How to make ginger tea: the best recipes. How to make tea with ginger for weight loss How to make ginger tea at home

02.05.2023 Landscape design

Ginger is a spice known to many housewives. After all, besides the beautiful taste qualities ginger root has a mass useful substances. On our website you will learn many ways to prepare this wonderful drink, including a classic recipe for ginger tea.

This is the most common way to prepare ginger drink. You should take half a liter of water, fresh ginger root (about 4 cm), a few cardamom pods, a little honey, half a lemon and a teaspoon of unflavored green tea. Brew tea as usual, steep for 3-5 minutes. Carefully strain and pour the resulting tea into a suitable saucepan.

Add cardamom and finely grated ginger root to the drink, bring the tea to a boil, then keep the drink on low heat for about half an hour. Add honey, squeeze the juice of half a lemon into the tea and throw in the remaining lemon skin. Cook for another five minutes and let the resulting drink steep for about half an hour.

But if you want to experience the full taste and aroma of ginger, it is better to prepare traditional ginger tea. For a liter of water, take 3 tbsp. l. finely grated ginger root, 5-6 tablespoons of sugar or honey, 4 tablespoons of natural citrus juice (it can be squeezed from tangerine, orange or lemon). For a spicy kick, add some ground black pepper. Add ginger and sugar to boiling water and mix thoroughly. Strain the mixture and add pepper and citrus juice. If you plan to drink the drink chilled, you can add mint leaves.

Ginger contains a lot of useful vitamins B1, B2, C, A and E, amino acids (tryptophan, leisine, threonine, phenylanine, methionine), essential oils and minerals (potassium, sodium, zinc).
This seemingly unsightly root contains a huge amount of useful substances. The vitamins A and E it contains help rejuvenate the skin and smooth out wrinkles. And essential oils, which ginger root is rich in, help to quickly get rid of excess weight.

For ginger to be most beneficial, carefully select it in the store: the root should be smooth, without wrinkles on the skin (this indicates a long shelf life of ginger). It is better to take an elongated root - it contains much more vitamins.
Ginger is added to a variety of dishes: stews, chicken, rice, vegetables and baked goods. You can also use ginger root when making drinks. If you prefer ginger tea, the benefits are greater than regular black tea.
Of course, like every food product, ginger has contraindications. If you have an ulcer of the esophagus or stomach, the presence of sand or kidney stones, or inflammation in the body that is accompanied by high fever, you should not use ginger root as food. For hypertension or work disorders cardiovascular system Before eating ginger root, you should consult a doctor for advice.

Ginger is great for weight loss - it speeds up metabolism and helps remove waste and toxins from the body.
How to make ginger tea? For several liters of water - about 100 g of grated ginger and a few cloves of garlic. Place ginger and garlic into boiling water, and after simmering for 10 minutes over low heat, remove the garlic and ginger root. During the day, drink about two liters of this drink, and getting rid of extra pounds will not take long! Ginger tea for weight loss, if consumed regularly, it will quickly remove waste and toxins from the body. Also works well for weight loss Green coffee with ginger.

Winter evenings are very long and frosty. I really want to find a way to lift my spirits and relax! This remedy has long been known - tea with ginger and cinnamon.

Prepare a liter teapot, some peeled chopped ginger root, a few teaspoons of loose leaf black tea, half a cinnamon stick, 3-4 dried cloves. Pour boiling water over all ingredients and simmer for several minutes over low heat. An excellent warming remedy that will lift your spirits during the cold season and drive away winter depression.

An excellent ginger tea for colds is made from black tea. You should take black tea (not granulated or bagged!). It is best to use loose leaf tea, dried or fresh blackcurrant leaves and ginger root.
Brew the tea as usual, let it brew for a while. Strain and pour into a thermos. Place several thin slices of the root along with currant leaves in a thermos and leave for 20 minutes. Cool the tea a little, add a few tablespoons of honey - the taste of the drink will become softer.

Tea with ginger and honey will ease breathing, soothe cough and relieve pressure in the chest.
And one more tip: to get an excellent drink for colds, you can simply boil chopped ginger root in boiling water for about 10 minutes. Do not cover the saucepan with a lid! With this method of preparation, ginger will not lose its beneficial qualities.

How to drink ginger tea to relieve nausea? Prepare the following drink: throw 60-80 g of grated ginger root into boiling water, simmer under the lid for several minutes, reducing the heat. Cool, add 5-6 drops of lemon juice and drink in small sips. This drink can be consumed during pregnancy, because ginger does not harm the fetus.
Ginger tea is a universal remedy for many diseases, a source of vitamins and nutrients. Always store fresh ginger root in the refrigerator, and you can forget about many unpleasant conditions!

Many celebrities use ginger to keep their bodies slim, for example

Ginger has long been a common spice in our diet. In stores you can find it fresh, dried, ground, candied and pickled. Many dishes are prepared with ginger: from meat and fish to cookies and mulled wine. Ginger is an essential ingredient in many Asian cuisines from Indian to Japanese. In Russia, there is still a wary attitude towards ginger, as with everything new, but in one area it has already firmly established itself: in tea. Tea with ginger is both a medicine and a cold prevention, a means for weight loss, and simply a delicious warming drink. The Culinary Eden website will tell you about the wonderful properties of this drink and share the best recipes for tea with ginger for every taste.

Taste and aroma of ginger

Ginger has a bright, fresh, sweetish aroma and a hot peppery taste with a long aftertaste. The taste and aroma of ginger goes well with almost any product. In tea, ginger is successfully complemented by honey, citrus zest, apples, rose hips, cinnamon and cardamom. Ginger can be added to black or green tea, brewed with shu pu-erh or coffee, brewed with herbs or separately. Be careful with the dosage of ginger: if you add too much of it to tea, there will be an effect hot pepper. This may be good in a medicinal anti-cold drink, but drinking strong ginger tea often is not recommended.

Composition and properties of ginger

Since ancient times, ginger and tinctures from it have been used to “purify the blood”, to get rid of seasickness, for prevention during epidemics, to normalize digestion. Modern science recognizes that ginger has an antitumor effect, increases the force of contraction of the heart muscles, activates the intestines, has an antidepressant effect, reduces muscle pain after exercise, is a powerful antioxidant - neutralizes the harmful effects of free radicals and prolongs youth.

Ginger for weight loss

In the long list of ginger's benefits, it is worth mentioning its fat-burning ability. Scientists have proven that infusion and tea with ginger really help get rid of excess weight, but only in combination with other methods: a balanced diet and physical activity. You shouldn't drink donuts with ginger tea in the hope that it will neutralize the extra calories. Ginger drinks are good because they stimulate digestion and normalize metabolism, reduce cholesterol and fatty acids in the blood. In addition, ginger tea, infusion or decoction tone, improve mood and add strength for sports - all this directly or indirectly helps achieve good results and keep its shape for many years.

Which ginger to use for tea

Prepare delicious and healthy tea You can use either fresh or dried ginger. If you need to quickly warm up or protect yourself from a cold, use the fresh root. It must be peeled and finely chopped or grated on a coarse grater. It is better not to use a fine grater for ginger, as it squeezes out all the juice from it.

The basic recipe for ginger tea is simple: Place crushed ginger along with black or green tea in a heated kettle, pour boiling water over it and after a few seconds pour into cups. Repeat brewing 2-3 times, each time slightly increasing the infusion time. Fresh ginger must be brewed quickly, otherwise the tea will become bitter, overly potent, and may even damage the lining of the stomach or intestines.

Dried ginger in large pieces is suitable for long-term brewing. It’s good to steam it for several hours in a thermos and take it with you to work or for a walk. Dried ginger tea has a milder taste and aroma, it is not harmful to the stomach, and it is very difficult to make it too strong. It is better not to use dried ground ginger for making tea - the drink will be cloudy, and the taste and aroma will be barely noticeable. There are better uses for ground ginger: in muffins, gingerbread cookies, in spice mixtures for meat, fish, vegetables, and for cooking legumes.

Ginger tea recipes

Ginger tea for colds

Peel and thinly slice a 4-5 cm long piece of fresh ginger. You can take a 2 times smaller piece of dried ginger and break it into small pieces. Pour ginger into boiling water (0.5-0.7 l), cook over low heat for 10 minutes, cool slightly. Add pepper, honey, lemon juice to taste.

Ginger tea for weight loss

Place the ginger grated on a medium grater in a thermos, pour boiling water at the rate of 1 tsp. ginger per 0.5 liters of water. Leave it to sit for half an hour. Drink in small portions - 50-100 ml half an hour before meals. Add honey or lemon juice to taste.

Soothing ginger tea

0.5 tsp dried ginger,
1 sprig of fresh mint or lemon balm
1 tbsp. dried sage or thyme,
1 tbsp. dried fireweed tea,
2-3 lemon slices

Heat the kettle with boiling water, put ginger in it along with dried herbs and a mint stem. Pour boiling water over it and leave to steep for 10-20 seconds. Place lemon slices and mint leaves in cups and pour hot ginger tea.

Fruit tea with ginger

1 handful of dried apples,
1 tbsp. grated fresh ginger or 1 tsp. dried ginger,
1 tbsp. orange or lemon zest,
1 cinnamon stick,
1 star anise,
1 tbsp. black or green tea,
honey, orange juice to taste

Boil 1 liter of water, add dried apples, chopped ginger, zest and spices, simmer over low heat under the lid for 5 minutes. Turn off the heat, add tea, honey, orange juice, leave the drink covered for another 3-5 minutes and pour into cups through a sieve. The remainder can be filled with water again, brought to a boil and simmered over low heat for 5-7 minutes.

Ginger tea with pu-erh in Turk

1 tsp black puerh,
1 cm fresh ginger root

Pour water into a 100-150 ml Turk, place on medium heat, add thinly sliced ​​ginger. In a separate cup, rinse the pu-erh with cold water and drain. When the water in the Turk is close to boiling, put the pu-erh there and bring to a boil. Be careful - the foam of this drink grows and runs away as quickly as coffee. Leave the tea in the Turk for 1-2 minutes, then pour into cups through a fine sieve.

Tea with ginger and rosehip

1 tbsp. dried ginger,
1 handful of dried rose hips,
1 tsp Sahara,
1 tbsp. currant or raspberry leaves,
1 tsp large leaf black tea

Crush the rose hips and ginger in a mortar and sugar. Place all ingredients in a heated 1-liter thermos and fill with boiling water. In an hour the tea is ready.

Masala tea with ginger

1 liter of water,
1 tbsp. grated fresh ginger,
1 tbsp. cardamom,
4 pcs. carnations,
2 star anise,
2 cinnamon sticks,
1 tbsp. fennel seeds,
1 cup full-fat cow's or coconut milk,
1 tbsp. cane sugar

Break the cinnamon into small pieces and pound the remaining spices in a mortar. Pour all ingredients except sugar into boiling water and cook over low heat for 10 minutes. Add milk and sugar, cook until sugar dissolves - 1-2 minutes. Pour the tea into mugs through a sieve and drink hot.

Ginger tea in Buryat style

0.5 l of water,
1 glass of milk,
1 tbsp. black tea,
1 tsp fresh finely chopped ginger

Boil water, add ginger and simmer over low heat for 10 minutes. Pour in the tea, remove from the heat, leave to brew for 5-10 minutes and pour in the hot milk. Drink immediately, without allowing the tea to cool.

Refreshing tea with ginger and mint

1 tbsp. fresh ginger,
1 bunch of fresh mint or lemon balm
1 bunch fresh tarragon
1 tsp green tea,
2-3 slices of lemon,
sugar, honey to taste

Tear off the top leaves of mint and tarragon and place in a 2-liter glass jar along with lemon slices. Pour cold water into a saucepan, add mint and tarragon stems and thinly sliced ​​ginger, bring to a boil over medium heat. Pour in green tea, turn off the heat, leave the drink to brew for no longer than a minute and pour through a sieve into a jar with leaves and lemon. Cool at room temperature, then in the refrigerator. Drink with sugar or honey.


Like any potent remedy, ginger has contraindications. It is not recommended to use it for peptic ulcers of the stomach and intestines, with a tendency to bleeding, with fever, with stones in the gallbladder. Ginger is contraindicated for pregnant women in the last trimester, as it has a tonic effect. For the same reason, ginger tea should not be drunk at night.

Improvise in moderation, and ginger tea will bring you many pleasant moments this winter.

Ginger root is an amazing hot spice used in nutrition, medicine, cooking and cosmetology. Rich chemical composition This spice has especially given it popularity and recognition in the treatment of colds and the fight against excess weight. By adding required quantity Properly prepared ginger root in tea can be obtained healing agent, which improves immunity or an excellent drink that affects metabolism. We suggest learning recipes and secrets on how to make ginger tea from our article.

How to prepare ginger tea - choose ginger and store it correctly

Ginger root can be used both fresh and dried, with 1 tsp. This ginger mass will be equal to one tablespoon of fresh product. Dried crushed ginger should be stored in a cool, dark place. glass jar. The spice can retain its beneficial properties in this form for up to six months. A high-quality fresh ginger root should be elastic, smooth, and free of blemishes and mold. After you have broken the integrity of the ginger, you need to store the rest in the refrigerator. The cut root should be used as soon as possible. You can also divide the root into several parts and, sealing them, store them in the freezer.

Beneficial properties of ginger tea

To make tea, grind the ginger root with a regular metal grater or simply scrape off the required amount of product with a knife. Do not use wooden utensils as they will significantly absorb the aroma of the spice. When cutting ginger, remove the skin from it in a very thin layer. This way you will preserve as much as possible all the useful components (amino acids and essential oils that improve metabolic rate; bactericidal microelements that stimulate our immune system), the properties of the spice (tonic, warming ability, enriching the tea with a mucolic effect) and its qualities (deodorizing, antioxidant, antispasmodic and disinfectants). To ensure that the tea you prepare is as healthy as possible, do not add sugar to the drink. Replace it with natural honey or dried fruits.

How to make ginger tea correctly

The basis of the ginger drink is green, black or herbal tea. You can add dried fruits or rose hips in arbitrary proportions. You can brew ginger tea in a thermos, saucepan or any other convenient container, the main thing is that after preparation you immediately strain the drink through a strainer. This will reduce the richness and sharpness of the tea, but still have time to enrich it. beneficial properties. Healthy people who want to lose a few extra pounds can drink this tea at any time. In other cases, you should drink ginger drink before meals. The amount of tea consumed should not exceed two liters per day. Try not to drink ginger tea at night, as it has refreshing and invigorating properties.

How to make ginger tea for a cold

In case of hypothermia, the first symptoms of a cold appear, prevention inflammatory processes and diseases, drink ginger tea according to the following recipes:

  • Ginger tea with lemon. 1 tsp. Mix chopped ginger with a slice of lemon. Pour boiling water (200 ml), let it brew for 5-7 minutes. Strain and add honey. The drink turns out to be warming, disinfecting, pleasant and spicy.
  • A classic recipe for ginger tea for colds and debilitating coughs. In boiling water (500 ml), add 1 tbsp. l. prepared ginger. Boil for 10 minutes over low heat. Strain. Drink with lemon and honey. You can add a little cinnamon.
  • Ginger tea with aromatic herbs. Mix a few leaves of mint, thyme, currants or lemon balm with 1 tsp. ginger Pour boiling water (250 ml), let the drink brew for a while. Strain and consume with lemon and honey.
  • Tea with ginger and milk for wet cough. Boil 1.5 tbsp. l. chopped ginger in 500 ml water for 10 minutes. Mix the prepared ginger broth with boiled milk (200 ml: 50 ml). Sweeten with honey.

How to make ginger tea for weight loss

Ginger tea prepared according to classic recipe, will help you thoroughly and gently get rid of excess weight. Take it with a slice of lemon, warm, half an hour before meals, in small sips, drinking up to two liters a day. You can add some red pepper, cloves or garlic to your ginger weight loss drink.

Despite all the undeniable benefits, ginger has its contraindications for use. Even small portions of this spicy additive can provoke exacerbations of chronic gastrointestinal diseases, increase heart rate, increase body temperature (which is excluded with hyperthermia), cause some complications during pregnancy, and change the taste of breast milk in nursing mothers.

What does modern man when faced with a cold or slight illness? Most business, busy people, of course, resort to the help of pharmacists and ask them to recommend an effective medicine that will quickly get them back on their feet. Chills, weekdays, but you need to work. This is all understandable. But in winter it is better to try to do everything to prevent this condition. It is clear that when traveling in transport we are attacked by a million different microbes, bacteria... However, if our immunity works like a clock, we are not afraid of all these terrible fairy tales.

As I already began to write in my previous sentence, ginger tea helps fight various factors that negatively affect our existence. One fine day, having tried this unusual, piquant drink, I fell in love with it. Why is he so magical?

In addition to the fact that ginger is a popular spice in fresh and ground form, it also warms our body and soul. Its pungency allows you to feel cozy while drinking a hot infusion... and meanwhile, fluffy white snow is falling outside the window, falling to the ground in airy flakes. It contains so many useful substances that it is included in many chapters of various articles (medical, culinary, aphrodisiac and general education). In addition to common colds, it helps digest food, is good for blood vessels, the stomach and other organs, and cleanses the blood. They even use it to make compresses for headaches and medicine for nausea and motion sickness (although I haven’t tested these last two remedies on myself yet, but I should).

The most in a simple way To make an infusion is a mixture of ordinary ginger and boiled water. I don't want to give here delicious recipes, because the topic is dedicated specifically to proper brewing. So let's look at the simplest one ginger tea recipe .

This is the drink I use when I host fasting days and it helps me reduce cravings for junk food, reset the easy way an extra kilogram or two (possibly accumulated fluid). Water itself is ideal for this purpose, but when it is saturated with vitamins, it is doubly beneficial!

Ingredients :

  • 3 tea l. grated ginger root;
  • water - 600 ml;
  • half a lemon;
  • sugar, honey as desired and to taste.

Preparation :

  1. Everything is as simple as shelling pears here. Boil water. Break off a piece from the healthy root, wash it and remove the thin peel. Next, I grate the ginger on the finest grater. I do this directly over the kettle, as the root is very juicy. Don’t waste a single drop of juice, squeeze everything into tea. For moderate heat, I measured the proportions at 3 teaspoons. root per 600 ml of water. Pour boiling water over it and immediately add thinly sliced ​​lemon rings. Cover with a lid and let sit for 20 minutes. I read somewhere that for healthy drink it takes exactly that amount of time. From 15 to 25 minutes, when you do this in a teapot, the water does not have time to cool down, but the drink remains hot.
  2. Add honey to slightly cooled tea and enjoy the unusual taste of tea.

You can pour ginger tea into a thermos if you have a hard day at school or work. By drinking a few sips, you will forget about fatigue and hunger, and your stomach will nevertheless receive at least some product. But don’t forget about your health and try to eat right - three times a day. It is better to take the drink 30 minutes before meals and 30-60 minutes after (it depends on what your metabolism is and how dense the meal was).

Fragrant tea: 3 winter recipes

Loose tea has always been considered tastier than its teabag counterparts. And homemade tea mixtures are something special! They can be an excellent gift for family, friends or colleagues. Try these 3 winter recipes. Prepare teas, package them in gift bags, label the ingredients and don’t forget about beautiful ribbons for decoration!

Katerina Kapustina

Ginger root should be taken smooth, “without wrinkles,” as they indicate that the root vegetable is old. It is better to choose elongated ginger, as it contains a higher content of vitamins.

Like every product, ginger has contraindications: it is better not to eat it if you have a stomach or esophageal ulcer, if there is sand or stones in your kidneys, or if there is any inflammation in the body accompanied by a high temperature. If you have hypertension or disorders of the cardiovascular system, you should consult your doctor for individual advice before using ginger.

Favorite ginger tea recipe


  • fresh ginger ~ 4 cm

    2–3 cardamom pods

    1 tbsp. spoon of honey

    ½ small lemon

    1 teaspoon green tea without additives

How to prepare ginger tea according to your favorite recipe:

  1. Brew the tea as usual, leave for 3-5 minutes, strain and pour the infusion into a small saucepan or Turk.
  2. Add cardamom and ginger root, previously grated through a coarse grater, to the drink.
  3. Bring the tea to a boil over low heat, then leave on the lowest heat for about 30 minutes. Then add honey, the juice of half a lemon, and add the squeezed lemon peel for more flavor.
  4. Cook for another 5 minutes, then turn off the heat and steep the resulting drink for about 30 minutes.
  5. Strain the ginger tea and pour into cups.

Classic ginger tea recipe

Ingredients (per 1 liter of water):

    3–4 tbsp. tablespoons finely grated ginger root

    5–6 tbsp. spoons of sugar or honey

    4 tbsp. spoons of any freshly squeezed citrus juice

    some ground black pepper

How to prepare ginger tea according to the classic recipe:

  1. Place ginger and sugar (honey) into boiling water and mix thoroughly. After 5 minutes, strain the mixture, add citrus juice and pepper.
  2. Ginger tea can be drunk either hot or chilled; it is planned to drink chilled. IN iced tea you can add mint leaves.

Tea with ginger and cinnamon

A good way to cheer up on long and frosty winter evenings.


Ingredients (per 1 l):

    peeled ginger root 3–4 cm long

    3–4 teaspoons loose leaf black tea

    1 teaspoon (½ stick) cinnamon

    3–4 cloves

How to make ginger and cinnamon tea:

  1. Pour boiling water over all ingredients placed in a kettle and simmer for several minutes over low heat.
  2. Remove from heat and after 15 minutes you can pour the aromatic remedy for winter depression into cups.
  3. Tea with ginger and cinnamon is ready!

Ginger tea for colds

This same drink will serve as an excellent way to boost immunity.


  • 1 ginger root
  • currant leaves

    loose leaf black tea

    2–3 teaspoons honey

How to make ginger tea for colds:

  1. First, brew black tea as usual and let it brew, then strain and pour into a thermos.
  2. Cut the ginger root into thin slices and add it along with the currant leaves.
  3. Let the drink brew in a thermos for 20 minutes, then cool the tea a little, add a few tablespoons of honey and use it as a remedy for coughs and runny noses 4-5 times a day. It will make breathing easier, soothe cough, and relieve pressure in the chest.
  4. Ginger tea for colds is ready!