Secrets of rejuvenation of Chinese empresses. Female hormonal gymnastics of Chinese empresses Secret methods of rejuvenation of Chinese empresses

What should you do if you have tried all types of fitness in your gym, but the sport is still not enjoyable? To bring back the taste active life, try the gymnastics of the Chinese emperors Hu Chun Gong.

Meet Hu Chun Gong.

The gymnastics that will be discussed originated in Ancient China several thousand years ago. They call it a mystery eternal youth Chinese emperors and the recipe for amazing longevity of Taoist monks. Hu Chun Gong is part of a complex of respiratory and movement therapy under the general name Ki Gong. The syllable “ki” in the name denotes energy, which the ancient Chinese attached special importance to. They believed that the concentration of Ki in the body helps it deal with any diseases. The novices of the Huashan Monastery developed a special sequence of slow movements, the systematic implementation of which contributed to the accumulation of this energy in certain areas of the body and, as a result, improved the quality of life. These exercises are called Hu Chun Gong. A seemingly simple health system turned out to be extremely effective. It is believed that it was the daily performance of this gymnastics, along with other traditional practices, that helped the ancient Taoists maintain an active lifestyle into old age. For centuries, the technique was kept in the strictest confidence and was passed down orally by monks from teacher to students. Only at the end of the 20th century, the last surviving novices of the Huashan monastery decided to break the ban and reveal to the world the secret knowledge carefully preserved by many generations of abbots.
Today, anyone can easily master the secret of Hu Chun Gong by reading an educational book or watching a couple of videos on the Internet. The most important thing is that you can do such gymnastics at home and at any time of the day. Try it now!

Translated from Chinese, the name Hu Chun Gong means “exercise for the return of spring.”


One of the important advantages of Hu Chun Gong gymnastics is that it is accessible to all ages and fitness levels. In order to learn this technique, you do not need special sports skills, special equipment or deep theoretical training. The system consists of sixteen exercises that are so easy to remember that after a couple of days you will no longer be distracted by prompts. All of them are performed standing and in place, so the space of a bedroom or living room is enough to occupy. Over time, the movements become automatic - however, this is not a reason to perform the exercises thoughtlessly and carelessly. The process requires a conscious approach and the strictest possible adherence to instructions - only then will the gymnastics produce results. The main tenets of Hu Chun Gong:

1. Exercises are performed at a slow pace. It is important to transition from one movement to another as smoothly as possible.

2.Don’t try to control your inhalation and exhalation, breathing should be natural - it doesn’t adapt to the exercises, but the exercises are consistent with your breathing rhythm.

3.In each exercise, attention is concentrated on a specific area in the body - this enhances the beneficial effects.

Descriptions of some Hu Chun Gong exercises sometimes take several pages. Therefore, it is best to do gymnastics by repeating the movements of a trainer on video. For example, coach Stanislav Rogachev describes in detail many elements of Chinese gymnastics on his channel -

Starting position - standing, with arms raised. Slowly bend forward at a 90-degree angle. Fix your body in this position for 10-15 seconds. Do 5-6 repetitions.

Standing straight, raise your arms forward, as you exhale, drawing in your stomach, bend deeply forward, stretching your arms down and relaxing your back. Tightening your stomach is very important - it not only helps to work the abdominal muscles, but also protects your lower back from injury. Perform 8-10 times.

Place one hand on your chest, the other on your stomach. Inflate your stomach as much as possible by actively inhaling through your nose. After a couple of seconds, pull your stomach in. We do 5-7 such inhalations and exhalations.

For achievement best result The Chinese advise studying early in the morning or late in the evening - however, it happens that a surge of energy prevents you from falling asleep, so when choosing a time you should proceed from your own feelings. It is not recommended to do gymnastics immediately before meals - the recommended interval is 15 minutes before and an hour after lunch. The effectiveness of Hu Chun Gong increases if you practice several times a day, but the results are also visible when you perform one full cycle of exercises every day.

The benefits of Hu Chun Gong are literally obvious: regular exercise tightens the body, increasing general tone. Practitioners note that after several weeks of training, their complexion improved and even expression wrinkles smoothed out. At the same time, gymnastics stimulates the self-regulation of the endocrine system - in particular, the pancreas and thyroid glands, pituitary gland and hypothalamus, and also improves metabolism. Hu Chun Gong cannot be attributed to artistic gymnastics- exercises are performed statically, with an emphasis on gradually strengthening the muscles. However, Hu Chun Gong fills the body with the strength and energy necessary for more productive sports activities, and at the same time improves coordination and overall well-being.

If you exercise outdoors, it is recommended to do it in calm weather: the Chinese believe that the wind can “blow away” the accumulated Ki energy, and all efforts will go down the drain.

The origin of these techniques is shrouded in legends. Here is one of these legends.

There was a monastery in the Middle Kingdom, which was famous for the fact that the monks lived there for up to 120 years, remaining vigorous and energetic, both in soul and body.

Anyone who begins to practice these exercises, literally from the first minutes of practice, begins to feel how vitality grows in him, how a refreshing source of energy flows through his body.

The Chinese formulated 4 basic principles, working for all types of Chinese medicine, including Hu-Chong-Gang. These are the principles:

1. All movements should be leisurely. You are only at the very beginning of the journey. Feel free to move at a snail's or a turtle's pace.

2. Breathing should be natural. Follow your breathing. But you shouldn’t “command” your own breathing. Breathe evenly and calmly.

3. Exercises should be performed without any tension. Imagine that you are a puppet: allow yourself to move slowly, very slowly.

4. Focus on one thing throughout the exercise. and most importantly - don’t stress! Focusing on certain points of the body speeds up the effects of the exercise. For example, when concentrating on the palm, all meridians passing through the points of the palm are activated.

These exercises do not require a lot of space; you can do them next to your desk, there is no free space problem.

Of course, it would be great to do rejuvenating exercises in nature, but such an opportunity is not always possible.

Choose appropriate clothing for your activities. Clothes should be spacious and not restrict movement. A tight belt, for example, can interfere with some movements. High-heeled shoes are not suitable for exercise: the Chinese prefer light slippers with thin soles so as not to disturb contact with the energy of the earth.

It is best to perform the exercises in the sequence that I give. The entire set of exercises is performed once a day.

Exercise 1. Opening the shoulders

What is this exercise for? It seems to open the shoulders, unfold them, freeing the meridians passing along the shoulders from possible blocks.

Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart. The arms hang relaxed along the body. Breathe calmly, deeply. Feel your chest expanding. And smile, imagining that you are young and full of strength.

Place your hands on your feet and squat down slightly, leaning your body slightly forward. Slowly move your hands to your kneecaps.

Now raise your hips slightly. Lower your head and shoulders down, remove your hands from your kneecaps and hang them down freely. Exhale.

Now begin to rise up slowly. Get back to the starting position.

Repeat this exercise 8 times.

Exercise 2. “The Return of Spring”

This exercise is considered the most important rejuvenating exercise of the Hu-Chong-Gang. Vibrating, springy movements have a beneficial effect on metabolism and improve skin color. The face cleanses, gets rid of acne, and flaking of the skin disappears.

Attention! There are contraindications. This exercise is not recommended for pregnant women. This exercise is also prohibited for those who have recently undergone serious abdominal surgery (less than 6 months ago), as well as for those with heavy menstrual bleeding.

Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart. The arms hang freely along the body.

Take a deep breath and, as you exhale, squat slightly, continuing to hold your body in upright position. Try to consciously relax all the muscles of your body, and then make springy movements with your knees so that the vibration spreads throughout your body. Do not under any circumstances try to command your breathing; it will automatically tune in to the rhythm of vibrations.

In total you should make about 164 vibrating movements.

Ecology of life. Anyone who begins to practice these exercises, literally from the first minutes of practice, begins to feel how vitality grows in him, how a refreshing source of energy flows through his body

The origin of these techniques is shrouded in legends. Here is one of these legends. There was a monastery in the Middle Kingdom, which was famous for the fact that the monks lived there for up to 120 years, remaining vigorous and energetic, both in soul and body.

Anyone who begins to practice these exercises, literally from the first minutes of practice, begins to feel how vitality grows in him, how a refreshing source of energy flows through his body.

The Chinese have formulated 4 basic principles that work for all types of Chinese medicine, including Hu-Chong-Gang. These are the principles:

1. All movements should be leisurely. You are only at the very beginning of the journey. Feel free to move at a snail's or a turtle's pace.

2. Breathing should be natural. Follow your breathing. But you shouldn’t “command” your own breathing. Breathe evenly and calmly.

3. Exercises should be performed without any tension. Imagine that you are a puppet: allow yourself to move slowly, very slowly.

4. Focus on one thing throughout the exercise. and most importantly, don’t stress! Focusing on certain points of the body speeds up the effects of the exercise. For example, when concentrating on the palm, all meridians passing through the points of the palm are activated.

To perform these exercises you do not need a lot of space; you can do them next to your desk, there is no problem of free space.

Of course, it would be great to do rejuvenating exercises in nature, but such an opportunity is not always possible.

Choose appropriate clothing for your activities. Clothes should be spacious and not restrict movement. A tight belt, for example, can interfere with some movements. High-heeled shoes are not suitable for exercise: the Chinese prefer light slippers with thin soles so as not to disturb contact with the energy of the earth.

It is best to perform the exercises in the sequence that I give. The entire set of exercises is performed once a day.

Exercise 1. Opening the shoulders

What is this exercise for? It seems to open the shoulders, unfold them, freeing the meridians passing along the shoulders from possible blocks.

Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart. The arms hang relaxed along the body. Breathe calmly, deeply. Feel your chest expanding. And smile, imagining that you are young and full of strength.

Place your hands on your feet and squat down slightly, leaning your body slightly forward. Slowly move your hands to your kneecaps.

Now raise your hips slightly. Lower your head and shoulders down, remove your hands from your kneecaps and hang them down freely. Exhale.

Now begin to rise up slowly. Get back to the starting position.

Repeat this exercise 8 times.

Exercise 2. “The Return of Spring”

This exercise is considered the most important rejuvenating exercise of the Hu-Chong-Gang. Vibrating, springy movements have a beneficial effect on metabolism and improve skin color. The face cleanses, gets rid of acne, and flaking of the skin disappears.

Attention! There are contraindications. This exercise is not recommended for pregnant women. This exercise is also prohibited for those who have recently undergone serious abdominal surgery (less than 6 months ago), as well as for those with heavy menstrual bleeding.

Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart. The arms hang freely along the body.

Take a deep breath and, as you exhale, squat slightly, continuing to keep your body straight. Try to consciously relax all the muscles of your body, and then make springy movements with your knees so that the vibration spreads throughout your body. Do not under any circumstances try to command your breathing; it will automatically tune in to the rhythm of vibrations.

In total you should make about 164 vibrating movements. published

Hu-Chong-Gang translated from Chinese means: “Exercises that bring back spring.” Sounds very romantic!

The origin of these techniques is shrouded in legends.

Here is one of these legends. There was a monastery in the Middle Kingdom, which was famous for the fact that the monks lived there for up to 120 years, remaining vigorous and energetic, both in soul and body.

One of the emperors decided to find out their secrets and called the monks to the palace. The monks had no choice but to reveal their secret: during many hours of meditation, they discovered the presence of energy channels in the human body through which the energy of Heaven and Earth comes from outside.

At the same time, very simple exercises are sufficient to receive and use these natural energies.

According to legend, the emperor ordered him to be taught these exercises, but under pain of death not to tell anyone else about them.

From now on, only the emperor and his family members could use the exercises Hu-Chong-Gang and get the desired immortality. These secret techniques were specially refined by Taoist monks for Chinese empresses who wanted to prolong both life and youth. Only recently have these secrets become available to the whole world.

These recipes have survived to this day thanks to the monk Bian Qin-gan, who preserved these manuscripts in the Huashan Monastery.

Anyone who begins to practice these exercises, literally from the first minutes of practice, begins to feel how vitality grows in him, how a refreshing source of energy flows through his body.

The Chinese have formulated 4 basic principles that work for all types of Chinese medicine, including Hu-Chong-Gang. These are the principles:

1. All movements should be leisurely. You are only at the very beginning of the journey. Feel free to move at a snail's or a turtle's pace.

2. Breathing should be natural. Follow your breathing. But you shouldn’t “command” your own breathing. Breathe evenly and calmly.

3. Exercises should be performed without any tension. Imagine that you are a puppet: allow yourself to move slowly, very slowly.

4. Focus on one thing throughout the exercise. and most importantly, don’t stress! Focusing on certain points of the body speeds up the effects of the exercise. For example, when concentrating on the palm, all meridians passing through the points of the palm are activated.

To perform these exercises you do not need a lot of space; you can do them next to your desk, there is no problem of free space.

Of course it would be great to do rejuvenating exercises in nature, but such an opportunity is not always available.

Choose appropriate clothing for your activities. Clothes should be spacious and not restrict movement. A tight belt, for example, can interfere with some movements. High-heeled shoes are not suitable for exercise: the Chinese prefer light slippers with thin soles so as not to disturb contact with the energy of the earth.

It is best to perform the exercises in the sequence that I give. The entire set of exercises is performed once a day.

Exercise 1. “Opening the shoulders”

What is this exercise for? It seems to open the shoulders, unfold them, freeing the meridians passing along the shoulders from possible blocks.


Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart. The arms hang relaxed along the body. Breathe calmly, deeply. Feel your chest expanding. And smile, imagining that you are young and full of strength.

Doing the exercise.

Place your hands on your feet and squat down slightly, leaning your body slightly forward. Slowly move your hands to your kneecaps.

Now raise your hips slightly. Lower your head and shoulders down, remove your hands from your kneecaps and hang them down freely. Exhale.

Now begin to rise up slowly. Get back to the starting position.

Repeat this exercise 8 times.

Exercise 2. "The Return of Spring"

This exercise is considered the most important rejuvenating exercise of the Hu-Chong-Gang. Vibrating, springy movements have a beneficial effect on metabolism and improve skin color. The face cleanses, gets rid of acne, and flaking of the skin disappears.

Attention! There are contraindications. This exercise is not recommended for pregnant women. This exercise is also prohibited for those who have recently undergone serious abdominal surgery (less than 6 months ago), as well as for those with heavy menstrual bleeding.


Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart. The arms hang freely along the body.

Doing the exercise.

Take a deep breath and, as you exhale, squat slightly, continuing to keep your body straight. Try to consciously relax all the muscles of your body, and then make springy movements with your knees so that the vibration spreads throughout your body. Do not under any circumstances try to command your breathing; it will automatically tune in to the rhythm of vibrations.

In total you should make about 164 vibrating movements.

In the next article I will continue the Hu-Chong-Gang complex - rejuvenating exercises of Chinese empresses.

Qigong exercises: Longevity starts from the feet

Longevity, like the beauty of a woman, it begins with her feet.

Most people both in our country and abroad suffer from leg pain and swelling. How can we help them? How to strengthen your legs? By the way, I watched a story on TV about how men evaluate a woman. So, the most important part for them is the legs! Therefore, if you can afford high heels and a not very long skirt, the attention of men will be focused on you. I really like the phrase: “If you quit your heels, you quit the race.” In general, to prevent this from happening, we immediately proceed to the complex “ Qigong For longevity and legs." This complex is especially useful for those who have a sedentary job, as well as those who have pain in the lower back, spine, or kidneys.

According to the ancients, old age begins not with wrinkles on the face, but with diseases of the legs, and rises higher. That's why in the East so much attention is paid to the legs, and the secret of youth lies in strengthening the legs. Their illnesses speak of early aging. In the East they say: “Take care of the tree’s roots, but take care of the man’s feet.”

The condition of our legs is largely determined by the health of the kidneys, since the qi energy mainly moves to the legs along the kidney meridians. The ancients called the kidneys “the gates of life.” The kidneys contain the reserve of qi energy received at birth, hereditary qi. In the Wu Xing circle, the kidneys are connected to the bones of our body. Not only our strength and blood circulation in the legs depend on the health of the kidneys, but also the condition of the bone marrow, the health of the lumbar spine, large intestine, pelvic organs, as well as human sexual energy.

Let's now consider the basic exercises qigong to strengthen your legs.

Taoist breath

This exercise is performed while sitting on the floor or in a chair. Place your palms on top of each other (for women, the left palm is down, for men, the right). Place your palms on your lower abdomen. Breathe calmly... As you inhale, draw your stomach in, imagining that you are inhaling the energy of water and filling your lower abdomen with it. As you exhale, push your stomach forward. Repeat the exercise three to five times.

When performing this exercise, you should feel warmth in your lower abdomen. If you feel cold or heaviness in your stomach, this indicates that there are disturbances in the functioning of the energy center. Continue to practice, gradually these sensations will pass and a feeling of warmth will appear. There is no need to rush and strain too much.

In the East they say: “Do not pull the flower by the bud so that it grows faster, so we can tear it off and let it grow on its own.”

“Conserving heat in the lower abdomen” is one of the secrets of longevity and health of the legs and kidneys.

Lumbar massage

After we have breathed well into our belly, we will massage our lower back. We massage the lower back with our palms in circular movements along the entire lower back. Then we massage the kidney area and tailbone in the same way. Finish by rubbing your lower back with your knuckles clenched into fists. We make movements up and down, left and right. Do five to nine repetitions of each movement.

These movements will help strengthen the kidneys, large intestines, tailbone, lumbar region spine and distribute qi energy in the lower torso.

While massaging the lower back, let us remember the words of the ancients: “The lower back controls all transitions in the body. It directs all changes. It maintains the connection between the top and the bottom.”

Foot massage

After a lower back massage, it is good to massage your legs. If you don’t have much time for a massage, then skip this point and proceed to the next movement, “Unusual Steps.”

Mentally fill your palms with water and wash your feet one by one. We begin to massage the right leg. We put it on the toe and begin to massage the center of the foot. This is where the most important energy point associated with the kidneys is located. The ancients called it “the beating spring”, “the heart of the foot”.

Then we put our foot on the heel and massage the foot and toes again.

Don’t forget to imagine that the disease-causing energy flows from your toes into the ground.

Having finished massaging the right leg, we move on to the left leg. We repeat each movement from one to seven times.

Massage of the lower back and legs can also be performed with real water energy, for example, when taking a shower.

Unusual steps

This exercise can be performed in the morning, and is especially good during the activity of the kidney meridian - from 17 to 19 hours. It promotes better blood circulation in the legs and head, strengthens the kidneys, normalizes blood pressure, and even relieves swelling.

Take a comfortable position on a chair and lightly tap your feet on the floor one at a time or simultaneously in this order: toes, heels, entire foot. Repeat each movement seven times. Do this until your feet become warm.

Snake curling up into a ball

Stand straight, arms down, feet shoulder-width apart. Place your palms on your knees and begin to slowly rotate them with a wide amplitude: inward, outward, left and right.

Exercise will help strengthen your legs, joints and kidneys.

Qigong walking

Walking in the fresh air is useful to strengthen your kidneys and legs. While walking, keep your attention on your feet (in normal and high blood pressure). When your blood pressure is low, focus on your upper body.

Reach your fingers to the sky and earth

Assume your main stance position. Place your palms filled with a mental image of water on the kidney area (lower back). Stand for a few seconds, warming your kidneys with your palms to help your legs stretch better.

As you inhale, stand on your tiptoes and reach up towards the sky. As you exhale, lower yourself onto your feet, stretch your toes toward the ground, and squat down a little.

These stretches will help strengthen muscles, bones, blood vessels, spine, legs, and fill the body with the energies of heaven and earth.

Dance sea ​​waves

A free dance in which the hands move like sea waves will help strengthen the primary element of water in the body, kidneys, legs and internal strength, and the image of sea waves will be a good teacher in mastering qigong movements, will help harmoniously distribute energies in and around the body, strengthen the protective qi.

Assume your main stance position. Imagine that your hands are sea waves that will smoothly rise and fall, one at a time or simultaneously, imitating the movements of sea waves. The body follows the movement of the hands. Inhalation helps raise your arms, and exhalation helps you lower them.

At the end of the dance, place and hold your overlapping palms on the center of your lower abdomen for a few seconds.

Strengthening the kidneys, legs and lower back is especially useful in winter. It is necessary to strengthen the kidneys of those born in winter - their kidneys are weakened. Don't forget that buds love warmth - wrap them up in winter and you will receive a light gait and graceful legs as a thank you!

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Print » Date of publication: 09/05/2015

Ecology of health: The secrets of ancient Chinese gymnastics were passed on from one Chinese emperor to another in the strictest confidence...

A set of effective exercises to revive vitality

The secrets of ancient Chinese gymnastics were passed on from one Chinese emperor to another in the strictest confidence. Despite the fact that these exercises are simple, easy to do, they are very effective. They are aimed at activating the physiological functions of the body, promoting sexual function, cleansing blood vessels, increasing immunity, reviving vitality and preventing premature aging.

Exercises are especially useful for middle-aged and older people.

Only when done daily do they bring results.

Before performing each exercise, your gaze should be directed forward and there should be a smile on your face. Try to imagine yourself as young.

"Return of Youth"

(Fig. 1-3)

When inhaling, rise on your toes, mentally directing the inhaled air into bottom part belly. As you exhale, lower yourself onto your heels, bending your knees slightly. Repeat 8 times. (Fig. 1).

Perform shaking of the body, head, and arms for 1 minute, knees slightly bent. (Fig. 2).

Rotation of the shoulders being in the opposite phase. 8 rotations forward, then 8 backwards. The entire upper body should be constantly moving. Knees slightly bent. (Fig. 3).

"Flight of bird"

(Fig. 4)

The palm of your right hand is above the palm of your left in front of your chest, as if you were holding a ball. Feet slightly wider than shoulder width. Hands rise in left side, at the same time the left arm straightens, the left knee bends, the whole body turns to the left.

In the extreme upper position, the palms turn over (the left palm is above the right) and through the initial position they pass upward to the right, the right arm straightens, the right leg bends, and the torso turns to the right. Then the right palm is again over the left.

It is necessary to constantly keep your palms at the same distance from each other and not take your eyes off the hand that is at the top.

Make movements smoothly, wavy. 8 times in each direction.

"Bathing a Toad"

(Fig. 5)

Legs together, feet touching. Raise your hands with your fingers closed, palms down to chest level, knees slightly bent (sit down).

Make circular movements with your hands, as when swimming breaststroke.

With each circle, straighten your legs, stretch your neck and stand on your toes.

Make 8 such circles. Then turn your hands with your palms up and perform movements in the opposite direction: from outside to inside. 8 more laps.

"Heavenly Rings"

(Fig. 6)

Hands above your head describe large circles. Feet shoulder width apart.

Lean back, taking into account your physical capabilities - the greater the angle of inclination, the better. Bend your legs slightly, follow the movement of your hands with your eyes, and move your head along with your hands.

Make 8 laps in one direction, then 8 laps in the opposite direction.


(Fig. 7)

Place your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. The hands in front of the chest seem to embrace the ball, the right hand is on top (a).

The arms are spread to the sides: the left one is to the left and up and straightens, its palm turns first away from itself, then towards itself; the right one - down to the right and straightens, her palm turns first away from itself, then towards itself (b).

The center of gravity is transferred to the left leg, which bends, the right leg straightens, the head turns, the gaze follows the right hand (c, d).

Then the hands again pass through the position at the chest (e) and the right hand rises to the right and up (palm first away from you, then towards you), straightens, and the left hand goes down to the left (palm first away from you, then towards you), straightens , the torso turns to the right, the weight of the body moves to the right leg (e).

Repeat 4 times in each direction.