Dream of coffee beans. I dreamed about coffee - the correct interpretation of the dream according to various dream books. Great modern dream book

06.12.2020 Landscape design

Coffee is the most favorite drink among many people. There is nothing better than drinking a cup of invigorating aromatic coffee in the morning. The dream book will explain why you dream about coffee.

Often seeing coffee in a dream is a symbol of openness to the world and the dreamer’s determination. But such a dream can also carry a negative message. To fully understand, you need to remember your dream down to the smallest detail, and only then look for information in dream books.

Drinking coffee in a dream

  • The dream symbolizes that your environment does not approve of the choice of your life partner. But at the same time, you will soon receive good news.
  • If the coffee is sweet, then in the near future you will have an equally sweet life: you will have a great time with friends and family, receive wonderful news at work, etc.
  • But bitter-tasting coffee, on the contrary, warns of difficulties that will occur in life for a long time.
  • Drinking coffee from a machine - fate is preparing unpleasant surprises and difficulties, but they can be easily overcome if you maintain maximum endurance and concentration on the matter.
  • If you drink coffee after brewing it, then you will encounter several minor business difficulties along the way. You shouldn’t stress yourself out over trifles, because there is so much good in the world.
  • If you drink coffee with milk in a dream, you will have a lot of problems in reality. When all difficulties are resolved, long-awaited recognition awaits you.
  • Young girls who see such a picture in their dreams will be the object of gossip for a long time.
  • An unfavorable period will begin for couples in love. There will be many quarrels on financial and sexual grounds. During this period, you need to be more restrained and compliant.
  • If someone drinks this drink in your dream, then this is a favorable symbol, signifying good news or even an unexpected journey.

Roast coffee beans

  • You need to focus as much as possible on business and work. The period will begin when a minor mistake can cause significant damage to your reputation.
  • Roasting coffee beans for a woman is a symbol of a strong and long marriage.
  • Grind coffee beans - such a dream warns of enemies in your environment. It is worth taking a closer look at all people in order to prevent enemies from realizing their insidious plans.
  • Green grains mean the emergence of new enemies who will diligently try to “push you into the abyss.”
  • If in a dream you witnessed another person collecting or roasting coffee beans, do not expect financial success in reality. During this period, all achievements can be taken away by your enemy.
  • Seeing or roasting dry coffee beans means you need to take a closer look at the people around you; someone can greatly harm your reputation.

Coffee grounds

  • Dream books promise victory over life's difficulties and ill-wishers.
  • If you start guessing in a dream, then this is a harbinger of wasted time.

Spill coffee drink

Spilled coffee in a dream means a favorable period, full of victories and new pleasant acquaintances.

Buy coffee

A favorable sign, symbolizing that the dreamer is recognized in his social circle and he is the life of the party. And also such a dream marks a long-awaited purchase that you have long wanted to make.

Interpretation of sleep according to various dream books

Miller's Dream Book

  • If you drink coffee in your dream, it means that those around you do not approve of your marriage, and there will also be constant quarrels and disagreements in your relationship.
  • Making coffee for someone means big financial losses.
  • Roasting coffee beans for young girls is a symbol of a future successful marriage with a foreign citizen.
  • Green coffee beans - to the appearance of enemies and serious enemies in life.
  • Dreaming of coffee grounds symbolizes successful overcoming life difficulties and barriers.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

  • Drinking coffee in a dream means you will be invited to some important event.
  • Roasting coffee beans in a dream marks a meeting with old friends. Perhaps they will unexpectedly come to visit you.
  • Making a drink is a symbol of career success. Possible promotion.
  • In a dream, grinding coffee beans means unfavorable news.

Loff's Dream Book

  • Since coffee is an invigorating energy drink, David Loff interprets coffee in a dream as the birth of strength in reality, the emergence of vital energy to overcome obstacles.
  • Drink a cup of coffee - don't rush before you do important choice. You must always think things through carefully.
  • Coffee with milk symbolizes the time you waste on useless activities. It is recommended to spend this time on work and self-development.
  • Instant coffee in a dream - you shouldn’t save for a while. It is better to take the original product, paying a little more than a cheaper analogue.

Tsvetkova's Dream Interpretation

  • Making coffee in a dream means guests will come to you in reality.
  • If you grind coffee beans in a dream, in reality you should stay away from suspicious people and dubious events.
  • Prepare coffee for guests - refrain from large gatherings with friends for a while, they may end in an quarrel or fight.
  • Spilled coffee in a dream symbolizes for the dreamer a quarrel with loved ones on financial grounds.
  • Coffee with milk symbolizes your insincerity. You hide a lot from your loved ones, avoid uncomfortable conversations, but you yourself understand that such conversations are inevitable.

Drinking coffee is quite a pleasant experience. But if this happened to you in a dream, then, according to the vast majority of dream books, this action can have two meanings: either you are very tired, or, on the contrary, full of energy. Be sure to clarify why you are dreaming about this plot - this will help you make the right decision regarding your future.

Miller's Dream Book

To dream of a picture of you drinking coffee with friends means that your loved ones are disapproving of your choice of a future life partner. A girl who dreams that she is making herself a latte should behave with caution, because gossipers expect her to make mistakes.

It is also bad for a family man to dream that he is drinking coffee, as this means fatigue from family troubles and the dreamer’s desire for privacy, which can result in divorce.

"Coffee" company as a symbol of "necessary" acquaintances

Some dream books do not agree with the previous interpreter. For example, Pastor Loff’s dream book believes that a dream about “drinking coffee” can promise interesting acquaintances. It is especially good for a lonely girl to drink coffee in a dream with a young man - soon she will meet her “Destiny”.

Did a married lady dream of communicating with a man over a cup of cappuccino? This is a sign that the dreamer’s opinion will be listened to. And if a guy finds himself in a coffee shop with a man he knows, he will soon receive an interesting job offer.

Coffee with milk - Allow yourself to relax

For an explanation of why you dream about delicious coffee with milk, which the dreamer drinks at home, relaxed and leisurely, you should turn to the Modern Dream Book. His interpretation of the dream will please: the time has come when you have the right to allow yourself not to work and not think about tomorrow. You've worked hard enough for this.

Brewing delicious fragrant coffee in a dream and drinking it with milk is a sign that you need a change of activity. Moreover, it does not have to be passive rest. Active entertainment will perfectly cope with your blues, explains Tsvetkov’s dream book.

Black strong coffee – Time to act

Brewing an aromatic, strong coffee drink in your own kitchen and drinking it while reading a newspaper or watching the news is a sign of vigor and desire to act. You are full of energy, it attracts you to activity and new beginnings. There is no need to hinder this impulse.

Do you dream that you are buying aromatic espresso from a machine? Stop your frantic pace, recommends interpreter Longo. You work your ass off.

And if you dreamed that you were drinking aromatic and tart coffee that a barista had brewed for you, then you are on the right track. Explaining why this plot is dreamed of, Eastern dream book assures: everything you do in the near future will have a huge public resonance and will go down in the annals of the profession in which you are engaged.

Coffee "extras"

When figuring out why you dream about drinking coffee, consider some “additives”. So, in a dream you drank a drink:

Coffee is a wonderful drink that invigorates and gives strength. Many people love coffee and dreams with it associated with pleasant sensations and pleasure about its taste.

But not everything is so simple, because this drink is attributed magical properties, the tea leaves and looking to the future. The meanings of such a dream may vary depending on the details.

Coffee beans

If you see coffee beans in bags- This sure sign prosperity and wealth. If the coffee is green, your dreams will not come true soon, you will have to work hard for this.

Roasted coffee - soon your business will go uphill, cash flows and profits. If you grind coffee - to a meeting with and intimate conversation. If the grains are rotten and dirty- to an unpleasant conversation with the nearest one.

Buy coffee beans- receive an unexpected pleasant gift. If a young girl had a dream, it means meeting her parents after a long separation.

A man dreamed of large, good grains - to gain strength and power; such a vision could also mean a promotion. Roasting grains in the oven means good news from children or parents.

Drink coffee

If you are drinking coffee with a friend– soon an interesting young man will appear in your life. If the coffee is hot and burns your lips, go to the passionate one with brown eyes.

Coffee is sweet and pleasant- your life will be pleasant and carefree, all troubles and sorrows will bypass you. Bitter coffee means life will be very difficult, you will have many problems.

Drinking coffee in a large company- to noisy good reason. Drinking coffee with your parents will improve your health. A young girl drinks black coffee.

Coffee in a can

See ground coffee in a can- to gossip and gossip about personal life. Coffee beans in a can - when you arrive at home stranger, which will help you solve all material problems.

Instant coffee in a can - your position is very precarious and fragile, you need to make an important decision.

Pour from the jar- empty worries about financial issues. Coffee at the bottom of the can also means sadness due to lost love. Iron can - to win an important case in court, glass jar- the case will be lost in court; such a dream can also mean financial losses.

Buy a can of coffee- pay off an old debt. They gave you a big jar - k.

Coffee with milk

Drink coffee with milk- to a pleasant conversation on a personal topic. If the coffee is hot, it means a romantic date. If it is cold and tasteless, it means an unpleasant conversation with a stranger.

Pouring milk into coffee- to prosperity in the home and a well-fed life. Sour milk means gossip and empty talk. Milk with foam - to a promotion, bonus or other income. Seeing milk and coffee separately on the table is a sign of love temptation from a handsome stranger.

A girl sees such a dream - her husband will be kind and generous, the guy saw coffee with milk - problems with studying at an institute or college. If an elderly person had a dream, this is good news from a distant friend whom you have not seen for a long time.

A pregnant woman saw a dream- will go well and a beautiful baby will be born.

Ground coffee

Ground coffee see dry- to improve life, all problems will “grind” and go away by themselves. Brewing strong coffee in a cup means long and difficult work that will yield great results. Brew something bad and tasteless - you will have serious difficulties.

Spilling coffee past the cup means losses or loss of reputation. If it becomes moldy and spoiled, it means a quarrel with either or your wife. Grind your own coffee– successfully solve your work-related problems.

Grind in a coffee grinder– succeed in business and personal life. Grinding by hand is a success in creativity. Buying it in a store means you will be greatly envied because of your great success; selling it means your efforts will be appreciated.

Coffee grounds

Seeing grounds at the bottom of the jar- to regret what was lost, but this also means that everything secret will soon become apparent. Drinking coffee with grounds at the bottom will give you great opportunities.

Fortune telling on coffee grounds- it means that you will soon meet your fate. Dried grounds at the bottom of the cup mean a quarrel with your best friend through your own fault.

The grounds spilled onto the table - to shame and loss of reputation among friends. Coffee grounds on the floor indicate a serious illness in one of your relatives.

A man saw a dream - to victory over the enemy, a surge of strength and energy. The coffee “escaped” from the coffee maker - don’t tell a stranger your secrets.

Coffee bags

Buy it- in difficult times, you will have to save money. Drink coffee in a bag– experience difficulties in achieving one’s own goals.

The coffee is tasteless and cheap - beware of scammers in own home, do not open to strangers. Coffee is tasty and expensive- to meet with after a long separation.

Coffee with milk- expect an unusual person to visit you, who will be very useful to you. Look at the bag and read the inscription on it - good sign, which speaks of achieving the goal.

A young lady had a dream - it means flirting with, if a woman - it means gossip and dirty talk about her personal life.

Miller's Dream Book

Seeing coffee in a dream- receive unexpected good news. Tasty and expensive - to improved health, if a seriously ill person dreams of this - a quick and easy recovery.

Tasteless, bad or cold- to a cold reception in an unfamiliar house. Pouring coffee into cups means good news from children or close relatives. Hot coffee - a hot and stormy romance with a famous and respected person.

Spill it on your knees- to troubles in your personal life. Treating them means strengthening relationships, serious intentions.

Cooking it for friends is a sign of fun and good mood. Fortune telling on coffee grounds means changing your destiny for the better. Grind coffee- to get rid of troubles.

French dream book

If a girl drinks delicious coffee- to an interesting and lucrative job, if a man - to meeting a beautiful brunette. Making coffee means good events in your personal life. Drinking with milk is a love affair from a stranger.

Spill coffee on the table- to chagrin and chagrin, empty unnecessary work. Seeing someone drink it means something distant and pleasant. Buying coffee means financial well-being and success. Grinding in a coffee grinder means meeting your best friend.

Coffee with cinnamon- something unusual will come into your life interesting person, which will completely change it.

Big dream book

Coffee symbolizes a pleasant acquaintance. Drink coffee with – get important advice from good man. Bitter coffee - you will learn a life lesson that will benefit you.

Buying coffee is a good investment. The coffee beans are raw and green - you have taken on an unbearable burden, you will need the help of friends.

Roasted and dry grains- fulfillment of your plan, you stand on the right way.Drinking coffee in a restaurant or cafe- to an invitation to a date with a rich man.

Getting burned by coffee is a stormy, long-term romance. Spilling it on your knees is deception and... Collecting coffee is a very rare dream; it means that you have to do a lot of work that will bring profit.

Coffee is everyone's favorite drink, invigorating and aromatic. A good cup of coffee in the morning is always the key to a great day. Fresh and hot, it perfectly warms in the winter cold and tones in the summer, refreshing the body and giving it new strength. What does it mean to dream about coffee?

Why do you dream about coffee according to Miller’s dream book?

According to this dream book, seeing yourself drinking coffee in a dream means that your future marriage will cause protest and disapproval in your close circle. If you are already married, this means that constant quarrels and misunderstandings with your partner are possible, and marital disagreements may arise.

For a young woman, a coffee dream may portend the spread of gossip, so she should certainly be careful in personal relationships and connections. Serving coffee in a dream means possible losses await you.

For a young woman, roasting coffee beans means immediate protection from all worries and misfortunes by entering into a successful marriage with a foreigner. Already roasted beans portend evil intent on the part of strangers, and coffee grounds - complete victory over all kinds of misfortunes and life difficulties.

Popular currently green coffee, which appeared to you in a dream, means evil and assertive enemies who are pursuing the goal of causing you some damage. Such a dream should certainly be taken as a warning and caution should be exercised.

Coffee in a dream - dream books of Miss Hasse and Denise Lynn

According to Miss Hasse's dream book, seeing coffee in a dream means that someone around you suspects you of something unseemly. If you happen to drink this drink in a dream, get ready to attend a gala reception in reality, organized for an extremely important occasion.

Roasting coffee beans - an unexpected visit or a visit is possible. The purchase of coffee can be interpreted as an expense for treating guests; preparing a drink - on the contrary, as a replenishment family budget. At the same time, the process of grinding coffee beans can mean disturbing events and unrest.

Denise Lynn interprets dreams about coffee in two ways - they can portend not only a pleasant rest, complete relaxation and a break from business, giving you the opportunity to recuperate, but also signal the need to gather and concentrate, and continue to actively move forward towards the goal.

Why do you dream of coffee according to the Mayan dream book, Esoteric dream book

If the coffee you dreamed of is strong and black, this means unforeseen large expenses in the future, which can be avoided by placing a few small denomination coins under the mattress. If you dreamed of a drink with the addition of milk, now is the best period to resolve the accumulated problems. In order to solve them all in one fell swoop, you need each family member to eat a few coffee beans.

The esoteric dream book interprets growing coffee as entrusting you with complex, and often overwhelming, representative functions, and preparing the drink and eating it means intellectual communication with educated people.

An old English dream book (Zedkiel's dream book) - dreamed of coffee in a dream

This dream book states that if you tasted a drink in a dream, wait for the best development of events for you; fate will certainly be favorable and generous to you. A lonely person who is having a hard time with his situation will definitely meet his soul mate after a coffee nap and create a strong couple with a reliable, faithful and loving partner.

Dream Interpretation of Fedorovskaya and others - why do you dream of coffee?

According to Miller’s above-mentioned dream book, buying coffee beans means that you can easily maintain your own reputation and the trust of others in any environment. There is also a related interpretation of this dream, in which the purchase of a drink is interpreted as a quick and easy return on the funds you invested in business.

Buying ground coffee means purchasing in reality a long-awaited and extremely desirable thing for you. At the same time, selling coffee in a dream foreshadows a complete collapse or a series of failures in all commercial endeavors.

Why do you dream of coffee according to the Gypsy dream book? Gypsy dream book explains a dream in which you enjoy a drink or smell its aroma as a harbinger of a long life. Fedorovskaya’s dream book also offers an interesting interpretation of dreams about coffee, according to which coffee beans mean prosperity in the near future, a drink poured into cups means worries and troubles leading to wealth, making coffee means pleasant surprises.

Consider coffee grounds- to calmness, gnawing grains - to losses, spilling - a minor loss awaits you in the future, drinking bitter coffee means luck in all endeavors, and sweet coffee - to achieve what you want you will need to make every effort, but victory will be sweet. If you drink coffee with cream in a dream, it will take a lot of strength and patience to establish your personal life.

Why else do you dream about coffee?

Making coffee can also mean traveling, and drinking this drink with milk portends a close love or friendship relationship with someone you care about. If you dream that you are drinking coffee alone, get ready for the fact that you will be denied admission to a high-ranking official.

In a dream, do you treat your close friends to this drink? Therefore, you are looking for their support, hoping for active participation when bringing your plans to life. Roasting beans means a trip abroad, and the type of instant coffee is a warning against contacts with unpleasant, quarrelsome or envious individuals.

The taste of the coffee in your dream also matters - an aromatic and high-quality drink indicates a carefree future, a strong drink indicates your ability to act decisively and quickly, and a sour and tasteless drink will be a harbinger of minor troubles in business.

At first glance, in most interpretations, coffee dreams may not seem very favorable, but coffee promises not only disagreements and losses - it can also symbolize support, help, a successful way out of difficult, unpleasant situations, a pleasant conversation and even a long happy relationship with someone. something important to you.

Also, a dream about a coffee drink is an excellent reason to look at yourself from the outside and think about how defined your goals and ways of achieving them are, whether you are trying to shift responsibility for your life, your own actions and events in it to someone else, are you afraid live.

Dream interpretation of coffee

Coffee is an invigorating drink that is usually drunk in the morning. It happens that some people abuse it and drink coffee even at night. What to do if you dreamed about coffee? Is this a good sign?

Why do you dream about coffee?

A coffee drink is an everyday thing, I wonder if this symbol can carry a powerful message in a dream. The first step is to consider the most popular dream books - Miller, women's, Hasse, 21st century and others.

Dream Interpreters

If you dreamed about coffee

In general, every dream book interprets coffee as a bad sign from above. It leads to all sorts of troubles.

Women's dream book

  • For unmarried girl, drinking coffee in a dream - to the disagreement of friends with her choice of a life partner, gossip, gossip.
  • For a married woman - quarrels and squabbles with her husband.
  • Making coffee means troubles in business.
  • Giving means losing something.
  • Seeing coffee in a dream, namely its grounds, means you will be able to overcome all adversities.
  • Roast grains - happy marriage for love with a citizen of another country.

Dream book of the 21st century

This dream book focuses on taste qualities drink:

  • sweet – joy, guests, news;
  • bitter - gossip, disappointment, unpleasant responsibilities.

Brewing an invigorating drink for yourself is a sign of a joyful journey. For others - to failure.

Seeing a coffee grinder in a dream means trouble. An evil person has plotted against you. Hearing how she grinds grains means you won’t be able to catch an ill-wisher.

Miller's Dream Book

Ground or beans

For Miller, the coffee grinder also represents the evil being plotted against you. You should be extremely careful in your actions and weigh every word. Hearing the noise of grinding means you won’t be able to do anything, the enemy is a hundred times stronger than you.

Being in a coffee shop means making friends with the wrong people; good will be answered with evil.

Green grains - your enemies know no pity, there will be no mercy. This is exactly how categorically Miller’s interpretation is recorded.

Dream Interpretation Hase

This dream book is famous for its laconic answers to any question from a dream:

  • see coffee - you will be suspected of dishonesty;
  • drink - you will get an appointment;
  • buy - to guests;
  • grinding grains - disturbing thoughts;
  • fry - receive an invitation;
  • cooking - well-being in the family.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Drinking coffee alone means you won’t be able to get an appointment with an official. Drinking with friends - the latter will not approve of your future marriage, or no longer approve of your existing one.

High-grade grains mean a cloudless life; low-quality, spoiled grains mean troubles in the work sphere.

Grinding grains in a dream - you will feel anxiety because of gossip, for which you yourself gave rise.

Buying instant coffee means communicating with mean and envious people. Ground - you can afford to buy something you have long dreamed of.

You dream of a cup of coffee and you pour boiling water over it - you are on the right path, you will soon achieve your desired goal.

Sprinkling coffee means lasting happiness in family life.

To see coffee growing in a dream means that if you act rashly, there will be retribution.

Other interpretations

If you drank coffee in a dream

Drinking coffee from the machine is not the time to relax. Even if you are very tired from a long race to achieve your goal, exert your last strength, otherwise you risk being left with nothing.

Coffee with milk - anxiety and difficulties. But at the end of the journey, if you overcome everything, a reward awaits you.

Gypsies, by the way, believe that enjoying a fragrant and invigorating drink in a dream is a sign of longevity.

Spill - minor losses are expected.

Fortune telling on coffee grounds means calm and tranquility. Eating grains means incurring losses.

Drink coffee with cream - you will have to work hard in order to bring your family life in order.

Cup with aromatic drink

If everything is more or less clear about why you dream about coffee, then why do you dream about a cup of coffee? What will be the interpretation if it is half empty, filled to the brim, if it is spilled?

We saw a cup of coffee in a dream

It is believed that a cup filled with coffee is dreamed of by a peaceful person, confident in himself and his rightness, a person with a sense of accomplishment.

The Jewish dream book says that a cup of hot drink shows the sleeping person that he can achieve respect and honor only by persistently defending his principles.

Also, a cup of coffee shows that you are a very active person, your brain does not stop for a second, even in your sleep.

Seeing a cup gradually filling with coffee is a desire for something new.

Negative prediction

  • Why do you dream of coffee if you spill it?
  • Failure at a new job.
  • Focus on your feelings that you are doing something wrong.
  • Spilling and getting burned means disappointment in a loved one.
  • To the loss of something insignificant for you.
  • Quarrels at work and at home.

In general, it is worth noting that such a dream does not portend anything terrifying. But it is worth paying attention to the predictions and following their advice.