Male name Milan meaning. The name Milana: origin and meaning. The character conveyed by the name Milan

Milan is an old Slavic name that has never been popular in our country. Parents who decide to name their child this should know that along with the name the boy will acquire determination, a sense of justice, kindness and an exemplary character.

Origin of the name Milan

The name Milan has Slavic roots and has the meaning “sweet” or “gentle”. The stress is placed on the first syllable of the name form. The name is most popular in Western Europe: in the Czech Republic, Poland, Serbia, etc.

The name Milan is pronounced with emphasis on the first syllable

Forms of the name Milan

There are no shortened versions of the name.

Diminutive form: Milanchik, Milanushka.

Related names are: Milon, Milen, Milos. Female equivalent of the name: Milana.

There is no ecclesiastical version of the name. It is not included in the Orthodox calendar, so Milan does not celebrate its name day.

Milan's daughter will have her middle name Milanovna, and her son Milanovich.

According to the latest transliteration rules, the name Milan is written as MILAN.

The following patronymics are most successfully combined with the name Milan: Andreevich, Bogdanovich, Vladimirovich, Maksimovich, Markovich, Sergeevich, Yanovich.

Table: the name Milan in foreign languages

The influence of the name Milan on a person’s character

Milan is endowed with high moral principles and always stands up for the unjustly offended. His upbringing is similar to that of a knight; such a man always helps women and protects the weak. The young man has a brilliant mind and always takes problems seriously. Despite all the positive aspects in Milan's character, his main goal is wealth. At first glance, it seems that Milan is a charming and defenseless young man, incapable of deceit, but this is not entirely true, because he chooses this behavior only in order to achieve his plans. The man is purposeful and always achieves what he wants. He does not agree to compromise, strictly following a well-thought-out plan.

Milan is always welcomed with open arms in any company, the soul of which he becomes in a matter of minutes

Excessive emotionality makes Milan overreact to any life changes or failures. The guy is endowed with self-esteem, so he never allows himself or people close to him to be humiliated. young man good friend, has many comrades, he is happy to be seen in any company. He easily puts an end to all conflicts and creates a warm and friendly atmosphere around himself. Although Milan can be prudent in friendship - all his friends are rich and influential people who can help in any area of ​​life.

Milan in childhood

Milan has been pleasing his parents since early childhood. He is assiduous, diligent, friendly and delicate. The baby is considered a wonderful child not only by his relatives, but also by everyone who has ever encountered him. Milan behaves on an equal footing with his friends and does not try to take the place of leader, which is why the guys are drawn to the boy. Already in childhood, he is always ready to protect the weak or humiliated, thereby winning the love of other children and adults. The boy is smart and witty, which helps him in his school curriculum.

The boy grows up to be a real defender of the weak, which earns him the love and approval of his peers and adults.

In high school, Milan becomes more active and tries to benefit society. He begins to get interested in traveling and exploring the unknown. The young man is delighted by every little thing: he enjoys nature, new acquaintances, animals and events. The guy is surrounded by an aura of goodness that neither evil people nor bad incidents can spoil.

Teenager Milan knows how to admire beauty, finding it in literally everything: nature, people, events and animals

Milan still desperately defends justice, easily eliminates conflicts, becoming a true peacemaker among his comrades. The young man has a kind and harmonious nature, he easily finds common language with others, endowed with charm.

Hobbies and talents

All Milan's hobbies and talents are related to creativity. The man has a good ear for music and artistic abilities. Often in adolescence, a young man attends drama clubs and plays in plays. Milan is not devoid of artistic talent; he is interested in interior and clothing design. The man is also interested in various crafts. He is excellent at making crafts.

Milan often gets carried away by creative pursuits

Profession, business and career

Even at a young age, Milan tries to gain independence and earn money. The young man has many unusual plans for his life, sometimes they seem too extravagant, but Milan sticks to them and achieves success and prosperity.

A man is knowledgeable in many areas, learns easily and remembers new information. He is not always good as a business partner, because it is almost impossible to persuade him to deviate from his own, sometimes unprofitable, ideas. Milan easily copes with the leadership of a large team, he knows how to subjugate people, and can become a successful military man, politician or single businessman.

Milan does an excellent job as a teacher

Milan's profession is always socially significant. It is important for him to realize that he is benefiting society. Often he becomes a scientist, teacher, doctor, journalist. Faith in God and high moral principles often force Milan to become a monk or church minister. If creativity wins in Milan's nature, then the young man becomes an outstanding actor, painter, and famous designer.


Milan's health cannot be called strong; the guy often catches colds, is prone to allergic reactions, and skin diseases occur. Due to an active lifestyle and the desire to be on time everywhere, a young man is often susceptible to various injuries. To strengthen the immune system, Milan from early childhood should fall in love with sports, hardening, and adhere to proper nutrition And healthy image life.

Love and family

Milan has many fans, he fascinates them with his charm, warmth and charm. A man knows how to win over even the most unapproachable lady and understands female psychology. Girls in Milan appreciate aristocratic manners, attractive appearance, beautiful courtship and the ability to give compliments. The guy is too loving, he can date several women at the same time, without considering such behavior to be wrong.

Milan cannot remain faithful to his chosen one for a long time, since his addicting nature requires constant variety

The decision to get married comes to Milan after thirty years. However, a man will choose his chosen one for a long time and carefully; he values ​​​​his freedom too much, so he will never go down the aisle with the first person he meets. Milan marries a quiet, calm and sweet woman who will forgive all his infidelities. He will never ideal husband, will not help a woman around the house, will not stop staring at other women. Milan loves children, tries to spend a lot of time with them, give them a good upbringing and education. However, they will never take first place in his life.

Milan's marriage often breaks up, since not every woman can tolerate constant betrayal and too strict demands on herself.

Table: compatibility of Milan with female names

Table: symbolism corresponding to the name Milan

Interpretation of the meanings of each letter in the name

The five letters that make up the name Milan impose new qualities on its bearer:

Characteristics of the name in accordance with the time of year in which Milan was born

Milan acquires additional character traits, depending on the time of year in which he is born:

What does the name Milan mean?
This name usually means dear, beloved.

Origin of the name Milan:
This Old Slavonic name, and it is based on such a root as “mil”.

Character conveyed by the name Milan:

Milan is a man of unusually high morals, he always fights for justice, and of course protects all the weak. Often distinguished from his peers by his brilliant mind and incredible kindness. He always does well in his school, and, it must be said, he approaches the choice of his future professional path with more than just thoroughness. And then, as a rule, he gives preference to those professions that will have truly important social significance, so it should be noted that, say, the amount of payment for his future work is one of the least significant criteria in his choice. But most often Milan can choose a profession, say, a doctor, or an engineer, sometimes a journalist, a little less often an artist, or an actor. Some Milans can distinguish themselves significantly in craft work; they are truly excellent tailors or cabinetmakers. And due to his deep inner attitudes and convictions, Milan will be able to leave this worldly life and truly devote himself to God, perhaps even take monastic vows, and also probably accept some kind of priesthood.

Always very sociable, incredibly sociable Milan always enjoys constant success with various women, they are simply drawn to him. He is incredibly charming and extraordinary, almost always radiating warmth and extraordinary goodwill; Milan simply drives numerous women crazy. So, not at all deprived of special attention from the fairer sex, Milan, as a rule, marries very late, say, around the age of thirty, and sometimes it happens much later. These people, as a rule, are not at all distinguished by any special loyalty to their spouse. Just as outwardly restrained and sometimes even cold, inside Milans are often unusually hot and even fiery, which then, combined with their truly innate passion, easily creates excellent soil for adultery.

Milan is always a wonderful comrade and faithful friend, as well as always a welcome guest with his many acquaintances, he can always sing, and sometimes play the guitar beautifully. This is, as a rule, a surprisingly harmonious person, so he is easily able to extinguish a lot of negative or negative emotions in different people; in society he really acts as a peacemaker. Many people indeed note that a certain aura of warmth and goodwill is almost always created around Milan, in addition, he is always responsive and very friendly, almost everyone wants to be friends with him, but Milan usually does not have any enemies at all.


Meaning of the name Milan

Dear, beloved. “Darling” (slav.) A charming personality, the type of male knight: smart, kind, protector of the weak. I am always ready to rise up to defend justice, and not under the influence of a momentary impulse, but out of deep conviction. Undoubtedly, there is something of the “knight of the sad image” in these men. And Dulcinea most often reciprocates their feelings. Milan finishes school brilliantly, carefully chooses his specialty; the value of a profession for him lies not in how it is paid, but in its social significance. Milan is a sociable, sociable person, an interesting man. He is always a welcome guest in society: he is not without a musical gift, plays the guitar, sings. Outwardly, these men may look cold and reserved, but inside they have a fire burning! These are passionate natures, women are crazy about them, but Milana is not distinguished by fidelity. They get married after thirty and have sons. The Milans' field of activity is wide, among them there are doctors, actors, journalists, engineers, artists, and there are excellent craftsmen: tailors, cabinetmakers. Some of them go into religion and become ordained. These are men of infectious charm, extraordinary, radiating warmth and goodwill. Hearts warm around them.

Numerology of the name Milan

Soul Number: 8.
Those with a name number 8 are characterized by a penchant for business. “Eights” are for the most part very strong personalities who prioritize practicality and material gain. They are used to constantly doing business, without rest or breaks. They don’t get anything in life for nothing – they have to fight for everything. However, it is precisely among the G8 that there are a large number of successful businessmen and politicians. To achieve their goals, they stop at nothing and achieve their goals at any cost and by any means. There are always leaders in the family, and often tyrants. By nature, “Eights” are not inclined to make many friends. Their main friend is work. However, it is worth remembering that if the “eight” is caught by a long streak of failures, it can break down, withdraw into itself and lose all interest in life.

Hidden Spirit Number: 2

Body number: 6


Planet: Uranus.
Element: Air, cold-dry.
Zodiac: Capricorn, Aquarius.
Color: Electric, Glitter, Neon, Purple.
Day: Wednesday, Saturday.
Metal: Aluminum.
Mineral: Amethyst, rock crystal.
Plants: Rubber tree, aspen, barberry, alpine rose, saxifrage.
Animals: Electric stingray, electric eel.

The name Milan as a phrase

M Think
AND AND (Union, Connect, Union, UNITY, One, Together, “Together with”)
L People
A Az (I, Me, Myself, Myself)
N Our (Ours, Yours)

Interpretation of the meaning of the letters of the name Milan

M - caring personality, willingness to help, possible shyness. At the same time, a warning to the owner that he is part of nature and should not succumb to the temptation to “pull the blanket over himself.” By being predatory towards nature, the owner of this letter harms himself.
And - subtle spirituality, sensitivity, kindness, peacefulness. Outwardly, a person shows practicality as a screen to hide a romantic, soft nature.
L - subtle perception of beauty, artistic (artistic) talents, desire to share knowledge and sensations with a partner. A warning to its owner not to waste his life, to find his true purpose.
A is a symbol of the beginning and the desire to start and implement something, a thirst for physical and spiritual comfort.
N - a sign of protest, inner strength not to accept everything indiscriminately, a sharp critical mind, interest in health. He is a hard worker, but cannot stand “monkey work.”

What does the name Milan mean?
This name usually means dear, beloved.

Origin of the name Milan:
This is an Old Church Slavonic name, and it is based on the root “mil”.

Character conveyed by the name Milan:

Milan is a man of unusually high moral qualities, he always fights for justice, and of course protects all the weak. Often distinguished from his peers by his brilliant mind and incredible kindness. He always does well in his school, and, it must be said, he approaches the choice of his future professional path with more than just thoroughness. And then, as a rule, he gives preference to those professions that will have truly important social significance, so it should be noted that, say, the amount of payment for his future work is one of the least significant criteria in his choice. But most often Milan can choose a profession, say, a doctor, or an engineer, sometimes a journalist, a little less often an artist, or an actor. Some Milans can distinguish themselves significantly in craft work; they are truly excellent tailors or cabinetmakers. And due to his deep inner attitudes and convictions, Milan will be able to leave this worldly life and truly devote himself to God, perhaps even take monastic vows, and also probably accept some kind of priesthood.

Always very sociable, incredibly sociable Milan always enjoys constant success with various women, they are simply drawn to him. He is incredibly charming and extraordinary, almost always radiating warmth and extraordinary goodwill; Milan simply drives numerous women crazy. So, not at all deprived of special attention from the fairer sex, Milan, as a rule, marries very late, say, around the age of thirty, and sometimes it happens much later. These people, as a rule, are not at all distinguished by any special loyalty to their spouse. Just as outwardly restrained and sometimes even cold, inside Milans are often unusually hot and even fiery, which then, combined with their truly innate passion, easily creates excellent soil for adultery.

Milan is always a wonderful comrade and faithful friend, as well as always a welcome guest to his many acquaintances, he can always sing, and sometimes play the guitar beautifully. This is, as a rule, a surprisingly harmonious person, so he is easily able to extinguish a lot of negative or negative emotions in different people; in society he really acts as a peacemaker. Many people indeed note that a certain aura of warmth and goodwill is almost always created around Milan, in addition, he is always responsive and very friendly, almost everyone wants to be friends with him, but Milan usually does not have any enemies at all.

Beloved." Mila, Radmila and Milena are considered related names. It is quite popular in countries and states with close connection with Slavic culture.

Although experts are more inclined to Slavic roots, there is another version of its origin. In the 10th century in Italy, the name Milana (the origin and meaning for a child is enormous) was very popular among wealthy families and meant “fashionable woman.” Subsequently, it became relevant among the common people. Today Milana confidently remains in the top five most popular names.

Name forms and translation

The diminutive form of the name Milan is Mila, Milenochka, Lanochka, Milochka, Milanochka, Milena, Lana. The male form sounds like Milo and Milan. In Orthodoxy there are no saints with this name, therefore, at baptism, parents can select any patron from the Orthodox calendar.

It should be noted that in different languages ​​the name Milan, whose origin has Italian roots, is consonant with the Russian version. So, for example, in Spain, France and England the name is written like this - Milana, in Germany - Mailana, and in Italy - Milano.

Milana's character

As a child, Milana is a very sociable and friendly girl. She has a fairly soft and flexible character. Milana is a very friendly girl, open and trusting. Persons with this name love their family very much, try to please their elders in everything and respect them.

What else can the name Milan tell about itself? Origin and meaning predicted girl good health. Outwardly, she is often an exact copy of her father, whom, by the way, she respects very much. The girl is very honest and fair, loves to study. He attends school with pleasure and takes an active part in all creative activities.

Flexible and flexible, she loves dancing, gymnastics and singing. Can't imagine life without sports. He makes friends easily and tries to surround everyone with attention and care. Rarely, in pursuit of new experiences, can he easily and abruptly change his social circle, completely breaking off relations with old friends. However, Milana has a very poor understanding of people and is often upset when they do not live up to her expectations.

The girl is very vulnerable and tender. With age she becomes more withdrawn. Prefers to communicate mainly with boys (men). Very charming and sexy. Knows how to present himself. He strictly monitors his appearance and prefers a rather extravagant and open style of clothing. Does not tolerate criticism and aggression towards him.

Honesty and openness are the main traits she values ​​in people. Loves fun and entertainment, the opportunity to show off. Always communicates easily and naturally; she is an interesting conversationalist.

Character by time of year

The name Milan, the origin of which is very interesting to many, predicts determination and independence for its owner. This is especially true for “winter” Milan. Such girls make successful businesswomen.

But, for example, a girl born in November will be very insightful and can easily look into the soul and mind of a person; she is very tactful. Milana, who was born in the spring, is very sensitive to the problems of others, and is always ready to support and come to the rescue. However, all disagreements and quarrels will be very painful for her. Mila, born in summer, gets along better with men than with women. Cunning, witty and endowed with unbridled imagination.

The name Milana: origin and meaning for a girl. Health

Since childhood, the girl has had enviably good health. Love for sports helps to get rid of unnecessary problems. However, as Milana ages, she may experience difficulties with cardiovascular system, and this is worth paying attention to in advance. In addition, problems with excess weight may appear if, with age, a girl decides to stop playing sports. Otherwise, he has a strong immune system and rarely gets sick.

The fate of Milana

What else will he tell you about himself? female name Milan? The origin and meaning portends brightness and originality to the girl. She loves surprises and expects men to surprise her. Does not like simple and banal gifts. She often changes men, divorces are common, and she can marry several times. A girl's first marriage is rarely happy. Milana has a very difficult character, so she is looking for a companion who is quite unpretentious in everyday life. young man, a reserved, charming intellectual.

In terms of temperament, men with Daniil and Ivan are suitable for a girl. Relationships are not working out with Ruslan and Igor.

Milana is ready to become support and support for her beloved man; she gives herself over to her feelings without reserve. At a more mature age, she looks quite young, as a result of which much younger men often pay attention to her. Milana may well embark on love adventures. For the sake of their husband, such girls are unlikely to cheat on themselves. They don’t really like to do household chores, and the life of a housewife is a “golden cage” for them. Milana loves and wants children, but, as a rule, she gives birth quite late. He doesn’t want to sit at home, he doesn’t know how to arrange his life and create sufficient family comfort. However, she loves to receive friends at home, although she rarely goes out to visit someone.

Career and creativity

The origin of the name Milana for a girl is huge. Since childhood, she has a natural sense of tact and diplomacy. Fortunately, these qualities are preserved for a long time. Can easily lead any team or even his own business. At work, she is respected for her intelligence, determination and restraint. The bosses value her as a good employee and a wise leader. The girl prefers creative professions: dancer, singer, actress, designer, journalist.

More humanitarian. The name Milana, whose origin is interesting to future parents, predicts constant self-improvement for its owner. She is in an eternal search for something new, striving for unknown knowledge. He always approaches his work very creatively.

Talismans for Milan

The name Milana (the origin and meaning for a girl is interesting to many) has two main talisman stones: aquamarine and topaz. Rock crystal, pearls, amethyst and moonstone also have a beneficial effect. The metal that accompanies Milana through life is platinum. It is preferable for such a girl to choose jewelry from it. Suitable colors for Milana are green, aquamarine, electric blue, purple and sea green.

Favorable days of the week are Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, and the numbers are 6 and 9. Favorable seasons are winter and summer. Uranus and Neptune are considered the patron planets for Milana, and the most lucky signs zodiac signs - Aquarius, Sagittarius, Capricorn and Pisces. The element for a girl is water. Plants that accompany Milana in life are aspen, rose, water lily, barberry, willow and grapes. albatross, whale, gull and dolphin are considered. A good sign for a girl to surround herself with the symbolism of these animals, for example, decorate the house with figurines, paintings and other paraphernalia.