How to make cherry jam recipe. Cherry jam - recipes for the winter. Classic cherry jam

Fragrant, with delicate sourness, with caramelized berries, having many shades, from soft pink to ruby. How useful! Cherry jam. It can be so different. For every taste. But few people will refuse to cook several jars of such jam for the winter after the next cherry harvest.

Cherry jam

Housewives use cherries for jam either with or without pits. Removing seeds from berries is a labor-intensive task. But there is an opinion that the jam made from such berries is the most fragrant. And eating it when you don’t have to peel the seeds from the berries in your mouth is much more pleasant and convenient.

You can cook cherries for the next type of jam for five minutes (you’ll get five-minute jam), or longer to increase the thickness of the jam. From cherries you can make confitures, jams, marmalade, dietary jams that are low in sugar.

To cook classic cherry jam with pits Sugar should be taken in equal quantities in relation to the berries. That is 1:1. And for every kilo of sugar you will need a glass of water. We make syrup from sugar and water, in which the sugar should completely dissolve. Pour pre-prepared cherries into the syrup that is boiling on the stove (peeled from leaves, stems, washed in a colander and dried on paper napkins) and immediately turn off the heat under the pan. Let the cherries stand in the syrup for seven hours.

Next, remove the berries from the syrup with a slotted spoon, bring the syrup to a boil again, dip the berries in it again and let it sit for seven hours. Now bring the jam to a boil without removing the berries from it and turn it off if you want the cherries to retain more vitamins. If you want to make the jam thicker, cook over low heat until tender, checking the syrup with one drop on the saucer. It shouldn't spread.

Cherry jam

Using pitted cherry jam as an example, we will give the following method of preparing it. You can cook both cherries and sweeter cherries in this way. To make this jam you will need a little more sugar than in the previous version. For a kilo of seeded berries you need to take 1.2 kg of sugar and a glass of water, as well as a teaspoon of citric acid, which will add thickness to the jam and a pleasant sourness.

Peel the berries. You can do this with an ordinary women's hairpin. Next, cook the berries in the same way as in the first option with seeds. Citric acid add at the very end of preparing the jam. Roll into sterile jars. Ready!

Today I will share the most successful recipes for cherry jam. Cherry jam is one of my family's favorites.

Cherry jam is in demand in almost every family. Its taste is so wonderful that it began to be called “royal” jam. And if you add cinnamon and a couple of drops of cognac to it, the aroma will become more refined.

To make jam, you need the following ingredients:

  • one kilogram of cherries
  • half a kilo of sugar
  • teaspoon cognac
  • aromatic cinnamon

How to make cherry jam?

First, the cherries must be thoroughly washed to remove dirt and spoiled berries. I recommend using gloves before pitting.

  1. Take a toothpick and carefully remove the seeds to preserve the shape of the berry as much as possible. To do this, slowly pierce the center with a toothpick. Place the removed bones in a sieve, under which you should place a cup. The collected juice is also useful during the cooking process.
  2. Next, put all the cherries into a large cup. Pour the resulting juice there and sprinkle sugar on top. Leave the cherries in this state for 5-6 hours until juice forms.
  3. Mix the berries with sugar well and leave for a couple of hours for the ruby ​​juice to appear. If the berry is sweet and ripe, then the volume of juice should reach 50% of the total amount.
  4. Mix everything thoroughly with the resulting syrup and boil on the stove.
  5. After it boils, boil the mixture over medium heat for about 10-15 minutes.
  6. As soon as everything thickens, turn it off and forget for a while.
  7. The next day it is also necessary to boil and leave for another night.
  8. Next, boil, add cognac and a cinnamon stick. Immediately pour everything into jars, which must first be sterilized.

You should not boil the jam with cognac for more than three minutes!
This multi-stage cooking method allows you to preserve the color of cherry jam, giving it an amazing taste and alluring aroma. Your family will appreciate the dish, which is perfect for pancakes, for filling a pie or as a sweet for tea. Bon appetit!

Cherry jam with pits

In many families, cherry jam is a favorite for sweet treats. There are many options for preparing the delicacy. One of the popular ones is cherry jam with pits, which is incredibly tasty and easy to prepare. Therefore, even novice cooks can prepare this dish.

Required ingredients:

  • Cherry – 1 kilogram
  • Sugar – 1 kilogram

Process for making cherry jam:

  1. First of all, the cherries must be cleaned of dirt, rotten and diseased berries must be removed so that they do not spoil the jam.
  2. Carefully remove the stems so as not to damage the berries.
  3. After the cleaning process, pour the cherries into a large cup or basin and sprinkle sugar on top. It is worth noting that if you have too many cherries, then on the first day you should add half the portion of sugar, and only then, during the cooking process, add the rest.
  4. We forget about a lot of hours for 6-7 so that our berries give juice. I always leave it overnight.
  5. The next day you should also boil the jam and leave it to cool. This step-by-step process will help you prepare a divine-tasting treat.
  6. In the evening we set it to boil again. If you don’t particularly like thick delicacies, then you can already pour it into jars at this stage.
    If you want it thicker, you should leave it for another day and repeat the same manipulations.
  7. We put everything into jars and roll them tightly.

It is worth noting that the jars should be turned upside down, and only after cooling can they be put away in the cellar or closet before the onset of winter. It’s better to put the seams away, because if it catches your eye, it can be eaten in a matter of minutes.

So in a simple way you can prepare cherry jam, which will not only decorate the table, but will also appeal to all sweet tooth lovers. It is unlikely that there will be any sweetness left for filling the pie, since not only children, but also adults will gobble it up on both cheeks.

Recipe for cherry jam with rum in syrup

In my family, cherry jam is one of the most delicious treats in the winter season. However, few housewives know that cherries can be used to make more original desserts that do not require much time. This cherry jam recipe is just one of those.

To prepare, take:

  • a large spoon of cognac or rum,
  • four large spoons of vanilla sugar,
  • one kilogram of sugar,
  • three kilograms of berries.

How to prepare cherry jam in aromatic syrup with cognac or rum?

  1. Make sure you don't come across any diseased or rotten berries, which could spoil the taste of the delicacy.
  2. Mix vanilla and regular sugar, then carefully and carefully remove the pits from the washed cherries and sterilize the small jars.
  3. Place the ingredients in them: add a couple of tablespoons of sugar to the bottom, then add a small layer of cherries and repeat until the container is filled to the brim. The last, final layer should be sugar.
  4. Press down each layer lightly with a wooden spatula, but do not overdo it. Wait and soon the cherries will give amber juice, which will cover the top layer of the berries.
  5. Place a small towel on the bottom of a large saucepan, place a jar of berries on it, and cover it with a sterilized lid.
  6. Place in a saucepan warm water reaching the shoulders of the jar, heat over medium heat.
  7. After the mixture boils, reduce the heat and continue to sterilize the jar for at least 15-20 minutes.
  8. Carefully remove the hot jar from the pan so as not to burn yourself, pour rum into it and immediately roll it up so that the smell does not have time to dissipate.

Turn the jar over and keep it like this for at least a day. Canned food should be stored in a dark place. kitchen cabinet or pantry. It will take no more than an hour to prepare the dessert without waiting.

This cherry jam recipe will be a godsend for many cooks who want to add some zest to their dish and surprise their guests.

Recipe for cherry confiture with almonds

The amazing taste, color and aroma of cherry confiture will put you in the mood for the whole day. Perfect for breakfast with a bun or cheese. I recommend adding cherry confiture to game or poultry dishes.

To prepare cherry jam, take:

  • a small spoon of citric acid,
  • two large spoons of cognac,
  • two small spoons of vanillin,
  • a pinch of ground cinnamon,
  • a large spoon of gelfix,
  • 80 grams of unroasted peeled almonds,
  • kilogram of sugar
  • kilogram of cherries.

How to prepare cherry jam?

  1. Few people know how to prepare cherry confiture. But those who have tried it at least once will no longer be able to resist. The preparation is quite simple, so even a culinary novice can handle it.
  2. First, remove the seeds from the washed and selected berries, beat thoroughly with a blender until a consistency reminiscent of puree, then mix the zhelfix with two tablespoons of sugar. Usually it is specifically used to make the jam thicker; unlike gelatin, gelatin does not impart a meaty taste to food. It is also perfect for those who value healthy food.
  3. Add it to the puree and lightly beat again.
  4. Bring the cherry puree to a boil over low heat, add the remaining sugar, cinnamon, vanillin and citric acid.
  5. Lightly chop the almonds and also add to the resulting puree.
  6. Boil for ten to fifteen minutes, stirring constantly, pour cognac into the mixture, increase the heat and cook for exactly three minutes.
  7. After this, transfer into sterilized small jars, roll up, turn them upside down and leave for 24 hours.

Store the finished confiture in a dark place. It will take no more than forty minutes to prepare the dessert without waiting.

Adults and children will love this dish, and your guests will be pleasantly surprised that you can prepare a real culinary miracle from simple fruits.

Recipe for cherry jam with walnuts

Many people remember the taste of homemade cherry jam from childhood. Nowadays, some people prefer to buy a ready-made product in the store, while others, on the contrary, want to experiment and prepare something unique. Walnuts added to the dish will not spoil it at all, but will only add a special piquancy and taste. This recipe is designed for long-term storage of the product, so you can roll up the jam in large quantities.

To prepare, take the following products:

  • two small spoons of vanillin,
  • a large spoon of gelfix,
  • 300 grams of shelled walnuts,
  • 800 grams of sugar,
  • kilogram of cherries.

How to make cherry jam with walnuts:

  1. Remove the pits from the washed cherries using a toothpick or pin, place in a saucepan and cook for ten to fifteen minutes.
  2. Mix three tablespoons of sugar with jellyfix.
  3. Pour the resulting mixture into the hot cherries and continue cooking for five minutes, stirring constantly to avoid burning.
  4. Crumble the peeled walnuts into small pieces, add them along with vanilla to the cherry mass, simmer over low heat for another three minutes.
  5. Transfer the finished jam into small, pre-sterilized jars, roll up, and then leave upside down for one day to cool.

Store the jam in a dark place in the pantry or cupboard. The cherry dessert will take thirty minutes to prepare without waiting.

Your family and friends will not be able to tear themselves away from this delicacy, which can be enjoyed simply with tea or a bun. This quick cooking Even a schoolchild who is just learning the culinary arts can make cherry jam.

Don't forget to prepare for the winter.

We will be happy to answer any of your questions in the comments.

The other day I already shared with you a recipe for cherry jam for the winter, which we prepared with a pit. Today I offer another version of this amazing berry delicacy - let's make pitted cherry jam. It turns out just as tasty, aromatic and beautiful. By the way, thanks to the absence of these very seeds, such cherry jam becomes not only a wonderful dessert, but also a filling for excellent homemade baked goods.

The color of the finished jam will be fantastically rich, and its taste will be simply magical. So that the berries do not fall apart during the cooking process and remain intact in the finished cherry jam, subject heat treatment We will use the original products in three doses and for a very short time. By the way, it is precisely due to this procedure that this cherry jam is also called five-minute (the berries are boiled in syrup for no more than 5 minutes).

Despite the fact that the preparation of cherry jam will take 2 days, our actual work is actually minimal. The most time-consuming thing is to remove the seeds from the berries, but most of the time the cherries are infused and soaked in syrup, and we just wait, minding our own business. But as a result, you will get about 1.2 liters of amazing homemade cherry jam, in which whole sweet berries are bathed in a fairly thick and rich berry syrup.


Cooking the dish step by step with photos:

To prepare homemade cherry jam for the winter, we need fresh ripe cherries and granulated sugar. In general, we need 1 kg of sugar for 1 kg of berries, but we will prepare seedless cherry jam, so I give the mass 200 grams more (taking into account the weight of the removed seeds).

Wash the cherries and let the water drain. After this, we remove the bones in any way - I use this ancient device, but you can use a pin, a hairpin, a teaspoon, or just your fingers.

As a result, from 1.2 kilograms of fresh cherries I get exactly 1 kilogram of seedless berries. Immediately place the cherries in a large container in which you will cook the jam. It should be large to make it easier to shake the berries.

In this state, the cherries with sugar should be left at room temperature for several hours, during which it is important not to disturb, but to lightly shake the contents. This way the berries will not get crushed, and the sugar will dissipate faster. If you have the desire and time, you can sprinkle the berries with sugar in the evening and leave them until the morning.

When most of the sugar has dissolved and turned into syrup, put the dishes on low heat and let the granulated sugar and cherry juice completely turn into syrup. You can cover the bowl (pan) with a lid during this time. It is advisable not to mix the berries with sugar with a spoon, but only slightly shake the bowl from side to side. This is necessary for the cherry to maintain its integrity.

Bring the contents of the bowl to a boil and cook over low heat for about 5 minutes. Don't forget to remove the foam. After 5 minutes of boiling, turn off the heat and let the pitted cherry jam cool COMPLETELY at room temperature. There is absolutely no need to rush here, so you can leave the treat to rest for at least 5 or 12 hours.

During this time, the cherries will give even more juice, and the berries will become denser, due to which they will keep their shape. Then heat the jam a second time and cook again for 5 minutes. Let it cool completely.

Bring everything to a boil and cook the cherry jam for the last 5 minutes, remembering to skim off the foam. That is, we cook the jam in three batches of 5 minutes each. The fragrant and rich jam with whole berries is ready, all that remains is to close it for the winter.

Pour the still boiling cherry jam into pre-prepared jars, not reaching the edge by about 1-1.5 centimeters. Each housewife has her own favorite method, and I do it in microwave oven- I wash the jars in a soda solution, rinse them and pour about 100 ml of cold water into each. I steam them in the microwave at the highest power for 5 minutes each. If you sterilize, for example, 3 jars at once, 7-9 minutes will be enough. I also boil the lids on the stove for about five minutes.

The cherries ripen quickly. Yesterday the berries were still hard, but today it’s time to collect and process them. Regardless of whether we make cherry jam with pits or without pits, we want to get thick, beautiful jam and retain more vitamins in it. With the smell and color of fresh berries.

We have already prepared a lot of berries and fruits. The canning season has just begun and you need to have time to stock up on a lot of different goodies for the winter. After all, Homemade preparations remind us in winter of the fleeting summer. The methods for making jams are surprisingly varied.

I am one of those who loves cherry jam with pits. However, some are convinced that hydrocyanic acid is released from the seeds. I am of the opinion that harm can only arise from too long storage. Others simply do not want to eat jam and spit seeds for aesthetic reasons. Today we will cook and enjoy jam with seeds!

This is my felt cherry. Making jam using this method does not require much labor, but it will take time. Boiled for five minutes and set aside for proofing. While the jam is proofing, I do other things. However, see for yourself.

What you will need:

Cherry berries - 2 kg.

Granulated sugar - 1 kg.

How to cook:

I sorted the berries, removed the stems and washed them in running water. I poured it onto an old towel to dry. For this task I use old or paper towels, because the cherry does not wash off later.

I don’t mix anything under any circumstances, so as not to damage the berries. I cover the basin with a towel and leave it for 8 hours. The cherry juice has already come out of the berry and although the sugar has not all melted yet, I put the bowl on low heat. When heated, the berry releases juice intensely and dissolves all the sugar.

While it heats up, stir constantly with a wooden spoon. The juice has separated, the sugar has dissolved and the syrup has already boiled. Now stop. Remove from heat and leave for another 8 hours, covered with a towel.

Once the bowl has completely cooled down, I put it back on the fire and just let it boil. I stir. I take it off and put it away again for eight hours.

After the required time has passed, put it back on the stove, let it boil and cook for about five minutes without stopping stirring and removing the foam. The jam has already become thick and dark. The berries are all intact and undamaged. So we made the jam and saved the vitamins.

I fill the sterilized jars with still hot jam and screw on the boiled lids. Everything is ready. I leave a little to taste. I stacked all the jars upside down and wrapped them in a blanket. Tomorrow my husband will put them in the basement. These jars store well until the next harvest.

If you don't like this long cooking method, try the following two recipes for quick five-minute meals.

Five-minute cherry jam

This method is very popular because of its speed and simplicity. We looked at it when we cooked it, and also

What you will need:

berries - 1 kg.

sugar - 600g.


I sorted and washed the berries and let them dry. I pour the berries and sugar in layers into a container where I will cook. I leave it for 8 hours to release the juice.

Now I put the pan on low heat. The sugar that has not dissolved will all melt during heating and the cherries will give abundant juice. Carefully, so as not to crush the berries, stir with a wooden spoon. When I already see that the cherries are floating in the syrup, I increase the heat a little to speed up the process.

When it boils well, I note the time. I boil for seven minutes, remembering to stir to remove the foam. The better we remove the foam, the more beautiful the jam will be. And it stores better.

I fill jars sterilized in the oven with hot jam up to the neck. I close with boiled lids. I put it upside down and wrap it in a blanket. A day later we take it to the basement. Of course, you must store it for five minutes in a cold room.

From this quick jam Don't expect much thickness. But you can cook it for five minutes with gelatin, and this jam will be quick and thick, like foreign confiture. Look how Irina Belaya does it.

Five-minute cherry jam with gelatin (video)

As you can see, everything is done just as quickly and without problems.

Here it was a discovery for me that Irina soaks cherries in salt water to get rid of worms... It’s strange that I have never seen any worms on cherries. Probably, our harsh Siberian cherry is not susceptible to any worms.

However, in winter we not only drink tea with jam, but also bake cakes and pastries with cherries. For cakes, I use a special homemade “drunken cherry” preparation.

“Drunk cherry” with pits for the winter

I use the berries from this jam to decorate baked goods and ice cream. And I soak biscuits for cakes with liqueur. Special alcohol It’s not there, but I still don’t recommend giving it to children. Of course, for such jam, it would be better to remove the seeds, but, excuse me, I’m lazy.

What you will need:

How to cook:

This liqueur used in baking is much tastier and healthier than just cognacs and liqueurs. Use berries to decorate pastries, desserts and ice cream. Try it and see for yourself.

And, speaking of desserts, another wonderful recipe for double pleasure: cherry + chocolate.

Cherry jam with dark chocolate - you'll lick your fingers!

Let's make cherry jam with pits and dark chocolate. I’ve already done a little bit as a test and I regret only one thing - that I did so little. How come I didn’t know this recipe before! In general, I adore chocolate, and here we have it with cherries... mmmm... You have to try this.

How to cook:

1.As usual, wash the berries and dry them on a towel. In a small saucepan, cook syrup from water, sugar and lemon juice. I throw in half a vanilla pod. If not available, substitute vanilla sugar.

2. I put the berries in this syrup and stir until it boils. I boil it, skimming off the foam for about half an hour.

3. I break the chocolate into slices and, without stopping stirring, throw it into the saucepan. As soon as the chocolate has melted, I turn it off. Just like that, I prepared such a delicious treat!

4. Store it in the same way as regular jam. In a cool place, in jars with tightly screwed lids.

For multicooker lovers, we took a recipe from Marina Petrushenko’s channel

Cooking cherries with pits in a slow cooker (video)

We made enough cherry jam with pits. But we will definitely cook some pitted cherries.

Thank you to everyone who cooked with me today!

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Cherry jam is not just a reminder of summer. The dessert manages to preserve almost everything beneficial properties berries, vitamins and microelements. The cooking process is simple and does not take much time, and the abundance of recipes can satisfy a wide variety of preferences. Thanks to the balanced taste and rich aroma of the fruit, you can create shades from the sweetest to natural, without adding sugar. A variety of spices and little secrets will make the usual jam new every time and saturate the winter diet with summer smells.

Features of preparing cherries with pits

Making cherry jam is quite simple, but using the whole fruit with seeds speeds up the process and adds finished product characteristic aroma, makes the taste richer. Each berry has its own specificity. And there are also several rules in preparing cherries; if you follow them, you can get wonderful desserts. The length of storage of the jam and its usefulness depend on compliance with these principles.

Cooking features:

  1. 1. The presence of seeds reduces the period of consumption of dessert. After six months, the berries begin to synthesize hydrocyanic acid from amygdalin contained in the nucleoli. At long-term storage the poison penetrates through the hard shell into the pulp and can cause harm to health. Maximum safe period consumption of cherry jam with pits - 1 year.
  2. 2. For cooking, use healthy fresh berries of dark varieties. Spots on the surface of the fruit, dents and spoiled sides are a signal to reject the raw materials. Preparations made from such cherries may deteriorate during storage.
  3. 3. It is best if the berries are collected with petioles; they remain intact longer during transportation; fermentation processes in the fruits begin later.
  4. 4. Boil the product in several stages: quickly bring to a boil, then slowly cool to room temperature. Repeat the process more than once. This saves nutrients, and the fruits have time to be completely saturated with syrup and last longer.

There is no need to prick the cherry peel before cooking, and it is also not necessary to blanch the berries in boiling water. It is important to maintain the integrity of the fruit and prevent the peel from wrinkling, which will not affect the taste, but will affect the consistency and appearance product.

Classic cherry jam

The ideal berry for harvesting for the winter is large, ripe, dark red, almost black, picked with stalks after several dry days. There will be less moisture in the fruits, the jam will evaporate faster and will turn out thick. The simple proportions of the old recipe are familiar to everyone: how many berries - so much sugar. This optimal ratio according to taste and expiration date. After all, the more sugar, the better the product is preserved.

To prepare traditional cherry jam with pits you will need:

  • cherry - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1 kg;
  • water - 50 ml;
  • jars with tightly sealed lids;
  • a basin or thick-walled cooking vessel.

Cooking process step by step:

  1. 1. Wash the fruits in plenty of water, without soaking for a long time. Dry in a colander or on a towel.
  2. 2. Glass jars, lids and all necessary utensils are thoroughly washed and sterilized.
  3. 3. The cherries are transferred to a cooking container, sprinkled with sugar in layers, and left for 6 hours.
  4. 4. If the juice released is not enough, add water and place the preparation on low heat.
  5. 5. During the cooking process, sugar dissolves and more juice becomes available. Continue heating until it boils.
  6. 6. After removing the bowl from the heat, allow the mixture to cool completely. This may take 4-5 hours.

The next heating is carried out quickly and, after boiling the cherries for 5 minutes, remove the workpiece from the heat again. It may take several of these cycles to achieve the desired jam concentration. Check readiness by dripping the cooling syrup onto a saucer. If the liquid does not spread and immediately begins to thicken, then the treat is ready.

With any sterilization method, the jar must be dry and warm when filling. Therefore, it is most convenient to warm up the containers in the oven before packaging.

Place hot berries in warm jars, pour syrup evenly and cover tightly with lids. The workpieces are wrapped warmly so that cooling occurs slowly. Delicious, thick jam ready for winter. Properly prepared and canned dessert can be stored at room temperature, but must be protected from sunlight.

In syrup

Another method of making jam differs not only in technology, but also in the end result - the fruits are denser and the syrup is more transparent. For canning five 0.5 liter jars you will need the following amount of products:

  • cherry berries - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1.2 kg;
  • water - 500 ml.

Cherries should be sorted, discarding any damaged berries, including those that are unripe or too soft. After washing the fruits under running water, allow the excess liquid to drain.

Cooking steps:

  1. 1. For this recipe, you can blanch the berries in boiling water for 1 minute, so they will not shrivel in the hot syrup.
  2. 2. In a stainless or enamel pan, cook syrup from water and part of the sugar (about 2/3 of the total amount).
  3. 3. The cherries, placed in a bowl for cooking, are poured with boiling, strained syrup and left to steep for 4 to 6 hours.
  4. 4. The cooled syrup is drained from the fruit and boiled for 3-5 minutes. Pour it over the berries again and add the remaining sugar.
  5. 5. Over low heat with constant stirring, wait until the sugar is completely dissolved and increase the heat.
  6. 6. Cook until done, removing any foam that appears on the surface.

Readiness is determined by the viscosity of the syrup, as in the previous recipe. Pack the jam into sterile jars when completely cooled. Containers can be covered with parchment and stored without tightly sealing.

"Five Minute"

The name of the recipe suggests that it will take a little time to prepare jam in this way. In order for the low-heated product to be stored for a long time, the sweetness of the product is increased: for one kilogram of sweet berries, take 1.5 kg of sugar.

The method of preparing “Five Minutes” is similar to classic recipe, only literally a few minutes of time are allotted for each stage:

  1. 1. The sorted and washed cherries are placed in layers in a thick-walled pan, sprinkled with sugar.
  2. 2. If there is time, then the workpiece is left without attention for several hours. When this is not possible, pour a little water into the cooking container to protect the product from burning.
  3. 3. Bring the mixture to a boil, boil for five minutes and pour hot into prepared jars.
  4. 4. Seal and leave for air cooling.

The consistency of the jam will be a bit runny, but it will retain a lot of useful substances and vitamins. If you want a more viscous delicacy, then the boiling cycle can be repeated more than once, leaving the jam to infuse and cool for several hours. In this case, the amount of sugar is increased by 0.5 kg. Such a preparation can be stored at room temperature, but the usual “5-minute” should only be kept in the refrigerator or cellar in winter.

With gelatin

An unusual consistency and delicate, less concentrated taste distinguish the jam according to this recipe. Less sugar will be needed; gelatin will take on the role of an additional preservative. For 1 kg of berries take the following amount of products:

  • water - 1 glass;
  • gelatin - 50 g;
  • sugar (depending on the sweetness of the fruit) - from 0.4 to 0.8 kg.

They sort the cherries from their petioles and leaves, wash them and pour them into a saucepan. Add sugar and begin to heat slowly until it is completely dissolved. Gelatin is poured with water, it will swell while the jam boils. As soon as it boils, leave a little heat and pour in the gelatin. Turn off the stove and stir vigorously. The hot sweet mass is placed in jars and cooled. It is advisable to store this dessert in a dark, cool place.

In a slow cooker without sugar

This recipe is the simplest one out there. It contains only cherries, and the whole process takes place inside a modern machine. The multicooker will do everything itself and make sure that the jam does not overcook or burn. The only thing the housewife needs to strictly monitor is that the bowl is not filled with berries more than 1/4 of the volume. Otherwise it will overflow when boiling.

Sequence of making sugar-free jam in a slow cooker:

  1. 1. Remove the steam valve from the lid - this way the moisture will evaporate better from the fruit, and the jam will not escape.
  2. 2. Place the washed berries in the bowl and set the machine to the “stew” or “soup” mode.
  3. 3. After an hour, the sugar-free dessert is ready and is placed in clean jars and covered with lids.

You can make jam in a slow cooker by taking the ratio of ingredients from any recipe you like. You will need much fewer dishes, and cleaning after cooking will be limited to rinsing one container.

The main thing is to remember that the sugar must be dissolved before it enters the bowl.Otherwise, the inner surface may be damaged when mixing the grains. The only drawback of the modern harvesting method is that a thick consistency cannot be achieved. The jam will be a little thicker than compote, but it will retain the beneficial properties of cherries and save the housewife’s time.

Special jam

Any recipe can be made unusual. The taste of jam changes surprisingly and becomes richer if you add new ingredients to it. The following products complement the cherry aroma well and create harmonious combinations:

  • spices: cinnamon, cloves, mint;
  • citrus fruits (crushed fruits or zest);
  • nuts: walnuts, cashews, almonds.

Seasonings, nuts or fruits are added halfway through cooking. You should not enrich only “Pyatiminutka” in this way - the additives will not have time to boil well and can greatly reduce the shelf life of the preparations. Do not mix several spices at once - too bright a bouquet may prevent the cherry flavor from revealing itself. One addition is used per serving of jam, and in a minimal amount. After making sure that the resulting taste is harmonious, you can mix the seasonings for the next serving.

The imagination and personal preferences of the hostess can turn a simple dish into a truly royal dessert. But even without frills and all sorts of additives, cherry jam with pits is one of the most beloved by both children and adults.