Pies with cabbage without yeast are fluffy. Pie with cabbage without yeast and eggs on kefir in the oven Pies with cabbage and egg without yeast

These pies are prepared quite quickly using yeast-free dough and turn out very soft even the next day. The filling for them can be very different, according to your taste.

Ingredients for yeast-free cabbage pies with kefir.

Break an egg into a bowl, pour kefir, butter and add baking powder. Stir well. Salt and add sugar. Then add half the flour.

Constantly stirring and adding flour, knead into a soft dough. It should not stick to your hands.

Knead the dough a little on the table, not for long, so that it does not drag on. Cover with film and refrigerate.

Meanwhile, prepare the filling. Chop the onion and cabbage.

Lightly fry the onion in vegetable oil and then add the cabbage.

Fry a little while stirring. Add paprika, salt, pepper. You can add a little water so that the cabbage simmers under the lid. I had young cabbage, it doesn’t take long to cook.

Place the filling and cool.

Remove the dough from the refrigerator. Divide into equal pieces. Flatten each piece and add the filling.

Form pies.

Place the pies on a baking sheet.

Brush the pies with egg and, if desired, sprinkle with sesame seeds or nigella. Bake at 180 degrees for about 20 minutes. Keep an eye on your oven. The pies should be browned.

Take out the finished cabbage pies, sprinkle with water and cover with a towel. Let them “rest” for 10 minutes. During this time they will become soft and breathable.

Serve kefir dough pies with cabbage for tea. Bon appetit!

Yeast pies with cabbage are a dream, especially baked in the oven. The pies turn out rosy and sunny, the filling is juicy, and the dough is airy. Making pies with cabbage is not difficult, the ingredients are the simplest and cheapest, but how much joy children and adults have from such a treat! They can be served with first courses, as a separate dish, given to children at school or taken with you on the road. So, I’m telling you with all the little things and details how to cook delicious pies with cabbage in the oven. Be sure to try it, good recipe)))))


  • yeast dough:
  • 3 tbsp. premium flour (500 gr.)
  • 1 large egg
  • 1/2 tbsp. water + 1/2 tbsp. milk
  • 2.5 tsp dry yeast or 25 gr. fresh yeast
  • 1 tsp Sahara
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 3 tbsp. sunflower oil
  • filling:
  • 800 gr. white cabbage
  • 1 large onion
  • 1 large carrot
  • 1/2 cup tomato sauce or tomato juice
  • salt to taste
  • ground black pepper to taste
  • vegetable oil
  • decoration:
  • 1 egg
  • For pies in the oven, this is one of the most successful recipes for yeast dough, excellent proportion, the dough fits well, the pies turn out airy. So, first of all, mix milk and water, heat the mixture to 45°C, but not higher, at higher temperatures the yeast dies. If you don’t have a special thermometer, then try it with your hand; the temperature of the mixture should be slightly higher than body temperature.
  • Dissolve dry or fresh pressed yeast in warm milk.
  • Add 1 tbsp to milk. flour and 1 tsp. sugar, mix and place the vessel with the dough in a warm place for 20 minutes.
  • While the dough is warm, sift the rest of the flour.
  • When the dough is covered with numerous bubbles and noticeably increases in volume, add two and a half cups of flour.
  • Add 1 egg, preferably at room temperature.
  • Add 3 tablespoons of sunflower oil and 1 teaspoon of salt. With a given amount of salt, the dough tastes slightly salty. If desired, adjust the amount of salt and sugar in the dough.
  • Knead the yeast dough. Sprinkle flour on the table and lay out the dough. Knead the dough well with your hands. If necessary, add a little more flour. The result should be a fairly soft dough that does not stick to your hands and can be worked with.
  • We form a bun from the dough, cover the dough with a clean napkin and place in a warm place for 30-40 minutes.
  • Cabbage filling for pies

  • In any pies, and especially in cabbage ones, the filling is the main thing, the taste of the pie depends on it, so we don’t just quickly stew the cabbage, but cook it as it should, so that the filling turns out tasty, juicy, sufficiently salty and peppery.
  • So, peel the onion and finely chop it, simmer the onion over medium heat in a small amount of vegetable oil.
  • We peel one large carrot, maybe two medium-sized ones, three carrots on a medium grater. Simmer the carrots along with the onions until they become soft.
  • While the onions and carrots are stewing, thinly slice the cabbage. Add the cabbage to the vegetables and simmer everything together over medium heat under the lid.
  • To make the cabbage filling for pies juicy and beautiful, be sure to add tomato juice.
  • Stir, add salt, sugar and ground black pepper to taste. Stew the cabbage until cooked under the lid; the stewed cabbage should be soft and completely cooked.
  • Cool the finished stewed cabbage to room temperature.
  • Cooking cabbage pies in the oven

  • Divide the dough into two or more parts (as convenient for you). We form a sausage and then divide it into smaller pieces. Mine love big pies, so the pieces of dough are also rather big)))))
  • Roll out each piece with a rolling pin to form a flat cake. Place cabbage filling in the center of the flatbread, about 1-2 tablespoons (depending on the size of the patty).
  • Then we carefully pinch the dough to make a beautiful and even pie.
  • Place the cabbage pies on a baking sheet, seam side down. Cover the baking sheet with parchment or grease it with vegetable oil. Place the baking sheet with the pies in a warm place for 20-30 minutes to allow the pies to rise.
  • Before putting the cabbage pies in the oven, beat one egg and then paint the pies with the beaten egg.
  • Place the pies in a hot oven, and not just hot, but well heated. To do this, turn on the oven in advance and preheat it for at least 20 minutes at 180°C.
  • Bake cabbage pies in the oven for 25 minutes at 180°C. We monitor the baking process so as not to dry out the pies.
  • Remove the rosy and very tasty pies from the oven. To ensure that the cabbage pies are soft and do not go stale for a long time, we “wash” them with water. What does it mean? Simply wipe each patty with a wet hand or cover with a clean, wet towel for a couple of minutes.
  • Place the pies in a bowl and serve. Wow, so delicious, it’s hard to stop, your hands are reaching out to take another pie))))
  • Also see

Pies are a great way to feed the whole family a delicious and satisfying dinner. This dish is loved by both adults and children; countless types of filling allow you to make baked goods for every taste. The pies can be baked in the oven, deep-fried (hot) or in a frying pan without oil. But classic pies made from yeast dough are still slow to prepare. After all, even the straight method of making dough takes at least forty minutes. What to do if you want some pies, but you don’t have pre-purchased yeast in the house, and you don’t want to bother for a long time? In this case, you need to prepare pies from yeast-free dough, which MirSovetov called “Anti-crisis” for their simplicity and economy.

The famous culinary specialist William Pokhlebkin argued in his books that only small products made from yeast dough can be called pies. All other small products made from other types of dough, regardless of filling and shape, cannot be called pies and have proper names, for example, “samsa”, “kubete” and others.

“Anti-crisis” pies – dough

  • a glass of kefir (250 grams);
  • 500 grams of wheat flour;
  • 1 egg;
  • 2-3 tablespoons of vegetable oil;
  • 1 teaspoon of soda (without a slide);
  • 1-2 tablespoons sugar;
  • a pinch of salt.

Preparing yeast-free dough

Since our pies bear the proud name “Anticrisis”, I would like to immediately draw attention to the fact that kefir can be replaced with any low-fat fermented milk product that is in the house, with the possible exception of sour cream. Sour milk is perfect, the dough on it will be tender and fluffy, yogurt and even whey will work. But it’s better to have some extra flour so that you have something to sprinkle on the table while rolling out the dough into pies.
Carefully grind the egg with salt and sugar. This recipe contains sugar for pies with savory filling. If the filling is supposed to be unsalted, then double the amount of sugar. Add vegetable oil and beat the mixture until smooth. Add soda slaked with vinegar to kefir or sour milk and mix vigorously.
If you don’t want to use vinegar to quench the soda, but are afraid that kefir is not acidic enough for quenching, then use lemon juice or citric acid. Soda should be mixed with citric acid in a one to one ratio and poured with water. The effect will be the same as that of baking soda and vinegar.

Add kefir to the first mixture and mix thoroughly. When the contents of the bowl become homogeneous, begin to add sifted flour in small portions. Stir the dough thoroughly so that there are no lumps! Add flour until the dough you are kneading stops sticking to your hands. It should be elastic and not too tough, delicate in consistency.

Cover the dough with an inverted bowl and set aside.
The beauty of this dough is that any filling can be combined with it. Finely chopped apples, thick jam, cheese and sausages, rice and eggs - literally any favorite filling will do. But the cabbage filling goes just perfectly with this dough.

Stewed cabbage pies filling

While the dough sits under a bowl, let's make the filling. So, pies with cabbage. There are as many options for preparing cabbage filling as there are types of pies in the world. It can be prepared from fresh and sauerkraut, with or without additives, boiled or stewed. Pies with stewed cabbage turn out very rich in taste and juicy. For this type of filling you will need cabbage, tomato, small onion and carrot. And if in your refrigerator, in addition to cabbage, there is another chicken egg and greens, then from this set of products you can easily prepare two types of cabbage filling.

Finely chop the onion and coarsely grate the carrots. Sauté the vegetables in oil until they turn a light orange color. While this process is going on (don’t forget to stir the frying!), thinly slice the cabbage. The cabbage can be fried in a frying pan before stewing, or you can simply transfer it to a saucepan and mash it with your hands. Add the prepared roast to the cabbage.
Salt and pepper to taste. Remember that this is the filling for the pies, and under-salting in this case is just as unpleasant as over-salting cabbage. Add the tomato and a little water to the pan with the vegetables, cover with a lid and simmer over medium heat. If necessary, add water in small portions so that the bottom layer of cabbage does not burn. After about 15 minutes the cabbage will become firm but soft. The filling is ready.
If you don’t want to bother with stewing cabbage and frying onions and carrots, then prepare the filling from fresh cabbage. We will need cabbage, herbs, a boiled chicken egg, salt, and spices to taste.
Thinly and quite finely, so that later it would be convenient to place the filling on the dough piece, cut the cabbage. We intensively knead the cabbage with salt and spices with our hands so that it becomes soft and releases the juice. Finely chop the greens, chicken egg and mix with cabbage. The filling is ready!

Making pies

The pies can be round or crescent shaped, and can be shaped like a boat or a triangle. For pies made from this dough, it is better to choose a simple elongated shape. If you sculpt them into a crescent so that they are shaped like a dumpling, then the pinched edge of the pie will turn out to be too hard. Therefore, we roll out the dough into a cake and cut out the blanks or roll out a piece of dough, torn from the main piece, into a circle. Place the filling on half of the future pie and pinch it together like a dumpling. Then we connect the ends of the workpiece over the seam, fold the seam to one side and place it seam side down.

If you make pies with different fillings in one sitting, then the seam can become an identifying mark. All you have to do is fold the ends of the workpiece, pinched together like a dumpling, to the other side, connecting them on the side opposite to the seam. Now it will be easy to distinguish the types of pies: seam down - with fresh cabbage, seam up - with stewed cabbage.

Grease a baking sheet with vegetable oil or cover it with a layer of parchment paper and place the pies on it in even rows. Baked goods made from this dough should be brushed with beaten egg on top, otherwise the finished products will turn out pale.
If the last egg has gone into the filling and dough, it’s not a problem; you can grease the surface of the products with oil. And sweet pies with sugar syrup.
Bake the pies in the oven, preheated to about 180 degrees.
If you decide not to bake the pies, but to fry them, then before doing this you need to carefully flatten the workpiece on both sides to form a flat cake. This will allow the surface of the pie to cook more evenly. Products made from this dough can be fried hot without oil, so they will turn out even more tender, and the oil included in the dough will prevent the pies from sticking to the pan.
Place the finished pies on a plate and cover with a napkin. And now the “Anti-crisis” pies with a crispy crust are ready.

Eat them with broth or hot tea, and MirSovetov wishes you bon appetit!

If you want to learn how to bake pies, but don’t know where to start, then read our article. We will teach you how to prepare the perfect dough and introduce you to the most popular recipes for cabbage pies.

It is perhaps difficult to find a person who does not like fluffy and fragrant pies. Their pleasant smell reminds us of home, comfort and quiet evenings with family. But modern housewives don’t really like fiddling with dough and prefer to buy ready-made baked goods in stores.

Of course, you can also eat it, but it will taste exactly different from what our mothers and grandmothers prepared for us. Therefore, it will be better if you finally decide and try to make pies yourself, especially since it does not require any special effort or knowledge. We will tell you how to do this correctly in this article.

How to make delicious dough for pies?

You can make cabbage pies from sour - yeast dough and from unleavened - yeast-free dough.

Some housewives just can’t understand why their baked goods don’t turn out very airy and rosy. It seems like a woman does everything according to the recipe, but in the end she doesn’t get a very good result. Usually representatives of the fair sex find out the recipe and think that this is quite enough to prepare delicious pastries.

But in reality it turns out completely differently. After all, in order for the dough for pies to turn out perfect, you need to be able to choose the right ingredients. The quality of butter, milk, eggs and flour will determine how tasty your baked goods will turn out.

Basic rules for preparing dough for pies:

Oil. It can be creamy or vegetable. Creamy will make baked goods more tender, and vegetable will make the baked goods airy. If you don't mind the taste of margarine, you can use that too. Just when choosing this product, make sure that it is as fresh as possible and does not have a specific taste.

Flour. The highest grade product is ideal for baking. Flour must contain at least 24% gluten and be pure white. If you want to slightly change the taste of the pies, then add rye, buckwheat or corn flour to the dough. Be sure to sift it before mixing. This will enrich the product with air and the dough will rise better

Tremble. Nowadays you can find both dry and live shakes in stores. You can safely choose any option. The most important criterion for choosing this product is its shelf life. If it is already over, then trembling will definitely not be able to make your dough airy

Milk. This product, like the previous three, must also be fresh. In general, if possible, buy milk from local producers. After all, after three days the milk begins to deteriorate and this may affect the taste of the baked goods.

Mix the ingredients. Before you start cooking, remove all dough components from the refrigerator and let stand for at least 1 hour. After this, you can start mixing the dry ingredients. Milk, eggs, sour cream and water must be beaten separately and only then mixed with flour

Temperature regime. The oven should be preheated to a maximum of 180-200 degrees. This temperature regime will allow the pies to bake well inside and brown on the outside. There is no need to look into the oven for the first 15-20 minutes. A flow of cold air can sharply reduce the temperature, and the baking will stop rising normally

What can you add to the filling for cabbage pies?

Cabbage filling with mushrooms.

Many people don’t like cabbage, which is why they perceive it as a filling for pies. Of course, if you cook this vegetable on its own, without any additives or spices, the filling will not be very tasty. But if you try adding other ingredients to the cabbage, the taste of the pies will surprise even the most picky gourmet.

Types of fillings with cabbage:

Cabbage with eggs. The filling turns out to be quite light and delicate in taste. To make it more spicy, you can add various herbs, such as basil, dill and parsley.
Cabbage with mushrooms. This filling option is considered the most fragrant. You can add dried, fresh mushrooms and even champignons to cabbage. But if you decide to add champignons, then do not forget to generously season the filling with spices. This must be done so that they can better express their taste.
Cabbage with rice. This type of filling is considered the most satisfying. To make the rice more tender, add fatty sour cream or cream to the filling.

Fried pies with cabbage without yeast, recipe

Fried pies on yeast-free sourdough with cabbage.

To prepare delicious fried pies, you will need the following ingredients: kefir of any fat content, soda, eggs, flour, salt, sugar and stewed cabbage.

Pour kefir into a bowl and add soda to it
Sift the flour, mix it with salt and combine everything with kefir
Knead a homogeneous and elastic dough
Divide it into small portions and roll it out
Place the cabbage on the resulting workpiece and carefully fasten everything together.
Fry the pies in vegetable oil until golden brown

Cooking pies with cabbage in a slow cooker

Quick cabbage pie, a simple recipe with step-by-step instructions.

For those women who don’t really like to fuss with baking, but want to please their loved ones with homemade pies, a multicooker can be an excellent option. This modern woman's kitchen assistant will be able to practically prepare a delicious and original dish on her own.

Cooking secrets:
Chop the cabbage, onions and carrots and place them in a slow cooker along with the spices.
Turn on the “Baking” mode and start preparing the filling
Prepare a slightly runny dough from mayonnaise, sour cream, eggs and flour.
Check the cabbage and if it is ready, transfer it to a bowl
Pour some of the pie dough into the multicooker bowl.
Place stewed cabbage on it in an even layer and fill it with the remaining dough
Select the “Baking” mode again and set the timer for 60 minutes
After this time, carefully turn the cake over and bake it for another 20 minutes.

How to make lush pies with cabbage?

For fluffy pies and pies, use baking soda dough quenched with acid.

On the Internet you can find a huge number of recipes for cabbage pies. At first glance, it may seem that they are prepared quite simply. But when the woman starts making them, she realizes that there is something wrong with the test. She starts adding additional ingredients to it and ends up with something completely different from what she planned. Our recommendations will help you avoid such problems.

Tips to help make the dough fluffy:
Knead the dough with milk, not water
Add only yolks to the dough
If the recipe contains sour cream, then it should be added at the very end of kneading.
Make sure that the dough does not sit for too long
Be sure to add starch to the pie dough.
Knead the dough with dry hands
If the pie turns out to be large enough, then bake at a low temperature

Recipe for yeast pies with cabbage in the oven

Pies with cabbage made from yeast dough baked in the oven.

To make yeast pies you will need the following products:
2 cups milk of any fat content
1 fresh egg
5 tablespoons vegetable oil
Live tremors
Salt and sugar
Approximately 1 kilogram of flour
Favorite spices

Heat the milk and add sugar, shake and leave for 15 minutes
At the next stage, add butter and egg to the bowl with the dough and whisk everything together
Then sift the flour, mix it with salt and gradually begin to introduce it into the milk-butter mixture
Knead the dough until it stops sticking to your hands
Cover it with clean towels and let it rise
Chop all the vegetables and simmer the filling
Divide the dough into small parts and form pies
Place the finished products on a baking sheet and let them rise again.
Brush the pies with egg and let them bake
We make sure that the temperature does not exceed 200 °C

Recipe for pies with cabbage and kefir

It is difficult to find a simpler and faster recipe for pies than those made with kefir.

Some housewives believe that only shaking can make the dough airy and fluffy. But if they are not in the refrigerator, but you still want pies, then ordinary soda can be a good replacement. Properly prepared dough will delight you not only with its beautiful appearance, but also with its pleasant taste.

Sifted flour - 650g
Soda - 3-4g
Kefir or yogurt -200 ml
Sunflower oil - 5 tbsp. l.
Salt - 1 tsp.
Stewed cabbage - 600-700g

Add soda to kefir and wait until it goes out
Pour everything into a bowl and add salt and sunflower oil there.
Knead the dough
While the dough is resting, prepare the filling.
Forming small pies
We bake them in the oven or fry them in a frying pan

How to make cabbage puff pastries?

Stewed cabbage stuffed with egg goes perfectly with crispy puff pastry.

Cabbage pies made from puff pastry can be a tasty and satisfying snack and even a dish for a holiday table. But if you want such pies to become your signature dish, then don’t be lazy and prepare the puff pastry yourself.

Tips for making cabbage puff pastries:
Take a pack of butter, half a glass of water, half a kilogram of flour and salt.
Sift the flour and grind the butter a little
Grind flour and butter into homogeneous crumbs
Add ice water to the resulting mixture
Knead the dough and place it in the refrigerator for 3 hours
After the time has passed, take it out and roll it into a thin layer.
Fold it in half and roll it out again
Then fold it in three layers and repeat the same action.
Divide the dough into pieces, roll them out and form the pastry.
Baking pies in the oven

How to make lazy cabbage pies? Recipe with photo

If you have unexpected guests and you have almost no food in your refrigerator, try making them a lazy cabbage pie. Although it requires minimal time to prepare, this does not affect its taste at all.

Grocery list:
400g cabbage
250g flour
50g sour cream
2 chicken eggs
Salt and pepper
Onions and carrots
Vegetable oil

  • Chop the cabbage, carrots and onions and place them in a frying pan with vegetable oil. Add a little water to it and leave to simmer

  • Place sour cream, eggs, flour in a large bowl and beat everything until smooth.

  • When the cabbage has cooled a little, add it to the finished dough and mix.

Bere m baking dish, grease it with oil and pour the dough into it

  • After baking, let the cake cool slightly

If you want to please your family, then always cook with love and a good attitude.

As you probably already understood, if you follow all the basic recommendations, even a novice cook will get fluffy and tasty pies with cabbage. Therefore, do not be afraid of anything and feel free to try cooking new dishes. After all, only by learning from your mistakes will you be able to achieve certain heights in cooking.

Recommendations to help you prepare perfect pies:
Buy the best quality flour
Knead the dough on the dough
All liquid ingredients must be heated
Before baking, brush the baked goods with egg, butter or tea leaves.
Fat should be added to the dough melted, but not hot.

Valeria: My household loves exclusively yeast baked goods, so I only prepare this kind of dough. I give preference to old, trusted recipes that I have used more than once. I never put cabbage in its pure form. I add a lot of carrots, onions and mushrooms to it. As a result, the pies will turn out simply divine.

Marina: I once decided to make a cabbage pie in a slow cooker, but I prepared the dough a little wrong, and the filling sank to the bottom during baking. My masterpiece, of course, was eaten, but without much enthusiasm. When I baked it the second time, I slightly reduced the amount of liquid ingredients, and the baked goods turned out perfect.

Video: Pies with cabbage. How to make yeast dough using whey and more

A favorite delicacy since childhood is cabbage pies fried in a frying pan. Fragrant, crispy, with a delicate filling, they will satisfy your hunger between full meals and will appeal to everyone in the household. Despite the fact that many people call such pies unhealthy food, you can and should treat yourself to them from time to time by making different variations of the dough and filling.

A quick recipe for fried pies with cabbage will delight you with its simplicity, time savings and very tasty baked goods in the end.

For the dough and filling you will need:

  • premium flour – 500 g;
  • whey – 250 ml;
  • yeast – 1/3 pack;
  • water – 250 ml;
  • salt – 2 tsp;
  • eggs – 1 piece;
  • granulated sugar – 1 tbsp;
  • sunflower oil – 0.5 l;
  • butter – 30 g;
  • onion – 1 pc.;
  • carrots – 1 pc.;
  • cabbage – 0.5 heads;
  • tomato paste – 1.5 tbsp;
  • spices to taste.

You should start by preparing the filling, which should cool down by the time the dough comes up. To do this, heat a small amount of sunflower oil in a frying pan, into which finely chopped onions and grated carrots are placed. When the vegetables are lightly fried, add grated cabbage to them. Cabbage chopped in this way will be smaller than shredded cabbage and will appeal to everyone, including children. When the last component is in the pan, everything will need to be thoroughly mixed, cover the container with a lid and reduce the heat.

To prevent the cabbage from burning, you can add a little boiled water.

When the vegetables have stewed a little and become soft, add tomato paste diluted in boiled water and after a while add salt, sugar, pepper and bay leaf. The finished filling should be poured into a suitable container and set aside.

For the dough, sifted flour is poured into a plastic bowl, a small depression is made in the middle and salt is poured into it, an egg is added. Separately, hot water and cheese are diluted in a container, sugar is added and “live” yeast is introduced. The butter is melted in the microwave, which is kneaded in flour along with the egg and salt. Next, the risen yeast is added. If necessary, add flour, but so that the dough is not tight. At the end, you should add about 100 ml of sunflower oil to the dough to make it convenient to work with. To speed up the process of rising the dough, you need to put it in the microwave, setting the temperature to 160 degrees and setting the timer for 7 minutes. Once the dough has risen several times, you can take it out and start frying the pies.

To prevent the dough from sticking to your hands during cooking, you need to fill a container with oil and constantly dip your hands into it.

You need to put about 300-400 ml of sunflower oil in a frying pan, heat it well and fry the pies. When prepared according to this recipe, they will turn out crispy and will retain their structure for up to 5 days.

Yeast dough recipe

Yeast for pie dough can be used either “live” or dry. With the latter, the dough will not be so fluffy, but crispier and thinner.


  • flour – 600 g;
  • warm water – 300 g;
  • dry yeast – 1 tbsp;
  • butter – 2 tbsp;
  • vegetable oil – 30 ml;
  • sugar – 2 tsp;
  • salt – 2 tsp.

The cabbage filling is prepared in the same way as in the previous recipe. To prepare the dough, the required amount of yeast, sugar and salt should be diluted in warm water. Then slowly add the pre-sifted flour. Knead the dough, adding butter and sunflower oil at the end. You need to knead until the base for the pies sticks to your hands. Cover the finished dough with a napkin and put it in a warm place.

While the dough is rising, you can start preparing the filling, if this has not been done before. When preparing it, you need to periodically knead the dough, which should rise several times. Afterwards, small flat cakes of dough are rolled out on a clean table, the filling is laid out on them, and pies are formed. Place them on heated oil with the seams down. This will help keep the filling inside the dough and not spill out when frying.

Fried pies with cabbage made from puff pastry

For those who don’t like fiddling with dough, a recipe for fried puff pastry pies is suitable. It must be purchased in advance at the store, defrosted and used to prepare crispy baked goods in a frying pan. The cabbage pies end up being small, very tasty and beautiful.

The filling can be made from fresh or sauerkraut (to taste). You will need about 0.5 kg of dough.

Having previously defrosted the dough, you need to put it on the table and cut it into 22 rectangles (no need to roll it out).
Each individual rectangle needs to be rolled out and filled with filling.
Fold the rectangular base corner to corner, pinch the edges and give them a beautiful look by going around the perimeter with a fork.
You need to fry the pies in very hot oil, making a good fire under a frying pan.
To ensure that the pies are well-fried and fluffy, the first side is fried under the lid, and the second without it. You can serve with any sauce or sour cream with herbs.

From kefir dough

You can quickly prepare pies with fresh cabbage using kefir-based dough. The main advantage of this recipe is that the baked goods will be stored for a long time and will not go stale.

For the test you should take:

  • kefir – 250 ml;
  • flour - about 650 g;
  • soda – 1 tsp;
  • eggs – 2 pcs.;
  • sugar and salt to taste.

Pour a glass of kefir into the container, add eggs and all other ingredients except flour. Mix everything thoroughly, gradually add flour and knead the dough. It should infuse for about 30 minutes for the reaction of kefir and soda to begin.

Roll out the finished dough into rolls, slightly thicker than dumplings, and cut them into portions. Each sochen should be rolled out, filled with cabbage filling and fried in sunflower oil.

With sauerkraut

You can cook pies with sauerkraut in a frying pan, which will be especially relevant in winter.

For the test you need to take:

  • milk – 250 ml;
  • flour – 300 g;
  • dry yeast – 2 tsp;
  • sugar – 1 tbsp;
  • salt – 1 tsp;
  • sunflower oil – 20 ml;
  • sauerkraut – 300 g.

Mix yeast with sugar in heated milk and wait until it rises. Next, salt and sifted flour are added, oil is poured. The dough is kneaded and set aside to infuse in a warm place.

Meanwhile, sauerkraut should be simmered in a frying pan for 15 minutes, after squeezing out excess juice. The dough, rolled out into small flatbreads, is filled with cabbage, the edges are pinched, and the workpiece is sent to the frying pan, straight into the heated oil.

Recipe with egg

The dough for this recipe can be prepared in a bread machine or kneaded by hand.

To prepare it you should stock up on:

  • flour – 600 g;
  • warm mineral water – 250 ml;
  • refined vegetable oil – 100 ml;
  • salt – 2 tsp;
  • sugar – 1 tbsp;
  • dry yeast – 2 tsp.

For the filling you will need a small cabbage, hard-boiled chicken eggs, onions, garlic, salt and spices. It’s quite simple to prepare dough in a bread maker by filling the bowl with all the ingredients one by one and turning on the desired mode.

While the base is being prepared, the cabbage is finely chopped, the onion is cut into cubes, and the carrots are grated on a coarse grater. In a frying pan, onions, carrots and cabbage are fried one by one, spices and salt are added. Cook the cabbage over low heat, adding water, for 15 minutes. At the end, add a little garlic, mix and place in a container. Add finely chopped eggs to the cabbage.

Form the dough into balls, roll them out and fill the flatbreads with filling. Form a pie and fry it in oil. Cover the finished baked goods with a clean towel to make them soft.