Temporary buildings and structures for repair of state equipment. Construction norms and rules of the Russian Federation, a collection of estimated cost standards for the construction of temporary buildings and structures

17.06.2019 Repair

Valid Editorial from 07.05.2001

Name of document"COLLECTION OF ESTIMATED STANDARDS OF COSTS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF TEMPORARY BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES. GSN 81-05-01-2001" (approved by Resolution of the State Construction Committee of the Russian Federation dated 05/07/2001 N 45)
Document typeresolution, list
Receiving authorityGosstroy of the Russian Federation
Document NumberGSN 81-05-01-2001
Acceptance date01.01.1970
Revision date07.05.2001
Date of registration with the Ministry of Justice01.01.1970
  • At the time of inclusion in the database, the document was not published

"COLLECTION OF ESTIMATED STANDARDS OF COSTS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF TEMPORARY BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES. GSN 81-05-01-2001" (approved by Resolution of the State Construction Committee of the Russian Federation dated 05/07/2001 N 45)


DEVELOPED by the Interregional Center for Pricing in Construction and Industry building materials(MCTS) of the State Construction Committee of Russia (I.I. Dmitrenko, G.P. Shpunt), the Department of Pricing and Estimated Standardization in Construction and Housing and Communal Sector of the State Construction Committee of Russia (V.A. Stepanov, G.A. Shanin, E.N. Dorozhkina).

INTRODUCED by the Department of Pricing and Estimated Standardization in Construction and the Housing and Communal Sector of the Gosstroy of Russia

APPROVED AND ENTERED INTO EFFECT on May 15, 2001 by Decree of the State Construction Committee of Russia dated May 7, 2001 N 45.

IN REPLACEMENT of Collections of estimated cost standards for the construction of temporary buildings and structures (SNiP IV-9-82; SNiP 4.09-91), approved by resolutions of the USSR State Construction Committee dated September 30, 1982 N 222 and dated October 5, 1990 N 81.


The collection of estimated cost standards for the construction of temporary buildings and structures is intended to determine the costs for the construction of titular temporary buildings and structures based on the standards established by type of construction.

Estimate standards are mandatory for all enterprises and organizations, regardless of affiliation and forms of ownership, carrying out capital construction with the involvement of state budget funds at all levels and targeted extra-budgetary funds.

For construction projects financed from the own funds of enterprises, organizations and individuals, the estimate standards are advisory in nature.

Please send comments and suggestions on the Collection of estimated cost standards for the construction of temporary buildings and structures to:

119991, GSP, Moscow, st. Stroiteley, 8, bldg. 2, Department of Pricing and Estimated Standardization in Construction and Housing and Communal Sector of the Gosstroy of Russia.

1. General Provisions

1.1. This Collection of estimated cost standards for the construction of temporary buildings and structures is intended to determine in consolidated estimates the cost of construction of enterprises, buildings and structures, the amount of funds for the construction of title temporary buildings and structures, depending on the type of construction established by the name of the project.

Temporary buildings and structures include production, storage, auxiliary, residential and public buildings and structures that are specially erected or adapted for the construction period and are necessary for the production of construction. installation work and services for construction workers.

Temporary buildings and structures are divided into title and non-title.

The list of works and costs related to title temporary buildings and structures taken into account by the standards of the collection is given in Appendix 2.

1.2. Estimated cost standards for the construction of title temporary buildings and structures are determined as a percentage of estimated cost construction and installation works based on the results of chapters 1-7 (columns 4 and 5) of the consolidated estimate of the cost of construction (Appendices 1-7).

1.3. Estimated standards take into account the costs of construction and subsequent dismantling of temporary buildings and structures necessary for construction and installation work, as well as for servicing construction workers within the construction site* or route**, allocated in kind for construction, taking into account adaptation and use for the needs of the construction of existing and newly constructed permanent buildings and structures.

* Construction site is an area allocated in accordance with the project in the prescribed manner for the permanent location of the construction site, as well as the services of construction and installation organizations, and taking into account the temporary allotment of territory determined according to the conditions of work.

** Route - a right of way determined by the plan and longitudinal profile in accordance with the project in the prescribed manner, for the permanent placement of a linear construction project (road, pipeline, power line, etc.).

The estimated standards take into account the costs of commissioning work performed during the commissioning of certain types of temporary buildings and structures - power plants, transformer substations, boiler houses, pumping stations, compressor stations, etc.

1.4. The costs of construction, assembly, disassembly, depreciation, current repairs and relocation of non-title temporary buildings and structures (to meet the needs of individual facilities) are not taken into account by the standards of this Collection and are provided for as part of the overhead costs for construction and installation work.

The list of non-title temporary buildings and structures is given in Appendix 3.

1.5. With appropriate justification provided for by the construction organization project (COP), Chapter 8 “Temporary buildings and structures” of the consolidated estimate calculation additionally includes funds for:

Construction of temporary buildings and structures necessary to compensate and serve special categories of builders;

Reimbursement of costs of construction and installation organizations associated with the construction and equipment of buildings and structures for the placement and maintenance of military construction units aimed at constructing facilities;

Construction of temporary access roads, including earth-carrying ones, outside the construction site;

Construction of temporary communications to provide the construction site with electricity, water, heat, etc. from the connection source to distribution devices at the construction site (construction area);

Construction of a temporary road along the route (near-route road) during the construction of main linear structures of the general network for the purpose of initial development of the construction area;

Construction of the necessary temporary access roads (roads, railways, etc.) during the construction of linear structures in order to ensure the supply of construction materials in the case when the construction of artificial structures: bridges, overpasses, tunnels, etc., is carried out before the start of work on the route ;

Purchase of equipment and production and business equipment for title temporary buildings and structures.

1.6. The estimated standards for the construction of title temporary buildings and structures do not take into account the costs of:

Payment for land, allotment and preparation of territory for the construction of temporary buildings and structures, including drainage, filling or alluvium, reclamation, restoration of water use conditions and clearing of forests (provided for in Chapter 1 “Preparation of the construction area” of the consolidated estimate for the construction as a whole taking into account the placement of temporary buildings and structures);

Construction of temporary earth-carrying roads in the quarry and on the dump (taken into account as part of the unit prices for earthworks);

Purchase of sets of inventory parts for prefabricated temporary buildings, inventory houses, carriages and other container-type premises, as well as equipment for equipping them, including production and household equipment (purchased at the expense of the customer’s own funds or contractors);

Construction of temporary transshipment bases for the contractor at points of transshipment of building materials and structures from one type of transport to another, as well as construction of transshipment bases for the contractor outside the construction site (taken into account in Chapter 9 “Other work and costs” based on the PIC);

Development design- estimate documentation for the construction of title temporary buildings and structures (taken into account in Chapter 12 “Design and survey work, designer’s supervision” of the consolidated estimate);

Linking standard temporary buildings and structures (taken into account in overhead costs under the item “Production design costs”).

1.7. The estimated standards do not include and are taken into account directly in the site estimates in accordance with the construction organization project (COP) costs for the construction of temporary devices necessary for the period of performing certain types of construction and installation work only for a specific object:

Rail tracks for lifting cranes (crane tracks) with a foundation for them;

Reasons for ensuring stable operation of equipment when constructing piles, as well as equipment for performing work using the “wall in soil” method, conveyor lines for installation steel structures large blocks;

Temporary enclosing structures separating existing premises from newly built, added or repaired premises, as well as enclosing structures necessary to ensure the commissioning of a separate part of the building;

Construction of networks and structures, the need for which is caused by the commissioning of facilities under a temporary scheme;

Temporary roads inside buildings under construction for frame installation;

Berths for shore protection works;

Intermediate supports;

Structures for protecting buildings and structures from damage during drilling and blasting operations;

Construction of temporary above-mine buildings;

Laying temporary haulage tracks;

Construction of temporary railway or road bypasses (bypasses) associated with the construction of new or reconstruction of existing buildings and structures.

The list can be supplemented based on the construction organization project (COP).

2. Procedure for applying the standards

2.1. The estimated standards given in Appendix 1 are developed for new construction conditions.

When preparing estimate documentation for major renovation industrial buildings, reconstruction and expansion of existing enterprises, buildings and structures, construction of subsequent phases on the territory of existing enterprises or adjacent sites, a coefficient of 0.8 is applied to the specified standards.

2.2. When constructing in areas with difficult climatic conditions(in the regions of the Far North and areas equivalent to them, in high mountain areas, desert and arid areas) the costs of temporary buildings and structures should be determined by calculation based on PIC data or in accordance with a contract according to the standards of this collection.

3. Payment procedure for temporary buildings and structures

3.1. The amount of funds for the construction of title temporary buildings and structures can be determined:

According to the standards of this collection;

According to calculations based on PIC data.

Simultaneous use of these methods is not allowed.

3.2. Payments between customers and contractors for temporary buildings and structures are made for actually constructed temporary buildings and structures.

3.3. The procedure for payments for temporary buildings and structures established between the customer and the contractor must be applied from the beginning to the end of construction.

3.4. Constructed title temporary buildings and structures are accepted for operation, included in the customer’s fixed assets (except for temporary roads, access roads and architecturally designed fences) and transferred for use to the contractor in the manner established by the contract.

3.5. The costs of dismantling temporary buildings and structures are paid upon their liquidation.

Refunds from the sale of materials, parts, equipment and production and business equipment received from the dismantling of temporary buildings and structures on the customer’s balance sheet are determined by calculations that take into account the sale of these materials and parts at the current price level (minus the costs of bringing them into a suitable condition and delivery to storage locations).

3.6. Materials and structures obtained from the dismantling of temporary buildings and structures are accounted for by the customer's accounting department and sold to the contractor with his consent.

3.7. When using prefabricated reinforced concrete slabs for the construction of temporary roads, the return value of the slabs obtained from dismantling is determined on the basis of an act signed by the customer and the contractor.


Annex 1

N p/pName of types of construction of enterprises, buildings and structuresEstimated rate, % of the cost of construction and installation works based on the results of chapters 1-7 (columns 4 and 5) of the consolidated estimate calculation
1 Industrial engineering
1.1 Enterprises of the ferrous metallurgical industry (except mining)3,4
1.2 Enterprises of the non-ferrous metallurgical industry (except mining)2,6
1.3 Facilities for the development of oil, gas and gas condensate fields (fields)3,5
1.4 Mechanical engineering and electrical industry2,8
1.5 Mining industry enterprises:
1.5.1 Construction of new coal (shale) mines and mines4,5
1.5.2 Construction of processing plants. Opening and preparation of new horizons at existing mining enterprises3,2
1.5.3 Construction of coal (shale) open-pit mines3,4
1.6 Chemical industry enterprises:
1.6.1 Oil refineries and petrochemical plants3,9
1.6.2 Other chemical industry facilities3,3
1.7 Peat industry enterprises4,1
1.8 Enterprises of the shipbuilding and ship repair industry4,2
1.9 Enterprises of the logging and woodworking industries3,9
1.10 Enterprises of the building materials and construction industry2,4
1.11 Pulp and paper industry enterprises3,6
1.12 Light industry enterprises2,2
1.13 Food industry enterprises3
1.14 Medical industry enterprises2,2
1.15 Microbiological industry enterprises3
2 Energy construction
2.1 Thermal power plants:
2.1.1 Condensing units with 210-300 MW capacity up to 2500 MW5,5
2.1.2 Condensing units with 500-800 MW capacity up to 5000 MW5,4
2.2 Nuclear power plants with a capacity of 4000 MW and above8,2
2.3 Industrial heating power plants5,4
2.4 Independent boiler houses3,2
2.5 Overhead power lines 35 kV and above3,3
2.6 Transformer substations 35 kV and above and other energy construction facilities3,9
2.7 Overhead power lines, including lighting, transformer substations 0.4-35 kV2,5
3 Transport construction
3.1 New railways without tunnels and bridges (overpasses) longer than 50 m8,2
3.2 Second main paths railways without tunnels and bridges (overpasses) longer than 50 m5,6
3.3 Electrification of railway sections4,8
3.4 Development of railway junctions, stations, reconstruction of railways (strengthening individual sections and railway lines) and other types of construction on the operating network3,7
3.5 Highways of national importance and local (hard-surfaced) categories 1-4 without tunnels and bridges (overpasses) more than 50 m long:
3.5.1 When using temporary mobile asphalt-concrete and cement concrete plants for road construction6,4
3.5.2 When receiving asphalt concrete and cement concrete for road surfaces from existing stationary enterprises4,1
3.6 Subways6
3.7 Railway and road bridges longer than 50 m and overpasses10,1
3.8 City bridges and overpasses:
3.8.1 In places where bridge construction organizations are permanently located4,2
3.8.2 At other points6
3.9 Airports:
3.9.1 Airfield sites5,1
3.9.2 Buildings and structures of the service and technical area3,1
3.10 Seaports and port facilities5,2
3.11 River transport objects5,4
3.12 Collector tunnels5,1
4 Housing and civil construction in cities and workers' settlements
4.1 Residential buildings and landscaping:
4.1.1 Residential buildings, including those with built-in premises: shops, laundries, etc. (including external networks and landscaping)1,1
4.1.2 Microdistricts, blocks, complexes of residential and public buildings (including external networks and landscaping)1,2
4.1.3 Improvement of cities and towns (including work on the construction of streets, driveways, sidewalks, green spaces)1,5
4.2 Schools, kindergartens, nurseries, shops, office buildings, cinemas, theaters, art galleries and other civil engineering buildings1,8
4.3 Educational and medical buildings and structures, research, design and design institutes1,8
4.4 Communal facilities (baths, laundries, crematoria, etc.)1,6
4.5 External networks of water supply, sewerage, heat and gas supply within the city (linear part)1,5
4.6 Water supply and sewerage of cities (a complex of engineering structures including pipelines, pumping stations, treatment facilities, etc.)2,4
4.7 City electric transport (tram depots, trolleybus depots, tram and trolleybus lines, traction substations, terminal stations, track and energy service workshops)2,8
4.8 Light rail lines4
4.9 Sanatoriums, holiday homes, tourist centers, boarding houses, dispensaries, pioneer camps2,3
5 Other types of construction
5.1 Buildings and structures for the reception, storage and processing of grain and bakeries3,1
5.2 Construction projects of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation:
5.2.1 Combined arms and special purpose3,1
5.2.2 Housing, barracks, communal and cultural purposes2,4
5.3 Networks of communication facilities:
5.3.1 Radio relay communication lines6,5
5.3.2 Station structures, cable and air lines. Cable and overhead lines of zonal (interregional) and rural communications4,7
5.3.3 City telephone networks. Interstation communication lines and nodes2,4
5.3.4 Other facilities (post offices, regional communication centers, etc.)3,2
5.3.5 Radio and television facilities3,8
5.4 Agricultural construction, including housing and civil construction in rural areas (except highway construction and electrification)3,1
5.5 Water management construction and hydraulic structures, fish-breeding and reclamation and pond structures of fish farms, fish hatcheries for the reproduction of fish stocks and spawning and nursery farms4,6
5.6 Main pipelines outside cities:
5.6.1 Water supply, sewerage2,9
5.6.2 Gas and oil pipelines: site structures (compressor and pumping stations, gas distribution stations);7,2 linear part (including electrochemicalization and technical communication lines)2,7
5.6.3 Heating network2,2
5.7 Treatment plants, water supply and sewerage stations built according to independent project 3,8
5.8 Supply companies2,6
5.9 Enterprises of other industries2,7

Appendix 2


1. Temporary adaptation of newly constructed permanent buildings and structures to serve construction workers, restoration and repair of them upon termination of use.

2. Rent and adaptation of existing premises with subsequent liquidation of facilities.

3. Temporary adaptation of newly constructed and existing permanent buildings and structures for the production needs of construction, restoration and repair of them upon completion of use.

4. Moving structures and parts of production, warehouse, auxiliary, residential and public container and prefabricated mobile (inventory) buildings and structures to the construction site, arrangement of bases and foundations, installation with the necessary finishing, installation of equipment, input of utility networks, dismantling and dismantling, restoration of the site, moving structures and parts to the warehouse.

5. Depreciation deductions (rent), expenses for current repairs of mobile (inventory) buildings of a prefabricated container type (except for the costs of sanitary service buildings taken into account as part of overhead rates).

6. Temporary logistics warehouses at the construction site, closed (heated and unheated) and open for storing materials, structures and equipment supplied for this construction.

7. Temporary facilities (sites, platforms, etc.) for materials, products, structures and equipment, as well as for loading and unloading operations.

8. Temporary multifunctional production workshops (mechanical repair, reinforcement, carpentry, etc.).

9. Power plants, transformer substations, boiler houses, pumping, compressor, water supply, sewerage, heating, fan, etc. buildings (structures) for temporary use, including commissioning.

10. Temporary stations for finishing work.

11. Temporary installations for cleaning and disinfection of surface sources.

12. Temporary stone crushing and screening plants, concrete mortar units and installations for preparing concrete and mortar with equipment or mobile ones for linear construction.

13. Temporary installations for the preparation of soils treated with organic and inorganic binders, temporary cement-concrete and asphalt concrete plants for the preparation of concrete and asphalt concrete mixtures with bitumen storage facilities, etc.

14. Test sites for the production of reinforced concrete and concrete products and additional elements with steaming chambers.

15. Sites, stands for pre-assembly and pre-assembly of equipment.

16. Link assembly bases for assembling railway track links.

17. Buildings and facilities in temporary quarries, except roads.

18. Temporary offices of construction sites, trains, construction and installation departments and similar organizations.

19. Temporary laboratories for testing building materials and products on construction sites.

20. Temporary garages.

21. Temporary structures on the construction site related to fire prevention measures.

22. Construction of bases and foundations for machines and mechanisms (except for the construction of foundations to ensure stable operation of pile-driving equipment when driving piles and crane tracks for lifting cranes).

23. Special and architecturally designed fences and barriers in cities.

24. Construction and maintenance of temporary railways, roads* and earth-carrying roads and passages passing through a construction site or highway, including connecting sections between the highway road and the linear structure under construction, with artificial structures, overpasses and crossings. Dismantling of roads and driveways.

* The use and turnover of prefabricated reinforced concrete slabs in pavement structures of temporary highways must be justified in the construction organization project.

25. Construction of temporary overhead roads and cable cranes for moving materials and parts, as well as their dismantling.

26. Installation and dismantling of temporary communications to provide electricity, water, heat, communication networks and other communications passing through the construction site.

Appendix 3


1. On-site offices and storerooms for foremen and craftsmen.

2. Warehouses and sheds at the construction site.

3. Showers, vat, unsewered latrines and rooms for heating workers.

4. Floorings, stepladders, stairs, walkways, walking boards, cast-offs when breaking down a building.

5. Structures, devices and safety devices.

6. Scaffolding and scaffolding not provided for in the estimated standards for construction works or in the standards for the installation of equipment, external hanging cradles, fences and enclosures* (except for special and architecturally designed ones) necessary for the performance of work, safety canopies, shelters during drilling and blasting operations.

* Fences and barriers related to the time of their use and technical specifications to low-value and high-wear items.

7. Temporary distributions from the main and distribution networks of electricity, water, steam, gas and air within the working area (territories within 25 meters from the perimeter of buildings or axes of linear structures);

8. Costs associated with the adaptation of buildings under construction and existing on construction sites, instead of the construction of the above-mentioned (non-title) temporary buildings and structures.

The Zakonbase website presents a "COLLECTION OF ESTIMATED COST STANDARDS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF TEMPORARY BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES. GSN 81-05-01-2001" (approved by Resolution of the State Construction Committee of the Russian Federation dated 05/07/2001 N 45) in the latest edition. It is easy to comply with all legal requirements if you read the relevant sections, chapters and articles of this document for 2014. To find the necessary legislative acts on a topic of interest, you should use convenient navigation or advanced search.

On the Zakonbase website you will find a "COLLECTION OF ESTIMATED COST STANDARDS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF TEMPORARY BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES. GSN 81-05-01-2001" (approved by Resolution of the State Construction Committee of the Russian Federation dated 05/07/2001 N 45) in the latest and full version, in which all changes and amendments have been made. This guarantees the relevance and reliability of the information.

At the same time, you can download the “COLLECTION OF ESTIMATED COST STANDARDS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF TEMPORARY BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES. GSN 81-05-01-2001” (approved by Resolution of the State Construction Committee of the Russian Federation dated 05/07/2001 N 45) completely free of charge, both in full and in separate chapters.

Date of introduction 2001-05-15

DEVELOPED by the Interregional Center for Pricing in Construction and the Building Materials Industry (ICTS) of the Gosstroy of Russia (I.I. Dmitrenko, G.P. Shpunt), the Department of Pricing and Estimated Standardization in Construction and the Housing and Communal Sector of the Gosstroy of Russia (V.A. Stepanov , G.A. Shanin, E.N. Dorozhkina).

INTRODUCED by the Department of Pricing and Estimated Standardization in Construction and the Housing and Communal Sector of the Gosstroy of Russia

APPROVED AND ENTERED INTO EFFECT on May 15, 2001 by Decree of the State Construction Committee of Russia dated May 7, 2001 N 45.

IN REPLACEMENT of Collections of estimated cost standards for the construction of temporary buildings and structures (SNiP IV-9-82; SNiP 4.09-91), approved by resolutions of the USSR State Construction Committee dated September 30, 1982 N 222 and dated October 5, 1990 N 81.


The collection of estimated cost standards for the construction of temporary buildings and structures is intended to determine the costs for the construction of titular temporary buildings and structures based on the standards established by type of construction.

Estimated standards are mandatory for all enterprises and organizations, regardless of affiliation and forms of ownership, carrying out capital construction with the involvement of funds from the state budget of all levels and targeted extra-budgetary funds.

For construction projects financed from the own funds of enterprises, organizations and individuals, the estimate standards are advisory in nature.

1. General Provisions

1.1. This Collection of estimated cost standards for the construction of temporary buildings and structures is intended to determine in consolidated estimates the cost of construction of enterprises, buildings and structures, the amount of funds for the construction of title temporary buildings and structures, depending on the type of construction established by the name of the project.

Temporary buildings and structures include production, storage, auxiliary, residential and public buildings and structures that are specially erected or adapted for the construction period and are necessary for construction and installation work and servicing construction workers.

Temporary buildings and structures are divided into title and non-title.

The list of works and costs related to title temporary buildings and structures taken into account by the standards of the collection is given in Appendix 2.

1.2. Estimated cost standards for the construction of titular temporary buildings and structures are determined as a percentage of the estimated cost of construction and installation work based on the results of chapters 1-7 (columns 4 and 5) of the consolidated estimate of the cost of construction (Appendix 1).

1.3. Estimated standards take into account the costs of construction and subsequent dismantling of temporary buildings and structures necessary for construction and installation work, as well as for servicing construction workers within the construction site* or route**, allocated in kind for construction, taking into account adaptation and use for the needs of the construction of existing and newly constructed permanent buildings and structures.


* Construction site is an area allocated in accordance with the project in the prescribed manner for the permanent location of the construction site, as well as the services of construction and installation organizations, and taking into account the temporary allotment of territory determined according to the conditions of work.

** Route - a right of way determined by the plan and longitudinal profile in accordance with the project in the prescribed manner, for the permanent placement of a linear construction project (road, pipeline, power line, etc.).

The estimated standards take into account the costs of commissioning work performed during the commissioning of certain types of temporary buildings and structures - power plants, transformer substations, boiler houses, pumping stations, compressor stations, etc.

1.4. The costs of construction, assembly, disassembly, depreciation, current repairs and relocation of non-title temporary buildings and structures (to meet the needs of individual facilities) are not taken into account by the standards of this Collection and are provided for as part of the overhead costs for construction and installation work.

The list of non-title temporary buildings and structures is given in Appendix 3.

1.5. With appropriate justification provided for by the construction organization project (COP), Chapter 8 “Temporary buildings and structures” of the consolidated estimate calculation additionally includes funds for:

Construction of temporary buildings and structures necessary to accommodate and service special categories of builders;

Reimbursement of costs of construction and installation organizations associated with the construction and equipment of buildings and structures for the placement and maintenance of military construction units aimed at constructing facilities;

Construction of temporary access roads, including earth-carrying ones, outside the construction site;

Construction of temporary communications to provide the construction site with electricity, water, heat, etc. from the connection source to distribution devices at the construction site (construction area);

Construction of a temporary road along the route (near-route road) during the construction of main linear structures of the general network for the purpose of initial development of the construction area;

Construction of the necessary temporary access roads (roads, railways, etc.) during the construction of linear structures in order to ensure the supply of building materials in the event that the construction of artificial structures: bridges, overpasses, tunnels, etc. carried out before the start of work on the route;

Purchase of equipment and production and business equipment for title temporary buildings and structures.

1.6. The estimated standards for the construction of title temporary buildings and structures do not take into account the costs of:

Payment for land, allotment and preparation of territory for the construction of temporary buildings and structures, incl. drainage, filling or alluvium, reclamation, restoration of water use conditions and clearing of forests (provided for in Chapter 1 “Preparation of the construction site” of the consolidated estimate for the construction as a whole, taking into account the placement of temporary buildings and structures);

Construction of temporary earth-carrying roads in the quarry and on the dump (taken into account as part of the unit prices for earthworks);

Purchase of sets of inventory parts for prefabricated temporary buildings, inventory houses, carriages and other container-type premises, as well as equipment for equipping them, including production and household equipment (purchased at the expense of the customer’s own funds or contractors);

Construction of temporary transshipment bases for the contractor at points of transshipment of building materials and structures from one type of transport to another, as well as construction of transshipment bases for the contractor outside the construction site (taken into account in Chapter 9 “Other work and costs” based on the PIC);

Development of design and estimate documentation for the construction of title temporary buildings and structures (taken into account in Chapter 12 “Design and survey work, designer’s supervision” of the consolidated estimate);

Linking standard temporary buildings and structures (taken into account in overhead costs under the item “Production design costs”).

1.7. The estimated standards do not include and are taken into account directly in the site estimates in accordance with the construction organization project (COP) costs for the construction of temporary devices necessary for the period of performing certain types of construction and installation work only for a specific object:

Rail tracks for lifting cranes (crane tracks) with a foundation for them;

Reasons for ensuring stable operation of equipment when constructing piles, as well as equipment for performing work using the “wall in soil” method, conveyor lines for installing steel structures in large blocks;

Temporary enclosing structures separating existing premises from newly built, added or repaired premises, as well as enclosing structures necessary to ensure the commissioning of a separate part of the building;

Construction of networks and structures, the need for which is caused by the commissioning of facilities under a temporary scheme;

Temporary roads inside buildings under construction for frame installation;

Berths for shore protection works;

Intermediate supports;

Structures for protecting buildings and structures from damage during drilling and blasting operations;

Construction of temporary above-mine buildings;

Laying temporary haulage tracks;

Construction of temporary railway or road bypasses (bypasses) associated with the construction of new or reconstruction of existing buildings and structures.

The list can be supplemented based on the construction organization project (COP).




GSN 81-05-01-2001

(Gosstroy of Russia)

Moscow 2001

DEVELOPED by the Interregional Center for Pricing in Construction and the Building Materials Industry (ICTS) of Gosstroy, Russia (I.I. Dmitrenko, G.P. Shpunt), the Department of Pricing and Estimated Standardization in Construction and the Housing and Communal Complex of Gosstroy of Russia (V.A. Stepanov, G.A. Shanin, E.N. Dorozhkina).

INTRODUCED by the Department of Pricing and Estimated Standardization in Construction and the Housing and Communal Sector of the Gosstroy of Russia.

APPROVED AND ENTERED INTO EFFECT on May 15, 2001 by Decree of the State Construction Committee of Russia dated May 7, 2001 No. 45.

IN REPLACEMENT of Collections of estimated cost standards for the construction of temporary buildings and structures (SNiP IV-9-82; SNiP 4.09-91), approved by resolutions of the USSR State Construction Committee dated September 30, 1982 No. 222 and dated October 5, 1990 No. 81.




Approved and put into effect on May 15, 2001
Resolution of the State Construction Committee of Russia dated May 7, 2001 No. 45


GSN 81-05-01-2001

State Committee of the Russian Federation
for construction and housing and communal services
(Gosstroy of Russia)

Moscow 2001


The collection of estimated cost standards for the construction of temporary buildings and structures is intended to determine the costs for the construction of titular temporary buildings and structures based on the standards established by type of construction.

Estimated standards are mandatory for all enterprises and organizations, regardless of affiliation and forms of ownership, carrying out capital construction with the involvement of funds from the state budget of all levels and targeted extra-budgetary funds.

For construction projects financed from the own funds of enterprises, organizations and individuals, the estimate standards are advisory in nature.

Please send comments and suggestions on the Collection of estimated cost standards for the construction of temporary buildings and structures to:

119991, GSP, Moscow, st. Stroiteley, 8, bldg. 2, Department of Pricing and Estimated Standardization in Construction and Housing and Communal Sector of the Gosstroy of Russia.

1. General provisions

1.1. This Collection of estimated cost standards for the construction of temporary buildings and structures is intended to determine in consolidated estimates the cost of construction of enterprises, buildings and structures, the amount of funds for the construction of title temporary buildings and structures, depending on the type of construction established by the name of the project.

Temporary buildings and structures include production, storage, auxiliary, residential and public buildings and structures that are specially erected or adapted for the construction period and are necessary for construction and installation work and servicing construction workers.

Temporary buildings and structures are divided into title and non-title.

The title temporary buildings and structures taken into account by the standards of the collection are given in Appendix 2.

1.2. Estimated cost standards for the construction of title temporary buildings and structures are determined as a percentage of the estimated cost of construction and installation work based on the results of Chapters 1 - 7 (columns 4 and 5) of the consolidated estimate of construction costs (Annex 1).

1.3. Estimated standards take into account the costs of construction and subsequent dismantling of temporary buildings and structures necessary for construction and installation work, as well as for servicing construction workers within the construction site* or route**, allocated in kind for construction, taking into account adaptation and use for the needs of the construction of existing and newly constructed permanent buildings and structures.

The estimated standards take into account the costs of commissioning work performed during the commissioning of certain types of temporary buildings and structures - power plants, transformer substations, boiler houses, pumping stations, compressor stations, etc.

* Construction site is an area allocated in accordance with the project in the prescribed manner for the permanent location of the construction site, as well as the services of construction and installation organizations, and taking into account the temporary allotment of territory determined according to the conditions of work.

** Route - a right of way determined by the plan and longitudinal profile in accordance with the project in the prescribed manner, for the permanent placement of a linear construction project (road, pipeline, power line, etc.).

1.4. The costs of construction, assembly, disassembly, depreciation, current repairs and relocation of non-title temporary buildings and structures (to meet the needs of individual facilities) are not taken into account by the standards of this Collection and are provided for as part of the overhead costs for construction and installation work.

The list of non-title temporary buildings and structures is given in Appendix 3.

1.5. With appropriate justification provided for by the construction organization project (COP), Chapter 8 “Temporary buildings and structures” of the consolidated estimate additionally includes funds for:

Construction of temporary buildings and structures necessary to compensate and serve special categories of builders;

Reimbursement of costs of construction and installation organizations associated with the construction and equipment of buildings and structures for the placement and maintenance of military construction units aimed at constructing facilities;

Construction of temporary access roads, including earth-carrying ones, outside the construction site;

Construction of temporary communications to provide the construction site with electricity, water, heat, etc. from the connection source to distribution devices at the construction site (construction area);

Construction of a temporary road along the route (near-route road) during the construction of main linear structures of the general network for the purpose of initial development of the construction area;

Construction of the necessary temporary access roads (roads, railways, etc.) during the construction of linear structures in order to ensure the supply of building materials in the case when the construction of artificial structures: bridges, overpasses, tunnels, etc., is carried out before the start of work on the route ;

Purchase of equipment and production and business equipment for title temporary buildings and structures.

1.6. In the estimated standards for the construction of title temporary buildings and structures costs are not taken into account:

Payment for land, allocation and preparation of territory for the construction of temporary buildings and structures, in 1.4. drainage, filling or alluvium, reclamation, restoration of water use conditions and clearing of forests (provided for in Chapter 1 “Preparation of the construction site” of the consolidated estimate for the construction as a whole, taking into account the placement of temporary buildings and structures);

Construction of temporary earth-carrying roads in a quarry and on a dump (taken into account as part of unit prices for earthworks);

Purchase of sets of inventory parts for prefabricated temporary buildings, inventory houses, carriages and other container-type premises, as well as equipment for equipping them, including production and household equipment (purchased at the expense of the customer’s own funds or contractors);

Construction of temporary transshipment bases for the contractor at points of transshipment of building materials and structures from one type of transport to another, as well as construction of transshipment bases for the contractor outside the construction site (taken into account in Chapter 9 “Other work and costs” based on the PIC);

Development of design and estimate documentation for the construction of title temporary buildings and structures (taken into account in Chapter 12 “Design and survey work, designer’s supervision” of the consolidated estimate);

Linking standard temporary buildings and structures (taken into account in overhead costs under the item “Production design costs”).

1.7. The estimated standards do not include and are taken into account directly in the site estimates in accordance with the construction organization project (COP) costs for the construction of temporary devices necessary for the period of performing certain types of construction and installation work only for a specific object:

Rail tracks for lifting cranes (crane tracks) with a foundation for them;

Reasons for ensuring stable operation of equipment when constructing piles, as well as equipment for performing work using the “wall in soil” method, conveyor lines for installing steel structures in large blocks;

Temporary enclosing structures separating existing premises from newly built, added or repaired premises, as well as enclosing structures necessary to ensure the commissioning of a separate part of the building;

Construction of networks and structures, the need for which is caused by the commissioning of facilities under a temporary scheme;

Temporary roads inside buildings under construction for frame installation;

Berths for shore protection works;

Intermediate supports;

Structures for protecting buildings and structures from damage during drilling and blasting operations;

Construction of temporary above-mine buildings;

Laying temporary haulage tracks;

Construction of temporary railway or road bypasses (bypasses) associated with the construction of new or reconstruction of existing buildings and structures.

The list can be supplemented based on the construction organization project (COP).

2. Procedure for applying the standards

2.1. Estimated standards given in Appendix 1, designed for new construction conditions.

When drawing up estimate documentation for major repairs of industrial buildings, reconstruction and expansion of existing enterprises, buildings and structures, construction of subsequent phases on the territory of existing enterprises or adjacent sites, a coefficient of 0.8 is applied to the specified standards.

2.2. When constructing in areas with difficult climatic conditions (in regions of the Far North and areas equivalent to them, in high mountain areas, desert and waterless areas), the costs of temporary buildings and structures should be determined by calculation based on PIC data or in accordance with a contract for the standards of this collection.

3. Payment procedure for temporary buildings and structures

3.1. The amount of funds for the construction of title temporary buildings and structures can be determined:

According to the standards of this collection;

According to calculations based on PIC data. Simultaneous use of these methods is not allowed.

3.2. Payments between customers and contractors for temporary buildings and structures are made for actually constructed temporary buildings and structures.

3.3. The procedure for payments for temporary buildings and structures established between the customer and the contractor must be applied from the beginning to the end of construction.

3.4. Constructed title temporary buildings and structures are accepted for operation, included in the customer’s fixed assets (except for temporary roads, access roads and architecturally designed fences) and transferred for use to the contractor in the manner established by the contract.

3.5. The costs of dismantling temporary buildings and structures are paid upon their liquidation.

Refunds from the sale of materials, parts, equipment and production and business equipment received from the dismantling of temporary buildings and structures on the customer’s balance sheet are determined by calculations that take into account the sale of these materials and parts at the current price level (minus the costs of bringing them into a suitable condition and delivery to storage locations).

3.6. Materials and structures obtained from the dismantling of temporary buildings and structures are accounted for by the customer's accounting department and sold to the contractor with his consent.

3.7. When using prefabricated reinforced concrete slabs for the construction of temporary roads, the return value of the slabs obtained from dismantling is determined on the basis of an act signed by the customer and the contractor.

Annex 1

Estimated cost rates
for the construction of title temporary
buildings and structures


Name of construction types
enterprises, buildings and structures

Estimated rate, % of the cost of construction and installation works based on the results of chapters 1-7 (columns 4 and 5) of one estimate calculation

Industrial engineering

Enterprises of the ferrous metallurgical industry (except mining)

Enterprises of the non-ferrous metallurgical industry (except mining)

Facilities for the development of oil, gas and gas condensate fields (fields)

Mechanical engineering and electrical industry

Mining industry enterprises:

Construction of new coal (shale) mines and mines

Construction of processing plants. Opening and preparation of new horizons at existing mining enterprises

Construction of coal (shale) open-pit mines

Chemical industry enterprises:

Oil refineries and petrochemical plants

Other chemical industry facilities

Peat industry enterprises

Enterprises of the shipbuilding and ship repair industry

Enterprises of the logging and woodworking industries

Enterprises of the building materials and construction industry

Pulp and paper industry enterprises

Light industry enterprises

Food industry enterprises

Medical industry enterprises

Microbiological industry enterprises

Energy construction

Thermal power plants:

Condensing units with 210 - 300 MW capacity up to 2500 MW

Condensing units with 500 -300 MW units with a capacity of up to 5000 MW

Nuclear power plants with a capacity of 4000 MW and above

Industrial heating power plants

Independent boiler houses

Overhead power lines 35 kV and above

Transformer substations 35 kV and above and other energy construction facilities

Overhead power lines, including lighting, transformer substations 0.4 - 35 kV

Transport construction

New railways without tunnels and bridges (overpasses) longer than 50m

Second main railway tracks without tunnels and bridges (overpasses) longer than 50m

Electrification of railway sections

Development of railway junctions, stations, reconstruction of railways (strengthening individual sections and railway lines) and other types of construction on the operating network

Highways of national importance and local (hard-surfaced) categories 1 - 4 without tunnels and bridges (overpasses) more than 50 m long:

When using temporary mobile asphalt concrete and cement concrete plants for road construction

When receiving asphalt concrete and cement concrete for road surfaces from existing stationary enterprises


Railway and road bridges longer than 50m and overpasses

City bridges and overpasses:

In places where bridge construction organizations are permanently located

At other points


Airfield sites

Buildings and structures of the service and technical area

Seaports and port facilities

River transport objects

Collector tunnels

Housing and civil construction in cities and workers' settlements

Residential buildings and landscaping:

Residential buildings, including those with built-in premises: shops, laundries, etc. (including external networks and landscaping)

Microdistricts, blocks, complexes of residential and public buildings (including external networks and landscaping)

Improvement of cities and towns (including work on the construction of streets, driveways, sidewalks, green spaces)

Schools, kindergartens, nurseries, shops, office buildings, cinemas, theaters, art galleries and other civil engineering buildings

Educational and medical buildings and structures, research, design and design institutes

Public utility facilities (baths, laundries, crematoria, etc.)

External networks of water supply, sewerage, heat and gas supply within the city (linear part)

Water supply and sewerage of cities (a complex of engineering structures including pipelines, pumping stations, treatment facilities, etc.)

City electric transport (tram depots, trolleybus depots, tram and trolleybus lines, traction substations, terminal stations, track and energy service workshops)

Light rail lines

Sanatoriums, holiday homes, tourist centers, boarding houses, dispensaries, pioneer camps

Other types of construction

Buildings and structures for the reception, storage and processing of grain and bakeries

Construction projects of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation:

Combined arms and special purpose

Housing, barracks, communal and cultural purposes

Networks of communication facilities:

Radio relay communication lines

Station structures, cable and air lines. Cable and overhead lines of zonal (interregional) and rural communications

City telephone networks. Interstation communication lines and nodes

Other facilities (post offices, regional communication centers, etc.)

Radio and television facilities

Agricultural construction, including housing and civil construction in rural areas (except highway construction and electrification)

Water management construction and hydraulic structures, fish-water-reclamation and pond structures of fish farms, fish hatcheries for the reproduction of fish stocks and spawning and nursery farms

Main pipelines outside cities:

Water supply, sewerage

Gas and oil pipelines:

on-site structures (compressor and pumping stations, gas distribution stations);

linear part (including electrochemicalization and technical communication lines)

Heating network

Treatment facilities, water supply and sewerage stations built according to an independent project

Supply companies

Enterprises of other industries

Appendix 2

List of works and costs related
to title temporary buildings and structures,
taken into account as part of the estimate standards

1. Temporary adaptation of newly constructed permanent buildings and structures to serve construction workers, restoration and repair of them upon termination of use.

2. Rent and adaptation of existing premises with subsequent liquidation of facilities.

3. Temporary adaptation of newly constructed and existing permanent buildings and structures for the production needs of construction, restoration and repair of them upon completion of use.

4. Moving structures and parts of production, warehouse, auxiliary, residential and public container and prefabricated mobile (inventory) buildings and structures to the construction site, arrangement of bases and foundations, installation with the necessary finishing, installation of equipment, input of utility networks, dismantling and dismantling, restoration of the site, moving structures and parts to the warehouse

5. Depreciation deductions (rent), expenses for current repairs of mobile (inventory) buildings of a prefabricated container type (except for the costs of sanitary service buildings taken into account as part of overhead rates).

6. Temporary logistics warehouses at the construction site, closed (heated and unheated) and open for storing materials, structures and equipment supplied for this construction.

7. Temporary facilities (sites, platforms, etc.) for materials, products, structures and equipment, as well as for loading and unloading operations.

8. Temporary multifunctional production workshops (mechanical repair, reinforcement, carpentry, etc.).

9. Power plants, transformer substations, boiler rooms, pumping, compressor, water supply, sewer, heater, fan, etc. buildings (structures) for temporary use, including commissioning works.

10. Temporary stations for finishing work.

11. Temporary installations for cleaning and disinfection of surface sources.

12. Temporary stone crushing and screening plants, concrete mortar units and installations for preparing concrete and mortar with equipment or mobile ones for linear construction.

13. Temporary installations for the preparation of soils treated with organic and inorganic binders, temporary cement-concrete and asphalt concrete plants for the preparation of concrete and asphalt concrete mixtures with bitumen storage facilities, etc.

14. Test sites for the production of reinforced concrete and concrete products and additional elements with steaming chambers.

15. Sites, stands for pre-assembly and pre-assembly of equipment.

16. Link assembly bases for assembling railway track links.

17. Buildings and facilities in temporary quarries, except roads.

18. Temporary offices of construction sites, trains, construction and installation departments and similar organizations.

19. Temporary laboratories for testing building materials and products on construction sites.

20. Temporary garages.

21. Temporary structures on the construction site related to fire prevention measures.

22. Construction of bases and foundations for machines and mechanisms (except for the construction of foundations to ensure stable operation of pile-driving equipment when driving piles and crane tracks for lifting cranes).

23. Special and architecturally designed fences and barriers in cities.

24. Construction and maintenance of temporary railways, automobiles*, earth-carrying roads and driveways passing through a construction site or highway, incl. connecting sections between the highway road and the linear structure under construction, with artificial structures, overpasses and crossings. Dismantling of roads and driveways.

* The use and turnover of prefabricated reinforced concrete slabs in pavement structures of temporary highways must be justified in the construction organization project.

25. Construction of temporary overhead roads and cable cranes for moving materials and parts, as well as their dismantling.

26. Installation and dismantling of temporary communications to provide electricity, water, heat, communication networks and other communications passing through the construction site.

Appendix 3

List of works and costs related
to non-title temporary buildings and structures,
taken into account as part of overhead rates

1. On-site offices and storerooms for foremen and craftsmen.

2. Warehouses and sheds at the construction site.

3. Showers, vat, unsewered latrines and rooms for heating workers.

4. Floorings, stepladders, stairs, walkways, walking boards, cast-offs when breaking down a building.

5. Structures, devices and safety devices.

6. Scaffolding and scaffolding not provided for in the estimated standards for construction work or in the standards for installation of equipment, external hanging cradles, fences and barriers* (except for special and architecturally designed ones), necessary for the performance of work, safety canopies, shelters during drilling and blasting operations .

7. Temporary distributions from the main and distribution networks of electricity, water, steam, gas and air within the working area (territories within 25 meters from the perimeter of buildings or axes of linear structures);

* Fences and enclosures that, based on the time of their use and technical characteristics, are considered low-value and wearable items.

8. Costs associated with the adaptation of buildings under construction and existing on construction sites, instead of the construction of the above-mentioned (non-title) temporary buildings and structures.


General provisions

The procedure for applying the standards

Payment procedure for temporary buildings and structures

Annex 1

Estimated cost standards for the construction of title temporary buildings and structures

Appendix 2

List of works and costs related to title temporary buildings and structures taken into account as part of the estimate standards

Appendix 3

List of works and costs related to non-title temporary buildings and structures taken into account as part of the overhead cost standards