Pollination of strawberry flowers with amino acid. Is it possible to grow strawberries at home? Do different types of strawberries cross-pollinate?

27.07.2020 Design and interior

For those who decide to grow strawberries under film to get an early harvest, the issue of pollination is of great interest. Does this crop need to be pollinated, or will it cope with this task on its own? How to increase the number of berries, and therefore the harvest? In this regard, it is especially useful to learn from the experience of growing strawberries hydroponically.

Female strawberry

Almost all its varieties have bisexual flowers. That is, they cope with pollination themselves to a certain extent. Only rare varieties like Mitze Schindler have almost exclusively female flowers. So during flowering, take a closer look at the strawberry flowers - the female varieties do not have stamens in the flowers. Because of this, most of them will not be able to pollinate.

However, self-sterility in any culture is considered the most terrible sin. Therefore, almost exclusively self-fertile strawberry varieties get a start in life.

Pollination for open ground

And yet, if you take measures for additional pollination - better harvest and berry quality. The fruits become more even.

IN open ground Pollination issues are resolved very simply: never plant just one variety. They always try to plant three or four varieties of strawberries nearby on separate beds. This will be enough for pollinators to create all the conditions for good fruit set.

How's it going with hydroponics?

What about pollination in hydroponic greenhouses? There they mock strawberries to the fullest. The first peduncle on all bushes is cut off with pruners or a sharp knife at the base. Three to five berries are left on the next three or four flower stalks. But this is not so much for the sake of pollination, but in order to get aligned large berries and make the strawberries bear fruit longer.

But for pollination, strawberries are fed with carbon dioxide. But in dacha conditions you need to be careful. This can only be done in tunnel shelters - by placing a couple of buckets with mullein. In greenhouses this is dangerous - before entering, you will need to thoroughly ventilate them.

Bumblebees or bees are used to pollinate strawberries in greenhouses. To do this, several families of these insects are purchased, depending on the volume of pollination. Hives with bumblebees are brought into the greenhouse during the flowering period of strawberries.

Well, in small plots and for breeding purposes, hand pollination is used. When pollinating strawberry flowers by hand, a soft brush is used to transfer pollen. Pollination is carried out two to three times a day. This method does not always allow the flower to be pollinated evenly, and therefore the berry may grow uneven. Therefore, the “flower to flower” method is more often used - they take flowers on one plant without tearing them off and connect them to each other. This is a more reliable way.

Sometimes they indulge in post-pollination in large greenhouses. To do this, take a puff brush, a canvas spatula, and also treat the plants during flowering with a 0.3% solution of calcium nitrate. These additional measures for flower pollination significantly improve the quality of the berries and increase the yield.

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Is it possible to plant next to different varieties strawberries?

The end of summer and the beginning of autumn is the best time to plant strawberries. If you are going to plant this crop for the first time, it is possible that you will come up with the idea of ​​placing several varieties side by side in the garden bed. There is debate among experts about whether this can be done and whether this method of planting will harm the plant.

What happens when different varieties of strawberries are planted next to each other?

There is an opinion among gardeners that if you plant different strawberries together, you will get a mixture of varieties or even degeneration of the crop. They blame this on a property called cross-pollination. Indeed, neighboring plants will be pollinated by the same insects. However, any breeder will reassure you with confident argumentation:

  1. What many call a strawberry berry is actually the overgrown receptacle of the plant. It will have the characteristics of the mother plant, regardless of mixing with pollen from a neighboring flower during fertilization.
  2. The principle is also relevant in relation to daughter rosettes and whiskers.
  3. Seeds are inclusions on the receptacle. They will depend on the composition of the pollen, but on taste and appearance strawberries will not be affected.

Attention! Strawberries are a self-pollinating plant. It can successfully produce berries when planted with one type. However, it has been proven that when two specific varieties are adjacent and cross-pollinated, the yield and quality of fruits improve.

If you propagate strawberries with a mustache (vegetatively), then the new plants will take over the properties of the mother plant. But if you collect seeds from a pollinated sample and plant seedlings, then the child plants will not be a copy of the “parents”. The result will be a mixed variety. Breeders use the effect of cross-pollination and plant different varieties of garden strawberries nearby for crossing. This is how most were bred modern species garden strawberries. And closely growing varieties do not affect the quality and productivity of plants planted in the garden and do not cause degeneration.

Follow the rules of agricultural technology when growing strawberries

Planting strawberries nearby: pros and cons

Reasons for planting different varieties of garden strawberries in nearby beds may be:

  • desire to try different types;
  • the desire to choose the best among them for further cultivation;
  • small plot size.

Experienced gardeners warn that when planting several varieties of strawberries in one bed, you must adhere to the following care rules:

Attention! In one place, garden strawberries grow well only for 4 years.

If you are looking after the garden bed, but the harvest has deteriorated with the new season, the reason for this may be:

  1. With varietal seedlings, you brought the strawberry weed varieties Bakhmutka, Zhmurka, Podveska, Dubnyak to the plot. They may look like strawberries but will not bear fruit.
  2. Seeds of a cross-pollinated species fell to the ground and accidentally sprouted. In this case, varietals could, for example, die from frost. Such chaotically crossed varieties are very tenacious and prolific: they will grow, but the berries will be bad.
  3. The earth is depleted, the plants are old.

Planting different varieties of strawberries together is possible and even useful, but you should strictly adhere to agricultural technology and carefully care for the garden bed.

Yield varieties of strawberries: video

Ripe, juicy, amazingly tasty strawberries on the table, while a snowstorm is blowing outside the window - this is real luxury! In the middle of winter, you won’t find fresh berries in every supermarket, and if you can find them, their cost will be prohibitively high.

Create favorable conditions for growing berries

But someone grows delicious strawberries on their windowsill at home; some enterprising gardeners even benefit financially from this activity, turning growing berries at home into a profitable business. Growing strawberries at home– a myth or a reality accessible to anyone?

Now there are various methods for growing strawberries in an apartment of any size. You can effectively use the free space in the house by planting strawberry seedlings in plastic bags filled with substrate, or growing bushes with berries in traditional flower pots and boxes. It all depends on the purpose for which you plan to grow strawberries at home, and how much space you can allocate for this.

Make a choice in favor of remontant strawberry varieties that can bear fruit several times

What do strawberries need for normal ripening? Room temperature, good ventilation and suitable soil. These conditions are easily met, because the apartments are warm at any time of the year (and if there are problems with heating, you can always buy an additional heating device), air circulation can be ensured using a window; a special inexpensive substrate can be purchased at the store. This means that you can also grow strawberries at home if you take into account the most important moments:

  • Make a choice in favor of remontant strawberry varieties that can bear fruit several times. The most popular varieties: Yellow Miracle, Queen Elizabeth, Mount Everest.
  • When growing strawberries from seeds, purchased seeds should be placed in the refrigerator for 4 weeks, wrapped in a damp cloth and placed in a plastic bag - then the hardened seeds, when planted in the ground, will sprout within a week.
  • Prepare a spacious pot for the seedlings with a good layer of drainage, since strawberries like frequent, abundant watering, but they do not tolerate stagnant water.
  • It is recommended to plant strawberry seedlings at home in prepared soil either in the fall from August 15 to September 20, or in early spring.
  • Since this berry is afraid of the cold, do not keep it on the balcony and protect it from frost.
  • From time to time, apply potassium-phosphorus fertilizers, and to form ovaries, treat the plants with a special preparation “Ovary”.

The ideal option for growing homemade strawberries is south-facing, well-lit windows.

The ideal option for growing homemade strawberries is south-facing, well-lit windows. With a lack of sunlight, plant growth may slow down and the taste of the berries may deteriorate. However, you can create artificial lighting for your strawberry plantation using lamps daylight. Strawberries will begin to bloom and bear fruit earlier with long daylight hours, and the quality of the berries will increase significantly. Therefore, if you are concerned about how to grow strawberries at home in the shortest possible time, provide the plants with continuous daylight for about 14 hours.

Video about strawberries in January

How to pollinate strawberries at home?

Since strawberries at home are deprived of natural pollination, you will have to provide the plants with artificial pollination during the flowering period, which can last several weeks. Produce artificial pollination You can grow flower stalks on strawberries at home in two ways:

  • point the fan towards the flower stalks in the morning (under the influence of the wind, strawberries are pollinated in open ground);
  • pollinate each flower by hand by brushing over them daily with a soft paint brush.

As you can see, growing strawberries at home is accessible even to inexperienced gardeners and does not require significant financial costs. Difficulties can arise only with pollination, especially if you decide to plant extensive berry plantations, because it’s not so easy to brush every day small flower, and with a fan, successful pollination is difficult to guarantee.

Video about how to get strawberries in January

However, don't give up! Try it, plant seedlings, take good care of them - strawberries at home can produce several harvests a year, delighting you and your loved ones with ripe berries late autumn and frosty winter.

We are looking forward to the coming of May so that we can enjoy what is perhaps the most delicious berry -


It has already become customary for us to receive harvests from spring until late autumn, but sometimes on a cold winter day we really want to taste the sweetness of our favorite berries!

How to grow garden strawberries at home As an option, you can, of course, buy a package of strawberries for the price of gold in the supermarket. But there are very big doubts that this berry will be useful - less doubt is left by the thought of the presence in it of chemicals that our body does not need at all. I suggest another option: grow garden strawberries on the window and give yourself and your children a piece of summer in the middle of winter.

Is it possible to harvest garden strawberries indoors?

In this case, I really like the saying, to which I am often grateful in my life: “If you really want to, you can fly into space.” So, if you really want to, following these recommendations, you can get wonderful sweet berries at any time of the year.

For this you need:

  • high-quality live (not frigo!) seedlings of day-neutral varieties (hereinafter referred to as NSD), which we obtain from the first row of canes;
  • lamps (preferably phytolamps) for additional illumination of plants;
  • place on the windowsill;
  • This article.

How to properly “relocate” strawberries from the garden to the house?

Preparing seedlings for home grown in any case, it should be done long before the onset of winter.

Option 1

  1. When garden strawberry bushes form mustaches, fill a container with a drainage hole (for example, a disposable glass or soft plastic pot) with soil and sand in a 1:1 ratio.
  2. We dig it in level with the ground (but so that the edges of the container rise slightly), direct the first rosette into the container, pin it with an ordinary hairpin or wire bent in the shape of a hairpin, and constantly water it. The earth should never dry out, otherwise the plant will quickly die.
  3. After 3 weeks, when the young plant has taken root, we cut it off from the mother plant and continue to water it. At this point, watering is even more important; he must be at least 1 time per day, it is better in the evening, and on hot sunny days you can water it twice - in the morning and in the evening.
  4. As soon as buds form on the plant, they must be remove so that the socket gains maximum strength.
  5. Cups with seedlings we leave in the ground until the first frost, and as soon as it freezes, we take them out of the ground, fill the resulting holes with earth and lightly compact them.
  6. We carefully immerse containers with plants in a slightly pink solution of potassium permanganate for 20 minutes, let the water drain, and bring them into a room with a temperature no higher than +10°C for 2-3 days. Then we bring the sockets into the room and install to the south window.
  7. Additional lighting is required, since the length of the day is too short. The plant will need additional lighting from 6-7 am to 19-20 pm, that is, the daylight hours for the plant should be 13-14 hours. For this we use a phytolamp.


Option 2

This method is much simpler and less labor-intensive.

1. Before the onset of frost, we dig up rooted young rosettes, remove substandard foliage (that is, leaves that are mechanically damaged, old ones), but so that the plant must have 2-3 real young leaves.

Left: garden strawberry seedling. Right: soaking in potassium permanganate 2. Next, we keep the seedling in a slightly pink solution of potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate) and plant it in a container with ready-made soil mixture, purchased at a flower shop and mixed with sand in a 2:1 ratio.

Why buy a purchased soil mixture? This is more reliable: garden soil needs to be heated in the oven to destroy pests and pathogens, and the finished soil is sterile (of course, if we talk about high-quality purchased soil).

Planting strawberries 3. When planting, it is very important not to bury the heart (apical bud), which is located in the center of the rosette, since otherwise the plant will simply rot.

Heart 4. We water the seedlings and bring them into the room, but for the first few days we do not place them on a sunny southern window, but place them in more gentle conditions (northern, eastern). After 3-5 days we move to the south. Just like in option 1, we make sure to use additional lighting.

What varieties of strawberries are suitable for growing at home?

The experimental practice that I described earlier in my article showed that the easiest to care for and the most resistant to diseases in room conditions are the varieties NSD ‘Albion’ and ‘Aisha’.

Variety ‘Albion’ I talked more about these and other varieties of garden strawberries in this article.

What conditions must be created for plants to grow and bear fruit at home?

1. Lighting

As I already said, we will need a phytolamp for daily supplementary lighting for 13-14 hours a day. If we neglect this point, then a well-leafed plant will grow, but in this case we will not see flowering (and harvest).

Why phytolamp? You can, of course, add additional illumination with an ordinary fluorescent lamp, but in this case the plants will be weaker. Article Choosing a phytolamp for seedlings

2. Temperature

The temperature on the windowsill should not be lower than +20°C. Right on the windowsill, not in the room. If the temperature is not maintained, our plants may weaken and develop fungal diseases.

3. Watering

It is important to choose the watering mode so so that the earthen lump does not dry out, but under no circumstances should water stagnate.

4. Mandatory transshipment of plants

25-30 days after “moving” into the house, the plants need to be transplanted into a large container (1 liter capacity), since root system has already developed greatly, and the rosette has become cramped in a small glass. This is what the plant looks like before transplanting:

... and so - after:

Plant transplanted into a large container

5. Artificial pollination of flowers

An important condition for the formation of the ovary and the development of a full-fledged berry is pollination. We produce it manually using an ordinary soft brush.

Pollination If this procedure is neglected or performed insufficiently well, we will get deformed berries:

Berry deformation due to insufficient pollination

Do strawberries need fertilizing?

Like any plant, garden strawberries need nutrition. Under natural conditions, plants obtain it from the soil in which they have rotted plant remains. In a room with a limited volume of soil, strawberries do not have this opportunity, so it is imperative that you take care of fertilizing.

  1. We apply the first fertilizing (Strawberries or other complex fertilizer for garden strawberries) at half dose(100 grams of solution during watering), when did the first buds appear.
  2. We carry out the following feeding after picking the first berries, the same fertilizer in the same dosage.

You should not be embarrassed or worry that the berry will accumulate nitrates or other harmful elements, since this fertilizer will go to the plant itself, and not to the berry.

When can we expect the first harvest?

Experience shows that in winter, under indoor conditions, the period from planting to flowering is 30-35 days, and the first berries ripen 30-35 days from the start of flowering. It turns out that from the moment of planting to the ripening of the berries, an average of about 65 days pass.

First harvest Here are our first berries:

Home harvest of strawberries ‘Albion’

What causes indoor strawberries and how to treat them?

If we followed all the recommended planting rules, and the indoor plants in the house are not affected by pests, then the strawberries are not in danger of being harmed by them. But besides pests, there are no less dangerous fungal diseases - such as powdery mildew, for example.

Why might problems arise? The air in the room during the heating season is dry and warm, and we, knowing that this is harmful to health, begin to increase the humidity. This is correct for us, but for garden strawberries, which are not blown by the wind at home, but are exposed to cold from window glass, high humidity can cause powdery mildew. This is a white fungal coating on the leaves, stems, and then the berries.

To prevent the disease, you can use the drug Fitosporin, which is safe for humans. We spray the plants with it once a week. Of course, white marks will form on the leaves, but the plant will be reliably protected.

Garden strawberries Growing garden strawberries on the window is not difficult, the main thing is to really want it! Good luck to you and great harvests!

Every second gardener or just a lover of house plants dreams of growing not only beautiful, but also useful plant. And almost every housewife would not mind strawberries being such a crop. This is beautiful - flowering plant emits a pleasant aroma, has a beautiful appearance, and you can get all year round healthy and tasty berries for the table.

General concept of remontant strawberries

In order to enjoy delicious berries all year round, you need to know what types and varieties are required for propagation. We have already written in detail about what repairability is earlier.

Homemade strawberries all year round are quite possible if everything is organized correctly.

Experienced gardeners use for similar purposes exclusively remontant varieties, however, you should know which varieties are capable of bearing fruit continuously, and which ones - only two harvests.

Is it possible to grow strawberries on a windowsill?

Remontant crops differ from the usual type not only in that they are able to bear fruit several times during the warm season, but also in the length of daylight hours. Conventional crops, as a rule, are characterized by ripening under short daylight hours, that is, they ripen even in the dark, if the temperature allows.

The strawberries have bloomed on the windowsill, we are waiting for the first berries.

Differences among varieties

Remontant crops are divided into ripening long daylight hours and neutral daylight hours - DSD and NSD.

Repairers of DSD are able to develop and lay buds only in the presence of prolonged lighting - produce crops twice a season. In this case, as a rule, the second harvest differs more large fruits and higher overall yield levels. However, in this case, this species is not particularly hardy, as a result of which many bushes die after the season - dry out.

NSD repairers are characterized by stronger endurance, fruiting is characterized by continuity and does not depend on the length of daylight hours. If favorable conditions are created, they are capable of producing a high level of yield for about ten months in a row. If grown at room temperature, with sufficient light provided, they are also not affected by weather conditions and climate.

Classification of varieties

If you decide to grow strawberries on a windowsill, you should ask the store what type of seedlings they are and what they are called.

Decorative strawberry variety "Tristan".

Large-fruited strawberry "Brighton".

Remontant early ripening variety "Roman".

The main popular names of NSD repairmen:

  • Queen Elizabeth;
  • Queen Elizabeth II;
  • Roman F1;
  • Tristar;
  • Brighton.

Queen Elizabeth

Periodic yield.

It is believed that Queen Elizabeth is a long-day ripening species, however, many gardeners still prefer to grow it indoors due to the large size of the berries and high taste characteristics.

The main advantages of the variety:

  • ease of care;
  • large whisker formation for breeding;
  • size of berries – 50 grams;
  • beautiful flower stalks - a nice decoration on the window;
  • pleasant aroma;
  • long-term storage in fresh and processed form.

In most cases, the first Elizabeth is grown in the house by those owners who are satisfied with this period of strawberry productivity due to their busy schedule. The remaining varieties are bright representatives of their species, distinguished by regular fruiting, pleasant aroma, beautiful peduncles, high level endurance.

Rules for planting strawberries at home

When choosing a variety, it should be taken into account that the plant will live in the selected container for about three years, since frequent replanting is harmful to the crop - it reduces immunity and productivity, and lengthens the adaptation period.

In order not to replant strawberries again, you need to immediately choose a larger pot.

In addition, adult seedlings may well die due to the fact that they are not able to adapt to new conditions as much as possible.

For one bush you can use a container with a volume of no more than three liters. The flowerpot should be wide and medium in height - at least twenty centimeters. You can use balcony boxes for group planting. Depending on the size of the box, the number of seedlings is calculated. If the approximate volume of the container is from ten to fifteen liters - four bushes, the distance between them is twenty-five centimeters.

Preparing the container

The container for seedlings must be properly prepared.

Drainage holes in the bottom of the pot.

Expanded clay or pebbles at the bottom of the container.

Loose and nutritious soil.

  • Holes should be cut at the bottom of the pot or box to drain excess water, and the bottom of the container should be filled with a drainage mixture - expanded clay, pebbles, broken bricks or pebbles.
  • As a substrate, you can use a universal ready-made mixture from the store, which is used for indoor plants.
  • But it is also permissible to use a mixture prepared independently - forest soil, humus, humus, peat, sand.
  • The dose is selected at the rate of two parts to one part.

Planting a seedling

We soak the rhizome in potassium permanganate.

Place the seedling in a pot.

Add fertile soil.

Checking the location of the heart.


Fertilizers are applied several times throughout the entire active period– before flowering, during flowering, during fruiting.

  • It is recommended to feed approximately once every fourteen days..
  • The frequency and amount of fertilizing will depend on the condition of the seedlings, stage of development, and time of year.

It should be remembered that there is a so-called “dead period” when the plant rests - does not bloom, does not bear fruit, and does not throw out shoots. At this time, all functions of the culture freeze - the plant thus rests - no fertilizing or fertilizing should be applied. Can be used monofertilizer, or perhaps a complex consisting of several substances.

Growing algorithm

Planting usually begins in July.

Approximately in the second week after transplanting the seedlings, new leaves should appear.

This is due to the adaptation period - so that the seedlings can adapt by winter and show results in the spring. Planted in a large pot, it can be placed on the balcony, on the sunny side - on the south or south-east side of the balcony.

The appearance of the results - the first additional leaves - is expected on the eleventh day. If young leaves appear, the plant is firmly rooted and established. At the same time, the old leaves gradually die and fall off. On the thirtieth day, you can expect the emergence of the first ears of peduncles, which should be removed so that the second flowering will bring better results.


Approximately the thirty-seventh day - flower stalks open.

The first flowers appear on bushes planted more than a month ago.

First, several openings appear - approximately from two to four inflorescences. The duration of flowering varies within three days, then the petals fall off and the first fruits set.

The conditional end of flowering, if the strawberry belongs to the period of long daylight ripening, occurs approximately on the fifty-second day after planting.

We help flowers pollinate.

First berries

At the same time, the first berries have increased in size, and the flower stalks bloom and fade in turn.

It is necessary to monitor the stems due to the fact that the first berries are extremely large - the stems can break.

To prevent this phenomenon, you can place a fabric roller or foam rubber under the stems. And you should also remember about systematic watering as needed. The first sampling of ripened berries usually occurs on the sixty-first day, if all measures of correct agricultural technology are followed.

Deformed berries appear when the peduncles are insufficiently pollinated.

Fruiting all year round

For winter fruiting, strawberries need additional lighting, which will increase the length of the day to approximately twelve hours.

Additional lighting for homemade strawberries.

Temperature conditions are maintained at twenty degrees Celsius. If for indoor growing If the DSD variety is used, it is worth remembering that the duration of active productivity of this species is two or three years.

If you decide to grow NSD remontants, you need to be prepared for the fact that a decline in productivity may occur within a year, and then you will need to replant and breed young seedlings.

Video on how to plant strawberries from seeds at home

Everyone knows the berry strawberry; growing this juicy, sweet and aromatic berry at home will allow you to enjoy its taste almost all year round. When deciding how to grow strawberries from seeds at home, they usually do it from seeds, since it is not always possible to find seedlings.

What you need to grow strawberries at home

Growing strawberries on a windowsill is a task that any person can do, while some people not only eat these berries themselves in winter, but also derive financial benefits from this activity. Let's look at what it means to grow strawberries at home. And is it really possible to do this in an apartment?

Modern technologies already allow you to grow strawberries at home and you can do this all year round, and you don’t necessarily need to have personal plot, this can be done in any apartment, so fresh strawberries on the windowsill is a reality that anyone can bring to life.

Strawberries can be grown at home, for example, in plastic bags, which are filled with substrate, but if you do not have enough space for this, then growing strawberries at home all year round can be done in ordinary flower pots that are placed on the windowsill. Everything will depend on the purpose for which you are growing strawberries at home: are you doing it just for yourself or want to make it your business? Much will also depend on how much space you can allocate for strawberries to grow in your apartment.

To increase the space, you can not only grow strawberries in the apartment, but also on the balcony, so you can get significantly more harvest. If strawberries are grown at home on the balcony in winter, then it must be heated, so they can be grown all year round.

What conditions must be created for favorable growth?

When deciding how to grow strawberries at home, you need to create certain conditions for them:

  • suitable soil,
  • temperature,
  • air humidity.

If you are growing strawberries at home, then creating such conditions in your apartment is not difficult. There are usually no problems with heating in an apartment, if there is not enough heat, you can buy a heater, there will be no problems with lighting either, and the substrate can be made yourself or bought ready-made, it is not difficult to ensure air circulation, so growing strawberries on a windowsill is quite an achievable task.

When deciding how to grow strawberries at home to get good harvests, the following conditions must be met:

  1. It is necessary to choose remontant varieties, as they bear fruit several times a year, and you can get good strawberry harvests at home.
  2. If you decide to grow strawberries from seeds at home, then before planting they need to be kept in the refrigerator for a month. The seeds are placed in a damp cloth and then in a bag. Seeds hardened in this way will produce vigorous strawberry shoots at home within a week after planting.
  3. The pot in which the seedlings are planted should be spacious and have good drainage. Strawberries at home, as well as in natural conditions, love good watering, but do not tolerate stagnant moisture.
  4. If you are growing strawberries at home, and do it on an unheated balcony, then keep in mind that they are afraid of the cold and must be protected from it.
  5. In order for strawberries to produce good yields at home, they must be periodically fed with potassium-phosphorus fertilizers, and in order for the ovary to form, they must be treated with special preparations, for example Ovary or similar.

If you have just started looking for the answer to the question of how to grow strawberries at home, then keep in mind that it is best to do this on windows that face south. There will be the maximum amount of light and heat, so strawberries at home will grow and bear fruit normally.

If you grow this plant in winter, then natural light will not be enough, so strawberries at home should be additionally illuminated using fluorescent lamps.

In order for strawberries to develop normally and the berries to be sweet and juicy, the daylight hours should be about 14 hours.

Growing seedlings from seeds

Strawberries at home are usually grown from seeds, and there is no difference in growing strawberries or wild strawberries. Typically, growing strawberries from seeds is carried out in small containers; it is convenient when they have a lid. If sown in containers, then after a while the seedlings are picked up and transplanted into separate containers, but you can immediately plant them in separate containers or peat tablets.

If you decide to grow strawberries for seedlings and do not want to highlight them additionally, then this should be done no earlier than March. If you want to have strawberries at home earlier, then you can sow the seeds in January-February, but to prevent the seedlings from dying, you need to organize additional lighting for them. Remontant varieties have better germination, while

large-fruited varieties To do this, place the seeds on a cotton pad, moisten it with water and cover it with another disc, everything is placed in a transparent container, the lid of which should have holes. The container is placed in a warm place for 2 days, and then in the refrigerator for 2 weeks. You need to make sure that the tampons do not dry out.

Before planting strawberries, you need to properly prepare the soil for them, which should be light and crumbly. You can take soil from the garden and add sand to it; forest soil is better suited. Young strawberry shoots are very vulnerable, and to protect them from the development of diseases, the soil is heated in the oven for 20-30 minutes.

You cannot plant in such soil right away; it must stand for 2-3 weeks for beneficial bacteria to appear in it.

How to grow strawberries at home (video)

Different sowing methods

Strawberries can be grown at home in several ways.

Can be sown in a container To do this, fill it with prepared soil, moisten it well and carefully lay out the seeds taken from the refrigerator on the surface. It is enough to press them a little, there is no need to cover them with soil, they germinate well anyway.

Cover the container with a lid and place it in a warm place, but not in bright light. In order not to disturb the microclimate, you should not lift the lid often. When the seedlings have three leaves, they must be picked and planted in separate cups, the size of which must be at least 5x5 cm.

Be sure to provide good drainage so that moisture does not stagnate in the cups. Seedlings cannot be planted deep; the heart with leaves should be above the soil.

You can use the option when the seeds are sown in peat tablets, but it is better to plant sprouted seeds in them. In order for them to germinate, after you take the seeds out of the refrigerator, put them in a warm place and wait until the sprouts appear.

The tablets are placed in a tray with water to absorb it, and then the sprouted seeds are placed in small depressions. Now everything is covered with film and placed in a damp and warm place.

Regardless of the method of growing seedlings, after germination they do not need to be immediately exposed to light; it is necessary to open the lid gradually so that they get used to the new conditions.

If you plan to plant seedlings in open ground, then in April you need to start hardening them, for this they are taken out into the open air. IN open ground You can plant seedlings only in late May early June, when there is no longer any danger of night frosts.

To make the bush powerful and healthy, it is recommended to pick off the first flowers, this will allow it to take root normally, grow leaves and next year you will get a good harvest.

How to pollinate strawberries at home

If you decide to grow strawberries in an apartment, then keep in mind that there are no conditions for natural pollination, so during flowering, and this period lasts about 2 weeks, you will need to artificially pollinate the plants. At home this can be done as follows: Every morning a fan is directed at the flowers, and pollination will occur with the help of air, as happens in open ground, but this method is not very effective. You can take a small brush and pollinate each flower separately, so the probability of pollination is higher, and you can get good harvests. Brush pollination is suitable for small plantations.

As you can see, there is nothing difficult about growing strawberries in an apartment; even novice gardeners can do it. If a woman grows strawberries at home, then she will not only be able to feed this sweet and healthy berry the whole family, but will also get a lot of pleasure from doing what they love.

Proper planting of strawberries (video)


In nature, strawberry flowers are pollinated either by bees and bumblebees, who collect pollen, and at the same time accidentally transfer some of it from the stamens to the stigma of the pistil, or with the help of the wind. If the weather is cool and cloudy for a long time, preventing the flight of insects, and there is no wind, pollination occurs very weakly. Naturally, the berry harvest will then be low.

Since you can’t rely on insects or wind when growing strawberries in greenhouses, and especially at home, you need to resort to artificial pollination. Find or buy a small brush with soft, natural bristles at an office supply store. You can also use a cosmetic brush to apply blush or eye shadow. Gently, without any pressure, move it along the core of each blossoming strawberry flower. A certain amount of pollen will definitely fall on the pistil, as a result of which the plant will be fertilized.

For greater guarantee, carry out this procedure daily. Some gardeners ask questions: what if they grow several varieties of strawberries that bloom almost simultaneously? Can I have one brush for pollination or should I take my own for each variety? Yes, you can. Moreover, as a result of so-called cross-pollination, there will be an improvement in both yields and taste qualities berries

If you don’t have time to fiddle with a brush, pollinating each one in turn, you can resort to wind pollination. But how to create wind in a city apartment? With the help of a portable fan, of course. Turn it on, bring it close and direct the air stream at the flowers. Quite effective pollination will occur, no worse than in natural conditions.

Gardening and gardening is one of my favorite activities. For some, this is a job that provides significant material support and gives moral satisfaction. Some people simply relax in nature this way. A very frequent, beloved and well-protected inhabitant of dachas and household plots is the garden strawberry or strawberry, as it is often called in everyday life.

You will need

  • - soft brush;
  • - fan.


It can be grown not only in. IN last years Quite widely, especially in Western countries, it is cultivated in greenhouse complexes and insulated hangars. It is known that some garden crops They can be successfully grown indoors, on window sills and balconies. Thanks to the efforts of breeders, for some time now, the same can be said about. Now anyone can grow it at home all year round and without significant financial costs. Of course, some difficulties and problems still exist, but they are completely solvable.

When grown indoors, artificial pollination is carried out. The flowering period depends on the variety and lasts for several weeks. Flowers on the peduncle not at the same time. The flowering duration of each is from 1 to 4 days. In open plantations, cross-pollination occurs due to wind or insects that carry pollen. On large farms, beehives are brought into greenhouses during the flowering period. One family of bumblebees is capable of pollinating plants over an area of ​​1000-1500 sq.m.

Of course, it is impossible to use this method at home. Indoor or balcony farming will have to be pollinated manually. If the volume of your “strawberry beds” is small, then this is not at all difficult to do. Prepare a soft school brush, preferably made of natural hair. Lightly pass it over each flower. It is best to do this in the morning, and preferably during the entire flowering period. When growing 3-4 varieties at the same time, cross-pollination improves the yield and quality of the fruit.

You can use another method. Turn on the fan. Direct the air stream at the flower stalks. It turns out almost like in natural conditions: the wind blows and the strawberries are pollinated.

Garden strawberries, often referred to as strawberries, are among those plants that can be grown both in open and indoor ground. To obtain a harvest in a greenhouse or apartment, strawberry flowers need additional pollination, which is carried out by mechanical means or, if conditions permit, by insects.

You will need

  • - fan;
  • - brush;
  • - pollinating insects.


The flowering of strawberries is affected by the length of daylight hours. If you are going to provoke flowering of a plantation in an artificial

Ripe, juicy, amazingly tasty strawberries on the table, while a snowstorm is blowing outside the window - this is real luxury! In the middle of winter, you won’t find fresh berries in every supermarket, and if you can find them, their cost will be prohibitively high.

Create favorable conditions for growing berries

But someone grows delicious strawberries on their windowsill at home; some enterprising gardeners even benefit financially from this activity, turning growing berries at home into a profitable business. Growing strawberries at home– a myth or a reality accessible to anyone?

Now there are various methods for growing strawberries in an apartment of any size. You can effectively use the free space in the house by planting strawberry seedlings filled with substrate, or growing bushes with berries in traditional flower pots and boxes. It all depends on the purpose for which you plan to grow strawberries at home, and how much space you can allocate for this.

Make a choice in favor of remontant strawberry varieties that can bear fruit several times

What do strawberries need for normal ripening? Room temperature, good ventilation and suitable soil. These conditions are easily met, because the apartments are warm at any time of the year (and if there are problems with heating, you can always buy an additional heating device), air circulation can be ensured using a window, a special inexpensive substrate can be purchased in the store. This means that you can also grow strawberries at home if you take into account the most important moments:

  • Make a choice in favor of remontant strawberry varieties that can bear fruit several times. Most popular varieties: Yellow Wonder, Queen Elizabeth, Mount Everest.
  • When purchased, purchased seeds should be placed in the refrigerator for 4 weeks, wrapped in a damp cloth and placed in a plastic bag - then the hardened seeds, when planted in the ground, will sprout within a week.
  • Prepare a spacious pot for the seedlings with a good layer of drainage, since strawberries like frequent, abundant watering, but they do not tolerate stagnant water.
  • It is recommended to plant strawberry seedlings at home in prepared soil either in the fall from August 15 to September 20, or in early spring.
  • Since this berry is afraid of the cold, do not keep it on the balcony and protect it from frost.
  • From time to time, apply potassium-phosphorus fertilizers, and to form ovaries, treat the plants with a special preparation “Ovary”.

The ideal option for growing homemade strawberries is south-facing, well-lit windows.

The ideal option for growing homemade strawberries is south-facing, well-lit windows. With a lack of sunlight, plant growth may slow down and the taste of the berries may deteriorate. However, you can create artificial lighting for your strawberry plantation using fluorescent lamps. Strawberries will begin to bloom and bear fruit earlier with long daylight hours, and the quality of the berries will increase significantly. Therefore, if you are concerned about how to grow strawberries at home in the shortest possible time, provide the plants with continuous daylight for about 14 hours.

Video about strawberries in January

How to pollinate strawberries at home?

Since strawberries at home are deprived of natural pollination, you will have to provide the plants with artificial pollination during the flowering period, which can last several weeks. Produce artificial pollination You can grow flower stalks on strawberries at home in two ways:

  • point the fan towards the flower stalks in the morning (under the influence of the wind, strawberries are pollinated in open ground);
  • pollinate each flower by hand by brushing over them daily with a soft paint brush.

As you can see, growing strawberries at home is accessible even to inexperienced gardeners and does not require significant financial costs. Difficulties can arise only with pollination, especially if you decide to plant extensive berry plantations, because it is not so easy to move a brush over each small flower every day, and with a fan it is difficult to guarantee successful pollination.

Video about how to get strawberries in January

However, don't give up! Try it, plant seedlings, carefully care for them - strawberries at home can produce several harvests a year, delighting you and your loved ones with ripe berries in late autumn and frosty winter.