Early stories of bitter their romantic orientation. M. Gorky: the originality of romantic works. Homework

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Life A. M. Gorky was diverse and contradictory. The childhood was not easy, the mother died early, the grandfather broke, and his "Life in People" begins. From adversity and severe life strikes, he will save his love for reading and the desire to become a writer, describe what they saw. Literature played a huge role in the life of Gorky. She helped him to rise over everyday life, showing how wide, difficult and at the same time beautiful is a man's life.
The first story M. Gorky - "Makar Mi-Ra" - was sheepiyan with an enthusiastic worship of Radda Gypsy, the expectation of his life who had experienced a mighty heart Bescar. Writing this story marked the beginning to further his work in the spirit of heroic romanticism, since the writer himself was looking for ways to solve the eternal problems of humanity, the desire for a better life. And to change this life for the better, as he understood, people could have been deeply spiritual, disinterested, decent and purposeful, not for a minute not thinking about their personal well-being, seeing her beautiful parties in life, her spiritual values.
Such heroes in the works of Gorky are Danko, a petrel, Falcon, Chelkash and others.
The first lines in most such works of Gorky were a call for heroic. In the story of the oldest isergil, the relationship between legend and real reality is established. Two legends in the story oppose each other. LAR-RA - Pride, self-leisure man, Egoist, he appreciates himself and freedom. Danko seeks to get freedom for all. Larra did not want to give people to people even a particle of his "me," and Danko gives all his herself.
The fairy tale "Girl and Death" - a noteworthy expression of the consistent faith of the writer in the ability of the human heart to win, survive in a difficult moment.
"Chelkash" is one of the stories from the cycle of people from the people who carry high aesthetic qualities. The conflict is associated with the situation of the Skalvism, flight from the native home. On the road, there are two people in the crime - one is the habit of the other - the case. Distrust, envy, submissive readiness to serve, fear, submission of Gavrila is opposed to condescension, contempt, self-confidence, courage, love for freedom of Cheljasch. The author emphasizes the spiritual superiority of Chelkasha. However, Chelkash is not needed to society, unlike the Low Master Gavrille. This consists of a romantic pathos of the work and tragic. The romantic worldview is also present in the description of nature.
The genre of works "Song about the Petrel", "Sokol song" is defined as a song. Both songs also possess other genre signs - they have proverbs in them. The point of view of the main characters: opposition to a strong personality and society. Nature reflects the inner state of heroes. In the image of these courageous and proud birds, the writer wants to see as many people as possible, seeking to change the life of people for the better so that all people live in peace and harmony.
By creating your early works, Gorky wanted to see in people who read them, the desire to take an example from his positive heroes, the desire to change their internal and spiritual world, your appearance, and as a result, life itself. The writer himself is striving for this.

Writing on literature on the topic: Early works M. Gorky

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Early works M. Gorky

Early works (1892-1899) M. Gorky washed with a romantic mood. This is "Makar Miranda", "Old Man Izergil", "Song of Falcon". It is impossible to unequivocally say that the early stories of the author are created only within the framework of romanticism: Gorky at the same time creates and realistic works - "Emelyan Pilyay", "My satellite", Konovalov, "Spouse Orlov", "Malva", and others. Romanticism M. Gorky is primarily the atmosphere - night, ancient legends and legends, incredible love stories and colorful characters. The basic concepts of the romantic works of the author become "Freedom", "Independence", "Fighting", which answered the revolutionary spirit of the time: " Only that worthy of life and freedom, who goes to battle every day"(Goethe).

Romantic stories are born from the desire to oppose the tired, measured, monotonous reality with its spiritual poverty and degradation of ups human fantasy, the feat, the desires "to freedom, to the light", thirst for realization in the world, the passion of recognition. Gorky heroes stand above the life and municipality of life. They are not satisfied with "middle", they strive for high, eternal.

The center of Makar Mirara is becoming a clash of two strong and independent characters - Radda and Loyko Zobad. Both crave love, but it is a different love - love-Passion, Love-Fire, Love-Beauty and love-freedom, love-independence At the same time. Thirst for freedom reaches the heroes to the extreme: for non-liaison, someone is capable of paying their own life. The freedom and beauty of the heroes are poeticized by the author, they are upgraded to the ideal. The tragic legend about Radda and Loyko tells Makar Mirara, who opposes them modern man: "They are funny, those are your people. They got into a bunch and press each other, and there are no places on the ground. "

From conflict between heroes M. Gorky in the story "Old woman Izergil" goes to conflict "Hero-Society". This conflict is deeper, psychologically and socially pointed. From the many legends and stories told by the old woman, images of Larra - the son of a woman and an eagle, Danko - "the best of all" and others. Larra for her egoism and the desire to rule over people was punished with freedom and the inability to finish life earlier than it is destined: " That's how a person was struck for pride!" Danko at the cost of life tried to bring his tribesmen to freedom and light: " It was so bright. Like the sun, and brighter sun, and the whole forest fell silent, lit by this torch of the Great Love to People" But the victim of Danko was unnoticed: due to fatigue, people refused to continue their way. The story of the same Izergil, which serves as a link between two legends, is full of dedication and the feat than the author and emphasizes the presence of heroic in man.

It is noteworthy that in his stories bitter displays the private on the level of global. So, in Makare Miranda, proud figures of Rudda and Loyko turned to the clouds, where the second is trying, but can not overtake the first. In the old woman Izergil, the sparks of the heart of Danko turned into " blue wrapping steppes that appear in front of a thunderstorm. "

"Sokol song" draws a collision of two truth - the truth of falcon, " happiness battle", And truth is a hor:" Fly or crawl, the end is known: everyone will lie to the ground, everything will be ash" Despite the dimension and thoughtfulness of the position of the story, author on the side of the "struggling" Sokol: " Madness brave - this is the wisdom of life».

Contrary to the use of Gorky works in revolutionary propaganda, their meaning is deeper: these stories are the philosophical reflection of the author about the nature of human in man.

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Maxim Gorky (Alexey Maksimovich Peshkov, 1868-1936) - one of the most significant figures in the world culture of our century and at the same time - one of the most complex and contradictory. In the last decade, attempts were made to "reset the creativity of Gorky from a steamot of modernity." However, we will not forget that at the beginning of the century, the same was trying to do with Pushkin and Tolstoy ...

Perhaps, only the bitter managed to reflect the history of the first third of the twentieth century in his work with a truly epic scope in his work, life and culture of Russia.

Early creativity A.M. Gorky marked the influence of romanticism. In the legacy of any writer, something can like, and there is no something. One will leave indifferent, and the other will be delighted. And this is the more true for the huge and diverse creativity A.M. Gorky. The early works - romantic songs and legends - leave the impression of contact with the real talent. Beautiful heroes of these stories. And not only externally - they refuse miserable fate of serving things and money, their lives have a high meaning. Heroes of early works A.M. Gorky courageous and selfless ("song about falole", a legend of Danko), they glorify the activity, the ability to act (Falcon Images, Petrel, Danko). One of the most striking early works A.M. Gorky is the story of the old woman Izergil (1894). Written a story using a favorite writer Form Form: Legend of Larre, a story about the life of Izergil, Legend of Danko. One whole three parts of the story makes the basic idea - the desire to identify the true value of the human person.

In 1895, Gorky writes his "song about falcut." In contrast images, the horns of life are embodied two forms of life: rotting and burning. In order to brighten the courage of the wrestler, the author opposes the falcon of adaptable horns, the soul of which rotes in the meshchang. Gorky makes a merciless sentence by the integral-mesh well-being: "Born crawling - can not fly." In this work, Gorky sings the song "Madness of Brave", claiming him as "wisdom of life."

Gorky believed that the organization of the "Healthy Workers' People - Democracy" will establish a special spiritual culture at which life - joy, music; labor is pleasure. " That is why at the beginning of the 20th century, the recognition of the writer about the happiness "live on earth", where the new life in the new century should come.

Such a romantic feeling of the era and expressed the "Song of the Petrel" (1901). In this product with romantic drugs, a person was revealed, a non-verifying stagnant world. In the image of the "proud bird", all expensive author of the manifestation of feelings are concentrated: courage, strength, fiery passion, confidence in victory over a scarce and boring life. The petrel connects truly unprecedented abilities: cheapest the wind, "pierce" the darkness, call the storm and enjoy it, see and behind the clouds. And the storm itself is like their implementation.

Everywhere and always A.M. Gorky sought to revive the nature of the data of human existence. In the early romantic works of Gorky laid and captured the awakening of the human soul - the most beautiful thing that the writer was always worshiped.

Born on March 28, 1868 in Nizhny Novgorod. At 11 years old became the orphan and until 1888 lived in relatives in Kazan. I tried a lot of professions: I was a dresswriter on a ship, worked in the icon-painted workshop, a decade. In 1888 he left Kazan to the village of Krasnovidovo, where he was engaged in propaganda of revolutionary ideas. The first story of Maxim Gorky, Makar Miranda, was published in 1892 in the Caucasus newspaper. In 1898, a collection of "Essays and Stories" came out, and a year later his first novel "Thomas Gordeyev" was published. In 1901, Gorky is sent from Nizhny Novgorod to Arzamas Dunov A.N. Gorky, whom we do not know. // Literary newspaper, 1993, March 10 (No. 10). .

A little later began the cooperation of the writer with Mkat. The theater was set by the play "At the bottom" (1902), "Promenban" (1901) and others. To the same period include the poem "Man" (1903), Pieces "Dachniks" (1904), "Sun Children" (1905), "Two Barbars" (1905). Gorky becomes an active member of the Moscow Literary Environment, takes part in the creation of knowledge of the Society "Knowledge". In 1905, Gorky arrest and immediately after liberation he leaves abroad. From 1906 to 1913, Gorky lives in Capri. In 1907, a novel "Mother" Mironova R.M. Maksim Gorky. His personality and work. - M., 2003 ..

The Pieces "Latest" (1908), Vassa Zheleznova (1910), "Summer" (1909) and "Okrov Town" (1909), Roman "Life Mattheva Kozhemyakina" (1911) are created on Capri. In 1913, Gorky returned to Russia, and in 1915 he began to produce the magazine "Chronicle". After the revolution, he worked in the publishing house "World Literature".

In 1921, Gorky again leaves abroad. In early 20s, he finishes the trilogy "childhood", "in people" and "My Universities", writes the novel "The Case of Artamonov", begins work on the novel "Life of Klim Samgin". In 1931, Gorky returned to the USSR. He died on June 18, 1936 in the village of Gorki.

In the late 90s, the reader was struck by the appearance of three volumes "essays and stories" of a new writer - M. Gorky. "Large and original talent", it was the general judgment about the new writer and his books of Veselov GD.

The discontent growing in society and waiting for decisive changes caused the strengthening of romantic trends in the literature. Especially brightly, these trends were reflected in the work of the young bitter, in such stories as "Chelkash", the old woman Izergil, Makar Miranda, in revolutionary songs. The heroes of these stories are people "with the sun in the blood", strong, proud, beautiful. These heroes are Gorky's dream. Such a hero was supposed to "strengthen the will of a person to life, initiate a rebellion in him against reality, against all the oppression of it."

The central way of romantic works of the bitter early period is the image of the hero, ready for a feat in the name of the good of the people. A great importance in the disclosure of this image is the story of the old woman Izergil, written in 1895. In the image of Danko, Gorky has invested a humanistic idea of \u200b\u200ba person who gives all the forces to serving people.

The creativity of Gorky at the initial stage bears a strong imprint of a new literary flow - the so-called revolutionary romanticism. Philosophical ideas novice talented writer, passion, emotionality of his prose, new approach A person was sharply different from naturalistic prose who left into small household realism and elected a hopeless boredom of human existence, and from the Estetian approach to literature and life, which seen value only in the "sophisticated" emotions, heroes and words.

For youth there are two most important components of life, two existence vector. This is love and freedom. In the stories of Gorky "Makara Miranda" and "Old Man Izergil", love and freedom become the theme of the stories told by the main characters. The story of Gorky - the fact that old age tells about youth and love - allows you to give a perspective, the point of view of a young man who lives with love and sacrifices for her for her, and a person who lived, who seemed a lot and able to understand that it really matters that it is important that It remains at the end of a long journey.

The heroes of the two parables, told by the oldest Izergil, are the exact opposite. Danko is an example of love-self-sacrifice, love-giving. He can't live, separating himself from his tribe, the people, feels unhappy and non-free, if the people are inconspicuous and unhappy. Pure sacrificial love and the desire for the feat were characteristic of revolutionaries-romantics who dreamed of die for universal ideals, did not think of life without a victim, did not hope and did not want to live to old age. Danko gives a heart illuminating the path to people.

This is a fairly simple symbol: only pure, full of love and altruism heart can become a lighthouse and only a disinterested victim will help free the people. The tragedy of parables is that people forget about those who sacrificed themselves for them. They are ungrateful, but perfectly conscious of it, Danko does not think about the meaning of their dedication, not waiting for recognition, rewards. Gorky half alarms with the official church concept of merit, in which a person makes good deeds, knowing in advance what will be rewarded. The writer gives the opposite example: a reward for the feat - the feat and happiness of people for which he is perfect.

The son of Eagle is the complete opposite of Danko. Larra is a single. He is proud and self-love, he sincerely considers himself higher, better than other people. He causes disgust, but also pity. After all, Larra does not deceive anyone, he does not pretend that he is able to love. Such people, unfortunately, a lot, although their essence is not so clearly manifested in real life. For them, love, interest is reduced only to possession. If you can not possess - you need to destroy. Killing a girl, Larra with cynical frankness says that he did it because he could not own it. And adds that, in his opinion, people only pretend to love and observe moral standards. After all, nature gave them to their property only their body, but they own animals, and things.

Larra Hitter and knows how to talk, but this is a hoax. He misses the fact that a person always pays for the possession of whether money, labor, time, but ultimately life, lived, and not otherwise. Therefore, the so-called True Larra becomes its rejection. The tribe is expelled apostate, saying: You despise us, you are higher - well, alone, if we are unworthy. But loneliness becomes an infinite torture. Larra understands that his whole philosophy was only a pion, which even in order to consider itself above the others and be proud of by itself, others still need. It is impossible to admire it alone, and we all depend on the assessment and recognition from the Company.

Romanticism of early Gorky stories, his heroic ideals are close and understandable to youth always, they will be loved and will inspire the searches of truth and the feat of all new and new generations of readers.

The early creativity of Gorky amazes, first of all, unusual for a young writer with an artistic diversity, a bold confidence with which he creates various paints and poetic intonation of the work. The huge talent of the ascending class artist - the proletariat, draws by the mighty strength in the "Movement of the masses", revealed already at the first pores of the literary work of Maxim Gorky.

Speaking as the herald of the upcoming storm, the bitter fell into a public tone. In 1920, he wrote: "I started my work and the causative agent of the revolutionary mood of glory madness of brave." Examination questions and answers. Literature. 9 and 11 graduation classes. Tutorial. - M.: Ast-Press, 2000. - p.214. This applies primarily to early romantic Gorky. In the 1890s. He wrote the stories "Makar Miranda", "Old woman Izser-Gil", "Khan and his son", "Some", "Return of Normanov from England", "blindness of love", the fairy tales "Girl and Death", "On Little Fairy and young Shepan, "" Sour Sokol "," Song about the Petrel "," Legend about Marco "and others. All of them are different than one specialties, which can be determined by the words of L. Andree:" The taste of freedom, something free , widespread, bold. " Gorky M. Prose. Dramaturgy. Publicistics. - M.: Olympus; LLC "Firm" Publisher AST ", 1999. - p.614. In all, the motive of the non-acceptance of reality, confrontation with the fate, a daring challenge to the elements. In the center of these works - the figure of a strong, proud, bold man, not by a spinning nobody, non-flexible. And all these works, like living gems, are transfused, smiling with unprecedented paints, spreading around a romantic gleam.

Story "Makar Mirara" -

approval of the ideal of personal freedom

In the center of early works of Maxim Gorky - exceptional characters, strong spirit and proud people who, according to the author, the "sun in the blood". This metaphor creates a series of images close to it related to the motif of fire, sparks, flame, torch. These heroes have burning hearts. This feature is characterized not only by Danko, but also the characters of the first story of Gorky - Makar Miranda. Rogornar E.S. Russian literature of the twentieth century. To help a graduate of the school and an applicant: a training manual. - SPb.: "Parity", 2002. - p.131.

Under the thoughtful melody of the splashing waves begins his story Old Gypsy Maka Miranda. From the very first lines of the reader, it covers a feeling of unusual: the limitless steppe left and the endless sea on the right, the old town of Gan, lying in a beautiful strong pose, the rustle of coastal bushes - all this configures on a conversation about something intimate, most important. Makar Mirandian is leisurely talking about the vision of a person and his role on Earth. "The man is a slave, as soon as he was born, the whole life is a slave and everything here," Makar talks. Gorky M. Prose. Dramaturgy. Publicistics. - M.: Olympus; LLC "Firm" Publisher AST ", 1999. - p.18. And anti-prestacles - for this: "A person will be born to Uz-Nat, what will be, who is so much steppe, hear talk sea wave"; "If you live - so Tsa Rami over the whole earth."

This thought illustrates the legend of love Loyko Zobad and Rada, who did not become Ra-Bumi of their feeling. Their images are exceptional and romanticized. Loyko Zobad "The eyes, how clear stars are burning, and a smile is a whole salt." Ibid, p.21. When he sits on horseback, it seems that it is formed from one piece of iron along with that. The power and beauty of Zobad is not inferior to his kindness. "You need his heart, he himself would cut him out of his chest and you gave you, just that you were good from this." Ibid, p.20. Stand and beautiful Radda. Makar Mirara calls her an eaglest. "You can't tell anything about her words. Maybe her beauty could play on the violin, and the one who knows this violin, as his soul, knows. " Ibid, p.20.

Proud Radda has long rejected the feelings of Loyko Zobad, for the will was more expensive to her love. When I decided to become his wife, I set the condition that Loyko could not fulfill, without humiliating himself. The unresolved conflict leads to the tragic final: the heroes die, but remain free, love and even life sacrificed will. In this story, for the first time, the romantic image of a loving human heart is arising: Loyko Zobar, who could snatch the heart from the chest for happiness of the near, checks, whether his beloved is strong, and the knife is stuffing. And the same knife, but already in the hands of the Soldier Danil is striking the heart of Zobar. Love and thirst for freedom are evil demons that destroy the happiness of people. Together with Makar Miracle, the narrator admires the strength of the character of heroes. And with him it can not answer the question passing by a leitmotif through the whole story: how to make people happy and what is happiness.

In the story "Makar Miranda" formulates, but two different understanding of happiness. The first is in the words of the "strict person": "conquer-smi, and he will give you everything you ask." Ibid, p.18. This thesis immediately divorces: it turns out God did not give a "strict person" even clothes to cover the naked body. The second thesis of the pre-Kazan fate Loyko Zobad and Raddy: the will of up-Roger life, happiness - in freedom. The romantic world of the world of Gorky goes back to the famous Pushkin words: "There is no happiness in the world, and there is peace and will ..."

Romanticism as a direction in the literature originated at the end of the 18th - early 19th century, the greatest distribution in Europe received from 1790 to 1830. The main idea of \u200b\u200bromanticism was the assertion of a creative personality, and a peculiarity of a rapid image of emotions. The main representatives of romanticism in Russia were Lermontov, Pushkin and Gorky.

The romantic moods of Gorky pushed the growing discontent and waiting for change in society. It is thanks to the protest against the "stagnation" in the head of the writer, images of heroes who could save people were born, to bring them out of the dark, to specify the path right. But this path appeared to Gorky completely different, different from the usual existence, the author despised life and saw salvation only in freedom from public shackles and conventions, which was reflected in his early stories.

Historically, this period of creativity of Gorky coincided with the flourishing of revolutionary movements in Russia, the views of which the author clearly sympathized. He melted the image of a disinterested and honest rebellion, which is not arms of non-greedy calculations, and the romantic aspirations change the world for the better and destroy the unfair system. Also in his works of that pore, the thrust was revealed for freedom and unless ideals, because the writer had not yet seen change, but only anticipate them. When dreams of new social strictly acquired real outlines, his work was transformed into social identity.

Main features

The main feature of romanticism in the work of Gorky is a clear separation of characters on bad and good, that is, there are no difficult individuals, a person has either only good qualities or only bad. Such a technique helps the author clearer to show his sympathy, allocate those people who need to imitate.

In addition, in all romantic works of Gorky, love for nature is traced. Nature is always one of the main characters, and all romantic sentiment is transmitted through it. The writer loved to use the descriptions of mountains, forests, seas, hanging out every part of the world around the world with his character and his behavior.

What is revolutionary romanticism?

Early romantic works of Zhukovsky and Batyushkov were based on the ideas of classicism and, in fact, were directly continued, which did not match the moods progressively and radically thinking people of that period. They were a bit, so romanticism acquired classic forms: the conflict of personality and society, an extra person, tomorrow according to the ideal, etc. However, time went, and the revolutionary confused citizens became more and more.

The discrepancy between the literature and national interests led to a change in romanticism, to the emergence of new ideas and techniques. The main representatives of the new revolutionary romanticism were Pushkin, bitter and poets-Decembrists, who, first of all, promoted progressive views on the prospects for the development of Russia. The main topic was the folk identity - the possibility of the independent existence of peasants, hence the term of nation appeared. New images began to appear, and the main among them was a genius poet and a hero capable of saving society at any time from the hut threat.

Old Isergil

This story has opposition of two heroes, two types of behavior. The first is Danko - an example of the very hero, the ideal that the people should save. He feels free and happy only when his tribe is free and happily. The young man is filled with love for his people, sacrificial love, which personifies the spirit of the Decembrists, ready to die for the welfare of society.

Danko saves their people, but at the same time he dies himself. The tragity of this legend is that the tribe forgets his heroes, it is ungrateful, but for the leader it does not matter, because the main award Behind the feat is the happiness of people for which he was perfect.

The antagonist is the son of an eagle, Larra, he despised people, despised their life and the law, he recognized only the freedom, moving into permissiveness. He did not know how to love and limit his desires, as a result, for the breaking of public ruins, he was expelled from the tribe. Only then the proud young man understood that no one for the people. When he is alone, no one can admire them, he doesn't need anyone. Showing two of these antipodes, Gorky led everything to one conclusion: the values \u200b\u200band interest of the people should always be higher than your values \u200b\u200band interests. Freedom is to free the people of the umanship of the Tirass of the Spirit, ignorance, the darkness that disappeared behind the forest is unsuitable for the life of the Danko tribe.

Obviously, the author keeps the canon of romanticism: here is the confrontation of personality and society, this is a tomorrow on the ideal, here is proud freedom of loneliness and extra people. However, the dilemma of freedom was not allowed not in favor of the proud and narcissistic loneliness of Larra, this type, with a bayron (one of the founders of romanticism) and Lermontov, writer despises. His ideal romantic hero is the one who, being above society, does not pass away from him, but helps him even when it drives the Savior. In this particular, the bitter is very close to Christian understanding of freedom.

Makar Mirara

In the story "Makar Miranda" freedom is also the main value for heroes. Old Tsygan Makar Miranda calls her the main treasure of man, in it he sees the opportunity to save his "I". Revolutionary romanticism is colorfully manifested in this understanding of freedom: the old man claims that in the conditions of Tirande, moral and gifted individual will not develop. So, for the sake of independence it is worth a risk, because without it the country will never be better.

The same promise is Loyko and Raddy. They love each other, but they are in marriage only chains and shackles, and not a chance to find peace. As a result, love for freedom, which appears while in the form of ambition, as heroes cannot properly dispose of it, leads to the death of both actors. Gorky puts individualism above the marriage bonds, which only shifts the creative and mental abilities of a man with household worries and petty interests. He understands that one is easier to sacrifice the life of the sake of freedom, it is easier to find a complete harmony with its inner world. After all, it cannot actually snatch the heart married Danko.


The main actors of the story are the old drunkard and the thieves of the Chelkash and the young rustic guy Gabril. One of them was going to go to the "business", but his partner broke his leg, and it could complicate the entire operation, then the experienced swarm and met Gavril. During their conversation, Gorky paid great attention to the personality of Chelkasha, all the little things were noticed, described his slightest movement, all the feelings and thoughts that arose in his head. The refined psychologist of the image is a clear adherence to the romantic canon.

The nature of the special place in this work is also the nature, since the Chelkasha had a spiritual connection with the sea, and his mental state often depended on the sea. The expression of feelings and moods through the state of the world - Again, a romantic trait.

We also see how the character of Gavrille changes in the course of the story, and if at first we have experienced pity and compassion for him, then at the end they turn into disgust. The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe story is that it doesn't matter how you look and what you do, but what you have in your soul, the most important thing is to always be a decent person in any business. This thought itself carries a revolutionary promise: how does it mean, what does the hero do? So, and the killer of the surname can be a decent person? So, and the terrorist can beat the carriage of his Excellency and keep moral cleanliness? Yes, exactly such a liberty deliberately admits the author: not all vice, which condemns society. The revolutionary kills, but at the same time his motive is sacred. Thinking about this writer could not, so he chose distracted examples and images.

Features of romanticism Gorky

The main feature of Gorky's romanticism is the image of the hero, a certain ideal, designed to save the people. He does not reject from the people, but on the contrary wants to bring it to the right way. The main values \u200b\u200bthat the writer elevated in his romantic stories is love, freedom, courage and self-sacrifice. Their understanding depends on the revolutionary moods of the author, which writes not only for the thinking intelligentsia, but also for a simple Russian man, therefore images and plots are not suitable and simple. They carry the nature of religious parables and are even similar to it by stylistry. For example, the author very clearly shows its attitude towards each character, and it is always clear who is sympathetic to the author, and who is not.

Nature near Gorky was also an active face and influenced the heroes of the stories. In addition, its individual parts are symbols that need to be perceived allegorically.

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