Feng Shui calendar for March. Earth Horse Day. The Grand Duke will be in the North-West, so in this direction it is unfavorable to disturb the earth and make serious repairs

24.11.2020 Carpentry work

February 4, 2019 marks the beginning of the Year of the Earth Pig according to the Chinese calendar. The Flying Stars of the year occupy new positions, which are discussed below.

Flying stars are the name of certain energies that will be visiting your apartment throughout 2019, depending on the cardinal directions.

Knowing in advance where the energy of illnesses or the energy of problems is located, you can simply leave this sector and not put your luck to the test.

Knowing in advance which sectors contain monetary or romantic energies (stars), you will be able to spend more time in these rooms and use the energy of the corresponding stars to your advantage.

Sectors in which it is located Three Sha years, these are sectors that are unfavorable disturb by drilling or carry out other noisy repairs that disrupt the structure of the walls throughout 2019 (until February 4, 2020) In addition to the indicated Tri Sha sectors, it is not yet favorable to disturb the entire South-West sector and sectors NW3 and SE3. If you do disturb Tri Sha, then, as a rule, within 3 days after this, trouble will occur (household appliances will break, you will flood your neighbors, the weakest member of the family may get sick, etc.), as a result of which you will have unexpected expenses money.

Sector South-West.

Star of the Year 5. Three Sha years.

In 2019, the worst star of problems and losses is located in the South-West sector, this is star number 5.

You should not use the southwestern sector in 2019, you do not need to spend a lot of time here, sleep, work, it is unfavorable to have a door in the southwestern sector to your apartment, house and directly to the bedroom. It is necessary to rearrange the bed so that the southwestern energies do not fall on your bed.

We defend ourselves as usual - we hang metal bell On the southwestern door, place the salty remedy.

Salt remedy is done as follows. A pack of salt is poured into a liter jar and filled with water above the salt level. 6 yellow coins (10 kopecks each) and 1 white coin (1 ruble) are thrown into the jar. Water as it evaporates necessary will pour into the jar. The salt product must be placed at a height of 60-100 cm from the floor.

But it is best not to use the South-West sector for the entire 2019. We rearrange beds, desks, and also control the southwestern part of any other room of yours.

If, for example, your bedroom is in the north, but you sleep in the southwestern corner of the northern bedroom, then we also move away from this sector at least 50 centimeters from the wall.

Star 5 is unfavorable for everyone, but it hits people with GUA 1 especially hard.

If you sleep with a headboard in - then you do not have to be afraid of seasonal influences, and even the star 5 Yellow will not have a bad influence on you. This is what the Chinese Masters of Feng Shui and Bazi teach us.

Sector West.

Star of the Year 1. Three Sha years.

The West is a favorable sector in 2019; star 1, the star of communications, will be located here.

The energy of the Western sector will help those who work in a large team, those whose business or work involves communication.

Actively use the Western sector if you are taking advanced training courses, writing a dissertation, or blogging.

It is favorable in the West to place children who study at school, their desks, as well as beds. The energy of the western sector will help them receive new knowledge and good grades.

It is favorable to carry out activations from

There have been bad energies in the West for the last few years, but now the West has corrected itself and will delight us with good stars for 3 years in a row.

If you have an apartment or business with a western facade, then in 2019 you will feel relief and can significantly improve your luck.

Star 1 is very good and very useful, but, unfortunately, it is not favorable for people with GUA 9.

Do you want your life to be in full swing during 2019? We offer you Activation Packages calculated immediately or

Sector North-West.

Star of the Year 9. Three Sha years.

This very good, very favorable and most importantly timely star 9 is located in the North-West in 2019. It is favorable to place a bed, a desk here and spend a lot of time in the North-West.

If your front door to your house, apartment or bedroom is located in this sector, then this will be very favorable for you.

The energy of star 9 will help increase your income all year, improve personal relationships, as well as create inner peace and well-being.

Star 9 is favorable to everyone except people with GUA 6 and 7.

In addition to the energy of star 9, it is beneficial to use .

Sector North.

Star of the Year 4.

The energy of this star, on the one hand, brings success in creativity, learning and even some romanticism. But since this star is still unfavorable in the 8th and 9th periods of Feng Shui, therefore romanticism will not be very good. As a rule, this will be a romantic relationship with an unavailable man.

It is better to use to attract a partner and revitalize your personal life. or .

In addition, star 4 pushes people to spend too much money on pleasure. For example, you will want to attend expensive courses that will be completely uninteresting and unnecessary for you.

Or you will start spending too much money on restaurants (the pleasure of eating), and then you will have a long and painful time getting rid of those extra pounds.

Star 4 is unfavorable for everyone, but it has a particularly bad effect on people with GUA 8.

Sector North-East.

Star of the year 2.

The Star of Diseases 2 is located in the Northeast in 2019. This is a very unfavorable star, and if you sleep in the North-East sector all year, then there is a high probability that by the end of 2019 you will develop some kind of chronic disease of the gastrointestinal tract, a cyst or fibroids.

Therefore, it is best not to use this sector in 2019, move away from it, and go to sleep in another room. Do everything possible to stay less in this sector. If you do not have such an opportunity, not to be in the North-Eastern sector, then you should periodically visit medical institutions in order to prevent your health.

It is useful to take vitamins, dietary supplements, get tested and undergo examinations throughout 2019. In this way you can “appease” the star of diseases.

In addition, it always helps to fight diseases

As for offices with facades and doors in the North-East, star 2 will slow down work in these offices and encourage you and your employees to be lazy, which will slow down business processes. Therefore, we recommend regularly conducting industrial gymnastics and training to stimulate employees to work.

Star 2 is very bad for everyone, but it especially harms people with GUA 1.

In the northeastern sector they usually carry out

Sector East.

Star of the Year 6.

In the east there will be favorable energy that brings success in your career. It especially helps office workers and men in uniform.

If you do not belong to this category of people, then star 6 can help you strengthen your willpower and discipline.

Star 6 is good for everyone except people with GUA 3 and 4.

We invite you to a free , which will take place February 2. Details on

Sector South-East.

Star of the Year 7.

This is an unfavorable energy that makes you talk too much, can cause gossip, can cause throat problems.

But it also has positive qualities; star number 7 is useful for all professions in which you need to talk a lot with clients. If you have such a profession, you can use the energy of star 7, but watch your throat!

In addition, star 7 is called the robbery star, so for those who have an entrance door in the Southeast, it is better to install a security alarm there in 2019.

To treat the negative manifestations of star 7, a salty remedy is used, but always in large quantities! You can, for example, put a bucket of water and pour several kilograms of salt into it. This must be done if you are actively using the southeastern sector in 2019.

Star 7 is an unfavorable star for everyone, but it has a particularly bad effect on people with GUA 3 and 4.

If you are completely confused about how to protect yourself from bad stars now, you can order

Now it is possible to do this in INSTALLMENTS!

As a result, you will receive 12 diagrams of your apartment (one for each month of the year) indicating best locations for beds and desks for all family members. The arrangement of furniture is done taking into account the Flying Stars of the year, month, Stars natal chart premises and GUA of each of the residents.

Sector South.

Star of the Year 3.

The unfavorable energy of quarrels and courts will be located in the southern sector in 2019. Star 3 can push you into thoughtless spending, gambling, and visiting casinos. Even a big win is possible... But under the influence of star 3, you will lose the amount you win just as quickly as you gain it.

In addition, star 3 brings problems with the legs and liver, so keep an eye on these organs if you actively use the Southern Sector in 2019.

You can slightly reduce the bad influence of 3 if you burn candles in the south and always have good lighting here.

Star 3 is unfavorable for everyone, but it has a particularly bad effect on people with GUA 8.

In 2019, it is favorable to use the SOUTH sector

Sector Center.

Money star 8.

Unfortunately, the money star 8 in 2019 is in the center. As a result, we will not be able to use it for activations.

But in Feng Shui there is always a way out! Instead of star 8, you can use stars 1 and 9 to activate wealth. And also, every month we will have a sector into which the money star of the 8th month will fly. Follow the newsletter on the FEN SCHUIDL HAPPINESS website!

Star 8 brings money to everyone, only people with GUA 1, besides money, also get illnesses.

Activation will be available all year

Please, if you want to improve your luck in 2019, be sure to use the information obtained from this article to your advantage.

And I wish you a HAPPY 2019!

The second month of spring is also ruled by the energy of Wood, we see Yin Tree in Pillars and Branches, this tree is softer and more compromising than the Tiger tree. In nature, the Yin Tree corresponds to flowers and herbs, young bamboo and flexible vines, green vegetables and fruits.

In March, friendly relations of the month and year continue, like its predecessor, the Rabbit is on very good terms with the Dog; when they meet, they try to “merge” into Fire. The winning strategy in March will be a flexible approach to life: friendly, tactful, partner-like. Rabbits are social creatures; they are usually not bothered by communication and large groups. At this time, I want to finally find time to communicate and be with my family. We must use this friendly trend of the month, because in April we will have completely different energies.

March- a great month for thinking and planning new things, but keep in mind that with March 23 until April 14 will begin its movement retrograde mercury. At this time, it is useful to return to old affairs and put them in order; you can continue things you have planned for a long time. This good time to restore lost connections, resume cooperation, and analyze accumulated information. At this time, old connections will be more beneficial than new acquaintances; people or situations from the past may appear.

Rabbit- one of the animals of the "Flower of Romance". It gives people extra attractiveness. Since he loves and appreciates art and prefers refined society, go and meet him at the theatre, at an exhibition, or in places associated with beauty. People born in years or days - Tiger, Horse, Dog will especially feel its influence. But married couples need to control themselves so that accidental flirting does not become the cause of family quarrels and scandals. It's better to arrange honeymoon to your other half.

If you are looking for a soulmate, you can activate the annual sector of the “flower of romance” - East 2 (Rabbit sector) by placing a vase with flowers there, preferably not red ones, since this year and in March there are not the best “flying stars” in the east . For example, March 16 at the hour of the Pig, the day is not suitable for those born in the year of the Ox.

People born on the day Yanskaya or Yin water can count on the help of a Noble person, people will come to them who will help in solving problems.

But for those born in Year of the Rooster March can be a challenging month. Those who already have a collision in their chart should especially pay attention to this interaction. Rooster - Rabbit, and the tree is not useful. Pay special attention to March 6, 12, 18, 24, 30.

If your lord of the day Yang tree, And tree your unhelpful element, then “wealth robbers” may appear; usually they suffer financial losses, incorrect decisions, and health problems. Be sure to donate to charity this month. If tree useful, then new acquaintances and new opportunities will come.

If you have a card strong fire, and the tree is not useful, then powerful resources will come that can cause depression, unwillingness to do anything, eat a lot. Try to express yourself more this month, move more, be outdoors, get creative. If element tree useful, then you will have new strength for achievements, new ideas, learning opportunities - don’t miss it!

If your master Day Earth and wood is not useful, then be careful at work, do not express new, especially revolutionary ideas - they may not be understood well. Your boss may be unhappy with you. If tree useful, then it can come into your life new man, or it could be a promotion.

If your master day Metal, then the tree is money for you. If the element is useful, this means new financial income, new sources of income. If tree rejected item, then be careful with your finances, do not make impulsive purchases, there may be delays in payments.

Well, if your master of the day Yang or Yin water, then self-expression has come to you, you can become very noticeable, bright, create something unusual, creative, don’t be afraid to express yourself!

If a strong tree is not useful, then you may become very pushy, aggressive, or creativity will require too much effort from you. Try to find moderation in everything.

Favorable dates:

March 8, April 1- these are the most favorable and positive days. Suitable for any business from which a positive result is expected - engagement, wedding, opening a business, moving, construction, travel, starting treatment. Don't start litigation. Not suitable for those born in Year of the Snake. There is a nuance - be careful with money and documents these days, losses and robberies are possible.

March 12, 24- Suitable for engagement, starting a new job or taking up a position, negotiations, visiting friends, commercial transactions and operations. You can apply for medical care, start a journey or training. It's a good day to start construction, but you can't lay foundations or demolish old buildings. Not suitable for those born in Year of the Rooster.

March 14, 26- everything started on this day multiplies. You can sign agreements and open a business, celebrate a housewarming, collect debts. Not suitable for weddings, signing onerous contracts, entering into new position. You should not take out loans and start legal proceedings. Not suitable for those born in Year of the Pig.

March 15, 27- suitable for purchasing property, construction, starting a trip, negotiations. But be careful - do not plan things in which you want to win, as the energies of this day bring all forces into balance. Now, if you are weaker, your position will level out. Not suitable for litigation. Not suitable for those born in the same year Rats.

March 16, 28- days are suitable for starting a long process or events from which you want to get a lasting effect. Good for a wedding, starting a new business, signing a contract, hiring an important employee, buying a pet, medical procedures. Not used for travel, moving to a new home, or short projects. Not suitable for those born in the same year Bull.

Unfavorable days March 5, 6, 7, 11, 13, 18, 19, 23, 25, 30, 31, April 4 - do not start important things these days.

March 5 and 7 - days “without wealth”, You should not choose these days for signing contracts, business trips, presentations and commercial transactions.

March 9, 21, April 2 folds up "punishment of dislike" try to treat your partners with respect, do not sort things out on this day.

Days from "star of the disease" - March 11, 23, 24, April 4 and 5 . These days it is not recommended to visit patients and begin serious surgical treatment.

March 29 and 30 days " losses“, all actions on this day will be just a waste of time.

IN March travel to northern and northwestern directions, due to the presence of the annual and monthly “Yellow Five” stars in this direction.

For very important matters, be sure to use a custom date selection!

Health in March:

We are all familiar with the poetic image of the “wind of change.” It turns out that the spring wind causes changes in our body, adjusting it to a new way. And if for some spring is pure pleasure, then for others it is a serious test of immunity. It is believed that wind is the most common pathogenic factor in all seasons of the year, but most often in spring. In TCM, “the wind is the master of all diseases,” since it most often damages the body and can carry other external factors with it and have a joint effect.

In March, it's time to remember the old Chinese saying: “Wear more in the spring and less in the fall.”. In other words, don't rush to throw off your winter clothes. Let you be a little warmer than a little cool. You need to get rid of things gradually, as the weather gets warmer, to allow the body to get used to the warmth. In people with an imbalance in the element tree, irritability and short temper may accumulate and manifest. This may indicate “heat in the liver” syndrome, so try to control your emotions and engage in relaxing practices.

The following recommendations will help you survive spring fatigue and irritation:

  • Try to control your emotions, remember that the cause of irritation is not outside, but inside us.
  • If you feel like you’re about to get worked up, take three deep, calm breaths. Drinking a glass of water slowly can also help calm you down.
  • Enrich your diet with salad greens, parsley, and dill.
  • When waking up, it is advisable not to get up abruptly, but to do a few stretches already in bed.
  • It is useful to move a lot: do gymnastics, qigong, yoga, swimming, light jogging.

It is worth significantly reducing the consumption of the following products:

  • pickles;
  • meat, sausage products, cheese;
  • rabbit;
  • buckwheat;
  • seafood;
  • garlic

If you can retain the vital energy received in the spring, carry it through the heat of summer, the period of fruit ripening in late summer, the fall harvest and winter dormancy, then healthy seeds will sprout, ready for a new cycle of development.

That’s why it’s so important to take care of your liver in the spring - and then it will take care of you all year round!

Don't forget the main trends of the year are saved, we just make adjustments every month. Good sector this month southwest, and a good south.

If you don’t have a good sector or in the bathroom, activations and walks around the equipment will help you Qi Men.

North - negative sector. The biggest impact will be felt if you have here bed or front door. Do not start new important projects, do not lend, do not invest in risky projects. Do not disturb this sector, do not make noisy repairs, global rearrangements, be sure to install protection - "salt remedy" or hang metal bell on the door, it is desirable that it rings more often.

IN March effect 5 is enhanced by nine, it is advisable not to be here for those who have problems with the heart, eyes, and stomach.

North West. The monthly “five” will arrive in this sector, so we stop Mobile and do not perform activations. This month, problems with the genitourinary system may appear, as well as ear diseases and hearing loss. If you have an office here, work carefully with the documents.

Northeast. Not the most favorable sector this month. Do not leave things unattended, check the locks - there is a high probability of theft. It is not advisable to initiate legal proceedings this month, especially if you have northeast active movement and the front door. Be careful with cutting objects, especially if this is a kitchen. Place here a vessel with water, preferably in a blue vase, or just a jar of salted water (without coins).

East. The star of diseases can bring diseases of the throat and upper respiratory tract, laziness and reluctance to move may also appear. Go to the dentist, get your teeth treated, take vitamins. Keep an eye on the wiring in this sector. Leave me standing here salt water.

Southeast generally remains a good sector, but may bring a desire to make risky financial investments, take risks, as well as problems with children. If a child under 12 years old sleeps here, then he may have problems at school, or you will stop finding a common language with him. Place item here red and do not sort things out in this sector. Be careful with large investments if you have an office or office entrance in the southeast.

South. An excellent sector for those who are ready to work, good financial prospects, increased work and earnings. You can carry out activations and place active objects. But it is not advisable for small children to sleep here, as well as for those who suffer from rheumatism.

Southwest. In this sector, the topic of career, promotion, and successful passing of exams is relevant. Don't miss your chance to find new job, start new projects, make new acquaintances. If a child does not obey and has problems with discipline, you can place his desk in this sector. Also a good sector for activations! You can set an activator for advancement in your career or studies for the whole month - March 16 at the hour of the Monkey. Not suitable for those born in the same year Bull.

West. Prolonged stay in this sector can cause headaches and gastrointestinal disorders. Therefore, carefully check the quality of food if you have a kitchen here. Combination 2-6, however, can bring income from the sale of real estate, if there is such a goal.

Menstruation Sha

Noisy work such as repairs or loud knocking cannot be carried out in these sectors.

Two-hour activations can be carried out

Sha robbery

Sha of Disaster

Monthly Sha

sector Monkeys

sector Rooster

sector Dogs

southwest 3

northwest 1

brings robbery, loss of money and documents

brings problems in relationships, quarrels

slowdown of processes, violation of agreements

Typically, the entire sector from mid-northwest to mid-southwest is left untouched.

"Warming the Money Star"

Warming the money star is one of the simplest methods of attracting money energy, and the more you do it, the more it works. But remember that a lot depends on the Luck in which a person is now.

Someone will accidentally receive 100 rubles on their phone, and someone will be given a trip to Paris :) Space itself will determine what you can get at the moment, so be grateful for everything.

Well, its most common results are an increase in the number of clients, transactions, and sales income if you are running a business. If not, maybe your husband will give you an unplanned gift, or they will pay you an unexpected bonus at work :) It works differently for everyone, depending on your main sources of income. If you are a housewife then cash income It will probably be with my husband.

What needs to be done?

At the specified time and in the specified sector, you need to light a candle. I take thick candles that burn for many hours - they are stable and do not melt much. The candle should burn for 1.5-2 hours.

Be sure to take all safety measures - place the candle in a cup so that it does not tip over; if there are small children or pets in the house, make sure that they do not have access to it.

Do not light a candle in the toilet or bathroom - the effect will be very weak.

For those who have the lord of the day Yang tree and the tree is an unhelpful element, it is better not to do these activations in March!

Initially, in March we should activate the north-west, but there is a monthly period of 5, so we will do it using a replacement technique.

  • March 9 at the hour of the Goat, sector East 2. Not suitable for those born in the year of the Horse
  • March 21 at the hour of the Snake, sector - East 2. Not suitable for those born in the year of the Horse

I wish everyone a wonderful spring mood.

According to the Chinese calendar, March 2018 is the month of the Wood Rabbit, starting on the fifth day.

In addition, in the Chinese calendar, March 5 is the beginning of the Jingzhe period, the Awakening of Insects. How to use this month for good, read in the forecast.

The month carries the energy of the Tree, so it is a time of growth and development. However, March 2018 itself is a difficult month.

Wooden Rabbit is a combination of two characters: Yin Tree 乙 and Rabbit 卯.

Yin tree - it is a flower or bush that is flexible, able to change to adapt to different circumstances. Has a tactful approach to management.

If you were bornper day or year Yin 癸 or Yang water 壬 (year ending in 2 or 3), then Rabbitis for youA noble man.

This means that in March 2018 you will meet good people more often, useful people, ready to help, regardless of whether you are currently in a period of good luck or bad luck.

If you were bornin the year of the Tiger 寅, Horse 午 or Dog 戌, then in the month of the Rabbit you will feel that you have become more charming and attractive to other people.

In March 2018, if you were born in the year of the Rooster, I recommend carrying a figurine or image with you Dogs, this will help harmonize the energies of the month of the Rabbit for you.

The motto for March 2018 could be a quote from Lao Tzu:

« Even a journey of a thousand whether starts with the first step».

Important dates of the month

Unfavorable days of the month- March 5, 6, 11, 13, 18, 23, 25, 29, 30 and May 4, 2018. These days you should not start important things. Errors, obstacles, and disruptions to plans are possible. Also, these days are not suitable for great activity.

Mercury retrograde period- from March 23 to April 15. You should not schedule important tasks during this period.

Travel and activations in March 2018

This month we we don't usefor space activationsnorthern and northwestern sector.


In the southern sector per year Earth Dogs visiting year old romance star 4 . And in March 2018 I flew to visit her monthly money star 8 white.

In the month of the Wood Rabbit, the current combination is considered favorable.

However, the risk of disagreement between spouses and the risk of injury also increases.

To harmonize energies, use bright light in this sector.


In the southwestern sector throughout the year of the Earth Dog there is a one-year star of authority 6 White, whose energy helps maintaindiscipline and authority.

In the month of the Wood Rabbit she flew to the southwestern sector monthly star of intelligence 1 White.

This combination is favorable for career development and signifies power and ability to handle finances. However, try to avoid overexertion and stress.

Place metal objects in this sector to harmonize the energies of the month.

To protect yourself as much as possible, use And .


The Earth Dog stays in the western sector all year round annual star of diseases 2 Black.

To harmonize the impact of the star of diseases, use a metal hollow Wu Lu pumpkin (gourd, see image) by the bed or on the windowsill; if the pumpkin is wooden, it must be washed or changed periodically.

In the month of the Wooden Rabbit she joined star of authority 6 White.

The combination of Flying Stars that emerged in March 2018 in this sector is favorable for increasing monetary luck and resolving real estate issues.

However, this combination can also provoke stress.

To harmonize the energies of the sector, use red objects.


In the northwestern sector of space to one year old star 1 white arrived monthly dangerous star 5 Yellow.

The monthly and annual stars of this sector in March 2018 form a negative combination, which can cause problems with money and health.

Be careful, activity in this sector is extremely undesirable.


In the northeastern sector, the Earth Dog stays all year roundaggressive and decisive star 3 Jade, which n increases the likelihood of quarrels and disputes, be careful. In the month of the Wooden Rabbit she flew to her dangerous monthly star 7 Red.

This combination of Flying Stars is unfavorable, the risk of monetary losses as well as lawsuits increases.

This combination can also cause a loss of trust from friends, be careful.

To correct the energies of the northeastern sector in March 2018, use a vessel with calm water in it.


In the eastern sector throughout the year of the Earth Dog there is a dangerous annualrobbery star 7 red . If your front door is located in this sector, beware of thefts and robberies; check that your money and documents are in a safe place.

In the month of the Wooden Rabbit she came to visit her monthly star of diseases 2 Black.

This Flying Star combination is unfavorable for couples wishing to have children. Successes associated with children are fading.

The star of diseases reminds you of the need to take care of your health and improve your immunity.

To correct the energies of this sector, place “singing winds” in it and place a vessel with calm water. Try more often Allow yourself to attract more money and opportunities! There are energies that can help you break through your money ceiling using powerful techniques of Chinese metaphysics.

May this month bring you new discoveries and pleasant moments!

Please write your questions and feedback on the article in the “Comments” section below.

Please note: I will not be able to answer you where and when to rearrange the table, bed, and so on, since this requires a deep analysis of your space and your bazi map, which is possible within the framework.

We wish you well-being and prosperity!

With respect and good luck,

In accordance with the cycles of birth and control, reflecting the interactions between the elements, Earth and Water are in a destructive relationship, which suggests that many conflicts will occur.

This was in 2015 of Wood over Earth, in 2016-2017 of Fire over Metal. In 2018, the Lands Above the United States entered into a peace agreement with North Korea. In 2019, Earth conquers Water, that is, the two elements are in conflict with each other. Typically, this configuration means disharmony and conflict in international relations. But Yin Earth means garden and Mother Earth, which is soft and temperate in nature.

A person born on Yin Earth Day has a philosophical, humanitarian mindset and a peaceful character. This may encourage people to be more reasonable and less stubborn towards each other so as not to cause harm. Under such conditions, it is possible to achieve agreement and peace in international relations.

However, the Earth element is above Water. Therefore, peace and harmony without a foundation and a reliable foundation are superficial. The state of the world is very fragile, unstable with underlying hostility, so there will be riots, uprisings, terrorist activities and murders in various parts of the world.

The nature of the Yin Earth speaks of the atmosphere of relaxation and comfort inherent in the garden and Mother Earth. Many people born on Yin Earth Day are artists, politicians and scientists who have made great contributions to the development of culture and society. But, since the Earth, which needs the support of Fire, is located above Water, it is weak and unstable, and this can lead to disasters such as earthquakes, landslides, avalanches, soil erosion and collapse of structures with an unstable foundation. Powerful Pig Water will bring water disasters, floods and heavy storms.

Ground also means road, which indicates an increase in road accidents. The Pig is the “Travel Horse” and will stimulate the desire to move and encourage more travel. Since the Pig is an aquatic animal who encounters a Snake, accidents will occur on the water. In the year of the earth Pig there is no element of Fire. Fire is air traffic; its absence can also lead to plane crashes. Consequently, there is a possibility of an increase in the number of incidents related to maritime and air transport.

Looking back into history, there are a number of telling examples from the previous Year of the Earth Pig, which was 60 years ago. In 1959, on May 4, a serious earthquake with a magnitude of 7.9 occurred in Kamchatka, Russia. August 13 in the USA, in Yellowstone national park magnitude 7.2, killing 28 people. There were also earthquakes in Taiwan on August 15, 7.2 and 7.3 on September 14 in New Zealand.

There were many water-related disasters that year. On August 8, a major flood occurred in Taiwan, killing 2,000 people. On September 26, Typhoon Vera hit Japan, killing 5,098 people. On December 2, in southern France, the collapse of a dam led to the flooding of the city of Fréjus, killing 412 people. Similar water and land disasters occurred 120 years ago, in 1899, the Earth Pig. On February 12, there was a Great Blizzard in North America with severe frost and snowfall. On March 4, Cyclone Mahina hit Queensland, killing 400 people, becoming the deadliest natural disaster in Australian history.

Yin Earth sitting on a Pig means Earth on an unstable foundation - Water. This speaks to the risk of disasters associated with mining. For example, in January 1960, which was still the Year of the Pig in the Chinese calendar, a coal mine collapsed in South Africa, killing 435 miners. On August 28, 1899, a copper mine collapsed in Japan after heavy rain, killing 512 people.

In the Chinese classic novel Journey to the West, one of the legendary characters is the famous pig Zhu Bazhe. He is very smart and bright, but at the same time greedy and lazy. These qualities are symbolized by the “Heavenly Umbrella” star and speaks of the character of an intelligent, cunning deceiver and liar. Therefore, the Year of the Pig will showcase corruption and sex scandals, crimes related to deception and fraud, especially on the Internet.

In the Four Pillars of Fate system, the Pig and the Snake are the “Traveling Horses” that stimulate movement and travel. The Pig and the Snake are in a clash that occurs between Water and Fire, meaning there will be a lot of travel on water and in the air. Accordingly, the number of accidents will increase.

For example, on February 3, 1959 in the USA, in the state of Iowa, the famous musician Buddy Holly died in a plane crash. As Don McLean sings in his famous song “American Pie,” it was the day the Music died. On the same day, Flight 320 crashed near New York, killing 65 people. On June 30, a plane crashed into a school in Okinawa, killing 21 students. On January 21, 1960, an Avianca plane crashed in Jamaica, killing 37 people. On December 8, a rescue boat capsized in Scotland, killing 8 people.

In the Chinese calendar, the Heavenly Stems and the Earthly Branches follow a 60-year cycle. This means that 60 and 120 years ago there were the same Earth Pig years in 1959 and 1899. 1959 was the year of the escalation of the Vietnam War between the Viet Cong and the government. In 1899, China was ruled by the Qing Dynasty, Empress Dowager Cixi, and the Guangxu Emperor when Western countries and Russia invaded the country.

The rebellion against foreign invaders ended with the Battle of Senluo Temple in October 1899. 60 years ago in China there was an uprising in Tibet, and the Dalai Lama fled to India. This shows that the previous years of the Black Pig were also marked by unrest and instability.

In the five element system, Fire signifies happiness and optimism, which were prevalent in the previous years of Fire Monkey (2016) and Fire Rooster (2017). However, in 2018, Earth Dog Fire enters the grave, leading to lower levels of optimism and economic development. The dog is October, the end of autumn and the beginning of winter. Fire optimism will continue to wane in the Year of the Pig.

Since the Dog is the grave of Fire, the Pig represents the scene on which Fire ceases to exist, and the powerful water element is about to take over. Water symbolizes fear, so in the Year of the Pig there is a lack of optimism, which leads to reduced economic growth, a prolonged decline in the stock market and an economic crisis. Since Fire won't return until 2025, we can expect a long bear market period ahead.

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Yin Earth is a symbol of the garden, and since yin represents woman, Yin Earth also means “Mother Earth.” Therefore, it is closely related to the natural sciences and environment. Many famous scientists, artists and politicians who have made significant contributions to the development of humanity were born on Yin Earth Day. For example, such outstanding scientists as Charles Darwin, Leonardo da Vinci, Sigmund Freud, the famous artist Michelangelo, director Tarkovsky, singer George Michael, as well as famous American presidents: Abraham Lincoln, Franklin Roosevelt, Barack Obama and Donald Trump were born on the day Earth-yin.

It is interesting to note that the majority famous people who are gay were born on Yin Earth Day. For example, Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, Tarkovsky, George Michael are known to be gay. Logically, this can be explained based on the system of five elements. So, Metal and Wood, Fire and Water are opposite, and Earth is neutral, it does not have an opposite element. Therefore, Yin Earth people are more likely to become homosexuals.

In Traditional Chinese Medicine, Yin Earth represents the stomach and pancreas. Earth imbalance problems are closely related to the stomach and digestion. Weakness of the pancreas, which is responsible for regulating blood sugar levels, can lead to diabetes.

The decrease of the Fire element in the Pig and Snake clash also means weak blood circulation and heart problems. This is unfavorable for people who need the Fire element. Since Water and Wood are hidden in the Pig, but there is no Fire at all, the wood will be damp, and this indicates bone diseases, such as, for example, rheumatism.

The pig enters into a self-punishment relationship with itself, and this indicates problems with the genital organs. Thus, the disappearance of fire from 2018 to 2022 will lead to decreased vital energy levels, heart problems, poor blood circulation, poor digestion of food. Earth element imbalance – stomach problems and diabetes mellitus. To maintain health and regulate the Earth element, you should take antioxidants, and to increase the Fire element, take CoQ10.

Yin earth is like the earth in the garden, so people born on this day are generally softer, more moderate, charismatic, philosophers and humanitarians. They can give the impression of relaxation and comfort typical of a garden. Most of them have a thin physique, for example, Abraham Lincoln, Barack Obama, Celine Dion, Uma Thurman, Audrey Hepburn. Yin Earth ladies are often very graceful and elegant.

Another representative of the Yin Earth, George Clooney, demonstrates the typical image of an intellectual and philosopher. He showed concern for social issues and was one of the peace envoys to the United Nations. In addition, he took active participation in humanitarian work to resolve the conflict in Darfur, in raising funds to help victims of the earthquake in Haiti in 2010 and in the production of documentaries on international crises.

Many other famous people were born on Yin Earth Day: Da Vinci, Darwin, Sigmund Freud, Julian Assange, Jet Li, Mel Gibson, Kevin Spacey, Sergey Brin, and, of course, Donald Trump.

Fire is a symbol of happiness, which generates optimism and confidence. Years in which Fire is present have a positive effect on the economy and the stock market. Fire was a driving factor in the stock market's rise from 2013 to 2017. However, the Fire cycle ended in 2017 with the fire of a candle, and since 2018 of the Dog represents the grave of Fire, the optimism of Fire fades away and is replaced by the pessimism of Water.

2019, 2020, 2021 are all the years of Water and Metal, and Fire will not return until the next year of the Snake - in 2025. 2019 Year of the Pig signals the end of Fire, so the world economy is entering a “bear cycle”, economic growth will slow down and overall health will deteriorate. The Pig in the Chinese calendar is November, the beginning of winter, when Fire leaves, but Water comes, which generates fear. In Wall Street history, in the previous Year of the Pig in 2007, signs of a subprime crisis began to appear, leading to a financial tsunami in 2008.

The Pig is in conflict with the Snake. This is a severe collision of Fire and Water, so it will generate water and fire disasters such as floods, sinking of ships, plane crashes. Yin Earth sitting on a Pig is weak because it does not have the support of Fire. Such Earth leads to landslides, soil erosion, collapses of buildings, mines and other land-related disasters.

People who were born in the year of the Pig are insulted by the year, and those born in the year of the Snake are confronted with the year. This usually leads to increased movement and travel; this is the right time to take the chance and make the necessary changes in your life, for example, changing your place of residence, office, work, travel.

At the same time, they need to exercise special caution and refrain from risky sports such as high-speed driving, piloting aircraft, diving, parachuting and others. To reduce the negative impact, it is recommended to wear a pendant with the image of a Tiger, which will help distract the Pig. People born in the year of the Snake should not travel directly in the northwest direction, as this is the direction of the Grand Duke of the Year in 2019.

The Earth element is expected to bring prosperity to the Wood and Earth industries in 2019. The tree controls the Earth, so the Earth is money for it. These include fashion, media, paper and wood processing industries, education, and ecology. Earth controls Water, so Pig Water provides income and profitability for industries such as real estate, mining, insurance, software.

Branches of Fire will be active in 2019, since Earth is a derivative of Fire. These are energy, finance, entertainment.

Water industries will face strong competition in the Year of the Pig, so they will not prosper. These are shipping, transport, communications. In addition, money for Water is Fire, which is completely absent.

Metal industries: banking, mechanical engineering, automobile business, will also be in an unfavorable position, since money for Metal is Wood, and it is absent. But Pig Water is productivity for Metal, so Metal industries will be active but not profitable.

Thus, industries associated with the elements of Wood and Earth will be in the most advantageous position in the year of the Pig. Fire branches will be productive, but unprofitable. For the Metal and Water industries, 2019 will be unfavorable.

In general, the year of the Earth Pig, with Earth above and Water below, is a symbol of the appearance of peace and relaxation on the outside, within which lies the tension of danger, anxiety and deception. There are still conflicts and disharmony in international relations, which will be more hidden. There remains a danger of various natural disasters such as earthquakes, landslides, environmental disasters, fires, explosions, water and air accidents, diseases and epidemics.

The Year of the Pig is a “Noble Person” for people born on a fire day or year. These are the years ending in 6 and 7: 1946, 1947, 1956, 1957,..., 2016, 2017. A “noble man” is an angel coming from Heaven to provide support and salvation, who often provides solutions to problems and makes the year more comfortable and smooth. Those with Noble Person in 2019 can take the chance to make progress and undertake new projects.

The animal sign that will be in an unfavorable position is the Snake, which faces the Pig. Such a collision usually leads to turbulence, movement, incidents, changes in life, such as travel, changing jobs or places of residence.

The clash of Fire and Water will stimulate accidents related to sea and air travel. To protect against collision, it is recommended to wear a pendant with the image of a Tiger. Also, people born in the year of the Snake should not go directly to the North-West, in the direction of the Grand Duke.

Another unfavorable animal sign is the Pig. People born in the year of the Pig insult the Grand Duke of the year. More serious is the self-punishment of the Pig-Pig. It applies to everyone who does not have the Four Pillars of Destiny in their chart. Such punishments usually bring disharmony, irritation, anxiety, frustration, and also speak of diseases associated with Water, which includes the kidneys and genitourinary system. Excess Water and lack of Fire can cause rheumatism and eczema.

The weakness of the Earth indicates problems of the stomach and pancreas, for example, diabetes, and the absence of Fire indicates problems of the heart and blood circulation. Those who have the Pig in the Four Pillars chart are also advised to wear Tiger protection to minimize the negative impact of self-punishment.

Animal signs that go well with the Pig are Tiger, Rabbit and Goat. A harmonious year awaits them. However, such animal astrology is not entirely reliable. For a more accurate analysis, it is recommended to take into account the year, month, day and hour of a person’s birth. Since animals that encounter or enter into punishment can appear in any of the Four Pillars, they can affect anyone who has them in their chart.

Xi Jinping, JK Rowling, Bashar Assad, Bob Dylan, Bernie Sanders, Robert Downey Jr., Dmitry Medvedev, Donald Trump Jr. were born in the Year of the Snake. Angelina Jolie, Ivanka Trump, Barack Obama, Mel Gibson, George Bush, Sylvester Stallone were born on the day of the Snake. A difficult year awaits both. A collision with the day pillar usually indicates movement or conflicts in family and human relations, especially with a spouse or the opposite sex.

Hillary Clinton, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Elton John, Stephen King, Kevin Spacey, Mike Pence, Kim Jong-un, Elon Musk, Julian Assange, Justin Trudeau were born in the Year of the Pig. They insult the Grand Duke and enter a state of self-punishment with the Year of the Pig. On the day of the Pig, George Clooney, Jet Li, Prince William, Emperor Akihito, Celine Dion were born. They will suffer from self-punishment, and this can cause irritation and anxiety in the relationship with their spouse, as well as health problems related to the genitourinary system.

Feng Shui energies also change from year to year, so it is important to monitor the distribution of favorable and negative energies at the beginning of the year so that we can take precautions if bad energies end up in important places in our home or office.

In 2019, negative energy called “Five Yellow” comes to the Southwest. It is recommended to place a metallic Wind Chime in the Southwest to dispel it. The worst months will be May, August and November 2019.

Another malefic energy, Star 2, symbolizing illness, will appear in the Northeast. The traditional way to deal with it is a bunch of 6 coins in the North East.

The Grand Duke will be in the North-West, so in this direction it is unfavorable to disturb the earth and make serious repairs.

The unfavorable energies of the Three Shas of the year will be in the West, so you should not sit with your back to them.

South-East – located opposite the Grand Duke, this is the “Position of Collapse”, so it is not recommended to be there.

The star of conflict and robbery 3 will be in the South. You can put a piece of red paper there to minimize the impact.

Scandal Star 7 will arrive in the Southeast, where it is recommended to place 3 growing bamboo branches in a clear glass vase with water.

Starting in mid-2016, the Chinese calendar enters a long cycle of Metal, Earth and Water without the elements of Wood and Fire. The tree will come only in 2022 - the Water Tiger. For people with strong Metal, Metal and Earth will be unfavorable during this period of time. Shinzo Abe, Theresa May, and Tsai Ying Wen will fall under this influence. On the other hand, leaders for whom Earth and Metal are favorable elements will enter a phase of smooth luck. This is the President Russian Federation V. Putin and Chinese President Xi Jinping.

Grandmaster Raymond Lo, Hong Kong General forecast for 2019

The most important secrets of the coming Year of the Earth Pig will be revealed

What awaits you next year 2019?
How to enhance the positive and eliminate the negative?

Career(who can expect changes in their career and professional growth)

2019 will be ruled by the star of wealth, and each of us will have every chance to achieve success and advance in career ladder and gain long-awaited wealth.

Love and relationships(Who will be most affected by this area)

Relocation, change of residence, relocation, abroad  (who will be affected by these areas)


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