Third World War and its possible consequences for humanity. Ten signs of approaching the Third World War, the reason for the beginning of 3 World War

29.03.2021 Electrician

Looking around our past, it is impossible not to think about the beginning of the Third World War. At the moment, such an opportunity, as the reasons for such a turn in history, remains only an assumption. However, it is very interesting to know what can lead to such an expert and analysts.

According to experts, the conflict may arise between states with nuclear weapons. And the reason will not be their military power or any conflict. The reason can be the incorrect operation of the nuclear weapon management system. Suppose nuclear missiles may be launched on a non-nuclear attack. Thus, the reason will serve as a technical failure. Experts see the way out of such a situation in the division of nuclear and other weapons, as well as in the equipment of satellite with technologies that allow all nuclear attacks.

Now it is worthwhile to figure out the behavior of the powers themselves, having such weapons. But it is about the United States. After Donald Trump became President of America, a statement about the possibility of the beginning of the Third World War was very frequent. Here the opinions of analysts are divided into several scenarios.

According to one scenario, Montenegro can be the cause of world war. This opinion is held by Trump. According to him, this small country can provoke very serious consequences. Due to the fact that Montenegro is part of NATO, it will be rendered military support from the allies. Thus, a large-scale international conflict may occur. The US President stressed that he would refuse to help Montenegro, but at the moment can not affect it. An Iranian conflict can serve as a reason for the start of hostilities. Again, the topic of nuclear cooperation between Iran and the United States is addressed. Therefore, the theme of weapons and cooperation of countries remains also relevant.

Previously, the hypothesis was already nominated that the Third World War will go through with the use of nuclear weapons. It was assumed that events would develop very rapidly. It would take only a few minutes to exercise a destructive attack. About the consequences it is better not to think. It is worth emphasizing that at the moment there are no options for protection against this kind of attack. Therefore, states that have nuclear weapons in their armament still do not rush to apply it. Indeed, later, the state will not be able to protect against the response.

At the moment, at the moment, at least somehow secure yourself from nuclear attack for the state is to place economically important objects underground. It is quite difficult to implement. Therefore, there are only the most important defense objects. Also, do not forget that all the same defense systems can reduce damage from such bombing. Do not forget that the consequences of the nuclear explosion will be global. They will affect climate change and ecology. You can only assume the severity of the consequences of a nuclear attack. Definitely, such an event will affect the entire planet.

Some experts suggest that all events in the international political arena are part of the scenario of the beginning of the Third World War. We, ordinary citizens, unknown, what plans are the heads of the strongest powers of the world. It is clear that no one wants to face another world war. Everything else, technology has now reached considerable heights, and it is incomprehensible than it turns out for all of us.

About the third world says a lot from the moment the second is completed. For the people "Three" magic digit.
Previously it was assumed that the World War would begin between the two global empires, the most accurate systems.
But were there any causes and prerequisites of the conflict? Before the decay of the USSR, the restraining factors underlined the basis of the world order and enhanced by the factor of a possible nuclear apocalypse.

Are there any causes of the Third World War now?

Who needs war and why? Probably, the war would not prevent the United States, this country would have proven on it, as always and would strengthen his hegemony. However, the States cannot start this war for various reasons. The United States even can hardly provoke it. But it will probably be to promote the development of the situation and will probably be for obvious beneficiaries.

Recall what the prerequisites of the wars are. Whatever they say, but the main reason for expansion is the economy or otherwise, the redistribution of global goods and resources.
What is missing by the states for what to fight? Yes, they have everything, they are so global empire. Maybe they want to protect and cause a proactive blow? I think this is not for them.

America is profitable to wait for a fire and take the "landing" participation in its extinguishing and get all the bonuses from it. Well, it can accelerate the development of the situation for their debts will affect their position sooner or later. Yes, and the basis of the domination may be shaken. This is facilitated by the global economic crisis, coming out of which and can serve as war and a new world order, which will create winners.

Who to fight? Of course with Russia, many will say. Is not a fact. What is China worse? Also a competitor.
There is an assumption that these three to fight will not be for the victory, it will not be careful by an expensive price!
It is easier to divide the world, which is partly done, for which all these events in Ukraine.
Suppose the US will go to war in the Russian Federation, what options?

1) China neutral. The PRC is a beneficiary, he will become Gegemon. Who needs it?
2) China with Russia - Bipolar World without the United States, without options ...
3) China with states - unlikely, and the defeated Russia will simply undermine all charges even on its territory. Again there will be dinosaurs to dominate the ground.

All three options do not need anyone. So, wars will not? And from where then the world's subconscious premonition? Partly this fear of her. But there are also prerequisites - this is a global, systemic crisis that began in 2008. He was not resolved and is unlikely to be resolved without the transformation of the world redistribution system.
Well, what about the section of the world about which I said above? And the world wants to share it? This is the problem and the cause of possible wars.
The crisis is that the post-industrial economy did not take place the same utopia at the present stage as communism.
Another crisis is that the society of high consumption culture is not possible to create in a separate country or in a group of countries, the rest of the world does not want to pay it all.
Everything is more difficult becoming a "civilized world" to make social tensions for parental brackets. The voltage on the periphery becomes a problem and terrorism - its disposal. Longer terror will be becoming more organized and inevitably ever become nuclear.
And if someone, somehow unite some idea part of the world, not deprived of resources, but by a dominant distribution system?

Such force may be religious force, and the idea can be the idea of \u200b\u200ba fair (divine) distribution.
Islamic world has all the prerequisites for the war, which were at the time at the instigator of the previous world wars. The Muslim world is suitable for the table of capitalist dishes and places behind it are also busy.
Of course, Islam needs to overcome the internal contradictions that he will try not to make it, but IHIL is trying and this is not so incredible.
Perhaps the next Islamic revolution and the next coup in Pakistan will occur in Iran. In Egypt, a twist situation.
Semites (Arabs) are able to lead a secret struggle and possibly in Asia there are ready-made organizations, there are no self-showing itself (mimicarizing to the pore). There may be a secret recruitment of the fifth Islamic column, future collaborators.
Of course, the main enemy of Islam considers the United States and not at all. But America overseas and need resources to get it and at least neutralize.
These resources (intercontinental) have in China and the Russian Federation. Like Hitler at one time, ISHIL will have to attack Russia because of resources for war. They will be nuclear weapons by that time, although not enough for victory, but to the in-Russian Islamic factor, it is possible enough to count on the world with certain conditions ...

How fast will the world confrontation situation develop?

The United States has traditionally been allies of Russia in the two world wars. Most likely it will be in the third world. Yes, we will not fight among themselves, we do not need this. Russia needs a world for development, but "you want the world - get ready for war" And America needs a war to strengthen hegemony. So we will look for the balance of interests. The common enemy does not exist.
Capturing with the help of different ways of the Middle East, ISIL is possible to capture part of Asia and India. Then inevitably moves to the Russian Federation.
China will be neutral at first, it is profitable for him. States will also slow down with the second front. But when Russia will weaken the defeating inner enemy and external aggressor, America will supply a fatty nuclear point in the Middle East. As in his time in Hiroshima.
That's all, it will stay to build a new world order to the next hundred years. And the main one who will control this order, probably those who will build it, in Yalta or Tehran, for example ...

To avoid participation in World War II could not be a priori, but it became one of the beneficants - restored and expanded the empire to the global power.
But to avoid the first could. Joseph-1 corrected the mistake of Nicholas-2.
The king had two brothers; Cousin Willy and Cousin Georgie. Would choose the other and the world would be different, there would be no second world and threat of a third world war. The unit is also a magic figure.
Instead of money, Bolsheviks and a filling car, Nikolai-2 himself, even from personal funds could pay the Germans for reaching from Serbia and conclude an alliance with them, in exchange for Bosphorus with Darudan. The Germans would get their right, before Frau Merkel.
Even half, only the liquid personal funds of the Emperor of Russia would have enough to stabin on the reforms and the elimination of the revolutionary situation - did the rest of?
And considering military supplies and weakening the warring powers, Russia would have become the first economy of the world, growth began in 13th year!
There would be two world powers of Russia and Germany and no threat of global conflict.
Germany became the first in Europe and Russia will become inevitable, but what about the threat of the Third World War? Can you try not to participate in it, which means it does not oppose her very beginning? Maybe let yourself be fighting? Can hold the States from the temptation to put a nuclear point and guarantee America's non-interference available to the means ???

A hypothetical military who is played against the background of the eternal confrontations of Russia and the United States and, which can lead to playback using an albimmer, becomes more and more real.

Promotes this not only the military strengthening of opposing states, but also the mass propaganda, methodically by politically illiterate citizens of different countries with each other.

As experts notice, at present, prerequisites for the start of Nuclear World War I am more than enough. In addition, the atmosphere in the world is constantly increasing. Some specialists and at all believe that the Third World War between the leaders of influential powers has already begun.

Experts have repeatedly accounted for possible scenarios for hostilities throughout the terrestrial ball and, most terrible, they continue to come true.

So what are the main prerequisites for the beginning of the World War?

The first thing to be noted is the unwillingness of Russia to act on the destructive plan of the United States and its confrontation by placing the military bases of the NATO block.

The second premise, in the light of which the Third World War becomes even more real and inevitable - unforgettable resentment and confrontation between many countries of the world. For example, the confrontation of Iran and Iraq, Greece and Turkey, Croatia and Yugoslavia. This also includes the eternal territorial claims of states to each other. Hungary has claims to Romania, Jordan to Israel, Germany to the Czech Republic and Poland. Against the background of this, conflicts are already arising between the countries, many of which are still permitted, or rather, they are muffled by diplomatic paths.

It is impossible not to note the creation of many unrecognized states and republics who want to obtain a certain proportion of power and permeable from recognized states. This can be attributed to the creation of a terrorist group, which is regularly engaging in a collision with the American army, which plays the role of a certain peacemaker playing in an Islamic conflict.

Therefore, now, after the creation of the weapon of the fifth generation, capable of massively exterminate peoples, the likelihood of the world armed conflict becomes the most likely. Also, the world has advanced and in creating a quiet, which can kill selective nations.

It is impossible not to say that the possible Third World War will be able to destroy all the technologies that have been created over the past decades and to discard humanity after a likely conflict far back.

Russia, China and Iran are preparing to withstand the United States, as a result of this confrontation, a third world war may arise. How did countries come to this? The prerequisites for the Third World War appeared, as it is not strange, even during the Second World War, when 44 Casmen's countries signed the Bretton Woods Agreement, as a result of which the US dollar became world currency.

All countries tied their money to the dollar, thereby concluding the exchange rate for countries. Once of gold at that time began to cost $ 35 and that is why the United States made banknotes exchange. The federal reserve system was rapid gold, which exchanged on the currency that other countries used exclusively for international calculations. In August 1971, many countries realized that the United States plays dishonest. In the federal reserve bank, there was more money to appear than it was required that the United States bought in exchange of gold from them. After the coating of the gold dollar decreased from 55% to 22% of the country began to leave the Bretton Woods Agreement and demand their gold back.

To such a turn of the US events were not ready, therefore the American President Nixon, unilaterally terminated this agreement, as a result of which the dollar ceased to be a world currency and its value was rapidly declining. In 1973, Nixon promised Saudi Arabia military protection of their petroleum fields, thereby received Saudi Arabia as a partner who sold oil to other states, but for US dollars. Other countries were in a hopeless situation, as they were obliged to supply the necessary goods in the United States, and the United States in turn was paid by the money printed from the air. Further, this currency was called petrodollar.

All countries were involuntarily dependent on America, as oil was needed to everyone. In 1991, the United States entered Iraq, and after 100 hours after the invasion of the war ended. Iraq literally was a stuff from the face of the earth, the United States destroyed everything that is necessary for the country's vital activity. While Clinton stood in power, the people of Iraq died of hunger, diseases, lack of minimal medical services. 10 years later, in 2000, Iraq said it stops selling oil for American currency. Now he was going to sell his oil exclusively for the euro.

The United States did not endure such an outcomes of Iraq, as a result of which, after a short time, all US citizens were confident that Iraq hides al-Kayeda and that they have a powerful weapon of mass defeat. March 20, 2003, the United States again entered Iraq, this time Iraq was able to answer Americans, albeit with big losses for themselves. Americans again began to control the sale of Iraqi oil, which again began to be sold for the American currency.

In the occupation, Iraq was located for 9 years. The plans of America had to conquer not only Iraq, as well as Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and Iran. In February 2011, Gaddafi hopes to get rid of the dollar and the euro, for which it creates a group called Dinar. According to Gaddafi, the countries that entered this group refused world currencies and sold their products and services exclusively for gold dinars.

After such a move, Libya fell on the shelling by NATO countries and the United States, and Gaddafi was killed. In February 2012, Iran made the last attempt to get rid of the dollar, declaring that this time Iranian oil would be sold for gold. The United States again attempted to destroy Iran's economy.

First of all, let's remember that we live in the era of the competition economy, which in itself involves a tough economic rivalry between competing structures. The greatest benefit receives the one who has the opportunity (military, economic) to destroy its competitors. That is why, often, economic rivalry develops into force pressure and even into the power methods of the physical destruction of the opponent, while at the same time appropriating his property.

We see an analogy at the interstate level. Economically stronger states are trying to "stride under themselves" more weak rivals. If this does not work with economic measures, weapons are going on, just as it is done in business. It is the principle of the economy of competition that leads to wars.

Wars for humanity even for the last 100-200 years old have become so common, that this is no longer surprised, but especially and does not scare if it does not affect everyone personally. But sometimes the wars develop into world when many countries of the world are drawn into an armed conflict. And this is already bothering fear.

Why are world wars arise and whether the next world slaughter is possible?

I dare to argue that world wars arise when two most cost-effective states appear on the global economic field (stronger than any other or even a group of countries), which adhere to the same economic practice.

At the same time, Russia should be one of the rival states. An opponent can be any other country regardless of its location. But the prerequisite for the early war war should be the same type of economic relations in Russia and its main economic competitor.

Let's turn to the examples. War of 1812. It can rightly be considered the First World War, as all countries of Europe were drawn into it. In Russia, the imperial state, in France Napoleon also coronated himself by the emperor. From an economic point of view and there, and there has developed the economy of monarchist monopoly (when the economy is subject to the will of one person and works in the interests, above all, this person). Two states became rivals for the markets of raw materials and sales of products.

World War I. In Europe at the beginningThe XX century Germany has occurred economically. Russia also did not lag behind. Introduction of the Golden Ruble in 1895, as well as reforms 1908-1911. Also led to its economic flourishing. Both countries again adhered to the same economic practice - the economy of monarchist monopolism was at the stage of transition to the economy of state monopolism. The war between them was inevitable.

The Second World War. Again, steadily developing Germany and again economically strong Russia. And again, both countries have the same type of economic relations - the economy of state monopoly (when the economy is subject to public interest and works, first of all, in the interests of the state management machine, which do not necessarily have to coincide with the interests of the majority of the population of this state). And again war.

Now let's see why there was no war between the USSR and the USA? After all, two economically powerful states very actively fought for their spheres of their not only political, but, above all, economic influence. Yes, the USSR fought with the United States in Vietnam, in Afghanistan ... N O other countries were not drawn into these wars. These wars did not exceed the world.

The secret is simple - these were two different economic systems. Therefore, rivalry between them proceeded in the economic sphere. Since the market economy is more viable, she won, sending the Soviet Union to the dust shelves of history.

Why was there no war between the United States and the newly formed by Russia? Why is she not so far? The answer again to search needle.

First, the United States and Russia have economic practices different. Russian leadership Although decides wish Build a market economy of the Western Sample, but so far only a criminal economy has been created in the "Yeltsin" Russia, which has nothing to do with the American type of economy.

With the arrival of Putin's power in Russia, state control of citizens' income is strengthened, and thanks to this state control of all other areas of life of the country's people (it should be noted that the most strict control of income has the United States). However, in Russia, this leads to the emergence of the economy of monopolism of power structures (when the economy is subject to the interests of the development of the power structures of the state and works, first of all, in the interests of these power structures - army, police, tax, customs services, intelligence services and counterintelligence, ships, etc. P.). And, no matter how it sounded blasphemmed, tragedies in the country (terroristrates, floods, fires, etc.) are beneficial for the newly created power structure - the Ministry of Emergency Situations. Than they are more, the more money receives this ministry, the higher their income, and therefore, and more can be stealing, writing off everything in nature or terrorists, driving millions and even billions of money for the needs of politics (the same election company).

In addition, Putinskaya Russia has intensified the penetration of criminal principles in the administrative and economic activities of the state apparatus.

Thus, the Russian economy is still different from the US economy.

Fortunately (otherwise you can not say) Medvedev is not able to rebuild the Russian economy to the market paw on the western pattern. Developing the principles of the market economy of the Western type in Russia, you can bring the world to the edge of the next world slaughter.

In addition, today Russia is still quite weak economically, so it could not and should not be an economic competitor for the United States.

However, the gradual economic development of Russia and the economic problems of recent years in the United States can very quickly equalize these countries, primarily economically. At the same time, it is probably not Russia will catch up with the United States, developing its own economy, and the United States is Russia, collapsed its own. And then for the fact that it will be avoidedi, as they say, and a penny of broken will not give.

Mankind and, above all, the Russians, it's time to understand - in Russia it is impossible to build the economy of the Western type. Prosperity in such an economy will be short-lived - the war will meet everything achieved, not to mention human lives. Of course, as always, Russia will win, but what price?

How then to be Russia, you ask? What and stirred in poverty, to remain a raw material appendage of more developed economies?

Of course not. In Russia, it is necessary to build a fundamentally new type of economy - the ideal market model is an absolutely uncrucified economy, an economy in which there will be no inflation and unemployment, poverty and monopolism in all its forms, when everyone will have equal economic rights and obligations, including the state itself.

Building such an economy will very quickly bring Russia into leaders in the economic space of our planet. But war between Russia and the United States will not, no matter how threatened the rulers of the United States, whatever do, economic models in countries will be different.

Only economic rivalry between the countries (maybe with the new "Cold War") intensify. The main thing will not be bloody Mass. Naturally, the "ideal market model" will win in an economic competition, since she is more abnormal than the economy of competition, due to its humanistic orientation. Naturally, in this case, the state of the United States of America will fall into the same way as it happened from the USSR.

And I must say that it is long to wait. 2027 may be the last year of the US existence on the political map of the world (and maybe it will happen before).