Is it possible to wear a son's cross. Is it possible to wear someone else's pectoral cross? Is it possible to wear an unconsecrated cross

01.11.2021 Instruments

Should an Orthodox Christian wear pectoral cross always, explains Priest Andrey Chizhenko.

Last Sunday, such beautiful gospel words were read in churches: “And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, so must the Son of Man be lifted up, so that everyone who believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal life” (John 3:14). That is, the Savior directly compared his crucifixion, the erection of the Cross with a copper serpent, thousands of years ago ascended by the holy prophet Moses on a tree in the middle of the desert so that the Jews bitten by snakes would look at this copper serpent and be healed. “And the Lord said to Moses: Make yourself a [brass] serpent and put it on a banner, and [if the serpent bites any person], the bitten one, looking at him, will remain alive” (Numbers 21:8). In the aforementioned verse of the Holy Gospel, the Lord and God and our Savior Jesus Christ directly compares himself with a bronze serpent, and the banner, about which God spoke to the holy prophet Moses, with the Crucifixion - the Tree of the Cross.

In fact twice in Holy Scripture God almost directly says that the cross is the main weapon against the enemy and the main means of salvation for fallen man. “Looking at him” - that is, not just a physical action, but the main thing - an impulse of the soul, love for God, for His sufferings, for the Crucifixion, a prayer of faith, overshadowing oneself with the sign of the cross, wearing a pectoral cross is a saving act that delivers from the devil, and from troubles, and from various troubles.

Indeed, in fact, wearing a pectoral cross is a bodily physical prayer - a confession of faith, a kind of mute Symbol of Faith. In addition, the Lord directly says that the feat of the Cross of Christ was saving for mankind, which means that the holy cross has a special grace-filled power. Righteous John of Kronstadt wrote that the cross “is always for the believers great power delivering from all evils, especially from the villainy of hated enemies.

In turn, St. Ignatius (Bryanchaninov) in his work "The Word of Death" wrote that around us there is an invisible world of spirits - good angels and evil demons. Because of our inertia and gross physicality, we do not see it, but thousands, if not millions of incorporeal beings swarm around us. And in this spiritual world there is a constant struggle for the human soul. The holy angels wish her salvation, the demons are pushing her to death.

The cross, according to the commandment of God Himself and the testimony of the saints, is the most effective weapon against incorporeal enemies. Therefore, not wearing a pectoral cross by an Orthodox Christian, in my opinion, can be compared with how a beekeeper suddenly approached a beehive without an appropriate protective suit, or if a tiger trainer entered a cage with predators without a whip and a revolver. A person who does not wear a pectoral cross dooms himself to defeat in the battle with demons and may well become their victim.

The remarkable preacher of the early 20th century, Hieromartyr Gregory, Bishop of Shlisselburg, said in his essay “What You Need to Know About the Devil”: “The second greatest mistake is also made when the thought of the devil and the need to fight him disappears from the life of a Christian. Then the person himself gives himself to the elements of evil, gives freely and voluntarily. The following happens: a person thinks that everything around is calm, there is no enemy, and he is careless, lives without looking back, the forces of the soul are asleep, all spiritual movements are accepted as their own, as natural. This state of human carelessness is used by the power of evil, because there are no obstacles for it. Souls are calm, souls are careless, souls are open... Take a person with bare hands without resistance. Tragic picture! The man assured himself that there is no enemy - everything happens according to natural laws. And the enemy is laughing… He comes freely when everything is open and takes care of it. One French writer (Huysmans) said amazing words: "The greatest victory of the devil was to convince people that he does not exist." Do you hear? Yes it greatest victory satan. He instilled this. What devil?! Yes, he never was, and no! It's a stupid old prejudice! And the devil stepped aside. And now he's laughing evilly. He is not there, there is no enemy ... Down with attention, precaution! He will host. Everything is open before him, come into the person and do with him what you want. It happened just as if thieves and bandits assured people that they did not exist, that there was no theft. People would open their doors wide open, indulge in carelessness. Oh, how theft and crime would then flourish! Yes, in material matters, people cleverly lock themselves with ten locks, guard the good, but they don’t think of saving the good of the soul. The soul is a passageway. All wide open. You are afraid of thieves, but you are not afraid of a spiritual bandit!

And he also wrote: “The Holy Church believes that at the head of this world (meaning hell. - Approx. Aut.) are its ancestors, the first spirits of evil that fell away from God, permeated with lies, soldered by malice, wise by thousands of years of experience. Their task is to fight the Light. Their leadership of the entire world of evil spirits tends towards waging a final struggle against the realm of Truth, that is, the realm of Christ. Hence, the whole life of the world is a struggle with good, the planting of evil or sin, because evil and sin are identical concepts. And the world of good is saturated with invisible spirits of evil, the whole existence of which pursues one goal: to extinguish the Light, to destroy good, to plant hell everywhere, so that darkness and hell would triumph everywhere. Here are the most basic concepts about the kingdom of evil and its inhabitants. This is a completely real kingdom!”

From my priestly experience, I will say that I personally encountered the fact that demons tried to convince a dying person to take off his cross. And it was truly a difficult and terrible struggle for him.

Therefore, of course, an Orthodox Christian, if possible, should always wear a pectoral cross. Especially during the communion of the Holy Mysteries of Christ - this real contact with God.

A historical example: our ancestors had special wooden "bath" crosses. If a person's pectoral cross was made of metal, then in the bath he was given a special wooden cross so that the metal would not burn the skin in the steam room. Our ancestors never wanted to be left unprotected from demons.
In our time, when thousands of Christians in Africa and the Middle East are dying for the confession of the Christian faith - for the Cross of God, when some of them tattoo the crucifix on their skin so that there is no temptation to renounce God during torment and death, are we - Orthodox - to take off their crosses in order to become a victim of an evil spirit?

Let us remember, dear brothers and sisters, the sign of the Cross in heaven, revealed to the holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Emperor Constantine, and the voice: “By this conquer.” The cross is our nickname. The cross is our victory. Let us not deprive ourselves of salvation voluntarily...

Priest Andrei Chizhenko

pectoral cross- a small cross, symbolically displaying, on which the Lord Jesus Christ was crucified (sometimes with the image of the Crucified, sometimes without such an image), intended for constant wear by an Orthodox Christian as a sign of him and fidelity to Christ, belonging to the Orthodox, serving as a means of protection.

The cross is the greatest Christian shrine, a visible evidence of our redemption. In the service on the feast of the Exaltation, he sings of the tree of the Cross of the Lord with many praises: "- the guardian of the whole universe, beauty, power of kings, the faithful affirmation, glory and plague."

The pectoral cross is given to a baptized person who becomes a Christian for constant wearing in the most important place (near the heart) as an image of the Cross of the Lord, outward sign Orthodox. This is also done as a reminder that the Cross of Christ is a weapon against fallen spirits, having the power to heal and give life. That is why the Cross of the Lord is called Life-Giving!

He is evidence that a person is a Christian (a follower of Christ and a member of His Church). That is why the sin is for those who wear a cross for fashion, not being a member of the Church. The conscious wearing of a pectoral cross is a wordless prayer that allows this cross to manifest the true power of the Prototype - the Cross of Christ, which always protects the wearer, even if he does not ask for help, or does not have the opportunity to cross himself.

The cross is consecrated only once. You need to re-consecrate it only in exceptional conditions (if it was badly damaged and rebuilt, or fell into your hands, but you don’t know if it was consecrated before).

There is a superstition that when consecrated, the pectoral cross acquires magical protective properties. teaches that the sanctification of matter allows us not only spiritually, but also bodily - through this sanctified matter - to partake of Divine grace, which is necessary for us to spiritual growth and salvation. But the grace of God works unconditionally. A correct spiritual life is required of a person, and it is this that makes it possible for the grace of God to have a salutary effect on us, healing from passions and sins.

Sometimes one hears the opinion that, they say, the consecration of pectoral crosses is a late tradition and this has not happened before. It can be answered that the Gospel, as a book, also once did not exist and there was no Liturgy in its present form. But this does not mean at all that the Church cannot develop forms of worship and church piety. Is it contrary to Christian doctrine to call God's grace on the creation of human hands?

Can two crosses be worn?

The main question is why, for what purpose? If you were given another one, then it is quite possible to reverently keep one of them in a holy corner next to the icons, and wear one all the time. If you bought another, then wear it ...
A Christian is buried with a pectoral cross, so it is not inherited. As for wearing a second pectoral cross somehow left over from a deceased relative, wearing it as a sign of memory of the deceased indicates a misunderstanding of the essence of wearing a cross, which testifies to the Sacrifice of God, and not family relationships.

The pectoral cross is not an ornament or an amulet, but one of the visible evidence of belonging to the Church of Christ, a means of grace-filled protection and a reminder of the commandment of the Savior: If anyone wants to follow Me, deny yourself, and take up your cross, and follow Me ... ().

“The soul is by nature a Christian,” Tertullian once said, to which, after many centuries, V.V. Rozanov said: “Nothing like that. The soul is by nature a heathen." And so the pagan struggles with the Christian in our man, and this struggle sometimes gives rise to numerous dilemmas. So, many are wondering whether it is possible to wear someone else's pectoral cross. Does not pass along with someone else's cross and someone else's fate or someone else's sins?

Is it possible to wear someone else's pectoral cross

Archpriest Alexander Lebedev believes that being afraid of a found pectoral cross due to the fact that the sins of a person who has lost the creed will be passed on to another is nonsense, which is easier to invent than to comment on.

To the question: “Is it possible to wear another person’s cross?”, It’s also enough to ask yourself: “How can one’s own passions, which belong exclusively to a specific person and give only her the exclusive right to fight her sins, can pass to an innocent person , which, of course, has enough of its own mistakes.

Orthodox crosses

In addition, everyone receives their own life hardships, which must be carried with patience and gratitude, because the Lord sends trials to heal the soul. Everyone asks in prayers: "Lord, have mercy," which in Greek sounds like "Kyrie elaison." Elaison translates as "oil", and olive oil It is the first human medicine in the world.

It is impossible that the pectoral cross, which was found and put on, influenced by itself on the character of a person, on the addition of sins or on getting rid of them, and also in some magical way draws a line of life's path.

Important. Orthodoxy is, first of all, sanity, and no actions that are not related to personal, conscious actions of a person, good or evil, can change a person or affect life events that happen to a person.

You should not be afraid of the found cross, since the cross is a shrine, and not a pagan amulet. Ever since Christ was crucified for our salvation, the pectoral cross protects a person from evil spirits just like the sign of the cross. Another person who wore it and lost it is unable to change its purpose as a protective force against evil.

Therefore, all signs associated with it are superstition.

About superstitions:

Which cross is considered to be Orthodox

For a Christian, the main key aspects are important. The cross must be:

  • four-, six-, eight-pointed form;
  • with the inscription "Save and save" on both sides, and not on decorative stones(preferably, as a recommendation from the priests), children are recommended simple, not encrusted with precious stones;
  • purchased in a church, then it is already consecrated, if bought in a jewelry store or found, it must be consecrated by any Orthodox priest;
  • the material of manufacture does not matter. And also, the size is not important, except that it is better for kids to wear small crosses without sharp corners.
Advice! A person receives a cross during the Sacrament of Baptism, however, it happens that the creed may be lost. You should not be dramatic about this and superstitiously wait for some kind of trouble, you need to go to the temple and buy a new one.

What to do with the found cross. Priests Answers

If a person himself found an Orthodox cross on the street, the priests recommend that it be consecrated without fail, since it is not known whether it was previously consecrated.

Read about the pectoral cross:

If, nevertheless, there are doubts about the found cross, the priests advise, first of all, to consecrate it, and then:

  • to give to a godson or a poor Christian who does not have the material opportunity to buy it;
  • wear yourself;
  • donate to the temple.

Thus, Orthodoxy is unambiguous in the question of a found or lost cross, as well as in the question “where to read the Gospel”, “which hand to put a candle in the temple.”

Archpriest Alexander Lebedev proposes to reduce to absurdity the superstitions associated with the found crosses. If sins can be transmitted through things, then why shouldn't virtues be transmitted in the same way? Then it would only be worth acquiring a thing belonging to a righteous person, as a person would involuntarily have a halo above his head. Then it would be possible to deliberately lose crosses, so that one's own sins could be thrown off, like an unnecessary burden, onto others.

Important! The fear of other people's crosses is a completely absurd thing, contrary to common sense and having nothing to do with the Orthodox faith.

Watch the video about the found cross

The pectoral cross is one of the most mysterious, for the uninitiated in the secrets of religion, decorations. The site has prepared a guide for you that will answer all the important questions.

Despite the fact that the shape of the cross is extremely common as a decorative element and is often perceived as a break with Christian traditions, its origin and symbolism should not be ignored. Religion insists: it does not matter what material the cross is made of, how much it costs or weighs. First of all, it is a symbol of the Christian faith. But at the same time, the tradition of honoring the cross, which is always with you, has turned it into an ornament and a luxury item.

There is an opinion that a truly religious pectoral cross should be simple in design and should be worn under clothing, closer to the heart and away from prying eyes. But the main difference between an exclusively decorative ornament and a Christian cross amulet is whether it is consecrated or not. The church cannot refuse to consecrate a stone-studded item, nor can it require you to hide it under your clothes in the heat of summer.

What you really should pay attention to when choosing a cross is whether its shape corresponds to the Orthodox or Catholic tradition.

How to distinguish between Orthodox and Catholic cross

The form

In the Orthodox Church, six- and eight-pointed crosses are the most common. By the way, the latter have long been considered the most powerful amulet from evil spirits. A small crossbar in the heads symbolizes the tablet, which denoted the committed crimes. But since no one named the crimes of Jesus, in the Orthodox tradition it may have the abbreviation I.N.Ts.I. or I.N.Ts.I, Catholics in Latin write I.N.R.I. It is an abbreviation for "Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews." The slanting crossbar under the feet symbolizes the path from sins to righteousness. In turn, Catholic pectoral crosses are as simple as possible and consist of only two crossbars.


In addition to the inscription I.N.Ts.I., on Orthodox crosses, on the opposite side of the crucifixion, “Save and save” can be engraved. This is not the case in the Catholic tradition.


Orthodox Christians believe that Jesus was nailed with four nails, while Catholics believe that there were only three nails. Therefore, the feet of Christ on the Orthodox cross are located side by side, and on the Catholic one they are thrown one on top of the other.


How Jesus should be depicted on the crucifixion is the subject of heated debate among representatives of both faiths. Catholics adhere to the most naturalistic image that reflects the insane suffering on the cross. At the same time, the Orthodox believe that such an image speaks of torment, but is silent about the main thing - Jesus conquered death. Therefore, in the Orthodox tradition, his figure rather reflects happiness from the transition to a better world.

eight pointed cross

This is one of the most canonical Orthodox crosses. Above is a short horizontal (often with the abbreviation I.N.Ts.I.) crossbar, and at the legs there is a short diagonal crossbar (the upper end is directed to the left, the lower end is to the left, if you look at the cross directly). The lower part is a symbol of support under the feet of the crucified Jesus, as well as the transition from a sinful world to a righteous one. In fact, the presence of this false support only prolonged the torment on the cross.

six pointed cross

One of the oldest options. In this cross, the sloping lower bar symbolizes the internal scales of each of us: what wins - conscience or sin. Its meaning is also interpreted as the path from sin to repentance.

Four-pointed drop-shaped cross

It is believed that the drops at the ends of the crossbars are the blood of the crucified Christ, who atoned for the sins of mankind. This symbol is often used to decorate religious books.


This cross is often used in heraldry (for example, on the coat of arms of Chernigov), but many also fell in love with it as a pectoral. The ends of the crossbars of such a product are decorated with semicircular leaves. Sometimes they also have beads - "bumps".

Latin four-pointed cross

The most common Christian cross in the West. The horizontal bar is located 2/3 of the height from the vertical. elongated Bottom part symbolizes the patience of Christ in redemption. Such crosses are a very old tradition. They appeared around the 3rd century in the catacombs of Rome.

How to choose a cross for christening

Traditionally, the first pectoral cross or, as it is also called, a vest, is laid on the rite of baptism. Disputes over when it is better to baptize a child: as an infant or already at a conscious age - are still ongoing. For adults who decide to go through this sacrament, there are no special restrictions in choosing sacred jewelry. But in order to choose the right cross for baptism for a newborn, several factors should be considered.

  1. Children's cross should be small and light, about 2 cm long.
  2. Despite the fact that gold is hypoallergenic, do not rush to give your baby a gold cross. Purely for practical reasons, because children very often lose such things.
  3. Give preference to a cross made of 925 sterling silver. It is lighter, cheaper and also has antiseptic properties.
  4. Be sure to inspect the jewelry you like for sharp elements and edges.

Women's and men's pectoral crosses

There is no particular difference between crosses for men and women. On average, their size is about 4 cm. The main difference is in the design. Silver and gold men's crosses, as a rule, are more concise. Their crossbars can also end with drops, petals and shamrocks, but the overall composition is simpler than that of women's, and the decoration itself is a little more massive.

Women's crosses are often encrusted with precious stones. If the decoration is consecrated, its decor does not affect the sacred meaning in any way. Rarely, but still, the church may refuse to consecrate a decorative cross with too curved and curly crossbars. Although, of course, the main thing is your own feelings. He warms you or not.

It is assumed that from the moment of consecration, the cross will remain with you forever. But at the same time, the church does not condemn the change of this decoration. We want to draw your attention to the fact that wearing it on the same chain with some other pendant is bad manners. The only thing that can be worn with a cross is an amulet.

How to bless a cross

Crosses purchased in church shops have two advantages. First, they correspond exactly to the traditions of your religion. Secondly, they are already consecrated. If you bought a cross in a jewelry store, then it must be consecrated. It is better to have time to come before the start of the service and apply with this request to the priest. You can also ask him to conduct the ceremony in your presence and take part in prayer.

What to do if you find a cross

There is an opinion that finding a cross is a bad omen. Allegedly, along with him, the sorrows and sorrows of the previous owner can be transmitted to you. At the same time, the church advises not to pay attention to such superstitions.

Is it possible to give a pectoral cross

It is possible and necessary. The Church does not forbid it. BUT close person such a gift will be especially important and expensive.

Share in the comments if you were interested in the article site. Tell me, what shape of crosses do you prefer? And what does a cross mean to you - a decorative ornament or something more?

Where did the tradition of wearing crosses come from? Why wear it? “I believe in God in my soul, but I don’t need a cross. The Bible does not say anywhere that you have to wear a cross, and nowhere does it say that the first Christians wore crosses. People who consider themselves Orthodox Christians say this or something like this, but do not express their faith in any way. Most unchurched people do not have a Christian understanding of what a cross is and why it should be worn on the body. So what is a pectoral cross? Why does Satan hate it so much and does everything so that no one wears it, or wears it simply as a meaningless decoration?


The custom, along with Baptism, to put on a pectoral cross around the neck of the newly baptized did not appear immediately. In the first centuries of Christianity, the cross was not worn, but medallions with the image of the slain Lamb or the Crucifixion were worn. But the Cross, as an instrument for the salvation of the world by Jesus Christ, has been the object of the greatest honor among Christians from the very beginning of the Church. For example, the church thinker Tertullian (II-III centuries) in his "Apology" testifies that the veneration of the cross existed from the earliest times of Christianity. Even before being in the 4th century by Queen Helena and Emperor Constantine life-giving cross, on which Christ was crucified, already among the first followers of Christ it was common to always have the image of the cross with them - both as a reminder of the sufferings of the Lord, and for confessing one's faith to others.According to Pontius, the biographer of St. Cyprian of Carthage, in the III century, some Christians depicted the figure of the cross even on their foreheads, by this sign they were recognized during persecution and betrayed to torment. The first Christians who wore a cross on their chests are also known. Mention it and the sources of the II century.

The first documentary evidence of the wearing of pectoral crosses dates back to the beginning of the 4th century. Thus, the acts of the VII Ecumenical Council testify that the holy martyrs Orestes (+304) and Procopius (+303), who suffered under Diocletian, wore a cross made of gold and silver around their necks.

After the weakening and subsequent cessation of the persecution of Christians, the wearing of the cross became a widespread custom. At the same time, crosses began to be installed on all Christian churches.

In Russia, this custom was adopted precisely with the baptism of the Slavs in 988. Starting from Byzantine times in Russia, there were two types of pectoral crosses: in fact, they themselves "vest" (worn on the body under clothing), etc. « encolpions" (from the Greek word "chest"), worn not on the body, but over clothing. Let's say two words about the latter: initially, pious Christians carried with them (on themselves) an ark with particles of St. relics or other sacred things. A cross was placed on this ark. Subsequently, the ark itself acquired the shape of a cross, and bishops and emperors began to wear such a cross. The modern priestly and episcopal pectoral cross traces its history from encolpions, that is, boxes with relics or other shrines.

Russian people swore allegiance on crosses, and exchanging pectoral crosses, they became cross brothers. During the construction of churches, houses, bridges, the cross was laid in the foundation. There was a custom to cast many crosses from a broken church bell, which enjoyed special reverence.

The cross of Christ is a symbol of Christianity. For modern man symbol is just identification mark. The symbol is, as it were, an emblem that points to something with which we are dealing. But the symbol has a much wider meaning than just the meaning of the emblem. In religious culture the symbol is involved in the reality that it symbolizes. What is the reality that the Cross of Christ symbolizes for Christians? .. This reality: The Redemption of the human race, accomplished by the Lord Jesus Christ through Death on the Cross.

The veneration of the Cross has always been understood by the Teachings of the Church as the worship of Jesus Christ in the light of His redemptive feat.The Cross of Christ, which Orthodox Christians always wear on their bodies, points out to us and reminds us at what price our Salvation was bought.

For Christians, the cross is not just a sign. For Christians, the cross is a symbol of victory over the devil, a banner of the triumph of God. The cross reminds the believer of Christ, of the sacrifice the Savior made for us.


What does the pectoral cross symbolize?

The cross is the greatest Christian shrine, a visible evidence of our redemption.

The cross, as an instrument of a terrible and painful execution, thanks to the sacrificial feat of Christ the Savior, became a symbol of redemption and an instrument for the salvation of all mankind from sin and death. It is on the Cross, through pain and suffering, death and Resurrection, that the Son of God accomplishes the salvation or healing of human nature from mortality, passion and corruption brought into it by the fall of Adam and Eve. Thus, a person who wears the Crucifixion of Christ testifies to his participation in the suffering and feat of his Savior, followed by the hope of salvation, and hence the resurrection of man for eternal life with God.


The pectoral cross is not a talisman or a piece of jewelry. No matter how beautiful it is, no matter what precious metal it is made of, it is primarily a visible symbol of the Christian faith.

Orthodox pectoral crosses have a very ancient tradition and therefore are very diverse in their appearance, depending on the time and place of manufacture.

The iconography of the Orthodox Crucifixion received its final dogmatic justification in 692 in the 82nd canon of the Trul Cathedral who approved canon of the iconographic image of the Crucifixion .

The main condition of the canon is the combination of historical realism with the realism of Divine Revelation. The figure of the Savior expresses Divine peace and greatness. It is, as it were, laid on the cross, and the Lord opens His arms to all who turn to Him. In this iconography, the complex dogmatic task of depicting the two hypostases of Christ - Human and Divine - is artistically solved, showing both death and the victory of the Savior.

Catholics, abandoning their early views, did not understand and did not accept the rules of the Troulsky Cathedral and, accordingly, the symbolic spiritual image of Jesus Christ. Thus, in the Middle Ages, a new type of Crucifixion arose, in which the features of the naturalism of human suffering and the agony of crucifixion became predominant: the heaviness of the body sagging on outstretched arms, the head crowned with a crown of thorns, the crossed feet are nailed with one nail (an innovation of the end of the 13th century). The anatomical details of the Catholic image, conveying the veracity of the execution itself, nevertheless hide the main thing - the triumph of the Lord, who conquered death and reveals eternal life to us, focuses on torment and death. His naturalism has only an external emotional impact, introducing into the temptation of comparing our sinful sufferings with the redemptive Passion of Christ.

Images of the crucified Savior, similar to Catholic ones, are also found on Orthodox crosses, especially often in the 18th-20th centuries, however, as well as the icon-painting images of God the Father of Sabaoth banned by the Stoglavy Cathedral. Naturally, Orthodox piety requires the wearing of an Orthodox cross, not a Catholic one, which violates the dogmatic foundations of the Christian faith.

The most common form of an Orthodox cross is an eight-pointed cross; a prayer is most often applied on the reverse side. "Bless and save".


Christians who wear a pectoral cross, as it were, offer a wordless prayer to God. And he always protects the wearer.

There is a widespread opinion among Christians that the cross of Christ, the image of God, the Lord Himself should keep us precisely from worldly troubles and troubles. And, of course, many of those who wear the pectoral cross are guided by precisely this pragmatic motive. But in fact, the meaning of wearing a cross and the inscription that we read on its back: "Bless and save", completely different.

In itself, the presence of a cross on the chest does not save and has no meaning for a person if he does not consciously confess what the Cross of Christ symbolizes. Although, of course, the Lord, Undoubtedly, it keeps the believer in it from many everyday misfortunes and troubles. That is, if a person wears a cross with faith and hope in the mercy of God, he, relatively speaking, is “included” in a special “God’s plan” and nothing fatally irreparable will ever happen to him in eternity. The concept of "God's plan" here means precisely the plan of our salvation, and not the management of the world on a broad, universal scale, because the whole world, of course, is contained by the right hand of God and is controlled by His Divine Providence. But, no matter how terrible it sounds, it is precisely the “necessary” and sometimes painful death that becomes for a person the door to the Kingdom of God. This does not mean that God wants such an end for us, but it means that, having endured unjust torment, he will certainly find great consolation. If anything, it is the law of God.

So what does the Lord promise to save us from? Not from worldly troubles, misfortunes and difficulties in the first place, because all this is even necessary for the soul, alas, prone to relaxation and forgetting the purpose of its existence. But The Lord promises to save us, first of all, from the terrible power of sin, through which the enemy of the human race destroys our souls. And this power is truly so great that not a single person can free himself from it by his own strength alone. But with the help of God it is possible. Maybe! Holy Fathers say: "The enemy is strong, but the Lord is omnipotent!"

Simple words "Bless and save" means our tireless, from the bottom of our hearts, our appeal to God with a request that He help us partake of grace-filled eternity.


The pectoral cross is placed on us in the Sacrament of Baptism in fulfillment of the words of the Lord Jesus Christ: "Whoever wants to follow Me, turn away from yourself, and take up your cross, and follow Me"(Mark 8:34).

We must bear our life's cross, and the cross that we have on our chest reminds us of this. Cross “there is always a great power for believers, delivering from all evils, especially from the villainy of hated enemies”,- writes the holy righteous John of Kronstadt.

When the Sacrament of Baptism takes place, during the consecration of the pectoral cross, the priest reads two special prayers in which he asks the Lord God to pour heavenly power into the cross and that this cross saves not only the soul, but also the body from all enemies, sorcerers, sorcerers, from all evil forces. That is why many pectoral crosses have an inscription "Bless and save!".

By the way, the question is often asked: should the crosses sold in stores be already consecrated, or should the cross be taken to the temple for consecration? The cross must be consecrated in the temple. Sprinkling it with holy water at home will not be enough - it must be lit by a priest, because. in the temple, the crosses are consecrated with a special rite.

Exists superstition that when consecrated, the pectoral cross acquires magical protective properties. But superstitions should be avoided. The Church teaches that the sanctification of matter allows us not only spiritually, but also bodily - through this sanctified matter - to partake of Divine grace, which is necessary for us for spiritual growth and salvation. But the grace of God works unconditionally. A correct spiritual life according to the commandments of God is required of a person, and it is this spiritual life that makes it possible for the grace of God to influence us in a salutary way, healing us from passions and sins.

For Orthodox Christian wearing a cross is a great honor and responsibility.Taking off the cross or not wearing it has always been understood as apostasy. During the 2000-year history of Christianity, many people have suffered for their faith, for refusing to renounce Christ and take off their pectoral cross. This feat has been repeated in our time.

If you do not wear a cross now, when you can freely confess your faith, then you will hardly dare to put it on when you have to suffer for it. Can you repeat the feat of a simple Russian guy Evgeny Rodionov ?

... He was a grenade launcher, served in the 479th Special Purpose Border Detachment. Exactly a month, Zhenya served at the outpost in Chechnya, and on February 13, 1996, he was captured. Three of his friends were with him: Sasha Zheleznov, Andrey Trusov, Igor Yakovlev. They spent 3.5 months in captivity. During this time, they were bullied as much as they could. But Eugene had a choice, every day they approached him and said: “You can live. To do this, you need to remove the cross, accept our faith, become our brother. And all these nightmares for you will end immediately. But Zhenya did not succumb to these persuasions, he did not take off the cross. And on May 23, 1996, on the feast of the Ascension of the Lord, in the village of Bamut, Evgeny and his friends were killed. The day of Eugene's death was also the day of his birth. He was only 19 years old. Zhenya was beheaded, but even from Zhenya's dead body, the enemies did not dare to remove the cross.

I think that this great feat of the warrior Eugene should serve as an example for many, for all those who, for such stupid reasons, do not wear a cross or wear it as some kind of decoration. And then they change the holy cross for an amulet, a zodiac sign, and so on ... Let's never forget about it! Keep this in mind when wearing your cross.

ABOUT Reverent Reverence of the Pectoral Cross

The great Russian elders advised that one must always wear a pectoral cross and never take it off anywhere and never until death. "Christian without a cross, - wrote the elder Savva, he is a warrior without weapons, and the enemy can easily overpower him.” The pectoral cross is called so because it is worn on the body, under clothing, never exposing it to the outside (only priests wear the cross outside). This does not mean that the pectoral cross must be hidden and hidden under any circumstances, but it is still not customary to deliberately put it on public display. It is established by the church charter to kiss your pectoral cross at the end of evening prayers. In a moment of danger or when the soul is anxious, it’s good to kiss your cross and read the words “Save and save” on its back.

"Do not wear a cross as on a hanger, - often repeated the Pskov-Caves elder Savva, Christ left light and love on the Cross. Rays of blessed light and love emanate from the cross. The cross drives away evil spirits. Kiss your cross in the morning and in the evening, do not forget to kiss it, inhale these rays of grace emanating from it, they invisibly pass into the soul, heart, conscience, character. Under the influence of these blessed rays, a wicked person becomes pious. Kissing your cross, pray for close sinners: drunkards, fornicators and others you know. Through your prayers, they will be corrected and will be good, for the heart gives a message to the heart. The Lord loves us all. He suffered for everyone for the sake of love, and we must love everyone for His sake, even our enemies. If you start the day like this, overshadowing grace from your cross, then you will spend the whole day holy. Let's not forget to do this, it's better not to eat than to forget about the cross!


Elder Savva compiled prayers that should be read when kissing a cross. Here is one of them:

“Pour out, O Lord, a drop of Your Most Holy Blood into my heart, dried up from passions and sins and uncleanness of soul and body. Amen. In the image of fate, save me and my relatives and those I know (names)».

You can not wear a pectoral cross as an amulet, as an ornament. The pectoral cross and the sign of the cross are only an outward expression of what should be in the heart of a Christian: humility, faith, hope in the Lord.

The pectoral cross is a visible evidence of belonging to Orthodox Church, confessions of the Christian faith, a means of grace-filled protection.


The cross is real power. They performed and continue to perform many miracles. The cross is a great Christian shrine. In the service on the feast of the Exaltation, the Church sings of the wood of the Cross of the Lord with many praises: "The cross is the guardian of the whole universe, the beauty of the Church, the power of kings, the faithful affirmation, the glory of angels and the plague of demons."

The cross is a weapon against the devil. The Church can reliably speak about the miraculous, saving and healing power of the cross and the sign of the cross, referring to the experience from the life of her saints, as well as to the numerous testimonies of ordinary believers. The resurrection of the dead, healing from illnesses, protection from evil forces - all these and other good deeds to this day through the cross show man the love of God.

But the cross becomes an irresistible weapon and an all-conquering force only on the condition of faith and reverence.“The cross does not work miracles in your life. Why? — the holy righteous John of Kronstadt asks and himself gives the answer: “Because of your unbelief.”

Putting on a pectoral cross on our chest or making the sign of the cross, we Christians testify that we are ready to bear the cross meekly, humbly, voluntarily, with joy, for we love Christ and want to sympathize with Him, for His sake. Without faith and reverence, it is impossible to overshadow oneself or others with the sign of the cross.

The whole life of a Christian, from the day of birth to the last breath on earth, and even after death, is accompanied by a cross. A Christian overshadows himself with the sign of the cross when he wakes up (you must accustom yourself to make it the first movement) and when going to bed - the last movement. A Christian is baptized before and after eating food, before and after teaching, when going out into the street, before starting each business, before taking medicine, before opening a received letter, with unexpected, joyful and sad news, at the entrance to someone else's house, on a train, on on a steamboat, in general, at the beginning of any journey, a walk, a journey, before bathing, visiting the sick, going to court, for interrogation, in prison, in exile, before an operation, before a battle, before a scientific or other report, before and after meetings and conferences, and etc.

The sign of the cross must be made with all attention, with fear, with trepidation and with extreme reverence. (Putting three big fingers on the forehead, say: "in the name of the Father" then, lowering your hand in the same form on your chest, say: "and the Son" moving your hand to your right shoulder, then to your left, say: "and the Holy Spirit." Having made this holy sign of the cross upon yourself, conclude with a word "Amen". Or, when drawing a cross, you can say: “Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner. Amen".) Demons, as St. Simeon the New Theologian writes, are afraid of the image of the Cross and cannot bear to see the sign of the cross depicted even in the air, but flee from it immediately. “If you always use the holy Cross to help yourself, then “evil will not happen to you, and the plague will not come near your dwelling” (Ps. 91:10). Instead of a shield, protect yourself with the Holy Cross, imprint your limbs and heart with it. And do not only put the sign of the cross on yourself with your hand, but also in your thoughts imprint with it your every occupation, and your entrance, and your departure at all times, and your sitting, and rising, and your bed, and any service ... For it is very this weapon is strong, and no one can ever harm you if you are protected by it ”(Rev. Ephraim of Syria).

Glory, Lord, to Your Holy Cross!

Material prepared by Sergey SHULYAK

for the Church of the Life-Giving Trinity on Sparrow Hills