What to do about celery leaves turning yellow? Celery. Properties, benefits and calorie content of celery. Treatment with celery: folk recipes. What to do if celery is affected by cucumber mosaic

Handbook of a skilled gardener Ganichkin Alexander Vladimirovich

Cercospora blight (early burn) of celery

This mycosis is widespread on celery and parsnips. In mid-summer, round or angular, up to 4–6 mm in diameter, yellowish or dirty-brown spots appear on the leaves and petioles. Gradually they turn pale and are surrounded by a narrow dark brown rim. In humid weather, a grayish coating forms on the spots.

On the stems and petioles the spots are depressed, reddish-brown, elongated. Sick plants develop poorly, their leaves turn yellow, dry out, and produce low yields.

The strong development of cercospora blight is favored by warm and humid weather during the day and low temperatures, dew and fog at night. The pathogen persists on plant residues in the soil. Can be transmitted by seeds.

Control measures

Destruction of plant residues. Deep digging of the soil. Cultivation of resistant varieties. Spraying with Energen solution: 10 drops per 1 liter of water. Spray at the beginning of June 2 times with an interval of 5–6 days.

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From the author's book

Cercosporosis (early burn) of celery This mycosis is widespread everywhere on celery and parsnips. In mid-summer, round or angular, up to 4–6 mm in diameter, yellowish or dirty-brown spots appear on the leaves and petioles. Gradually they turn pale, and they are surrounded by a narrow

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diagnosis praecox - early diagnosis Approximate pronunciation: diagnosis praecox. Attention! In the memo, the emphasis has been changed - prekOxZ: A poor man, dreaming that he would be enriched, Decided to triple his income at a coke plant. But there, in the warehouse, there is no currency, only Coke. YOU MADE CONCLUSIONS TOO EARLY -

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Burn This is damage to body tissue that occurs as a result of thermal (high temperature) exposure (flame, steam, hot liquids, hot objects, molten metals); chemical (concentrated acids and alkalis) or radiation

The ancient Greeks believed that celery was a lunar plant, the source of a drink that kindled love. Tristan and Isolde, whose love is depicted in legends, drank a magical drink with celery juice.

Wild forms of celery grow on the coast Mediterranean Sea. They became the basis for the Greeks to develop the first cultivated forms of this plant, which belongs to two groups at once - spicy-flavoring and vegetable crops. It came to Russia during the time of Catherine II and today there is no such farmstead where at least one type of celery is grown in the garden: leaf, petiole or root.

Description of celery

Celery – biennial vegetable crop, which is used as a spicy-flavoring seasoning for dietary and meat dishes or an independent vegetable for preparing first courses, juices, drinks. Celery has been used as a food crop since the 17th century; before that, it was mainly used to decorate flower beds, being considered an ornamental foliage plant.

Celery is an umbelliferous plant with a well-developed above-ground mass. The leaves are large, shiny, bright green, with several unequal pointed lobes. In the first year, root celery forms a rosette of leaves and a root crop (underground storage organ) that is round or slightly flat, with spongy or dense flesh, and in the second year it produces a peduncle, the umbels of which contain seeds with a specific aroma. Celery blooms in June – July, the fruits in umbrellas ripen in August.

Chemical composition of celery

The essential oil contained in all organs of the plant gives the culture a strong characteristic aroma. In seeds its concentration is 5-6%. Celery roots and leaves contain vitamins “C”, groups “B”, “K”, “E”, “PP”, carotene. Celery contains more than 6 organic acids, including caffeic, sedanic, oxalic, acetic, and chlorogenic. Sedanolide, sedanic, chlorogenic, and caffeic acids give celery strong antimicrobial properties. Of the macroelements, potassium accounts for 430 mg/%, phosphorus and calcium, respectively, 77 and 72 mg/%. Microelements in plant organs include vital iron, manganese, and zinc. Celery is rich in flavonoids and other substances.

Medicinal properties of celery

In ancient times they said that celery saves you from illnesses and gives you strength. It is considered a strong natural aphrodisiac. It is popularly used for diseases of the kidneys, genitourinary system, gout, and as a blood purifier for skin diseases. Celery essential oils are a good anti-inflammatory agent for gastrointestinal diseases. At home, freshly crushed leaves or a mixture of them with sunflower oil used for cuts, purulent wounds and ulcers.

Growing Celery Root

General environmental requirements

Celery 1-2 and perennial summer crop. There are up to 20 species in the world. In culture, mainly 3 are cultivated - leaf, petiole and tuberous. Refers to cold-resistant. Under natural conditions, it occupies damp and marshy places, so for home cultivation it needs sufficient moisture. The culture needs open sunny places. The growing season of celery ranges from 190-210 days and is grown through seedlings. Celery is grown from seeds in the southern regions, usually early varieties.

Growing seedlings

Seed preparation

Celery seeds are very small, soaked in essential oils, so they germinate very slowly and quickly lose their germination capacity. It is better to use fresh seeds for seedlings. To speed up germination, seeds are soaked for half an hour in water heated to +50..+53°C, and then in warm water for 2 days. Warm water change 5-6 times a day. The swollen and hatched seeds are placed on a paper towel and dried until they flow.

Preparing the soil for seedlings

For sowing seeds, prepare a soil mixture of mature vermicompost and sand 1:1. You can prepare a more complex mixture of peat, humus and turf soil, taking each type in a ratio of 6:2:1, respectively. The prepared mixture is poured into boxes, leveled, and moistened. Cut grooves of 0.5 cm every 7-10 cm.

Sowing seeds for seedlings

Seeds are sown in the second ten days of February. Sowing can be done in 2 ways:

  • sow in the furrows, after mixing with fine sand,
  • or after 2 cm, use a match to make small holes, drop 2-3 seeds into them.

The top of the crop is mulched with a 0.5 cm layer of soil. The sowing is covered with film, simulating a greenhouse. The box with sowing is placed in a warm place at +18..+22*C. The soil mixture is constantly moistened with a small sprayer.

Seedling care

After 12-14 days, friendly shoots appear. The boxes are moved to a bright place and the temperature is reduced to +16-17*C. Given the fragility and miniature size of the seedlings, in the first weeks they are not watered, but only carefully sprayed. Can be taken out to a glassed-in balcony or other bright place with a temperature of +8..+10*C. Not lower. With a large decrease in positive temperatures, the plants form a flowering arrow and there will be no root crops.

In the phase of formation of 2 developed leaves, the seedlings are planted in separate pots or other containers. More often, experienced gardeners do not pick, so as not to disturb root system seedlings.

To prevent diseases, you can spray the seedlings with a light pink solution of potassium permanganate and feed them 1-2 times with kemira or ammonia. If the soil mixture was prepared correctly and sufficiently filled with fertilizers, then the seedlings are not fed. Seedlings are planted permanently at the age of 55-60 days. The plant has 4-6 leaves and a formed root system.

Planting celery seedlings in open ground

Planting of celery seedlings is carried out no earlier than the second ten days of May. Good predecessors for celery are nightshades, cabbage, beets, cucumbers, zucchini, and pumpkin. Early varieties can be planted in the second rotation after radishes, salads, onions and other early harvested crops.

Preparing open ground soil

Root celery needs fertile, loose soil. It does not tolerate fresh organic fertilizers, so it is planted after its predecessors that received manure or other organic matter. Light soils are dug up in the fall to 25-30 cm, heavy floating ones - in the spring. If necessary, add 0.5 buckets of humus or mature compost and 2/3 doses of phosphorus-potassium fertilizers. Accordingly, 20-40 g and 10-15 g per 1 square. m area. In early spring, deep loosening is carried out. During the second pre-planting loosening, the remaining mineral fertilizers are added to the soil - 10 g of phosphorus and 5 g of potassium per 1 sq. m. m. Instead of applying mineral fertilizers in the autumn-spring, you can add 30-50 g/sq.m. at a time for pre-planting loosening. m of complex fertilizer - nitrophoska, azofoska, kemira and others.

Planting pattern: row or strip, 2-3 rows. Seedlings are planted every 25-30 cm so that the growing bushes do not shade each other. When planting in rows, leave 50-60 cm of row spacing. With tape, the row spacing in the tape is 30 cm and in the row 25 cm. When planting, the growth point of the crop remains on the surface.

Celery root care


Watering is carried out weekly. The soil must be constantly moist. Uneven watering causes cracking of the root crop and its ugly formation. With excessive watering, adventitious roots are formed on the upper part of the root crop, hidden in the soil. Before hilling, they must be cut with a sharp knife so as not to damage the root crop itself. If this technique is excluded, then the root crop will be completely covered with roots, and the pulp will be loose.


  • The first fertilizing is carried out 2-3 weeks after planting the seedlings for watering. You can feed with nitrophoska, Kemira Lux, mortar or other complex fertilizer - 15-20 g/linear meter.
  • To obtain healthy root crops, nitrogen is not added in the 2nd and 3rd fertilizing or its dose does not exceed 5-10 g/sq.m. m landings. Potassium fertilizers are applied in an increased amount - 25-30, and phosphorus fertilizers - 10-15 g/sq.m. m.

Protection from diseases and pests

To protect celery from diseases and pests, only biological products can be used; the use of chemicals is excluded.

Celery is affected by white rot, bacterial rot, powdery mildew, leaf spot, scab and sclerotinia when storing root crops. The main fight against diseases lies in compliance with all agrotechnical rules during the growing season and storage of root crops.

Preventive spraying with biofungicides planriz, trichodermin, phytosporin, and in cold wet years the use of the biopreparation phytodoctor, will protect plants from a range of diseases, especially when used in tank mixtures. The frequency of spraying and dilution rates are indicated in the recommendations. These drugs are harmless to humans, animals and insects.

The most common pests that damage celery are carrot fly, carrot psyllid, celery fly, aphids, and whitefly. The most effective in combating the above pests are the following bioinsecticides: bitoxybacillin, verticillin, gaupsin, boverin, fitoverm, lepidocide and others. Their combined use with biofungicides in tank mixtures enhances the effectiveness of action against pests and diseases.

You can use solutions of insecticidal plants. But, precautions must be taken. Many plants are poisonous and kill not only pests. They are also poisonous to humans.

Harvesting and storage

Celery root is removed late autumn. Plants are dug up and pulled out of the soil. Root crops are carefully freed from adhering soil, roots and leaves are trimmed so as not to damage the root crop (it will immediately begin to rot). Root vegetables are stored in damp sand in cellars and vegetable pits. Under optimal conditions, root vegetables are stored for 4-8 months.

Forcing root vegetables onto fresh herbs

When preparing root crops for winter storage, some of them are used for forcing into fresh herbs. Tubers weighing up to 250 g are selected. The leaves of root crops are cut to a 7 cm stump. After 30-40 days of forcing, you can cut the green leaves for fresh use. During the winter-spring period, leaves can be cut 3-4 times from each root crop.

For forcing, root crops are planted tightly in containers with sides of 12-16 cm. The soil around the root crops is compacted. The planting is systematically watered. The temperature during the day is maintained at +15..+19*C, and at night +10..+12*C. No fertilizing is carried out during forcing.

Celery root varieties

Root celery is divided into groups of early, medium and late varieties according to ripening periods.

  • Early varieties for all regions: Apple, Kornevoy Gribovsky, Diamant, Kaskade, Prague Giant.
  • Medium varieties for all regions: Silach, Albin, Gigant, Egor.
  • Late varieties. When grown, they are not afraid of frost: Anita, Maxim.

For central Russia: Root Gribovsky, Golden Feather, Anita, Apple.

For Siberian regions and the Urals: Apple, Gribovsky, Anita, Strongman, Egor, Esaul, Russian size, Maxim.

Pests and diseases have not spared celery. We'll tell you how to deal with them and save them. high quality harvest.

Flights out at the end of May, often migrating from hogweed. It lays eggs under the skin of leaves, and small tuberous spots appear on them. The resulting larvae eat away the tissue, leaving long brown tunnels. The petioles become bitter and the yield decreases. IN middle lane gives one generation, in the south - two, overwinters in the soil.

Ways to fight. Observe crop rotation, prelime acidic soil, thin out seedlings in a timely manner, destroy hogweed and weeds of the same family, and dig the bed deeply in the fall.

Overwinters in the soil. It flies out in the spring, laying small white eggs under the plant when the first true leaf forms. The larvae damage roots and other parts of celery. The carrot fly in the middle zone gives two generations: in June - July and in August - September.

Ways to fight. Carry out weeding, fertilizing and loosening of the soil in a timely manner. In early June and early August, sprinkle the soil between the rows two or three times with a mixture of equal parts of tobacco dust and sand or dry mustard (1 tablespoon/m2) with an interval of 7-8 days.

Represents a danger to the northwestern region. The pest overwinters on coniferous trees and feeds on pine needles in spring and early summer. Then it flies to the celery and sucks the juice from the leaves. They are deformed, the petioles are shortened, and the plants look depressed.
Ways to fight. The same as against carrot flies.

The largest of all aphids. Each generation develops in just two weeks.

Ways to fight. At the first sign of a pest, spray celery with decoctions or infusions from the tops of tomatoes, potatoes, dandelions, and yarrow. A good result is obtained by an aqueous infusion of orange, tangerine or lemon peels (1:10), which is kept for 3-5 days.

More often it appears in damp, cold times with sudden temperature changes. Numerous rounded spots of 5 mm each form on the leaves with a light center and a red-brown border, noticeable on both sides of the leaf. Oblong spots appear on the petioles. With high humidity, the spots become covered with a purple coating. Diseased leaves and petioles dry out. The pathogen persists in the soil and on plant debris.

Prevention and treatment. Disinfect seeds at a temperature of 48 degrees for 30 minutes, observe crop rotation, destroy weeds and plant remains. In case of strong spread, spray the plants with 0.1% foundationazole or topsin-M, the solution consumption rate is 1 liter per 10 m2. Last treatment 20 days before harvesting.

It strikes in late summer. Numerous small yellow spots appear on the leaves; on the petioles they are oblong, depressed, brownish-brown. The causative agent of the disease persists on plant debris, seeds and soil for up to three years. The disease spreads in cold, rainy weather.

Prevention and treatment. The same as with cercospora.

By the way
The reproduction of aphids is prevented by nasturtium or savory sown next to celery.

Powdery mildew

It affects all above-ground parts of the plant, covering it with a white or grayish cobwebby coating. Then it turns into felt with black dots, moving from the top side of the sheet to the bottom. The disease progresses greatly with sharp fluctuations in air temperature and humidity. Cold dew promotes spread. The pathogen overwinters on plant debris and weeds.

Prevention and treatment. Dig the soil deeply, destroy diseased plant debris and weeds, and maintain plant rotation. If the infection spreads strongly, spray the plants with infusion of field sow thistle (300 g per 5 liters of water, leave for 8 hours).

Cucumber mosaic

It appears depending on the strains of the virus and weather conditions. In one case, this is a yellow mosaic and slower growth, in the second - large rings on the tops of plants, causing their deformation, in the third - small rings. The causative agent of the disease persists for wild plants, from which they are transmitted by aphids.

Prevention and treatment. In areas where mosaic is distributed, it is necessary to sow or plant seedlings early, remove weeds in a timely manner, spray plants against aphids with a decoction of tomato tops (2 kg of dry tops per 10 liters of water, boil for 30 minutes over low heat, strain after settling and dilute 2-3 liters of decoction in 10 liters of water).


It strikes in early summer. Red-brown pads appear on the underside of the leaf and petioles, which over time turn into light brown powdery spots, and by autumn they form dark brown sporulation, often merging into one line. Sick plants turn yellow and dry out, and the petioles lose their marketable quality.

Prevention and treatment. Sowing or planting seedlings at the optimal time, spray the plants with biological protection agents: phytosporin-M (4-5 ml/l of water), bactofit (7 g/l of water). This amount is enough to process 10 m2.

Boron deficiency

Causes the death of the growing point in the center of the rosette along with adjacent leaves. The base of the petioles cracks longitudinally. Cracks form in the upper part of the roots, which gradually expand and are populated by secondary microorganisms. The disease most often affects plants on light sandy soils and in dry years.

Prevention and treatment. Follow the rules of agricultural technology, water the plants in a timely manner, and spray with borax at a concentration of 0.04% throughout the season.

Quite often we use celery in food. We make salads, soups from it, add it to various vegetable purees, freshies. But besides the use of celery in cooking, this plant has medicinal and beneficial properties quite successfully helps to cope with many health problems.

Celery came to us from the Mediterranean. The ancient Greek physician Hippocrates studied healing properties celery and used it in medicinal purposes. Winners were crowned with celery wreaths in Ancient Greece.

All parts of this plant are eaten - roots, petioles and greens, seeds. It is advisable to keep the grated celery root and freshly squeezed juice from the petioles in the refrigerator before use. Root for about an hour (at the same time it becomes softer and juicier), juice for about half an hour.

Medicinal properties of celery

Celery can improve water-salt balance in the body. When consuming celery juice and pulp, excess salt is removed from food and unnecessary liquid is eliminated, which leads to weight loss and improved metabolism. Celery owes this to its high potassium content.

The plant treats and prevents constipation, due to the presence of a huge amount of fiber in its composition.

Has anti-cancer effect(including breast cancer, ovarian cancer, prostate cancer, skin cancer, pancreas cancer), as it contains the substance apigenin, which is a powerful antioxidant. Apigenin is able to damage the DNA of the cancer cell and it begins to self-destruct.

Celery can be used to lower blood pressure. It contains aromatic oils that relax blood vessels. And the potassium contained in celery strengthens the walls of blood vessels and improves blood supply in the capillaries. Therefore, the plant will successfully help with varicose veins, with the appearance of spider veins, if you drink celery juice. Essential oil celery soothes nervous system, improves mood, helps with depression.

If you suffer from diseases of the genitourinary system, celery will also help you. It is used to remove uric acid from the body, to prevent the formation of kidney stones, for various inflammatory processes. Has a diuretic effect.

By consuming celery you will prevent inflammatory changes in the human brain and also protect yourself from Alzheimer's disease. Studies have shown that substances (including luteolin) contained in celery help preserve memory and prevent the development of senile dementia.

Nowadays, many people are struggling with excess weight. Celery is very effective in this case. It is included in various diets and daily nutrition, this leads to effective weight correction. This is an excellent dietary product.

Celery can normalize digestion, improve the secretion of gastric juice, eliminates the accumulation of gases, prevents the formation of putrefactive processes in the intestines, while reducing the impact of toxins on the gastrointestinal tract.

Very useful for diabetes, since the substances contained in celery help maintain blood sugar levels.

Strengthens the immune system, helping to better resist various diseases.

Remarkably maintains hair, nails, skin, eyes in good condition. Supports youth, vitality, beauty, slimness. It is very useful for women who smoke to eat celery. Since it is able to remove carcinogens from the blood of smokers from the body, thereby preventing early aging skin.

Celery is an excellent herbal aphrodisiac. Moreover, for both men and women. This is facilitated by the huge supply of vitamins and minerals in this plant, as well as the sex hormone androsterone. For these purposes, both the tops and the root of celery are used. Moreover, boiled celery is more effective than raw celery. There is a legend that Nifertiti treated her fans to a salad of boiled celery.

Strengthens bones and joints- due to the calcium content in it.

Relieves irritability, fatigue, fears, nervous tension. Therefore, it is very useful for PMS and menopause. Regular consumption of celery will balance your nervous system, thanks to its magnesium content.

Chemical composition of celery

So, let’s summarize and expand chemical composition celery:

Vitamins– PP, C, A, H, E, B9, B6, B5, B2, B1, K, beta carotene.

Minerals– calcium, magnesium, sodium, iron, phosphorus, molybdenum, manganese.

And also– choline, asparagine, furocoumarins, oxalic acid, glutamic acid, vegetable proteins, fiber, Apium, Apigenin, folic acid, tryptophan, phthalides, apiin glycoside, luteolin.

Diabetes mellitus – prepare the following recipes:

1) Take 400 g of celery root, 5 lemons. Peel the root and grind it with lemons in a meat grinder. Then simmer this mixture in a water bath for about 2 hours. Then put the cooled mass into a jar and put it in the refrigerator. Take 1 tablespoon on an empty stomach for 12 months.

2) Take 30 g of fresh celery, pour a glass of water, simmer over low heat for 10-15 minutes. Take 2 tablespoons 3 times a day before meals. If you don’t have greens, you can prepare a decoction of celery root according to the same recipe, but boil for half an hour. Take it the same way.

For obesity– take celery juice 100 ml per day.

For allergies - grate 2 tablespoons of celery root on a coarse grater, pour a glass of cold water. Leave for 1.5 hours. Take 1/3 cup before meals.

Gastritis with low acidity, gastric and duodenal ulcers, colitis - Pour 30 g of chopped celery root into 0.5 liters of boiling water and leave for 6 hours. Take 2 tablespoons of infusion before meals.

Insomnia, nervous disorders - squeeze fresh celery juice, keep in the refrigerator for about half an hour (it will only improve its quality), take 1 tablespoon 20-30 minutes before meals.

In case of strong excitement - drink a glass of celery juice or in combination with apple or carrot juice. Due to the magnesium content in the vegetable, you will calm down.

Kidneys – for nephritis, urolithiasis You can drink freshly squeezed celery juice. In this case, stones often turn into sand and no longer form if preventive maintenance is carried out with celery juice from time to time. Before using juice therapy – consult your doctor. Dosage – 1 tablespoon of juice 30 minutes before meals.

Cystitis – mix 3 tablespoons of seeds and 3 tablespoons of honey. Eat 1 teaspoon three times a day.

Increased immunity, for fatigue, general strengthening agent – Pour 0.5 cups of celery juice into 0.5 liters of cold boiled water. Drink 50 ml before meals for 10 days. Prepare this drink fresh every 2-3 days.

Prostatitis, prostate adenoma – Mix 200 g of celery juice with 200 g of honey. Take 2 tablespoons of honey-celery mixture 20 minutes before meals.

Gout – you need to take 1 kg of celery with all parts, grind it in a meat grinder along with three lemons with peel. Place the mixture of lemons and celery in a dark place for 10 days. Then squeeze out the resulting juice and add 300 g of honey. Drink 1 tablespoon three times a day before meals until the mixture runs out. Then take a break for 2 weeks. Prepare a new infusion and repeat the course. Store the mixture in the refrigerator.

Contraindications for consuming celery

Along with a lot of positive aspects, celery also has a number of contraindications. For example, it tends to reduce lactation in nursing mothers. If you do not have a goal to stop breastfeeding, do not eat celery. At the same time, milk acquires a specific taste, which is not always liked by babies.

You should not consume the plant during pregnancy, as celery can cause uterine contractions. Especially in the second trimester.

It has a pronounced diuretic effect, so it should be used with caution in case of urolithiasis - be sure to monitor the dosage.

Do not eat the vegetable if you have gastritis with high acidity, as it irritates the gastric mucosa due to high content vitamin C.

Limit your consumption of celery in case of cholelithiasis, cholecystitis, or pancreatitis.

If you have a severe allergy, you should not treat with celery.

The essential oils contained in the vegetable can be an irritant to the intestinal mucosa. Therefore, for colitis, celery should be consumed in moderation.

If you take into account the characteristics of your body and use celery treatment wisely, then this will be of great benefit and no harm.

Great( 11 ) Badly( 0 )

Hello, dear readers!

Pests and diseases are not spared petiole celery side. In this article I will tell you how to deal with them and maintain high quality harvest.

Celery (borscht) fly flies out at the end of May, often migrating from hogweed. It lays eggs under the skin of leaves, and small tuberous spots appear on them. The resulting larvae eat away the tissue, leaving long brown tunnels. The petioles become bitter and the yield decreases. In the middle zone it produces one generation, in the south – two, and overwinters in the soil.

Ways to fight: observe crop rotation, pre-lime acidic soil, thin out seedlings in a timely manner, destroy hogweed and weeds of the same family, dig the bed deeply in the fall.

carrot fly overwinters in the soil. It flies out in the spring, laying small white eggs under the plant when the first true leaf forms. The larvae damage roots and other parts of celery. The carrot fly in the middle zone produces two generations: in June–July and in August–September.

Ways to fight: carry out weeding, fertilizing and loosening of the soil in a timely manner. In early June and early August, sprinkle the soil between the rows two or three times with a mixture of equal parts of tobacco dust and sand or dry mustard (1 tablespoon/m2) with an interval of 7-8 days.

carrot psyllid poses a danger to the northwestern region. The pest overwinters on coniferous trees and feeds on pine needles in spring and early summer. Then it flies to the celery and sucks the juice from the leaves. They are deformed, the petioles are shortened, and the plants look depressed.

Ways to fight: the same as against carrot flies.

The largest of all aphids. Each generation develops in just two weeks.

Ways to fight: at the first sign of a pest, spray celery with decoctions or infusions from the tops of tomatoes, potatoes, dandelion, and yarrow; a good result is obtained by an aqueous infusion of orange, tangerine or lemon peels (1:10), which is kept for 3-5 days.

Cercospora or early burn, more often manifests itself in damp, cold times with sudden temperature changes. Numerous rounded spots of 5 mm each form on the leaves with a light center and a red-brown border, noticeable on both sides of the leaf. Oblong spots appear on the petioles. With high humidity, the spots become covered with a purple coating. Diseased leaves and petioles dry out. The pathogen persists in the soil and on plant debris.

Prevention and treatment: disinfect seeds at a temperature of 48 degrees for 30 minutes, observe crop rotation, destroy weeds and plant debris; in case of strong spread, spray the plants with 0.1% Fundazol or Topsin-M. Last treatment 20 days before harvesting.

Septoria, or late burn, strikes at the end of summer. Numerous small yellow spots appear on the leaves; on the petioles they are oblong, depressed, brownish-brown. The causative agent of the disease persists on plant debris, seeds and soil for up to three years. The disease spreads in cold, rainy weather.

Prevention and treatment: the same as with cercospora.

Powdery mildew affects all above-ground parts of the plant, covering it with a white or grayish cobwebby coating. It then turns felty with black dots, moving from the top to the bottom of the leaf. The disease progresses greatly with sharp fluctuations in air temperature and humidity. Cold dew promotes spread. The pathogen overwinters on plant debris and weeds.

Prevention and treatment: dig the soil deeply, destroy diseased plant debris and weeds, maintain plant rotation; in case of severe spread of infection, spray the plants with infusion of field sow thistle (300 g per 5 liters of water, leave for 8 hours).

Cucumber mosaic manifests itself depending on the strains of the virus and weather conditions. In one case, this is a yellow mosaic and slower growth, in the second, large rings on the tops of plants, causing their deformation, in the third, small rings. The causative agent of the disease persists on wild plants, from which it is transmitted by aphids.

Prevention and treatment: in areas where mosaic is distributed, it is necessary to sow or plant seedlings early, remove weeds in a timely manner, spray the plants against aphids with a decoction of tomato tops (2 kg of dry tops per 10 liters of water, boil for 30 minutes over low heat, strain after settling and dilute 2-3 liters decoction in 10 liters of water).

Rust strikes in early summer. Red-brown pads appear on the underside of the leaf and petioles, which over time turn into light brown powdery spots, and by autumn they form dark brown sporulation, often merging into one line. Sick plants turn yellow and dry out, and the petioles lose their marketable quality.

Prevention and treatment: sow or plant seedlings at the optimal time, spray the plants with biological protection agents: Fitosporin-M, Baktofit.

Boron deficiency causes the death of the growing point in the center of the rosette along with the adjacent leaves. The base of the petioles cracks longitudinally. Cracks form in the upper part of the roots, which gradually expand and are populated by secondary microorganisms. The disease most often affects plants on light sandy soils and in dry years.

Prevention and treatment: follow the rules of agricultural technology, water the plants in a timely manner, spray with borax at a concentration of 0.04% throughout the season.

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