New generation: children of Russian stars who are hiding from fame. Alexei Navalny: biography, personal life, family, wife, children - photo Alexei Navalny's wife - Yulia Navalnaya

12.08.2021 Landscape design

Most of the children of our celebrities are Instagram stars, who at 18 can already give their parents a head start in terms of the number of news outlets. But there are also those who, for one reason or another, prefer to remain in the shadows. Some people don’t show their lovers on social networks, some refuse to give interviews, some simply close their Instagram accounts, and some never had them at all. We have collected the most mysterious children of Russian celebrities.

Daughter of Ivan Urgant (39) and Natalia Kiknadze (39) Erica (17)

Erica Kiknadze

Erika Kiknadze before filming Tatler

Erica Kiknadze

Erica Kiknadze

Ivan Urgant and Natalya Kiknadze with daughters Erica and Nina

Natalya Kiknadze’s daughter from her first marriage is like Urgant’s own. When Ivan married his first love, Erica was only 7 years old. Now the girl lives and studies in London. IN Instagram she has 36 thousand subscribers, but gives interviews very rarely - maximum, to Vogue or Tatler magazine. Well, it’s being filmed for Nike. Nothing is known about the beauty’s personal life either - it seems that her heart belongs to paints (she draws beautifully) and to the camera - Erica often walks around the city and takes pictures of its inhabitants.

Daughter of Alexey (42) and Yulia (42) Navalny Daria (16)

Julia and Dasha Navalny

Dasha and Yulia Navalny

Alexey and Yulia Navalny with daughter Dasha and son Zakhar

But the eldest daughter of the Navalnys does not have Instagram, VKontakte, or even Facebook. Yulia’s subscribers complain: “Before, at least there was VK, but she deleted it too. And there were such cool pictures!” Now Dasha is finishing school and, according to rumors, is preparing to enroll abroad, but you can still see the grown-up beauty in Instagram her mother - she posts selfies of her daughter from time to time.

Daughter of Leonid Agutin (49) and Angelica Varum (48) Elizaveta (20)

Lisa Varum

Lisa Varum with her boyfriend

Leonid Agutin with his daughter Lisa

Lisa Varum with her boyfriend

Leonid Agutin and Angelika Varum with their daughter Lisa and her boyfriend

A week ago, Elizaveta Varum turned 20 years old. She celebrated her birthday in the USA - there Lisa lives, studies, writes songs and meets a rocker (blood is not water!). In her "official" Instagram a little over a thousand subscribers, and in "musical"- one and a half. And it seems that the girl also plans to connect her life with music, but bad luck - she flatly refuses to be interviewed. “He doesn’t want to, sorry,” the agents answer.

Son of Boris Berezovsky (1946-2013) and Elena Gorbunova (51) Gleb (20)

Gleb Berezovsky (center)

Gleb Berezovsky

The son of politician Boris Berezovsky also lives and studies in London. The young man is 20 years old, his Instagram is closed - only for friends, but from the few photos on Facebook it is clear that Gleb is a very handsome guy. What he does is unknown, but he has the Harrow School behind him, and the description on Instagram proudly says “Borisovich.”

Daughter of Philip Yankovsky (49) and Oksana Fandera (50) Lisa (23)

Lisa (future actress and GITIS student) leads a less active life in social networks than her older brother Ivan (25) (we wondered for a year whether she broke up with Sasha Pal (29) or not) and does not agree to an interview - friends say she doesn’t like it. Although, judging by Instagram Stories her best friend Musi Totibadze, Lisa is an open, cheerful and, of course, very beautiful girl.

Son of Natasha Koroleva (44) and Sergei Glushko (47) Arkhip (15)

Sergei Glushko with his son Arkhip

Arkhip Glushko with a friend

Sergei Glushkov and Natasha Koroleva with their son Arkhip

15-year-old Arkhip Glushko is a charming guy, but for some reason on VKontakte he prefers to post cats, graffiti and bicycles. In 2016, he went to study in Miami, where his grandmother looked after him, but a year later he returned to Russia. It is unknown where the boy is studying now, but he clearly does not like the golden youth and its brilliant world.

Not long ago, more and more rumors, facts and articles from nosy reporters began to gather around Navalny’s person. He began his career as a lawyer, and at the moment he is an active oppositionist and public figure who founded his own anti-corruption foundation (Alexey Navalny Anti-Corruption Foundation - official website).

Also, Alexey not so long ago, namely in 2013, ran for the post of mayor of Moscow, but took second place. This public figure fights for the rights of Russian citizens, for which he has been punished more than once.

Height, weight, age. How old is Alexei Navalny

Alexey was born on June 4, 1976, at the moment he is 40 years old, during which he has already been able to raise the ears of the whole country. Navalny is 189 cm tall and weighs 80 kg. A man always stays in shape, although with his active life position it is difficult to gain excess weight. Constant stress, conferences and other meetings do not even give Alexey the opportunity to overeat on unhealthy foods and laze around the TV. Height, weight, age, how old is Alexei Navalny, now the answer is known to fans young man. Many are now even discussing Alexey’s nationality, because facts about his relatives from Ukraine were recently revealed.

Biography of Alexei Navalny

The guy was born in the city of Butyn, Moscow region. His father, Anatoly Navalny, a native of the Chernobyl region, graduated from Kiev military school, then received an appointment to Moscow. Mom, Lyudmila Ivanovna, grew up in a village near Zelenograd, graduated from the State University of Education, worked as a laboratory assistant at a research institute, and later worked at a woodworking factory.

This young guy was always very capable and one could even say that being a lawyer was his calling. At school, Alexey studied well and was an obedient guy, although justice and upholding of rights began with him in childhood.

After graduating from school, he wanted to enter Moscow State University, but unfortunately, he did not have enough to enter only one point and he had to enter a less prestigious, but still good university. After graduating from university, he slowly began to practice in his field.

Alexey is very capable, so in 2010 he achieved that he became a fellow of the Yale University Yale World Fellows program. A similar program from this university is held once a year, during which only 15 people are selected around the world and undergo special program at Yale. And, as it turned out, Alexey is so gifted that he even made it onto the list of these 15 people. This can be considered a great achievement. This situation speaks of the lawyer’s high knowledge and abilities.

He worked in his specialty while he was still studying at the university. Not every student succeeds in this, but Navalny has always been talented. After graduating from university, he began working in a more reputable company, since he already had experience behind him.

Interesting fact is that during his career, Alexey more than once was the founder of several companies, starting their activities from scratch, completely without investments, and then the companies were promoted and sold for quite a lot of money. Such actions attracted many anti-corruption fighters who began an investigation, but in the end it ended in nothing.

Then he began to buy shares of very large companies, which now allow him to live well and engage in political activities.

The biography of Alexei Navalny is very interesting if you study it in detail. Talented man, talented in everything.

At the moment, he is an active fighter against corruption, especially focusing his attention on officials and politicians. Thus, with the help of his activities, he has solved more than one noisy case that concerns bribes. He organizes rallies, which are supported by a large number of like-minded people, he is invited to various programs, where he reveals the secrets of his investigation; he has already suffered more than once for his too active position in life.

Personal life of Alexei Navalny

The personal life of Alexei Navalny is much quieter than his political activities and generally active life position. Him happy marriage, in which he has been since 1999. Good family and two beautiful children. The family supports Alexei Navalny in everything, so no matter what troubles happen, he always has a strong shoulder in the form of his family. The politician met his wife on vacation in Turkey. It all started with a banal holiday romance, and after that everything grew into true and strong love, which defies time and problems.

Family of Alexei Navalny

For a long time, Alexei Navalny’s family lived in small apartment in Moscow. The children are growing up and, according to Alexei, living together in one room is now cramped for them. Therefore, at the moment the politician is looking for new, suitable housing for his family. The young man does everything to make his family feel comfortable and cozy while his dad decides on important government affairs. There is peace and quiet in Alexey’s family, and this is exactly what Navalny needs so much after a hard day at work and the baggage of problems that constantly befalls him.

Children of Alexei Navalny

Alexey has two beautiful children, who are the main support and support of their father. All his friends and acquaintances who are close to this family claim that Alexei Navalny’s children are not deprived of their father’s attention, he tries to spend every free minute with them, and in general a calm and friendly atmosphere reigns in their family. They support each other in everything and morally help in all endeavors, because, as we know, without the support of people close to us, life becomes meaningless.

Son of Alexei Navalny - Zakhar Navalny

The son of Alexei Navalny, Zakhar Navalny, is the second child in the family. Already now little Zakhar, who is only 9 years old, dreams of becoming a fighter for justice like his father. On his birthday, he wanted to go to the store and chose a hat with the words “protest” on it and said that he would wear it to rallies with his dad. But Alexey believes that there is no place for the child there and wants to isolate him from such a life. He is fighting for the future of his children and the children of the entire people, hoping that they will not have to do this.

Daughter of Alexei Navalny - Daria Navalnaya

The daughter of Alexei Navalny, Daria Navalnaya, is the first-born of the family. So far, the Navalnys do not want to have more children, because with such active work It’s generally difficult for my husband to think about such global problems as expanding his family. Since Daria is the daughter of a fairly public figure, it is not surprising that many people view her pages on social networks and, of course, come up with various gossip about her, to which the girl does not pay attention. IN political life The father's daughter does not climb and prefers to stay away from all this.

Alexei Navalny's wife - Yulia Navalnaya

The man met his future wife while on vacation in Turkey in 1999. Now the couple has been together for 16 years, which is very pleasing. As Yulia herself says, the secret of their happiness is that she does not interfere in her husband’s affairs, does not give him advice, although she is interested in everything that happens, and in return he does not interfere in everyday affairs. From this it should be said that Alexei Navalny’s wife, Yulia Navalnaya, is a fairly wise woman and many girls in the country need to learn to do the same as her.

Instagram and Wikipedia Alexei Navalny

Of course, as a public figure and just a person with an active life position, Alexey cannot do without social networks. A Twitter page will help you find out all the thoughts of a politician; with the help of social networks such as Facebook and VK you can see who Alexey communicates with, what groups and news are interesting to him.

Instagram and Wikipedia of Alexei Navalny are filled with his statements, ideas, photographs from projects, so these pages will be of interest to everyone. And if you want to watch the demonstrations in which Navalny participated, or his funny cases, then you need to look for information on YouTube.

Navalny Alexey: latest news for today

Due to his line of work, namely the head of the Anti-Corruption Foundation, called FBK for short, and his ardent political views, he more than once ended up in the police station, mainly for organizing unsanctioned rallies. Leads its active political activity in the Internet.

The Foundation uploads videos specifically aimed at political news, as well as its thoughts on specific political topics. Sometimes, FBK and Alexey post investigative films dedicated to certain political figures. Navalny's last victims were his son Attorney General Andrei Chaika and Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev.

Alexey, for most people, remained an unfamiliar character, but with each of his videos, he became more and more popular. The peak of popularity can be considered the video where Navalny announces his intention to run for president Russian Federation, whose elections will be held in March 2018. At the moment, Alexey is conducting a very active election campaign: he travels to different cities of Russia with the aim of opening election headquarters and recruiting volunteers.

With the release of the latest film “He’s Not Dimon to You” about corruption on the part of Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev, Navalny’s rating has risen very significantly, and now the request “ Navalny Alexey: last news today" has become extremely popular in search engines. Two weeks later, Alexey decided to hold rallies dedicated to the fight against corruption. 104 cities took up the political baton, but in the end rallies took place in 84 cities.

But with greater popularity came an equally great immunity to the “Navalny Effect” on the part of the people. Very often they try to carry out lynching on Alexey, which is mainly limited to polemics and dialogue, but sometimes it comes down to throwing eggs and dousing him with brilliant green. In his last raid on the presidential candidate, the young man poured a glass of brilliant green on his face, and the liquid got into the mucous membrane of his right eye, and now there is a risk of complete inoperability of the organ.

Two days later, the Russian Court accepted the Kirovles case of fraud and incitement to fraud. The court found Alexei Navalny guilty and sentenced him to 5 years of suspended imprisonment, which undermines the candidate’s chances of continuing to conduct his political campaign.

Searches, arrests, surveillance - 17-year-old Dasha Navalnaya knows about all this firsthand, because she is the daughter of opposition politician Alexei Navalny. Now the girl runs her own blog, dreams of entering a prestigious university and connecting her life with Russia. Daria also told why she doesn’t go to rallies, what she fears more than anything in the world, and how school teachers treat her.

About “The Voice of My Generation”

While Alexey Navalny was once again “visiting” in a pre-trial detention center - this time he spent , his daughter Daria started her own video blog. The girl called it “The Voice of My Generation” and explained that the project would be dedicated to the political sentiments of Russian youth. For example, in the second episode, Daria talks with a supporter of Vladimir Putin.

The schoolgirl notes that she tries to conduct “in-depth interviews” according to all the laws of sociology: she does not try to convince her interlocutors and simply follows the protocol. Videos will be released once a week, on Wednesdays. In total, the daughter of the oppositionist has ten issues planned. Initially, Daria wanted to use the project as a bonus upon admission, but if the blog is of interest to users, she does not exclude the possibility of running the channel in the future. At the same time, the girl notes that her priority is not popularity, but admission to a prestigious university.

The blog is financed by Alexei Navalny, and the girl does not see anything reprehensible in this - after all, he is not an official and does not use citizens’ money for personal purposes. Dasha gets a lot of help from the staff of the Anti-Corruption Foundation: the head of the sociological service gives the girl valuable advice, and technical specialists edit the episodes. Besides, she is not going to make money from her video blog.

About your favorite bloggers

When Daria was 12–13 years old, she, like most girls at that age, watched Katya Clapp, Sasha Spielberg and Ivangay. Now the girl prefers Danila Poperechny, but admits: due to lack of time, she simply cannot devote as much time to YouTube as she would like. Therefore, Dasha mostly watches not bloggers, but movie trailers and music videos.

About political views

Daria says that in general her political views are similar to those of her father. All the girl’s friends adhere to the same position, although this is not too important for her. And her best friend didn’t even know who Navalny was. Among the schoolgirl’s acquaintances there are those whose parents support Putin, but in most cases this is due to their work.

She has held opposition views since childhood, and those around her know this, but walking around school and shouting “Putin on a stake!” Daria, by her own admission, does not intend to.

On refusal to participate in rallies

Dasha Navalnaya never went to rallies, despite her great desire. According to her, her parents forbid her to participate in street protests. There is an agreement in the family: the girl goes only to those rallies where no more than one Navalny can be detained. And her father says that, sitting in a paddy wagon, he doesn’t want to waste time trying to find out which paddy wagon his daughter is in.

Daria admits: she really wants to go out into the street and shout: “Crafts and thieves, five minutes to get ready!”, but she doesn’t want to create unnecessary problems and distract her father from work.

About his father and his greatest fear

Dasha experienced her father's first arrest while studying at primary school. That day, several teachers came up to her and said they supported her family. The girl remembers all the arrests and searches and often wakes up with the thought that today Alexei Navalny could leave the house and not appear there for several years. And she sometimes imagines what will happen if both mom and dad are put under arrest. But she knows: her father is doing a good job, loves Russia like no one else and is ready to do anything for the development of the country. When Dasha was little, she thought it was cool to have parents who were famous actors or singers. Now she understands: it’s cool to have parents who are ready to sacrifice themselves for other people.

On the ability to calculate surveillance

In the Navalny family, there is “fun entertainment” - finding “outdoors”, in other words, noticing that you are being followed. Daria assures that in real life this is not at all like what happens in spy films. In fact, “outdoor surveillance” is “people who follow you and talk on the phone, and they don’t really talk, but just hold the phone to their face, and this is quite easy to notice,” the girl notes.

About “support” for teachers

When Dasha was in ninth grade, her biology teacher started talking to her students about participating in rallies. The teacher advised the children not to attend such events and called Alexei Navalny a liar. At that moment, the girl thought that insulting her father in front of her was at least indecent. When the teacher asked why the students were laughing and heard that Navalny’s daughter was studying in the class, she said that she mistook them for namesakes, which caused a new fit of laughter among the schoolchildren. Since then, she began to “fail” Dasha, but the girl always loved biology, so her efforts did not yield any results.

About difficulties

Unlike her peers, Daria could never run social networks on her own behalf and hang out wherever she wanted - she constantly had to inform her parents about her movements. Such rules in the family were established due to constant surveillance of all household members.

When the girl changed schools, many were simply afraid to communicate with her, but after a while this went away - Daria says that she was always very sociable and calm, and therefore those around her quickly forgot that she was the daughter of a famous politician.

About plans for the future

Daria doesn’t yet know what she wants to be, but admits that she is now interested in the field of psychology and communications. The girl likes sociology, but she is not sure that she wants to study it all her life. Concerning higher education, Dasha did not choose a specific university, but even if it was abroad, she firmly decided to connect her life with Russia.

About emigration

It seems to Daria that condemning people for wanting to study and live outside of Russia is stupid. Probably, young people go to rallies because they don’t see any prospects here, the girl reasons. In addition, our country has problems in the field of education. Another problem is that without connections it is not easy here, so most smart people leave the country. But officials have no problem placing their children in the highest paid positions.

About the protest movement and Russian officials

Daria Navalnaya remembers practically nothing about the 2011 protests. It seems to her that since then Russians have lost hope that anything can change. So, many people who supported her father “sold out” or left politics altogether. However, people must remember that rallies are the basis of politics, and only through participation in them can the country be changed for the better. It will be difficult, the girl agrees, but this is the only path that will lead Russia to a normal future. “After all, this is our land, and we must protect it from Putin’s officials, who believe that it is normal to deceive and steal,” Daria concludes.

Earlier, the news agency “In the City of N” talked about Margarita Gracheva, a girl who lost her arm because of her husband: in December last year, Dmitry Grachev took his wife to the forest and.

Based on materials from

Illustration copyright Yulia Zakharova

17-year-old Daria Navalnaya, while her father was in a special detention center, launched her own video blog about the mood of young people. In mid-October, the second edition of the blog of the daughter of an opposition politician was released, in which she speaks with a young supporter of Vladimir Putin.

Until recently, the daughter of Alexei Navalny appeared only on her father’s blog, where he talked about how he taught her to notice that she was being watched, or wrote that during the next search of the Navalnys, she calmly read a book while operatives were rummaging through her things.

  • Navalny released after 50 days of arrest
  • Navalny was summoned to the police in a criminal case of libel
  • Navalny explained from his cell why he was taken to the police station “in shorts and slippers”

Daria agreed to give an interview to the BBC Russian Service via email.

BBC: Why did you decide to conduct a study of youth? And why exactly in the video blog format?

Newspapers, political scientists and experts are discussing why young people suddenly rushed into politics. And this is interesting to me too. Moreover, the articles of experts do not look very convincing.

My best friend didn’t even know who Navalny was or what he was doing Daria Navalnaya, schoolgirl

BBC: Who are your favorite vloggers? It’s clear about Yuri Dud, you chose a format similar to him, and what else?

D.N.: In my earlier adolescence - at 12-13 years old - I, like most girls, watched bloggers such as Sasha Spielberg, Katya Clapp and Ivangay. Now I watch, for example, Danila Poperechny, but in general I just can’t spend as much time on YouTube as I would like. That’s why I watch fewer bloggers, mostly music videos and trailers.

BBC: How often will videos be released and how many will there be? Will there be a different format after this project is completed?

D.N.: Videos will be released once a week, on Wednesdays. A total of ten interviews are planned.

I can’t say that I have a clear future plan. Initially, I planned to use this project as a bonus for entering university. Now everyone around is starting to talk about some new projects for the channel.

However, my priority is definitely not popularity, but getting into a good university. Perhaps, if I understand that I am ready and have free time to continue, I will run a channel.

BBC: How are you going to maintain the objectivity of the research, since you probably already have formed views? Research presupposes a certain view from above, otherwise the researcher will not find any truth, but will only confirm his own beliefs.

D.N.: As I said in my introductory video, I am not yet a real sociologist, however, I try to work according to accepted methods. Anna Biryukova, who heads the sociological service of the FBK (Navalny Anti-Corruption Foundation. - BBC), helps me a lot with advice. For example, she definitely has formed political views, nevertheless, she conducts very high-quality research.

I have an agreement with my parents that I can go to rallies where no more than one Navalny can be detained Daria Navalnaya, schoolgirl

And in general, every smart person has his own views, but it’s not at all necessary to try to convince someone, especially in my case. I'm just following the protocol that a sociologist should follow.

BBC: Actually, about your beliefs. How would you describe your political views? How important are your friends' political views to you? You can be friends with someone who doesn't caresubjectcorruptionAndin Russia or who considers it normal to vote for Putin?

D.N.: My political views are quite similar to my father's. In some aspects they will differ, but in general, of course, we adhere to the same positions. Almost all my friends are of the same opinion. political views, but for me it's not that important.

From early childhood, all my friends know that I have opposition views, but walking around school and yelling “Putin to the stake!” I am not going to. I know several guys whose parents support Putin, but this is solely because of work, and the children themselves rather support my father. My best friend didn’t even know who Navalny was or what he was doing.

Illustration copyright Alexey Navalny Image caption Daria, Alexey and Yulia Navalny

BBC: Have you ever gone to a rally?

D.N.: No, did not go. I have an agreement with my parents that I can go to rallies where no more than one Navalny can be detained. As my father says: “I’m not going to waste time while sitting in a paddy wagon trying to find out which paddy wagon you’re sitting in.”

I remember all the searches, arrests, because I grew up in this Daria Navalnaya, a schoolgirl

Don’t get me wrong, I love rallies and would love to go to them, I just don’t want to create unnecessary problems. I, of course, am eager to go out into the street and shout along with everyone: “Swindlers and thieves, five minutes to get ready,” but due to the fact that the authorities love to imprison anyone with the last name Navalny, I will simply distract my father from his work.

BBC: What is it like to grow up in the family of an opposition politician? Do you remember the house searches? What about the first arrests and first criminal cases of Alexei Navalny? Did you understand then how serious everything was - that your father could leave for sentencing and return only a few years later? How did you experience all this?

D.N.: I remember that when I was still in elementary school, my father was arrested for the first time. Then I didn’t really understand what was happening, but that day several of my teachers came up to me and said that they supported us and that I should not worry.

Of course, since then I have matured and understood what dad does. I know he's doing a good job. He loves our country like no one else and is ready to do anything to ensure that Russia develops.

I remember all the searches and arrests, because I grew up in this. Of course, often I wake up with the thought that today he could come out and be taken away for several years.

Sometimes in my head I play out the scenario of what I will do if both my father and mother are suddenly taken into custody. When I was little, I thought how cool it is when your parents are famous actors or singers. Now I think how cool it is when your parents are ready to sacrifice themselves for others.

BBC: I remember the post in"ANDInstagram" at your father's, where he wrote how he teaches you to find "outdoors". I'm not kidding? It turns out?

D.N.: I'll tell you a secret: it's quite easy to find outdoors. For our family, this is a little strange, but very fun entertainment. It's not like in the movies: you walk down the street and there are agents following you, and you can never see them because they are so good at their profession. “Outdoor surveillance” is people who follow you around and talk on the phone, and they are not really talking, but simply holding the phone to their face, and this is quite easy to notice.

BBC: Do you have to argue about politics in everyday life? If someone nearby who doesn’t know your last name starts praising Putin or scolding Navalny, do you get involved in an argument?

D.N.: A very funny incident happened to me in 9th grade. It was in biology class, right at the time of the March 26 rallies, when teachers were telling children not to go to protests. My biology major was no exception.

We were filling out our laboratory notebooks, and suddenly she began to talk about the harm of these very rallies. Of course, I was embarrassed, but I didn’t say anything. At some point she said: “In general, this Navalny is a liar.” I’m not a very confrontational person, but I’ve already started to get irritated, because it’s indecent to talk about my father like that in my presence.

All my friends, realizing what was happening, began to chuckle quietly. The teacher asked why everyone was laughing, because she didn’t say anything funny. “Actually, he is my father,” I said with seriousness in my voice.

Then my teacher said something that made the whole class, including me, just start laughing out loud: “Yes? I thought you were just namesakes.” Since then, she didn’t like me and always tried to fail me on questions, but I love biology, so it didn’t work out for her.

Illustration copyright Evgeny Feldman Image caption Daria and Zakhar Navalny watch as their father announces his candidacy for president of Russia. Alexei Navalny was not allowed to participate in the elections

BBC: Probably, such a life (uncle was imprisoned, dad is recognized on the streets and screwed at rallies, your room is searched) must have changed you a lot - compared to other teenagers. In what ways do you think your life differs from the lives of other students?

D.N.: Of course, my life is not like everyone else's. More attention to me. I can't do certain things that my friends can do.

For example, my parents didn’t allow me to use social networks at all. And then - social networks under your own name. Someone can hang out in peace, but I have to report my location. Our family members are constantly being monitored, and who knows what is on these people’s minds.

In the first weeks after moving to a new school, I noticed that some people were simply afraid to communicate with me, but this soon passed. I have always been very sociable, cheerful and calm, and people around me quickly notice that I am not a political girl.

BBC: Verneoff to the blog. Who films you, who edits you? Are these Navalny Live resources? Expensive production? Who pays for this?

D.N.: I wanted to learn how to film and edit myself, but I realized that this would greatly delay the project’s timeline. As a result, I have now agreed with the FBK editors that they help me, and I pay for their work separately.

Of course, my parents give me money for this. I explained to them the meaning of the project, they decided that this was a useful idea from the point of view of my admission to university and my development in general, so they agreed to finance it.

BBC: Your father fights nepotism in power and talks a lot about how the children of officials receive positions or earn money at the expense of their fathers. Considering this, do you think it is ethical for him to promote your blog on his own page?

D.N.: It seems to me that these things cannot be compared. My father is not an official. Doesn't use taxpayer money. He pays all expenses for the project out of his own pocket. I'm not going to make money from my project and channel.

Officials place their children in highly paid professions everywhere. This, in my opinion, is one of the main problems of today's Russia. All smart people go abroad because they understand that without connections they cannot survive here.

BBC: At the beginning of the first blog, you say that you are terrified at the prospect of admission. Where are you going to go? What do you want to become?

D.N.: Did you know what you wanted to become at 17? So I don't. Now I am interested in psychology and communications. "The Voice of My Generation" is an attempt to get into the heads of young people (that is, psychology), but it is impossible without a properly composed sample and other rules of sociology.

I don’t stick to any specific profession yet. I like sociology, but that doesn't mean I want to do it all my life.

BBC: Do you want to leave Russia - to study, for example, or to live and work in another country after studying?

D.N.: I believe in benefit good education, and it’s more important to me what place a particular university is in the world university rankings than in what country. Hundreds of thousands of students move around the world every year. Some go to the USA, some to China, and some to Russia. Although, unfortunately, in our country everything is not very good in the field of higher education.

I haven’t chosen a specific university yet, but regardless of education, I plan to connect my life with Russia.

Illustration copyright Alexey Konstantinov

BBC: I have many friends who left Russia. Surely you have them too, or maybe your classmates and friends will leave to study next fall - and will remain there. Well, they won’t invest in Russia’s GDP, they’ll create a cool startup not here, but there, and they won’t go to protest rallies. Are you judging them?

D.N.: My friends have not yet decided exactly where they want to study or where they will live after admission. Some will go to study and stay, some will leave and return, and some will study and live here. This is everyone's personal choice.

It seems to me that it is stupid to judge people for the place where they want to study and live. Most likely, young people go to rallies because they do not see any prospects here. When I complete my project, then we will find out.

BBC: What do you remember about the 2011 protests? How do you think the country has changed since then?

D.N.: I was 10 years old at the time, and I don’t remember much about the protests themselves. As for how the country has changed, I also cannot give anything other than my opinion, because I do not study this professionally.

It seems to me that many people have begun to lose faith that we as a people can make a difference. Some of the people who performed on stage with my father then sold out or simply chose a less political path. Those who are more honest with themselves still come out.

People need to remember that rallies and mass actions are the basis of politics. Everyone who cares should participate in them. Only together can we change our country for the better. Yes, it will be difficult. But this is most likely the only path that will lead us to a normal future. After all, this is our land, and we must protect it from Putin’s officials who believe that it is normal to deceive and steal.

Navalny and his Anti-Corruption Foundation

The objects of investigations of the Anti-Corruption Foundation (FBK) created by Alexei Navalny are Russian deputies, members of the government and confidants of Russian President Vladimir Putin. FBK's resonant exposé films about stolen billions, illegal transactions, luxury villas and expensive yachts of high-ranking Russian officials and their families attract the attention of millions of Russians.

The rich mother of the Moscow leader of United Russia

In July 2019, FBK discovered the secretary of the Moscow branch with relatives " United Russia"Andrei Metelsky's real estate abroad and in Moscow, as well as assets in excess of 5.7 billion rubles. According to FBK, the assets are registered in the name of the deputy's mother, Eldibitta Metelskaya, and in his son Andrei.

Navalny and his Anti-Corruption Foundation: “Chaika”, “Rybkagate” and other investigations

Who rules in Karachay-Cherkessia

On February 21, 2019, FBK published materials about corruption in the leadership of Karachay-Cherkessia, focusing in detail on one of the local clans - the Kaitovs. Investigators, for example, found that a mansion located in Cherkessk, the value of which they estimated at 1 billion rubles, is owned by 17-year-old Ansar Kaitov. His many relatives are security officials and officials.

Navalny and his Anti-Corruption Foundation: “Chaika”, “Rybkagate” and other investigations

How do the kings of state corporations live?

The heads of Rosneft, Gazprom, Transneft and Rostec were included in the joint investigation between FBK and Insider. They, according to the FBK material dated October 12, 2018, own real estate worth hundreds of millions of rubles, while all the property “was purchased with money from the state budget, and they owe their positions to their long-standing acquaintance with Vladimir Putin.”

Navalny and his Anti-Corruption Foundation: “Chaika”, “Rybkagate” and other investigations

Head of the Pension Fund. Billionaire

Chapter Pension Fund Russian Federation Anton Drozdov is a billionaire, the authors of the FBK investigation dated August 30, 2018 are sure. According to the fund, in total, Drozdov and his family own real estate worth almost a billion rubles. FBK found out that the dacha of Drozdov’s mother-in-law on Rublyovka alone is valued at 400 million rubles, and on the neighboring plot is the mansion of businessman Boris Rotenberg.

Navalny and his Anti-Corruption Foundation: “Chaika”, “Rybkagate” and other investigations

Who is eating up the Russian Guard: the duel between Navalny and Zolotov

The new and only food supplier for the Russian Guard inflates prices by 2-3 times, according to an investigation by Navalny’s foundation, published on August 23, 2018. According to FBK, the beneficiary of this scheme could be Medvedev or people from his circle. The head of the Russian Guard, Viktor Zolotov, accused Navalny of slander and challenged him to a duel.

Navalny and his Anti-Corruption Foundation: “Chaika”, “Rybkagate” and other investigations

Official's mother's apartment

The mother of State Duma Speaker Vyacheslav Volodin owns luxury real estate in Moscow and 10 companies with “billion-dollar turnover,” according to an FBK investigation dated August 16, 2018. The authors suggest that 82-year-old Lydia Barabanova is a fictitious owner, but in fact “everything belongs to Volodin himself, and he is a corrupt official.” “We will send all relevant applications,” the FBK statement says.

Navalny and his Anti-Corruption Foundation: “Chaika”, “Rybkagate” and other investigations

Harassing MP. Psychopath. Corrupt

Gift for March 8: after the scandal surrounding State Duma deputy Leonid Slutsky, accused of sexual harassment, FBK published information about his property and accused him of corruption. A deputy with a salary of 450 thousand rubles a month found three luxury cars and a house with a living space of 800 square meters on Rublyovka. According to FBK, Slutsky should spend about 40% of his income per year on traffic police fines alone.

Navalny and his Anti-Corruption Foundation: “Chaika”, “Rybkagate” and other investigations

"Fishgate": yachts, oligarchs, escort girls

The new FBK film, released on February 8, 2018, is dedicated to one of Medvedev’s deputies, Sergei Prikhodko. The source of the data was the Instagram account of escort girl Nastya Rybka, who traveled around Norway with Prikhodko and oligarch Oleg Deripaska on the billionaire’s yacht. Roskomnadzor added the film's page on YouTube to the list of prohibited sites, demanding that the media remove photos and videos from it.

Navalny and his Anti-Corruption Foundation: “Chaika”, “Rybkagate” and other investigations

Peskov's son: the golden child of a diamond daddy

The hero of the investigation, published on August 17, 2017, is the son of Putin’s press secretary. According to FBK, Nikolai Choles-Peskov, who served time in a British prison for robbery, lives the life of a millionaire in Moscow: Ferrari, private jets, equestrian sports. Moreover, he has neither a job nor even a secondary education. “This is a story about success. In the format that is possible now in the Russian Federation,” the publication says.

Navalny and his Anti-Corruption Foundation: “Chaika”, “Rybkagate” and other investigations

"Putin's chef" cartel

The investigation into Yevgeny Prigozhin, who is called “Putin’s chef,” appeared on May 19, 2017. It alleges that Prigozhin, having initiated a cartel conspiracy and agreed with officials of the Ministry of Defense, received 23 billion rubles from the defense order, at least a third of which were stolen. Since 2016, Prigozhin has been under US sanctions as a “sponsor and agent of senior officials of the Russian Federation.”

Navalny and his Anti-Corruption Foundation: “Chaika”, “Rybkagate” and other investigations

"He's not Dimon"

The film “He’s Not Dimon,” which appeared on March 2, is the largest FBK investigation in 2017. Russian Prime Minister Medvedev is one of the creators of large-scale corruption schemes, the film states. “We found all the residences in the Russian Federation and abroad, found all the vineyards and elusive yachts and established where and who sailed on them,” say the authors. After the film, massive anti-corruption protests took place throughout the Russian Federation.

Navalny and his Anti-Corruption Foundation: “Chaika”, “Rybkagate” and other investigations

"The Seagull" is the first FBK investigation in the form of a documentary film

The “Chaika” investigation into financial fraud and criminal connections of the sons of Prosecutor General Yuri Chaika, published by the Anti-Corruption Foundation on December 1, 2015, became the first high-profile work of the FBK in the form of a documentary film. Within 24 hours, it was watched by more than half a million viewers on YouTube. The film was recognized as one of the winners of the international film festival "Artdocfest".