When is the best time to tell fortunes using cards? When is it okay to guess and when not? Favorable days for fortune telling for the whole year

06.12.2020 Plumbing work

Christmas time is a special time for fortune telling. Since ancient times, it was believed that predictions during the period from January 6 to January 19 come true with particular accuracy. Our ancestors believed that the first week of Christmastide was good; it was even called “holy.” In the second week, during fortune telling, you can see the spirits of the dead and evil spirits, which is why it was called “terrible.” They told fortunes in the evening and at night. The significant time was midnight; at this hour all otherworldly forces can come as close as possible to our world and give clear signs.

In order not to deviate from traditions that have developed for more than one century, if you decide to tell fortunes, then choose any number within 2 weeks after the celebration of Christmas or tell fortunes on its eve. Wait until it gets dark or start casting at night, just remember to prepare first.

How to prepare

To perform fortune telling correctly and get a 100% result, you need to properly prepare for it. Before performing the ceremony, create a suitable environment at home, choose right place. The following rules will help you prepare:

  • if you wear pectoral crosses, then remove them before fortune telling. As long as the cross is on your chest, you are protected. Don’t forget to remove the icons from the room or cover them with a towel;
  • Before the prediction begins, take off all your rings, let your hair down, and untie the belts on your clothes. There should be no embarrassment;
  • Before and during the ritual, keep your arms and legs uncrossed. Crossed limbs do not allow the prediction to be interpreted correctly and can confuse;
  • The room for fortune telling should be very quiet. Be sure to turn off the lights and light candles; you need to create twilight in the room.

If you are going to tell fortunes in an apartment, then choose a room with a closing door; you can go to the bathroom. In a private house, they usually cast fortunes in the bathhouse, in the basement or attic. These places are considered borderline: spirits can be found there.


One of the most popular places for fortune telling is considered to be a crossroads. In the old days they believed that there, at midnight, you could meet the devil and other evil spirits.

Examples of Christmas fortune telling

Before you start guessing, decide what you want to know. Young girls cast fortunes on their future husband and children, and married women cast fortunes to find out about prosperity and harvest. Men can also take part in fortune telling to learn a little about their future.

For divination you will need improvised objects. The most commonly used items are mirrors, water, rings, bracelets, clothing items, and kitchen utensils. If you are afraid to guess, invite a friend or mother with you, don’t be afraid, nothing bad will happen. During the rituals, remain serious, do not laugh or have fun, vulgar behavior may offend the spirits.

On burnt paper

In this way you can predict future events in life. Prepare clean paper sheets. Then take one leaf and crumple it into a ball. Place the paper on a plate and light it on fire. You can place a cup of water next to the burning paper so that if something happens, the sheet can be extinguished. Be careful, the plate gets hot from the fire. Let the paper burn to the very end. Then place the plate so that the ash from the sheet casts a shadow on the wall. In the shadows, try to make out an image or object; it marks your near future.

By wax

Prepare a cup of water and a paraffin candle. Light the candle, wait a little so that the wax begins to melt and the flame burns well. Pour the wax into water to create large particles. Then take out the resulting pieces and place them on paper. Try to guess the outlines of figures or objects in the pieces. For example, the resulting cross marks an illness or funeral. Flowers are symbols of imminent marriage. Wax frozen in the shape of a star means good luck.

By water

Write down any events in advance on small pieces of paper, for example, “birth of a child,” “wedding,” “money luck,” and so on. Try not to write too bad omens, write simply: “failure”, “illness”. There can be any number of pieces of paper. Fill a basin with water, and place notes in the water on the surface. Make a paper boat and place a candle in it. Instead of a boat, you can take a plastic jar. Wherever he brings the candle, that’s what we should look forward to next year.

By egg

Take a cup of hot water and raw egg. Make a hole in the shell so that the contents of the egg can be poured into a cup. Pour the egg white into water; it will quickly curdle. Based on the shape of the frozen protein, try to guess what is waiting for you in the near future. The ring shape signifies a wedding in the coming year. If the squirrel sank to the bottom, then there will be trouble in the house.


If the water is cool, you won't be able to cast the whites, so be sure to heat the water before guessing.

By melt water

Fortune telling helps you understand what the coming year will be like for you. The ritual must be carried out on the night of January 18-19, then the prediction will be definitely true. Near the house, notice a snowdrift with clean snow. Take a handful of snow and make a big snowball out of it. Bring the snowball home, put it in a cup and leave it to melt until the morning. In the morning, look at the water. If it is clean and transparent, then the year will be very successful. Small specks signify troubles and troubles. If you get caught in the water large garbage, this is an unkind sign, there will be trouble.

According to the book

Take an old book, but only with artistic content. The older the book is, the better. Mentally think about what you want to know, close your eyes. You can ask out loud a specific question that interests you very much. Then guess the page number of the book and the serial line. Open the book to the page you wished for and read the line. Now interpret what the fortune telling told you.

By subject

This method is suitable if you have a whole company gathered. You need to put various items in a box or basin: rings, chains, a scarf, earrings, coins, keys. Now the box needs to be closed with a lid or thick cloth, and its contents should be shaken. Everyone takes turns pulling out the first item they come across from the box. It is forbidden to select with your hand; you must immediately pull out what you come across. Keys speak of the imminent acquisition of real estate, coins indicate a successful financial situation, but a scarf speaks of failures and illness.


You cannot pull objects; everyone must pull them once.

By thread

This fortune telling helps a girl determine how soon she will get married. You need to cut three threads of different colors: black, red and white. Place the threads on a flat surface and mix with your eyes closed. Then pull out one of the threads, open your eyes and see what color it is. If the thread is red, then you will get married soon. A white thread means that marriage will happen, but not as soon as you want. The black thread says that there will definitely not be marriage in the near future.

With mirrors

Ancient fortune telling It has been known from mirrors for many centuries. Not everyone can decide on it, but if you dare, then prepare 2 mirrors, preferably tabletop ones. Choose mirrors of approximately the same size so that they do not differ. Place them opposite each other to create a mirrored corridor in reflection. There is only one fortune-telling person left in the room. Sit down and gaze into the mirrored corridor through the flame of a candle. You should see your betrothed in the corridor. Those who have told fortunes in this way claim that you have to sit for a long time, and in the mirror you can see all sorts of evil spirits.

For pancakes

You can guess in this way on any day of Christmastide. Fortune telling helps determine the future groom, what kind of person he will be. You need to bake pancakes in the evening, and at midnight put one or a couple of pancakes in a frying pan and, unnoticed by your mother, place it under her bed with the words: “My betrothed, come visit your mother-in-law to eat pancakes.” The next morning, ask your mom who she dreamed about, maybe it’s someone you both know.

By hair

If a girl already has a boyfriend, and she is wondering whether he will be her husband, this can be easily checked. You need to pull out a hair from your head and from the head of your betrothed. Dip your hair into a glass of water, add a pinch of salt, sugar and ash there in advance. Place the glass in the corner of the room and leave it overnight. In the morning, look at the hairs: if they are intertwined, then the marriage will be strong and long. If the hairs move away from each other, then this pair cannot avoid breaking.

By candles

If several are guessing unmarried girls, then you can find out which of them will get married the fastest. You need to prepare a bowl of water, walnut shells and a few pieces of paraffin candles. The paraffin pieces should be the same size. Each girl inserts a chop into the shell and sets it on fire, and then lowers it into the water. Whose candle burns out first will get married faster than the rest.


Instead of nut shells, you can take pieces of plastic or foam. The main condition is that the material should not sink.

On the ice

Fortune telling for children is very popular; one of the ways to find out about the number of offspring will be a simple method. Pour water into a glass, and then lower your ring to the bottom. Take the glass out into the cold overnight, or you can put it on the balcony. In the morning, look how frozen the ice is. If there are no cracks, bumps or depressions on the surface of the ice, then there will be no children. The presence of holes indicates that a girl is swarming. The tubercles, on the contrary, mark the birth of a boy.

With ring

You can find out the gender of your unborn child by casting a spell on the ring during Christmas time. Instead of a ring, sometimes a needle is used. They hang a ring or a needle on a woolen thread and bring it to the hand of the one who wants to find out the gender of her child. They look at what movements the suspended object performs. If the needle rotates in a circle or its movements resemble the outline of a circle, then you need to wait for a girl. If the object swings from side to side, the movements are similar to a pendulum, then a boy will be born. If the object does not move, then you should not wait for the children.

On the rocks

To find out who will be born to you first, a boy or a girl, turn on the stones. Prepare a bowl of water. Make notes from paper with women's and male names which you like best. For the entire number of notes, find the same number of small pebbles. Attach the notes to the stones and then place them in the basin. Watch what is happening carefully: over time, the notes will come off the stones and float on the water; you don’t need them. The name and gender of the child will be indicated by the note that lasts the longest on the stone. Take it out and read the name, this is probably what your baby will be called.

Fortune telling is a magical ritual designed to provide answers to questions about what awaits us in the future. For the results to be reliable, a number of rules and conditions must be met. For example, you can resort to fortune-telling practices only at certain times.

Let's try to figure out when it is possible to guess, and at what time it is better not to ask questions of the Universe.

Basic rules

It is believed that Monday is not the most suitable day for fortune telling. The deceptive Moon makes him this way. This luminary patronizes poets and lovers, but is not in honor among fortune tellers and magicians.

And relationships are best in women's days- Wednesday and Friday. Questions about financial card affairs are most readily answered on Tuesday or Thursday. Saturday is suitable for general predictions.

You cannot tell fortunes on Sunday, however, just like on all other church holidays.

Cloudy days, when the skies are overcast, are not suitable for card fortune-telling.

Respectively lunar calendar, it is easiest for a person to interact with the subtle worlds on the 12th, 14th and 19th day. It is at this time that our intuition and ability to perceive and process information become more acute.

When starting fortune telling, do not forget that the more clearly your question is formulated, the more accurate the answer will be. The time period covered by card predictions is short.

Traditionally favorable days For any fortune-telling, the solstices, as well as the entire Christmastide period, are considered.

What does the coming day have in store for us?

As you already understand, in order to spread the cards, you still need to choose the right moment. But there are also rituals for daily use: simple bones, coins. You can resort to their help at any time in order to find out how the coming day will turn out.

If you are just learning the basics of fortune telling, a simple ritual will suit you. All you need is a needle and a piece of paper. You can prepare your predictions in advance so that you can use the same template over and over again.

We cut out a square from whatman paper and write predictions on it in two columns:
they will scold you
will be praised
squabble, dispute
profitable offer
financial damage
management's attention
friendly support
empty chores
old friend will meet

There are only 14 phrases, but you can add to the list at your discretion. Now close your eyes and randomly poke your needle at the list. Whatever prediction comes up, you can expect it for the coming day.

Please note that the more often you resort to such fortune-telling, the more accurate the predictions will be. When can you guess using this method? Every day, any time. However, be sure to have some privacy and focus on the question.

Fortune telling with an appeal to spirits presupposes a specific answer to the question posed. Take an opaque vessel and 12 pieces of paper. Write “yes” on six of them and “no” on six more. Then roll each one up and lower it in turn into the vessel, saying the name of the spirits: Anael, Mikael, Gabriel, Sabul, Cheret, Khat, Avanabil, Fataha, Tabasis, Bergen, Lukabis, Saidis. Shake the vessel, cover it with your left hand and say the spell: “Twelve spirits - demons (list the whole list again), answer me three questions, don’t laugh, but reveal the truth.”
Don't ask confusing questions or repeat yourself, even if you don't like the answer. When can you guess? Any time it occurs serious problem. There is no point in disturbing the spirits over every little thing.

Fortune telling "one hundred" does not pretend to be accurate or informative, but it is good way kill time if Write on a piece of paper the name and surname of the person whose relationship you are going to find out about. At the bottom, put the numbers from one to one hundred and the date. We arrange all this in the form of a kind of matrix. There is no need to write zeros.
Cross out identical numbers and those that add up to a sum equal to 10.
By the number of remaining numbers you will know the attitude towards you of the person you are guessing about.

1*10*19 - loves,
2*11*20 - suspects of treason,
3*12*21 - indifferent,
4*13*22 - sympathizes,
5*14*23 - shows attention,
6*15*24 - he (she) is not interested in you,
7*16*25 - you will be together soon,
8*17*26 - he (she) is drawn to you,
9*18*27 - your couple has a future.

Of course, it is stupid to take such fortune-telling seriously; they serve more for fun and a pleasant pastime. When can you tell fortunes on paper? Any time you get bored.

Fortune telling is a magical ritual with which you can get answers to exciting questions and learn some facts about the future. In order for the information received to be as accurate as possible, you need to know when to use different methods predictions.

When is the best time to guess?

This question probably arises for every beginner, since there are both favorable and unsuitable days for using any type of magic. If you do not take this into account, then rituals will not only not provide truthful information, but can also cause harm. For those who are interested in when it is possible to both tell fortunes and perform rituals, it is important to know that to choose the appropriate time, one should take into account the day of the week, the lunar phase and the day. The most successful periods for predicting your future are church and pagan holidays: Ivan Kupala, Christmas, New Year, Baptism and so on.

When can you guess in January?

The second month of winter is the richest in days when you can perform various rituals, while receiving the most accurate information. There are several days when fortune telling in January is allowed for any purpose: New Year's holidays, Christmas, Epiphany and Holy Days. During this time period, everyone has a chance to learn about long-term prospects.

The special energy of the January holidays is the opportunity to turn to Higher powers or spirits. In ancient times, people believed that on these days the souls of dead people descend from heaven to communicate with their living relatives and friends. When figuring out when you can tell fortunes in January, it is important to note that the energy of magic gains its maximum at night between midnight and sunrise. It is believed that during the January holidays one can see prophetic dreams.

Another important point, which interests many - until what date can you guess in January, and so it is believed that the doors to the other world close on the Epiphany holiday, that is, January 19. It is important to note that this does not mean that after this there comes a time when it is not worth making predictions, since this is not the case and the rituals will provide information, but it will not be as accurate as during the New Year holidays.

When can you tell fortunes for Christmas?

According to Russian traditions, you can perform various rituals in order to look into the future on Christmas Eve before Christmas, that is, on the night of the 6th to the 7th. When they begin to guess during this time period, you can count on receiving accurate information, since this is one of the most powerful nights of the year, when spirits easily make contact and answer all questions. On Christmas itself, you should turn to the Higher Powers after the first star lights up in the sky.

When should you tell fortunes for the old New Year?

Another favorable period when predictions of the future are true. The ancestors believed that the magical evening was the eighth day of Christmas, and this is January 13th. All wishes and rituals performed this evening will give the desired results, which will be true. Fortune telling is popular before bedtime, which gives a chance at night to receive the necessary information regarding the future. To carry out the rituals without errors, remove the cross and things that cover the energy, such as belts and bracelets, from your body.

When can you tell fortunes at Epiphany?

This Christian holiday is considered an ideal time to find out the events of your future. On this day, the boundaries between worlds are erased, so it is easier to get in touch with Higher powers. It is believed that the information received on this day through rituals is 100% true. For those who are interested in when they are telling fortunes about Epiphany, you should know that the appropriate time for this is the late evening or night of January 18th. Some rituals have specific instructions regarding the time frame.

Days favorable for fortune telling

The reliability of the predictions has a connection with when the magic was used. The most unfavorable days The week for this action is considered to be Friday, Saturday and Sunday. The exception is the Christmastide period, when predictions will be true on any day. If you are interested in which days you can guess, it is worth replacing that rituals performed on Thursday promise good events, and on Monday they are more pessimistic. True information can be obtained by predicting the future on the 13th, and especially if the date falls on a Friday.

When figuring out when you can guess, it’s worth mentioning the following: important dates, as the first day of the year, for long-lasting predictions, and birthday. People who work with energies also recommend taking into account the lunar day to obtain the most accurate information. Better days for fortune telling and contact with the other world - 12, 14 and 18 days. There are certain dates intended for a specific type of prediction:

  • 2 – day when any type of fortune telling can be carried out;
  • 6 – ideal date for predicting the future;
  • 10 – you can get reliable information about past events;
  • 20 – it is better to carry out rituals for love;
  • 22 – use a book for prediction;
  • 27 – you can learn about both the future and the past;
  • 28 – trust your intuition and predict your destiny.

Is it possible to tell fortunes with cards on Sunday?

Such questions can be attributed to superstitions that appeared in ancient times and have survived to this day. Sunday was considered a time when it was necessary to rest, just like God did after the creation of the world, devoting time to prayer and going to church. People who do not belong to the Christian faith may not adhere to this prohibition. Psychics consider such taboos to be fiction and do not observe them. Another version regarding whether it is possible to guess on Sunday indicates that the time is unfavorable and the cards will lie.

Is it possible to tell fortunes during menstruation?

There are several explanations regarding this topic, and according to the most common version, a woman during her period becomes open to evil spirits, so resorting to magic is dangerous. The thing is that many entities that can come into contact during fortune telling love to feed on human energy. There is a version that during critical days, all predictions will not be true, and therefore they should not be carried out. In addition, many girls spend this period with, and this negatively affects the veracity of magic.

Serious consequences can await those who want to tell fortunes to other people during menstruation, since this can drag other people’s problems onto themselves, or turn to fortune tellers who can easily transfer negative energy to an unprotected woman. You can tell fortunes during menstruation only using rituals designed specifically for this time. There are signs that give you a chance to find out some information about the future based on when your menstruation began.

Is it possible to tell fortunes about the waning moon?

People who work with energies argue that to choose the right time, you need to focus on the phases of the moon. The best time to make fortunes is the full moon, since magical objects are saturated with the energy of the Earth's satellite and give true results. As for, this is not a good time to predict the future, since there is a high risk that the results will be false. In ancient times, this phase was considered a time when nature rests and gains strength, so it is better not to disturb the spirits so that they do not get angry.

Best time for fortune telling

To get the most accurate prediction, it is recommended to carry out rituals not only on specific days, but also at certain times. Since ancient times, people have believed that night is a good time to find contact with Higher powers, but this does not mean that the day is not suitable for predicting the future. A favorable time for fortune telling can be determined based on your own feelings, and if you want to tell fortunes, it means that the spirits are giving hints so that you can begin the ritual.

Is it possible to guess during the day?

Among people who have nothing to do with magic, there is a widespread belief that rituals can only be performed after sunset, but this is not entirely true. It is believed that between 11 and 4 a.m. is the time to establish close contact with otherworldly forces and receive truthful information thanks to various prediction methods, but this does not mean that using magic at other times is prohibited. For example, another period when it is customary to tell fortunes is from 14 to 16 hours - during the daytime it is difficult to concentrate on fortune telling, so it is easy to lose contact with the Higher powers.

Fortune telling on cards has practically no restrictions on the time of day. The cards will tell you the truth both day and night. But there are a number of rules, following which you can most accurately see the answers to your questions. Therefore, listen to the advice of astrologers and soothsayers, which sounds something like this:

  1. Monday, like Friday, is most conducive to laying out all kinds of combinations. These days, cards can't lie.
  2. Saturday and Sunday are the times when the cards will not tell you the truth, so you shouldn’t even waste time on this.
  3. Since love is a subtle matter under the auspices of Venus, it is best to conduct fortune telling on this issue on Friday evening. You can also use the lunar calendar and choose the day when the moon will be in the area of ​​influence of Taurus and Libra.
  4. Under no circumstances should a woman begin fortune-telling during her period, since during these days a woman is extremely vulnerable to any influences. magical properties. This can lead to unpredictable problems, ranging from outside influence to the introduction of a negatively minded entity.
  5. Fortune telling after taking an alcoholic drink or drug is strictly prohibited. People of both sexes become just as unprotected as stated above.
  6. You can receive the most accurate prophecies on clear sunny days or clear starry nights. This period is extremely favorable due to the thinning of the border between worlds. It is then that you will be able to almost directly contact higher beings who will treat you favorably and give you the most accurate information.
  7. Just before the full moon or immediately after it, you can get very clear answers to your questions. Just be careful, because these days otherworldly entities are coming into force in our world and can provide information so deep that human consciousness cannot cope with it.
  8. It is best to ask financial questions on days when the moon shines exactly at half light.
  9. The distant future is the topic for fortune telling on Thursday.
  10. Friday will help in fortune-telling on the topic of health, but in matters of finance this day can also bring a loss.
  11. December 13th is the ideal moment to conduct fortune telling for your betrothed. People noticed this a long time ago, which is why most folk fortune telling for love is held on this day.
  12. If you want to tell fortunes for those who are very distant from you, then the most favorable days for this will be the first days of autumn.
  13. Fortune telling for children takes place most accurately in the spring. But remember, fortune telling for children or elderly people can change their future, so entrust this matter to a professional.
  14. You should not guess at a time when the elements are rampant outside the window - a storm, a hurricane, etc. This can introduce serious distortions.
  15. Fortune telling is not recommended for pregnant women. This is argued by the fact that there is a possibility of a magical effect on the baby.

Don't guess for those who have come to a turning point in their lives. At these moments, higher powers give us a test and it depends only on them whether they pass their exam. This can lead to frequent repetition of these situations, since a person at such moments must believe his feelings and his logic, and not the layout of the cards.

Right and wrong times for fortune telling

It is considered that the most suitable time of year for fortune telling is the period between the New Year holidays and Epiphany. It is believed that these days the line between worlds is thinning; spirits and entities, ready to communicate, penetrate into our world.

However, you don’t have to wait until January - there are many other days and times of the year when fortune telling on cards is different increased efficiency. Great value have not only favorable days, but also the experience of the person who performs fortune telling. The more energy and personal strength he has, the more accurate the result and the less important the day of the week or time of fortune telling is.

An experienced specialist in fortune telling with cards or other magical objects knows very well when to start the process and when it is better to wait. Professionals know that best time throwing cards is when there is a strong desire to do this, not paying attention to the time of year and the day of the calendar.

Signs of fate for a seeing person can be viewed either clearly or as if through a fog - naturally, it is better to see the details clearly and in detail than to deal with approximate layouts. In addition, on some days, fortune telling with Tarot cards can even cause harm - as a rule, this only happens to inexperienced and ignorant fortune tellers.

However, certain rules must be followed. In addition to the tips listed in the previous section, there are universal rules for all types of fortune telling:

  • The universally recognized “fortune telling day”, when even beginners can have an effective session, is Friday, the 13th, 19th or 29th. As a last resort - just Friday.
  • The best day to cast a spell on yourself is your own birthday.
  • Another special day for fortune telling is the night before Ivan Kupala (July 6). It is believed that at this time it is especially easy to establish contact with the world of subtle forces.
  • The best days according to the lunar calendar are 12, 14, and 18.
  • You cannot guess in moments of poor health, malaise, especially during illness.
  • Emotional agitation, depression, depression is also not the best time to recognize the signs of fate.
  • You shouldn’t guess too often - such tension of energy forces is accessible only to innate magicians and professionals.

And in conclusion, I would like to warn readers against being overly enthusiastic about such practices. Fortune telling is a fascinating and intriguing activity, but you should not blindly believe the results of such procedures.

And remember that the best way out, if necessary, to radically change your destiny, will not be fortune telling, but... After all, any fortune-telling can program you, while a master will help you really achieve what you want.

Confidence in the future instills peace and harmony in the human heart. It is impossible to know for sure what tomorrow or the coming year has in store. However, there is a way that helps to lift the veil of secrecy and look through time - fortune telling. What days are they doing fortune telling in January 2018? The completion and renewal of the calendar cycle, when the subtle matters of the world are renewed, changed and allow sensitive people to catch the echoes of future events, is most favorable for mystical sacraments.

In Rus', January was called “prosinets”, because at this time in the sky one could see a blue sky between gloomy clouds. Other names for this month describe its harsh and cold weather - “Sechenets”, “Leden”, “Zimets”. The New Year begins on the first of January, when people wish each other happiness and fulfillment of all desires. On time winter holidays they look closely at the signs, predict what life will be like, health, whether there will be changes and achievements.

The most favorable time for fortune telling:

  • New Year's Eve from December 31 to January 1;
  • Christmas – the night from January 6 to 7;
  • Old New Year - night from January 13 to 14;
  • Feklistov Day - January 17;
  • Epiphany - evening of January 18th.

Since ancient times, man has been guessing, determining the future by the flight of birds, the movement of clouds and smoke, by the entrails of animals and bones. Wise and respected people - shamans, priests, oracles - made predictions. Now anyone can try to predict their future.

Fortune telling on New Year's Eve

The end and beginning of the year is an important time, favorable for predictions. There are several simple ways find out about your destiny. Most often, women do fortune telling, but there are also universal ways to find out about the future.

  • The girl puts card kings under her pillow. Whichever one you dream about, that’s how the groom will be. If there is no sleep, then the card is taken out at random in the morning.
  • An unmarried girl puts the first piece of food at the head of the holiday dish and invites the betrothed to taste it. The groom must have a dream.
  • Another way to predict from dreams is to put feathers, chips, twigs under the pillow, and then interpret the visions. This method is suitable for both men and women.

All predictions and fortune-telling in January 2018 are individual, unique in detail. The fortuneteller independently determines the circle of significant symbolism and trusts his intuition. It is the mystical sense that allows us to predict the future most accurately.

Christmas and Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve is a special holiday, cheerful and at the same time mysterious. From January 6 to 7, prophetic dreams occur. To find out about the future or find the answer to a question, place a sheet of paper, a pencil and a dream book at the head of the bed. It is better to write down a “fresh” dream and immediately interpret it using a book.

Even before Christmas they tell fortunes by shadows. This is a legendary way of predicting the future, it is quite accurate and does not require special knowledge; you do not need to understand complex symbols.

  • Place an unevenly crumpled sheet of paper on a large heat-resistant plate and set it on fire.
  • When the paper burns out, a candle is lit in front of the ashes so that it casts a shadow on the wall. The plate can be carefully rotated to reveal all the shadows.
  • The silhouette is interpreted (for example, an airplane means marriage to a pilot, a shoe means travel).

To see the signs it is not at all necessary to perform “ magical rituals" A sensitive person sees symbols in everything - in leaves, in the starry sky, in his own sensations. To foresee and predict, you need to trust your intuition.

The art of interpreting natural symbols and silhouettes

Historically, many divination systems developed from folk signs, observations. The signs of the elements were interpreted and comprehended. This is why divination is so closely connected with the natural world. Natural materials are often used as props.

For example, to predict the future using coffee grounds, you need to drink a cup of natural ground coffee, and then tip it on a saucer so that the mass spreads along the walls and forms patterns. The resulting images are then interpreted. Most popular symbols:

  • silhouette of a person - date;
  • wood and plants - obstacles, quarrels, melancholy and travel;
  • animals and birds - anxiety and slander;
  • houses and buildings - profit and prosperity.

Fortune telling with eggs is another method associated with the interpretation of symbols. Only domestic eggs are taken. To find out the future, in warm water pour out the protein and then interpret the shadows, signs and movement of the substance.

  • protein sinks to the bottom - troubles, loneliness;
  • the protein remains in the center and takes on the outline of the figures (church - for a wedding, ship - a person’s journey and return, as well as other symbols and meanings).
  • If a pregnant woman takes it out from under the hen and breaks the egg, the sex of the embryo will match the sex of the child.

Unusual, scary and beautiful fortune telling

Fortune telling with a mirror is the most mysterious and terrible type of predicting the future for unmarried girls; it requires courage. They tell fortunes at midnight, alone, in front of a large mirror, having undressed naked.

  • Place two candles in front of the mirror to illuminate and cast shadows, as well as a smaller mirror to create an endless “corridor.”
  • When a girl installs mirrors, you need to say: “Betrothed, mummer, Show yourself!”
  • When the image of the groom appears behind him in the reflection, you should look at all the details of his appearance and shout: “Out of this place!” The vision will disappear and the fortune telling will end.

Fortune telling with a ring also helps to see the appearance of your future husband. Wedding ring Place in a glass with a smooth bottom, pour in ¾ of water, and then look at the center of the decoration by candlelight. The face of the betrothed should appear there.

Fortune telling with a boat is very simple and beautiful. Various predictions are written on pieces of paper, then they are attached to a basin, water is poured in and the empty shell is released walnut. Whatever wish the “boat” floats to, it will come true.

When guessing, you must remember that any symbol has many interpretations. Focus on positive values and believe in your lucky star, then all adversity will bypass you, and bright predictions will definitely come true.