We grow Anthurium at home - we take care and cherish. Anthurium - "flamingo flower". Growing secrets. Reproduction What does a flamingo flower look like

Do you want to have magic at home? Then Anthurium comes to you, the flower of family happiness and love. Anthurium is a male plant, male happiness, as they called him among the people. In addition to the official name Anthurium, it is also called the Flamingo Flower. Look at the photo of a flamingo. This exquisite bird looks like a flower petal (bedspread). The color of the bedspread depends on the type of plant.

Really looks like a flamingo, right?

There are a lot of Anthurium varieties (there are up to 1000 of them). To make caring for Anthurium at home easy, it is better to dwell on the following types:

One of the most beautiful flowers. The leaves are heart-shaped, velvety, dark green or purple with light streaks that shimmer in the light with a crystal shine. The ear is purple with a purple veil. He came to us from Panama.

Its dark green matte leaves are oblong and have small black spots. A yellow, orange or red ear wraps around a bedspread of the appropriate shade. He comes from Costa Rica.

Anthurium Baker. It has dense leaves with reddish brown dots. The bedspread has a leathery appearance, its color is pale green-yellow with a beautiful lilac outline. The ear is creamy. His homeland is Guatemala.

It has such a name because of the unusual shape of the leaves with a dissected shape with a wavy edge. Bedspread in cream shade with a green-beige ear. This flower was born in the north of Peru.

This plant has heart-shaped, shiny green leaves. The bedspread is characterized by a tuberosity of a white or red shade with a cream or red cob. This indoor Anthurium comes from Ecuador.

Anthurium blooms all year round, its flowers can retain their original appearance for 2 months, and cut flowers can be fragrant in water for up to 4 weeks. The unique aroma of Anthurium can change during the day, and apparently depends on the mood of the flower. If you take proper care of him, his "mood" will be excellent all year round.

The soil

Freshly bought Anthurium is needed immediately transplant into the prepared soil. And this is not an ordinary land, but a special one substrate... To grow it properly, use the following recipes:

  • Peat, chopped moss and turf soil (2: 2: 1 ratio)
  • Deciduous soil (humus), chopped bog moss and turf (2: 1: 1 ratio)
  • Pumice 1-3 cm pieces, pine bark pieces 2-5 cm in size, peat and horse manure (proportion 2: 2: 1: 1)
  • Large expanded clay, peat and pine bark in pieces of 2-3 cm (proportion 1: 1: 1)

Plant transplant substrate.

Bone meal, moss, charcoal, wood chips can be added to the prepared substrates. But do not rush everything to fall asleep in pots.

For a capricious Anthurium, plastic pots are needed, shallow and wide.

Successful flower cultivation is possible only with good drainage, as it absorbs excess water and does not allow roots to rot. It can be a mixture of sand, charcoal and coniferous bark. Place it on the bottom of the pot and fill it with the substrate.


Top dressing from March to September once in two weeks... You don't need to fertilize in winter. To do this, use a mixture of humus and cow dung. Or buy fertilizers (but cut the dose by half according to the instructions). You can also water the flower with infusion of chicken droppings once a week.

“I feed him with iron (Ferrovit) and Kemira Lux,” our reader writes in her comments, “there are no pests at all, only the scabbard, which I got rid of with Aktara. My beauties delight me with flowering all year round! "


You can successfully grow a flower at t 20-28 ° C in summer and winter at t 18-20 ° C. Protect the plant from drafts and hot batteries.

- home doctor on your windowsill. Which species are medicinal and which are just decorative? How to grow and propagate it correctly?

If you have a monstera in your house, you will probably be interested in how to properly care for her so that she always has an elegant look. Read more about this.

By the way: if you offer Anthurium from September to January a dormant period (keep at t 15-16 ° C and limit watering), then it will bloom more actively. In January, gradually increase the temperature to 20-25 ° C, and then the plant will bloom earlier.

With a prolonged decrease in temperature, it does not bloom at all.


Need watering moderate and regular... Make sure that the soil does not dry out completely, you need to water when the top of the soil has time to dry out.

  • Water the flower every 3-4 days in summer.
  • In winter, once a week

Need water boil and stand... Indoor Anthurium loves water, so wipe its leaves with a damp sponge. But don't touch the branches! Water can stain them. After watering, remove excess water from the sump.

This is what the seeds of this flower look like.


The plant loves penumbra so try to keep it away from direct sunlight. The most a good place for a flower - windows located in the east and northwest. On the north window, it will also survive, but it will not bloom. If there is not enough light for it, Anthurium does not bloom, and its leaves are deformed.

Lovers of conifers have long appreciated the excellent qualities - it easily tolerates a haircut, is not too whimsical, it has many decorative varieties that delight the eye even in the most severe winters.

Do you want to have a constantly fresh fragrant bouquet at home? Plant an azalea at home!


Anthurium transplant occurs from February to August... Just be careful - the leaves and roots are fragile. Young Anthurium needs to be transplanted annually, as soon as the pot becomes small for him. And more mature plants every 3-4 years. Always renew the soil and compact with this procedure.


Why not transplant anthurium into a pot that is too large? How to properly spray a plant?


Reproduction of Anthurium occurs in three ways:

Friendly shoots appeared from the sown seeds.

  1. Division. In late spring, carefully separate a few side shoots from the mother stem, and transplant them into a separate pot.
  2. Cuttings. You need to cut off a part of the stem with roots, cut the bottom into 5-10cm pieces and plant in a small bowl under glass. After 2-3 weeks, fresh roots will appear. We transplant them into the ground.
  3. The flower propagates by pollination (apply pollen from one flower to another with a soft brush). This needs to be done for several days. In a year there will be berries with seeds. Remove the seeds and immerse them in a weak manganese solution for 2 hours. To grow them, place the seeds in a bowl on top of a damp foam sponge and cover with glass. After two weeks, they can be transferred to a container with a substrate. Sprouted seeds need to be transplanted 2-3 times. When the sprouts are 7 cm tall, plant them in pots. The first flowering will be after 4 years.

“Together with my daughter, we artificially propagated Anthurium. We wielded a soft brush and chose larger flowers, - our reader writes to us, - and soon we were picking beautiful burgundy berries. I immediately warned my daughter to be careful, because Anthurium juice is poisonous and can cause allergies, so she worked with gloves. After washing, we put the seeds in moss and a plastic bag. Our seeds germinated after 3 months and we transplanted them into a pot. Now we already have three Anthuriums! "

Possible problems

Anthracnose on the leaf, it's time to apply fungicides.

If you notice:

  • Yellow spots on shriveled leaves. Here the aphid tried. Apply tobacco infusion to the affected areas
  • Sticky discharge on the leaves, this is the matter of the scale insect. Treat the leaves with karbofos. Karbofos helps to destroy mealybugs (they are clearly visible on all parts of the plant)
  • The leaf turns yellow and curls- too dry air, draft or direct sunlight
  • Leaves dry around the edges is the result of Anthracnose disease. Here, systemic fungicide treatment is necessary.

“I was very upset when I saw dried leaves on one of the flowers! I have two Anthuriums and the second was fine. I didn't understand what was the matter when my grandfather came to the rescue. He began to put the used teabags in the pot. And what do you think? Somewhere in a month my Anthurium came to life! " - our reader writes to us.

We carefully store all the reviews, by the way, much of this article is written on the basis of letters in which our readers tell us about the care of this delicate, exotic plant!

The exotic plant anthurium, with brightly colored flower bedspreads, symbolizes the masculine principle. It is also called the flower of love or the flower of the flamingo, probably for the gracefulness of forms and the inherent nobility of a bird.

In homes, anthurium is rare - it is not easy to grow it indoors. Due to the fact that the plant is very capricious, only professional experienced florists can afford it. It takes a lot of effort to grow it, but it's worth it.

This genus has about 900 species, but most of them are intended for cultivation only in heated greenhouses or florariums.

Irina 07/31/2015 03:14

I quote Anna:

hello, tell me please, everything seems to be nothing, only my flower doesn't want to bloom. He's already 2 years old.

Hello Anna. Among the most famous mistakes that lead to the absence of inflorescences in anthurium are the following:

1. Lack of bright diffused light. Direct rays are detrimental to both the stems and the leaves and flowers of the plant. But the lack of light is not the most the best solution... During the upcoming flowering period, artificial lighting can be added to support the anthurium.

2. High temperatures during the winter. The laying of buds is stimulated, first of all, by the wintering period with a temperature of 15-16 ° C. A frequent mistake is to continue maintaining the air temperature at 20-22 ° C.

3. Problems with watering. Drying out of the soil or, on the contrary, stagnant water leads to withering of the anthurium. If the plant does not choose water during regular watering, then you should think about transplanting. Most likely, the matter is in the low drainage height in the flower pot or the low quality of the soil. Until the issue with the soil is resolved, it is unlikely that it will be possible to establish watering in the required mode.

4. Low humidity... Anthurium, by its tropical origin, loves high humidity, so they do not like dry air.

5. Finding faded inflorescences on the plant. Anthurium inflorescences, which have faded, begin to form seeds, weakening the plant. To support further flowering, each inflorescence that begins to fade should be cut with a sharp knife or garden shears.

Indoor flower anthurium: not everyone knows how to care. This is a test for the true grower, but it can be passed with dignity with proper preparation.

In our cattery you can buy such a wonderful indoor plant like anthurium. It can be bought to decorate a room, or you can buy it as a gift. A feature of this plant is long flowering (almost all year round) and excellent decorativeness not only of flowers, but also of leaves. That is why anthuriums can increasingly be seen not only in the home, but also in the office interior.
Anthurium grows in warm and humid climates, therefore, in addition to heat and water, the plant also loves humid tropical air (spray only the air next to the plant).
Young rooted anthurium seedlings require periodic replanting into a larger pot (once a year).
All flowers presented in our catalog (except for one Scherzer anthurium) belong to the Andre anthurium species.

Anthurium Andre red (Anthurium Karma Red)

The most common and widespread type of anthurium is the red Andre Anthurium. Anthurium varieties red (Anthurium Karma Red) attracts with its brightness and energy. It is good to use it as a gift for a loved one.
Catalog number - 1.

Anthurium Black Love

A very attractive anthurium variety. The translation of the name of this anthurium variety means black love. A good choice for a gift to a man.
Catalog number - 2.

A video of the flowering of this anthurium variety has appeared on our YouTube channel.

Anthurium Dynamite Red

Anthurium is sometimes called male happiness. Anthurium Dynamite Red has the shape of a flower of a very famous flamingo variety. The bright red color of the curved bedspread and the yellow rod (flower) looks very impressive in both home and office environments.
Not available.

Anthurium Princess Alexia Mint belongs to large varieties of anthurium, its bush at the height of its growth reaches 80 cm. Anthurium Princess Alexia Mint is a rather rare and very beautiful variety of anthurium of the Princess Alexia series. You can buy a delen or a baby of this anthurium, but be sure to make an application in advance, this variety reproduces very poorly and is quickly sold out.
Catalog number - 3.

Video from the series - Flowers of rare varietal large anthuriums. Anthurium Princess Alexia Mint.

Anthurium Flamingo Pink

The delicate pink color of the bedspread and the dark juicy purple color of the cob (flower) distinguish this type of anthurium. Probably everyone will like this combination of colors. So such a flower can be safely used as a gift.
Not available.

Video of the anthurium Flamingo Pink blooming in the midst of flowering, in summer.

Anthurium Princess Amalia Elegance

Anthurium Princess Amalia Elegance has a bright pink bedspread with red veins. The tip of the coverlet is red, twisted downwards. The bedspread itself also collapses over time. The ear of anthurium is pink, evenly colored.
Catalog number - 4.

Anthurium Jaguar Green

Anthurium Jaguar Green stands out among the many varieties of anthuriums. The rich lettuce color of the bedspread with pink veins and the core is a very unusual color combination, rarely found in nature.
Catalog number - 5.

Watch a short video of this wonderful anthurium variety and you will definitely want to buy it.

Anthurium Maxima Violeta

Do you need an unusual attractive anthurium flower? Anthurium maxima violeta is the best choice.
Not available.

Anthurium Sweet Dream

Anthurium Sweet Dream translates to sweet dream. Probably, only the most beautiful variety of anthurium can have such a name. Whether it is so or not is up to you.
Catalog number - 6.

Anthurium Fiorino (purple)

Anthurium Fiorino is one of the most beloved and popular varieties of anthuriums. The magnificent and luxurious appearance of this flower is simply unrepeatable.
Catalog number - 7.

Watch the video of the blooming anthurium Fiorino, and you will be convinced of it.

Anthurium Princess Alexia Mozaik

The long and beautiful name Anthurium Princess Alexia Mosaic, like nothing else, perfectly characterizes this extraordinary flower.
Not available.

If you liked this anthurium variety, you can watch a short video of the flowering bush Alexia Mozaik on our YouTube channel.

Anthurium Prince Of Orange

Anthurium Prince Of Orange has a rare orange shade of bedspread. The light green ear has a yellow top.
Catalog number - 8.

In this video, you can appreciate the beauty of the Prince Orange anthurium flower in detail. Subscribe to my channel and you will be aware of all the new products.

Anthurium Pink Pandola

Anthurium Pink Pandola will become one of the main decorations of your room. Buy a rooted sapling of the plant, and after a year this sprout will turn into a rather large bush.
Catalog number - 9.

Anthurium White

This type of anthurium has a white veil at the height of flowering. When flowering comes to an end, the bedspread changes its color to a gentle green color.
The catalog number is 10.

Anthurium Princess Ariane Purple

Anthurium Princess Ariana has a medium-sized bedspread of deep purple color. The ear of this anthurium variety is also purple.
Not available.

Anthurium Karma Purple

Anthurium Anthurium Karma Violet has a medium-sized bedspread with a deep purple color. The ear of this anthurium variety is also deeply purple in color.
Catalog number - 11.

Anthurium white Simba (Anthurium Simba)

Anthurium Simba is distinguished by its unusual color of the bedspread. White bedspread with a bright green border with a yellow ear (flower).
Not available.

Anthurium Vanilla (Lime) (Lime / Vanilla Anthurium)

Anthurium Vanilla (Lime) (Lime / Vanilla Anthurium) is a compact and cute variety of anthurium. If you love growing anthuriums, be sure to buy such an anthurium. Its pleasant color of the bedspread will delight you for many months.
The catalog number is 12.

Anthurium Sweet Heart Pink

Anthurium Sweet Heart (Beloved) purple has not only the original name, but an unusual pink bedspread with a bright green border. The ear of this anthurium variety is also pink in color.
The catalog number is 13.

Scherzer's Anthurium

Anthurium Scherzerianum Amaretti.

Scherzer's anthurium with an orange flower (monochromatic, without specks).

There are few varieties of Anthurium Schercera in our nursery, there is a variety Amaretti, (speckled), there are red, orange varieties. Although there are not so many varieties of anthurim Scherzer as among the anthurims of Andre, many lovers of anthuriums dream of having this type of anthuriums in their collection.
Catalog number - 14.

Anthurium Pink Fever

Anthuriums differ not only in the color of the bedspread and the cob, the height of the bush, the size of the leaves, the number of flowering cobs. One of the main differences is the shape of the bract leaf (veil). The pink anthurium leaf Pink Fever has a narrow, elongated, twisted shape (ribbon shape). A small flower of this anthurium variety is compensated by their abundance on the bush, up to 10 pieces.
The catalog number is 15.

Anthurium Alabama Pink - (Anthurium Alabama Pink)

Anthurium Alabama Pink - (Anthurium Alabama Pink) has a solid pink bedspread and a green ear with a yellow top.
Not available.

Video of blooming anthurium Alabama Pink.

Anthurium Black Beauty

Anthurium Black Beauty is one of the most spectacular anthurium varieties. Black anthurium flowers are quite rare and are highly prized by anthurium lovers. Unlike the Black Queen anthurium with a rounded bedspread, Black Beauty has a pointed bedspread and a small black ear.
Not available.

Anthurium video Black Beauty.

Anthurium Flamingo Orange

This anthurium variety is distinguished by its large flower and leaves. An unusual combination of orange and green color distinguishes this flower from other anthuriums. In the midst of flowering, this large anthurium bush, decorated with five or six flowers, looks very impressive.
Not available.

Anthurium Pink Joli

Anthurium Joli Pink (Anthurium Joli Pink) stands out among other varieties not only by the unusual shape of the bedspread, but also by the color. The flower is pink with a green border at the base. The bedspread is elongated and curved, ribbon-shaped.
Not available.

Anthurium Princess Alexia Snow

Anthurium Princess Alexia Snow is a narrow-leaved species of anthurium with a white veil and a lilac cob. The white bedspread has a slight shade of lilac too, and the ear, on the contrary, has white areas. A very spectacular and beautiful anthurium variety.
Not available.

Anthurium Pink Explosion has an unusual elongated and curved shape of a soft pink bedspread.
Not available.

Anthurium Rainbow Champion

Anthurium Rainbow Champion is an extraordinarily beautiful new kind of anthurium.
Blooming in a pot, the diameter of the pot is 14 cm. From 1600 rubles.

Video of Rainbow Champion Anthurim flowers in different phases of their flowering.

Anthurium Adios Romance (Anthurium Adios Romance)

Anthurium Adios Romance (Anthurium Adios Romance) is not a new variety, but this handsome man appeared in our collection quite recently. On our YouTube channel there is a video of this wonderful anthurium blooming.
Blooming in a pot, pot diameter 17 cm, from 1800 rubles.

Video of flowers anthurim Adios Romance.

Anthurium Livium (Livium) is a novelty that has recently appeared on the market. It is impossible to convey the beauty of this anthurium using a photo. You need to see him in order to immediately be enchanted by this beauty.
Blooming in a pot, pot diameter 14 cm, from 2000 rubles.

Video of blooming anthurium Anthurium Livium (Livium).

Anthurium Baby Purple

Anthurium Baby Purple has recently appeared in the collection of anthuriums of one of the nurseries. Is not big size bush, but it is distinguished by abundant flowering, 5 - 7 flowers, at least. Its second difference is the shape of the bedspread, elongated and noticeably narrowed towards the end. Well, the third difference is the color of the bedspread and the cob (in fact, this is the flower). It is not easy to find such a unique beauty of anthurium. By the way, Baby Purple is difficult to translate literally into Russian, one of possible options- Pink as a baby.
Blooming in a pot, pot diameter 12 cm, from 1300 rubles.

Anthurium Joli Peach

Anthurium Joli Peach (Anthurium Joli Peach) stands out among other varieties not only by the unusual shape of the bedspread, but also by the color. Peach blossom with a green border at the base. The blanket of elongated and curved shape creates the feeling that this is a knight's flag waving in the wind.
Blooming in a pot, pot diameter 12, from 1400 rubles.

Watch the video of Jolie peach anthurium bloom.

Buy one blooming Anthurium, depending on the variety and age of the flower, can range from 600 to 700 rubles.
A rooted shoot (baby) of anthurium can be bought from 350 rubles.
If the cost of the ordered indoor flowers (plants) is 3000 rubles and more, then we add one plant for free.
The minimum amount for any purchase is 1000 rubles.

We do not send plants by cash on delivery!

For the presence of anthuriums in our nursery, see the section "Catalog of anthuriums".

When choosing anthuriums, instead of the name, you can indicate the number of the flower in the photo.

How to make an application for the purchase of anthuriums

It is advisable to send the application in writing by mail [email protected]
We can accept an application by phone 89379684236 (Megafon) from 10.00 to 20.00 (Moscow time).

In the application, indicate the names (or numbers) of the selected anthuriums and the desired price of the plant (size of the cut).
In the letter you must indicate your full name, postal address with zip code and mobile phone number.
The application is not obligatory for its execution, you can correct (add or remove plants) and even refuse the order.
Please note that the number of some varieties of anthuriums is limited.
After receiving the application, we will contact you by phone, clarify the details of the order, cost, delivery. After agreeing on the order, we will inform the details for payment (only 100% prepayment) and send your plants by Russian mail, starting from mid-April until autumn, depending on the region. The average daily temperature should be at least plus 10 degrees.

Other plants:

We place all children of anthuriums in a temporary pot (plastic glass), so the anthurium bought from us needs to be transplanted into a permanent pot after receiving the parcel. Watch the video, it clearly shows how to do this.

Have you bought anthurium seedlings from our nursery? Be sure to read this material. In this article you will find a description of anthurium and recommendations for care and cultivation, transplanting them at home.

Anthuriums: Andre, Khrustalny, Scherzer. Description and cultivation of these three main types of indoor anthuriums at home.

Anthurium flower has a second name for male happiness. How to grow anthurium at home. Flower photo, description, care, transplant.

In this article you will find a description of the abutilon plant and recommendations on how to grow and propagate indoor maple at home.

In our nursery you can buy indoor hibiscus of different varieties. Hibiscus seedlings are sold as rooted cuttings.

Description of the most popular types of clematis. Recommendations an experienced gardener for planting, growing and caring for clematis.

Rooted hibiscus stalk (depending on the variety) - from 300 to 500 rubles.
Blooming hibiscus seedling - 600 rubles.

If you are tired of the boring flowers that fill your home, we suggest you pay attention to the plant called the flamingo. This is a vibrant tropical plant that will not leave you indifferent.

Flamingo flower care

In general, the optimal temperature for the culture is 20-25 degrees. In summer, it is not recommended to put flamingos in the open sun, since the delicate leaves of the plant are not used to direct sunlight and can quickly burn themselves. It is better to set aside a place for the plant in partial shade. In winter, the culture falls into a semi-hibernation, however, it is extremely dangerous for the plant to lower the temperature below 15 degrees.

Anthurium is very fond of high air humidity - this means that the leaves must be regularly sprayed or wiped with a wet sponge. Place the pot in a tray on top of damp moss. If you cover the stems with the same moss, the adventitious roots will grow intensively.

The most comfortable summer temperature is 20-28 ° C. In winter, this level is much lower - 15-16 ° C. In order for the plant to bloom profusely, a temperature of 16-18 ° C must be provided in March-April. Subject to all the rules of care, the flower can bloom all summer long.

In spring and summer, a period of growth begins, at this time feed your pet every 15 days with organic fertilizers, which should alternate with a solution of mineral fertilizers. If the plant has just been transplanted, then feeding is contraindicated for it.

The transplant is carried out every year in the spring (when the base becomes more than 25 cm wide, it will need to be transplanted twice less often). At the same time, the soil is made up of a small amount of sand, humus and sod land. The best option is when the substrate is loose, breathable.

There are several ways to reproduce anthurium:

Lateral shoots that have independent roots;

Stem and apical cuttings;

The video has been deleted.

Seeds (sowed at 25 ° C, germinates after a few months).

No cropping is needed.

Possible problems

If the tips of the leaves turn black, then there is an excess of calcium in the soil. Please note that you must use soft water for irrigation.

Leaves curl - usually the reason is either dry air, or direct sunlight, or insufficient lighting, or the fact that the plant is standing in a draft.

The atrium sometimes suffers from aphids, which accumulate on young inflorescences and shoots. To eliminate this phenomenon, in the summer, every month for prevention, the plant is sprayed with solutions that prevent the appearance and activity of aphids. In addition, the atrium can be affected by scale insects and thrips.

The latter are especially dangerous, because they multiply very quickly, and considerable efforts will be required to destroy them.

Scherzer's Anthurium is an exotic plant that is native to South America. He was nicknamed the flamingo in ancient times. And all because the cob of the plant is very similar in shape to the neck of a flamingo. Be that as it may, this name is quite suitable for this exotic, which in our latitudes evokes the same wild and vivid emotions as the flamingo bird.

In total, the anthurium plant has about six hundred species, which are very similar to each other, and almost all of them are a compact plant with a thin trunk and large leaves of an original shape. Usually the leaves of the plant have a glossy finish and look very festive and exotic, however, main feature the plants are still its flowers, which most often have a bright red color and an unusual shape. In general, anthurium inflorescences can be white, pink, and even yellow, but most often there are plants with bright red inflorescences.

The most popular indoor type of anthurium is Andre's anthurium, but today we will talk about Scherzer's anthurium, which is unique in its shape, thanks to which the plant was called flamingo. This culture is a rather large flower, which in indoor conditions reaches a height of 30 cm or more. Tall hybrids, which were recently bred, are capable of growing up to a height of 50-60 cm, however, miniature dwarf flamingos can also be found on sale, which are no more than 15 cm high.

One of the main distinguishing features of the flamingo flower is the number and size of the plant's inflorescences. The flowers of the culture reach a fairly large size and stand out strongly against the background of green foliage. That is why during the flowering period, which, by the way, lasts for a plant for several months, the culture looks extremely attractive and becomes a decoration of the whole house.

Flamingo flower care

Like all exotic plants, the flamingo plant requires careful care and special conditions for growth. First of all, the culture requires compliance with a strict temperature regime and maintaining high humidity in the room. Anthurium does not tolerate drafts at all, especially in winter, so forget about airing if the plant is placed on a window in the cold season. However, the flamingo flower is even more afraid of sudden changes in temperature. For this reason, it is not advisable to leave it on the balcony at night, even in the warm season. As for winter, in the case of a cold window, you should not place a delicate tropical plant there. It will only suffer and often get sick.

Anthurium red, the Latin name Anthúrium is a representative of the aroid family. The plant is found in South and Central America, Colombia and Ecuador.

The first species of this flower was described by the Belgian scientist J. Linden, who named it in honor of the French naturalist Edouard André. The plant got to Russia in 1886.

People call him:

Anturim red is considered the flower of family happiness, as it creates harmony and stability in relationships. They call him a symbol of male happiness, because they consider him capable of attracting male energy to the house of unmarried women. With the manifestation of masculine power, they compare the petals in the form of a heart with a ponytail sticking out in the middle.

This fast growing perennial plant has tough petiolate leaves. The surface is:

  • matte;
  • glossy;
  • leathery.

The edges of the leaves are lobed or whole. Small flowers are collected in inflorescences, the base of which is decorated with bracts of various sizes. The flower has a curious feature - the leaves turn to follow the sun..

Can I keep it at home?

Anthurium red should be placed high in the house so that children and animals do not get it. The point is in the poisonous substances contained in the leaves, which, if not tried, are not dangerous. Otherwise, they can irritate the mucous membranes.

People who are allergic to odors should choose an odorless look. The roots can also cause allergies.

There is no more danger from anthurium, there is only benefit, since the plant:

  • absorbs odors that come from plastic;
  • humidifies the air;
  • looks great in a bouquet.

Species with names and photos Anthurium

Andre (Andre)

One of the famous red species is (Anthurium Andre) with heart-shaped leaves and bright red bracts. May bloom for more than 3 months.

Scherzer (scherzerianum Schott)

How to take care at home?

For good development, the flower needs proper care at home.


You can propagate anthurium red:

  • cuttings;
  • seeds;
  • division;
  • shoots.

It is very difficult to propagate a flower by seeds, the easiest way is to divide it. In the spring, with a sharp knife, they carefully separate several shoots along with the roots, not forgetting to process the cut with crushed coal. Then they are planted in another pot. For the method of cuttings, the top of the stem is cut off, which is then rooted in water, but you can immediately plant it in a pot. Roots appear quickly.

Diseases and pests

Anthurium red can get sick:

  • gray rot;
  • septoria;
  • root rot.

Anthracnose is considered the most destructive disease.... The flower can be hit by:

  1. shield;
  2. thrips.

Calla lilies and Spathiphyllium are very similar to anthurium red, in which beautiful green leaves turn white during flowering. The modest gentle spathiphyllum and its picturesque antipode anthurium look great together.

Anthurium Amaretti has a white inflorescence with red spots... Different colors are combined in the bedspread:

  • Red;
  • green;
  • Orange;
  • yellow.

Compact Anthurium Andrianum Edison has wide rich green heart-shaped leaves. In it are tall stalks that rise above the bush. A rounded leathery bedspread surrounds a yellow or white ear.

Short Anthurium Nano Red forms a sprawling shrub with small growth points... It has pointed dark green leaves. The peduncle is straight, towering over the bush. The erect ear has a reddish orange tint. The small heart-shaped bedspread ranges in color from reddish green to crimson.

Useful video

Anthurium red is one of the favorite colors of florists. It is appreciated for its ability to survive in the cut for 21-30 days. This indoor flower makes the atmosphere in the house cleaner. Its dense leaves absorb harmful substances... High humidity, which is necessary for the plant, also brings benefits.

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