Honey massage - “cellulite butts - everyone is here for a massage! attention! How to do honey facial massage at home Honey massage pros and cons


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I think about honey massage many have heard.

And what a beneficial effect it has on the skin and our body as a whole!

First of all, honey massage intensively cleanses the skin, so sometimes this procedure can be classified as active peeling.

The skin becomes elastic and silky, subcutaneous seals and fatty lumps are broken up, and this leads to a reduction in cellulite.

Of course, the specialist will do the massage perfectly and in 2-3 weeks will smooth out all the bumps on your skin, but I’ll think about how much money I’ll have to pay for it.... At least 10 procedures need to be done...

Well, if all you have at this moment in life is a jar of honey and a few free evenings - then welcome to the club of lovers of honey massage at home)).

Of course, you need to work on your body all year round. And this is not only a massage, it is a whole complex: sports, proper nutrition, massage and bath.

Honey massage in the early stages it may cause pain and discomfort. But you need to be patient for the sake of “honey salvation”).

What kind of honey is better to use?...

It is believed that it is best to use for the face buckwheat honey, since it contains a lot of antioxidants and also does not cause allergic reactions.

General honey massage for weight loss can be done with any variety.

But the quality of honey is important! It must be completely natural. My aunt buys honey directly from the apiary and shares it with us. Therefore, it was her honey that I took for the massage.

Honey should be liquid and viscous. This is exactly what I have now - acacia honey.

Candied honey can also be suitable - to do this, you just need to melt it in a water bath, without heating it to 40°C. It should become liquid and transparent.

Can be added to honey any essential oils that suit you - at the rate of 5 drops of oil per 1 tsp. honey. Because in the complex they decrease body fat, and output excess liquid from the body.

It’s better to make a mixture of oils from them and add them to honey (geranium and juniper oils - 3 drops each,

orange or grapefruit – 5 drops, lemon oil – 2 drops).

The first time I did it without broadcasts, I just took 2.5 tablespoons honey and that's it!

I applied it strictly to a specific area, without spreading to the entire body - to the buttocks and thighs, legs to the knees.

💠 How I did the massage. 💠

I’ll say right away that there are contraindications for this massage:

  • Individual intolerance to bee products
  • Any manifestation of varicose veins
  • Presence of tumors
  • Thyroid diseases
  • Poor blood clotting
  • Feverish states
  • Pregnancy
  • Menstruation

Any massage, including honey massage, is contraindicated for serious illnesses of cardio-vascular system, mental problems, cancer, tuberculosis, bleeding disorders, skin diseases (fungus, dermatitis), thrombosis and varicose veins.

In addition, there is also moments - you cannot apply honey to the armpits, under the knees, in the groin areas, on the chest and neck.

In total, I spent about an hour on the massage.

First, I run a bath and submerge my frail body in the water and warm up the problem areas. This is my preparatory stage).

Then I drain the water and begin to scrub the butt and thighs, at the same time warming up the body with soft patting movements, stroking and kneading.

My scrub contains cane sugar, and when it completely dissolves on the skin, then I stop the scrubbing procedure.

On the skin of my hand, the honey was absorbed very quickly, and redness began to appear. There was no strong and bright redness on the body.


When I cover myself with honey (only problem areas), I begin to rub the honey into the skin. This causes blood flow.

Because the body does not immediately become sticky, the honey needs to be absorbed and thickened. While I'm waiting for the desired stickiness to appear, I'm already a little tired. It takes time, about 12 minutes, for the honey to become sticky, and by this time I’m already so tight around my thighs and butt that I’m “sticking my tongue out” a little.

Then that “sticky” moment comes, and I begin to glue my palms to the skin, and then tear them off with a sharp movement. The movements are noisy), I warned everyone in advance that I was doing massage in the bath)))..

In general, I put my palms to my body for a few seconds, after which I abruptly tear my hands off.

All pressing and pulling actions must be done with a certain force and pressure on the surface of the body, especially on the buttocks and legs, gradually increasing the pace and intensity of hand movements.

The essence of massage with honey boils down to the following: problem areas need to be thoroughly “spanked”, alternately gluing hands lubricated with honey to the skin, then sharply tearing them off.

Using patting movements, I walk over the thighs and buttocks for 10-15 minutes.

But under my hands I did not observe the honey rolling off and turning into a white-gray mass.

Maybe it’s because I’m not an expert, and my hands are weak. And the massage technique must be correct. But we save money)). Maybe next time I should use thicker honey. Because this honey is very fluid and liquid.

Honestly, I was so tired during the session. You need to choose a day free from work or vacation for a massage. I can’t imagine how you can be so sophisticated with a honey massage after a working day.

Girls, this is hard! This is a job that requires energy and effort!

So I settled on the fact that I didn’t get the gray-white mass, or maybe I didn’t look well, but I hope that the honey still absorbed the toxins. Since the gray White color- this is a signal that the skin gives off fat, dirt, toxins, taking away all the beneficial substances from honey. The more dirty pellets there are, the more polluted your body is.

Honey cannot be reused for massage! There already harmful substances, and an allergic reaction may occur.

Within 15-20 minutes, my skin turned pink. This is a good sign, which means that I was able to cause blood flow to the areas where cellulite accumulates. And now the body itself will continue to fight it.

It hurt when I was already intensely and sharply tearing my arms away from my body. I have sensitive skin and felt discomfort. If instead of my hands there were the hands of a specialist, I would probably have left bruises.

By the way, here is a photo of a massage performed on the arm. And here you can already see how in a matter of minutes the skin turned red, small red dots remained (I just have sensitive and delicate skin). There is no such pronounced effect on the thighs.

We all know about the beneficial properties unique product- bee honey, which has been used since ancient times not only in cooking, but for medicinal purposes and beauty.

Honey is a real godsend for cosmetologists, because with its help you can work wonders. It gives beauty and health, prolongs youth and delights the skin.

One of the miraculous ways to improve a person’s general condition is honey massage. It carries the strength and energy that is so necessary for a modern woman.

Honey massage: beneficial features

Honey massage does an excellent job of treating cellulite; it is prescribed as a general tonic, against radiculitis, sleep disorders, headaches and colds. In addition, a massage with honey restores strength and helps cope with osteochondrosis and other health problems.

Honey massage also improves skin condition by normalizing blood circulation in tissues and cleansing pores. The skin after the procedure becomes elastic and soft.

Honey massage: technique

The masseur applies honey mass to his hands and actively pats the problem area of ​​the body. Thus, each area of ​​the body is treated individually.

The honey mass is driven into the skin, and the liquid honey part is absorbed into the stratum corneum of the epidermis. The rest of the mass helps to glue the palms to the body, due to which the skin is cleansed.

After the body is completely covered with honey, you need to press your palms more tightly to the skin and sharply tear it off. The movements should gradually intensify, becoming more abrupt. Remains in the hands of the masseur white coating, which indicates the release of secretions from the sebaceous and sweat glands.

Honey massage is acceptable on many areas of the body, with the exception of the chest, armpits, under the knees, groin area and neck. You can massage your ankles and knees, but use minimal amounts of honey and use less force when patting.

The duration of a honey massage, as a rule, does not exceed 10 minutes for each problem area. In general, the duration of the procedure should not exceed 40 minutes.

Honey massage: preparing the mixture

For massage, you can use pure, uncandied honey, or add aromatic oils to it. Take 5 drops of oil (lemon, tangerine, lavender, eucalyptus, etc.) or a mixture of oils for 1 teaspoon of honey. First we mix the oils and then combine them with honey.

For anti-cellulite massage, you can mix honey with ready-made anti-cellulite oil. Also, any professional cosmetics store can offer a ready-made honey massage in a jar, which simplifies the massage therapist’s task.

Our ancestors knew about the healing properties of honey. They collected nectar from wild bees, made various infusions from it, added it to decoctions, treated many diseases and maintained general health.

Today this product has not lost its popularity. It is widely used in traditional and folk medicine, cosmetology, cooking. What are the healing properties of this sun product, and how does it affect our body?

Thanks to your healing properties, became popular all over the world. Its main advantage is that it helps get rid of cellulite and “orange peel” on the entire body.

Honey is no less beneficial for facial skin. In a short period of time, honey helps restore beauty, youth and freshness to the skin, maintaining the effect for a long time.

Massage with honey helps:

  • The area of ​​the face being massaged also plays an important role:
  • During a cheek massage with honey, the lungs are cleansed.
  • By massaging the forehead area, you have a positive effect on the condition and functioning of the intestines.
  • By massaging your chin, you improve the functioning of the genitourinary system.

Massaging your nose helps your heart function.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantage of honey massages is that they can be done at any age, with any skin type. The procedure does not take much time and financial costs, but brings great benefits to your skin. And to enhance the honey effect, you can add a few drops essential oils

bergamot, lavender, rosemary or citrus.

The technique of honey facial massage is described in this video:

As for the disadvantages of this procedure, there are practically none. The only drawback may be an allergic reaction in the form of redness and swelling in those who are intolerant to this product.

Choosing honey for massage

The use of honey in cosmetology has its own indications, because you can often encounter a counterfeit or low-quality product; starch, chalk, sugar, water are often added to it, and candied honey is boiled, turning it into poison.

Using such a product, you can get an allergic reaction, redness, rash and other less pleasant consequences.

How to choose natural honey for cosmetic procedures so that it benefits the skin? There are several criteria that must be followed when choosing a product for honey massage:

When choosing honey for cosmetic purposes, in particular massage, remember that the main thing about honey is its naturalness. And what its composition will be - buckwheat, floral or linden - does not play a big role.


Despite this, it does not mean that a woman cannot take care of her facial skin on her own at home. Before successfully starting a facial massage, you need to know general rules its implementation.

A course of honey massage therapy takes 15 procedures, which are performed at night, before bed, every two days.


Almost everyone can have a facial massage using honey, but it will be especially useful for people with the following characteristics:

  • Dry skin with signs of peeling.
  • Bags under the eyes, sagging and wrinkled skin caused by a lack of collagen.
  • Oily skin type with uneven texture and acne.

Basic rules for massage, see this video:


Despite all the beneficial properties honey mask, there are also contraindications to its use. If you:

Before performing a honey massage, make sure that you are not allergic to this product. To do this, spread small area skin on the wrist area for a few minutes. If no redness is observed, you can safely proceed with the procedure.

At home or in the salon

Modern salons offer a wide range of services using honey. There you will be provided with highly qualified service of the highest standard.

But if you don’t have extra time to visit salons, this procedure you can easily do it yourself, at home.


As you can see, honey facial massage has some contraindications. But the benefits that honey brings to the face during a massage are irreplaceable.

After all, thanks to honey massage you can not only tighten it up and enrich it useful substances, but also get rid of many skin problems. And most importantly, this does not take a lot of time and financial costs.

By carrying out this type of massage, prevention and treatment of work is carried out internal organs, in the treatment of pneumonia or bronchitis, with reduced immunity. Honey is often used as a scrub to exfoliate the stratum corneum of the skin. And after the first procedure, the skin will become more elastic and firm. It is better to do this after a bath, when the skin pores are maximally open. Therefore, by receiving this particular type of massage, you will not only improve the functioning of your body, but also get maximum pleasure from the process.

Honey massage at home

The cost of a course for undergoing a honey massage in a beauty salon can reach an unreasonable figure, so many craftsmen have already learned how to carry out this procedure at home. To do this, you need to buy high-quality honey from a place that deserves your trust. Honey should be liquid, because sugared honey can have a scrub effect, which can cause discomfort to your body. You can add a few drops of essential oils to the honey if you wish, at the rate of 5 drops of oil per 1 teaspoon of honey.

Remember that you should not apply honey to the groin areas, chest, neck, under the knees or under the arms. We can start.

Apply honey to the massaged areas and begin to lightly rub into the skin. After the honey becomes a little thicker, change your tactics. Press your hands to your body and jerk them away, you can use wave-like movements, control the sharpness yourself based on pain massaged. If a white-gray mush appears, wipe it off with a warm, damp towel, then blot the area with a dry towel and continue. Do not stay on one part of the body for longer than 15 minutes, and try to complete the entire session in 40 minutes. After finishing, be sure to take a shower and lubricate your skin with moisturizer.

After the procedure, the used honey must be thrown away and under no circumstances be reused, because, as we wrote earlier, it absorbs all harmful substances from the body and is toxic.

Pros and cons of honey massage

The undeniable advantages of massage are:

  • long-lost firmness and elasticity of the skin is restored, color is evened out, and the skin tone becomes more pleasant
  • waste, toxins and salts are removed from the body
  • you can get rid of excess fat as part of the anti-cellulite massage program

The disadvantages include:

  • slight painful sensations during massage, more common in people with thin, sensitive skin, bruises may remain
  • the skin will become drier if it is not moisturized with cream


It should not be used for people who suffer from allergies to bee products, pregnant women, varicose veins and thrombophlebitis.

Homemade honey massage for cellulite is an invention of the eighties of the last century. At that time, however, the word “cellulite” itself was not in use, but the procedure, which included clapping palms smeared in sweets on the body, was already done on a bath day. This exciting activity was preceded by a “mask” of honey, salt and soda. Even then, unfortunate allergy sufferers could not have fun with everyone else, but the rest of humanity appreciated the procedures. It’s not for nothing that they migrated first to inexpensive glossy magazines, and then to the Internet. Today, most sources claim that honey massage is a way for lazy people to achieve their dream figure. The catch, as usual, is that methods that do not require physical effort usually work well for people prone to masochism and are not suitable for everyone else.

Why honey massage for cellulite is not so good

Let's read the description of the procedure:

  • take liquid honey, if you can’t buy fresh honey, heat the old one in a water bath;
  • apply to the stomach and thighs;
  • wet your palms with any cosmetic oil or even simple olive or vegetable, but not much;
  • and now, almost with all your strength, slap the poor problem areas and “tear off” the sticky palms;
  • supposedly, this manipulation should ensure the outflow of lymph, burning fat, improving metabolism and almost cleansing karma and rebirth into a slender model in the current life.

In reality, not everything is so rosy. This massage does not yet have any scientifically proven bonuses, other than improving blood circulation. Perhaps humanity has not yet appreciated this gift of the Soviet era, but it is doubtful that something that leaves bruises on the body would be truly useful.

By the way, you need to “clap” until your hands stop sticking. Then it is recommended that the person losing weight put on pajamas and go to bed. Without dinner, of course. What kind of weight loss can there be with a touch of masochism, if with dinner.

There is also a version for “advanced users”. On it you need to roll an ordinary glass bottle, for example, from under mineral water. Similarly, the procedure is carried out until the honey stops sticking. This usually takes at least 10 minutes per zone.

Yes, this massage is done strictly in the evening, since in the morning you can get hypothermia after the honey “warm-up”. It is recommended to repeat the course of procedures every 2-3 weeks, if necessary.

The man is busy with something. He sits on forums about honey massage, reads other people’s posts about how someone’s skin has shrunk and smoothed out by a centimeter. Or about how someone social assistance They didn’t call me at the pool, they thought my husband was beating me.

You can also read about the benefits of honey. After all, there is so much in it fructose, which is not absorbed through the skin, and a bunch of vitamins, minerals, and enzymes. By the way, they are also not in a hurry to please our body, penetrating through the epidermis. Honey really softens and moisturizes, but like any other product, it does not penetrate too deeply into the skin. In addition, it is natural, smells nice, and a person will be busy again by buying honey in in the right places from “those” beekeepers.

In addition, skin care gives self-confidence, especially if in a woman’s mind such manipulations are associated with beauty, and not with a pointless waste of time. Well, and further, according to the list:

  • any clapping, pinching and other similar manipulations help improve blood circulation;
  • theoretically (studies that would show exactly how much weight loss is accelerated have not yet been carried out), with fat burning actively occurring in the body, massage promotes a more rapid elimination of the products of “decomposition” of fat cells;
  • should ensure reduction of edema and lymph outflow.

Cons of honey massage

It really hurts and has nothing in common with the feeling of spa therapy, normal manual massage, or even a procedure with a vibrating iron at home. However, many people prefer to do painful massages than to work out 3 times a week in the calm atmosphere of a specially equipped room. Apparently, it is believed that training is longer and more expensive.

By the way, about the price. One procedure takes about a glass of liquid honey. Calculate for yourself how much a home massage course will cost, provided that beekeeping products are far from cheap. In this regard, oil massages and even inexpensive creams will be a more user-friendly option.

Bruising, in in this case, is not an indicator of the effectiveness of massage, but an illustration of the fact that you are causing injury to blood vessels with your own hands. There is nothing good about this, and no “blood circulation” improves through a damaged network of capillaries. On the contrary, in the future, constant “stuffing” can lead to its violations.

With edema, it’s not so simple either. If they are caused poor nutrition and violation drinking regime, you probably won’t be able to get rid of them with massages. The effect will be short-term and not too pronounced. Therefore, it is better to prefer more effective measures, for example, improving nutrition and eliminating drinks that disrupt the water-salt balance. Sometimes edema can be symptoms of serious problems with the functioning of the kidneys and heart, so if they suddenly appear, you should seek the advice of a specialist, and not try to correct only appearance.

Honey massage is contraindicated for varicose veins and cannot be used for various inflammatory diseases and conditions that reduce immunity. Honey can cause quite severe allergies and contribute to the appearance of a rash on the skin.

It is not possible to mechanically damage the membranes of fat cells and cause “fat burning” in this way. Clapping harder to lose weight faster won't work either. In general, the procedure is not so useful that you have to endure pain and discomfort because of it.

For those who want to do something at home with their skin and involve honey in this process, we can recommend softer massage options:

  • manipulation with scrub in the shower. Add half a glass of honey to the scrub from 1 glass of drunk coffee, and a little olive oil, apply in a circular motion, act on each zone for at least 5 minutes;
  • combine a glass of liquid honey with 200 g of coconut flakes and use, placing it in a gauze “mold” for massage soap;
  • finally mix the glass oatmeal with a glass of honey and add half a glass of olive oil.

Scrubs help remove dead skin particles. This improves the appearance, gives radiance, and is very important for those who actively use various anti-cellulite cosmetics. Lotions and creams “clog” pores over time and help fix dead epidermal scales to the surface. Therefore, regular use of natural soft scrubs will only improve the quality of skin care.

Video on the topic

Especially for – fitness trainer Elena Selivanova