Palmistry predicting the future using the lines on the hand. Independent fortune-telling using the lines of the hand. New classification of hand types

24.11.2020 Repair

is an ancient science in which unteachable things about a person are studied with the help of an individual pattern on the palm. This science was popular back in the time of Aristotle, and the very first writings about palmistry were published in 1448 in Germany. Palmistry is now taught in astrology universities.

Palmistry is considered one of the branches of astrology; with its help you can predict a person’s qualities, learn about his talents (even hidden ones) and reveal the secret over a person’s future. Thanks to this information, a person begins to feel more confident and knows what lies ahead.

If you are interested in the science of palmistry, we will try to help you understand it. In order to start reading signs, you don’t need a lot of information; the basics, so to speak, the foundation, will be enough. But detailed decoding will require a lot of practice and study of signs.

If you want to know about a person's character, then you don't have to look far into palmistry. The character of a person can be recognized by the shape of his hand and fingers; just look at his hand. The main thing is that this hand should be the leading one.

During the initial examination, it is necessary to look at the shape of the hand, how long the fingers are, their structure, the shape of the hand, and the condition of the skin. For example, if the arm is short and the muscles on it are well developed, this indicates that the person in front of you is a practical person. Most likely, he works physically and knows his business.

And if the chicken is long and articular ligaments are visible on the fingers, this indicates that the person is engaged in science and a highly intelligent person is sitting in front of you. You can also find out whether this person belongs to art; such people often have subtle and long arms, and the fingers are shaped like a cone. They gradually taper towards the base of the nail.

You can tell a person's character by the condition of their skin. If he is rude, this indicates that the person is straightforward in his choices. If the hand is cold and thin, then a refined and gentle nature is sitting in front of you.

If you observe people's hands, then one fact can easily be seen: each person has an individual hand shape. You will never meet two similar hand shapes. If a person’s palm is square, then we can say that the person’s character is straightforward and practical. The palm has the shape of a rectangle, then in front of you is an imaginary and impressionable person.

The shape of the fingers is an additional factor in the examination; they can tell a little more about a person. For example, if your fingers are short, most likely the person opposite you is superficial and energetic. But if the fingers have a long shape, then this person is pedantic and perseverance prevails in his character. If the fingers are of average length, then the person does not have distinctive character traits; they all predominate at the average level.

Main lines

After you have examined a person’s hand, you need to start reading the palm, namely the basic lines in palmistry. There are four main lines in palmistry, these are:

At the same time, the branch of fate is not found in every person.

Before the sessions, you should find out which hand you need, namely, you need to understand which hand is active and which is passive. The scriptures differ on these opinions. Some argue that the active hand is the one that works. For example, if you are left-handed, then your left hand will be active.

But there is also a theory that the active hand is always the right one, since our life is recorded on it and the pattern on it changes throughout life. Since this hand tells about our personality, as our personality is formed, so is the pattern on it.

But the left hand is considered to be passive, since the design on it is not changeable and is given to us from birth; our destiny is shown on this hand. And it is very difficult to change, because it is very difficult. Because a person's destiny is very difficult to change.

There is also a theory that the hand should be chosen taking into account who is going to guess. If the palm is read by a girl, then it is necessary to give the right hand, and if it is a man, then fortune telling should be done on the left hand. But the easiest thing would be to choose the leading hand and not bother about it.

Heart line

Reading and deciphering palms must be approached with all seriousness and responsibility. If for you this is all a joke and just another amusement, the correct answers about the fate of a person will not be revealed to you.

By deciphering the heart line, you can find out about a person’s emotionality, it will show how romantic a person is, and you can also find out the person’s health status. This branch originates from the edge of the palm at the base of the little finger and goes all the way to index finger.

Using the heart line you can see:

  • If the line stops in the middle of the index and middle finger, this indicates that the person is the life of the party and has an open character. Most likely, he has a large number of acquaintances and no less friends, everyone speaks very well and warmly about him.
  • If the heart branch is short, the owner of such a hand is very reserved and restrained in expressing emotions, and he is also not particularly romantic.
  • If the heart line reaches the middle finger and does not continue further. Then such a person is more concerned about his own problems, rather than the problems of others.
  • If the stripe reaches the index finger, this indicates a character trait of the person. Such people are perfectionists, and they also demand that others strive for excellence.
  • If the branch of the heart has a long and curved shape, such a person can easily express his emotions.
  • If there is a circle on the line, then the person is susceptible to various depressions and sadness more than everyone else.
  • If the line breaks, this indicates that the owner had to endure severe emotional trauma.

The next main line is the line of the mind or it is also called the line of the head. With its help you can find out how well a person is intellectually developed and how he uses his intellect.

  • If the line of the mind is small, this means that the person relies more on logical thinking than on fantasies and imagination.
  • The stripe has an uneven and crooked shape - there is a creative person in front of you.
  • The branch of the mind is long - such a line indicates that a person always brings things to the end and is always collected with his thoughts and focused on work.
  • If there are circles and crosses on the line, most likely the person was having an emotional crisis.
  • The stripe has a straight shape, such a person relies more on realistic thinking.

With the help of this line, a palmist can learn about a person’s love for himself and his life, how he relates to his social circle, and so on.

There has always been a theory among people that a person’s life expectancy depends on the length of this line, but this opinion is erroneous. This is for the best, since many people are frightened at the sight of a short life line and often bring themselves to stressful situations.

There are several main characteristics:

  • If it is located at a decent distance from the thumb, this indicates that the person has a large vital supply of energy, and he has also developed good resistance to life.
  • If the stripe is close to the thumb, this indicates that the person is not particularly energetic and cheerful. The reason for this is a small amount of vital energy.
  • The line has a short and shallow shape - then such a person can be easily manipulated. And he often falls under manipulation by strangers.
  • If a person has several life lines, then such a person has good health and loves his life very much.
  • There are circles on the line - this indicates various diseases.
  • If she strives for a semi-circular shape, such a person has a lot of enthusiasm and strength for life.

When reading the palm, you will notice that not every person has this stripe. It begins at the base of the palm and often crosses the line of the mind and heart. It ends near the middle finger.

There are several main characteristics:

  • If this trait is deep, it means that a person’s life is under the control of fate.
  • If the fate line passes through the life line, it means that such a person has good support from parents and other family members.
  • If the fate line passes the life line approximately in the middle, this indicates that a person will not leave his family and friends in trouble.
  • If the line of fate comes into contact with the line of life at the very beginning, then such a person creates his own destiny.

Since ancient times, attempts have been made to predict the fate of man using the most various methods. One of them is palmistry - fortune telling by hand.

What do the lines on the palms mean?

There are key and minor signs on the hands.

There are 5 main lines:

  • Heart line;

In addition to them, there are a large number of signs on the hand, and each has its own meaning. It happens that the lines change dramatically, and a completely different pattern appears on the palm. Then you have to read the predictions differently. It depends on how a person behaves and what actions he performs.

The lines on your palm can tell you more about the future than you think.

Experienced palmists know that you cannot predict using only one line. All of them are interconnected and can supplement information about a particular event. Sometimes you can see an imminent tragedy, usually it is inevitable if it is reflected on two hands at once. But in the same way, great joy or a solemn event is seen and predicted in the lines.

Difference between right and left hands

Before fortune telling, you need to find out whether a person is right-handed or left-handed - this will play a big role. The active hand - the one with which you write - will tell you about the present and future.

In addition to upcoming events, you can determine the character of a person and his talents, which are given from birth. These abilities can be recognized by looking at the second hand. Many people are unaware of some of the talents that are shown in the palm of opportunity (the palm of the less active hand). But sometimes they have long been developed and bring great success in life.

The palms of the hands differ from each other in the shape of the lines

Pay attention! Most people are right-handed, and When a person uses his active hand more often, it absorbs changes in his life. Therefore, the lines on one palm and the other will be different.

If you can read a large number of similar signs on both hands, this indicates that the person has not lived a very interesting and varied life. As soon as noticeable differences appear in the lines with the inactive hand on the leading hand, this indicates that a bright event has occurred in the person’s fate.

How to determine your dominant hand

As a rule, in palmistry the present and future are predicted by the dominant palm. The secondary one can be used for additional information. It's easy to determine your dominant hand; it's the one you write with.. It talks about what a person has already done in his life, his plans for the future, his views on relationships, money, and career.

For people who write with their left hand, this is the dominant palm.

There are people who were left-handed from birth, but at school or kindergarten they were retrained to write with their right hand. Their dominant hand will still be their left. Experienced palmists use papillary patterns that help them easily determine whether a person is right-handed or left-handed. Beginners should adhere to the basic rule that they need to predict on both hands.

Psychological diseases are considered on the lines of the minor palm

It is on her that they appear earlier than on the leader. Their marks are indicated on the main lines.

Main lines of the hand

Everyone has them in the palm of their hand. Usually these features are pronounced and immediately noticeable. By studying palmistry in detail and learning how to read the lines on the palm, you can learn that important have the color of the stroke, as well as the symbols that appear on the line.

Understanding the meaning of the lines on your hands is not so difficult, the main thing is to figure out where and what lines are located

Based on the patterns on the palms, the following is determined:

  1. Clear lines, without interruptions, with a pink tint mean good health and a balanced nervous system.
  2. If the lines are wide, this means that you have a down-to-earth nature, without ideals.
  3. Subtle and deep - determine high impressionability and emotionality.
  4. Broken lines will indicate the presence of chronic diseases.
  5. A brownish, bluish and yellowish tint will indicate a serious illness.

It is located between the index finger and thumb and goes towards the wrist. It's good when it's long. If this is not the case, there is no need to be upset. It cannot predict how long you are destined to live; it determines the quality of life itself.

Considering this line, it is possible to determine the following:

  • a broken, unclear and short line means uncertainty of character and weakness in health, it predisposes a person to a tendency to get sick often;
  • a clear and continuous line indicates a large supply of energy;
  • if the line is closer to the index finger - the person is energetic and ambitious, in the middle of the palm - its owner easily overcomes difficulties, closer to the thumb - insecure;
  • breaks on the line of the active hand predict drastic changes in life, and on the passive hand - about complex emotional maturation;
  • after breaks in a line, its continuation is important. If it manifests itself more clearly, a change for the better awaits the person, if it decreases, for the worse, approaches the center of the palm, it promises a new job;
  • the fork at the base speaks of a love of travel;
  • branches up – positive changes, down – worries.

When the line ends early, it does not promise a quick end to your life

To determine the approximate date of events, the line is approximately divided into 12 segments. And they are sentenced to 7 years.

Heart line

Runs below the little finger to the middle between the middle and index fingers. She will tell the palmist about her feelings.

If you only see one very long line- this means that there is one deep, true love for life

Looking at how it forms on the palm, you can determine:

  • with a clear and even line - the person is responsive and practical;
  • if you have to read a short line, perhaps the person has it due to a poor emotional connection with people;
  • if it is low, the person is secretive;
  • a straight line speaks of a caring and worried nature;
  • big bend - happy family life;
  • when the line ends under the index finger - a tendency towards romance;
  • breaks in the line indicate experiences, chains of islands will tell about the variability of mood.

Line of mind (head)

It runs from the edge of the palm and ends under the ring finger. It is used to determine mental abilities.

Looking at it, you may notice:

  • the line reaches the little finger - ability in philosophy;
  • short line – narrow thinking;
  • straight – straightforward thinking, curved – subjective;
  • if it bends and lengthens at the end - a different perception of the world;
  • when the lines of the mind and life do not converge, this speaks of courage. When they strive to come into contact with each other, a person depends on the opinions of others;
  • interruptions and dashes signify inconstancy.

It runs from the wrist to the middle finger in a vertical position. It can be used to predict personality.

This line is not formed in everyone. If it is clearly defined in the palm of your hand, it means that fate has already been determined; if it is not there at all, it means that fate can be changed.

What can be said along the line:

  • fragments will say that the future can only be predicted in those fragments where the line is marked;
  • if the line begins clearly in the center at the base of the palm, this means that the person is responsible. When it passes from the Mount of the Moon, such people do not hold back their emotions, are sociable, the line enters the Mount of the Moon - an unconventional lifestyle prevails;

During major life changes, the fate line changes

The blurred line means that external events can change the original path of a person’s life.

It starts from the Mount of Mercury and ends at the bottom of the palm. It almost always looks uneven due to the fact that from the birth of a person it shows the presence of diseases or their manifestation. If there is no health line, this indicates that the person rarely gets sick.

The life line provides additional information to many of the signs that are present on the health bar.

Sometimes an imperceptible parallel line appears at the edge of the palm, which is called “ Milky Way" Her presence promises a person a happy life.

Carefully! If the health line crosses the life line, this means that a person needs to pay attention to health. Successful overcoming of a serious illness can be indicated by the layering of a segment of one line onto another.

Line of happiness (sun)

It can be seen from the ring finger to the wrist near the Mount of the Moon. It does not appear in everyone. It carries only positive meaning. Shows success in life and career, has nothing to do with personal life.

Line of intuition

It is located on the Mount of the Moon in the form of an arc. It can only be found among those people who have well-developed intuition, as well as among mediums.

Line of love (marriage)

Such lines are placed on the palm under the little finger on the Mount of Mercury. You need to read them, taking into account the depth and quantity. It is believed that they all mean a serious relationship. Deep lines promise longer lasting romances.

Line of love and marriage

As you know, to calculate the duration of a romance, you need to divide the line from the upper border of the Mount of Mercury to the line of the heart. Take three straight segments, each of them will be 25 years.

Children's lines

Moving away from the marriage line. Their number coincides with the number of children. Clear lines promise a male child, fuzzy lines promise a female child.

For those who want to know their destiny, palmistry will help predict events or correct failures in better side. Those who are seriously interested and want to learn how to predict the future themselves need to study all the lines down to the smallest detail and remember that you need to guess over the entire hand as a whole - after all, even one positive sign can change several negative ones.

The line of fate and the signs on it. Learn more from this useful video:

Line of fate, line of the sun: palmistry as an example. Watch the video review:

All about the line of love or marriage. Watch an interesting video:

One of the sciences about human destiny describes patterns on the palm as signs that speak about a person’s life path. Fortune telling by hand - palmistry - clearly defines the meaning of lines for beginners. This allows you to see both the past and the future. Additional tips will come in handy if a person is looking for his purpose at the moment.

What is palmistry

Palmistry - ancient science. It is closely connected with the occult and mystical teachings. Her theory comes from those times when people believed in magic, that under different combinations of heavenly bodies gifted and strong-willed people were born. The teaching is still popular today. Many believe that there are clues in the palm of your hand - winding patterns and pictures with which a person is born and dies. The theory is based on the belief that fate cannot be prevented. It was written before the child was born.

Every feature matters for palmistry. The lines, their combination, the shape of the palm and the severity of each sign create a general forecast. The versatility of palmistry is that it is suitable for both men and women. Interpretation of the palm pattern allows you to see the most significant moments (ups, downs, illnesses and betrayals). Whoever a person is, he can start studying palmistry from scratch.

Palm study

The palm patterns are unique. No two pictures are the same. Even one person has different patterns of left and right hands. They consist of basic and additional features. When a beginner begins to look at the palm, he must catch every detail.

What nuances of patterns are important for palmistry:

  • length and clarity of main lines;
  • location near the main lines of features;
  • figures;
  • expressiveness of the hills.

All lines on the palm are interconnected. You cannot look at just one trait to understand where fate is leading. Palm reading is a multi-step process that involves analyzing the patterns of both hands. It is important whether there are moles or scars on the palm - these are distinctive signs that help make a prognosis.

Which hand to guess by

You can't rush to describe patterns. Different patterns on the right and left palms can confuse a person. To understand what each means, it is necessary to consider the meaning of the hands. Active (for most people this is the right) is a reflection of the individual’s life, which is built on the basis of personal choice. This is a consequence of actions (right and wrong), mistakes. The right hand displays those personality traits that have formed and become established. It determines relationships with loved ones, colleagues and the outside world.

The meaning of the left hand is different from the right. It reflects the fate of the personality with which she was born. These are inclinations, abilities, talents. The passive hand pattern is not always true. It shows what a personality can have. Talents and skills need to be honed, and if a man or woman does not do this, the abilities are lost. The passive hand determines useful character traits (if they are developed, the personality will become successful). For accurate fortune telling, both patterns are compared. They will allow you to draw up an accurate map of a person’s fate.

How to start fortune telling

The road of life is depicted on two palms. What a beginner who is just learning palmistry needs to know:

  • the basis of any forecast is the meaning of the main lines, they need to be interpreted first;
  • a figure located not far from the main line corrects its value (either enhances the positive influence or neutralizes all the good things that were predicted);
  • the figure connects two lines - two spheres of human life are intertwined;
  • the hills located on the border of the palm complement the meaning of the main lines (at this stage fortune telling by hand is completed).

Palmistry reveals all the secrets of personality. From birth, while the child is forming, his inclinations are important - the patterns of the left hand. But as soon as it grows, the right hand (active) will become more important. It reflects the mistakes made by a person and their consequences. You can guess by patterns on any day, nothing depends on the place and time. Additional lines may appear throughout life (these are optional clues).

What is the location of the main lines

If you examine your palm, the first thing that will catch your eye is the Life line. It is the largest, clearest, crossing half of the palm. The line of Mind departs from it, which is symbolic, since its entire life path depends on the thinking of the individual. Above is the arc of the Heart. It describes the sphere of emotions. This arrangement is also symbolic: no matter who a person is, his feelings at a certain moment rise above the arguments of reason.

The Line of Fate, the last main line, is one of the most difficult. In most cases, it is not on the palm: this is the same sign as a clear or broken line. The location and bends of the arcs determine the main character qualities of a man or woman.

No main lines

If not all the lines are on the palm, the person is gifted with a special destiny. He may not be the happiest or luckiest, but he creates his own destiny. It is important for beginning palmists to understand that there is only a bad or good path in life. The uniqueness of a person is manifested in everything that happens to her.

If the main arcs are missing, it is necessary to consider all the signs that appear in their place. These are important marks that symbolize significant moments of growing up and developing a personality. Ornate features indicate that a person has certain character traits, but they are not always manifested. More often this phenomenon occurs in deceitful, weak or hypocritical people.

How to disassemble each strip

Palmistry is based on the connection of strokes, but individually they reveal important facts about a person. What the arcs show:

  • The Life line determines physical health;
  • the Fate trait demonstrates professional life;
  • the arc of Mind covers all the nuances of thinking;
  • The Love stripe is responsible for sensuality and the emotional sphere.

Palmistry covers all areas of life. If a person is in an unbalanced state, the lack of harmony makes some lines clearer and others barely noticeable. In this case, the severity of the arcs is of particular importance. The lines determine the personality's temperament (it dictates behavior and creates habits). Shapes and hills describe less noticeable features - they are useful for a general forecast.

Life Line

The Life line has a special meaning. It describes how a person feels. This is physical health, a general condition that determines all other areas. Without health, a person cannot fully open up, find his place or become successful. From birth, the arc of Life is the clearest, and over the years it only deepens, acquiring new branches. Its general meanings for beginner palmists are as follows:

  • life expectancy: conventionally, the entire arc is divided into 4–5 parts, these are all stages of a person’s maturation, each segment is responsible for 15–20 years of life; if you examine the segment, you can see illnesses (there are many dashes around the line, but the segment itself is fuzzy or curved), injuries - if the arc intersects with other marks; In early childhood, it reflects how a child is formed and goes through the process of growing up; the longer the arc (reaches the wrist), the longer the man or woman will live;
  • health status: demonstrates serious illnesses - illnesses that cannot be avoided; they arise suddenly and take all the strength from an adult or child; the more sick a person is, the more breaks there are in the arch;
  • injuries and long-term illnesses: how quickly a person recovers depends on the length of the remaining part of the arc; a break after an injury (the line ends and then continues) indicates its serious consequences.

If there is a mole on the Life line, it indicates that a person independently manages the gifts of the Universe. He takes from her everything he needs. Moles speak of great luck - with its help, a man or woman will be able to ward off any danger.

Trait Features

You need to take a closer look at all the lines that go to the arc of Life. If they thicken the main stripe, they indicate good health. In adult life or in childhood a person will be able to find activities that will improve health - sports, running, yoga, etc. If the lines move away from the arc and it becomes thinner, there will be many unfavorable factors in life that worsen health. It is useful for such people to strengthen their own body - they can improve the quality of their life if they do not develop chronic diseases.

If recovery goes faster after an injury, the line on the palm will be smooth and without breaks. If the arc bifurcates, the person will face important choice. Further fate depends on him. In most cases, the arch begins between the thumb and index finger.

If the origin is closer to the thumb, the person is endowed physical strength, if the beginning is at the index, such a person is more of an intellectual than an athlete. The main bend of the arc speaks of the flexibility of the individual: how capable she is of changing her life without loss to herself.

Arc of Fate

For beginner palmists, the difficulty is the line of Fate. It does not always appear or is found only on one palm - this is normal. The vertical line indicates the conduct that a person follows. In many cultures, it is called karmic payback: it shows what life lessons you will have to endure. If such a mark is absent, there is no need to be afraid of karmic debt.

In classical numerology, the line of Fate represents:

  • aspirations;
  • luck, which does not depend on a person;
  • desires and motivations;
  • goals, dreams and their implementation.

Every dream has its own basis - this is its effective force. It becomes the beginning of new things and forms the basis of a model of behavior. Dreams are produced by the subconscious: they are the result of a person’s maturation, upbringing, and thinking. For it to emerge and become a realistic plan, a lot of things happen.

The Line of Fate describes the dream as a driving force because it is a reflection of the essence of a person. She is a person. Fate is a conduct, an internal premonition that only special individuals possess. It is expressed in aspirations, desires and dreams. And the longer the arc, the more such aspirations (a kind of guarantee of success).

Strip characteristics

The vertical line is located parallel to the line of Life (its main bend). It passes under the little finger, ring finger or middle finger. The length of the line is of particular importance for people in the creative profession. If they are lucky enough to have a long stroke, success is guaranteed. If there is a line on the left hand, the person is a dreamer, she has many plans that she cannot realize in real life.

If the trait is only on the right hand, the person will be able to achieve his goals. He will find a way out of any situation. Future wealth is judged along these lines. The clearer it is, the more a man or woman can accumulate. This line personifies spiritual development. People gifted with a deep line of Fate are not afraid to believe in mysticism or look for fateful signs. They have well-developed intuition.

Head Trait

For beginner palmists, finding the Head line will not be difficult. This is a bend extending from the Life line (a separated line is very rare). It runs along the palm, and its end is directed down towards the wrist.

If this is an arc, the person is endowed with good intelligence: the longer it is, the smarter the person. A clear mark, which is brighter than the other lines, indicates that the person is accustomed to being guided only by the arguments of reason. Each of his actions has a logical basis.

The Head Line symbolizes the development of thinking - people with a long arc do not sit still. They need new knowledge. They are well versed in new technologies and rarely remain superstitious. These are organized and collected individuals if the line reaches the edge of the palm. Represents the arc of progress along career ladder(if a person has found something he likes).

Line Properties

The Head Line helps to understand in which area of ​​activity a person is realized. The value of the arc directly depends on several factors:

  • duration: the length of the dashes is used as a basis when trying to understand how concentrated a person is; the longer the mark, the more organization in all areas of life; such people quickly find what they love and achieve considerable heights in it;
  • completion: the arc ends without branches - a person always follows his principles, he is confident in himself, knows his worth and nothing can break his faith; people quickly move up the career ladder, but rarely succeed in personal relationships; if the line bifurcates at the end, such individuals often rush between the desire to succeed and an attempt to escape from the mortal world, these are people who combine creative tendencies and logical thinking;
  • connection with other lines: if the line tends to the Life line, the person will have a successful business or his own business - it will bring good income; if the arc of Mind and Love intersect, the person has a complex character; intersection with the line of Fate indicates that the individual will have to suffer in search of his destiny, but if he does not give up, he will definitely achieve success.

The Head Line describes those personality qualities that help in work. The fewer branches on the arc, the better person understands his desires and follows them.

Love Strip

One of the four main lines describes the sensory part of life. The Arc of Love talks about how a man or woman perceives the world around them, understands the opposite sex, and knows how to express their emotions.

The arc runs along the phalanges of the fingers and literally covers them from other marks. The main pattern is framed by the arc of Love (long and clear), when the person is not used to hiding his feelings. She knows what she wants, who should be with her. Such confidence is based only on sensations.

A man or woman with a long line of Love reaching to the rib cannot explain their feelings, but they always follow them. The line extends from the index or middle finger. She has many additional signs. It is also supported by 4 hills at once (developed or absent).

The Love line has several meanings - it reflects matters of the heart (how successful a person is in love, prone to loneliness), betrayal. The more sensuality in a person's life, the less control he has over his emotions (people with a long and clear mark).

Trait qualities

The main feature of the arc is its location relative to other lines. If it does not intersect with other marks, a person knows how to keep his emotions under control. He has spontaneous reactions, but they are rarely made public.

From early childhood, owners of smooth, clear and long lines learn to understand themselves. They know that they perceive the world differently. If they can accept this quality, the skill becomes a gift. But improper upbringing or childhood trauma will affect the behavior of such an individual, and she will perceive her sensitivity as punishment.

It is important that next to a nature with a subtle mental organization there are people who will always support her. Loneliness for her is a forced step, a defensive reaction. Such a person may limit himself to communication for years so as not to experience new pain.

Arcs of a different series

There are lines on the palm that are less pronounced, but each of them has its own location. They carry additional information that will tell you about the continuation of personal relationships, work, and self-development. These are thin, short, intermittent or thread-like markings. They are suitable for complex fortune telling, when a beginner has understood the intricacies of the location of the main lines.

Marriage Line

A line describing one of the main social statuses of an individual. It represents the family that a man or woman will create. Located above the arc of Love on the edge of the palm.

It passes between the Love line and the index finger. People who marry several times have several marks located in this interval. Displays a specific pattern under the little finger and a serious relationship, they may not be formalized (the lines show affection, not responsibilities).

The clearer the mark, the stronger the union will be. Based on the edge of the palm, if the entire interval from the line of Love to the little finger is divided into three equal parts, you can determine at what age the marriage will be concluded (the first interval is from 18 to 25, the second from 25 to 50 and the third from 40 years).

Trait of Children

Another additional feature is the Children line. She is on the arc of Marriage. These are clear marks coming off. To see them better, you can bend your palm (in this position the marks are easier to see).

There may be several marks on the Marriage line. They describe the number of children. Only those that have a pronounced length and clarity are taken into account. If a person enters into several marriages, children (born in different relationships) may be displayed on each mark.

Indian Numerology Stripes

The placement of lines in Indian numerology differs from the placements in classical teaching. The Marriage Ring should be looked for on the bend of the thumb (under the phalanx).

This is a clear line that is better visible when the finger is brought to the palm. Clear lines extend from the main ring - these are streaks. If a person breaks off a relationship, a new ring does not appear, but the arc that already exists is transformed. Children are shown between the wrist and thumb (clear, long markings).

Figures on the lines

If fortune telling by hand occurs in stages, after considering the main and additional lines, the figures are studied. These are prominent pictures that complement the general information. Their meanings on the hand are as follows:

  • triangle: formed by two or three simple lines, in rare cases there are one or two main arcs, indicates problems of a financial nature;
  • lattice - an unfavorable sign, especially near the thumb, speaks of losses;
  • the square is a symbol of harmony, the owners are calm and balanced people;
  • island - symbolizes temporary difficulties that can be overcome;
  • dot - a sign of the end of one stage of life and the beginning of another;
  • Cross - forced transformations: the individual will have no choice, she will have to accept change.

The position of a figure determines it general meaning and impact on prognosis.

Hills of the palm

Hills are the bumps on the palm. All of them can be developed in humans. Also, the palm can be smooth and without tubercles. This feature determines the character of the individual.

Under the little finger there is the hill of Mercury (responsible for the entrepreneurial spirit), next to it are the hillocks of Apollo (a sign of light and art) and Saturn (an indicator of good luck).

The symbol of good intuition is the Mount of Jupiter located under the index finger. The Mount of Venus (along the thumb) describes the sensuality of the individual, and the Moon (at the opposite end of the palm) enhances the talents of a man or woman.


A very popular fortune telling is palm reading. By the patterns of the right and left hands, you can see when a person gets married, finds his place in life and finds harmony. To formulate a prediction, a beginner needs the main arcs - Life, Mind, Love and Fate.

Important information: Palmistry is considered a pseudoscience. It is possible to check it and do it quite simply, but no scientific research has been conducted in favor of palmistry as a science. Scientists classify palm reading as one of the so-called “cold” reading techniques.

The ability to read one's hands is a very useful talent, which, unfortunately, not many people possess. Although learning the basics of hand reading is fairly easy, our hands are more than just lines. Hand reading consists of three parts: chirognomy (the study of the shape of the hands, including fingers and pads), palmistry (the study of the lines of the palms) and dermatoglyphics (the study of patterns on the skin and fingerprints). Continue reading this article to learn about some advanced techniques that can be used when reading fate from a person's hands.



  1. Examine the shape of your fingers. The normal shape of the fingers usually matches the shape of the hand. However, most hands are a mixture of several finger shapes, reflecting the variety of talents and characteristics that each individual possesses. The shape of the nails is also used to determine the shape of the fingers.

    • Square fingers have square nails and indicate a down-to-earth trait in relation to the attributes of a particular finger.
    • Pointed fingers often have almond-shaped nails and indicate the artistic nature of the person.
    • Shovel-shaped the fingers have square nails that flare out at the ends and indicate the person's ingenuity.
    • Cone fingers have oval nails and indicate a well-developed imagination.
    • In case of mixed finger shapes, if, for example, a person’s ring finger is square, then this person has a predisposition to art. But if the same person has a pointed index finger, then his profession, as a rule, is not related to art.
    • When it comes to nails, as a rule, long nails indicate a soft nature; short nails are a sign of an unlucky, paranoid and difficult character; wide nails indicate quarrelsome qualities; narrow nails are characteristic of conservative and sophisticated individuals.
  2. Examine your fingers for smoothness. The smoothness of fingers and knuckles is a good indicator of in which areas of life a person is most active. This indicator also influences the instinctive, practical and intellectual achievements in the areas of life that are symbolized by each individual finger. The middle finger symbolizes services (goals, limitations). The index finger symbolizes authority (position, wealth, happiness). The ring finger symbolizes the implementation of plans (fame, success). Finally, the little finger symbolizes activity (health, intelligence, commercial projects).

    • If the knuckles are generally smooth, then a person is prone to passivity, allows other people to control him, but at the same time he can be quite impulsive from time to time, which sometimes leads to negligence and frivolous actions.
    • If the top knuckles are smooth but the middle knuckles have deep wrinkles or folds of skin, then a person’s intelligence and his practicality go well with each other. A strong instinctive drive is a sign of well-developed knuckles.
    • The fleshiness of the finger pads, as well as their level of flatness indicates good development (or lack thereof) in relation to the attributes of each finger.
    • Well developed round toe pads indicate strong intelligence and curiosity. Flat pads indicate a lack of intellectual insight regarding the attributes of each finger.
  3. Study the distance between your fingers. It is also important to notice how far the fingers are from each other. With your hand relaxed, examine your fingers and notice how some fingers are distant from other fingers and how some are close to adjacent fingers.

    • Independent mind indicated by the fact that your little finger is located separately from your ring finger, at a fairly large distance.
    • Life connected with art indicated when the ring finger is close to the middle finger. Your destiny will also help your success.
    • If your middle and index fingers are close to each other, then this indicates that you will achieve authority and high official position through your own goals and dreams. If these fingers are distant from each other, then other factors will affect your life.
  4. Study the structure of your fingers. The structure and thickness of the fingers indicate the character traits of a person.

    • Heavy fingers usually indicate a physical nature that may have hard look to the world.
    • Long and thin fingers indicate a more emotional and aggressive person; people with such fingers are very sensitive to insults and often take sarcasm literally.
    • Short and thick fingers indicate an emotionally comfortable character.
    • If the index finger longer than the usual length, then the person is prone to leadership and control over other people. If it is shorter than the normal length, then the person prefers to stay behind and allow other people to control him.
  5. Study the length of your fingers. The length of the fingers is measured relative to the length of the palm. On average the most long finger should be about seven to eighths the length of the palm, and if it is as long as the palm, then such fingers are considered long. Short fingers - shorter than seven to eighths of the length of the palm. The index finger should, however, reach a third of the nail of the middle finger. The ring finger typically reaches just above the nail of the middle finger, and the little finger should reach the top knuckle of the ring finger.

    • If the ring finger longer than the usual length, then a person. most likely talented in the arts, but at the same time it indicates a reckless and violent character.
    • If the little finger shorter than the usual length, then the person is not able to influence other people. If it is longer, then the person is eloquent and knows how to write and sell well.


    1. Read the health line. The health line describes a person’s material and physical well-being, especially if the life line appears very faded on the hand and is difficult to see. If a person has weak lines of fame, fate and success, then the line of health also plays a big role in the formation of material well-being. The health line extends from the base of the little finger, down through the palm to the base of the thumb. Sometimes it coincides with the life line.

      • Absent- most likely, you will have virtually no health problems.
      • Deep and continuous- good business qualities, as well as the ability to work hard and earn money.
      • Wavy- potential health problems due to nervousness and anxiety.
      • Interrupted - poor health will lead to problems in business.
      • Small lines cross the health line- predisposition to accidents.
      • Additional lines extend to the life line- a sign of a life-threatening situation in old age.
      • Square around a line- a symbol of protection, be it good medical care or help in resolving business problems.
      • Donut shaped line break- need for hospitalization.
      • Triangle formed by the lines of life, head and health- known as the lucky triangle, in which the width of the angle is directly proportional to the person’s level of luck.
    2. Read the line of glory. The line of glory supports the line of fate. The fame line influences the social rewards of success. This line, if visible, begins at the base of the hand and extends upward to the base of the ring finger parallel to the line of fate.

      • Absent- a person’s future glory is hidden in other areas of the hand; this person may be successful, but would prefer not to show off his success to the public.
      • Deep and clear- distinction and job satisfaction in your life.
      • Periodically broken- indicates ups and downs in public recognition.
      • Reaches straight to the ring finger- fame in art is very possible.
      • Starts at the head line and goes through the heart line- hard work and late success in life.
      • Split at the end of the glory line (becomes two small lines)- success may be doubtful.
      • Ends under the ring finger in the shape of a star or triangle- brilliant success in the arts (acting, singing, dancing).
      • Ends under the ring finger in the shape of a square- a benevolent patron.
    3. Read the marriage line. The relationship is described by a small line (or lines) located just below the base of the little finger. The closer these lines are located to the base of the little finger, the later in a person’s life this relationship will occur.

      • A few light lines- novels.
      • Deep and clear lines- marriage.
      • Many intersecting lines- love affairs on the side.
      • Lines that meet but do not intersect- children born from outside relationships.
      • Branching at the beginning to the back of the hand- long engagement.
      • Branching at the end towards the palm- separation (with or without divorce).
      • A line at the end that abruptly cuts off the marriage line- end of relationship due to death or divorce.
      • Breaks that rejoin the intersection- separation followed by reunion.
    4. Read the money line. This line does not indicate material wealth, but the skill of acquiring such wealth and how it can be achieved.

      • Absent- you will have so much money that you will use $100 bills as a handkerchief.
      • A line from the base of the thumb to the base of the index finger, ending in a star shape, - a natural talent for making money.
      • Line from the base of the thumb to the little finger- wealth from inheritance or family income.
      • Line from the base of the thumb to the middle finger- money earned through business.
      • Line extending to the ring finger, passing through the line of glory- money will come through luck and unexpected circumstances.
    5. Read the travel lines. These lines are the main indicators of the journeys and trips you will take during your life, which will have a profound impact on your life. These lines typically start at the edge of the hand opposite the thumb and extend horizontally.

      • Intersection with the life line- a trip that will be caused by your health, or a trip that will affect your health.
      • Intersecting travel lines- danger or problems during travel.
      • Lines are enclosed in a square- a symbol of protection in your travels.
      • Breaks- possible travel delays.
      • Intersection with the line of fate- travel will change your life.
    6. Read the small lines. Small (or insignificant) lines can be found on most hands. These include the lines of opposition, intuition, escape and influence.

      • Opposition lines: these lines can be found on the outside of the palm, between the line of the heart and the head. These lines indicate the opposing forces that you will face in life.
      • Intuition line: this line is located on the outside of the palm (at the base of the palm under the little finger). It indicates strong intuition. If you have this line, then you are an extremely sensitive and intuitive person and may even have extrasensory perception. The line can bend into the palm or towards its edge, but this does not change its meaning.
      • Escape line: this line is located near the base of the palm. It often crosses the life line, and this crossing symbolizes a time in your life when you will encounter a predicted event. The escape line indicates a person who avoids problems in his life by indulging in his imagination. If it connects with the line of glory, then this person will devote himself to art to find peace. If it crosses the health line, then that person is likely to develop an alcohol or drug addiction. It can also foreshadow suicide.
      • Lines of influence: these lines begin at the base of the thumb and extend into the palm. The intersections of these lines with other lines symbolize important events. The much coveted lines of influence are those that indicate how and where a person will become rich if they cross the money lines.


Don't guess by any hand. First, decide which hand you will use - left or right. Keep in mind that there is a significant difference between left and right. Some palmists believe that fate is read by the left hand, and fate by the right. There is also a fairly widespread belief that what is given by God is written on the left hand, and what was created by man himself during his life is written on the right hand. The left one will show the qualities that a person inherited from his ancestors, and the right one will give an idea of ​​how the person used his talents, how he developed his abilities and inclinations. The most traditional approach is to use your working hand (that is, use your right hand if you are right-handed and your left if you are left-handed).

At the initial stage, carry out a general inspection. A person's hand type can tell you a lot. To do this, take your leading hand. Examine the skin on your hand, feel it. If the skin is dense, rough, it means that the owner of the hand has a direct character, and if the skin of the hand is transparent and cold, you are dealing with a refined nature. Information about the various qualities of a person will help you predict his fate.

Pay attention to the shape of your palm and fingers. The owner of a flat, square palm is a straightforward, practical person. If you notice that your hand is extended, then such a person is often suspicious and impressionable. Short fingers indicate surface and energy, while long fingers indicate pedantry and perseverance. Fingers of medium length do not highlight certain character qualities in a person. Look at your hand, palms and fingers. Pay attention to the flexibility of the palm, the length and thickness of the fingers, and the shape of the hand. Compare the information about yourself obtained through palmistry with your idea of ​​yourself. They will most likely match.

Find the main lines on your working hand (or the working hand of the person whose hand you are telling fortunes by). Start reading the lines in a specific order. There are few main lines. This is the line of the heart, the line of the head or mind, the line of life, the line of fate. The bumps on the palm also deserve special attention. The line of the heart and the line of the mind carry general information about a person, his emotional background and the degree of intellectual development. The two remaining main lines will help you find out your fate - fate and life. Gaps in life lines may indicate drastic changes in life, changes in worldview, obstacles on the path of life, and severe illnesses. If a duplicate line runs near the place of the break, this means that the person is protected from the vicissitudes of fate, unexpected shocks and serious illnesses.

Now proceed to inspect the line of fate. It tells about a person’s purpose and can reveal the whole meaning of his life. Each fate line is unique. Not every person has a fate line in their palm. Palmistry explains the missing line by saying that everyone is ready to look for meaning in life, some do not understand why they live. People who, from childhood, clearly understand why they live and what they want from life, have an even and straight line of fate. If a person, in the middle of his life’s journey, suddenly finds himself and realizes a lot, a clear beginning appears in his palm near the fate line, which was not there before.