Why maple syrup. Maple syrup - benefits and harms. Application in cooking

17.09.2020 Design and interior

Maple syrup is maple sap concentrate. From the point of view of physical properties, maple syrup is a translucent viscous liquid with a pleasant aroma and a very sweet taste.

By Canadian standards, maple syrup must be at least 66% sugar. And here we are talking exclusively about the sugar that remains in the syrup after the evaporation of maple sap (it is forbidden to add other sugar, and at the same time "synthetics"). By the way, for the production of 1 liter maple syrup it is necessary to "lime" about 40 liters of maple sap, which, as you know, is much sweeter - ten times, judging by the calorie content (an average of 261 kcal versus 22 kcal per 100 grams of product).

Almost all maple sap - close to 100% - comes from Canada and the US. Moreover, the share of the United States accounts for no more than 10%, the rest is “pumped out” from Canadian sugar maples.

The benefits and harms of maple syrup

In addition to sugars, maple syrup contains a mountain of nutrients, some of which are so unique that they are not found in any other natural food product.

According to the latest research conducted by American scientists from Rhode Island, Canadian maple syrup contains 54 beneficial components. And it is likely that this is not the limit. After all, until recently, scientists were convinced that maple syrup contains no more than twenty components that can benefit the human body.

And what is most interesting - at the moment it is reliably known that in maple syrup there are 5 substances that scientists have never met in the natural environment until now. Of these five elements, Quebecol stands out especially, which has a sweet taste, but does not belong to carbohydrates, but to the phenolic group of compounds. Which in turn can help people with diabetes eat sweet, but absolutely safe food. At least scientists and diabetics really hope so.

In addition, one of the mentioned 54 elements (abscisic acid) stimulates the pancreas, so that this body releases insulin faster. This means that over time, it may be possible to control the secretion of insulin, and thus make life much easier for diabetics. By the way, it is this substance (although not only it) that allows maple syrup, despite the abundance of carbohydrates, to be classified as a product with a low glycemic index.

As for other beneficial components of maple syrup, they help a person fight inflammation in the body, cleanse and strengthen the circulatory system, destroy cancer cells, reduce the rate of development of neurodegenerative diseases, and put the entire human immune system on alert.

And, of course, as you have probably heard, maple syrup can increase the potency of men, while reducing the risk of getting prostate cancer.

Only individual intolerance and immoderation in food can be attributed to harm.

Maple syrup in cooking

First of all, it should be said that maple syrup is an excellent alternative to all kinds of preserves and jams. And this is confirmed every day by the millions of Canadians and Americans who consume maple syrup with pancakes, hash browns and waffles. In addition, it is often added as a natural sweetener to drinks, bread, sweet desserts, pastries, sauces, meat dishes, vegetable stews etc.

Basically, maple syrup is a versatile flavor enhancer. At least, this is what the residents of Quebec (Canada) think, who on the day of the “Sugar Hut” (a holiday celebrated during the harvesting season of maple sap) brew beer with syrup, pour maple syrup over omelet, ham, beans and others. traditional dishes, and also prepare lollipops from it - analogues of our "cockerels".

How to choose maple syrup?

There are many criteria that can help you choose a quality maple syrup with the flavor that is right for you. However, in our reality, three criteria are enough to evaluate maple syrup:

  • the syrup must be produced in Canada, because there is a special state commission that is responsible for controlling the purity and authenticity of maple syrup
  • the lighter the syrup, the more delicate will be its taste and the finer the aroma
  • syrup should be expensive (not cheaper than $70 per liter)

This is enough to get acquainted with the product, and then you yourself will understand what is important for you and what is not...

The product is mainly produced in Canada. And, of course, Canadians simply adore their national delicacy. Use it with pancakes, fruits, fresh vegetables and ice cream. And they make it from the juice of sugar maple, by evaporation. To get at least a liter of the product, you will have to send up to 50 liters of juice for processing. In color, it can turn out amber, dark and even light. It must be stored in a dark and fairly cool room.

History of appearance

There are many varieties of maple. And only a few of them can be used to make maple syrup. For the first time this product is mentioned in old books dating back to 1760.

They are talking about a maple that grows in Canada. That it gives a refreshing juice suitable for the production of sugar. But at the same time with the same information, there is a statement that long before the discovery of the American continent, the native Indians used maple sap.

But in the 18th century, changes took place in sugar production: they began to grow sugar cane in large volumes, from which it is easier and of course cheaper to produce sugar. However, this maple syrup, although in small quantities, continues to be made and not only in Canada.

Even in the USSR, research was carried out on the production of a similar product from the holly maple, which grows in the Leningrad region, in the republics of Tatarstan and Bashkiria.

Maple syrup - what and how is it made in Canada?

Real maple syrup is made in Canada. This product, like the tree itself, are the symbols of this country and some other states in the USA. The maple leaf is used as a national emblem, and everyone has probably seen the image of a leaf on the form of the Canadian hockey team.

Maple for real syrup grows only in America, or rather in its northern part. Initially, the juice was collected and used by the indigenous people of the continent. A little later, European settlers joined them, they began to actively improve the methods of extraction and processing of the product.

But not a gram of granulated sugar was used in production, and this continues to this day. On average, 40 liters of juice can make 1 liter of maple syrup.

Currently, 80 percent of the syrup is made in the province of Quebec City, which is located in Canada. The export of this product is more than 145 million dollars a year. Conventionally, the syrup can be divided into an American product and a traditionally Canadian one. By the way, the authenticity of the latter is subject to special supervision by the state.

Maple sap is harvested in the very early spring, that is, the collection begins at the end of January and ends in April. This period is conditionally called the “weeping of plants”. We can observe the same period in our country on the example of birches, white and sharp-leaved maples.

The collection begins during the swelling of the kidneys, when daytime temperatures rise above zero, and at night they fall below. It is at this time that the maple gives a large amount of sweet juice.

But, and most best time comes in March, when the maple gives off its sweetest sap. To collect raw materials in the maple trunk, it is necessary to drill a hole of small depth from 2 to 5 cm, with a diameter of about 1.5 cm. Then insert a special tube into the hole, through which the juice will flow into the substituted containers.

After that, the resulting liquid is subjected to evaporation, it thickens and turns into a syrup. The product is evaporated on flat and rather large surfaces, which are heated to a certain temperature.

How sweets are made in Russia

In our country, syrup is produced in the Leningrad region. The manufacturing method is not at all different from the Canadian version. Raw materials are obtained from maples growing in Russia.

In total, we have about 25 varieties: holly, Tatar, Manchurian, yellow, white, green-winged, light, field, etc. Raw materials for the Russian product are obtained from the juice of these trees.

Benefit and harm

Perhaps, so many articles are not devoted to any syrup. None causes so much controversy about its usefulness and perceived harm. After all, it is a healthy alternative to regular sugar and jam.

According to experts, the product is useful, as well as natural honey, but it has an obvious advantage - it has less sweetness, which means less sugar. The maple product boasts a set of vitamins, minerals, magnesium, calcium, iron, sodium, phosphorus, and antioxidants.

Entire articles are devoted to the healing properties of this product, and modern doctors recommend it as effective remedy for the prevention of many diseases. Such as atherosclerosis, liver and pancreas diseases, metabolic disorders and heart problems.

It is no coincidence that maple syrup is so actively used all over the world. It is really useful for all people, except for allergy sufferers and those who are on a diet. No other harmful effects on the body have been identified.

Application in cooking

For Canadians, maple syrup is a special pride. It is eaten with pastries, ice cream, waffles, cheesecakes, pancakes, fruit salads, with any desserts, used in the preparation of various sauces, second courses, in cooking instead of sugar, they make chic candies and sweets.

By the way, the product can be used not only in cooking, but also for medical purposes to prevent neoplasms and improve immunity.

The price than to replace the syrup

Syrup is commonly found in American style recipes. If you really want to cook, but there is no maple syrup, then it can be replaced with natural honey. If you have some liquid May acacia honey, which is never candied, that will be great.

The second replacement option, of course, is less interesting, but also quite appropriate. It's pear jam syrup.

homemade recipe

If you really want to make maple syrup yourself, then no problem. Get maple sap from the Norway maple, of course, only in early spring, when the air is just starting to warm up.

Select an old maple tree, drill a hole or make a small hole, install a triangular trough in it, and place a container under it to collect the liquid.

To prepare a treat, pour the collected juice into a saucepan, then put it on a strong fire to evaporate. For example, three liters of liquid will evaporate for at least 1.5 hours. When the excess water evaporates, what you need is left - a thick syrup.

Beneficial features

Scientists argue that maple syrup can be called a superfood, such as blueberries or tea leaves. It contains 54 useful substances that keep the body healthy. By the way, five of these components are absolutely unique and are not found anywhere else.

In addition, this product does not increase blood sugar, unlike other sugary products. It also contains a group of polyphenols belonging to the group of powerful antioxidants.

Another substance was found in the product, which was called "quebecol" in honor of the province where it is made, thanks to this substance, according to doctors, the problem can be solved diabetes.

The syrup is rich in potassium, magnesium and zinc. By the way, there is more of the latter in it than in honey. It is interesting to know that it is this trace element that is needed for the growth of “tails” in male germ cells, thanks to these tails, spermatozoa move, and men can have a baby.

Fragrant syrup, made from the sap of different varieties of maples, is served with all the most delicious: pancakes and ice cream, waffles and toasts. It can also be used in these delicious recipes.

Maple syrup- a traditional Canadian treat is made by boiling maple sap from sugar and black maples. From a single maple treated in right time year (late winter, early spring), about 4 liters of juice is obtained. Moreover, it does not harm the tree. This has long been known to the American Indians, who used their method to extract syrup from maples.

To collect juice on the trunk, at a height of about 20-30 cm from the ground, an incision is made into which tubes are inserted leading to the vessels, where the juice, called apiary, flows. To obtain sweet maple syrup or sugar, which contains more useful dextrose and trace elements instead of sucrose, the juice is thickened by evaporation.

Maple syrup does not contain any preservatives, colors or flavors. Unlike regular white sugar, which loses all of its nutrients during processing, maple syrup retains potassium, calcium, and iron. Plus, it's 100% fat free.

Maple syrup- an obligatory component of many dishes of Canadian and American cuisine. It has a very pleasant aroma and taste, and is best served with waffles, ice cream,

it is very tasty to flavor their muesli and serve porridge. It's delicious to make maple milk by mixing 1 cup of cold milk with 2 tablespoons of maple syrup.

But due to the complexity of the preparation process and since 40 liters of juice are needed to obtain 4 liters of syrup, the syrup is very expensive and many fakes can be found. For example, they sell cheap corn syrup with a minimal addition of maple syrup for flavor. Of course, it can't compare to real maple syrup. Therefore, you should only buy syrup that bears a golden maple leaf, a quality mark and a guarantee that it was produced in North America.

Maple baked apples

Preheat the oven to 170 gr C. Cut the core of 6 apples. Put them in a ceramic baking dish. Mix together 6 tbsp raisins, 6 tbsp chopped walnuts and 1 1/2 tsp ground cinnamon. Fill each hole with 2 tablespoons of the mixture. Mix 1/2 cup maple syrup with 1 cup water and pour over apples. Bake 30 minutes until soft. Drizzle apples with maple sauce occasionally. Serve warm with vanilla ice cream.

Cream maple fondue

Heat 100 ml pure maple syrup in a saucepan for 5 minutes. In a bowl, mix 2 tsp cornstarch with 2 tsp cream. Bring 600 ml of cream to a boil and add maple syrup. Mix the mixture with starch with syrup. Heat slowly, stirring, until thickened. Serve fondue in a small saucepan on a spirit stove.

Toasted maple walnuts

coarsely cut walnuts and soak them in maple syrup. Arrange in a single layer on a baking sheet and bake at 180 degrees C for 20 minutes. Let cool before serving.
maple cookie
Sift 2 cups flour, 1/2 tsp salt, 4 tsp baking powder. Add 4 tbsp margarine and stir. Add 1/2 tbsp milk to make soft dough. Roll out or knead the dough with your fingers to a thickness of 1 cm. Cut out with a cookie cutter and spread with softened butter mixed with maple syrup and cinnamon. Bake at 200 gr C for 15 minutes.

Fruit with sherry and maple syrup

In a bowl, combine 4 cups of peeled and chopped assorted fruits, pour over a mixture of 1/2 cup maple syrup, 1/2 orange juice and 2 tbsp dry sherry. Refrigerate for several hours. Serve with cream whipped with maple syrup.

Chicken baked in maple syrup e

Mix 200g peeled pecans, 75g maple syrup, a pinch of cinnamon and salt with 1 tbsp water, place on parchment and bake at 200g C/400F/Gas 6 for 15 minutes. Bake a gutted chicken, weighing 2 kg, for 1.5 hours, and for the last 30 minutes of baking, coat the chicken with a nut mixture and sprinkle with 4 tablespoons of maple syrup. Serve with baked potatoes and onions, small sausages and sauce.

Spicy Pears with Maple Syrup

Preheat the oven to 200 degrees C. Insert cloves into 6 whole pears, peeled, put them on their side in a baking dish. Add 2 cinnamon sticks and sprinkle with 8 crushed cardamom pods. Slowly heat 300 ml of white wine with 90 ml of maple syrup and 1 tbsp of sugar until the sugar dissolves, pour over the pears so that they are half covered with liquid. Cover with foil and bake for about 1 hour, basting with juices. Before serving, remove cinnamon, cardamom and cloves.

Apple muffins with maple syrup

Preheat the oven to 170 gr C. Beat 2 eggs with 100 g butter. Add 225 ml of maple syrup and 325 g of peeled and finely chopped apples, mix. Sift into a bowl 675 g flour, 1 tbsp baking powder, 1 tsp salt, 1 tsp cinnamon, 1 tsp nutmeg. Mix. Divide among 12 cupcake liners and bake for 20-25 minutes.

Glazed maple carrots

Cut 8 pcs carrots into cubes. Boil until soft. Melt 3 tablespoons butter, add 1/2 cup maple syrup and 1/2 teaspoon ginger. Stew carrots in syrup.

Chicken Breasts with Maple Mustard Sauce

Fry in a frying pan until golden brown 2 chicken breasts skinless and pitted, rolled in seasoned flour. Take out the chicken, and add 100 g of chopped champignons and 1 chopped green onion to the pan, fry quickly. Add 100 g of heavy cream, 3 tbsp. maple syrup and 1 teaspoon Dijon mustard. Stir and cook until the cream has reduced by half. Serve with chicken breasts.

Differs not only pleasant taste and unusual aroma, but also beneficial for the human body. The composition includes more than 50 components that are not found in other food products. Among them, abscisic acid is noted, which has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the pancreas, as well as a unique compound called quebecol, whose properties are in many ways similar to carbohydrates.

Nutritional composition: 67 g of carbohydrates and 0.2 g of fats, no proteins. The high calorie content of sugar maple syrup - about 260 kcal - is due to the content of simple carbohydrates. The composition includes the following trace elements (in mg):

  • calcium (67) - provides strengthening of nails, hair, bones;
  • zinc (4) - improves the absorption of protein in the body;
  • manganese (3.3) - affects the speed of transmission of nerve impulses;
  • potassium (204) - strengthens cardiac and vascular muscle fibers.

The benefit of the product lies in the high content of antioxidants that help remove all excess from the body. In addition, the syrup very rarely causes an allergic reaction, has a low glycemic index (from 55 to 65).

What and how are they made

The main production of the product is concentrated in Canada (90%) and the United States. This is due to the fact that sugar maple grows in these countries. Harvesting begins in the spring season, when the greatest amount of juice is produced. This period is called the "cry of the trees." To obtain 1,000 ml of sweet syrup, it is necessary to process about 40 liters of the collected liquid. That is why the product has a rather high cost.

The principle of preparation is based on the evaporation of sweet freshly picked juice. The finished product thickens, decreases in weight by more than 30 times. No artificial ingredients are used in the manufacturing process, no sugar is added. Therefore, all useful substances and elements are preserved in the syrup.

At home, making real Canadian syrup is almost impossible. The thing is that the juice collected from local trees (mainly holly, field and pseudoplane maples grow on the territory of the country) does not have a sweet taste due to the low content of sugars. After boiling, the product will not be as sweet and thick, and the result will not live up to expectations.

Areas of use

The dark varieties, which are made from juice harvested in late spring, have a rich aroma and can be added to various dishes as a flavor enhancer. Perfect with turkey and vegetables. Lighter varieties are excellent substitutes for and. Many people use syrup as a hot drink. During heat treatment, the product does not deteriorate and does not become harmful to health, unlike honey. That is why there are many recipes for sauces and hot dressings with a sweet touch, where syrup is the main ingredient.

In addition to cooking, the product is widely used in cosmetology and medicine. Masks with it help slow down the natural aging process due to the content of antioxidants in the product. For medical purposes, this syrup is used to increase the protective functions of the body and prevent various kinds of neoplasms. Clen is considered an excellent remedy for depression: it restores energy balance, relieves aggression and nervousness.

Possible harm and contraindications

Harm from natural syrup can occur with its excessive use. Recommended daily rate- up to 30 g. There are no obvious contraindications, however, its use should be treated with caution in the following cases:

  • During pregnancy. High content potassium in the product can adversely affect the development of the child when increased tone uterus.
  • At overweight and obesity, which is due to the significant calorie content of the thick maple mass.
  • If individual intolerance to the product is noted. Allergies have rarely been reported, however, if the syrup is used for the first time, you should start with one teaspoon and look at the reaction of the body.
  • With different forms of diabetes. The product is not on the prohibited list, but it is best to consult with your doctor about the frequency of use and the amount allowed.

When buying, you should pay attention to the composition: artificial maple syrup contains thickeners, additional sugar and flavors. This product is of no use.

How to choose and store maple syrup?

In order not to make a mistake with the choice of the product and enjoy palatability healthy maple syrup, you need to pay attention to the following criteria:

  • Price. Original products cost at least $ 40 per 1 liter.
  • Manufacturer. A quality certificate is required.
  • Composition. There should be no indication of the addition of artificial sugars, other syrups (most often complement the product) and preservatives.
  • Type of packaging. The thick consistency and pleasant amber color of high-quality natural syrup are visible only in transparent glass bottles.

The recommended shelf life of the product is no more than 12 months. If the container is open, keep it only in a cool place without direct sunlight. If the smell or color changes, it is better not to use the syrup for food. If it's sugared, it will help restore the texture. heat treatment, however, the product will lose its benefit.

maple syrup - useful product of natural origin, able to charge the body with energy, increase immunity, slow down the natural processes of skin aging. With moderate use, you should not worry about a set excess weight, the occurrence of allergies and other negative phenomena.

Maple syrup is still a novelty for our consumers. The product appeared on the domestic market relatively recently and is not very popular. And completely undeserved. It is a great sugar substitute with a lot of useful properties and pleasant taste.

According to the results of recent studies, it was found that maple sap contains more than 50 macro and microelements that are beneficial for our body. At the same time, some elements are unique, they are absent in the natural environment.

The product is popular in Canada and the United States of America, where it has found wide use in cooking. No sugar is used in its manufacture. nutritional supplements, flavors, fillers, preservatives. The product is completely natural and useful for both children and adults.

What are the benefits of maple syrup, and can it cause harm? What parameters should be considered when choosing it, and how to use it correctly? Let's find out all the details.

Maple sap is mainly extracted in the United States and Canada (about 92%). Its production is as follows. The sap of sugar maple trees is evaporated at specially equipped plants. The result is a healthy, sweet syrup.

The properties of maple sap have long been known to the Indians. They used it to make refreshing drinks. Later they learned how to make syrup by evaporating. From 40 liters of juice, 1 liter of maple syrup is obtained. The drink is concentrated, viscous and incredibly sweet. The consistency is similar to honey. Hue - amber, various colors. It differs in taste and aroma, depending on the season for collecting juice and growing conditions of trees.

Composition, calories

Of all the useful substances, we single out only the main ones:

  • polyphenols;
  • B vitamins;
  • potassium;
  • manganese;
  • antioxidants;
  • coumarin;
  • abscisic acid;
  • zinc;
  • thiamine;
  • sodium;
  • oligosaccharides;
  • phosphorus;
  • phenolic group of compounds;
  • iron;
  • amino acids;
  • organic acids;
  • calcium.

Maple syrup refers to products healthy eating. Recommended for diabetes and obesity. Fructose is practically absent, while sugar is much less than in honey.

Calorie content of 100 g of the product - 260 kcal.

The benefits of syrup and the effect on the body

  1. Great alternative to sugar.
  2. Maple syrup has been proven to help treat inflammatory conditions.
  3. Due to the record content of nutrients, immunity is stimulated.
  4. The product normalizes digestive, metabolic processes, improves intestinal motility.
  5. Inhibits invasion, growth of colorectal cancer cells, by suppressing one of the signaling pathways.
  6. Controls insulin secretion.
  7. The circulatory system is cleansed, the formation of cholesterol plaques is prevented.
  8. The leader in the amount of potassium and calcium, therefore it is recommended for children during the period of active growth.
  9. Promotes rejuvenation, prevents the aging process.
  10. It has a positive effect on the functioning of the pancreas and liver.
  11. An excellent aphrodisiac for men, enhancing potency.
  12. It is a preventive measure against the development of cancer.
  13. Regular use normalizes cholesterol levels, blood sugar levels.
  14. Beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system.
  15. Protects the gastric mucosa from the effects of negative factors.
  16. It has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, regenerating, wound healing properties.
  17. Prevents the development of atherosclerosis.
  18. It relieves fatigue, is indicated for increased mental or physical stress.
  19. Does not cause allergies, unlike bee products.
  20. Strengthens hair, nails.

Useful properties of the product are incredibly diverse. It is no coincidence that many diets for weight loss that are popular have been developed on its basis.

Possible harm

The product is completely safe. The only contraindication is individual intolerance to maple syrup.

Limit consumption is only for children under the age of six years - no more than 3 tablespoons per day.

Use in cooking

Maple syrup is a great substitute for sugar. It can be used in the preparation of drinks, confectionery sweets, pastries, creams, sweeten coffee, tea, use as a substitute for jams, marmalade, preserves.

The product is universal, improving the taste of meat dishes. In America, it is used in the preparation of vegetables, legumes, scrambled eggs, grilled masya, fish dishes. Candies-lollipops, reminiscent of our "cockerels", are especially popular. This is a great addition to pancakes, pancakes, toasters, ice cream, sweet cereals.

There is a recipe delicious drink. Two tablespoons of maple syrup are mixed in a glass of cold milk. It makes a great refreshing cocktail.

How to choose a quality product

There are many criteria for choosing maple syrup. Let's highlight the main ones.

  1. Quality product made in Canada. It is there that syrup of proven quality is produced, authentic, as pure as possible. If Canada is indicated on the label, but the syrup is packaged in another country, you have a high-quality fake.
  2. Pay attention to the price. If 1 liter costs less than $70, you should refuse to buy.
  3. The fresh product does not have a pronounced pronounced taste, it is transparent.
  4. Taste - caramel with a soft taste of wood. Aroma - pronounced. Consistency - medium density.
  5. The lighter the amber shade, the more pronounced the aroma and taste.

There is a special classification system by which you can choose a product.

  • The best and most popular is Canada #1 (used for medicinal and dietary purposes).
  • The Canada #2 group has found widespread use in cooking, the syrup being darker in this case.
  • The thickest in consistency and having a pronounced taste - Canada #3 maple syrup, is used as a sweetener.

You won't find real maple syrup in stores. The fakes are made up of fructose and corn syrup. You can buy genuine goods only in specialized online stores.

How to store

You can store the product both at room temperature and on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. An important condition is that the container must be hermetically sealed.
After the container is unpacked, maple syrup is poured into glass jars for storage and stored at -5-8 degrees. Shelf life - three years from the date indicated on the package.

Maple syrup is an incredibly healthy tasty product that will be useful for everyone. Not speaking about delicious dishes with maple syrup, which are distinguished by excellent taste. Having tried it at least once, you will never forget the splendor of aroma and taste, and you will certainly find your application for the product.