 60 kg. For example, it is assumed that the average person eats smoked meats less often than other types of sausages, so the maximum permissible concentration of nitrates in smoked meats will be higher. Consequently, with frequent consumption of smoked meats, it is easier to exceed the safe dose in total.

2. Most food additives, as a rule, do not have nutritional value, that is, they are not an energy or plastic material for the human body (it is impossible to build something or obtain energy from it).

3. Food additives are often allergens.

4. It is also necessary to remember that some substances have the property of cumulativeness, i.e. ability to accumulate in the body and cause undesirable effects.

List of harmful food additives

Code...impact Code impact

E102……………O E240……………P

E103……………W E241……………P

E104……………P E242……………O

E105……………W E249……………P

E110……………About E250-E251……RD

E110……………W E252……………R

E120……………O E270……………O

E121……………W E280-283………P

E122……………P E310-E312……S

E123………OO,Z E320-E321……X

E124……………O E330……………P

E125……………Z E338-E343……RJ

E126……………W E400-E405………O

E127……………About E450-E454……RJ

E129……………About E461-E466……RJ

E130……………W E477……………O

E131……………P E501-E502……O

E141……………P E503……………OO

E142……………P E510……………OO

E150……………P E513……………OO

E151…………VK E527……………O

E152……………Z E620……………RK

E153……………P E626-E635………RK

E154………RK,RD E636……………O

E155……………O E637……………O

E160…………VK E907……………S

E171……………P E951…………VK

E173……………P E952…………W

E180……………O E954…………P

E201……………O E1105………VK







Symbols of harmful effects:

O - dangerous;

P - suspicious;

BP - blood pressure;

P - carcinogenic;

VK - harmful to the skin;

RK - intestinal disorders;

X - cholesterol;

OO - very dangerous;

RZh - indigestion;

Z - prohibited

E250 (sodium nitrite) is usually used in sausages. Although sodium nitrite is a generally poisonous toxic substance, in practice it is not prohibited, since it is the “lesser evil” that ensures the presentation of the product and, therefore, sales volume (just compare the red color of the store-bought sausages with the dark brown color of homemade sausage).

Some manufacturers do not list ingredients with the letter code E for marketing purposes, replacing it with the name of the additive, for example, “monosodium glutamate.”

Some additives previously considered harmless (for example, formaldehyde E240 in chocolate bars or E121 in sparkling water) were later found to be too dangerous and banned; In addition, supplements that are harmless to one person may have severe harmful effects on another. Therefore, it is recommended, if possible, to protect children, the elderly and allergy sufferers from food additives.

What is encrypted in the “message to the Slavs”?

How much did the letter “b” cost the Russian State?

Who actually suggested using the letter "e"?

We reveal the secrets of the Russian alphabet.

Message to the Slavs

The usual set of letters of the Russian alphabet is actually nothing more than a “message to the Slavs.” Each of the letters of the Cyrillic alphabet has its own name, and if you read these names in alphabetical order, you get: “Az buki vede. The verb is good. Live well, earth, and, like people, think about our peace. Rtsy’s word is firm - uk f’at dick. Tsy, worm, shta ra yus yati.” One of the translations of this text is: “I know the letters: writing is a property. Work hard, earthlings, as you should reasonable people- comprehend the universe! Carry the word with conviction: knowledge is the gift of God! Dare, delve deeply in order to comprehend the light of existence!”

It is believed that the letter “ё” came into the Russian language from French solely through the efforts of Karamzin. It is as if in 1797 he remade the word “sliosis” in one of the poems and indicated in the note: “A letter with two dots replaces “io.” In fact, the letter was proposed for use by Princess Vorontsova-Dashkova (a very educated lady, president of the Academy of Sciences) in 1783. At one of the first meetings, she asked the academicians why the first sound in the word “iolka” was represented by two letters . Not one of the great minds, among whom were the famous writers Gabriel Derzhavin and Denis Fonvizin, dared to point out to the princess that there were two sounds: “th” and “o”. Therefore, Dashkova proposed using a new letter “to express words and reprimands, with this consent, beginning as matioryy, iolka, iozh, iol.” The peak of popularity of the letter “ё” came during the Stalin years: for a whole decade it was given special honor in textbooks, newspapers and reprints of classics. Today, “е” is more often seen in the form of a monument to the letter (there are several of them in Russia) than in the form of the letter itself in a book or newspaper.

Thunderstorm of schoolchildren

The letter “yat” was a kind of mark that distinguished “primordial” and Slavic words among Russian words. The object of heated debate for “Westerners” and “Slavophiles” on the issue of reform of Russian spelling. A real torment for high school students. However, resourceful young minds, to help themselves, even composed a poem composed only of words starting with “yat”: B?ly, b?ld, b?b?s Killed the hungry one. He fucked with the b?l?s? The first to speak out for the abolition of “yat” was the writer and translator Dmitry Yazykov: “The letter?... is like an ancient stone lying out of place, which everyone stumbles over and does not take it aside just because it is ancient and was once needed for the building." But already in Soviet time Alexander Solzhenitsyn, known for his conservatism, advocated the return of “yatya” to Russian grammar along with “er”.

The most expensive letter

Er is a “silent” letter that did not denote any sound and served as a “hard sign”, which was traditionally written at the end of words after hard consonants until the spelling reform of 1918. However, “er” took up more than 8% of the time and paper during printing and cost Russia more than 400,000 rubles annually. A real embezzler letter, no less!

Peace to the world!

Another terrible torment for schoolchildren was the letters “i” and “i”. True, when philologist-reformers sat down to discuss which of the two letters to remove from the Russian alphabet, the matter was decided by voting! So insignificant were the arguments in defense of each of them. The fact is that in the Greek alphabet “and” and “i” denoted two different sounds. And in the Russian language already in the time of Peter I it was impossible to distinguish them by ear! The letter “i” in the root was found only in the word “mir” in the meaning “universe”. If peace was meant, the absence of war, then the word was written as “peace.” Correspondingly, words with the same root were written: “peaceful people” and “world order.”

How a letter became a word

In the Cyrillic alphabet, the letter “f” bore the intricate name “fert”. The phrase “stand fert” appeared, arms akimbo, and then a new noun “fert”, and even a diminutive “fertik”.

In general, in the Slavic alphabet there were two letters to indicate the sound “f” - “fert” and “fita”, but this was a real confusion! The word “Philip” was then written with “f”, and “Fedor”, “arithmetic” with “fita”. Go figure it out! (And to understand, remember: in the Greek alphabet the letter “f” stands for the sound “ph”, and “phyta” or “theta” - “th”).

The noun "fert" over time became disapproving, half-abusive. From A. Chekhov: “Here a little ferret comes to us with a violin, squealing,” from Pushkin: “There’s a young fert standing by the wall like a magazine picture.”


The letter “e” was legalized in the Russian alphabet only in the 18th century, when borrowed words with the sound [e] at the beginning of the word began to penetrate into the Russian language, and their writing and reading began to cause inconvenience: how to read correctly - Euripides or Euripides, Euclid or Euclid? The letter was greeted unfriendly, and Mikhail Lomonosov even wrote that “if we invent new letters for foreign accents, then our alphabet will look like Chinese.” But already at the beginning of the 20th century " encyclopedic Dictionary F. Pavlenkova" for the average intelligent reader recommends: writing pince-nez, kangaroo, catgut, cake. In general, there is a feeling in the Russian language that “e” is a foreign letter. Just remember how Irina Muravyova’s heroine pronounces the word “crem” in the film “Moscow Doesn’t Believe in Tears” to emphasize the status of cosmetics: imported, scarce.

I would like to know what documents exist regulating the use of the letter “Y”. Thank you.

Serebryakov Sergey Nikolaevich

The decision of the Interdepartmental Commission on the Russian Language notes that the first appearance of the letter Yo noted in print in 1795. It was used in the lifetime publications of A.S. Pushkin and other great Russian writers of the 19th century, the dictionary of V.I. Dahl, alphabet systems L.N. Tolstoy, K.D. Ushinsky. I.I. used this letter in his works. Dmitriev, G.R. Derzhavin, M.Yu. Lermontov, I.I. Kozlov, F.I. Tyutchev, I.I. Lazhechnikov, V.K. Kuchelbecker, I.S. Turgenev, gr. L.N. Tolstoy, K.D. Ushinsky, M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin, A.P. Chekhov and many others. After securing it in seventh place in the Russian alphabet of 33 letters after the reform of 1917-1918, the scope of its application in writing and in print steadily expanded.

Due to the rapid development of typographic activity at the end of the 19th century, the letter Yo began to be replaced from texts by a letter similar in appearance, but completely different E. This phenomenon had an economic justification: the presence of the letter E caused additional material costs in letter or linotype typesetting. Now the presence of letters in the text Yo with computer typing and layout using any typeface and typeface, it does not lead to an increase in printing costs. As the experience of magazines and newspapers has shown, it takes 3-4 months for editors and proofreaders to get used to correcting omissions of this letter.

Nowadays the letter Yo contained in more than 12,500 words, 2,500 surnames of citizens of Russia and the former USSR, thousands of geographical names of Russia and the world, names and surnames of citizens of foreign countries. According to statistics on the occurrence of Russian letters in various texts for the letter Yo the result is below 0.5 percent (less than once per 200 characters).

Russian citizens have problems with documents if in their last name, first name, place of birth, in some cases the letter Yo indicated, but not in others. Problems arise when filling out passports, birth certificates, registering inheritance, transliterating surnames, transmitting telegrams and in a number of other cases. About 3 percent of citizens of the Russian Federation have last names, first names or patronymics that contain the letter Yo, and often the entry in the passport turns out to be distorted. The reason for this is non-compliance with the requirement established by the Rules of Russian Spelling and Punctuation, approved in 1956, to use the letter Yo in cases where a word may be misread. Proper names (surnames, first names, patronymics, geographical names, names of organizations and enterprises) refer precisely to this case. Therefore, the use of the letter Yo in proper names must be indisputable and obligatory.

Depardieu or Depardieu? Richelieu, or maybe Richelieu? Fet or Fet? Where is the universe and where is the universe, which act was perfect and which was perfect? And how to read “Peter the Great” by A.K. Tolstoy, if we don’t know, should there be dots over the e in the sentence: “Under such and such a sovereign, we will rest!”? The answer is not so obvious, and the expression “dot the I” in Russian could well be replaced with “dot the E.”

This letter is replaced by “e” when printed, but is forced to put dots when writing by hand. But in telegrams, radio messages and Morse code it is ignored. It was moved from last to seventh place in the Russian alphabet. And she managed to survive the revolution, unlike, for example, the more ancient “fita” and “izhitsa”.
It goes without saying what difficulties owners of surnames with this letter face at passport offices. And even before the advent of passport offices, there was this confusion - so the poet Afanasy Fet forever remained Fet for us.
Whether this is acceptable or not is for the reader who has read to the end to judge.

Foreign ancestry

The youngest letter of the Russian alphabet “ё” appeared in it on November 29, 1783. It was proposed by Princess Dashkova at a meeting of the Russian Academy to replace the inconvenient combination of IO with a lid, as well as the rarely used signs ьо, їô, ió, io.

The very shape of the letter is borrowed from French or Swedish, where it is a full member of the alphabet, denoting, however, a different sound.
It is estimated that the frequency of occurrence of Russian Yo is 1% of the text. This is not so little: for every thousand characters (about half a page of printed text) there are on average ten “e”.
IN different time were offered different variants transmitting this sound in writing. It was proposed to borrow the symbol from the Scandinavian languages ​​(ö, ø), Greek (ε - epsilon), simplify the superscript symbol (ē, ĕ), etc.

Path to the alphabet

Despite the fact that Dashkova proposed this letter, Derzhavin is considered its father in Russian literature. It was he who was the first to use the new letter in correspondence, and was also the first to type a surname with an “е”: Potemkin. At the same time, Ivan Dmitriev published the book “And My Trinkets”, imprinting all the necessary points in it. But “ё” acquired its final weight after N.M. Karamzin, an authoritative author, in the very first almanac he published, “Aonids” (1796), printed: “dawn”, “eagle”, “moth”, “tears”, as well as the first verb - “drip”. True, in his famous “History of the Russian State” “ё” did not find a place for itself.
And yet, the letter “ё” was in no hurry to be officially introduced into the Russian alphabet. Many were confused by the “shitty” pronunciation, because it was too similar to “servile”, “low”, while the solemn Church Slavonic language prescribed to pronounce (and, accordingly, write) “e” everywhere. Ideas about culture, nobility and intelligence could not come to terms with the strange innovation - two dots above the letter.
As a result, the letter “ё” entered the alphabet only in Soviet times, when no one was trying to show off their intelligence. E could be used in the text or replaced with “e” at the request of the writer.

Stalin and area maps

The letter “e” was looked at in a new way during the war years of the 1940s. According to legend, I. Stalin himself influenced its fate by ordering the mandatory printing of “ё” in all books, central newspapers and maps of the area. This happened because German maps of the area fell into the hands of Russian intelligence officers, which turned out to be more accurate and “meticulous” than ours. Where “yo” is pronounced, in these cards there was “jo” - that is, the transcription was extremely accurate. But on Russian maps the usual “e” was written everywhere, and villages with the names “Berezovka” and “Berezovka” could easily be confused. According to another version, in 1942 Stalin was given an order to sign, in which the names of all generals were written with an “e”. The leader was furious, and the next day the entire issue of the Pravda newspaper was full of superscripts.

The travails of typists

But as soon as control weakened, the texts rapidly began to lose their “e”. Now, in the era of computer technology, it is difficult to guess the reasons for this phenomenon, because they are... technical. On most typewriters there was no separate letter “е”, and typists had to contrive by doing unnecessary actions: type “e”, return the carriage, put a quotation mark. Thus, for each “e” they pressed three keys - which, of course, was not very convenient.
Those who write by hand spoke about similar difficulties, and in 1951 A. B. Shapiro wrote:
“...The use of the letter e to the present day and even in the most last years did not receive any wide circulation in the press. This cannot be considered a random phenomenon. ...The very shape of the letter е (a letter and two dots above it) is undoubtedly difficult from the point of view of the writer’s motor activity: after all, writing this frequently used letter requires three separate techniques (letter, dot and dot), and you need to watch every time so that the dots are symmetrically placed above the letter sign. ...IN common system Russian writing, which has almost no superscripts (the letter y has a simpler superscript than ё), the letter ё is a very burdensome and, apparently, therefore unsympathetic exception.”

Esoteric disputes

The debate about “ё” has not stopped to this day, and the arguments of the parties are sometimes surprising in their unexpectedness. Thus, supporters of the widespread use of this letter sometimes base their argument on... esotericism. They believe that this letter has the status of “one of the symbols of Russian existence,” and therefore rejection of it is disdain for the Russian language and Russia. “A spelling error, a political error, a spiritual and moral error” is what the ardent defender of this letter, writer V. T. Chumakov, chairman of the “Union of Efficiators”, who created him, calls the spelling of e instead of e. Supporters of this point of view believe that 33 - the number of letters of the Russian alphabet - is a sacred number, and “ё” occupies the sacred 7th place in the alphabet.
“And until 1917, the letter Z was blasphemously located in the sacred seventh place of the 35-letter alphabet,” their opponents answer. They believe that the “e” should be dotted only in a few cases: “in cases of possible discrepancies; in dictionaries; in books for Russian language learners (i.e. children and foreigners); for the correct reading of rare toponyms, names or surnames.” In general, these are the rules that now apply to the letter “e”.

Lenin and "yo"

There was special rule about how the middle name of Vladimir Ilyich Lenin should be written. In the instrumental case it was obligatory to write Ilyich, while every other Ilyich of the Soviet Union after 1956 was prescribed to be called only Ilyich. The letter E highlighted the leader and emphasized his uniqueness. Interestingly, in the documents this rule was never canceled.
A monument to this cunning letter stands in Ulyanovsk - the hometown of the “yofikator” Nikolai Karamzin. Russian artists came up with a special icon - “epyrite” - to mark official publications, and Russian programmers - “etator” - a computer program that automatically places letters with dots in your text.