Green cherry plum. Cherry plum tree: general information

20.04.2022 Construction

Cherry plum has several names, for example, spreading plum or cherry plum. The life form is a tree or shrub; there are both cultivated varieties and wild species. The fruits are fleshy, up to 3-4 cm in diameter, with a seed inside. The color of cherry plum at full maturity can range from yellow-green to red-orange, purple and almost black.

Green cherry plum at the moment of full maturity can have as rich green color, and pink or yellow blush on top of the main color. The fruits of green cherry plum are useful because they are sources of vitamins:

  • group B;

A decoction of green cherry plum is used:

  • with acute lack of vitamin C;
  • for rinsing gums to reduce their bleeding and looseness;
  • for various inflammations of the respiratory system;
  • to increase appetite;
  • as an antipyretic.

Green cherry plum is used to make a seasoning with the addition of salt, which promotes faster digestion of meat and fatty foods.

Juice and decoction of cherry plum can be used not only internally, but also externally. Green cherry plum pulp, included in cosmetic masks, relieves inflammation, tightens pores, and removes age spots.

Green cherry plum and dishes made from it should be excluded from the diet of people suffering from stomach ulcers and gastritis with high acidity.

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The benefits and harms of Azerbaijani cherry plum

On the territory of Azerbaijan there are both wild and cultivated cherry plums. Depending on the region of growth, the fruits may differ slightly, but, as a rule, they have thin skin and delicate flesh, are quite large (up to 40 - 45 mm in diameter) and very juicy. They can perfectly satisfy not only hunger, but also thirst: the water content in cherry plum juice reaches 89-90%.

The benefit of Azerbaijani cherry plum is, first of all, that its low sugar content allows the fruit to be included in the diet of patients diabetes mellitus both fresh and processed, if in final product no added sugar.

The minimal amount of light-colored tannins in cherry plum makes it useful for digestive disorders. Various sauces can be prepared from the fruits of Azerbaijani cherry plum, which have a positive effect on digestion and reduce the harm from fatty foods.

People with stomach and duodenal ulcers and individual intolerance will have to give up cherry plum.

Harm and benefits of red cherry plum

Red-colored cherry plum fruits differ from yellow ones in their high content of anthocyanins. It is anthocyanins that give fruits their red or purple color. By their chemical nature, cherry plum anthocyanins belong to plant glycosides. They have a beneficial effect on:

  • digestion due to excess fat consumption;
  • relieving inflammation from the intestines and improving its functioning;
  • discharge of bile.

Polyphenols and vitamin C, which red cherry plum contains, perfectly cleanse blood vessels and increase blood clotting.

Red cherry plum decoctions are good at thinning mucus and soothing nervous system. They can also be used externally to relieve inflammation from the skin of the face and to lighten it.

It is harmful to eat cherry plum for people with gout, heartburn and high acidity.

Cherry plum is a close relative of plum. This plant is also called tkemali and cherry plum. The range of applications of cherry plum is incredibly wide: food industry, traditional medicine, cosmetology, design, cooking. But this is far from full list industries in which this tree and its fruits are actively used by humans. This popularity is due to the fact that there is practically no waste when processing the mentioned fruit. Even the seeds have been used: the outer shell is used to produce activated carbon, and the contents are used to make various cosmetic oils.

Useful properties of cherry plum

The pulp of the cherry plum fruit is very valuable - only 35 kcal per 100 g of product. Fresh fruit is an excellent source of vitamin C, its amount can reach 13 mg per 100 g. Green cherry plum is also incredibly rich in vitamins E, PP, A, B, P, as well as fiber and minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, potassium and iron . Interesting feature Cherry plums also have the fact that the proportions of minerals and vitamins directly depend on the color. Thus, the Shater variety of cherry plum has large yellow-green fruits, incredibly rich in vitamin C and citric acid, while the iron content in them is much less than, for example, in the orange-pink fruits of the Gek variety.

What are the benefits of green cherry plum?

Even the unripe fruits of this tree can be incredibly beneficial. Green cherry plum contains a huge amount citric acid, the content of which can reach 14% of dry volume. This means that unripe specimens are best suited for cheap industrial production this type of acid. In cooking, green cherry plum serves as an excellent addition to various meat dishes: side dishes and sauces containing unripe cherry plum fruits not only give the dish a piquant taste, but also improve its digestibility.

While cherry plum is green, it is also an excellent antioxidant. Therefore, cosmetologists recommend using this product as one of the components for various programs of rejuvenation and cleansing of the body. For example, a mask made from crushed seeds and cherry plum pulp can restore freshness to the face after a long hot day. It is especially useful for those with oily and sensitive skin. However, when creating a list of necessary procedures using a fruit such as green cherry plum, you should carefully read the contraindications.

The use of cherry plum in the household

Everyone knows that heat treatment often destroys almost all vitamins and useful material contained in raw materials. However, cherry plum fruits are so rich in these very substances that even in jam, compotes and other types of preservation, green cherry plum is still incredibly useful. Supporters of a raw food diet can be recommended to dry or freeze these unique gifts of nature.

Green cherry plum folk medicine and cosmetology

Traditional healers often recommend cherry plum decoction as an excellent remedy for improving digestion and appetite. It will be especially useful for people suffering from Cherry plum - an excellent antipyretic, diaphoretic and anti-inflammatory agent, therefore decoctions and infusions are prepared from the roots of this fruit tree and are used in the treatment of colds.

ABOUT beneficial properties one can talk about green cherry plum for hours...However, the amount of information that the reader will glean from our article is quite enough to arouse interest in this amazing product.

It is difficult to find a person in Azerbaijan who would not love this sour green beauty- cherry plum. It is like an invariable attribute of long-awaited warm May days, when the shadow of the foliage lies on the ground in a moving pattern, the wind becomes softer and the sun does not seem like a visiting overseas guest. And with a crunch the berry splits, and the green sourness spreads on the tongue, reminiscent of childhood and a carefree summer afternoon - and so on ad infinitum, until the teeth set on edge and the cheekbones tighten...

The countries of the South Caucasus, Iran and Asia Minor are considered the birthplace of cherry plum, so we can rightfully say that cherry plum is a native Azerbaijani fruit. Today, cherry plum is widespread in Central and Asia Minor, China, the countries of the South Caucasus, the Mediterranean, Ukraine and Moldova.

In Georgia, cherry plum is known as tkemali - main basis everyone's favorite sauce of the same name. And in Europe it has a very beautiful name - mirabelle plum. Cherry plum belongs to the plum genus. The forests in Azerbaijan are full of wild cherry plums, and they are collected throughout almost the entire year. It is cultivated in many areas of the country, especially common in Sheki and Gabala. We mainly grow varieties Hanbeyi, Shabrany, Ag (white) cherry plum and some others.

There is another variety of cherry plum called Geyja Sultany. The shape of the tree of this cherry plum, unlike other varieties, is conical, reminiscent of a spear. Both to taste and appearance It differs from other varieties in having a thinner skin and a relatively smaller seed, as well as a more tart, more “cherry plum” taste. The homeland of this type of cherry plum is Nakhchivan, more precisely Ordubad.

Cherry plum is not just everyone’s favorite fruit, it is also very useful and, in addition to cooking, is also used in medicine and dietetics. The substances contained in it purify the blood and have an anti-inflammatory, diuretic and mild laxative effect. In particular, cherry plum is useful for hypovitaminosis, colds and related diseases, scurvy; it is also used in the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and to stimulate appetite.

Mohammed Momin wrote about it in 1669: “Ripe cherry plum quenches thirst, has a choleretic and laxative effect. In addition, cherry plum syrup has an astringent effect for bleeding. Ripe cherry plum juice is good to use for severe coughs and tuberculosis. The juice of cherry plum leaves has an anthelmintic effect , removes spasms, stops vomiting..."

Cherry plum contains up to 5-7% sugar, 4-7% citric acid, 6-7% vitamin C and 15% various pectins. Among the microelements contained in cherry plum, the most are calcium, potassium and phosphorus. It is especially useful for children, the elderly and pregnant women. It is very important for residents of large cities to use it, as it has the ability to remove radionuclides. Fresh cherry plum juice quenches thirst and tones well. In addition, given the peculiarities of local cuisine and the abundance of fatty and meat dishes, sour cherry plum sauces are indispensable, since the enzymes they contain contribute to better absorption of meat and fat.

Culinary couturier Natalya Golumb admits that she was also surprised by the cherry plum: “Recently I was in Sheki and tried an extraordinary cherry plum dish called deimyanj. This is a specially prepared (beaten) cherry plum with garlic, herbs and salt. I can say that it is excellent an appetizer and a starter for more serious dishes. In addition, although until recently I knew only one use of cherry plum - with salt, now the arsenal of dishes has been expanded. And cherry plum goes perfectly with white Azerbaijani wines." According to the culinary specialist, this is a simple and simple dish reminds her of chutney - an Indian seasoning for dishes, prepared from fruits, less often vegetables, with the addition of vinegar and spices, so our national deimyanj is the Azerbaijani analogue of a seasoning with a piquant taste, beloved in many countries, which serves to stimulate the appetite and complement the taste of the main dish.

According to an agronomist from Guba, Siraj Huseynov, cherry plum is a common fruit. Moreover, unlike many other fruit trees, cherry plum is unpretentious, frost-resistant and unusually prolific. IN Lately The demand for cherry plum increased even more after a number of factories in the regions of the country began to can it. Introduced cherry plums are now being imported from European countries, which are larger than the local ones, are able to bear fruit in the second or third year and have better preservation.


The sour marshmallow known to many - lavashana in the classic version is also prepared from cherry plum. For this seasoning, cherry plum is lightly stewed or stewed (you can also use raw). The skin and seeds are removed, the whole mass is rubbed through a sieve, spread on a board and dried in the sun. In modern home conditions, you can apply a thin layer of cherry plum mass on a baking sheet and dry it in the oven.


Large cherry plums are used for cherry plum jam. garden varieties, mainly Arash and Istanbul. When fully ripe, the weight of these red berries reaches 40 g. The top layer should be removed from the cherry plum and kept for one and a half to two hours in lime water. After this, it is thoroughly washed with water and pierced in several places.

The cherry plum prepared in this way is poured with boiled syrup (1 glass of water per 1.1 kg of sugar). The jam should be cooked in three batches for 2-3 hours at an interval of 8 hours.


This is an excellent additive not only for meat, but also for fish, potatoes, and flour dishes. Even just dipping bread or pita bread into it is an exquisite pleasure. For the sauce you will need: 1 kg of cherry plum, 1 tsp. ground red pepper, 1 tsp. vinegar, 1 tbsp. dill seeds, 5 cloves of garlic, 50 ml of water and 60 g of sugar.

Sort out the cherry plum, rinse it, add it to the pan, add water and boil for 2-3 minutes under the lid. We wipe the mixture through a colander, resulting in a silky puree. It should be boiled to the thickness you like. This will take approximately 35 minutes over medium heat. It is necessary to stir the puree periodically to prevent it from burning. Add pepper and sugar, boil for another 2 minutes; after that, add the garlic passed through a garlic press and cook for another 2-3 minutes. The final stage is to add the dill seeds and vinegar crushed in a coffee grinder and boil for another 2-3 minutes. The sauce is ready!

Calories, kcal:

Proteins, g:

Carbohydrates, g:

Cherry plum is a fruit plant from the subfamily Plum families Pink. Several subspecies are known, including plum-tkemali, “cherry plum”, mirabolan. Forms with various colors of fruits were identified - red, pink, burgundy, yellow, etc. Cherry plum, plum, one of the original forms of domestic.

In the wild and in cultivation, cherry plum is distributed in mountainous areas in the Tien Shan, the Balkans, Central and Asia Minor, Iran, the North Caucasus and Transcaucasia, Moldova and southern Ukraine.

In Russia, cherry plum is cultivated in Kursk, Voronezh, Bryansk and other regions. The productivity of an adult tree is up to 300 kg.

Calorie content of cherry plum

Cherry plum is low in calories and amounts to only 27 kcal per 100 grams of product.

Composition and benefits of cherry plum

In their composition, ripe cherry plum fruits contain 4-5% sugar, organic acids, substances. The combination of all these substances in them is very successful, thanks to which both fresh fruits and various seasonings prepared from them contribute to the absorption of meat and fat by the body.

I wonder what chemical composition cherry plum fruits are to a certain extent related to the color of the fruit: yellow-fruited forms have a particularly high sugar content and almost no tannins, while chokeberry cherry plums are different high content.

Cherry plum seeds are also beneficial. From them an oil is obtained that is close in composition to oil - up to 41-43% of its weight in the seeds (not counting the shell). Cherry plum oil, like cherry plum oil, contains the glycoside amygdalin (calorizer), which has the ability to decompose into glucose, benzoaldehyde and hydrocyanic acid in the presence of water and the emulsin enzyme.

Using cherry plum fruits in cooking

The fruits of the cherry plum are tasty, sweet and sour, used fresh and in canned form (compote, syrups, jam, marmalade, jelly, oriental marshmallow-lavash made from sun-dried puree from mashed plums, marmalade, juice, wine). They are the main component.

An essence is made from cherry plum juice. In the Caucasus, lavash made from the pulp of cherry plum fruit is popular. It is stored for a long time, has pleasant taste, valued as nutritious and dietary product, prevents the development of scurvy.

The use of cherry plum in production

The shells of cherry plum seeds do not disappear either: back in the 30s, they began to produce activated carbon from it, which was necessary for cleaning a variety of food industry products - from to.

The main use of cherry plum oil is in perfumery and in the production of medical soaps (calorizator). And the meal remaining after oil extraction contains up to 73% protein and is an excellent raw material for the production of vegetable casein.