How to forget someone else's husband. How to stop loving a married man: survive a breakup without losing your mind. It is important that they are not in the public domain

Relationships with a married man rarely end well. Few are ready to leave their spouse for their mistress. Moreover, even if it is possible to take a simple romance to a more serious level, where is the guarantee that the man will not find another mistress, as he did before? Understanding these facts is the first step to getting rid of love, which can cause you a lot of pain.

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Stop loving a married man: start with yourself

First of all, you need to understand yourself. Switch to selfish mode for a while and think only about what you need. If you didn’t know that your loved one was not free, but you found out about it now, then what is holding you back? He deceived both you and the woman to whom he swore allegiance, he betrayed love. Such a person will not be able to bring you the happiness you deserve. His heart will never belong to just one woman, and to be with him means to be tormented by the pangs of jealousy, constantly feeling deceived, and suffering humiliation. A woman who loves and respects herself should not take such a step.

Love can be stronger than reason. If so, think about this: by trusting a married person, you are robbing yourself of the opportunity to find a person who will love you and whom you will love more than anyone else.

If you knew that the man was not available, but continued to date him, try to understand yourself. This may be due to low self-esteem or too much dependence. There is no need to engage in self-deprecation; it is better to turn to a wise person who will offer you an objective view of the situation, explain what your mistake is, and help you find a way out. Write down the most important things from your conversation, and when your feelings begin to overwhelm your reason, re-read them.

Negative emotions will help you break up with a married man

Having understood yourself, try to put yourself in the place of your lover’s wife. It may seem pointless or too painful, but it will help. If you are one of those who are not alien to empathy and compassion, try to understand what this woman will experience when she finds out that the person she chose as her life partner has betrayed her. Remind yourself that it will not bring you happiness either, that is, this situation in the future can destroy the lives of two women in love at once, and one of them is you. Give it up and you can be happy. You will certainly be found by a man who will be worthy of love and will be able to live up to your expectations.

Love puts rose-colored glasses on a person. If you want to remove them, just imagine how your lover lies to you and his wife, secretly writes SMS, comes up with excuses, dodges. Moreover, he does all these things quite consciously, knowing full well that he is hurting the people who love him, and does not care at all about it. He may say he's confused or unable to make a choice, but that's even worse. This means that you are dealing either with a notorious liar and a scoundrel who is looking only for his own benefit, or with a weak-willed, weak-willed person who is unable to either make a woman happy or protect her. Remind yourself of this. Taking off your rose-colored glasses will make it much easier to fall out of love.

Distance destroys love

Having gotten pretty angry and realizing that you deserve much more than constantly waiting and loving a man who will not make you happy, cut off all contacts with him:

  • remove his number from your phone book so that you are not tempted to call;
  • block him in in social networks;
  • add his email address to the blacklist;
  • change the SIM card;
  • if he calls, don’t pick up;
  • Delete all messages from him without even reading them.

Get this person out of your head, and when thoughts about him appear again, get rid of them immediately and remind yourself that you are determined to be happy and find a man for whom you will be number one, and not a second option. Work more, communicate with friends more often and do not give yourself time to suffer from love. Believe me, this medicine will help.

There is no need to deceive yourself and look for a reason to meet or call. Break the connection without regrets, make a decision once and never return to this issue. When things get difficult, imagine your future happiness, visualize your dreams. By the way, this is a short path to their implementation.

Don’t make the mistake of trying to explain everything to a man. Briefly enough, without further ado, inform him that deception and the role of a mistress are not for you. It is very important to do this: as soon as you start writing long letters or trying to explain your position, the man will think that he can still get what he wants from you and it is likely that he will actually succeed. It will not be difficult for an intelligent person to understand why a self-respecting woman would refuse the role of a married man’s mistress.

Dreaming of a prince on a white trotter, we, of course, never imagine that this rider might end up being ringed. However, life is capricious. It happens that she presents not very pleasant surprises, and we, contrary to our wishes, fall in love with a married man. Well, Cupid missed, didn’t look... The mind understands that this is impossible. And my heart is racing. So what should we do? How to stop loving a married man if you have no intention of destroying someone else’s family? How to forget him?

Why you should stop loving a married man

Oh, my heart, my heart... There are so many free and worthy guys in the world! But no, for some reason you chose him, a man who has a good wife and even children. And you yearn for him and cry, not wanting to belong to anyone else. Everyone around advises you to throw your loved one out of your head, to forget him. But as? How to stop loving a married man if it seems that there is no better person in the world? And somewhere in the depths of my soul there glimmers the hope that someday he will be yours. Although you understand that the chances are very small. Yes, the beloved promises to divorce. But then, after the child grows up, his wife gets on her feet, he buys an apartment, and so on. Time passes, nothing changes, and one day you realize that it’s time to end this hopeless relationship. Because nothing will ever change.

In order to take the first step towards breaking up a relationship, you must try to pull yourself together and take a sober look at the situation. Let's think, why did we even let a married man into our hearts? What is it - really love, or fear of loneliness? And if suddenly he actually gets divorced and becomes completely and completely ours, can he be trusted? Who knows, what if the fate of his wife one day befalls us? After all, having lied once... Well, okay, but even if he doesn’t comprehend, will the current beloved be as dear as he is now, having become a husband? It is likely that our feelings are so strong because he is still a stranger.

They say that men have mistresses because they are polygamous, because they like it so much, that they want variety, and so on. And that they never abandon their family. Not true. It happens that a married man falls in love with another woman, and as a result gets divorced. But one way or another, he still will not forget his former wife and will probably maintain a relationship with her for quite a long time. Especially if there are children. Can we stand it? And will we be happy in this situation? Hardly. This means that it is necessary to stop loving, even if there is a chance to unite your destiny with him. Someone else's misfortune is a poor foundation for one's own happiness.

No, of course, you can come to terms with the situation and continue dating your loved one for years. Without insisting on anything, without demanding anything and without expecting anything from him. But is it worth it? The situation will then be twofold. It seems that she is not alone, and at the same time lonely. You can’t arrange your personal life, because the place next to you seems to be occupied. And it’s kind of empty. You will always wait for short-term meetings in secret and watch with pain as he furtively glances at his watch. Well, why is it such an existence? Of course, all this will suit him. Still would! There is a house, there are two women, each of them needs it. An eagle, not a man! And the fact that he regularly lies to one and makes the other suffer... Well, so what! This is the fate of the weaker sex. As you know, there are fewer men. So let them get used to sharing them.

In a word, wherever you look, there is a swamp. And it’s better to tear your married lover out of your heart, spread your wings and fly away in search of your own destiny. Otherwise, this swamp will suck. And before we have time to gasp, we will grow old and foolish in endless expectations of meetings. Then you will definitely have to cuckoo alone for the rest of your days. And he will find another mistress, fresher, prettier and younger. There are fewer men, but he is an eagle...

Do we need such a fate? Need not. So we make a firm decision to free ourselves from oppressive attachment. Let's pull ourselves together and think about how to forget a married man. Where to begin?

How to break up with a married man

If we have finally decided to part with an unfree lover, we will not beat around the bush, we will tell him about it directly. Yes, it's not easy. But it is necessary. Do we understand that we can’t cope with emotions? Let's drink a mild sedative, learn the words of farewell in advance and rehearse our behavior. The main thing is to avoid reproaches and hysterics. It’s better to thank the person for everything and let him go. It is quite possible that he will resist and persuade you to have sex. We do not agree under any circumstances! After a passionate embrace, it will be impossible to separate. And everything will go in circles again.

After the last conversation takes place, we try not to think about our ex-lover or think about him in the past tense. We do not answer his calls and do not agree to meet under any conditions. We don’t accept gifts and get rid of everything that reminds us of the past. Do you have any photos together? In the trash can! Are there things that indicate a failed romance? Same way! Eat mutual friends? We see them as little as possible! Do you have a common hobby? Let's change it! And so on. We delete the married man’s number from his mobile phone, block his access to our pages on social networks, stop going to places where he might appear... And we get to know other men at the first opportunity. Let these acquaintances not oblige you to anything. We now need communication with the stronger sex and recognition of our own attractiveness.

We try not to be alone, because our hand will always reach for the phone in order to dial the number of our former loved one. It’s better to call a good friend and arrange a meeting or just have a heart-to-heart chat. We go with friends to the cinema, to discos or walk in the park. We are looking for a new hobby, going somewhere on a vacation package, starting to learn foreign languages, mastering horseback riding, learning to scuba dive... Let's take action! We don’t sit huddled in a corner and feel our own pain. You have to run away from it headlong, then sooner or later the pain will go away.

Does not work? Let's try to describe what we feel on a piece of paper or speak into a voice recorder. We try to look at our emotions impartially, as if from the outside. This will help, if not curb them, then at least streamline them in order to understand why it is so difficult to forget an unfree man. If you can’t cope with the situation on your own, go to a psychologist. Let him sort everything out and determine why we became so attached to someone to whom we should not become attached.

It must be said that the roots of such affection always lie in the woman herself. Not every one of us is capable of falling in love with a married man. In the eyes of many ladies, a ringed object of the opposite sex automatically ceases to be an object of attention. Such young ladies will never give themselves, their beloved, to someone who cannot fully appreciate such a gift. They know that such relationships inevitably bring pain and suffering. But we also assumed this! So why did you allow yourself to fall in love? You had to run without looking back! And if we didn’t run, maybe we need it, this pain? Or do we have too low self-esteem and are we ready for any connection?

No, it is likely that the married man is a worthy man of a rare breed of knights. Well, this is what happened! A man got married before we met him. But what's done is done. In any case, relations with him will not be easy. You will have to wait for his calls all the time, suffer from jealousy, realizing that he is going to bed with someone else. Spend evenings and holidays alone and feel sad even when he is nearby. Because it will always belong to someone else. And the other one has more rights to her beloved.

Yes, if you really love, it’s very difficult to take the first step towards breaking up. If you don’t have the strength to do this, you can do it differently. Let's begin to behave with our loved one like a legal spouse. We will call him when necessary and not necessary, throw tantrums, make claims, regularly sort things out, and get jealous. Surely the “romantic hero” will change radically and turn into an irritable brawler. And wonderful! This makes it easier to throw him out of your heart and life. And if you persistently drag the married man to the registry office, forcing him to divorce his wife, he will run away on his own. A rare man is capable of such a serious step.

In short, we free ourselves from unhappy relationships by any means. They are of no use! To Caesar - what is Caesar's, and to us - happiness prepared for us, and not for someone else. Every woman deserves it, and we are no exception!

Has the dream of “together and forever” been shattered by harsh reality? You couldn't play the role of a patient lover for long? Couldn't you get your man away from your wife? Then today will tell you how to stop loving a married man.

After all, if even after breaking up you cannot forget about him, then you probably really fell in love.

What's in the article:

Do I love you or not?

But first, a small test. Sit down, get all thoughts out of your head, take a deep breath, exhale. And ask yourself: do I love him? Is he really that ideal?

Or are there other feelings involved? For example, the desire to defeat a rival. It is not clear, but for some reason it is often the mistress who perceives his wife as a rival. Of course, the wife sometimes tries to compete too. But in most cases, she has a head start. And she, in fact, is right. She's officially with him.

It's time to part ways

When a married man realizes that you are very much in love with him, he himself may not end your relationship. On the contrary, it will feed it in every possible way. After all, this only benefits his pride. Of course, he and his wife, you adore him. Especially if before this he found out that his wife has a lover, and with your help he is trying to take revenge on her.

However, any psychologist will tell you that if you decide to break the connection, then you need to do it quite harshly. No farewell meetings, cups of coffee, proposals to part as friends. He is married, so since he has already made such a connection, then under the guise of friendship he will continue to try to get something more. And how is friendship even possible if yesterday it was your lover, and today it’s already your friend?

Let all the bridges burn

Usually, a psychologist’s advice is not to burn bridges, but when it comes to the question of how to stop loving a married man, even experts will tell you: burn bridges. A man can continue to call you, look for meetings, but you shouldn’t do this. And if you decided to stop loving him after he left you, then you definitely shouldn’t ask your mutual acquaintances, his friends, who he might have already introduced you to, about him.

Also, don’t be sorry for photos with him. Yes, some will say that this is memory. But this is a married man. You shouldn’t keep this, of course, unless you are collecting incriminating evidence and don’t plan to blackmail him later. But you definitely can’t do that. And it's not even that it's ugly. And the fact is that you will stop at the stage of taking revenge on him. You won't be able to really stop loving. Yes, and development will also be problematic. But the advice of many psychologists often boils down to paying attention to yourself, your development as a person. More on this a little later, but for now...

Have a cry

Someone, in an attempt to stop loving a lover - a married man - loses all caution and vigilance. And he begins to pour out all his emotions to his parents, sisters, girlfriends... Maybe at the moment when you come all in tears, your friends or relatives will support you. But then this can be reproached to you many times. “How could you, he’s married.” And the arguments “I love you” or “I didn’t know at first that the man turns out to be married” will not work.

A psychologist will help you. He can really give valuable advice. And if you don’t give advice, he will listen to you, you can cry and give free rein to your emotions. He will also tell you how to throw out those feelings and sublimate them. You can direct your love not at him, the object of passion. Moreover, this man is married, and the future is unlikely to be rosy. Channel your emotions, for example, into creativity. And in the end...

Start a new life

Just like that - from a blank page, or even better - from a new book. And if it doesn’t work out with a new book, because there are those who are thinking about how to stop loving a married man, if you are married yourself, then end this chapter of your life. Your lover has already played a role in your life, it’s time to move on and learn from this stage of life.

Do what you've always dreamed of, but didn't have time for. His married lover occupied him completely. By the way, it’s no wonder why it’s so hard for you after a breakup. After all, there is so much time in life, it seems that it does not move.

For those who are married, a married lover was a rather piquant character who helped spice up the routine. A sort of seducer, hero-lover. Stopping loving him, even knowing that he was wrong for contacting you, is still difficult. Because it means returning to the usual routine and living in despondency.

Tips on how to stop loving a married guy who left you will help you overcome the routine. Stop focusing on him and your feelings for him. Remember that you are a separate person, with your own aspirations and desires. Learn to drive, sign up for courses foreign language, change your job so that it really seems like you have started completely new life, and you are no longer you. You were different in the past. Then thoughts about how to stop loving him, especially since he is married and is now going through his second Honeymoon in your marriage, it simply won’t stay.

Don't look for a replacement: this is not a sport!

Those who are married may need to find another lover in order to forget the previous one. As they say, wedge is wedge. But you shouldn’t do this, because this way you risk having a rake dance, and so on ad infinitum.

On the contrary, you should reconsider your family life and think about how you can improve your relationship with your husband.

Now you know several ways to stop loving your married lover. But all situations are always so subjective that it is difficult to give universal advice, and there is no such thing. It was not possible to quickly part with feelings if they were truly sincere.

The article has been checked and approved by a psychologist. Gryzlova Olga Yuryevna, special psychologist, 15 years of experience. .

The mistress of a married man sooner or later comes to the conclusion: she needs to make a decision. Speaking in simple language: either get married or break up. And if the first option does not work out, then you need look for the answer to the most difficult question: how to stop loving a married man. Let me remind you that this state of affairs develops as a result of the first option from the article. The second and third options here are simply impossible: there was no mutual love in them from the beginning.

Why you need to stop loving a married man

The scenario where you meet your betrothed, but he has already started a family, is quite rare. But this is also the most difficult case. After all, a normal man will always feel guilty about leaving behind his wife and child in his previous family. Especially if the wife good man. It just so happened in life that she became his legal wife before your loved one met you. And, as a responsible family man, he understands that:

  • The abandoned spouse needs a long time to recover after a blow (the departure of her beloved husband).
  • Children never forget this. In their eyes, this is betrayal. In addition, dad should be nearby and fatherly love is a necessary condition for the development of a child.
  • Passion and attraction tend to cool down over time. Therefore, there is no guarantee that your mutual attraction will maintain the intensity that prompted the man to leave his children and family.

That's why an exemplary family man, who has received an unexpected gift from Fate in the form of your relationship, most likely returns to his wife and children over time. And all you have to do is fall out of love... After all, you can live and feed on the memories of Big and Bright love for as long as you like. It’s just that life is passing by at this time.

Stop loving a married man: “There are so many single guys...”

The easiest way to stop loving a married man is to say thank you for the strong emotions you received, let him go and decide to live your own life. In other words, kill the hope of ever dating again and take care of yourself. If it doesn't work, then see.

It is essential to restore yourself. After all, after the tests you passed, you were thoroughly “battered”: both morally and physically. The period of “secret dates” with a loved one and the long process of sorting out the relationship extinguished the light in the eyes and the first wrinkles appeared. And the negative result of all the tossing and turning of a married man between you and your family made you doubt yourself as an attractive woman. Which is something we can’t agree with.

Therefore, tightly close all emotions for re-accounting and do the most for yourself - beauty salons, spas, travel (if possible), change of job and environment. Don’t even let yourself mentally return to that time. It's over.

Be constantly busy - with business, career and yourself. And only after some time (about six months) look around and start noticing the young people around you. Not earlier, because only now can you look at men more or less calmly and think about other options for your fate. After all, there are still a lot of single guys. It’s impossible that your soulmate won’t be found!

Love without hope dies quickly. It is possible that your former loved one will still try to maintain the relationship. Don't even give a reason. Deprive your previous connection of any emotional support. You need to make your life, in which there is no longer a place for former lovers. Now you know for sure that a mistress is not for you. After all, you were able to stop loving a married man and you are not going to return to this hell. Good luck.

Save so you don't lose!

If your dreams have been shattered by harsh reality, and you are no longer together with your lover, you should think about how to get rid of negative thoughts. You shouldn’t get carried away and think that it’s all over. Remember, you are young, there are many good and free men around. You should no longer try on the role of a mistress.

Step #1. Set yourself up for a break

  1. Carefully analyze the man’s behavior and character. Try to find its negative sides. You may not be able to do this at first because you are so in love. But by looking at things differently, you can set yourself up for a break.
  2. Now transform yourself into the “skin” of your wife. How unpleasant it is for her to know that her husband constantly walks to the left. How hard it is to accept the existence of a third person in a relationship. It is likely that the man will also get bored with you, and he will jump on to another passion. Do you need it?
  3. Find the strength to be angry with your lover. Remember all the moments when he promised to come, but did not come. How long have I tormented you with the words “I’ll get a divorce?” How he constantly talked about omissions with his wife. Why would you play a supporting role, knowing that this man is a stranger.
  4. Finally, take off your rose-colored glasses. Face the situation. Understand that your lover is with you because it is convenient for him. The wife feeds, washes, strokes, the mistress satisfies. A man who cheated on his significant other does not deserve your love.
  5. Think about your union from a religious perspective (for believers). In any book of such scripture, treason is condemned and punished. Don’t scold yourself for loving him, mentally ask your wife for forgiveness and prepare to break up with her husband.

Step #2. Break up with your man

  1. First, evaluate yourself. Why did you choose a man who already has a wife? Is he financially independent, good in bed, mature? Perhaps, but there are men of this kind who are not busy with other women. Don't try to boost your self-esteem by stealing your partner from his wife.
  2. A married man who is in a relationship with his mistress is in no hurry to break off the relationship. You will have to do this yourself. Talk to him, share your thoughts. Say that you no longer want to play a supporting role.
  3. Avoid shedding tears, hugs and other affection. Speak clearly and confidently, don’t hesitate and don’t give in to his persuasion to stay. Understand that he will feed you “breakfast” for a long time. We need to put an end to this.
  4. Do not offer to remain friends and do not accept such an offer from him. If you constantly see this person in front of you, it will be difficult to stop loving him. Put an end to it once and for all.

Step #3. Burn all your bridges

  1. Experienced psychologists in the field of human relationships will say that you can stop loving a married man, but only by forgetting about him. Burn bridges, don’t look back, rule out any possibility of meeting again.
  2. Often married people continue to look for dates with their former lover in order to again feel her tenderness and other prospects that she can give. Value yourself, do not give in to persuasion about spending time together.
  3. If you and your lover have mutual friends, if possible, limit your communication with them at first. When the pain subsides, you can resume communication. But under no circumstances discuss the affairs of your married man. Try not to talk about him at all, avoid such conversations.
  4. Don't try to get revenge by finding a new man and flaunting your relationship in public. It is important to understand that in in this case you must first find peace of mind, and only then build new relationships.
  5. Give up blackmail, the idea of ​​which may be running through your head. If you plan to blackmail your ex-lover with photos together, trying to destroy his family, reconsider your moral values.

Step #4. Exclude all contacts

  1. If possible, you should exclude all meetings with the person for whom you have feelings. If it’s worth changing your job because of this, decide to take a similar step or try to understand yourself. At every meeting, suffering and outbursts of feelings are inevitable.
  2. Get rid of all kinds of reminders of your relationship. Throw away gifts, delete all contacts, including on social networks. Stop communicating with your lover's friends. Clear your phone of messages and photos. In this way, thoughts about the man will gradually fade away.
  3. Change the direction of your thoughts. When you first try to think about your past relationship, immediately try to distract yourself. Stop yourself. Think about other life stories. Find yourself a hobby. Train your mind and make it stronger. Learn to confront those memories that hurt.

Step #5. Have a cry

  1. Once your relationship is over, you should not throw out your emotions to the people closest to you. They should not see your weaknesses, thus you are humiliated and cause unnatural pity for yourself.
  2. In this case, loved ones may judge you and say that the relationship was doomed to failure from the start. A married man is not the best choice, things couldn't end well. If you want to vent your emotions, do it in private.
  3. Take a pillow and start screaming and crying into it. Believe me, you will feel better. The most important thing is that no one will see how much you hurt. If necessary, visit a psychologist; you can tell a specialist everything. Don't kill yourself, don't engage in self-flagellation.
  4. You are young, don’t forget about it, move on with your life. It is worth understanding that age is psychological condition. We are not talking about biological years, even if you are 30+. Don't be afraid to be alone with yourself, think about the good.
  5. Also, do not resort to alcohol and similar substances. You won't find a way out in this matter. It will become much more painful, and besides, your health will decrease significantly. Contact the services of a psychologist, there is nothing wrong with that. Channel your emotions into sports or creativity.

Step #6. Start a new life

  1. It is worth completely erasing an unsuccessful love story from your life. Start making history from the very beginning. Don’t get hung up on the feelings you’ve experienced, there are a lot of pleasant things in the world, always remember this.
  2. Draw conclusions, analyze what you could learn during the time spent together. Stop here and cross out everything that happened. Put your thoughts on paper, re-read them, and then burn them. A psychologist will give you similar advice; it really works.
  3. Try to do what you have always dreamed of. Remember what you have always put off until later due to lack of time. There is no point in wasting your free time. Now you have much more time, use it wisely.
  4. Push aside all the emotions associated with the love story. You are destroying yourself more from the inside, this does not make it any easier for anyone. It is also strongly recommended to change your activity if you are not satisfied with it. Find a job you love and enjoy life.

Reconsider your behavior, start respecting your own “I”. Find the strength to break up with a married man. Put yourself in the place of his wife, say the cherished words of farewell. Try to stop loving your ex-lover and burn all bridges.

Video: how to end a relationship with a married man