Relief arm muscles. How to quickly create a sculpted body? Bench push-ups

27.09.2020 Carpentry work

In order for a beautiful, fit female image to be aesthetically complete, girls and women should not forget about pumped up arms and shoulders. Why is this important? Will weight training lead to incredible volumes that will bulge ugly out of the sleeves of a blouse or dress? This is absolutely not true! It is necessary to pump up your shoulders because developed muscles hands will add femininity to you, and pumped up arms will make you several times stronger.

Arm muscles from an anatomical point of view

What muscles can be pumped up if you do all the exercises correctly?

The muscles of the arm can be divided into two large groups: 1) shoulder and shoulder girdle, 2) forearm and hand. They are also divided into posterior and anterior, internal and superficial.

Consider the shoulder group: it consists of extensors (back muscles) and flexors (front muscles). The extensors are the triceps and ulnaris muscles. The triceps muscle is responsible for straightening and bending the arm at the elbow. It consists of three intertwining bundles, hence the name “triceps”. The ulna has the same function, but it is much smaller in volume and, unlike the triceps, does not require special training.

The shoulder flexors include the coracobrachialis (allows the shoulder to rotate), the brachialis itself, and the biceps muscle, which is better known as the biceps. The biceps is a truly recognizable muscle. It is an indicator of your strength abilities. Looking at the biceps, you can immediately draw a conclusion: whether a person devotes time to physical activity or not, whether he cares about the beauty and health of his body or throws this matter into the back drawer. But you cannot place the biceps higher than the triceps or brachialis muscles, otherwise there will be no harmony in the relief of the arms.

The shoulder girdle includes: deltas (flexion of the arm at the shoulder joint), supraspinatus and infraspinatus muscles (rotation of the shoulder).

Anatomy of the muscles of the shoulder girdle and forearm

Anterior and posterior muscles Anterior muscles of the forearm: brachialis (responsible for flexion of the forearm area), brachyradialis (corresponds to the volume of the forearm itself), flexor of the wrist and fingers, palmar muscle, pronator teres (the shortest, responsible for inward rotation). Muscles located behind: flexor pollicis, pronator quadratus (works together with rotundus), extensor carpi radialis and fingers, supinator (muscle connecting the forearm and hand), muscles of the hand.

The most important muscles of the forearm

Arm exercises: push-ups for women

How to make your arms strong and pumped up?

If you have long dreamed of working on your figure, but do not have free time to go to the gym, this does not mean that you cannot pump up your shoulders and have toned arms. All you need to train at home: bottles of water (or dumbbells, if you have them), some free space in the room and the desire to get better! Before starting the workout, we do a warm-up for 10 minutes: tilting the head, rotating the shoulders, swinging the arms, bending the body forward, backward and to the sides, circular rotations of the pelvis, squats. Any girl can quickly pump up her arms at home; the most important thing is to do all the exercises correctly.


The basic exercise, and therefore the most effective, is push-ups. If it is very difficult for you to do push-ups on your hands with straight legs, then focus on your knees. So:

  1. Take a lying position and use a gymnastic mat to perform the exercise comfortably.
  2. Bend your knees (or place them on your toes).
  3. Lean on your palms and spread your arms wider than shoulder-width apart.
  4. Begin push-ups by bending your elbows about 40 to 45 degrees.
  5. Lower your body as low as possible and return to the starting position.
  6. IMPORTANT! Do not arch your back or lower your pelvis when doing push-ups!

Repeat push-ups 5-10 times, try to increase the number of approaches with each workout.

Bench push-ups

The next type of push-ups is push-ups from an elevated surface: a bench, chair, bed, table, windowsill or sofa. The higher the support, the easier it will be to do the exercise. Find a place that is comfortable for you and start doing push-ups:

  1. Focus on the bench (sofa, chair).
  2. Place your feet on your toes, shoulder-width apart.
  3. Bend your elbows and lower your body down.
  4. Extending your elbows, return to the starting position.
  5. Try to keep the bar level.
  6. Do 10-12 push-ups.

When performing the exercise, you use not only the triceps, but also many other muscles of the body.

Close grip push-ups

This type of push-up can be performed from the floor or from a support. Options for placing your feet: on your toes, on your knees. The difference from regular push-ups is the narrow placement of the hands. Thus, you work the superficial and deep muscles of the forearm. The triceps are especially worked.

  1. Focus on your arms, place your palms shoulder-width apart (or slightly narrower).
  2. Lower your body down, your elbows should remain at your sides, do not spread them to the sides!
  3. Tighten your abs as much as possible, do not bend your lower back too much.
  4. Repeat push-ups 10-12 times.

Close grip push-ups

The exercise is aimed at working the muscles of the shoulder girdle and triceps muscles. If rear end If your hands are a problem area, if there is “flabbiness”, then this exercise will be most effective for you. There are two types of reverse push-ups: with bent knees and straight legs. Do the exercise in a way that is comfortable for you, following the following technique:

  1. Turn your back to a rigid support (bench or sofa).
  2. Sit down, focus on your palms, bending your elbows.
  3. You can place your legs horizontally with emphasis on your heels or bend your knees with emphasis on your entire feet.
  4. IMPORTANT! Keep your back straight while performing push-ups.
  5. Slowly lower and raise your body, tensing your shoulder muscles.

Dumbbells: exercises at home to pump up your arms

Effective exercises for developing shoulders and forearms are exercises with dumbbells. When training in the gym, you will not have any problems; there is a fairly large variety of dumbbells of different weights. But what if you are going to train at home and there are no dumbbells, and buying them is quite expensive? An excellent substitute is water bottles. You can adjust their weight by changing the volume of the bottle.

Before classes, don't forget to warm up. We do a simple warm-up: arm swings, circular rotations in the elbow and shoulder joints, body tilts, pelvic rotations, “mill”.

One arm curl with weights

Arm yourself with one bottle of water, choose a comfortable support;

  1. Sitting on a chair or bench, take one bottle in your hand.
  2. Place your feet wider than your shoulders.
  3. Place the palm of your other hand on your knee.
  4. Slowly bend your hand with the bottle.
  5. Do not straighten your elbow completely, keep the muscles tense.

Three sets of 12 repetitions are enough for the exercise.

Use a water bottle instead of a dumbbell

Variable thrust

Here you will need two bottles and a rigid support:

  1. From a sitting position, press your body against the back of the chair.
  2. Take a bottle in each hand.
  3. Alternately bend your elbows.
  4. The head should not look down, keep your back - neck - head in one line.
  5. Do not swing with bottles by inertia, lift the weight in a concentrated manner.

Do 2 sets of 12 reps on each arm.

Use bottles instead of dumbbells.


It's simple but pretty effective exercise perform while standing with two bottles filled with water (1.5 liters):

  1. Place your feet shoulder-width apart and hold bottles in both hands as shown in the picture.
  2. Do not turn your hands with your palms facing you, only your thumb should be facing your direction.
  3. Bend your elbows alternately.
  4. When lifting the bottle, inhale.

Three high-quality approaches of 10–12 repetitions will be enough.


Free stance, gaze directed upward!

Curling your arms at the same time

The exercise is aimed at developing the biceps and superficial muscles of the shoulder:

  1. Take bottles of water, turn your hand with your palms facing you.
  2. At the same time, without swinging, bend your arms.
  3. Don't slouch, straighten your shoulders, the bottles shouldn't hit you.
  4. Do 3-4 sets of 8-10 reps.
  5. Don’t forget to keep your posture straight, your gaze should be directed a little upward.

French press

Dumbbell rows are performed from a lying position on the floor or bench with two bottles:

  1. Lie down with your legs bent at the knees and placed shoulder-width apart.
  2. Take the bottles in both hands and lift them above you.
  3. Lower your elbows, the bottles should be on either side of your head.
  4. IMPORTANT! Don't throw your arms too far back!

Repeat the exercise 10 times in 3 sets.

Bent over arm extension

The exercise is performed with emphasis on the knee, so first select a hard surface: a bench or sofa.

  1. Bend your supporting leg at the knee 90 degrees.
  2. Lean forward, rest your hand on the bench.
  3. In your free hand, take a bottle with the optimal weight.
  4. Straighten your back and begin bottle arm curls.
  5. Try to work only with your hand, the rest of your body should remain static.

Number of approaches: 3, number of repetitions: 8 per arm.

Seated dumbbell extension

The exercise uses not only the arm muscles, but also some superficial muscles back:

  1. Choose a chair without a back, sit on the edge of the sofa, or use a fitball.
  2. Raise your hand with the bottle up, then bend it at the elbow and lower it behind your head.
  3. Straighten your arm and repeat the exercise.
  4. After 10 repetitions, change hands.

Example of an effective training program

How can a girl quickly pump up beautiful arms at home?

No workout should be done without a warm-up, otherwise you increase the likelihood of getting injured during weight training, even with small ones. Do a warm-up on your arms: swings, rotations in the shoulder joint, rotation of the hands, bending the torso, stretching the arms.

We will divide the entire workout into 3 parts, each with 3 exercises. Rest 3-4 minutes between parts, 30-40 seconds between sets. There are 13 repetitions in each exercise, 3 approaches.

  • Bend one arm while sitting with weights.
  • Extension of arms with dumbbells while sitting on a fitball (chair).
  • Variable row while seated.
  • Bent over arm extension.
  • Bench push-ups with different grips (whichever one you like best).
  • French press.
  • Exercise "Hammer".
  • Bending your arms at the same time.

Repeat the workout twice, then do cardio for 10 minutes: running or cycling. This will speed up the blood in clogged muscles, turn on the fat burning process and help you pump up your arms faster.

The goal of these workouts is to create a beautiful hand relief. Don’t be afraid to work with additional weights, this will not lead to swelling of your muscles to universal sizes! There is too little testosterone in a woman’s body for her arms, biceps and triceps to look masculine. Feel free to increase the weight from workout to workout to set your body's progress. And then you will notice that your arms have become pumped up.

Relief hands are beautiful hands, which should not yield to the elasticity of other parts of the body. It is impossible to go out in an open dress when the arm muscles “hang” in the forearms. If you notice such “effects”, then it’s time to take up dumbbells. Regular exercise gives quick results because the muscles of the back and shoulders respond to physical activity faster than those in the lower part.

Muscles of the upper shoulder girdle

The “arm” muscles include the biceps and triceps. Everyday life at least sometimes gives work to the biceps, for example, when carrying heavy bags. As for the triceps, they are precisely what make women’s arms so ugly.

The triceps muscle (i.e., triceps) is located on the back of the arms. If it is not trained, then the arms “sag” under its weight. This is especially noticeable if you lift them up. In everyday life, the triceps are used infrequently (for example, when opening heavy doors), so it requires regular training.

How to achieve relief

It’s not enough to just pump your triceps. It needs additional “drying” (creating relief), which reduces the volume of the hands in the forearms. Otherwise, the “pumping up” of the muscles will be invisible.

The greatest effect can be achieved by combining proper nutrition (less simple carbohydrates and fats) with cardio exercise. Cardio exercises include intense walking, running, dance aerobics, and an exercise bike. With the help of such training, other parts of the body will also improve.

In addition to cardio training, you need to pump up your muscles with strength training. Hanging and push-ups are very effective. But rarely does anyone like to do this. Therefore, exercises with 1.5-2 kg dumbbells are best suited.

Triceps workout

  1. Lie on your back, place your feet on the floor, bending your knees. Tighten your abdominal muscles and press your lower back to the floor. Extend your arms with dumbbells to the sides and lower your elbows to the floor. Raise straight arms with dumbbells above your shoulders, slowly counting to three. Elbows are not tense. On the count of four, bend your arms and lower the dumbbells. The dumbbells rise as you exhale, lower as you inhale. Do 15 times.
  2. Stand up. Bend your legs slightly at the knees and place them shoulder-width apart. Tighten your abdominal muscles and gluteal muscles. Do not arch your lower back. The right hand with a dumbbell rises up closer to the head. Palm forward. The left hand holds the right elbow. As you inhale, bend your arm and lower the dumbbell to your left shoulder. Bending the arm occurs slowly. As you exhale, straighten your arm and hold your elbow. You don't need to straighten your elbow at all. For each hand 15 times.

Biceps workout

In a standing position, lower your arms with dumbbells along your body. Straining the biceps of one arm, lift the dumbbell to your shoulder. It is necessary to keep the upper arm still. Stay for 1-2 counts. Now slowly lower the dumbbell. For each hand 15 times. Another option for this exercise is to perform it while sitting, with the elbow of the hand holding the dumbbell resting on the knee.

Other methods of "drying"

Swimming in the pool helps build arm muscles. Even swimming for fun creates work for the arm muscles.

Yoga gives good results. Many asanas require transferring body weight to the arms. And this, in addition to balance, requires muscle work.

Shaped, moderately dense arms are a sign of an athletic build, which has become so popular among girls. In addition, if a girl trains her arms even at home, she can get rid of a number of defects in the future, for example, sagging skin and triceps atony, which have to be hidden under clothes. To prevent this, girls just need to do arm exercises regularly.

The best arm exercises for women at home

In order to get a beautiful shape and pump up a girl’s arms at home, it is necessary to symmetrically work all the muscles of the shoulder girdle, including the deltoid. They give the hands a sporty texture. Also, arm exercises can additionally engage the muscles of the upper chest and trapezius, improving posture and visually enlarging the chest, thereby complementing the athletic shape of the arms.

1. Reverse push-ups

This exercise can be performed on a chair, sofa, nightstand or any other stable furniture. Works the upper chest, anterior deltoid and triceps. The main task is to carry out maximum number of push-ups until a burning sensation is felt in the muscles, and it will be impossible to continue the approach.

  1. Turn your back to the support, place your palms on the edge, shoulder-width apart.
  2. Straighten your legs in front of you, placing them on your heels.
  3. Inhale as you lower yourself down, bending your elbows until right angle.
  4. Push up as you exhale.

Perform 3 sets in the first week, 4 in the second week.

2. Push-ups

  1. Feet shoulder width apart. Hold dumbbells on the front of your thighs.
  2. Bend your elbows slightly, with the angles pointing out to the sides.
  3. Exhale and raise the dumbbells to eye level.
  4. As you inhale, lower slowly.
  5. Do not bend your lower back when moving your arms up, tense your abdominal muscles.

Just like the previous exercise, do 3-4 sets of 30 times, pause if necessary.

6. Bent-over dumbbell swings

The last deltoids exercise, but no less important. develop. Basic exercises mainly involved the anterior bundles, so for symmetry it is necessary to isolate the posterior ones. The anterior and posterior bundles form a symmetrical round shape shoulders when viewed from the side. Therefore, none of them can be ignored.

  1. Hold dumbbells with your feet shoulder-width apart.
  2. Bend your body on bent knees with a straight back.
  3. Bend your elbows slightly, turning the corners to the sides.
  4. Exhale as you swing through your sides to shoulder level.
  5. Slowly lower the dumbbells as you inhale.

Proceed as usual 30 times, 3-4 approaches.

7. Bent-over grasshopper with dumbbells

Although the triceps work in any push-up technique, you still need to train it in isolation. With repeated exercises in girls, it will not become hypertrophied; on the contrary, the fibers will remain elongated but dense.

  1. Take dumbbells, perform a bend as in the previous exercise, pressing your elbows to your body, holding this position for the entire approach.
  2. As you exhale, tighten your triceps and fully straighten your arms until they are parallel to the floor.
  3. As you inhale, slowly lower the dumbbells to a neutral position.

Perform 30 times, overcoming the burning sensation, 3-4 approaches.

8. Alternating dumbbell lifts

Despite the fact that the biceps occupies the smallest part of the arm, it simply needs to be given attention. This is the most famous muscle in posing, which shows its peak when contracted, showing the maximum volume of the arm. it is also accompanied by maximum muscle fatigue, performing contractions to failure.

  1. Place the dumbbells at the sides of your thighs.
  2. Exhale and lift the dumbbell with one arm, performing wrist supination. Bring your hand to your shoulder without lifting your elbow from your body.
  3. As you inhale, straighten your elbow.
  4. Change hand.

Alternate bending 30 times on each side for 3-4 approaches.


Unlike men, a small amount of male sex hormones in women does not allow them to gain huge muscles. In this case, girls do not need to work with heavy weight. To strengthen a woman’s arm muscles at home and gain a sporty but feminine shape, it is enough to do exercises with your own weight and include small dumbbells in your training program. Then the arm muscles will be aesthetic, feminine and sculpted.

Hand exercises for girls in video format

Almost every girl likes to wear sundresses and T-shirts in the summer, and, of course, show off her slender legs and graceful arms to others. There is no arguing about tastes: some people prefer thin hands, others are crazy about neat muscle relief, and so on. But saggy, unkempt, flabby arms will not please almost any person on the planet (although... there are different people).

Sagging skin of the forearms occurs due to weakening of the triceps (triceps brachii muscle), which real life representatives of the human race rarely use it. If you don't do it special exercises, muscles lose tone, they appearance adds extra years to the owner, the figure becomes disproportionate.

This unpleasant defect can be removed by performing simple exercises using dumbbells. You can do without dumbbells, replacing them with bottles of salt or water. The most important thing is regularity and correct execution each element.

Please note:


Any sports activity, whether for a girl or a guy, should begin with a 5-10 minute warm-up. It will saturate the muscles with blood, warm them up perfectly and prepare them for physical activity. Exercising without a preliminary warm-up is like turning on an ungreased mechanism.

  • Imitation of jumping rope: jump in place on your toes, rotate your arms. Perform for 1 minute.
  • Swing your legs towards your outstretched arms, alternately with each leg. 15 times for each leg.
  • Running in place: one minute.
  • Classic squats: 15 reps.
  • Lock exercise: place one hand over the top of your neck, try to reach it with the other through the bottom. A familiar exercise from school.

Lack of warm-up and “cold muscles” are the cause of many injuries. Wherever you exercise, at home, in the gym or in the forest, remember: nothing exempts you from warming up before training (except perhaps the lack of training itself or an angry bear).

Bodyweight exercises

Now we get to the most interesting part. To remove fat and pump up your arms, you need to devote only 2 days a week to exercise.

The result will depend on your genes and figure. Plump ladies will have to work hard to remove excess from their hands: the result will be visible after 2 months. For “Thumbelina” people, it will take a little less than a month to see the muscles on their arms emerging.

We need to start now. Run to the store, get yourself a couple of 3-5 kg ​​dumbbells and go towards your dream - to pump up amazing arms at home. Don’t put it off so that two months later the thought “Oh... And if I started 2 months ago, what kind of hands would I have?”

Close grip push-ups

When you do push-ups, the entire triceps works, but to a greater extent back side shoulder Any girl can easily pump up her triceps, as well as her abs and some back muscles, if she does push-ups with a narrow hand position (they should be shoulder-width apart or narrower).

Push-ups alone will not fill you up; in addition to them, you need to do other exercises. But no arm training program can do without classic push-ups.

  1. Starting position: lying down, place your hands shoulder-width apart or narrower.
  2. Bend your elbows and lower yourself smoothly. Keep your back perfectly straight, without bending.
  3. Return to the starting position. Exhale and lower yourself again.
  4. You need to do 3x15 repetitions.

Reverse plank with pelvic abduction

Exercise of medium difficulty level. It will help a girl to pump up her abdominal muscles, triceps and shoulders.

  1. Starting position: sitting on the floor with straightened legs.
  2. Place your palms on the floor and tighten your abs.
  3. Raise your pelvis a few centimeters above the floor.
  4. Engage your abdominal muscles and move your pelvis back between your arms.
  5. Stay in this position for as long as possible.
  6. Return to the starting position.
  7. Do 5 reps.

Bench push-ups

Or reverse push-ups. They act similarly to classic push-ups, the difference is in how the top ones are positioned. And lower limbs. At home, you will need 2 chairs, on one of which you place your feet, on the other you rest with your arms extended back.

You need to perform 3 sets of 15 times. If it’s difficult, do the easier version with one chair. In the lightweight variation, your feet need to be rested with your heels on the floor.


A training element of hatha yoga that will help pump up your wrists, ankles, forearms and ensure mobility of the shoulder joints.

Elements using dumbbells

Combining exercises using dumbbells and using your own weight will significantly speed up your progress.

Dumbbell Arm Extension

  1. Starting position: sitting on a chair, grab the dumbbell plate with both hands (make sure everything is securely fixed) and lift it up above your head.
  2. Without engaging your forearms, bend your elbows.
  3. Return to the starting position.
  4. Perform 3x10 reps.

Extension of the arm with a dumbbell from behind the head

This element of the triceps program is more suitable not for pumping up muscles, but for working out the relief.

  1. Sit up straight with your back perpendicular to the floor.
  2. Take the dumbbell in your hand and pull it up.
  3. Place your hand behind your head, you should feel the triceps muscle stretch.
  4. Pull it up.
  5. Perform 4x10 reps on each side.

Tate press

  1. Sit comfortably on two connected chairs covered with a blanket.
  2. Take dumbbells. Straighten your arms up.
  3. Slowly lower the implements using only your elbows. You should feel the muscles working.
  4. The dumbbells should be across the torso and should not touch each other while performing the element.
  5. Perform 5x10 reps.

Training programs

For beginners without excess weight

First day:

  • Close grip push-ups – 3×15.
  • Extension of one arm with a dumbbell – 3×10-15.
  • Tate press 5x10.

Second day:

  • Close grip push-ups -3×15.
  • Extension of arms with one dumbbell from behind the head - 4x10.

For overweight beginners

First day:

  • Bench push-ups - 4×10; Rest between sets for 60 seconds. After the 4th set, rest for 2 minutes. Perform the 5th final approach with the maximum possible number of repetitions.
  • Bent-over arm extension using dumbbells - 5x10.
  • Alternate flexion-extension of arms with weights - 4x10.

Second day:

  • Push-ups – 4×10.
  • Extension of two arms with weights from behind the head – 3×10-15.
  • Rest between sets for 60 seconds.

And finally...

Try massaging your limbs after exercise. Self-massage will improve blood circulation and relax tired triceps. After the massage, you can apply moisturizer. We recommend massage 3-4 times a week for 15 minutes.

It is possible to form a beautiful arm line and elastic muscles with the help of a special set of exercises aimed at the forearms. This is the area that many girls find problematic. In this area they are deposited body fat, and the skin may also sag due to muscle weakness.

Strength training will give results in just two months. The muscles will become stronger, their relief will appear. The condition for this result is regular training according to our system, even at home.

A little theory: how to train women?

Women's arms can be pumped up with strength training. There is an opinion that they cannot be practiced by the fair sex, as they will form too much muscle mass.

In fact, you shouldn’t be afraid of this - it’s not at all easy to do, since you need to use large weights, and this is especially female body, it's almost impossible. Women's muscle mass is ten percent less than men's. For this reason, volume growth is much slower compared to representatives of the opposite sex.

The goal of training is not to increase muscle volume, but to correct and work out problem areas.

In particular, to strengthen arm muscles and burn fat deposits, instructors recommend choosing a minimum weight and repeating the exercise up to ten times. After the muscles have strengthened, you can gradually increase the weight of the projectile and the number of repetitions. But you must always start with minimal loads! Before giving loads, you need to prepare and strengthen the muscles.

If you have never practiced physical exercise, it won't be superfluous consult your doctor.

Carefully! You should not use weights during menstruation or with certain diseases of the spine and joints.

A set of 6 exercises

There are many ways to effectively pump up your arms, make them stronger and more resilient. Method number one is power loads!

1. Dumbbell rows to the chin

The exercise is not difficult, but very effective. A great type of strength training for women. It is aimed primarily at the triceps: that part of the forearm where fat is deposited, as well as the area where the skin can sag. It also perfectly tightens the back and all the muscles of the shoulder girdle.

  1. Holding dumbbells palms facing inward in the area of ​​the front of the thigh;
  2. Pull the dumbbells up to your chin, bending your elbows.

Ten repetitions are enough to get started.

2. Bend your arms behind your head

Designed to work target muscles. Promotes the formation of muscle relief in the forearms and inner arms.

  1. We work with one dumbbell. We take it with both hands and lift it up. We pull our arms up, the body forms a straight line, the maximum point of which should be the dumbbell;
  2. Bend your elbows and bring the dumbbell back as far as possible;
  3. Movement is only in the elbow joint, the shoulders do not move.

We repeat ten times.

3. Dumbbell Curls

We work the biceps (the outer part of the forearms).

  1. We stand straight, shoulders back, chin raised;
  2. We stretch our arms with dumbbells forward;
  3. We bend and straighten our arms at the elbows at the same time or in turn. With weak physical training the second option is preferable;
  4. Only the elbow joint works.

For beginners, the number of repetitions is up to ten times.

4. Various push-ups

All types of push-ups perfectly work the forearm muscles: biceps and triceps. Among other things, push-ups burn calories well, so they are recommended for weight loss.

We do it at the beginning of the workout.

  1. Standing against the wall, place your hands in front of your chest and take a step back. We don’t lower our heads, we don’t round our lower back;
  2. Bending and straightening your elbows, we perform ten exercises with three approaches.

Table push-ups– good for girls. It is a slightly more complicated option than the previous method. We perform the exercise with emphasis on the tabletop.

– a great opportunity to pump up your hands. This is a simplified version of push-ups, which is difficult for many girls.

  1. The support is the knees and palms;
  2. We raise our ankles and connect them, or wrap them behind each other;
  3. We do push-ups, straightening our arms completely.
  1. With your palms and toes on the floor, stretch the body into a straight line;
  2. We try to hold the bar for a minute.

We repeat three times.

6. Pull-ups on the horizontal bar

One of the most popular basic exercises. It is recommended to do at least the minimum number of pull-ups.

If you do it regularly, the shoulder girdle will strengthen, and then the number of repetitions can be increased.

While doing the exercise the chin should touch the horizontal bar. It is most effective to do regular pull-ups or .

Watch the video for more details:

  • Warm up. We start with an active warm-up for the muscle groups of the shoulder girdle. It can include push-ups from the wall and any gymnastic exercises for the arms, for example, energetic alternating swings of the arms up (twenty times) and to the sides (ten times).
  • Experienced instructors recommend start training an hour after eating, and start eating no earlier than forty minutes after training.
  • Principles of nutrition. The diet should be varied - it should contain proteins, fats, carbohydrates. You can't go hungry because strength training requires energy.
  • Healthy products. Preference should be given to protein products - fish, lean chicken, cottage cheese, kefir. Porridge also fits well into the diet. The restriction must be observed only on fats.
  • Connecting cardio loads. If desired, strength training can be supplemented with running, swimming, and exercise equipment. This promotes better fat burning, as well as a harmonious distribution of the load across all muscle groups.
  • Newbies! For those starting strength training for the first time, it is recommended to start with minimal weights. If inadequate loads are used, the training may result in injury to the shoulder joint.
  • Muscle pain. After the first workouts, everyone experiences muscle pain. It can be relieved by taking a warm bath with sea salt and a few drops of tea tree oil, camphor oil, rosemary or lavender.
Pay attention! Most optimal mode Strength training is considered to be done every other day. Daily training does not promote muscle recovery and relaxation.

Strength training, compared to other types of exercise, produces relatively quick, noticeable results. The muscles become stronger, the relief of the arms and forearms appears. The figure becomes slimmer, as active exercise burns calories well. But we must remember that a necessary condition for obtaining results is regularity and persistence.