Google is an American or international company. Google company: history of creation. The path from zero to billions

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The founder of Google - Brin Sergey Mikhailovich - was born in Moscow on August 21, 1973. His father, Mikhail Izrailevich, worked at the Moscow Institute of Mathematical Economics, and his mother, Evgenia Brin, worked as an engineer in one of the capital's research institutes. Because of the anti-Semitic attitudes that flourished in the scientific circles of the former USSR, the family was forced to emigrate to the United States. There, Brin's father began working at the University of Maryland, and his mother at NASA.

The future founder of Google graduated from elementary school in the small town of Adelphi. He received his secondary education in another city - Greenbelt. His father noticed young Brin's penchant for mathematics and at the age of nine gave him the first personal computer. After graduating from high school, the founder of Google, Sergey Brin, became a student in the mathematics department of the University of Maryland (in 1990). In 1993 he received a bachelor's degree in mathematics and computer science.

After completing his studies at the university, Sergey becomes a fellow of the National Science Foundation. In the same year, he tries to enroll in where he is denied. But the future founder of Google does not despair and continues his studies in where, after two years, he receives and continues his scientific career.

While writing, Sergey Brin meets Larry Page. The future founders of Google quickly became friends on the basis of common interests, one of which was the problem of searching, organizing and presenting information on the Web, as well as the principle of building search engines. Young people began to work together on these issues. As a result, Brin developed algorithms for link mass and ranking, Page drew the concept of network search. Scientists could not sell the latest foundations and principles of the device. Therefore, they decide to implement their own developments on their own. So, in September 1997, the domain name "" was registered, and a new company was launched.

Google placed its first data center in a rented garage. The ambitious project was invested by friends, acquaintances and relatives of the founders of the company. In 1998, Google founder Sergey Brin officially registered Google. In the same year, a joint work was published, which describes the basic principles of the engine of the new search engine. Even today, this work is considered one of the most profoundly revealing this topic.

The high search result scores helped popularize the new system. In 1999, the company began to attract large investors. The founder of Google noted that the main advantage of his search engine is to focus on quality search, and not on advertising. It was Sergei who came up with the company's credo: "Do not have evil intentions!" Initially, his project was not meant to be commercial. Nevertheless, the system that regulated the selection of ads in accordance with the result of the request began to bring more than a decent income. In 2001, Google founder Sergey Brin took over as the company's president of technology.

Currently, Google is not only the most popular search engine, but also an innovator in technology and business.

Currently, Google is a large corporation known throughout the world, with a multi-billion dollar annual income. Her fame is also evidenced by the appearance of such slang expressions as “google”, “google for help”.

Of great interest is the name, the reason for success and the history of the company itself.

The company itself was born out of a chance meeting of two talented graduate students in 1995 at Stanford University - Larry Page and Sergey Brin.

Sergey Brin grew up in a Moscow family of mathematicians who emigrated to the United States for permanent residence in 1979. Sergey received an early bachelor's degree in mathematics and computer systems from the University of Maryland, in 1993 he entered Stanford University.

Larry Page is from the Midwest, raised in a family of teachers, and received a bachelor's degree in computing from the University of Michigan.

The first meeting grew first into a strong friendship, and then into scientific cooperation. The graduate students had a lot in common - both fathers were professors, mothers were engaged in science, both of them were born in 1973, grew up with computers and loved everything connected with them.

Sergey Brin worked on the problem of data mining, Larry Page dreamed of changing the world.

After meeting, they began to work on a search engine, the purpose of which is to organize all the world's information and make it useful.

The graduate students built their first search engine out of toy building blocks, prefabricated computer parts borrowed from the university for a while.

Having supplied the system special algorithm, named BackRub, they created a revolutionary search engine destined to succeed.

The search engines that existed at that time paid attention only to the number of repetitions of keywords.

The search engine of Larry and Sergey was more efficient - it used a mathematical algorithm that tracks the number of links from site to site and, the more links, the higher the position in the ranking. It became immediately clear that such a ranking is much better.

Realizing that within the framework of the university the project would not give the necessary scale, they decided to take a vacation, open a company and develop it.

The creators renamed the search engine and on September 15, 1997 registered it under the name Google - this is an incorrect spelling of a mathematical term meaning one followed by one hundred zeros.

At first, Google was a simple search engine, and the company itself was located in a small garage.

And now, after 20 years of operation, Google has become the world's vacuum cleaner, sucking in digital data. It processes more than 20 petabytes of data every day, which is equal to 130 billion photos or 5 billion tracks, and processes 1 billion search queries per day.

Thus, the name of the company justified itself, and the dreams of two ambitious students became a reality!

Die Geschichte von Google begann 1995 an der Stanford University. Larry Page überlegte, an der Uni Stanford zu studieren, und Sergey Brin, der bereits Student dort war, sollte ihm den Campus zeigen.

Einigen Erzählungen zufolge konnten sie sich während ihres ersten Treffens auf schier gar nichts einigen – doch schon im folgenden Jahr begannen sie ihre Zusammenarbeit. In ihren Wohnheimzimmern entwickelten sie eine Suchmaschine, die mithilfe von Links die Wichtigkeit einzelner Webseiten im World Wide Web ermittelte, und nannten diese BackRub.

Kurze Zeit später wurde BackRub (zum Glück!) in Google umbenannt. Dieser Name basiert auf einem Wortspiel mit der mathematischen Bezeichnung für die Ziffer 1 mit 100 Nullen und steht für die Mission von Brin und Page, die Informationen der Welt zu organisieren und für alle zu jeder Zeit zugänglich und nutzbar zu machen.

Im Laufe der nächsten Jahre begann sich nicht nur die akademische Welt für Google zu interessieren, sondern auch Investoren im Silicon Valley wurden auf die Suchmaschine aufmerksam. Im August 1998 stellte Andreas von Bechtolsheim, einer der Gründer von Sun Microsystems, Brin und Page einen Scheck über 100.000 $ aus. Google Inc. wurde officiell registriert. Dank dieser Investition zog das neu eingetragene Unternehmen aus dem Studentenwohnheim in sein erstes Büro – die Garage von Susan Wojcicki (Mitarbeiterin Nr. 16 und aktuell CEO von YouTube) im kalifornischen Menlo Park. Klobige Desktop-Computer, eine Tischtennisplatte und leuchtend blaue Auslegware bestimmten nun die Arbeit von den frühen Morgenbis in die späten Abendstunden. Die Tradition einer Arbeitsumgebung hält bis heute an.

Bei Google ging es von Anfang an eher unkonventionell zu: Der erste Server wurde aus Legosteinen gebaut, und das erste "Doodle"(1998) bestand aus einem Strichmännchen im Logo, das Besucher der Website darauf hinwies, dass sich das gesamte Team freigenommen hatte und zum Burning Man Festival gefahren war. Unser Leitsatz "Tu nichts Böses" und " Unsere zehn Grundsätze" reflektieren unsere unkonventionellen Methoden. In den folgenden Jahren begann das Unternehmen, rasch zu expandieren, stellte Informatiker ein, baute ein Vertriebsteam auf und begrüßte mit Yoshka den ersten Google-Hund im Team. Die Garage wurde schnell zu klein, und Google zog in seinen derzeitigen Unternehmenssitz, den Googleplex im kalifornischen Mountain View, um Der Wunsch, die Dinge anders anzugehen, zog mit Und Yoshka auch.

Die unablässige Suche nach besseren Antworten steht nach wie vor im Mittelpunkt unseres gesamten Schaffens. Inzwischen beschäftigt Google über 60.000 Mitarbeiter in 50 verschiedenen Ländern und stellt Hunderte Produkte her, die von Milliarden Menschen weltweit genutzt werden, von YouTube über Android bis hin zu Gmail und natürlich der Google-Suche. Obwohl wir die Lego-Server abgeschafft und uns noch ein paar Hunde zugelegt haben, hat sich auf unserem Weg von der Garage zum Googleplex bis heute eins nicht geändert: Wir wollen weiter Technologien für alle Menschen entwickeln.

Being an Internet user and not knowing what it is is simply impossible, because this search engine is one of the most popular in the world. But not all users know that it has grown from an ordinary student project. It is interesting that those who created Google did not initially count on any, but set up a kind of experiment, which then grew into a full-scale and very profitable project.

Who Invented Google?

When it comes to who is the creator of the Google system, advanced users most often remember one name - Sergey Brin, completely forgetting about his partner Larry Page. Probably the reason for this neglect is the great media activity of Sergei, who was more visible on TV and in the media, trying to promote his offspring, while his co-author went deep into scientific research and study. But be that as it may, the Google system was really created by two people, so speaking about the history of both the search engine itself and the company of the same name, one should fairly highlight the contribution of both partners to the common cause.

And it all started back in 1996, when both future billionaires studied at Stanford University and had to take an annual science project. They became the Back Rub search engine, which a year later grew into the actual Google search engine, and a year later became the Google Corporation. It is noteworthy that the birthday of the new system is celebrated on September 15, but sometimes it is celebrated a week earlier or later. The creators came up with a brand name for their product using a play on words: they took English name 10 to the hundredth power, which is written as googol and distorted it a little, making it unique and recognizable.

After obtaining a patent for the domain, the partners thought about creating their own company in order to be able to develop their offspring. To do this, they had to look for investors, and as soon as the first financial injection in the amount of $ 100 thousand was received, the new enterprise immediately received a permanent residence permit and official registration in a garage in the town of Mento Park, owned by one of Sergei and Larry's friends. However, a year later, the partners move to Palo Alto in the Mountain Bay complex and since then this place has been called nothing more than Googleplex. The head office of the world-famous corporation is still located here.

How do the creators of Google live today?

Currently, 43-year-old US citizen Sergey Brin lives in California, in the town of Los Altos. It is noteworthy that his homeland is the USSR, from where his parents brought him at the age of 5. In 2006, he married Ana Wojcicki, a biologist by profession, they had a son and a daughter, but in 2013 the couple divorced. In 2016, the authoritative Forbes magazine named Sergey 13 in the TOP of the richest people in the world, but the young billionaire does not boast of his wealth and lives quite modestly, donating huge amounts to charity and scientific projects. He is actively published in American and foreign academic periodicals and willingly takes part in various scientific and technical forums, and also appears on television.

Another founder of Google, Larry Page, also recently celebrated his 43rd birthday and was recognized by Forbes as the 14th richest person in the world. He is happily married to Lucy Southworth, has two children and lives in a large house in Palo Alto. He also actively spends money on charity and various research projects, for example, to develop a way to undermine asteroids approaching the Earth, and also finances the release of books for children.

Every day, people from all over the world receive a colossal flow of information through the Internet. Most often, for such a service as information search, we resort to the help of Google, because it meets all the requirements of a modern person, namely, the activity is carried out quickly and efficiently. Every day the audience of "Google" replenishes. So what happens on the other side of the screen? How does it operate? Where is main office Google, where do miracles happen? Now we will tell about it.

Who is the founder of Google?

The idea of ​​creating "Google" appeared within the walls from the usual research work of L. Page and S. Brin.

At that time, all existing search engines searched for information by mentioning the entered terms on the sites. The authors of "Google" decided to improve this system, which independently analyzed the relationship between sites, which gave a better result. This technology is called PageRank. In it, an important role in finding the right information is played by the importance and number of pages linking to the site.

The very name of the company was suggested by science. A googol means a number that includes one and one hundred zeros. A little later in the advertising campaign, the name played a role, suggesting to the consumer that this search engine could provide people with more information.

Therefore, the question of who is the founder of Google can be answered with the following answer: science and consumer requirements.

Activity of the company

First of all, Google is a search engine. The interface is very convenient to use, as it helps to narrow the amount of information found at the user's request as much as possible.

Services such as Gmail and GoogleMap have also come into widespread use. The presence of "Google"-mail is very convenient if your activity is connected with international relations, therefore, upon registration, you receive a *.com domain.

As for Google maps, they are very convenient to use from the point of view that they will literally show you the chosen place. This will help you quickly navigate the area.

Where is the headquarters of Google?

Google headquarters is not a secret place. She is located in California. The exact address of the main office is Mountain View, Amphitheater Parkway, CA 94043. The central office is a complex of buildings intended for the work of employees.

Also, when discussing the question of where the main office of Google is located, it is worth emphasizing that all buildings are located on the territory of Silicon Valley. And this is a territory for high-tech representatives of the industrial industry. The Google campus is called the Googleplex.

This year it became known about the construction of a new corporate headquarters in North Bayshore Mountain View. We will follow the development of this topic, because all Google offices have their own specific features.

Google office features

After considering the question of where the main office of "Google" is located, its characteristic features should be highlighted.

Google approached the issue of shaping the workspace in a very creative, unusual and stylish way.

It is important for the company that its employees give their best at their workplaces, so the management is ready to do everything for this. Employees have a huge number of privileges that no company can boast of, namely: massage services if necessary, the ability to travel to various parties, a wide selection of delicacies for every taste.

Each room is designed for a specific type of activity, ranging from a meeting room to a dining room. If an employee wants to take a nap, then there are special capsules for him that limit the sleeper from light and noise. Also on the territory there is a sandy playground for playing volleyball and a swimming pool.

Corporate culture

Google pays special attention to the culture in the company. This is so, must have full control over what is happening.

When choosing employees, in addition to the usual live selection, when a commission of Google representatives considers submitted applications, there is also computer control. This means that candidates' CVs are first reviewed by a computer and automatically identified who might be a potential fit for the company.

A new employee must be prepared for the fact that around him there will be a rapid change of people, a flat organizational structure. To succeed and get into the ranks of the Google employees, you need to have a passion for your own work, be creative, be open and ethical, and be able to impress others without a strict office suit.

In addition to monitoring ordinary employees, Google's offices also monitor executives. So, thanks to the conducted research, the structure and model of a good leader was revealed, his qualities were determined.

Subsidiaries of Google

Google itself is part of Google Inc., as well as the GoogleMap card database and 50 other projects that have facilitated the activities of a huge number of people around the world. In addition to the advertising service, web service, directories, software developers, Google Inc. also has a charitable fund Google Foundation. Also, "Google" has implemented its own development of a system of alternative DNS-addresses. If you look closely, you can understand that Google is all around us.

In order to expand the target audience every day, Google Inc. has subsidiaries Google. This list includes: On2 Technologies, Google Foundation, Zagat Survey, FeedBurner, DoubleClick, AdMob, Aardvark, Google Voice, Youtube. Based on this list, we can conclude that Google is trying to win people over the globe by offering various types of services on its platform.