Development of memory and concentration how to develop enthusiasm. Memory development - effective ways to workout. Other courses for memory development

31.05.2021 Repairs

How to Develop Natural Enthusiasm

Enthusiasts are always fighters. They are distinguished by resistance. They have expios and endurance. Enthusiasm underlies any progress! Where enthusiasm - there is a coherence; Where it is not - only excuses.

Henry Ford (Henry Ford)

The English word enthusiasm (enthusiasm) comes from the Greek Enthous, which means "having God in itself." Have God in Himself - God with magical power - this is what is enthusiastic.

Ralph Waldo Emerson said that enthusiasm said: "All the great and high moments in the history of the world are examples of the celebration of enthusiasm." He also said: "Enthusiasm is a locomotive of success."

One of our most important natural resources is enthusiasm. I emphasize the word natural, because we all possess them from nature. We are born with him. He is clearly manifested in the children: they are trembling from excitement, enthusiasm is swaying in all the movements of the body, they play, shout, jump, jump, run, smile, giggle, laugh, they live.

When we give out our natural enthusiasm, we show more life. We are more interesting, more fun and workable.

Why are we more efficient? When we throw off the restraining factors, we can send the energy to the desired end result, this energy seems to be inexhaustible if we are filled with enthusiasm. Whether at work or in public life, people are more comfortable with us, and we are more comfortable with people. As a result, we get more fruitful cooperation, a team of collaboration in a team, which increases individual and collective performance.

In each of us sits a child, filled with natural enthusiasm, and we can release (free) it, entering into contact with it at the main level of programming and reviving the feeling of the filing energy that was once ordinary.

The more often we re-cause this feeling of past enthusiasm, the stronger the mental models of enthusiasm for the future will be established and the more confident we will overcome the habit of excessive depression. In addition, it is possible to program enthusiasm, presenting itself in everyday affairs acting with enthusiasm. Programming for the coming day in the morning, imagine how you enthusiastically welcome people, and feel enthusiasm when you do it. Try to feel "alive" and "included" in everything you do, encourage yourself to feel success, realize that you are a winner, and then - thanks to your enthusiasm, interest in other people, caring support - everyone who you will have The case will also be the winner.

Develop success on, practically applying enthusiasm to physical reality. Pay attention to the reaction of people when you welcome their wide smile and vigorous voice voice, as if you are really happy only because you live in the world. (Isn't it?) Life becomes much more joyful when you want to be happy because you just live.

Cut the work of God, which is inside you. Practice enthusiasm, and soon it will become the same natural and brings joy as in childhood.

I am experiencing enthusiasm.

I am full of live energy and enthusiasm.

I am positively configured, confident and limited.

I am filled with natural enthusiasm.

I carry positive emotions.

I like to show your natural enthusiasm.

My enthusiasm helps me to flourish.

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You began to notice that you are picking words for a long time? Forget important dates? Missed the doctor's reception or business meeting? With age, the memory really worsens. The problem may not only be in this. Poor memory can talk about:

  • Development of neurological disease;
  • Strong stress;
  • Big workload;
  • Wrong sleep and rest mode.

The brain reminds the operating system of the computer, which begins to "hang" if there are many "tabs". A large number of responsibilities and cases that need to remember, weaken our abilities to keep everything in your head. That is why humanity came up with diaries. But because of bad memory you can even forget the diary! Therefore, we suggest you develop memory. It turns out that it can also be trained!

What if I remember anything?

  1. The most important thing is to calm down. After all, it is stress that can cause a worsening memory. Busy work on the suppression of anxiety Brain cannot spend its strength to memorize such nonsense as your daily schedule. It is in SOS mode, he is not up to daily routine affairs!
  2. Visit the neurologist. The deterioration of memory, especially sharp, may indicate a number of diseases. Do not panic, modern medicine allows you to help even in difficult situations.
  3. If medical studies have not revealed any deviations, try to establish work and rest mode. When the memory workout overloads will be only an additional load.
  4. Get proceeding to work in memory development.

Memory types

What is the memory and where our knowledge is stored? So, the brain uses memory to store accumulated knowledge and at the right time to provide their owner. It happens that it works badly that is short-term memory. You can remember how the name was the first teacher, but completely forget that ate for breakfast yesterday.

Memory happens:

  1. Long-term
  2. Short-term
  3. Operative

Long term memory is responsible for the information that we received one day, so that it was relevant all life: what is the name of our parents who were our childhood friend - this information is needed for us for life. Short-term memory is important for events that have occurred recently or is about to happen. Do not miss the reception at the dentist or remember that we need to drink a tablet in the morning helps a short-term memory. RAM is needed at a certain moment, it serves actions that a person makes it right now.

All types of memory are interrelated, long-term could not exist without short-term, but short-term without operational. In addition, there is a motor, shaped, tactile memory.

We remember that the smell of roses is pleasant, that the song that sounded on the first date with the beloved can cause joy and pain, and at the sight of homemade pies always remember the warm hands of his beloved grandmother.

How to keep all the necessary information in memory if it is so much? After all, with the age of knowledge accumulate, it gets harder!

Memory Development: Methods

Train memorization process

Come up with images that will help you remember this or that information or action. For example, the phone number may be associated with your age, and the turning on the double boiler is "a red button, then a shiny button, like my dress on the output." Invent associations that will help you reproduce the necessary knowledge in memory.

Play details

Can you find a phone? Where did you meet? On a jog. So, they put on a sports suit. But in sports pants there are no pockets, I guess you wanted to put it in a jacket. While you put on a jacket, the phone would have to put somewhere. Here he is on the shelf! Approximately so you can find a lot of lost things. If you can not remember the event, remember as many parts as possible that it was accompanied.

Repeat yourself information

Sometimes it helps elementary to say something out loud: "Tomorrow at 10 am I have a meeting." Repeat it several times, a great chance that you remember it even better than if you just recorded.

Think all the time

Even if from the time of school you no longer need a course of arithmetic, and you consider only delivery in the store, try to give yourself uncomplicated tasks for calculating. Arithmetic employs very well the brain. Five people are waiting for a bus at the bus stop, there are only thirty seats in the bus, there are already twenty-seven people, how many people have to stand? This will help not only pass the time, but also to develop memory.

Learn foreign languages

Even if you can never come in Hindi and Chinese - the study of foreign languages \u200b\u200bhas a positive effect on the ability to memorize what is really important. And, then, who knows where you go on a journey? No wonder the program on active longevity always includes language courses.

Exercises for memory development

Every evening remember the events of the day

Before bedtime, play events of the day in the smallest detail. Remember that your colleagues have been dressed, which is standing on the boss on the table. Your brain learn to issue the desired information on your request.

Record dreams

Dreams do not have a sacred value, but the dream diary stands not to look in the anti-scientific books of secret signs of their content, but in order to train their memory. It really works!

Download games for memory for memory

Entertainment applications for memory development are really very much. Some, for example, offer to remember the order of pictures and numbers and reproduce it.

Remember price tags for products

I remember the information that is usually not kept in my head, you travelery your brain to keep in memory and necessary. In addition, you can support any conversation about prices at a decent level: "How potatoes have risen!".

Reading time: 3 min

Enthusiasm is an emotional state that reflects the multi-term manifestation of the feelings and actions of the positive spectrum. Enthusiasm with simple words is the synonym for inspiration, striving for the action, achievement, the motivation of which is not a necessity, but the presence of desire, inspiration, mood. In the activities led by enthusiasm, there is only the idea of \u200b\u200ba buzz and internal comprehension from the process and from achieving, there is no discretion of other meanings.

The very concept initially indicated some kind of man's obsession by demons, spirits, deities, which explained excessive activity. In a more prosaic world of materialism, the presence of a significant level of activity and cheerfulness is evidence that the man is full of enthusiasm. It concerns the activity and ideological commitment, where the goals are not always necessary to achieve, it may be necessary to maintain loyalty.

What is enthusiasm

The concept of enthusiasm is originated within the human core, it refers to motivation, but to its internal species, since enthusiasm cannot be brought from the outside. A person without enthusiasm can listen to a motivating speech, can improve the indicators, see their own benefit, but not to be enthusiasm. Large volumes of energy opened in such a state are dropped from a contact with the mental source, i.e. The man is full of enthusiasm when there is a coincidence of several spheres of human personality - spiritual moments (as manifestations of higher aspirations), subconscious desires (as a very strong driving energy) and aware of the needs (relieving mental prohibitions from manifestation and desire to achieve the desired).

It is at the junction of these three components that occurs a powerful splash of energy aimed at light, creative and inspired implementing conceived. If at least one of the components is not included, then enthusiasm will not appear. Without aware of the needs of the desire, the criticizing part of the individual will be suppressed than the primitive and the strongest energy will be quenched. Without subconscious desires, the process of realizing the goal will be long and without a light, and in the absence of the spiritual component, all this can have devastating trends or move a person to degradation, because subconscious (often hidden, suppressed and dismissal individual structures are often hidden).

Enthusiasm with simple words is the energy of joy, creative stream, confidence in achieving and presence of peculiar support from the surrounding space. The states that can be confused with enthusiasm for energy strength, with which a person overcomes obstacles, but, nevertheless, they are not found quite often. These are variants of various manic aspirations (up to the exacerbation of a psychotic nature), as well as various. A similar moment for these states will be an elevated energy level and irrepressive desire to, however, in the case of manicity, the motivation is dictated by the painful state of the psyche. It can be expressed in the indifference of the aspirations, and the person is trying to achieve everything immediately, it is rushed from one purpose to another or vice versa, it is impossible to excessively in achieving, ignoring the critical perception of reality, without worrying about its own condition. With euphoric state (caused by coincidence or use of specific substances) there is a poor condition, it may not be observed painful intensity, but with a change in the chemical composition of the blood, the motivation is dissolved in the air, which indicates a person's actions without enthusiasm, since it is characterized by a more sustainable effect on personal manifestations. activity.

The long absence in the experiences of such long and strong inspiration may indicate intrapersonal problems. It often meets when a person ceases to listen to his and goes on the surrounding, performing the actions of them, but who do not delight him, this should be attributed to the loss of orientation in his life, and then, not knowing where to go, fate can be given to others For the flow - no strength and inspiration in such conditions, because they are not given to the implementation of someone else's dreams. With a reduced self-esteem, constant self-criticism, the absence of external support for the manifestation of enthusiasm is required to spend a lot of efforts to overcome the feature, where any action is supposed to be criticized and criticized. Although some similar unbearable conditions are pushed on the struggle and huge achievements, but it is rather an exception (when people put a goal to get out of the unworthy society, where they are now, or to prove to the degrading criticism as far as they are wrong).

The long lack of enthusiasm leads to strengthening the depressive state, the development of various manifestations, and is also directly related to, since the psyche system is arranged in such a way that as soon as a person ceases to develop, he inevitably begins to degrade (right as in the dialogues of characters from the castorcall). To finally do not fall into the state of complete absence. Watch your own environment. On the one hand, it is impossible to inspire enthusiasm, on the other hand, watching the surrounding, we involuntarily copy their life strategies, so being in a swamp where nothing happens, you risks quickly lose your own aspirations and plans, and surrounding yourself with inspired people with luminous Eyes you yourself get permission and on your own accomplishments. It's like with a positive - nobody will laugh at you, but the appearance of a smile and good mood is more likely among the laughs of merchant, than among the new deprescripts.

As a multidiscutorial, enthusiasm has its own features of the manifestation of each person (someone needs less sleep, and someone increases attentiveness), it can also serve various purposes. Despite the fact that it is customary to use this condition as something exciting, which is worth striving (which is fully justified, and a person who experiences such a strong rise can really be envied in his self-admission), but the implementation of enthusiasm projects is not always beautiful. It depends not on the specifics of the state, but from the specifics of the person and its moral appearance, with great enthusiasm you can develop a new weapon, which can erase all living things and run it into action, and you can also sew a dress with sequins - different levels and different consequences of one state.

How does enthusiasm for man

Enthusiasm has an impact at once into several areas of human manifestation. Of the behavioral changes, noticeable both to the person and others are characterized by an increase in ability to work in a particular field (there is no rest and break, as well as switching to other activities. Since the occupation of the selected case brings a lot of pleasure). Joy is a permanent satellite of a person in a state of enthusiasm, it is able to find positive moments in everything, and failed situations to wrap (the flight delay uses to make the necessary calls, turn off electricity to reorganize and optimize space).

The feeling of pleasure brings both work and rest, and both of these types of activity acquire a more active manifestation than before, filled with new ideas. It is such a person who can move the project from a dead point, offering a new idea and a dozen auxiliary mini-projects. Strengthening creative activity, as the fact of creation and the device, it comes to a qualitatively new level, in which the presence of external problems or unexpected troubles is almost unable to knock out a person from equilibrium, since they are overcome easily and play.

Enthusiasm changes the course of all life, not a separate area of \u200b\u200binspiration. If it is a working enthusiasm, it leads to the successes and achievements, often accompanied by additional bonuses, except for the achievement of the goal. This is due to the fact that employees and bosses are observing the work of a person and see the speed and quality of implementation in its execution. The man enthusiasm is infinitely effective and he receives awards and enhancement, more complex and interesting tasks, but it is not always the right strategy, since if new tasks are not in the sphere of its interest, then there will be no high performance indicators either, because . Wakes spark.

If enthusiasm relates to personal life, then more active person will be able to enjoy and bring attitudes to a new level, in addition, it is the movable force of various exploits and beautiful gestures (as well as not so bright, but very valuable manifestation, like attentiveness - when about the object They know almost everything and it seems can guess thoughts). In addition to the beginning and development of relationships, enthusiasm in family life helps to develop relationships, withdraw them to a higher level of interaction.

And since the person is intended, the changes in one of the areas, irreversibly behave in the other. And it turns out that excessive enthusiasm in work absorbs a part of the time and energy required for the family, and then these relationships either freeze or undergo a crisis or end. Love inspiration can, how to help a person to solve other life tasks faster in order to quickly release time for the object of love, it may be forced to finally ignore other needs for the lead. How the distribution will occur, depends on the personal installations of the person and its inner wisdom regarding the maintenance of various areas of their life.

Separately, it is worth noting the effect of enthusiasm for somatic manifestations. An increase in the energy level is able to establish the functioning of many organism systems, an increase in immunity and stress resistance is observed. Changes in the usual biorhythms and needs (shortening sleep, changing the needs for food or taste addictions), is characterized by improving the endurance and metabolic processes of the body, an increase in skin tone and musculature. Those. Enthusiasm is an activating and tonic state that runs work and a stimulating factor for internal processes in the body.

How to develop enthusiasm

Since it is the enthusiasm that is moving strength of success, it is worth working on its development, because stubborn, tedious and daily work lead to stable results, but not to new promotions and successes. As it turned out earlier, enthusiasm is close in essence to motivation, but the motivation should be internal. Without seeing a goal, there will be nowhere to move, which means there is no need. It is impossible to deceive yourself in a similar process, so the goal should be your own, and not consistent in the journal or visible from friends. Spend time, learn your desires and aspirations, without criticism and evaluate their implementation opportunities (do not stop yourself, even if you want to ride the unicorn on the Milky Way).

It is not allowed to dream, the criticism received in childhood closes the way of energy that is born in response to a true dream. Let them be in any form - collect your desires and goals, fix them (list, pictures, bookmarks in the browser), to then choose those from which it starts to tremble inside - they will direct you and inspire you. Then they can be revised to come up with that it is possible to do with it. So, the girl who dreamed of becoming a mermaid received a swimming discharge, became the coach of Dolphin and performs in his show in a mermaid costume, and the guy dreamed of flying through the space, designed and launched a computer game where all these travels are possible.

Find someone to be equal to or read their biographies. No need to copy the path of these people, as it will not work, as conditions are different and you represent a different combination of personal qualities and needs. But push up certain thoughts or save on possible errors, such an analysis can. Just as if you gathered something to create, it is worth studying the question of how it did before you and did it at all, you may have to deal with the discovery of new or modernize technology, and maybe everything is ready and can be carried out using the experience of predecessors.

Review your social circle and try to minimize or adjust communication with people showing inertia and criticism, and discontent, because such manifestations reduce motivation and set up your own thoughts and negative system, which closes the vision of possible options, while being able to faith and Aspirations, you will be challenged to open new solutions. About the importance of support and optimistic attitudes is told almost everywhere, so if someone landing with your attitude and attaches to the cargo of disappointment, try to communicate less or eliminate at all. Your attitude with the surrounding build on mutual support and help, training in solving other people's problems, you diverge your experience, expand the horizons, and people will most likely help you when they need. Surrounding yourself with people, with similar goals and sentiments, you get a circle where your development is possible, and it may also be that it is better to work on the task as a task, dividing the responsibilities than to pull everything yourself - so in a shorter time you realize the dreams at once.

From the work performed, leave the one that brings pleasure and specific benefits - ideally, so that these moments are combined, but it does not always happen. Do not refuse that it is pleasing to you, because it is such a pastime that is a nutritious and filling forces giving inspiration. Among what is useful, leave moments that are directly related to the goal, your financial well-being and physical well-being.

Put global goals, more energy is given to big dreams, but do not forget to regularly train on something less large-scale. Here it can help break a large goal for several visible stages or to put each month a new additional small goal. Observation of the results of their own achievements stimulates to new accomplishments, and when you are constantly only in the process, without smoker, it will plunge the perception of an erroneous assessment that all actions are unpromising.

Do not wait for an euphoric state to start acting, enthusiasm comes not to passivity, but arises in the process of activity, your task is to make it delicious and enjoyable and not to expect that if the state of enthusiasm has come, it will be saved until the moment of achievement. Like everything in this world, enthusiasm has its own rhythms, and in those moments when it will weaken it is important not to quit starting and then the inspiration will return again.

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People who have an increased concentration of attention can quickly delve into the essence of a complex topic, to productively move towards the goal and bring to the end to the end, more fully and consciously live every day and get more pleasure from life as a whole. According to Bill Gates, the ability to concentrate for a long time and retain focus of attention is the most important quality that distinguishes a successful person from unsuccessful, smart from stupid.

In this article website Assemble a whole list of useful exercises and techniques that will allow even most dispersed to pump their skill to concentrate, effectively deal with interrupts And significantly increase its own productivity.

  • Second hand. Take ordinary hours and 5 minutes watch how the second arrow moves. You need to think only about this arrow and anything else. If you were distracted - put yourself a minus and start first.
  • Score. Exercise perfectly soothes, helps to focus before an important performance, negotiations. It is necessary to sit down and silently, slowly, completely focusing on the numbers, to count in the mind from 1 to 30. With closed eyes - the option is simpler, with open - for advanced.
  • Countdown.Choose some large number and start counting in the opposite direction: 7845, 7844, 7843 ... In the future, it will be possible to take no 1, and 3 or 5.
  • Breath. Breathe slightly deeper than usual, concentrating on the respiratory process. Mentally imagine how the air moves through the respiratory tract and penetrates your lungs, slowly fills them and expands. And in the opposite direction - trace your exhalation.
  • We consider words. Take a book or log, open any page and count the number of words on it. Then recalculate the words again. To complicate the task, consider words to 2 or 3 pages. IMPORTANT: You can count words only with your eyes without touching the hands of paper.
  • One word. Select the word that inspires you or just like it, and for 5 minutes a mentally repeat it, nor thinking anything else. Over time, bring time up to 10 minutes.
  • Reflective reading. The choice of the book is very important here, it should be interesting, worthy of your attention literature, and not some boulevard fiction. The meaning of the exercise is in full immersion in the readable text, you must be most concentrated on it, read and see the whole depth of what the author wrote about, to think about all the nuances and meanings. No need to put records, read in the pace, in which you will be able to remain focused on written. If you notice that you are distracted, gather the will in a fist and focus again on the main task - read and penetrate into the text.
  • Study of the subject.Absolutely any simple subject: pencil, pen, lighter, eraser, cup. Examine the subject as if you see it for the first time, constantly interest yourself with new details that this item has. Try to find new and new questions about him. Why exactly such a form? What material? How it works? What inside? How else can I apply it? In which country is it done?
  • Concentration of attention on the smell. Choose a natural, natural aroma that you like, such as the smell of grass, fruit, colors, needles. Relax and slowly breathe, then exhale the aroma, concentrating only on this process, without distracting. Think only about the smell, no third-party thoughts cannot be allowed.
  • Where attention is directed. From time to time, within a day, ask yourself questions: what are you doing, why do you do it, whether there are resources there, what is your time goes, whether it is worth it and so on. For convenience, you can write these questions on a sheet of paper and hang His in the most prominent place is not to forget about this exercise.
  • Association. Develop associative thinking. To do this, share a few minutes to explore a person who has fallen into your field of view. Think what kind of associations it causes you: someone like your friends or from celebrities; With what animals it is associated with you; If this man was the subject, which; Who he could work.
  • Reflection. Straighten your back and stand opposite the mirror. Draw on the mirror circles at the level of your eyes and focus all the attention on them. Stand so that the drawn circles do not go out for the outlines of your eyes. Exercise must be performed until you feel easy tiredness in the back.
  • Imagination game.Sit in a chair and close your eyes. Imagine a big jug and a ball, and then how this ball enters the jug and comes out of it. You need to repeat the exercise up to 10 times, observing the sequence. Helps unload the brain and pump the ability to concentrate attention.
  • Words on the contrary.This game, familiar with many childhood, is an excellent exercise on the concentration of attention. Take simple, short-lived words and say them out loud ones: a cat - Akschok, fish - Abyir, etc. In the future, words can be taking longer and complicate the task.
  • Text upside down.Take any book, turn up the legs and read the text. For initial level, one page is sufficient.
  • Scout.Take the book unfamiliar to you and read one paragraph. Try the word to the word, the memorized memory is reproduced. Immediately it is unlikely to do this, but if you train, then everything will succeed. But every time you take a new paragraph, and not the same, otherwise the meaning of the exercise is lost.
  • Daltonic.Despite the seeming simplicity, the exercise is quite complex. Write colors of different inks that will not match the very name of the color. For example, the word "red" write yellow, the word "blue" - red, etc. When reading, it is necessary to call the color of the word, and not what is written.
  • Line. On a pure sheet of paper, very slowly and smoothly lead a pencil line. Your thoughts must be focused exclusively on this line. As soon as you catch yourself on the fact that you are distracted, immediately make a small peak on the line, as if on the cardiogram, and continue to lead the line further. The level of concentration can be easily determined by the number of peaks on the line. Ideal option - if in 3 minutes you do not form a single peak.
  • Figure.On the sheet of paper, draw any shape: a circle, square, triangle. Slide in any color and concentrate all your attention only on this figure. All your thoughts should only be about this figure. It is important not to strain your eyes. For 2-3 minutes, look at the figure, then close your eyes and imagine it in the smallest details and details.
  • Film.The meaning of the exercise is to submit one day of his life in the form of a video that you view. You need to try to remember in the smallest details, as your day has passed, starting from the moment of awakening and until the moment you went to bed.

Working on some task, focus only on it, making sure that it is priority at the moment. If the task is big to break into several steps and work on each of them separately. If the number of tasks is unrealistic, although no concentration will help.

  • Make break. During a special concentration mode, it is important to regularly take breaks: get up, drink water, do something pleasant. Such breaks every half an hour (maximum hour) will give energy to the further stage of work.
  • Adjust productivity in accordance with your biorhythms.Track off at what time of day, in which working hours you are most productive, and put the main tasks for this watch, the maximum restricting yourself from distracting factors.
  • What exercise did you like most? Maybe you have your own method that helps concentrate and productively implement the planned?

    The concentration of attention is simply speaking, the ability to focus on when it is required. A person can concentrate on time to concentrate on time without being distracted by external factors, it is easier to go through life and achieve success. Development of care with exercises and special techniques will help increase the concentration of attention.

    Making an important thing, a person is distracted by outside sounds, switches to another occupation, thereby confronting from the right path. Bad concentration and loss of care can be triggered by the following factors:

    • insufficient sleep;
    • defective nutrition;
    • included TV;
    • noise of transport;
    • foreign conversations and actions;
    • fatigue;
    • stress and depression;
    • drug or alcohol exposure.

    To eliminate the disruption of the concentration of attention during operation, and ensure the development of concentrations to protect themselves from the listed interference.

    How to estimate the level of concentration of attention

    To understand the condition of your attentiveness, a methodology for studying concentration and sustainability is developed. Before answering the question how to increase the concentration of attention is recommended to pass the test.

    • Munsterberg technique.

    The test will help determine the level of concentration, selectivity of attention and noise immunity.

    Among these letters there are words that need to be highlighted. For a test one for two minutes. Get the concentration of attention to the maximum.

    For two minutes, all encrypted words found - focus on the proper height. The allotted time to the test seemed a lot - a great result. Two minutes did not have enough - the concentration of attention is low. Add for 5 seconds for each word that could not find.

    • "Ten words."

    This test checks the state of concentration and work of short-term memory.

    To go through the test you need another person to read ten words for you. The selected words cannot be associated with meaning or associations.

    Pillow, Pie, Snow, Poodle, Notebook, Focus, Slippers, Autumn, Ship, Brick.

    If after the first reading of the words you called 8 - the level of attention concentration at height. Repeated 7 words - a satisfactory concentration state. We called less than 7 words - a low level concentration.

    Use one table for one attempt. In each of the tables among the armor of the arms of the numbers, it is necessary to show and call numbers in order from 1 to 25. Speak the time spent on the test.

    Concentration of attention at height if you spent on a test (one table) not more than 40 seconds. The test took from 40 to 50 seconds - the average level of attention. Cost more than 50 seconds - low levels of care. Technique Schulte - Checking the level of concentration and at the same time training attention.

    Exercises for the development of attention concentration

    After checking the level of attentiveness, consider how to develop a concentration of attention. An effective method of enhancing focus is an exercise. The following exercises do not require a lot of time and effort, are performed daily, with each convenient case.

    • Awareness of what is happening.

    While at home, on the street, at work is not in prostration. Try to concentrate attentive at what happens around. Focus on what you are doing, who is nearby, what are the people who are busy.

    This exercise will help to easily increase the level of concentration.

    • Performing conscious actions.

    Learn to perform your usual actions consciously and carefully. To each moment of life, treat seriously, as if much depends on how you rearrange your legs when walking, rub dust, wear clothes.

    This kind of exercise will teach focus on affairs. The occupation will help increase the focus.

    • The ability to see hidden.

    After performing an exercise, look at the items around and notice new properties, the quality of things, the appearance of the items. Try to see what they did not notice earlier.

    The exercise will form the skill of switching concentration from one item to another, without losing concentration.

    • "Line".

    To perform classes, prepare a white sheet of paper, pen or pencil. The line must be moved smoothly and slowly. Concentrate on the line conducted. As soon as they realized that they were distracted, spend the line up. It should turn out like a cardiogram. Exercise is held 3 minutes.

    The result is positive only if the line remained straight.

    • Music.

    Classical music for concentrating attention is a way to increase the level of concentration. Improving care during listening to music occurs due to the impact of the melodicity and harmony of the classical genre on the right hemisphere of the brain. When performing a task, you need to relax and distract from extraneous thoughts. For the exercise, Gaidna, Mendelssohn, Mozart and Tchaikovsky will suit.

    Techniques for the development of concentration of attention

    The development of focus will go faster if use for training the exercises and special techniques.

    • "Black Point."

    This technique for the development of attentiveness implies a long-term holding of high focus on the subject.

    For classes, prepare a white sheet of paper with a black dot drawn in the middle. Secure the drawing at a distance of one meter from you. Take a convenient position so that the sheet with the point remains at the eye level. Close your eyes and distracted from thoughts and images. After immersing to the rest state, open your eyes and look at the point. Try not to remove your eyes, do not blink. Not thinking about anything, not tightening, hold attention only at the black point. Technique is performed for 20-30 minutes. At the end of the lesson, close your eyes, watching the residual phenomenon of the black point until a complete disappearance.

    • "Burning Candle".

    The technique of focus on the flame of the burning candle helps to increase the level of care. Put the burning candle in the half-meter from yourself. Sit so that the flame is burning at the eye level. Provide silence in the room so that nothing distracted from the classes. Disconnect light sources and noise. Close your eyes and abstract from obsessive thoughts and images. When you relax and calm down, look at the candle flame. Not blinking, lock the look at the tip of the fire. Technique takes 30 minutes. Next, continue to look at the candle with your eyes closed until the picture is completely disappeared.

    • Meditation.

    Learn to meditate. The meditation technique will help achieve the highest level of care concentration by distraction from foreign and concentration on the inner sensations.

    • "Clock".

    To perform classes, take the mechanical clock and place on the table. Take a comfortable position and relax. You need to concentrate on the clock arrow, without thinking about anything. The technique is performed until during the full turnover of the second arrow you will not visit any idea, nothing will distract from the process.

    Technique "Clock" trains attention and helps to concentrate.

    • "Vipassana".

    Take a convenient posture and relax. Breathe smoothly and freely. Take a look at the tip of the nose, and fix the attention on it. Watch only for sensations, breathing and look at the tip of the nose, distracted by all thoughts. As soon as thoughts switch to something else, return to the starting point.

    Each technique or exercise helps to develop attentiveness and teaches to focus, abstracting from outsiders, odors, the actions of another person. Concentration training is a guarantee of successful completion of the tasks.

    Now you know how to improve the concentration of attention and achieve a high level of concentration in work. Paying time to develop attention, you simultaneously simultaneously and memory.