Office of the Prosecutor General's Office of the Ural Federal. A replacement for the Ural Deputy Prosecutor General was found in the North Caucasus. Interaction with the media

16.11.2021 Landscape design

The Center for Free Journalism analyzed the websites of the prosecutor's offices of the Ural Federal District. The results are deplorable: regional prosecutors' offices do not have a uniform website template, the content of prosecutorial resources is meager, and updates are irregular. You can’t even find contacts there - there are no phone numbers, no email addresses, in a word, no transparency.

The most “empty” website is that of the General Prosecutor’s Office in the Urals Federal District: not a single telephone number is listed, there are no results of checks carried out in the prosecutor’s office itself, there is no information about placing orders for the supply of goods and services, although, for example, regional prosecutor’s offices have it. Also, on the website of the Prosecutor General’s Office in the Urals Federal District there is no announcement of events, and Yuri Ponomarev’s subordinates completely forgot about interaction with public organizations and the version of the website for the visually impaired - neither one nor the other on the website no. We also did not find information about the income of officials. This information is not available on the websites of the prosecutor’s offices of the Chelyabinsk and Tyumen regions and the prosecutor’s office of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug. What kind of fight against corruption can we talk about if this information is not posted for public viewing? But at the same time, on the website of the main supervisory district agency there is a banner for switching to account on, where the departmental program “On Guard of the Law” is posted. This program also raises many questions: is it an officially registered media outlet, what funds and from what source are spent on its production?

In terms of working with the press, the website of the KhMAO Prosecutor’s Office looks the best in the Ural Federal District: the website has a photo of senior media assistant Inga Snatkina. Not a single prosecutor's office of the Ural Federal District has published photographs of their press secretaries, although their position is public and, it would seem, the more popular their press attaché is, the closer the department is to journalists, the better the interaction is built. However, on the website of the same Prosecutor General’s Office in the Urals Federal District there is no section “For the media” at all, and there is also no information about Yuri Ponomarev’s assistants for working with the press and public organizations indicating contact information. One can only guess whether this work is not being carried out at all, or whether the prosecutors from the district prosecutor’s office do not want to “shine the light” on this activity. Although home page The Prosecutor General's Office in the Urals Federal District is full of news. This means that one of the prosecutor’s employees still writes these articles and posts them on the website. This is usually what the press service does, but it is not possible to find them through the department’s website.

The Center for Free Journalism also assessed the content of the websites of the prosecutor's offices of the Ural Federal District on a 10-point scale. Below is a table with the number of points scored from 1 to 10. If the section is missing at all, then we put “0”. The website of the Chelyabinsk Regional Prosecutor's Office is the best filled, and the website of the General Prosecutor's Office in the Urals Federal District is the worst.

  1. Prosecutor's Office of the Chelyabinsk Region – 115
  2. Prosecutor's Office of the Tyumen Region - 111
  3. Prosecutor's Office of the Kurgan Region - 89
  4. Prosecutor's Office of the Sverdlovsk Region – 83
  5. Prosecutor's Office of the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug - 74
  6. Prosecutor's office of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug - 73
  7. Prosecutor General's Office in the Urals Federal District – 47

The Center for Free Journalism checked the content of the websites of supervisory agencies taking into account the requirements Federal Law from 02/09/2009 No. 8-FZ (as amended on 03/09/2016) “On ensuring access to information on the activities of state bodies and local governments” and Order of the Prosecutor General’s Office of the Russian Federation dated 05/31/2011. No. 153 “On organizing work to ensure access to information about the activities of bodies and institutions of the prosecutor’s office Russian Federation(as amended on May 16, 2014).

In conclusion, we note that departmental websites of the police and Investigative Committee are structured much better than the prosecutor’s: the police and the Investigative Committee have uniform templates for Internet resources, there are contact details for the media, and in terms of occupancy they are ahead of the prosecutor’s. This uniformity of the websites of the police and the Investigative Committee reveals good organization work and a single agency is seen: both at the federal and regional levels.

Photo of Deputy Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation Yuri Ponomarev taken from the website

Before sending your letter, please read the following information carefully.

When exercising supervision over the implementation of laws, the prosecutor's office does not replace other government bodies (Article 21 of the Federal Law of January 17, 1992 No. 2202-1 “On the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation”).

Legal relations related to the exercise by a citizen of the right to appeal in the prosecutor's office are regulated by:

  1. Federal Law No. 59-FZ dated May 2, 2006 “On the procedure for considering appeals from citizens of the Russian Federation”;
  2. Instructions on the procedure for considering applications and receiving citizens in the prosecutor's office of the Russian Federation;

approved and put into effect by order of the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation dated January 30, 2013 No. 45 (hereinafter referred to as the Instructions).

Appeals from citizens, decisions on which were not made by the heads of lower prosecutor's offices, as well as those subject to resolution by other bodies and organizations, are sent to them within 7 days to verify the arguments with or without control, while simultaneously notifying the applicant (clauses 3.2., 3.4. , 3.5. Instructions).

In order to promptly resolve the appeal and to avoid increasing the time for its consideration (taking into account forwarding within the competence or jurisdiction), we recommend that you address the complaint directly to the website of the relevant prosecutor’s office or the relevant federal body (from the list below), in the following cases:

  1. Lack of responses from the heads of prosecutor's offices of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation to the questions raised in the appeal;
  2. When resolving the arguments raised in the appeal falls within the competence of other departments.

Prosecutor's offices in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation

Select Sverdlovsk region Chelyabinsk region Kurgan region Tyumen region Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Yugra Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug Other subjects of the Russian Federation

Other departments

Select Administration of the President of the Russian Federation Investigative Committee of Russia Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia FSSP of Russia FSB of Russia Rospotrebnadzor Roszdravnadzor Roskomnadzor Rosprirodnadzor Rosreestr Ministry of Health of Russia Ministry of Finance of Russia Central Election Commission of Russia Ministry of Construction of Russia (construction and housing and communal services) Ministry of Labor of Russia Pension fund Russian Federation Ministry of Education and Science of Russia (science and education) Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund (compulsory health insurance) Central Bank Russian Federation Ministry of Justice of Russia Supreme Court Russian Federation Rostourism FAS Russia Ministry of Defense of Russia

The deputy's long-time dream has come true Attorney General RF in the Ural Federal District of Yuri Ponomarev: he is finally going to serve in Moscow. Many residents of the Urals shared this joy with Ponomarev - let the capital now suffer with him. After all, the reputation trail that follows Yuri Ponomarev is stained by a number of dubious (if not ordered) cases.

New position Yuri Ponomarev sounds like this: Deputy Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation in the Central Federal District. Ponomarev walked towards this appointment for many years, starting his career in the “nuclear” Ozyorsk, Chelyabinsk region. This is a closed city, with a tightly knit leadership and power elite, which also has connections with the authoritative world of the Southern Urals.

There, according to informed sources, Ponomarev came under the influence of Ozersk security officers who had connections with one of the leaders of the Kalinin family - Chelyabinsk City Duma deputy Vitaly Pavlovich Rylskikh (we recall that the Chelyabinsk oligarch Alexander Aristov, owner of CHEMK, is also considered the leader of the Kalinin family). Most likely, Ponomarev was brought “up to date” by the Deputy Head of the FSB Directorate for the Chelyabinsk Region, Alexander Nikolaevich Ryabchenko.

Considering such a start to a career, few in the South Ural elite were surprised that some criminal cases were investigated very zealously, while for some reason the expensive ones “slipped.” The highlight of Ponomarev’s career as deputy prosecutor general in the Urals Federal District was the so-called case of hijackers and operatives. This shameful story clearly demonstrated the methods of “work” of the Investigation Department in the Urals, namely, investigator Bederin and his boss, head of the 4th Investigative Directorate of the ICR Ruslan Ibiev (now Lieutenant General of Justice). Operatives Koltsov and Bugaev, who caught Aleksey Malov, a member of a gang of luxury foreign car thieves, red-handed in January 2013, themselves ended up in a pre-trial detention center. They were almost joined by the deputy head of the criminal investigation department, Andrei Menshenin, who escaped with house arrest. Two more operatives were on the run for two years, fleeing from boundless “justice.”

Both police officers and deputies sent appeals to Moscow regarding this outrageous case. State Duma deputy Valery Hartung also contacted Moscow several times. But in vain: Ponomarev preferred to pretend that he did not notice the lawlessness. With such “blindness”, of course, Ibiev worked very freely: “do things” as you wish!

Only two years later did justice prevail for the operas. But for the time they lost in the pre-trial detention center, for their nerves, for their health, for their insulted honor, neither Bederin nor Ibiev received punishment.

And this triumph of justice is an isolated case. But one could recall many more lawless cases to which Ponomarev, as a representative of the General Prosecutor’s Office in the Urals Federal District, should have paid attention - but did not.

Similarly, Ponomarev was completely “not interested” in budget embezzlement and clearly corrupt issues, including the completely unlimited collusion of the Chelyabinsk road monopolist Yuzhuralmost with the regional Ministry of Road Facilities and Transport (remember that for three years this private company has been allocated for roads by the Ministry!) . And this money flowed freely for several years - after all, the actual owner of Yuzhuralmost is Sergei Vilshenko, who is on the run. Living in London, he still controls the work of the company, and in the region, current affairs are decided by his father, retired FSB Colonel Gennady Vilshenko.

With such “blindness” of the representative of the General Prosecutor’s Office of the Russian Federation, he calmly ignored corruption cases and the chief for budget crimes at Southern Urals- Head of the first department of the economic security department of the FSB Directorate for the Chelyabinsk region Anton Kostenko. Also, by the way, presumably connected with the Kalinin family.

It is not surprising that there was no reaction from Ponomarev to the long-term complaints of Chelyabinsk residents regarding the smoking ChEMK oligarch Alexander Aristov. And all because, as they believe in the South Ural elite, Ponomarev was firmly “hooked” by people from the Kalinin family working in the FSB Directorate for the Chelyabinsk Region.

So no one, except representatives of this authoritative family, will regret Ponomarev’s departure to Moscow.

Well, on the part of the Kalinin family, attempts will obviously be made to “establish connections” with the new deputy prosecutor general in the Urals Federal District. After all, it is impossible to continue operating the Aristov plant, ignoring environmental standards, without the patronage of the district prosecutor.

Whether Yuri Ponomarev's successor in the Ural Federal District, Vladimir Malinovsky, who arrived in his place in Yekaterinburg, will continue to help oligarch Aristov - time will tell.

The transfer of the Deputy Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation in the Urals Federal District to the post of acting first deputy will certainly trigger a wave of personnel changes in supervision, and the end result will be a partial renewal in the central apparatus. At the same time, it is clarified that the experts are predicting not a post for Ponomarev, who currently occupies the place of the second person in the department, but “one of the ordinary deputies.” The current appointment, observers at the RF GP are sure, is a “test in force” - despite the business trip, Ponomarev’s duties as curator of the Ural Federal District are not removed for this time, and “he will have to demonstrate his ability to work under extremely high workload conditions.” According to one version, personnel preparations are thus underway for the possible disbandment of the Prosecutor General’s Office departments in the federal districts with the “removal of individual leaders from the attack.” At the same time, they officially deny information about possible personnel changes in the Ural department, insisting that “nothing extraordinary is happening.” In addition to interest in federal district from the prosecutor of Crimea and “rotation from the regions of the North Caucasus.”

The Moscow business trip of the Deputy Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation to the Urals Federal District Yuri Ponomarev, temporarily appointed to act as first deputy Yuri Chaika, is considered by employees of the supervisory agency as preparation for updating the leadership. According to the interlocutors of Pravda UrFO, upon completion of the “temporary” appointment, Ponomarev will indeed return to Yekaterinburg, but he will stay here for a very short time and will soon return to the capital in the status of one of the deputies in the central apparatus.

“The main reason why this version arose at all was the very appearance of the order. As a rule, in the central office, during the absence of one of the employees, a representative of the same “center” is appointed as an acting representative. The fact that none of the Moscow deputies were appointed instead of Buksman is an unusual situation. The majority of the leadership of the Prosecutor General’s Office is on the verge of the age limit for being in service, some already have an annual extension it's already underway. So, potentially, almost any chair could become vacant there, not to mention, of course, Chaika, who received a guarantee of immunity for some time, and Buksman himself - he is also not planning to retire yet. So the time has come to think about what castlings will follow in the Urals Federal District,” the editor’s interlocutor believes.

Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation Yuri Chaika

According to an employee of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, according to official information, the most different options, but the dominant version is that the potential successor will come from regions outside the Urals Federal District. In particular, the expert recommends paying attention to North Caucasus, first of all - to the prosecutor of Ingushetia Petra Nikolaeva, who has served in the military prosecutor's office of the Volga-Ural Military District (as part of the army reform, it became part of the Central Military District). Let us note that both Ponomarev and his successor as Sverdlovsk prosecutor Sergey Okhlopkov previously served in the Caucasian regions. However, skeptics point out that it is now extremely premature to make unambiguous assumptions, since even in the case of Ponomarev there is no clear data indicating his real upcoming move.

“If a prosecutor somewhere is promoted, this does not necessarily mean that a successor has been prepared. His responsibilities may be assigned to a temporary manager, and then, in parallel, work will begin to find a permanent replacement. So for now I can’t say anything. And you can assume anything. Remember how Poklonskaya (Prosecutor of the Republic of Crimea Natalya Poklonskaya - Ed.) has a warm attitude towards the Urals, she came to monasteries - it can also be connected with the fact that her trip to Yekaterinburg was, for example, a preliminary acquaintance with a new front of work,” - explained a high-ranking interlocutor of the editorial office.

The search for candidates for the seat, however, is complicated by the December decree Vladimir Putin O . In private conversations, the district departments of the supervisory agency are predicted to follow the fate of the main headquarters of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Federal Drug Control Service - the former were liquidated back in 2014, the latter last year.

“The situation in the law enforcement system is now radically different from what it was 15 years ago at the time of their creation. Tasks change, and so do working conditions. In the case of the police and the Federal Drug Control Service, they decided that there was no need for district departments, the FSB did not create them at all, and not so long ago they reformatted the work of the district Investigation Departments - taking all this into account, and even with a focus on saving, it is logical to expect that the next it will be the prosecutors. In this case, it becomes a logical decision to check individual managers in advance for a possible transfer to the central office,” believes Pravda UrFO’s interlocutor in the law enforcement system.

Some experts associate the potential transition of Yuri Ponomarev precisely with the prospects for the liquidation of district departments. Allegedly, in this way the issue of employing “individual well-established generals of the prosecutor’s office is resolved in advance, so that later they do not have to urgently find a place for them.” However, the regional prosecutor's offices assure that they do not discuss such developments even in informal communication.

“I don’t think there will be any disbandment. We don’t have such conversations, and Ponomarev’s temporary transition to the central apparatus is practically not discussed. In general, the decree establishes for different departments different sizes abbreviations. According to the TFR, for example, we are talking about only a few dozen positions throughout the country. So, first of all, most likely, it will be carried out at the expense of empty rates and pensioners,” believes an interlocutor in the Sverdlovsk supervisory agency.

Editorial sources specifically focus on the conditions in which Ponomarev will have to work in the near future. Having assigned him the duties of the first deputy, Yuri Chaika did not remove his duties as curator of the Ural Federal District at this time - thus, Yuri Ponomarev will have to cope with a double load. Experts believe that this will, in essence, be a “test of strength.” At the same time, another of the most important factors that will influence the final decision, the editors’ interlocutors call “the good reputation of Yuri Ponomarev.”

“If his name is mentioned in the context of any conflicts, it is precisely in connection with his position and reports that the Sverdlovsk prosecutor’s office, and later the Directorate of the Prosecutor General’s Office in the Urals Federal District, initiated an investigation, identified the perpetrators, and brought them to justice. They say that when he first arrived in Yekaterinburg, the leaders of the financial industrial group tried for a long time to find an approach to “get closer” based on a common hobby - hunting, fishing or something like that. But Ponomarev maintained the principle of equidistance - this is undoubtedly a plus, especially in a situation where the Prosecutor General’s Office is one of the targets of information attacks by non-systemic opposition or subsidized media,” the source of Pravda Ural Federal District explained his words.