Why women age faster: features of male and female skin. Scientists have found out at what age female aging begins. Why did women grow old faster before?

And women vary considerably. They have been compared for many years not only by medical scientists, but also by specialists in the field of psychology. So, one of the best books on psychology "Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus" asserts that these two organisms are completely different. We will try to understand this further.

Features of the hormonal system of men and women

If we consider the question "who is aging faster, men or women?", Then first of all it is necessary to understand the work of the endocrine system on both sides. In other words, you need to understand that men and women are controlled by hormones. They are directly related to all organs and systems in the body. Including with the skin. Her condition is especially dependent on the activity of sex hormones. Beginning in adolescence, both boys and girls show certain sexual characteristics. During this period, sex hormones begin to be actively produced.

The male hormone is testosterone, it is responsible for potency, for the appearance of a man, his character, as well as the appearance and condition of the skin. In the female body, estrogen is the main hormone. He is responsible for the softness and elasticity of the skin. Over time, the level of this hormone in a woman's body decreases, which leads to a loss of elasticity and tenderness of the skin. This gives us a partial answer to the question of who is aging faster than a man or a woman.

Skin condition during aging in men

The hormone testosterone delays the aging of the skin in men for a long time. Due to this hormone, the skin of men remains elastic for a longer time. But if this happens, then the wrinkles are less noticeable than in women. Wrinkles on the skin and age spots on the male body require careful care and a special approach.

However, despite this, the average life expectancy of men is lower than that of women.

Male skin, in contrast to female skin, is more prone to rosacea, while it acquires a slightly blue tint, the pathology becomes more noticeable after 40-45 years of age. From the age of 50, the hormone testosterone is produced at a lower rate by the body. This noticeably affects the work of two types of glands: sweat and sebaceous. As a result, men's skin becomes thinner. Capillaries appear on the face, especially on the wings of the nose.

Also, the male body is more prone to sagging skin with age. So, the face of a man changes the oval, the contours of the face are also able to change their outlines. Then wrinkles and folds appear.

Women's skin in the aging process

While men are just starting to develop wrinkles, many women have already gone through menopause.

The body at this time begins a new life in a more gentle rhythm. Because of this, the life expectancy of women is higher than that of men. Due to the low level of the female hormone, the skin loses its elasticity and becomes more sensitive to environmental influences. The complexion of the face also changes, becoming dull and unhealthy.

Differences between male and female skin

The main differences between male and female skin are:

  1. Epithelium. Due to the sufficient level of testosterone in the body of men, their skin is 25-30% more elastic than women. Accordingly, it is able to retain moisture longer. Also, men's skin has a stratum corneum 40% thicker than delicate women's. This makes it more resistant to aging and also prevents mechanical injury. The skin of men often has a darker shade than women, this can be explained by the large number of blood vessels and the presence of a high level of melanin.
  2. Hair follicles. Men have more of them than women. However, women's skin has more sebaceous glands, which would seem to be an advantage.

But this is far from the case! Although women have more of them, they work less intensively than the male sebaceous glands. In men, sebum is secreted more intensively, so their dermis is more prone to dermatological diseases. At the age of 50, women, just like men, have almost the same rates of sebum secretion.

How many sweat glands do women and men have?

The number of sweat glands also plays an important role in the question “who is aging faster than a man or a woman”.

So, in men, the glands responsible for the secretion of sweat are present in much larger quantities than in women.

They are also larger in size. For these reasons, the masculine body sweats more intensely. Hence, there are multiple conclusions of scientists that the male part of the population is more prone to hyperhidrosis (increased sweating).

Physiology of body fat in men and women

The average life span of men depends on factors such as body fat. So, in men, the layer of subcutaneous fat is thinner than in the female body. This difference between the two organisms becomes noticeable during puberty. Everyone knows that a man's body is not as susceptible to the appearance of cellulite and stretch marks as a woman's.

This phenomenon is closely related to the thickness of the subcutaneous fat layer in the body. Women were less fortunate in this regard. Their body "happily" becomes overgrown with cellulite and stretch marks.

Elasticity level of the skin

Many indicators of the life of both men and women depend on this factor. Including he is able to indicate who is sick more often, men or women.

Men's skin is known to be less prone to stretch marks. This suggests that her level of elasticity is lower than that of women's elastic skin. The acidity level of the skin in women is also higher. Due to this, men are more steadfastly able to endure pain and temperature changes.

Who is tougher, men or women

Scientists conducted research on this issue, and, as it turned out, the female sex is much more resilient not only morally, but also physically. So, conclusions were made based on the results of sports competitions. In them, women became winners. After that, it was proposed to reduce the load for men so that they could reach the women's teams at least a little.

The endurance of women surpassed that of men, not only in active sports, but also in activities that require strength, but do not require activity. So, a woman without physical training can stand in the bar much longer than a physically prepared man.

The male sex is superior to the beautiful only in that he is able to make serious decisions quickly, coolly and most often correctly. Women, in this regard, act on emotions, which can lead to a fiasco. Due to excessive emotionality, women are more susceptible to the development of Alzheimer's syndrome, nervous disorders, depression and all sorts of stresses. Men, in turn, suffer from deviations from the norms in behavior.

To prevent Alzheimer's syndrome, residents of the European Union regularly conduct special trainings for the elderly, which help develop memory. As you know, its loss is the first symptom of this syndrome.

Who lives longer, men or women: statistics

The male body retains its reproductive function for a longer time. Women, on the other hand, often by the age of 40-45 will use up the body's resources for bearing a child, for childbirth.

In connection with such changes, the woman's body seems to say that he needs rest after the experience. In connection, the female body begins to work in energy saving mode. Therefore, the fair sex live longer than men, who, although they retain their attractiveness and reproductive performance longer, get sick more often.

This answer to the question of who is aging faster than a man or a woman has been given by many scientists who have been studying human physiology for many years.

However, in order to live a long and most importantly happy life, you need to monitor your health: go in for sports (if it is not contraindicated), eat right. It is also important to take care of your body, not only from the inside, but also from the outside, doing cosmetic procedures. You don't have to go to an expensive salon for this. You can independently learn how to prepare useful masks at home.

About ten years ago, one of my acquaintances, at that time a successful and attractive forty-year-old man, at some event got into a conversation and I had a chance to listen to rare male revelations. He said approximately the following: “I cannot understand - we have so many beautiful girls, young women in our country, but where are beautiful women over 30, over 40, not to mention over 50? from the country in sealed cars. Where do these aunts and these disgusting old women come from - sloppy, unkempt, angry, stupid. And they also complain that their husbands drink! I would also drink without drying out if such an aunt was waiting for me at home. "

The man said and walked on, but I thought hard and remember his words to this day. We, women, complain that husbands drink, have mistresses, leave families, ignore us, etc., but are we doing everything to be desirable, beautiful, to want to take care of us, to be cherished, loved and appreciated? us...?...

Below is a small selection of a wide variety of lectures on premature aging.
If anyone has any sensible material on this topic, I will be very grateful for the links.
I wish all women to be always beautiful and inspiring!

"You need to constantly be in the process of learning and studying, even small pieces of some, albeit small things, but it is necessary, it stimulates. There is such an expression:" While our brain is young, we are young. " inside, he immediately becomes covered, outwardly he seems to be covered with a cobweb, did you notice, right? As soon as a person is so conservative - that's it, absolutely nothing is impossible for him, he no longer accepts any point of view. He looks very old, have you noticed, huh? And at the same time, on the contrary - even if a person has one hundred and fifty wrinkles, but he has this young mind, which is always ready for something new, he is always like a child, he is surprised and looks, this person will always be young, he will the energy of youth to go. "
Polonski M. "Saraswati"

"A woman generally needs to open her heart to at least someone, because if she does not open it, she builds up mental tension, and she starts to get very nervous, she loses her beauty, hormonal functions and everything else, the body is aging."
Torsunov "Responsibilities of a woman in the family"

"Medicine, although reluctantly, began to recognize that meat-based nutrition is the cause of atherosclerosis of blood vessels, leading to heart attacks, strokes, premature aging of the body... Cancer also develops easily in a body weakened by cadaveric toxins from meat. "
The unscientific nature of atheism

“Violations of the laws of existence of the body reduce the duration of human life, that is, this is bad food, not a correct daily routine, etc. A lot has been written about this and I will not dwell on it. The main cause of aging in the body are bad thoughts, negative emotions that a person experiences in relation to himself, others, in relation to the situation in the world, etc.

Every woman wants to have a very clean face without wrinkles. Wrinkles on the face are formed due to the fact that the tension of the muscles of the head is not relieved. The muscles tense, they are in an unnatural state for them, so the skin somehow flattens and wrinkles appear. If you relax the muscles of the head in the morning and in the evening like this, then there will be practically no wrinkles. This rejuvenating technique is very good for women because it relieves muscle tension in the scalp. (anti-aging technique 01:44:15) "
Lalana "Causes of diseases and methods of rejuvenation"

"And very many scientists now confirm the fact that if people quarrel among themselves, then they and even the animals that are present at the same time, DNA molecules are destroyed, which is natural, leads to aging... Therefore, in the relationship of spouses, the quality of the accumulated vibrations is always important, that is, it should only be positive emotions and positive words that form a life-affirming and life-creating field. If you are annoyed, tired, offended, it is better to do nothing at all. But if you can't do nothing, that is, you have to do something, then try to change your mood with the help of some physical exercise, or sing. "
Lalana "Levels of conjugal love. Ancient traditions of showdown."

"A woman dresses openly when she despaired of attracting something. On the subtle plane, all men who looked lustfully have sex with her. A woman loses a lot of energy and aging prematurely... She becomes unattractive to her husband. "

"Old age, old age - Saturn, young age, youth - Venus. Therefore, if a woman after 40 starts wearing jewelry, she will restrain the influence of Saturn. "

"We can also say mini-skirts and mini-jackets, which, in combination with the rejection of warm underwear, began to threaten the body with hypothermia of the organs located in the abdomen and pelvis - there will be cold kidneys and adrenal glands, the skin condition will worsen. open kidneys and adrenal glands, then this leads to rapid aging, that is, the kidneys occur, they are, in general, a source of energy in the body, and if they start to work incorrectly from the cold, then a woman gets a great opportunity to age much faster than usual. In ancient times they knew about this very well, and our ancestors always dressed skillfully, warmly and beautifully. They didn't wear miniskirts or miniskirts. "


Let's not kid ourselves. We all struggle with aging, however, in middle age, this is accompanied by a special stress. Those sexy clothes that you wore in the past will now look at least ridiculous, and the smokey-eye makeup that looks gorgeous on 19-year-old girls is unlikely to give your look a zest, more likely others will think that you are crazy.

Part of the problem is that aging requires change, but most women do not want to realize that they have come to an unattractive city called Middle Age, where adequate shoes and boring clothes are a prerequisite for existence.

Below are 11 of the most common mistakes middle-aged women make and how to avoid them.

1. Misunderstanding that the time has come for change

The biggest mistake women make is that they don't do anything at all. The hairstyles, makeup, and clothes that helped you look fantastic when you were younger often don't work for you as you age. If you want to age gracefully, then some adjustments need to be made.

"Many women continue to do the same things that they did for several decades before, in the vast majority of cases it does not work, and a woman over 50, at the same time, can also receive a lot of unflattering reviews about herself," says Barbara Gruferman (Barbara Grufferman), author of numerous books on this topic. "They often don't even realize they are making mistakes, so the main challenge is to catch those mistakes before they happen."

2. Saving on clothes

Remember the good old days when you could easily walk down the beach in a bikini and catch admiring glances? So, those days are over. As you age, you need to invest a little more money in clothes than you previously invested.

It is difficult to find the right clothes at any age, and even more difficult to do in adulthood. You will have to fork out for a very high quality swimsuit, as well as special business attire that will present you in all its glory.

3. Comparing yourself to yourself at the age of 20

Have your children or grandchildren ever asked you: "Who is this beauty in the album?" You are not alone. Few people look as attractive in their mature years as in their youth. Sometimes you need to walk along the streets of memory and remember yourself in your youth, but in no case should you get depressed.

Your goal now is to look as good as possible, while maintaining your health, and to understand that it is unnatural to have the face and body that you had several decades ago.

4. Ignoring sports

Are you tempted to stop exercising as you age? Or use it as an excuse not to start? There shouldn't be any excuses.

You should play sports under any circumstances, despite knee pain, laziness, lack of time and all other excuses. Exercising can really help relieve pain and also protect you from health problems for years to come, such as creeping upwards, diabetes, heart disease, and dementia.

If you are able to jog, it is very good, if not, then take a closer look at the gym, pool or yoga.

5. Lack of sleep

Gone are the days when you could stay up all night and leave the house in the morning with a light gait and a radiant face. The fact is that even after a night of good sleep, you may hear in your address that you look tired. While you may have responsibilities for caring for a child or an elderly parent, it is still worth revisiting your sleep schedule.

Reducing the amount of sleep will primarily affect your face. What's more, it has been linked to an increased risk of diabetes and other health problems that appear one by one as we age.

6. Ignoring teeth

You can focus on wrinkles or fine hair, but remember to smile at yourself in the mirror. One of the things that your age can give away is yellowed teeth, but this is actually much more dangerous than just an unaesthetic look. Dental health is very closely related to overall health, and gum disease, which is ubiquitous with age, is associated with an increased risk of developing cardiovascular problems. Therefore, you should not ignore the visits to the dentist.

7. Do not overdo it in the pursuit of youth

This is a common mistake that celebrities and women alike make. Nobody likes crow's feet and expression lines, but botox-frozen faces and full of silicone lips look much scarier.

The right retinol-containing skin care products can help reduce wrinkles. If you are not happy with the result, then consider other options, but you should not strive to look like a teenager again, because the absence of wrinkles in adulthood looks unnatural and unnatural.

8. Thoughts that middle-aged woman's hair has its own "rules"

Think you should get your hair cut after crossing the 50-year mark? In fact, there are no rules that limit the hair length of middle-aged women. It all depends on the weight, shape, lifestyle and condition of her hair.

The fact is that with age, hair becomes thinner, it turns gray and coarse. Choose a soothing color and haircut, keeping in mind that the hairstyles that you wore decades ago are unlikely to suit you.

9. Incorrect use of makeup

The colors and brands you've been using for years may not be the best you can offer your skin now. Resist the temptation to apply thick coats of powder and concealers to hide wrinkles and under-eye circles, as you will achieve the exact opposite effect and look even older.

For a more natural look, use a magnifying mirror when applying makeup, and renew your powder, concealer, and foundation every six months.

10. Incorrectly fitted bra

This is inevitable - gravity affects our body. And if now your breasts are not in the same tone as they were before, this does not mean that you need to leave everything that way. Many women continue to wear bras of the same size and brand that they have always worn, despite the fact that our bodies change with age.

The right underwear makes you look slimmer, so review your inventory and invest in something new.

11. Consent to a boring sex life

Our culture actively strives to convey to people that sexuality is equal to youth, however, you should not listen to this. You need to be confident and free, feel your sexuality, and explore your sexual needs. Often, women over 50 have the best sex in their life.

Geneticists have found new evidence that a woman, as well as the time of birth of her last child, is reflected in the length of the so-called telomeres, "tails" at the ends of chromosomes.

It's no longer a secret: Nature allows you to prolong youth

Long life and the ability to conceive later in life are associated with long telomeres, according to an article in the journal Menopause. “Late childbearing is a sign of healthy aging. On the other hand, it must be remembered that such decisions are influenced by social factors that have nothing to do with women's longevity or fertility,” said Joanne, Executive Director of the American Research Association in Cleveland. Pinkerton.

The researchers explain that telomeres are the ends of chromosomes found in the nucleus of every cell in the human body that protect DNA from damage. With each cell division, they become shorter, when their length is not enough for a new division, the cell dies.

Not so long ago, scientists discovered that their condition can change not only with age, but also as a result of various processes in the body associated with depression, poverty and stress. In particular, a large amount of oxidants and other aggressive molecules in cells leads to an abnormally rapid contraction in the length of telomeres, and, accordingly, to their accelerated aging.

According to Erin Fagan of the University of Pittsburgh and her colleagues, telomere length can be associated not only with women's lifespan, but also with how late they give birth to their last child.

As part of the LLFS social study, scientists followed the lives of several thousand long-lived women aged 79 and over and their descendants living today in the United States and Denmark. It turned out that, in addition to life expectancy, long telomeres were also statistically associated with how late women gave birth to their last child. Thus, women who gave birth to children at 33 and had long telomeres lived significantly longer than 80% of the participants in this study. A similar effect was observed for all women who gave birth to their last child after 29 years.

Thus, the length of telomeres is a kind of indicator of the life expectancy of women and when they will give birth to children. However, as Pinkerton emphasizes, such findings should be taken with caution, since they do not allow distinguishing social factors from biological markers and slow aging.

Note that menopause is a natural process that occurs in the life of every woman. As a rule, against the background of age-related changes, the production of hormones - estrogens and progesterone decreases. The processes of extinction of sexual function usually begin at the age of 45-50 years. And hormonal changes - menopause lasts about 5-8 years. What if the climax came earlier? How to support your body and postpone the fall of life?

The onset of menopause is explained by a decrease in the performance of the ovaries. There is a hormonal change in the body, the result of which is the cessation of menstruation. During this difficult period, a woman often feels mentally and physically depressed. It happens that such phenomena begin as early as 40-44 years old (early menopause) and even at 36-39 years old (premature menopause).

Why is this happening? Gynecologists believe that this is the result of the coincidence of several reasons: severe stress (loss of work, death of a loved one, etc.), hereditary predisposition, endocrine disorders, complicated childbirth, gynecological diseases, surgical interventions. Especially those that were accompanied by partial or complete removal of tissue from at least one ovary. An important role in the onset of early menopause is played by poor ecology, smoking, and decreased immunity.

Doctors conditionally divide the process into several stages. It all starts with premenopause. It lasts from the onset of disruption of the ovaries until the complete cessation of menstruation. There is a failure in the menstrual cycle, respectively, the probability of pregnancy in a woman is sharply reduced.

The next stage is menopause. It is characterized by an almost complete cessation of the production of female sex hormones, in this regard, menstruation disappears completely. The last phase of menopause is postmenopause, which lasts at least 3 years from the time when the ovaries stop working completely.

Usually menopause does not go away for a woman unnoticed. With the appearance of the first signs of menopause, climacteric syndrome develops, which manifests itself in the following symptoms. It can be hot flashes or, conversely, chills.

Often there are migraines, fluctuations in blood pressure (BP), heart palpitations, poor sleep, confusion.

There is a decrease in libido, urological disorders, dry mucous membranes, brittle nails, hair loss. In a word, there is little pleasant. So what can you do to reduce your discomfort? How to cheat nature?

Now the most popular and effective method of treating early menopause is hormone replacement therapy. It allows you to replenish the missing hormones in the body. As a result, the classic symptoms of menopause will be less noticeable for the woman, and the loss of fertility will be delayed.

There is another approach to the prevention of early menopause - homeopathic medicines based on phytoestrogens. The course will be developed by a homeopathic doctor individually, based on the specific case of each patient. When choosing this method of treatment, it should be remembered that homeopathy is significantly inferior to hormone therapy in effectiveness.

However, therapy alone is not enough. A woman must support her body herself. First of all, adhere to a certain regimen. Don't forget about sports. Aerobics, swimming, yoga are suitable (3 times a week for 40 minutes).

Nutrition should be balanced, too fatty, spicy, salty foods should be excluded from the diet. The body should get good rest, so you should not overload yourself at work. I need to get enough sleep. It is advisable to start taking multivitamin complexes containing calcium.

Self-medication is not worth it. All drugs should be prescribed by a gynecologist-endocrinologist. Not always means that have helped one woman can help another. The specialist will conduct an examination, ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs, determine the level of sex hormones, and do a mammogram. Only after that will he prescribe treatment.

And do not be afraid of the formidable word "hormones", since in the production of drugs for hormone replacement therapy, substances are used that are close to natural, native hormones. With a properly selected course of treatment, you can achieve not only the disappearance of the symptoms of menopause, but also the correction of other changes in the body.

For example, there are drugs that can lower blood lipids, which leads to weight loss. In addition, hormone replacement therapy provides a cosmetic effect, allowing you to maintain youthfulness and freshness of the skin, beauty of hair.

It is believed that a woman's intense sexual life leads to early aging. To find out if this is true, let's compare two photos. Both women are about 30 years old. One of them is a porn star, the other lives in Afghanistan, where women are killed for debauchery. Which one has aged faster and which one is obviously better looking? It seems to me that the result is obvious.

On the left is a photograph of a woman who has been a masterpiece of photography for over 20 years. Back in 1984, this girl was in a Pashtun refugee camp, where she was photographed by Steve Makkari. Probably, there is no such civilized person in the world who would not see this photo:

After 17 years, a photograph of this girl was taken again. At that time, she looked like this:

I think that taking into account the severity of the customs of Afghan society, one can assume that she had one man. However, despite this, the woman does not look the best, in our understanding, way. To be honest, photography evokes pity and a desire to help.

On the right is the popular porn star Elena Berkova. The women are about the same age, but with the naked eye you can see that Elena looks much, much, much better! She has a well-groomed face and a figure not devoid of tuning, joy in her eyes and a daring look. More than one male heart can still fall at Elena's feet. And not only the heart, yes, yes.

I suggest you make the conclusions yourself. Does intense sex life affect a woman's appearance? It seems to me that the answer is obvious - sex life itself has nothing to do with appearance. But where did the common stereotype come from then? Why do many adults and respected people believe that a certain number of lovers turn a woman into an ancient old woman?

I think that in many ways this stereotype is associated with prostitutes, and with their lowest caste. Sick and hungry, they stand by the roads trying to earn their crust of stale bread. And they look at the same time, frankly, it does not matter. But are we dealing only with a sexual tragedy, or with a social one too? Do all these women really have sex of their own accord and with attractive partners? I doubt it.

If we discard the layer of clearly marginal women, prostitutes, drug addicts, alcoholics, then the picture will be completely different! It turns out that many factors affect a woman's appearance, but the main ones are the ability to spend effort, money and time on herself. It is they who ultimately determine the appearance of the lady.

However, there is another side. Some women literally believe otherwise - the more sex in life, the better. For this, they are ready to embark on all sorts of dubious adventures "for health." They remember Cleopatra and her lovers, and expect cosmetological miracles from sex, but miracles do not happen. Some even have lovers and younger husbands, but again by! Nothing about a woman's appearance is improved by sex, except for one single exception.

A woman really flourishes when she is in love. A woman in love instantly transforms, loses weight, prettier. But this does not happen with every partner, but with the beloved and desired. This cannot be repeated for any money!

I am sure: a lady who has sex with a loved one looks good and happy, and by great mutual desire. This is what we will strive for.

So love, have sex and be happy. And tales about earlier aging and sexual deterioration, as well as eternal youth with a young lover, should be left for a collection of myths and legends.