How to meet a girl on the street. How to meet a girl if you're shy What you need to meet a girl

13.03.2023 Construction

Many men prefer to meet those girls with whom circumstances bring them together for a long time: at college, at work, or, for example, with those living in the neighborhood. This option, of course, has a right to exist, but it is often fraught with certain problems: office romances do not have the best effect on a career, and a friend’s girlfriend is far from ideal option to create strong relationships. Therefore, it will be useful for guys to learn how to properly meet a girl on the street.

Psychologists say that there are no places where it would be indecent to make new acquaintances. The other half can wait everywhere, including on the street. Any acquaintance includes elements of a game, so it must take place according to certain rules.

How to meet people on the street?

Many young people do not know how to start meeting a girl. The first sign that communicating with a stranger on the street can be successful is eye-to-eye contact, as well as a friendly and welcoming facial expression. This suggests that the girl liked the guy and paid attention to him. But many men at this moment get lost and simply pass by, reproaching themselves for their indecision. It would be stupid to miss such a chance; you should definitely take advantage of it.

If a guy is wondering where to meet girls, then he should just leave the house. Dating on the street is both a difficult and promising matter, because you can meet completely different girls here. The difficulty of such communication lies in the fact that you need to act quickly and confidently, without disappointing the beautiful stranger. Otherwise, she will simply turn away and continue on her way.

Appearance - business card

When meeting a girl, she evaluates not only behavior, but also appearance guy. This is what characterizes him in the first place. It is important to look not only stylish, but also neat and well-groomed. Wrinkled clothes and dirty shoes are unlikely to evoke admiring glances from your chosen one.

What can I say?

If a guy doesn’t know how to properly meet a girl, he needs to work on the first phrase. It is of no small importance, since the first words will become the beginning of communication. Or they won’t if the guy says something stupid. On the street, girls often think about something of their own, feminine, so they may not immediately respond to someone addressing them.

Before addressing a stranger, it is advisable to make her smile and establish eye contact. The first phrase should be as effective as possible and comply with several rules:

  • It should consist of several words (1-5), you can simply say “Hello!” or “Let's get to know each other...”
  • There is no need to ask a girl a question, because she may not answer. And then the guy will be in a stupid position.
  • The phrase should be appropriate to the situation, for example, it could be some comment: “Careful, there’s a car coming.”
  • If the guy is confident enough in himself, you can start with a compliment. But it needs to be said in such a way that it looks like admiration, and not a simple banality. The phrase should “hook” the girl.
  • You need to address a stranger positively and kindly in order to immediately win her over.

What to talk about?

If a guy wants to understand how to learn how to meet girls, he needs to understand the main thing: in order to trust you, on a subconscious level, the interlocutor must receive answers to the following questions:

  • What kind of person is this?
  • What does he need from me?
  • Can he be trusted?

If a girl is sure that communication will not bring her problems, she will probably be interested in a handsome and witty guy. You can tell about your place of study or work so that your interlocutor learns a little more about you.

It is not so important where you meet; in any case, you need to make sure that the reason for your interest is extremely clear. If the main goal is long-term communication, there is no need to ask the girl for a cigarette or ask what time it is.

How to interest a stranger?

The ideal option is when the girl is initially friendly and responds well to jokes. This means that she liked the man and would be happy to talk to him. But to enjoy such success, you need to know how to properly meet a girl and constantly work on yourself.

What to do if there is no sympathy?

Often, guys get lost in a situation where a girl maintains communication, but there are no visible signs of sympathy. If the stranger does not show emotions, you need to try to interest her.

You can use the following options:

  • Make her smile by telling a funny joke or a life story prepared in advance.
  • Be interested in your social status, if any. This does not necessarily have to be financial solvency; perhaps the guy participated in some competitions or did charity work.
  • Talk about your extreme interests and hobbies.

To feel confident, you need to know not only how to properly meet a girl, but also what to do in case of failure. If there is still no positive result, and the girl continues to communicate “automatically,” it is better to end the conversation, citing employment or an urgent matter, and ask the stranger for her phone number. Rather, it should not be a question, but a statement. To a young man It should be noted that he would happily continue the acquaintance over a cup of coffee. Maybe next time she’ll be in a better mood and she’ll reciprocate the guy’s feelings.

How to meet people on social networks?

Nowadays young people spend a lot of time on the Internet and various social networks. Considering this fact, guys should not forget that you can meet girls there too. But if young people think that it is enough to send a message and the girl will immediately continue communication, then they are very mistaken. The technique of how to make acquaintances on VK is quite complex, because you need to attract attention and stand out from hundreds of other accounts.

Working on the page

Having a good photograph is important. Not every girl will want to answer if she has no idea about the owner of the account. There is no need to put pictures of movie characters, inscriptions or photographs of animals on your avatar; this approach will not bring success. The girl does not hear the voice, does not feel the aura, so she will form her first impression based on the photograph.

The “About Me” section must be filled out in detail and interestingly; boring lines will not attract attention. You can indicate bright moments that happened in life, describe hobbies and interests. You shouldn’t forget about your sense of humor, but you also shouldn’t go too far, so as not to give the impression of a buffoon.

first letter?

If the questionnaire has been compiled and the photograph has been selected, then you can get down to business. First of all, you need to select the page of the girl who will become the “victim”. The first letter should be written in such a way as to captivate and interest, to arouse a desire to continue communication. If she smiles while reading the message, success has almost been achieved. Phrases such as “Hey, what are you doing?” and “Hi, how are you?” should be immediately excluded from the arsenal. The maximum they can bring is a monosyllabic answer, from which it will be very difficult to develop interesting and lively communication.

The message should consist of several sentences. If a guy has problems with grammar, it’s worth checking everything carefully at least the first time so that there are no mistakes. This not only makes girls laugh, but also irritates and repels them. To understand what is best to write about, it is worth studying the chosen one’s page, reading her profile and statuses. They can often tell a lot about a girl’s views, mood and feelings. If your profile lists your favorite films, you can write something like this: “Hello, Nastya! In search of communication, I came to this site and found you. I really like going to the cinema, I want to invite you to such and such a film, and then we can have a drink delicious tea in a cafe." The text, naturally, will change depending on the girl’s hobbies. It would be nice to back up your words with photographs so that the story looks believable. Then the girl will go to the page and see a confident guy, having fun with friends and enjoying life.

It is not uncommon for young people to turn to a psychologist with the question: “I’m afraid to meet girls, what should I do?” If you don’t have this gift by nature, then you will have to constantly leave your comfort zone. At first, weak legs, increased sweating and stuttering will cause the guy to become completely numb, but over time you can learn to control these processes and not panic. Any overcoming of your own fears and weaknesses is a step towards freedom and self-confidence.

Find motivation

To understand how to learn to meet girls, the best place to start is with yourself. Daily training and communication with different girls is the path to success. To be bolder in communicating with the opposite sex, you need to find a motivational justification. It is not necessary to flirt with every young lady you know and don’t know, you can just have a friendly conversation. Such communication will also give courage and self-confidence.

Active listening

If you have practically no knowledge about how guys meet girls, you can use the tactic of asking more questions that the girl will be pleased to answer.

Every guy dreams of finally meeting his soulmate. But where to find it? Don't go out on the street to meet someone! What if this is exactly the place where you can find the perfect girl?

Remember how many beauties stroll through parks, alleys and squares. Of course, the street is far from the easiest place to establish contact. However, with the help of advice from psychologists and more experienced and confident guys, you can understand on the street.

It seems like a banal point, but it’s still worth mentioning.

Every girl consciously or subconsciously evaluates the appearance of the man standing opposite her. Most likely, she will decide to speak or “promote” you even before you utter the first word.

We won’t talk in detail about the cleanliness, neatness and grooming of things and hair - this is already understandable. It is also difficult to give advice on choosing clothes, since everyone has their own individual taste. Perhaps this particular stranger will like him.

In addition, before entering into a conversation, roughly evaluate the girl’s appearance. If you notice a social difference between her and you, and this “stratification” is clearly in her favor, the chances of a successful acquaintance are sharply reduced. However, this does not mean that you should not try and try!

This point is not as simple as it seems at first glance, and the further development of the situation will depend on its implementation. A young lady on the street may be in a hurry somewhere or simply be immersed in thoughts, and a stranger who suddenly appears will cause, if not aggression, then misunderstanding.

In order not to cause a negative reaction in the girl, but, on the contrary, to attract her attention and further develop the first success, it is necessary to take into account several important points:

  • Try to establish direct eye contact with the young lady you like by catching her eye, winking and smiling at her.
  • Walk so that the girl can see you. It is not recommended to suddenly appear from behind, greeting loudly, as you will only scare her. Approach from the front, but under no circumstances should you block the path.
  • Psychologists claim that the “head to head” position indicates aggression. Therefore, it is better to stand half-turned towards the stranger so that she feels at ease and can go about her business at any moment.
  • If a girl moves energetically, you should not stop her by touching her arms, shoulders or other parts of the body. Try to match her, turning your body in her direction, and only then start a conversation.
  • It is important to respect personal space. This means not only not touching things or body parts, but also not getting very close to another person. According to psychological data, a comfortable distance is 50-60 cm.
  • When approaching a stranger who is sitting on a bench, sit down next to her. You should not hang over the girl, since such a position will only lead to discomfort and hostility.

How to meet a pretty girl on the street?

There are several ways to meet cute young ladies on the street: direct, situational or prepared. Which one is preferable depends on many circumstances. The choice is up to you, and we will tell you about these approaches in more detail.

Direct approach

This method of dating involves following a certain sequence of steps: you greet the girl, give her a compliment and start actually getting to know each other.

For example:

  1. Go up to the young lady you like, say hello and ask for a few minutes.
  2. Give a compliment: “You have a great smile. Such beautiful dimples on the cheeks” (it all depends on your imagination).
  3. The final stage is direct acquaintance. Your goal is to interest the stranger and encourage her to further actions. You need to behave naturally, but not overdo it with relaxation and “machismo”.


This method of starting a relationship involves turning to a pretty girl with some request or advice.

For example, you can:

  • ask her how to get to a certain place or find out where the nearby cinema is located (as an option);
  • ask at the stop which trolleybus or minibus you can take to get to a certain place;
  • find out where she bought one (if she is holding a bag of cat food in her hands);
  • find out her opinion about the street musician, the music that comes from a nearby car;
  • cover with an umbrella from what has begun;
  • ask to look at sunglasses girls to fix their hair.

Refrain from vulgar jokes or ambiguous phrases. After asking a question, do not interrupt the girl, wait until she finishes her thoughts. Then introduce yourself and continue the conversation as appropriate.

Canned (pickup)

This technique involves the use of openers (verbal structures designed to start a conversation). They are designed to surprise, amaze, captivate, and confuse the beautiful stranger. How to meet a girl on the street using this method?

The main thing is to prepare a few phrases that will evoke a girl’s reaction. They can be found in “pickup artist” literature or on Internet resources with similar content. As an example, here are several opener speech constructions:

  • Can you call me an ambulance? I feel like Cupid’s arrow is sitting inside me!
  • Hello, it seems to me that we have already met somewhere. Maybe in a dream?
  • Girl, what will you do tonight when you return home after our date?
  • Girl, please stop for a minute. Can I admire you a little?

If a girl straightens her hair or clothes, holds her gaze at you, smiles and continues the conversation that has begun, most likely she is interested in you and does not mind continuing the conversation.

Remember that words are not as important as the ability to pronounce them. Behave in a friendly manner and try to instill confidence in the young lady, since many young creatures look extremely suspiciously (which is quite natural and even reasonable) at suitable guys.

The following thoughts may be spinning in a girl’s head:

  • Who is he?
  • What does he want from me?
  • Why did he come up to me, because there are a lot of people around?
  • What if he is a criminal or a fraudster?

Be sure to say or hint that you came for the purpose of getting acquainted, and do not want to hand her some kind of advertising brochure. Mention that you live, work or study nearby and just met a cute girl and came over to meet her. In this case, all the young lady’s doubts will disappear.

It should be remembered that the introduction itself only takes a couple of minutes. However, in the process of further development of relationships, these moments are the most important. It is at this moment that an impression of you is formed in your beautiful head, and the girl decides whether she wants to continue dating.

If you notice interest in her eyes, then the following scenarios are possible:

  • an immediate date if you and the young lady have no urgent matters;
  • exchanging phone numbers to set up a future meeting.

The first option is preferable, since then the girl can find many reasons and reasons to refuse a date. Invite a young lady to a cafe, order a cup of coffee (you shouldn’t order alcohol) and continue the nice conversation.

In any case, you will have to adapt, but if you are in a hurry now, it is better to reschedule the date for a more convenient time than to fidget in your chair, glancing at your watch every minute, for fear of being late somewhere.

By following the tips described above, you can no longer worry about the question of how to meet a girl on the street. Even if something serious does not come out of this meeting, you will gain invaluable dating experience, which will help you avoid difficulties in the future when communicating with representatives of the fair sex.

Hello, I am Nadezhda Plotnikova. Having successfully completed her studies at SUSU as a specialized psychologist, she devoted several years to working with children with developmental problems and consulting parents on issues of raising children. I use the experience gained, among other things, in creating articles of a psychological nature. Of course, I in no way claim to be the ultimate truth, but I hope that my articles will help dear readers deal with any difficulties.

Dating a girl is a pretty stressful situation, especially if you don't know how to behave. It doesn’t really matter for what purpose you want to meet a girl: for simple friendship, flirting or a serious relationship, in any case, there are a few things that you should pay attention to in order to increase your chances of getting into a relationship with a girl. Luckily, meeting a girl is much easier than many of us imagine. If you know how to present yourself, if you know how to behave correctly in different situations, meeting a girl will be commonplace for you.


How to meet a girl on the Internet

    Register on a dating site. On dating sites there are usually a lot of single women and girls who want to meet. Some sites are paid, and there are sites where you need to pay a monthly fee. Decide which site you are comfortable using and register on it.

    Write to the girls who interest you. Find girls who live in your area, look at their profiles. Start dating openly and simply; don’t follow popular pick-up scenarios. It's better to start the conversation by discussing common interests.

    • Read the girl's profile information, look at her photos and find common interests.
    • For example, if a girl has a photograph from some famous museum, say: “Hi, I'm Dima. I love this museum too! When were you there?
    • You can write something simple: “Hi, I’m Edik, how are you?”
  1. Chat with the girls who responded to you. After you send a girl a message, you need to start a conversation. Start asking this girl different questions, try to build a relationship with her. Chat with her online, and after a while, when she becomes more comfortable with you, you can ask for her phone number. Do not write or say anything vulgar to the girl, do not touch on too intimate topics and do not try to delve into her past. Try to keep the tone informal and light-hearted.

    • Good topics for conversation: music, films, latest news, books you’ve recently read, some common interests.
    • If you feel like the conversation is stalled, say something like: “Listen, I recently saw the movie Tusk and it just amazed me. Not in the best way. Do you even like horror movies?”
  2. Meet the girl in person. Once you've established contact with a girl, it's time to ask if she'd like to meet you in person. Set up a meeting in a quiet, public place, for example, invite her to a cafe, lunch or a walk in the park. Call the girl on the phone and agree on a time and place to meet.

    • For example, you could say something like: “Listen, you just amazed me. Do you want to meet?"

    Find places to meet girls in real life

    1. Meet girls through friends. One of the most simple ways meet a girl - chat with your friends and meet your friends' friends. When you decide to get together somewhere, ask your friends to invite their friends and female acquaintances.

      • You can ask a friend to introduce you to some of his friends before the party if you are too nervous.
    2. Meet the girls in class. Chat with your classmates and try to take on some project or joint task with them. If you don't go to school or university, you can sign up for some courses on a topic that interests you. Start the introduction and conversation by discussing activities, and then move on to more personal conversations.

      • For example, say something like: “Oh my God, this homework was the most difficult. Have you figured out how to do it?
    3. Meet girls at work. The advantage of communicating with colleagues is that you will have something to discuss, and communication with a colleague will be less stressful than with a stranger. Meet and chat with girls from work that you like. Once you've established a friendship, ask her if she'd like to meet you and hang out with you outside of work.

      • Talk about work. Say, “Oh, seriously? Three double shifts this week! Why can’t the schedule be a little more organized?”
      • Invite a girl on a date, say: “Listen, you amaze me! Would you like to go somewhere after work?”
      • You can clarify a little and ask: “Do you have plans for this Friday? Do you want to go to a cafe with me?”
    4. To meet girls, you can go to a bookstore. A bookstore is a great place to meet girls. Plus, you'll have something to talk about. If you see a girl looking at a book you like, introduce yourself and start the conversation by discussing that book.

      • You might say something like, “The second book in this series is one of my favorites. Are you a Bukowski fan too?”
    5. Meet girls at a bar or club. If you're feeling unsure, take a friend with you. Try to meet girls at the bar and strike up a conversation with them, go up and introduce yourself.

      • If you want to chat with a girl, choose a bar in advance where the music is not too loud.
      • For example, you could say something like, “Listen, I saw you across the bar the other day. I’m Dima, what’s your name?”
      • You can say: “Your sneakers are so cool, are these the new Air Max Goraths? I also wanted to buy similar ones for myself.”

    How to introduce yourself

    1. Make eye contact . If you want to meet a girl you don't know, you first need to make eye contact with her. Look at her, wait until she looks at you too. If a girl looks into your eyes and smiles, this is a sign - she wants to chat with you!

      • Lonely girls, as well as girls who are sitting and bored, will most likely be much more willing to get to know you.
    2. Tell:“Hi, I'm ___ (your name).” The first phrase doesn't have to be complicated, you just need to get the answer. Just say “hi” and tell them your name. Then you can ask the girl’s name and how her day was.

      • If the girl turns to you, talks and smiles, it means the conversation has started successfully.
    3. If you have already corresponded with her on the Internet, go up to her and hug her. If, while communicating online, you have already established some kind of relationship with this girl, when you first meet, you can approach her and hug her. Be sure to pay attention to the girl's body language. If a girl retreats and shows that she feels uncomfortable, it is better not to rush into hugs.


      Jessica Ingle is a relationship coach and psychotherapist based in the San Francisco Bay Area. She founded Bay Area Dating Coach in 2009 after receiving her master's degree in counseling psychology. She is a licensed marriage and family therapist and registered drama therapist with over 10 years of experience.

      Dating and Relationship Specialist

      Be culturally aware when you're thinking about hugging someone. Dating and relationship expert Jessica Ingle says, “It all depends. where are you. Here on the West Coast, hugging is a common thing when you meet someone, even if you don't know the person very well. So hugging on the first date is completely normal for us. But on East Coast everything is no longer the same: people in close relationships hug there more often.”

Do you want to go up and meet a girl on the street but don’t know how to do it? We will tell you everything about street dating: how to dress, how to choose a girl, original first phrases, examples of successful acquaintances and much more.

Let's start with appearance: what girls pay attention to when meeting

When meeting an unfamiliar young man, a girl first of all pays attention to her appearance. Here are a few useful tips that will help you make a good impression on a woman when meeting her:

  • Cleanliness, self-care. Clothes and shoes should always be clean. Don’t forget also that if you wear a shirt or T-shirt, you need to iron it. In addition, you need to regularly wash your hair, trim your hair, and cut your nails.
  • Clothing size. T-shirts, shirts and jeans that are incorrectly sized are a very common mistake. If you are not sure that the size is suitable, be sure to consult the seller before purchasing.
  • Clothing style. If you want to make a good impression. This doesn't mean that you have to look like the models on the glossy covers of fashion magazines. It is enough to immediately decide on a clothing style and then stick to it, avoiding inappropriate combinations. You don't know which style suits you best. We recommend.
  • Perfume. If you use perfume, you should give preference to well-known brands. Girls easily identify cheap fragrances by smell.
  • Posture. Beautiful posture greatly adds to your attractiveness. If you have back problems, you need to play sports. Swimming helps best.

How to get attention

Most people on the street go about their business focused on their thoughts. If you want to get acquainted, first you need to pay attention to yourself.

First of all, you need to be in her line of sight. The best option is to approach it from the side. You should not “sneak up” on a girl from behind or block her path. This will only scare her.

As soon as you are in her visibility zone, you need to “catch” her gaze and smile. That's it. She noticed you.

What can you say to get acquainted: examples of successful phrases

The ideal phrase to start a conversation is “Hello.” If the girl answered your greeting, then half the job is done and the hardest part is over. Now you can start communicating. What to talk about? In fact, it's not that important anymore. There are no universal correct phrases that work miracles. The girl has already appreciated your appearance, ability to carry yourself, confidence and naturalness. She has already made a decision for herself whether she wants to continue acquaintance and if she likes you, then she will support any conversation that you start.

Here are a few real examples successful dating.

"Hello. You look very stylish. Surely you know the most best places where you can sit and quietly drink a cup of coffee. Do you have any advice?"

"Hello. My name is Danil. I really liked you, I wanted to come up and talk to you...”

"Hello. You smiled at me so much now that I even forgot where and why I was going. My name is Alexey..."

"Hello. I saw you and immediately wanted to come up and talk. Unfortunately, I don’t have any free time right now, but if you give me your phone number, I’ll definitely call you.”

You can use props to get acquainted. For example, you can buy flowers or colorful balloons and give them to passing girls with the words: “Hello. You are so beautiful that I wanted to give you this flower.”

The only thing you should avoid are cliche, hackneyed phrases like: “Hello. Allow me to meet you."

Here are a few more videos with examples of successful dating on the street:

Are you interested in the topic of meeting girls? Then be sure to read our article. You will find a huge amount useful information about meeting and seducing girls.

How to conquer your fear

If you are worried and nervous when meeting a girl, this is absolutely normal. But sometimes the fear of dating is so great that you cannot bring yourself to approach a girl at all or you feel so uncomfortable that you cannot communicate normally.

There are two basic approaches to dealing with fears. They can be roughly called “shock therapy” and “step by step”.

“Shock therapy” gives the fastest results. The main idea of ​​this approach is that you need to “look your fear in the eye.” You need to gather the strength to do what you are most afraid of. This method can be compared to jumping into cold water.

The algorithm of actions is simple: I saw a girl, threw all my thoughts aside, immediately went up to her and said the first thing that came to mind. This method is good because it allows you to get rid of fear very quickly. However, it requires very strong motivation and willpower. Not everyone can bring themselves to do this. For such cases, the second method is more suitable.

The “step by step” approach is about achieving the goal step by step. For example, first you need to approach girls and simply ask how to get to the library or to the street. Pushkin (probably every city has such a street). After this does not cause any discomfort, we set ourselves a new goal - to start a conversation and give the girl a compliment to make her smile. There can be many such steps. The very last step is to approach a girl, meet her, invite her on a date and take her phone number.

Step-by-step movement towards the goal will take more time, but will give excellent results with a minimum of effort.

If you are still in doubt, be sure to watch the video from a female point of view:

As you can see, girls are not at all against being approached and introduced to them. And they will definitely appreciate your courage and self-confidence.

Free book

Do you want to learn a lot more interesting things about where and how to meet people? beautiful girls, what to talk to them about, how to invite them on dates so as not to get rejected? Then we strongly advise you to read new free book by Yegor Sheremetev. To download the book and leave your e-mail. An email will be sent to you with a link to the pdf file.

All you need for a successful acquaintance on the street is a decent appearance, and a little courage and self-confidence.

It is believed that the first step in a romantic relationship should be taken by a man, and the same goes for meeting a girl. Sometimes the stumbling block is the young man’s excessive modesty, ignorance of how to advantageously present himself so that the lady of his heart will reciprocate and want to continue communication.

Let's consider ways and methods of how to meet a girl that will help you become wittier and more self-confident.

...before you go against the rules, you need to get to know them.
Jim Jarmusch

How to get a guy to meet a girl

Many men have a limited circle of acquaintances - colleagues, a few childhood friends, a couple of friends.

If there are no girls in the companies in which a man hangs out, his chances of finding a soul mate are reduced, and he ends up among those chosen, rather than among those chosen.

Timidity and reluctance to make acquaintances often leads to the fact that a man has to be content with little and choose as his life partner the girl who “came to hand”, simply by being in the right place at the right time.

But male nature tells a different story: men are winners, and any woman would prefer a real conqueror to a modest one. Therefore, it is important to learn how to meet girls and be interesting to them.

Rules for productive dating

To turn your object of affection from a beautiful stranger into a friend and even more, you need to follow some simple tips. You can meet people anywhere - on the street, at the movies, on the Internet. It is necessary to take into account a number general rules, which will increase self-confidence, regardless of the situation.
  1. Greetings. It can be “straightforward”, without mysteries and strangeness. You need to say (on the Internet - write) a simple phrase, short and concise, arousing interest.
  2. The topic of conversation should be planned in advance. If on the street you can limit yourself to a couple of phrases and “shoot” a phone number, then on the Internet it will take more time to get acquainted.
  3. Compliments are good if you say them with all your heart and in moderation.. Loving young men, from whose lips emanate through words beautiful words, are doubtful. Excessive seriousness will not do either. Compliments should not sound too banal, remember: girls love originality.
  4. If you have a sense of humor, make the most of it, the main thing is that the jokes are not too “flat” and incomprehensible. Rehearse certain humorous stories on your sister/friend, look at their reaction and only after approval tell them to the girl you like.
  5. The ability to listen and take into account a girl’s opinion plays an important role. If you talk little about yourself and ask the girl more about hobbies/interests, she will regard this as genuine interest on your part: it is important for women to be understood.
  6. Continued communication: during the first acquaintance, you do not need to communicate for hours. Even on the Internet, a few remarks are enough to understand whether a girl likes you and whether it’s worth continuing the conversation. On your next date, invite her to a cafe or a romantic walk where you can get to know each other better.
As they say, “the first step is hard,” so you need to make many attempts, which will allow you to perfect your dating technique and become self-confident. Remember that every girl doesn’t have to like you: some ladies are no longer single and are dating someone, while others simply prefer a different type of man.

You are not a dollar bill to please everyone, so you just have to be patient and go for the wins. Let's look at how to meet a girl in different places and situations.

How to meet a girl on the street

The street is a difficult place to meet people, because girls rarely walk alone without a reason: they are going somewhere and may be in a hurry.

But on the street the probability of meeting an attractive person whom you don’t want to miss is huge. There are several rules that can help in your first acquaintance.

What to consider

  1. Greetings. If you are standing in line at a movie theater or other place, neither she nor you are in a hurry, then you can say a simple simple phrase: “Hello, I’m waiting for my friends, and I saw you. I liked you, maybe we can talk?” You need to rehearse and memorize this expression until it seems original to you. If a girl is in a hurry, do not try to communicate with her; you can ask for her phone number and offer to meet in a different environment in a few days.
  2. It is important to approach a girl correctly so that she does not suspect you of attempting to steal or do another bad act. You can approach from the front (stop at a distance arm's length), but it’s better to approach from the side (here you can come a little closer, but not from the side from which she holds her purse). If the girl is sitting, sit next to her so that you are on the same level.
  3. Before you say the first phrase, make sure the girl is ready to listen to you. Perhaps she just doesn't expect anyone to talk to her (in which case you might scare her). Therefore, you need to pay attention to yourself: approach, take a short pause, look into the eyes.
  4. A smile is a symbol of male strength and dignity. It characterizes a man’s good character and good nature, and his gaze symbolizes self-confidence. It should always be on your face when you plan to meet a representative of the opposite sex.
  5. Don't put your hands in your pockets, this can subconsciously cause a negative reaction on her part. If you don’t know how to gesture, you can occupy your hands with a bottle of water, the main thing is that they are open.
  6. Achieving a goal is a victory for a man. An excellent result of dating is the girl’s agreement to meet again. You need to exchange phone numbers, to do this say the phrase: “I’m already in a hurry, but I wouldn’t want to miss you. Maybe we’ll meet this week, have some tea and get to know each other normally, what do you say?” Be sure to wait for any response from her and write down the number.
  7. Appearance is important: every girl appreciates it. Mandatory elements are clean shoes, neat hair, a “fresh” and cheerful appearance. If a girl doesn’t see fire in her eyes, she’s unlikely to want to continue the dialogue.
Remember that street dating is one of the most difficult, because it subconsciously causes caution on the part of the girl. Pay attention to yourself and remain friendly.

There is no universal approach to all young ladies; it is individual for each one. However, after making many attempts and taking phone numbers from several dozen girls, you can practice the skill and find an individual approach. If such a stressful acquaintance is not for you, you can make your first attempts on the Internet.

How to meet a girl on the Internet

Dating on the Internet is much easier than in real life, but in order not to “lose your face in the mud”, you need to know a few nuances. We will talk about them further.

Where to start getting acquainted?

Due to the large number of dating on the Internet on special sites, girls have little appreciation for beautiful words, so they must be original and memorable so that you can stand out from the gray mass of competing fans.

Fortunately, if you have a small amount of money, you can give a gift - a virtual toy, flowers, VIP status. This will “warm” her attitude towards you. You need to start dating with a compliment so that the object of your sympathy understands your interest. This will give you more chances that the lady of your heart will pay attention to you, and you can move on to the next stage.

What to write to a girl in the first message?

Your future fate together depends on your actions. Let's look at some proven tips.
  1. It is strictly forbidden to reveal the secrets of your dating goals. Say that you are looking for a reliable friend, never say that you are looking for your love. Do not write about marriage, children, or sexual relationships: it looks childish and causes mistrust and fear.
  2. Start the conversation with a few compliments. They must be general and original. Write about the beauty of her hair or eyes, do not describe in all its glory what impression her breasts or buttocks made on you (this can be mentioned during subsequent correspondence).
  3. On the Internet, due to the large number of men who want to meet, girls may not appreciate your efforts, so you are unlikely to interest her with just a virtual gift. At this stage, you cannot take a phone number and invite you on a date in real mode.
  4. Write competently and carefully select expressions: your speech can tell a lot about your character, level of education, and knowledge. Don't overdo it: guys who are too smart and pedantic can scare her away. The main thing is simplicity and conciseness of the proposals.
  5. Don't start a conversation with long stories about your biography. Ask more questions and ask to talk about her hobbies and passions. Before asking her about anything, study the profile on the site. This will help identify common interests.
  6. If you feel that everything important points agreed upon, and you have mutual interest, find an important excuse to end the conversation and continue in real life - in a cafe over a cup of tea.
  7. You can increase a girl’s level of trust by addressing her by name. This captivates any person, regardless of his character and temperament.
To develop communication skills on the Internet, you need to practice for a long time. The main thing is that your speech is simple and interesting, then any girl communicating with you will feel comfortable and want to continue communication.

How to meet a girl on VKontakte?

The social network VKontakte (VK) is popular among hundreds of thousands of people, so to make acquaintances on it and to get a positive reaction from a girl, you will have to be smart. There are not so many differences between VK dialogue and traditional dating sites.

Let's look at a few questions that a girl wants answers to from a guy on VK:

  1. Who are you?
    The skeptical and distrustful attitude of girls towards boys who write a compliment to a photo or in personal messages on VK is quite understandable. The girl can't wait to find out who you are. Maybe you were sent by her friends to check, or you are a representative of a network marketing company or a real estate agent. The answer to this question will symbolize a certain value for the girl, so it should be thoughtful. Write something like: “I'm a good guy” or “I'm very funny.”
  2. What do you want from her?
    By writing the purpose of your contact to her in the first message, you will relieve the young lady of suspicion and increase the chances of continuing communication. Write: “We don’t know each other, so we need to meet this Thursday.”
  3. Why is she the recipient of your message?
    Find a compelling reason for communication, something like: “I saw the photo and couldn’t pass by,” “I was hooked by your eyes.”
There are plenty of ways to “start a dialogue” on VK, the main thing is to choose the one that you like.

How to meet a girl with a girl

Although meeting a girl with a girl is less common than between representatives of the opposite sexes, it also has several nuances. Many girls want to find a girlfriend, but don't know where to start.

How can a girl meet an interesting girl for communication and friendship?

There are several options:
  • Personal acquaintance in thematic places.
    Have you been invited to a general party and it turns out that you have common interests? This is a wonderful opportunity for dialogue!
  • Meeting at events– exhibitions, libraries, student institutions.
    You can get acquainted with situations under any pretext, even just asking for help “can you tell me which book is better?”, “in what year was this picture painted?”
  • Dating on the Internet.
    To prevent your intentions from looking suspicious, you should not write in private messages. For example, in the same VK you can meet in thematic groups on makeup, fashion and style. Read user comments, select the person you are interested in and respond to her comment with something like “I absolutely agree with you”, “I support your opinion”. Then, unobtrusively, you can move on to a conversation in private messages and discuss common topics.
It is more difficult for a girl to get to know a girl than for a guy to get to know a girl, so compliments and gifts will not work. All that remains is to look for an object among like-minded people, this will increase your chances of success.


By choosing an effective method for meeting a girl, you can hone your skills and learn express dating in a few months. Good luck and more self-confidence!

Have you met a girl on the street or on the Internet? Share your experience and leave your personal opinion!