Reserve capabilities of the body - Neumyvakin I.P. Neumyvakin. Reserve capabilities of the body Reserve capabilities of the body neumyvakin read

27.10.2022 Materials

The book by leading folk healers of Russia, Professor I.P. Neumyvakin and his wife, is dedicated to the reserve capabilities of our body, which are inherent in it by Nature.

And above all - breathing and consciousness. It turns out that not only do many of us lead an unhealthy lifestyle, but we also breathe incorrectly, which aggravates ill health, but diseases can be dealt with by breathing correctly. And consciousness generally plays a dominant role in the process of human life. You will learn that through consciousness a person can not only be cured, but even restored. previously lost (removed) organs.

In addition, the book explains other important processes of human physiology and provides recommendations for getting rid of diseases and maintaining health. traditional methods and means.


The ancients (Socrates) said: “Know yourself and you will know the whole world.” Unfortunately, with the development of civilization, the creation of an artificial living environment for humans, in violation of the laws of Nature, we have forgotten how to think and take care of our body, both in the physical and spiritual aspects. As you know, preventing a disease is easier than treating it. It is prevention, and not treatment, that is of primary importance for maintaining health, prolonging life and developing creativity each of us.

However, the one-sided process of learning about the world around us is fraught with consequences, first of all, for the person himself. For example, physicists around the world celebrated the so-called victory by creating the Large Hadron Collider. This is a pipe up to 27 km long, located at a depth of 100 m, located between Switzerland and France. A colossal amount of money was spent on this pipe, and all in order to find out how the Universe was created, what served as its beginning: an explosion or something else. They supposedly learn all this with further division of the nucleus (by the way, in Russia there is also a similar device, only of a smaller size). They really want to satisfy their curiosity, but they don’t want to think about the consequences for the entire planet, and possibly the Universe. But mankind, also thanks to the curiosity of scientists, received nuclear missile weapons with a huge destructive collider... And although the scientists who created this super-powerful collider claim that nothing bad will happen during its operation, the Supreme Cosmic Mind has been warning scientists for a long time all countries that this cannot be done.

There are quite a lot of well-known contactees in the world who receive information from “nowhere,” but Lyudmila Stepanovna and I had the good fortune to know one of the few who communicated directly with the Supreme Cosmic Mind.

At one of the International Congresses on Traditional Medicine, a respectable-looking man approached us and introduced himself: “I am Evgeniy Ignatievich Liventsov, and I was sent here to meet you.” When asked who sent him, he answered - the Supreme Cosmic Intelligence (SCR). It turned out that E.I. Liventsov had been receiving information from the Research and Development Committee for a long time regarding the structure of the Universe, the development of humanity in the period 200 thousand years ago and the future of planet Earth. But in a number of cases he needs help in understanding a number of medical and biological issues, and the VKR “recommended” me to him. This is how Lyudmila Stepanovna (my wife) and I began a long-term friendship with this only person on Earth, chosen by the WRC to transmit various information through him. You can read more about this in our book “Universe. Earth. Human. Myths and reality."

More than 10 years have passed, and now, looking through various materials, I find that in August-September 2008, at the International Conference dedicated to the problem of studying Mars SOBRAN, the following was stated: there was, is not and will not be any life on Mars. How happy scientists were in the recent past that water was discovered on Mars. It turns out that this is a fiction. The fact is that if water on Earth is held by a pressure of 1 bar, then on Mars it is only 6 millibars, which is why water instantly turns into gas. There weren’t and aren’t any channels there, just dry screes. Once, scientists published a photograph that looked like a sitting woman (probably waiting for a man to arrive from Earth), which also turned out to be another “lime.” None other than an employee of the Space Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, planetary scientist A. Rodin, spoke about this in his interview. Therefore, I remembered the phrase of the hero of the film “Carnival Night”: “Is there life on Mars, is there life on Mars, science does not know about this”...

If we return to the research that is being carried out at my home Institute of Medical and Biological Problems under the expensive Mars-500 program, we can say the following. Representatives of different countries, and one of the main objectives of these studies is to study the psychological compatibility of members of Martian crews with various ideologies, the genetic component of the nation and other factors. This also reminds me of satisfying the curiosity of scientists at public expense, the costs of which will be thrown away. And here's why. The research is carried out on Earth, and if anything happens during the experiment, the crew member will be provided with immediate assistance. The goals of the experiment are known, the fees are not small, and why not satisfy your curiosity?! But as for flight, the picture is completely different. The goal is clear: to reach Mars, look at it and even visit it, but the end result will be tragic. If a space flight takes place around the Earth, then the astronauts are more or less confident of its successful completion, but a human flight to Mars is generally a dubious adventure, even due to the fact that Mars is 10 times more massive smaller than Earth, which is why there is a very rarefied atmosphere there, unsuitable for life.

On a long-distance space flight to Mars and back at a relatively low speed spaceships It will take about 2 years by earthly standards. On the flight path there will always be only black sky with rarely twinkling stars, constant sensory hunger, monotonous rhythm of life, possible conflicts, especially if there is a woman in the crew. And on Earth there are many people spinning around this experiment, allegedly showing creative activity with the conviction that they are doing the right thing, and taking away huge allocations at the expense of the poor population. I am not against conducting scientific research that would be aimed at creating more favorable conditions for the existence of people on Earth, ensuring their health and revealing their creative potential. But sending people to certain death and not bearing any responsibility for this, as has already happened in our country (which I wrote about), is NONSENSE!

Note. In a number of cases, such as below, the book speaks from one person, but this does not mean that Lyudmila Stepanovna is not behind all this. Working as a radiologist and at the same time as an emergency physician, she long ago realized the ineffectiveness and often helplessness of medicine. As a radiologist, she retired early and turned her attention to eniology. After many courses, having mastered the methods of iridology and dowsing, I realized that any disease begins with a violation of the biofield structure of the body, and I learned how to correct it. She also mastered the method of finding missing people and many other means and methods of traditional folk medicine. She selected materials on many topics for my books and speeches, helped in writing various sections, especially regarding nutrition, the bioenergetic structure of a person... And this book appeared with her direct participation.

And how often, accompanying me to various meetings with eminent people, where the fate of the implementation of my ideas, or just a speech, was decided and knowing my character to tell the hard-hitting truth, I worried, thinking that I wouldn’t return home... Another thing, that Providence was always on our side, and no matter what thorns, intrigues and resistances we encountered in our lives, what we planned was accomplished...

Neumyvakin. Reserve capabilities body. Health tips from professor of medical sciences Neumyvakin I.P. very popular for the common man.

Every person strives to be healthy and live long. The professor's advice is very valuable.

But how to achieve the right lifestyle and longevity. I recorded a short video for myself.

The cause of any disease person, this, only this common cause causes any disease that is different for each person...

Professor of Medical Sciences I.P. Neumyvakin

Hello, dear readers of my blog.

It depends only on ourselves, our lifestyle, our habits and beliefs.

Neumyvakin. Health system.

The system for improving the health of the human body created by Professor of Medical Sciences I.P. Neumyvakin - works and is very popular among the population of the country...

The system for improving the health of the human body created by professor of medicine I.P. Neumyvakin allows us to assert that there are no such diseases, but a condition...

The healing system allows you to cure a person through altered consciousness. If a person’s attention is focused on the backup mechanisms that are inherent in us by nature, and they are an order of magnitude greater than any damaging factors, then the person can be cured...

Just so that a person works out on his own and knows that this is his car and his health depends on him... And the health system sometimes does what official medicine cannot do...

Be it water, clairvoyance, breathing, consciousness, and you can cure a person without drugs...

Book I.P. Neumyvakina How can you use breathing and consciousness to cure a person without drugs...

Melatonin is a growth hormone. Neumyvakin.

This is how the human body is designed to go to bed earlier than 24:00. What happens in the body?

The pancreas should stop working at 21:00 local time. And in the stomach, the digestion of food lasts 1.5 - 2 hours, which means you need to eat your last meal at 18:00 - 19:00 hours, so that by 21:00 the insulin, which is spent on food that has entered the stomach, is released... And at 21:00 :00 hour the pancreas should stop secreting insulin and sleep...

The pancreas passes the baton to the pineal gland, the endocrine gland of the endocrine system, which is located in the head.

The pineal gland - the pineal gland - secretes growth hormone - melatonin - from 11:00 to 3:00 o'clock... That's why you need to go to bed before 12:00. Children grow only at this time.

Growth hormone - MELATONIN - regulates all hormonal activities of all systems of the endocrine system. This is the pacemaker for the work of hormones... Under the influence of lighting, the formation of melatonin in the pineal gland is inhibited.

If we went to bed after 12:00, it means that we went to bed today and got up today... MELATONIN does not work...

If you eat after 19:00 hours and force your stomach to work, insulin is released - the connection with MELATONIN does not work... not today, tomorrow you will get sick. This is a very delicate mechanism. This is very serious for health and there is no other way...

After 19:00 you can drink from plants, fermented milk products, an apple with skin... Each apple contains a daily dose of iodine in the seeds; there are many different vitamins and amino acids in the core and greens of the apple.

Break the apple with the skin and tail into a blender and eat. Eat one apple a day and extend your life by 3 years...

Hydrogen peroxide heals. Neumyvakin.

Hydrogen peroxide treats serious illnesses:

  • Parkinson's, multiple sclerosis... after 2 - 3 months, hydrogen peroxide cures such patients...
  • Heart attacks,
  • strokes,
  • gangrene,
  • trophic ulcers
  • and other serious diseases that official medicine does not treat either in Russia or abroad...

saves hydrogen peroxide intravenously or through a blood transfusion system.

Hydrogen peroxide - . Cells of the immune system secrete hydrogen peroxide inside the body. If the body did not produce hydrogen peroxide, we would not survive... Sick people have almost no hydrogen peroxide in the body. It needs to be introduced into the body.

Our consciousness heals. Neumyvakin.

A lot depends on our consciousness... whether we want to be healthy and will be healthy or not... Relying on doctors and medicine is stupid... We must firmly tell ourselves about recovery - I want, I will, I will have to improve and work on myself... and that’s all will come, this is a universal law...

A methodology has been developed for training young clairvoyants and after 1.5 - 2 months of training, young people become clairvoyant and see everything that is happening in a person at the genetic level...

Each organism contains an information matrix for each organ, this information is embedded in the gene structure... In case of illness of any organ, an effect is carried out at the gene level on the matrix and the organ begins to recover... in other cases, when an organ (kidney) is removed, a new one grows... no need for stem cells cells, we have everything there in our body...

Methods of healing from Ivan Pavlovich Neumyvakin - professor of medical sciences, valuable and necessary recommendations for everyone to improve the health of our body without drugs. Brief notes

Neumyvakin Ivan Pavlovich, Neumyvakina Lyudmila Stepanovna


Myths and reality

This book is not a textbook on medicine; all recommendations given in it should be used only after consultation with your doctor.

Neumyvakin Ivan Pavlovich , Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor. Full member of the international academies of Mercy, Informatization, Energy and Information Sciences, European and Russian Academies of Natural Sciences, Medical and Technical Sciences. State Prize Laureate, Honored Inventor

Russia. Since 1959, for 30 years, he has been involved in space medicine: the development of methods and means of providing medical care to astronauts during flights of various durations. For his personal contribution to the development of traditional folk medicine, the World Health Organization, with the support of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation, was awarded the International Prize “Profession is Life” and awarded the Order “For Honor, Valor, Creation, Mercy.” For his contribution to the patriotic movement, charitable activities and restoration of Orthodox shrines, he was awarded the Russian Orthodox Church Order of the Holy Blessed Prince Daniel Moscow III degrees. He was awarded the honorary title “Master of Science and Practice” and “Person of Russia”.

Neumyvakina Lyudmila Stepanovna is one of the leading traditional healers in Russia, Master of Traditional Medicine. For the development of new technologies and their introduction into the practice of traditional folk medicine, she was awarded the highest order of the Star of Elizabeth by the European Academy of Natural Sciences (Hannover), of which she is a full member.

According to the authors, the future of medicine lies in a combination of traditions accumulated by official and traditional medicine, and the unity of physical and spiritual world person. The book introduces readers to how, with the help of natural factors and the body’s reserve capabilities, including breathing and consciousness, which are always stronger than any damaging factors, to get rid of existing ones, as well as prevent the occurrence of possible diseases, and most importantly - without the use of chemical drugs.

The same... professor Neumyvakin

Dear Ivan Pavlovich!

My 30 years of experience as a cardiac surgeon today allowed me to question what I did as a specialist. With your hydrogen peroxide, you opened my eyes to the illiteracy of medicine today, which has forgotten the basics of physiology. I have no doubt that it was precisely inquisitive people like you who could, in a short time, do everything possible to ensure flights into space. I’ll give an example about the quality of hydrogen peroxide.

They brought the patient with extensive heart attack the posterior wall of the left ventricle with all the symptoms of an extremely serious condition, from which, in my opinion, there was no way out. Since I was impressed by your book about peroxide, I decided to immediately inject a 0.15% peroxide solution using a syringe, and after 10–15 minutes dynamics began to appear. As a result, after 1–2 days the patient was discharged in the absence of any abnormalities in the functioning of the heart, and, surprisingly, after 3 months, during a control examination, there were no scar changes on the heart. Not to mention the fact that obliterating endarteritis with gangrenous manifestations, strokes with extremely severe forms can be successfully treated with hydrogen peroxide, both separately and in combination with drug therapy. To protect yourself from possible consequences(which, in principle, cannot be when working with hydrogen peroxide) in the medical history I write that I administer glucose to such patients, but in fact I administer peroxide, both intravenously and intraarterially, according to the scheme you propose, and today I I pull out patients who were previously sent to the morgue...

I am well aware that official medicine will never give official status to peroxide for such use, because the pharmaceutical mafia simply will not allow it: with some penny means to replace a developed industry that makes a huge business out of the misfortune of the sick!

A low bow to you and success to you in your field of disseminating your findings that there really are no such diseases as hypertension, diabetes, but there is a condition that characterizes the disease of the whole organism, which must be restored using the reserve mechanisms inherent in it.