Does a name affect a person's life expectancy and destiny? How a name affects a person’s life The influence of a name on fate and character

Five Katyas, they are perceived as a group, a single whole. The child gets used to “keeping a low profile” and does not commit real actions all his life. Of course, a lot depends on the personality traits of each person. But still, it’s easier to make your way in life with a beautiful name that others pay attention to.

If a child has been bullied since childhood because of his name, this can provoke two scenarios. The first is that the child learns to defend himself, becomes a leader, and the children simply do not dare call him names. He gains self-esteem, he behaves in such a way that no one has the desire to laugh at him. Acquired in childhood, this personality trait helps a lot in adulthood. Such people achieve success and occupy leadership positions. And vice versa, if a child cries and runs away from his peers, an offensive nickname can stick to him for life. It will sit deep in the subconscious and prevent you from competently expressing your opinion, taking initiative, and insisting. And how can you be strong when a nasty nickname is constantly spinning in your head?

A name gives a person a lot, but he himself can achieve even more. You should not attribute all failures to a dissonant or too common name. This factor can only be an excuse for a weak person. If you are not one, think about what is stopping you from becoming successful. Most likely, in addition to the name, this list will include laziness, inability to defend one’s own opinion, inability to communicate with others, etc. It is these shortcomings that are worth working on, and not racking your brains over why your parents didn’t bother to call you something more catchy.

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  • how do names affect

The main and inalienable human right from birth is the right to a name. Parents choose the name they like best and reward the baby with it. They are guided by the fact that the first and last names are consonant and pleasant to the ear. Further choice depends on the place of residence, traditions and attitudes of a particular family.


It happens that at a conscious age, people often change their name. It may not correspond to appearance, established lifestyle or character. But not everyone knows that by changing the name given at birth you can greatly change your future destiny.

There are situations when a child is named after a relative who died during the war years of his great-grandfather, who lived a decent life and died a hero. Along with this name, a person absorbs various character traits of a relative and subsequently cannot associate himself with his own name. The reason for this is simple - the characters of two different people cannot coincide in any case. A person will be “pressured” on a subconscious level by the desire to maintain the dignity of the relative after whom he was named.

The nature of a person’s name is such that it contains a certain flow of information, carrying with it either protective energy, or, conversely, attracting failures. If the name chosen by the parents is completely unsuitable, then it is worth changing it, relying on a little advice.

The name should be suitable for the character and perfectly associated with your personality. Only in this case will it have a positive influence on fate and bring good luck. Any name carries with it the roots of its origin. For example, Victoria is “victory”, usually a strong and purposeful person, and Peter is “stone”, bearers of this name are for the most part calm and balanced individuals with a strong character. Therefore, when choosing a name, you need to take into account its nature of appearance.

The name has its own emotional connotation, which is associated with certain images, a kind of music of the name. Some names sound kind and tender, while others, on the contrary, with notes of rudeness, make a person tense internally. This factor determines what reaction the name will evoke in people around you.

With a name change, previously undiscovered talents and abilities may awaken. A person's name plays a huge role in his fate. Behavior and character directly depend on the name. When a person associates himself with his name, he attracts happiness and luck into his life.

But you shouldn’t think that by changing just your name, a person will become richer and happier. You need to change yourself, set goals and achieve them. Accustom yourself to independence and discipline. In such cases they say that a person makes his own destiny.

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By giving a name to our child, we unwittingly predict some aspects of his fate. It was easier for the ancestors - they named the heir after the saint on whose honor the baby was born. Today, many are returning to this tradition again, others are trying to choose a name for the child in accordance with modern knowledge about numerology and astrology, and others are simply based on personal preferences.

There is an interesting hypothesis that the individual combination of pitches in each name, when pronounced, excites different parts of the brain, which influences the formation of the personality of the carrier.

It has long been noted that owners of names that sound tough and firm have the same firm and stubborn disposition, and are distinguished by determination and perseverance. (Boris, Igor, Zhanna, Oleg, Nadezhda, Alla).

On the other hand, soft-sounding names most often belong to easy-going and calm people. (Svetlana, Lilia, Mikhail, Vasily, Ilya).

There are names that combine both hard and soft sounds. They are conditionally neutral and give their owners prudence and balanced perseverance. (Alexander, Evgeniy, Olga, Lyubov, Pavel).

When choosing a name for your baby, you need to check that it is easy to pronounce in combination with the middle name. It is not easy to immediately pronounce a name ending with two consonants in combination with a patronymic that begins with consonants: Eduard Dmitrievich, Alexander Grigorievich. Such names are often distorted, and each time a person waits anxiously to see how his name will be pronounced this time.

In addition, you should not forget about your child’s school years - a tricky, unusual name can cause ridicule from peers for many years.

There is no need to give the baby the name of a deceased relative, especially one who died tragically. Another interesting study by sociologists showed that among bureaucrats there are the largest number of people with their father’s name: Aleksandrov Aleksandrovich, Sergeev Sergeevich, etc.

From early childhood, a child already realizes the importance of his name, and if he does not like it, it is unlikely to have a beneficial effect on his future fate.

It’s very simple to check: take a moment when your baby is busy or passionate about something, and quietly call him by name. If the child responds immediately, it means you chose the right name for him.

It is difficult to predict whether a name will suit a child. Let your intuition serve as your main advisor. An excellent solution is the now fashionable trend of giving the baby a double name: when he is old enough, the child will choose which one he likes best.

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Tip 4: How the girl’s fate will depend on the name chosen for her

Parents should approach the choice of a name for a newborn girl as responsibly as possible. After all, since ancient times it has been believed that a person’s name can have a serious impact on his character. A correctly chosen name for a girl can make her future very happy, but the “wrong” one can easily prevent the child from revealing her talents.

But of course, parents can also choose a name for a girl, guided by more modern ideas about the meaning of names and their correspondence to one or another character and destiny.

Names for girls and destiny: strong character

If parents want their daughter to grow up brave and determined, they should choose one of the following names for her:

  • Lida;
  • Victoria;
  • Alexandra;
  • Anastasia;
  • Margarita;
  • Lily;
  • Catherine.

A number of studies have shown that a name can have an impact on a person's life. It can talk about career prospects, character, or even physical condition.

A name can speak about a child’s demeanor, his popularity at school, and even job prospects, while a surname hints at a person’s strength and physical condition, recent studies show.

For example, the fact that there are such a disproportionate number of people named Dennis among dentists is, on the one hand, due to the so-called “hidden egoism” effect, which consists in the fact that we like words and names that somehow resemble our own name.

On the other hand, our name influences how others perceive us. It caused a wide resonance, who admitted that she prefers her children to be friends with bearers of certain names. She said she favors children with names reminiscent of the Victorian era (Henry, George, Victoria) or with Greek or Latin roots (Ariadne, Helen), because this indirectly tells her that their parents are well educated.

And this is not an isolated case; research confirms that a name has a much greater impact on a person’s life than we would like.

School performance

Director of the Institute for Policy Research at Northwestern University (Illinois, USA), David Figlio, has conducted several studies on this topic.

In one of them, he asked participants to identify characteristics of names that they associated with the working class or with African-American roots. Respondents highlighted the suffix “isha” (e.g., Lakisha) and the use of an apostrophe (e.g., Di’Quan).

He then selected several pairs of siblings, one with a "working-class" name and the other with a "typical" middle-class name. It turned out that the child whose name was associated with representatives of the working class did less well in school than those who were named with a name reminiscent of the middle class.

"This isn't just because working-class families are giving their children names that sound like that," Figlio notes. According to him, this is also due to the social expectations that arise associatively.

Figlio's research also showed that boys with feminine names have a harder time than those with typical masculine names. Especially when there is a girl with the same name in the class.

University achievements

Researcher Gregory Clarke compared the names of 14,000 Oxford University students from 2008-2013 with the rest of the population and found that Oxford had three times the average number of girls named Eleanor, as well as noticeably more names Peter, Simon, Anna and Catherine. At the same time, Shannon, Paige, Jade and Shane are significantly less successful in entering a prestigious university.

Names and racism

It may also be important how easily others can pronounce a person’s name. A survey of 49 Asian American adults found that many felt "racist macroaggression" when teachers mispronounced their names. In some cases, this made them seriously anxious and feel like strangers.

NBER (National Bureau of Economic Research) research has shown that a name can have an impact on a person's life beyond school and university. The authors of the work sent out resumes in Boston and Chicago from fictitious people: some with names associated with “whites” (Emily Walsh and Greg Baker), others with names associated with “African-Americans” (Lakisha Washington, Jamal Jones). The results in the form of invitations to interviews showed that those with “white” names were twice as successful.

Character traits

When forming an initial opinion about a person, the way a name sounds may also be important. The so-called “buba-kiki effect” shows that a person associates different words with different geometric shapes depending on their pronunciation. For example, the word “buba” is associated with something round, while “kiki”, on the contrary, is associated with a sharp figure.

The same thing works with a person’s name, scientists from the University of Calgary in Canada found. For example, respondents associated the names Leo, Molly and Samantha with a round geometric figure, while Tia, Katie and Kira with a sharp one.

At the same time, it turned out that the respondents associated “soft” names with something feminine, and “sharp” ones, on the contrary, with something masculine.

In addition, people also have thoughts about possible character traits that may be present in a particular group of names. Names associated with rounded geometric shapes are associated with someone soft, good-natured, open, friendly, cheerful. And the second group is with someone more aggressive, angry, decisive, irritable and sarcastic.

At the same time, researchers note that people have the ability to associate the characters of the people they know with the names they bear. Of the 32 survey participants, 24 admitted that they were influenced by associations that already existed in their heads.

Strength and health

But surnames can speak about a person’s physical condition, since they show the ancestors of people from what type of activity they happened to be from.


The article shows the role of a person’s name in the formation of his character and destiny. The following theories are considered to explain the influence of a name on a person’s character: social, emotional, sound, linguistic. A linguistic analysis of the names is provided: Mikhail, Arina, Alexander, Sergey, Bogdan, Yaroslav. Based on the ancient Slavic initial letter, alphanumeric codes for these names have been compiled, helping to understand the deep meaning of the words. In the ancient Slavic language, alphabetic signs had their own meaning, image, and some had a numerical value. Replacing the initial letter in a word also changed its semantic image. A linguistic analysis of the names Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin and Adolf Hitler was carried out. The following characteristics were taken into account: letter writing, sound, figurative meaning, numerical meaning, alphanumeric code of the word. A linguistic analysis of the words Rus and Russia was carried out.


person's name




Old Slavic language

alphanumeric word code

1. Initial letter [Electronic resource] URL: (access date: 03.14.14).

2. Losev A.A. Philosophy of the name. 1st ed.: M.: Author's Publishing House, 1927. [Electronic resource] URL: (access date 03/04/2014).

3. Mintslov S. R. The power of names [Electronic resource] URL: (access date 03/2/2014).

4. Nikonov V.A. Name and society / V.A. Nikonov. – M.: Nauka, 1974. – 278 p.

5. Rouge P. The influence of a name on a person’s life [Electronic resource] URL: (date accessed 03/14/2014).

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8. Shevchenko N.Yu., Lebedeva Yu.V., Neumoina N.G. The role of language in the spiritual development of personality // APRIORI. Series: Humanities [Electronic resource]. 2014. No. 2. URL:

9. Shevchenko N.Yu., Lebedeva Yu.V., Neumoina N.G. Alphanumeric name code // Science, education, society: problems and development prospects: collection. scientific tr. according to the materials of the International. scientific-practical conf. (February 28, 2014): Part 4. – Tambov, 2014. – P. 154.

10. Language picture of the world / N.Yu. Shevchenko, Lebedeva Yu.V., N.G. Neumoina // Collection of scientific works Sworld. 2014. T. 21. No. 1. P. 6-11.

“Among the vague mysteries that the human mind stumbles upon is the influence of his name on the moral character and fate of a person,”

S.R. Mintslov

The semantics of a name, its origin, influence on a person’s fate and its development in the world are dealt with by the official sciences - anthroponymy and onomastics. Outstanding scientists studied the influence of a person’s name on his character and destiny: P. Florensky, A. Losev, L. Uspensky, V.A. Nikonov, P. Rouge and others.

Since ancient times, people have paid attention to the influence of a name on the fate of a person, a city, and even a state. Therefore, with major changes in a person’s destiny, his name changes: at baptism, at marriage, at spiritual initiation, in show business. When there is a change in government, they also try to rename streets, cities and even states.

Since time immemorial, in all countries of the world and in all cultures, it was customary to give a person two names, one of which was known only to parents, a priest, a priest or a shaman. This was done for magical protection against the evil eye or damage. The Slavs, like many other peoples, believed that a person’s fate is determined by a name, it is the key to his inner essence. Before the baptism of Rus', at birth a child received his first name from his father in honor of one of the Ancestors. When he turned twelve years old, the child was initiated into adulthood (coming of age rite) and received a new adult family name, and received a second secret name during the “naming” ritual. The secret name was known only to close relatives. With the adoption of Christianity, the function of a secret name began to be performed by a canonical name, enshrined in the traditions of the Christian religion. Canonical names include names taken from the church calendar, where the names of canonized saints are listed by month and day of their memory (the so-called calendar or hagiographic names). In Russia, until the 17th century, parents kept secret the name given to their child at baptism, thereby trying to deceive evil spirits.

The secular name was not associated with religious traditions and served as the main name. It was supposed to endow its bearer with some useful qualities in life. Nicknames, unlike names, reflect not desirable, but real properties and qualities, territorial or ethnic origin, place of residence of their bearers, etc. Nicknames are given to people at different periods of their lives. In official documents in Rus', nicknames were used along with non-canonical names. A Russian proverb says: “Parents give one name. Life gives a completely different name. But we give ourselves the true name. But not everyone has the courage to admit their real name. Even to myself."

The qualifying part of the Slav’s name is the patronymic (patronymic nickname), which directly indicates the origin and family ties of the person. In the old days, the patronymic indirectly indicated a person’s social affiliation, as it was considered an honorary name. Representatives of the highest feudal aristocracy were called by the so-called full patronymic ending in -vich, the middle classes used less honorable forms of patronymic nicknames - semi-patronymic nicknames ending in -ov, -ev, -in, and the lower classes did without patronymics at all.

Surnames, or inherited official names, indicating that a person belongs to a particular family, appeared among the Slavs quite late. The first Slavic surnames have been known since the 15th-16th centuries; they began to appear among peasants only in the 18th-19th centuries. Naming a person with his father’s nickname as a family nickname was considered quite sufficient, and therefore the so-called “grandfatherhoods” (personal nicknames formed on behalf of the grandfather) were used extremely rarely. With the development of private land ownership, genealogy was required, recorded in generic nicknames common to all family members.

Quite often the father's name is included as part of the surname itself. Many German and English surnames ending in “zon” or “son”, Scandinavian - in “sen”, Georgian in “shvili”, Armenian in “yants” or “yan”, Turkish “oglu”, Iranian in “zade” , Slavic in -ov, -ev, -in, -ich (Petrich) simply mean “son” (Robinson - son of Robin). Among the Scots and Irish, the same role is played by the prefixes: McNabs, and “O” (O’Brien).

A person's name carries a lot of information. By naming their child, parents give him a purpose and program in life. A name is a sound wave that has a direct impact on the formation of a person’s character traits, on his spiritual qualities, on his specific actions.

A name is a formula of fate, a program of life. It helps a person realize his purpose, attract higher powers to his destiny and understand character problems that need to be worked on. An incorrectly chosen name leads a person to stagnation and deprives him of protection. To get out of the vicious circle, you need to consciously change your name. Currently, a name is given in honor of some prosperous relative, children are named after presidents of countries, famous politicians, favorite writers, actors, scientists, athletes, or refer to the church calendar. Very few people give a name consciously, choosing it based on the date of birth and the desired qualities.

Each person has several names:

Personal name. It has several pronunciation options. For example, the official one is Natalya, the diminutive one is Natashenka, the abbreviated one is Nata, etc.).

Family name (surname, patronymic).

Secret name (at baptism or spiritual initiation).

An arbitrary name that can change throughout life (nicknames, nicknames, etc.). Pseudonyms are especially relevant in literature, politics and show business. To work in art, it is advisable to take a creative first and last name (you can calculate the name using numerology).

The nickname is a name that stuck. People around us intuitively feel that the character of a person corresponds to this or that word, reflecting his very essence.

Each name has its own personal image that has developed over the course of history. The names of great people are associated in the public consciousness with certain aspirations and achievements. Learning about the exploits of his namesakes, a person gains a source of additional confidence that he can do the same. It is not for nothing that in royal dynasties of different times the same names were repeated from generation to generation.

Russian researcher S.R. Mintslov, in a small book called “The Power of Names,” wrote about the amazing homogeneity of the characters and properties of bearers of the same name. He came to the conclusion that among the Alekseevs, most often there are calculating people, the Alexanders, as a rule, are cheerful, and the Peters, for the most part, are quiet, quiet people, but with a firm and stubborn character.

Pavel Florensky, an outstanding Russian scientist and philosopher, dedicated a special work, “Names,” to studying the connection between names and character. He writes: “The name is the subtlest flesh through which the spiritual essence is determined.” The name Alexander, notes P. A. Florensky, is fundamentally sanguine, with a bias towards choleric character. Alexandras are attentive and kind towards women, but their feelings for a woman rarely “explode their inner life with a plow” and are more often limited to light flirting. The name Elena signifies feminine nature, Nikolai is kind by nature, Vasily usually hides tender feelings within himself, Konstantin is distinguished by his inconstancy...

Touching on the mysticism of names, V. A. Nikonov, a specialist in the field of anthroponymy - the science of names, recalls in his book “Name and Society” a story by Jack London, in which one woman names her sons by the name of her deceased beloved brother Samuel, and all four of them, one after another, death takes away.

Experts from the universities of San Diego and Georgia have found that school teachers persistently give low grades to students with some names, and high grades to others. Girls with attractive names do not advance well in their careers and in business, but they can achieve noticeable success in show business.

There are several theories explaining how a person's name can influence his character.

Social theory. From a social point of view, a person’s name is a bundle of social information about its bearer. By name one can judge a person’s origin, nationality, possible religion, basic character traits and temperament. These ideas are approximately the same among different people, which, in turn, determines approximately the same attitude towards the bearer of a given name. The “sociality” of the name was more pronounced in the last century, when names were given according to the calendar and behind each name there was the life story of a saint with very specific forms of behavior, character traits, attitude to the surrounding reality, etc. “By name and life” - it read the stereotypical formula by which the church and the Orthodox people raised the future Christian.

Emotional theory. According to this theory, a person's name is seen as an emotional stimulus. Some names sound soft, affectionate and evoke in those around them a feeling of pleasant, gentle, sublime, while others, on the contrary, evoke unpleasant emotions, make you internally shrink, tense, and become cold. This is the so-called “music of names.” The initial attitude of others towards the bearer of the name will largely depend on what it is and will affect the characteristics of the person’s character.

Sound theory. The name is a set of sounds of different pitches and timbres. Different names - different sets of sounds. Sound stimuli that are different for the brain excite different brain structures.

There is another mechanism for the possible influence of a name on the formation of character. It operates at the level of a person’s unconscious associations and feelings. This conclusion was reached as a result of studies in which people were asked to answer the question with which color they associate different names. It turned out that for the statistically overwhelming majority of those studied, the name “Tatyana” evokes the idea of ​​red (and close to it) colors, while the name “Elena” is usually associated with blue (and close to it) colors. From the psychology of color it is known that the color red causes a state of anxiety, danger, and suffering in a person, while blue, on the contrary, causes a feeling of calm and tranquility.

The above studies and theories have convinced us that there is a connection between a person’s name and his mental characteristics.

We present the results of a linguistic study of alphanumeric codes of some Slavic names. Initial letters of the ancient Slavic language were used. In Fig. 1 shows an ancient Slavic initial letter, in Fig. 2 modern Russian alphabet.

Rice. 1. Ancient Slavic Initial Letter

Rice. 2. Modern alphabet

In the ancient Slavic language, alphabetic signs (letter letters) had their own meaning and image. Some initial letters had a numerical value (Fig. 1). In addition to their numerical value, the initial letters also had a serial number in the alphabet, reflecting their relationship with other letters.

To write numerals in initial letters, the numerical title was used: . For example, the number 241 was written: (two hundred and forty-one).

Numbers from eleven to nineteen were written in the following order: first ones, then tens. For example, twelve was written .(three (G) and ten (i)).

To simplify this article, we will use a notation without a title to write numerals in drop caps.

Let's look at some names.

Name Mikhail.

By letter: M (think) - think, wisdom, transmission, transformation.

X (хѣръ) - the highest positive meaning; world balance, harmony.

L (people) - community, unification, direction, dimension of existence.

Michael - harmony of people is achieved by thoughts about the universe of harmony (guardian of wisdom).

Numerical meaning of the name Mikhail:

40(M)+8(I)+600(X)+1(A)+8(I)+30(L)= = 687 (HPZ) = 6+8+7 =21(KA) =2+1 =3(G) - keeping the peace of the earth (HPZ) as a source (KA) of transferring wisdom (G).

Let's create an alphanumeric code for the name Mikhail. According to Fig. 1 letter “M” is in the matrix at No. 17. Let's add up the serial numbers of the initial letters in the word, and replace the resulting sum with initial letters that have a numerical value.

No. 17 (M) + No. 11 (I) + No. 27 (X) + No. 1 (A) + No. 11 (I) + No. 16 (L) = 83 (PG).

The number 83 is made up of 80+3. The numerical value 80 corresponds to the letter P (chambers), the number 3 - G (verbs). Then the number 83 can be expressed in small letters (PG) - the transfer of wisdom in a state of rest.

83 = 8+3=11(Az+izhei) self-knowledge =2 (V - vedi) - wisdom.

Therefore, Michael is the guardian of wisdom, coming to wisdom through self-knowledge. Able to transfer acquired knowledge to other people in a state of peace of mind and balance.

Name Misha:

M (think) - think, wisdom, transmission, transformation.

And (izhє) - unity, union, harmony, balance.

A (az) is a person who lives on earth and does good. Beginning, origin.

Misha: thoughts about harmony that go beyond limits.

A digital reading will help you understand the deep meaning of the name.

40(M)+8(I)+0(W)+1(A) = 49 (Mθ)= =13(GI) = 4(D).

(M - think; θ - fita) thoughts about the harmony of man with nature. (G - verbs; I - izhei) - transfer of knowledge, wisdom. D (good) - good, increase.

Expressing drop caps through serial numbers:

No. 17 (M) + No. 11 (I) + No. 31 (W) + 1 (A) = =60 (Ѯ - xi) - spirituality.

Therefore, Misha must live in harmony with nature. This is his way of gaining knowledge and translating it into good deeds. A spiritual person.

Name Arina.

Arina - ar (earth), ina (born).

Numerical meaning of the name Arina:

1(A)+100(P)+8(I)+50(N)+1(A)= =160 (Pi)=7(Z) - born (P) spirit (i) on earth (Z).

Alphanumeric code for the name Arina:

1(A)+21(P)+11(I)+18(N)+1(A)=52(NV)= =7(Z) - our (N) earthly (Z) wisdom (B).

The name Bogdan means given by God.

Numerical meaning of the name Bogdan:

70(0)+3(G)+4(D)+1(A)+50(N)= =128(RCI) ordering leading to harmony =11(AI) - self-knowledge =2(B) - wisdom.

Alphanumeric code for the name Bogdan:

2(B)+19(O)+4(G)+5(D)+1(A)+18(N)= =49(Mθ) =13 (GI) = 4(D) - increase in goodness (D ) through the transmission of wisdom (G) and thoughts (M) about the harmony of man with nature (θ).

The name Yaroslav is the one who carries the purity and light (glory) of the sun. Yaro (Yarilo) means sun.

Numerical meaning of the name Yaroslav:

100(P)+70(O)+200(C)+30(L)+1(A)+3(B)= =404 (“Ouk”; D “good”)=8(I) - approved structure () goodness (D) and harmony (I).

In the ancient Slavic language, the sound “I” was conveyed by the initial letters “єнъ” (Ѧ), meaning he; structure; ascending image and the initial letter “ar”, homogeneous structure.

Let's write the name Yaroslav as Ѧ roslav and calculate the alphanumeric code of the name.

No. 41 (Ѧ) + No. 21 (P) + No. 19 (O) + No. 22 (C) + No. 16 (L) + No. 1 (A) + No. 3 (B) = 123 (RKG) - speech (R ), as (K) transfer of wisdom (D).

The name Sergei means born on a foggy (gray) morning.

Numerical meaning of the name Sergey:

200(C)+5(e)+100(p)+3(G)+5(e)+8(th) = 321 (TKA) = (S) - approver (T) unknown (S), as ( K) person (A).

Through serial numbers:

No. 22 (C) + No. 6 (e) + No. 21 (p) + No. 4 (g) + No. 6 (e) + No. 11 (th) =70 (O) = 7 (Z) - earthly (Z) circle (O).

Based on the name Sergei, one can conclude that he will affirm human wisdom throughout his life.

But the numerical meaning of the name Sergius:

200(C)+5(e)+100(p)+3(G)+10(i)+8(th) = =326 (TKS) =11(AI)=2(B) - approver (T) unknown (S) space (K); through self-knowledge (AI), comes to wisdom (B).

The alphanumeric code for the name Sergiy will be:

No. 22 (C) + No. 6 (e) + No. 21 (p) + No. 4 (g) + + No. 12 (i) + No. 11 (th) = 76 (OS) = 13 (GI) = 4 (D ) - a structure unknown to us (OS) transmits knowledge and increases goodness. Consequently, Sergius is guided not by human, but by divine wisdom.

Consider the name Alexander.

In the ancient Slavic language the name was Olgiandr. The letter O “on” meant the family circle: grandfather, father, son. Lay down, sixteen dimensional beings. Olgiandr is the grandson of the leg, bearing the spiritual structure (ѯ) and the son of the druid (dr). Spirit is an intangible, unknown to us, which is why many peoples designate it with an “X”: Aleχandre.

Then the name Algsandr appeared - similar to (A) leg, the son of a druid. Over time, the “g” turned into the sound “k” and the name began to be written as Alksandr.

Numerical meaning of the name Alksandr:

1(A)+30(L)+20(K)+200(C)+1(A)+50(N)++4(D)+100(R)=406 (S) - unknown to us (S )clear structure with its foundations () = 10 (I) - universal structure = 1 (A) source.

Alphanumeric code for the name Alksandr:

No. 1 (A) + No. 16 (L) + No. 35 (b) + No. 15 (k) + No. 22 (s) + No. 1 (a) + No. 18 (n) + No. 5 (d) + No. 21 (р)+№33(ъ) = 167 (РѮZ) speech of the spirit of the earth =14 (ДI) practical experience = 5 (Є) - being.

1(A)+30(L)+5(e)+600(X)+1(A)+50(N)+4(D)+100(P) = 791 (ΨA) =17 (ZI) = 8 (I) - spiritual traits of a person (ΨA), cognizing earthly space (ZI), a harmonious person (I).

Alphanumeric code for the name Alekhandr:

No.1(A)+No.16(L)+No.6(e)+No.27(χ)+ +No.1(a)+No.18(n)+No.5(d)+No.21(r)+No. 33(ъ) = =128 (RKI) speech as harmony =11 (AI) self-knowledge = 2 (B) - wisdom.

Numerical meaning of the name Alexander:

1(A)+30(L)+5(e)+20(K)+200 (C) +1(A)+50(N)+4(D)+100(R) = 411 (UAI) - approaching self-knowledge = 6 (S) - unknown.

One of the meanings of the name Alexander: approaching the unknown through self-knowledge.

Using a similar method, we will analyze the name: Pushkin Alexander Sergeevich. Let's write down his name in Old Slavic: Pushkin Alekhandr Sergievich.

P (peace) - harmony, balance, peace.

U (uk) - approaching something.

Sh (sha) - silence; breadth; space; going beyond certain boundaries, beyond certain images of perception.

K (kako) - volume, space, unification of a person with the universe.

I (izhei) - universe, galaxy, space.

N (our) - ours in the universe.

Ъ (єръ) - creation in process.

Pushkin - approaching harmony in the space of our universe.

Numerical meaning of the surname Pushkin:

80 (P)+20(K)+10(I)+50(N)= 160 (PѮ)= =7 (Z) - spiritual sayings on earth.

Numerical meaning of the name Alejandro:

791 (ѰЧА) =17 (ZI) =8(И) - spiritual traits of a person (ѰЧА), cognizing earthly space (ZI), a harmonious person (I).

Numerical value of the patronymic Sergievich:

200(C)+5(e)+100(r)+3(g)+10(i)+5 (e)+2(c)+8(i)+90(h) = 423 (KV) - a certain structure of wisdom (information structure) = 9 (θ) - harmony of man with nature.

If we add up all the numerical values ​​of the last name, first name, patronymic, we get a new image: 160+ 791 +423= 1374 (ATOD) - a person (A) who approves (T) the circle (O) of good (D).

1374= 1+3+7+4=15 (єi) - wisdom of being =6 (s) unknown to us.

We get that Pushkin Alekhandr Sergievich is a spiritual person who cognizes the earthly space, strives for harmony with nature, receives knowledge from outer space and transmits spiritual knowledge on earth.

Pushkin A.S. born 06/06/1799. Date of birth means: 6+6+(1+7+9+9)= 12 (BI) knowledge of wisdom + 26 (KS) as the unknown = 38 (LI) orientation towards harmony, balance.

The date of birth and name coincide in the purpose of life - approaching (the desire for) harmony. That is, the life program coincided with the purpose of life.

Let's look at the name Adolf Hitler.

Adolf: the beginning of (A) increase (D) human (L) pride (F).

Digital value of the name Adolf: 1 (A) + 4 (D) + 70 (O) + 30 (L) + 500 (F) = 605 (XE) - balance in everyday life = 11 (AI) - self-knowledge = 2 (B) . Gaining wisdom in the process of self-knowledge and harmony in everyday life. The presence of the letter F speaks of pride.

Hitler: 3(G)+8(I)+300(T)+30(L)+5(Є)+100(P) = 446 (UMS) - philosophical character. An attempt to comprehend the unknown.

The first name plus the last name will be: 446 + 605 = 1051 = 900 (Ts) + 151 (PHA) = 7 (Z) - goal (Ts) speech (R) human (HA). A natural speaker, able to convey his beliefs to people and able to lead people. The ultimate goal is to own land.

Another image of the letter P is separation, differentiation; NA - people.

This means that the main goal of Adolf Hitler was to divide peoples and rule over the earth.

The full name code must be compared with the date of birth April 20, 1889. Date code: 20+04 = 24 (CD) desire to accumulate; 1889 = 1+8+8+9=26 (KS) desire for the unknown.

The date of birth contains the need to explore the unknown.

Let's consider the influence of the name of the state on its fate.

Rs, Rus, Russia.

The original spelling of Rus' was with the initial letter “Ouk”. Its image: a clear structure with its own foundations, form, content. Pronounced "oh".

Rs - recommended (R) definite form (ook) of the word (C) created (b). A people, a community, speaking the same language, living according to its own principles.

Deep meaning:

100(Р)+400()+200(с)=700(Ѱ) =7(Z) - Soul (Ѱ) of the Earth (Z). Hence the expression: “Russian soul.”

After spelling reforms, this initial letter was removed from the alphabet. Rs began to be written as Rus, with the initial letter “uk”. The image of this initial letter: being near something, approaching something, calling.

Rus' - river (r) in the word created. The meaning is lost. This word lacks essence and content. It became some kind of vague shape.

100(P)+200(s)=300(T) - firmament, territory.

There is no need to explain to anyone what a tragic history a country with that name had.

Russia is the power of (ro) words (s) this (siya).

100(P)+70(O) +200(s) +200(s) +8(I) = 574(FOD) = 7(Z) - the noble divine structure of the good of the Earth. This is the power of words.

The strength of our Motherland is in the word. Consequently, further simplification of the alphabet and degradation of the language cannot be allowed. It is necessary to return the Russian language to its former greatness, and the country to its strength and power.

From the above examples it follows that whatever the spelling of the word, so is the meaning of the image: “as it comes back (what image you send), so it will respond (that’s what you will receive).

Conclusion: studying the ancient Slavic language will help you find out the true meaning of a person’s name and find out your purpose in life. A correctly chosen name for a child helps him develop harmoniously.

Bibliographic link

Shevchenko N.Yu., Neumoina N.G., Lebedeva Yu.V., Korbakova T.V. THE INFLUENCE OF A NAME ON THE FATE AND MORAL CHARACTER OF A PERSON // Advances in modern natural science. – 2014. – No. 11-1. – P. 111-117;
URL: (date of access: 07/15/2019). We bring to your attention magazines published by the publishing house "Academy of Natural Sciences"

Many of us have wondered at least once in our lives why our parents named him that name at birth. As we get older, many of us think about the influence of a name on a person’s fate, on his character. And we don’t always like the choice afterwards. Why? Astrologers are confident that the name is the key to the soul and future person.

In ancient times, it was believed that a name had a sacred influence on a person’s destiny. Therefore, parents, wishing their child a happy life, gave him “speaking” names. Vladimir - “owning the world”, Lyubomir - “love and wisdom”, Svyatoslav - “glorifying holiness, light”, Hope, Love, Faith, etc.

Astrology offers a method of analysis that allows you to find out which planets are under the influence of a name. It predisposes a person to manifest or block certain character traits.

Any word with which we associate a person can be called a name. This is a full name (with or without a patronymic), and variations with affectionate, diminutive suffixes, and all kinds of nicknames.

A name is a real, permanent personification of our “I”, but at home we are called one way, at work - another, and among friends an absurd nickname can “take root”. This is explained by the fact that the environment treats us differently. Everyone sees in us what interests them. If someone calls you something wrong, it means they want you to be exactly what suits them. If we don’t call ourselves by our passports, we do this probably because we want to present ourselves in the right light.

Nicknames are also not accidental. The presence of a nickname indicates that your identity has been erased. Someone wants to perceive you not as an individual, but only as their own, impersonal idea of ​​you. The mechanism for the appearance of a nickname is as follows: a trait is noticed in appearance, character, etc., and they begin to perceive you only in analogy with this trait.

The woman is getting married. There is a change of surname. In this case, she involuntarily exposes fate to changes, reconfigures it to another level, however, she does not change her individuality, since her name remains the same. During astrological analysis, a person’s patronymic is considered together with his given name.

Affectionate addresses such as “pussy”, “bunny” are similar to nicknames, but do not humiliate a person, since the reason for such addresses lies in a different area.

Another argument confirming the existence of a connection between a name and a person’s character and destiny: many famous writers, artists, actors and politicians took pseudonyms for themselves. Perhaps they intuitively felt: in order to reveal their creative potential and personality, they need to correct their fate in this way.

Check it out, maybe your name is fraught with many tempting opportunities that you have not yet discovered.

To determine the planet of a name, you need to decide which interpretation of it is most significant for you. Imagine, imagine what you would call yourself: Katerina, Katya, Katyusha, etc. Remember how you introduce yourself to a group of friends or what they call you. In a work environment and in other official situations, you are no longer “Katerinka”, but “Ekaterina Nikolaevna”. This is a different name, which means another patron planet.

Calculate the different options. The secret name will indicate the tendencies under which you follow your destiny. The name your friends call you leaves the same imprint on you as your secret name, but it places emphasis on the area of ​​relationships. Your first and patronymic will show your direction in public and professional relationships. Your first name, patronymic and last name will open up your view of your relationship with society, where you are not an individual, but a citizen. But you need to remember, the main thing is the name with which you identify yourself.

Table of correspondence between name letters and numbers (see illustration).

If, when adding numbers corresponding to the letters of a name, the sum is represented by a complex number, then the numbers that make it up are added until a simple number is obtained, from 1 to 9. Example: 9+5=14; 1+4=5.

1. Sun

Gives initial cheerfulness. If you feel sad or upset, it will only be for a minute. The names of the sun radiate light, warmth, and kindness. Only a smile should become a component of your facial expressions. You are always in sportswear. Try to be on top! If you do not follow what is prescribed by your name, cheerfulness will change to apathy. Friends and colleagues will become a source of grief, and feelings will bring nothing but worries. Try not to show your problems; help others, prove to them their independence. People are drawn to your name.

2. Moon

The name of the Moon recommends being soft, at first glance, even naive. You sometimes need to play the role of a weak woman, but this is nothing more than a mask that your role requires you to put on. The name with which you are endowed has a sense of mystery and secrecy. The main recommendation: do not have bad habits and emotions. The names of the Moon fill fate with emotions and passions, sudden changes in situations and mood swings. It is better for you to make decisions based on intuition, instinct, which a “lunar” person does not have. Fate gives women whose names are ruled by original femininity and a penchant for romance. The main thing for bearers of lunar names is not to succumb to emotions or excessive demonstration of feelings. Please note that the name gives you easy suggestibility.

3. Mars

A woman with this name is strong, active, with masculine persistence and firmness. Your tenacity is combined with a particularly attractive appearance. You are temperamental, your name obliges you to take initiative, regardless of the fact that you are tired of restraining your dynamism. It's difficult, but make the effort for your own good. The main thing is don't be lazy. Lack of activity and strength of character can lead to deprivation or to situations in which you cannot do anything, and for people like you, this is dangerous, since names endow destiny with dynamism. The name gives you the ability to get back on your feet after the most difficult trials and shocks. A great name for enterprising and independent individuals.

4. Mercury

Mercury, ruling your name, advises you to be sociable and an interesting conversationalist - this is your strong point. You are perfectly erudite, you know how to show off your intelligence and show your wits. People may often turn to you for advice. Do not deny others the opportunity to “cry into your vest.” Your inherent communication skills will lead you to success and goal achievement. brings a special charm to fate - interesting trips, exciting meetings with different people. You will have the opportunity to learn a lot, get a good education, and learn foreign languages. Intellectual abilities, the ability to “grab on the fly”, and quickly do a lot of things will allow you to take a warm place in the sun. The danger of such a fate is to “talk out” your happiness. Don’t forget the saying “a tongue without bones,” and know that not all people around us are favorable to us.

5. Jupiter

The name inspires trust, your opinion is not indifferent to your loved ones, friends, even your superiors. Since childhood, you have been treated as more mature and significant than you really are. Your personality is authoritative; they subconsciously want to see you as a boss, a patron. You need to try to live up to your name and what others see in you. Be wise, fair, and able to reason sensibly. Otherwise, your environment will begin to put pressure on you, and management will show particular dislike. Jupiter is called the “planet of kings” or “the planet of great happiness.” Remember, you are a born leader.

6. Venus

The names of Venus are among the most feminine, capable of influencing the stronger sex. The name obliges you to be beautiful both in external and internal manifestations. The vibrations of the names of Venus give fate a lot of happiness, love and harmony. Most of the events in it proceed slowly. Perhaps your activities and hobbies are related to the world of art. in astrology it is called the planet of “small happiness”, so your life is filled with small daily joys. Avoid fuss, you cannot be rushed. All your life you have been trying to find something in between in solving two main problems: love and... finances.

7. Saturn

Saturn, acting on a person through a name, makes him a special person, very different from others. What this difference will be - whether negative, positive or a combination of both - depends on the person. Saturn gives you an inner core, your own special way of thinking. A person with such a name will not take anything for granted. These names give two options for expressing personality. In the first case, a person with a unique worldview, in the second, an outcast with a difficult character who values ​​only himself and despises others. These names are capable of adjusting life so that either it becomes understandable and predictable, or it turns into a continuous line of barriers and obstacles that have to be overcome with difficulty.

Saturn names make their natives self-absorbed. However, external isolation does not in any way indicate spiritual emptiness. Every person with a Saturnian name has an internal search for perfection. In order not to have a negative impact on fate, you should, without going to extremes, try to develop a positive core in yourself.

8. Uranus

The names of Uranus give the bearers unpredictability and variability. These are very freedom-loving people. Uranus is one of the most difficult planets to predict. Its influence is manifested in such a way that a person’s character or a series of events that happen to him can change with extreme speed. Today a person with a Uranian name is alert, does a thousand things, and tomorrow he is not able to make even one phone call. Such behavior is burdensome not only for the environment, but also for himself. A positive quality is the ability to instantly adapt to any new situation. Keep in mind that unexpected turns and changes can play into your hands. The main thing for Uranians is a good reaction, the ability to quickly understand the essence of things.

9. Neptune

Women's names under the control of Neptune give mystery and dreaminess. You like to build castles in the air. The name of Neptune imbues life with mystical mystery and strong feelings. You often find yourself in a world of unrealistic dreams. Such women are amorous, and in love they require a special, refined attitude towards themselves. They easily get carried away by new things and have a hard time parting with the old. A special, subtle spiritual world, an unsatisfied desire for harmony and peace of mind, lead them to depression. Don't take things too personally. Disadvantages include: slowness, wanting too much. Outwardly, the actions of Neptunians sometimes look childish, but this is just a peculiar view of life.

A person’s fate depends on the personalities of his parents, time and place of birth, health, upbringing and character. The role of the name that parents give to their child also has a certain influence on fate. After all, it is the calling card of a person in society, his integral part, his face. The name reflects the character and abilities of its bearer, it predetermines victories and defeats, and influences relationships with other people.

The influence of a name on a person’s fate and character has been studied for a long time, but to this day the mechanism of such influence has not been fully determined. According to social theory, a name is a certain block of information that gradually accumulated in society and was passed on from one generation to another. All names have specific meanings. In addition, they are “loaded” with information about the deeds and morals of the great people who wore them.

How does a name influence fate?

For a long time, the Slavs, before giving a name to a newborn child, sought advice from a priest, who helped them choose a name in accordance with the guardian angel born on that day. It was believed that a person with this name would be under reliable protection. The baby seemed to receive power with the name. Some parents preferred not to name newborn girls with male names. It was believed that this would bring additional burden on the fate of the future woman.

Particular attention was paid to the combination of first name and patronymic. Very rarely the names of fathers and sons were repeated. It was believed that, for example, Ivan Ivanovich or Sergei Sergeevich would subconsciously bear responsibility for their parents. To prolong the strength of the clan, some deliberately named boys by their father's names.

Many character traits depend on a person’s name. It is considered very important how the person himself perceives him. If the owner categorically does not like it, then there is usually a lot of negativity and black streaks in his life. And a person who is happy with his name finds it easier to communicate with other people, he receives more positive emotions and enjoys life. Seminars conducted by a famous traditional healer are devoted to this and many other topics, which we recommend that you attend.

If a person is the full namesake of some famous personality, this may cause pressure on him from others. After all, many compare it with fame, expecting some kind of correspondence. This leads to internal protest, which is expressed by resistance to this pressure. If a person believes that he has a lot in common with a famous person and strives to be like his namesake, then they may have similar character traits, as well as some actions.

How to choose a name for a child?

Parents should be very responsible when choosing a name for a newborn child. After all, it is given to a person once and will accompany him throughout his life. In search of a good name, parents turn to calendars, horoscopes, dictionaries, and consult with loved ones. There are several factors that you can rely on when solving the problem of choosing a name for a child:

  1. People who believe in God believe that a good name can only be chosen by focusing on the church calendar - according to the calendar.
  2. In memory of some close relative or celebrity. However, in this case, you should not give the baby the name of a person who had a tragic fate.
  3. Based on the description of the sacrament of the name, each of which has certain meanings. It is recommended to give the child a name that has positive symbolism.
  4. According to astrological forecast. Depending on what day the baby is expected, you can choose several different names. In this case, the help of a professional astrologer will not be superfluous.
  5. By month of birth, each of which has its own characteristics. For example, it is believed that people born in January are energetic and temperamental, so courageous and strong names are more preferable for them.

A psychic or bioenergeticist will help you choose the right name for your child using all of the above points. And by visiting his School of Psychics, you can learn a lot of useful information, for example, about what signs there are and what they mean.

How does a name influence a woman’s destiny?

A woman's name plays a very important role in her life. If we compare her fate with baking bread, then the date of birth is its main component, and the name is a mandatory additive, without which the dough will be bland and tasteless. After all, it affects temperament, character and lifestyle. Parents should think carefully before giving their newborn daughter a name. The meaning of the name and fate for girls are tightly intertwined.

The meaning of a boy's name and fate

Usually, parents try to choose a euphonious name for a boy. After all, parents subconsciously hope that in adulthood their son will definitely be called not only by his name, but also by his patronymic. However, we should not forget that the sound of a man’s name must correspond to its meaning. It must have the same masculinity, strength and leadership that are necessary qualities for a man - the master of the home, the protector, the breadwinner and the provider.

When choosing a name for a boy, you need to make sure that it suits him according to his family’s lifestyle, family traditions, the area where he was born and will grow up, and religion. Often sons are named in accordance with family traditions, where it is customary to name boys after his ancestors. These are good traditions and should not be feared. After all, such a choice implies the best traits of a person who previously bore the same name. In addition, in such cases, a procreation program is included, which will strengthen family values ​​and family unity.

Double name and influence on fate

Double names gained popularity back in the days when the number of interethnic marriages increased. After all, it is very difficult for people who grew up in different countries, with their own traditions, languages ​​and often religions, to come to a common opinion when choosing a name for their child. However, the roots of this idea lie in the distant past. Even the Jews gave double names to their newborn children, because they considered damage by name to be the strongest. To protect their children from it, they were given two names: the first they were called on the street, the second was used at home.

The idea remains alive, but its purpose has changed somewhat. Many families began to rename their children in honor of their ancestors. Boys were given the names of their great-grandfathers, and girls were given the names of their great-grandmothers. In this way, the family kept the history of their family. However, most often double names are assigned in those countries where it is not customary to use patronymic names.

Before naming your child, it is very important to find out the meaning of the name. The influence on the fate of a double name, as well as its change, can be the most unpredictable. Sometimes it leads to the collapse of plans and hopes. It is believed that a “self-proclaimed” name, which a person gave himself, although he did not change his documents, has harmful energy. When choosing a double name, a strong one, which will lead a woman to a successful career, should be supplemented with a soft one, thanks to which she will find happiness in her personal life.

Of course, the name is of no small importance in the fate of any person. This is not a simple set of letters. The name endows a person with certain abilities and character traits; it is a kind of key to his fate, a code that influences all the events that happen to him. There are many examples when, after changing their first and last names, people’s destinies changed dramatically. Therefore, parents, in addition to life, upbringing, care, love and affection, must give the little man a good name that will allow him to find himself in life and be happy.