Exercises on the steppe: benefits and harms. When does step aerobics do more harm than good? More complex step aerobics exercises

17.12.2021 Homemade products 

People who do step aerobics or are interested in it have probably thought about how exercise affects the body. In this article we will tell you in more detail what step aerobics is, the benefits and harms of exercise, and whether there are contraindications for practicing this type of fitness.

As you know, step aerobics is based on an ordinary step, namely, going up and down stairs. This movement mechanics has a great effect on the joints of the legs, especially the knees. Joint mobility improves and surrounding muscles are strengthened. Let’s take a closer look at the benefits of step aerobics:

. Exercise has a positive effect on your cardiovascular health vascular system. The risk of heart attacks and heart disease is reduced, blood pressure returns to normal, maximum cardiac output and heart muscle volume increase, and capillary density increases.

. The provision of tissues with nutrients and oxygen improves, the level of red blood cells and hemoglobin increases, and the overall volume of blood circulating through the vessels increases. Joints recover faster precisely due to the fact that substances are actively supplied to the surrounding tissues during step aerobics. Step aerobics is highly recommended after injuries to restore knee joints.

. The respiratory system is also not left without attention. The vital capacity of the lungs increases, pulmonary blood supply improves.

As you can see, step aerobics has a huge number of advantages. However, there are situations in which step aerobics, unfortunately, can cause harm to the body.

. If overtrained, step aerobics is harmful. Overtraining is characterized by the following symptoms: loss of appetite, insomnia, reluctance to attend training, depression, and a general drop in mood. Excessive stress can lead to a depressed state of the entire body. General fatigue increases, immunity sags, and symptoms of colds appear. To prevent this from happening, it is important to take breaks between classes; you should not study daily and for too long.

. Injuries during training. Bruises, sprains and dislocations are the result of non-compliance with safety rules. Try to control your every movement, carefully observe the movements of the trainer, remember that you must place a full foot on the step platform (neither heels nor toes should hang over the edge of the platform). If it becomes too difficult for you or something is not working out, go to a step.

. The presence of pain in the joints (in the spine and feet). You should pay attention to the shoes in which you train. It is unacceptable to do step aerobics in Czech shoes or sneakers. To train in this type of fitness, you need sneakers with thick, shock-absorbing soles. If you ignore this rule, instead of improving your health through step aerobics, you risk getting joint diseases. Also, always make sure that the exercises are performed with your legs bent at the knees; it is unacceptable to jump with your legs straightened.

. Unfortunately, step aerobics has its own contraindications. One of these contraindications is joint injuries. Step aerobics is good for recovery from injuries. However, if the injury has not yet healed, you will have to wait a while with classes. Also, step aerobics is contraindicated for people suffering from diseases of the cardiovascular system, because during exercise the load on the heart is quite large. If you have angina or arrhythmia, it is recommended to give preference to softer areas of fitness, for example, Pilates. People with kidney failure will also have to give up the idea of ​​starting step aerobics as it stimulates the body. protein metabolism. In case of liver diseases, you also need to beware of excessive physical activity.

Step aerobics is one of the types of fitness, which is also called rhythmic gymnastics. Classes are conducted to dynamic music, which helps maintain the rhythm of the workout. You will learn more about what it is and how to do it correctly below.

Step aerobics – what is it?

The founder of step aerobics is Jean Miller, a professional athlete and fitness instructor. Jean healed a once-injured leg joint by climbing up and down stairs. After that, I developed this type of fitness.

A mandatory equipment for step aerobics is a platform. The set of exercises consists mainly of moving your legs - getting up and down from the platform. Step aerobics is running, jumping, stretching and more. All movements are quite simple, so you don’t need any sports skills to perform them. There are no age restrictions either.

The benefits of step aerobics

Step aerobics involves many functions of the body. First of all, they have a positive effect on the joints, especially the legs. This is explained by the increased work of the knees during training, due to which the production of joint fluid is stimulated.

Aerobics has a special role on the cardiovascular system. The intense nature of the training stimulates:

  • circulation;
  • saturation of blood vessels with oxygen;
  • normalization of heart rate and blood pressure;
  • strengthening the heart muscles;
  • growth of the heart muscle.

Step aerobics will also relieve diseases of the musculoskeletal system that arise due to inactivity. For example, osteochondrosis.

The positive effect on the respiratory system is obvious - blood supply to the lungs increases, and their volume also increases, which serves to prevent shortness of breath.

Training result

What can step aerobics give you? Firstly, especially valuable prevention against the above diseases. In addition, after a month of regular training, the result becomes noticeable:

  • weight loss – up to 500 calories are burned in one workout, which intensively burns fat;
  • the silhouette is corrected - without unnecessary muscle pumping, the body becomes slim and toned;
  • well-being improves.

A little later, the development of plasticity and improvement of coordination are noted. The intense nature of training accompanied by rhythmic music has a positive effect on mood. Just half an hour of classes and a charge of cheerful spirit is provided for the whole day.

Clothes for tap dance

To make classes enjoyable, you need to start with the right clothes. It should be as comfortable as possible and not restrict movement. Loose-fitting short shorts or leggings and any comfortable T-shirt will do.

The choice of shoes needs to be taken even more seriously. Don’t even consider the options of exercising in Czech shoes or ballet shoes. Even if you are planning home workouts, discard the option of doing barefoot. It is comfortable and safe to exercise in sneakers or sneakers with a high heel for better support of the foot.

Lesson platform

You can purchase a special platform for step dancing at your nearest sports store. When purchasing, pay attention to the following parameters:

  1. Sustainability. The platform should not wobble or slide on the floor.
  2. Coating. Give preference to a platform with a rubber surface. Feet should not slip.
  3. . The platform indicates the maximum weight of its load. Please keep this in mind when purchasing.
  4. Height. For beginners, the optimal platform height will be 15-20 cm, and for professionals – 30 cm.

Keep this in mind! The quality of the platform is a guarantee of your safety!

If the option to buy a platform is postponed, you can come up with one from improvised means for the first time. A stable box or low bench can temporarily replace real sports equipment.

In addition, you can build a structure from durable wooden planks. To do this, just find a wide board and attach it to homemade strong “legs”, and the platform is ready!

Step aerobics program

Anyone who decides to take up step aerobics must complete three levels of complex exercises. It is very important for the body to act in stages.

Here are the levels of step aerobics:

  1. Ilevel– a set of exercises for beginners. Includes basic movements of moderate intensity.
  2. IIlevel– at this stage, the movements become more complicated, the rhythm of the workout accelerates.
  3. IIIlevel– for professionals. Includes strength exercises and aerobics elements. The most effective stage that actively burns fat.

If you are new to fitness and decide to do step aerobics at home, be sure to start from level one. If you already have experience in physical activity, consult a fitness instructor to see if you can start immediately with levels II-III.

Rules for homework

In step aerobics, it is very important to follow certain rules. If non-compliance is observed, there is a risk of injury, incorrect muscle pumping, etc. In the gym, the instructor monitors this. And for those who study at home, you will have to learn them and follow them yourself:

  • Training should begin with a warm-up - preparing muscles and joints for more complex loads. Usually the easiest step is in place, which moves into higher knee lifts and flows into platform work.
  • It is especially important to control movements in aerobics - the back should be straight, the stomach should be retracted, and the step should be springy.
  • You need to finish your classes with a cool-down - a gradual decrease in the pace of the workout, slowing down your step “on the spot,” taking deep breaths and stretching all the muscles.

Important! An abrupt stop during exercise negatively affects the respiratory and cardiovascular systems.

Home set of exercises with video

Starting step aerobics at home is not at all difficult. Turn on rhythmic music. Start with a warm-up:

  1. Step in place, knees need to be raised as high as possible. Continue for a few minutes.
  2. Steps to the side - the right step should be wide, we place the left foot next to the right and immediately step it to the left. Pay attention to this movement for 2-3 minutes.

After warming up, go to basic exercises steppe:

  1. Step onto the platform with your right, then your left. We go down: first the right leg down, then the left. Now start with the left. Continue for 2-3 minutes.
  2. Place your slightly bent leg on the platform. Push up and switch legs. Spend 2-3 minutes on this movement.
  3. Support the step with your right foot and pull your left foot towards your chest. Lower your left leg to the floor, then your right. Change your legs - left foot to step, right foot to chest, etc.
  4. Step-swing - right leg slightly bent at the knee on the platform, transfer your weight to it. Bend your left leg slightly and swing back, trying to reach your buttocks with your heel. Place your left foot down and lower your right foot off the platform. We change legs - left to step, right swing, etc.

Unless otherwise stated, each exercise should be performed 15 times to begin with. Gradually increase the amount.

Be sure to finish your workout with a cool down:

  1. Step in place, gradually slowing down the pace.
  2. Deep breathing: inhale - hands up, exhale - hands down. Repeat several times.

Muscle stretching:

  1. Stand straight, lift one leg, bend it at the knee and press your heel towards your buttocks. Fix and hold your leg in this position for a minute. Switch legs.
  2. Sit on the floor, legs together, clasp them with your arms, trying not to bend your knees. Lie like this for a minute.

Once you have mastered the basic exercises, you can add light dumbbells. Movements can be alternated and swapped.

This video contains a visual set of step aerobics exercises for beginners. A professional fitness instructor comments:

You can clearly see a full training session for beginners in the following video:

After the first stage, you can move on to the second and third, conducting functional training, as shown in the video:

Load time

Often beginners, inspired by the results of others from step aerobics, overestimate their strength and immediately start with heavy loads. However, don't wait good result from this, everything ends, at a minimum, with severe shortness of breath, pain in muscles and joints. Therefore, a beginner should start with 15-20 minutes of training. You need to increase the time gradually, when the body adapts to new loads and fatigue noticeably decreases. You should not train more than three times a week.


Step aerobics is the prevention of many diseases, but there are also contraindications. For example, if you have had knee injuries in the past, then such training will help strengthen the joints. But if the injury occurred recently and there is still pain, step aerobics is contraindicated.

In addition, the following ailments are contraindications:

  • varicose veins;
  • pathology lumbar region spine;
  • high blood pressure (hypertension);
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • chronic liver and kidney diseases.

Of course, it is better to consult a doctor before you start exercising, and if you experience the slightest symptoms of the above diseases, stop training.

If you didn't succeed in something from the first workout, don't worry. Try slowly repeating the unsuccessful movement. Everything comes with time, the main thing is the desire to get a healthy athletic figure and an emotional charge after each lesson.

Very often, for beginning athletes, choosing the optimal direction physical activity becomes a real problem. Moreover, modern world creates all the conditions for this. Various fitness rooms and sports complexes offer a wide range of training programs, including step aerobics. This trend has been popular among the fair sex for a long time. These classes include highly effective exercises with elements of dance and strength training, and therefore have a complex effect, helping to create an ideal athletic body. How to practice using such a system, and what results step aerobics promises for beginners, read in more detail below.

For those who have seriously decided to take up step aerobics, it will be useful to know that this sport is suitable for almost everyone who wants to start an active lifestyle. Moreover, step aerobics is considered universal system, which can be practiced in any conditions if you have a step platform.

Speaking about what step aerobics is, it is worth noting the originality of this direction. The point is that this is special training program, which combines classic aerobic and strength exercises. There are also elements of dances of various styles. But, unlike, step aerobics classes are conducted on special platforms (step platform).

This type of physical activity, like any other sport, is very useful for human body. During training:

  • the fibers of the entire muscle atlas of the body are strengthened;
  • rises ;
  • the functioning of the nervous, respiratory, and cardiovascular systems improves;
  • blood pressure is normalized;
  • the vestibular apparatus is trained;
  • shapes are corrected and body weight is reduced;
  • The production of endorphins increases, which improves your mood.

Thus, by doing step aerobics, you can not only quickly lose weight, but at the same time improve your body’s health, as well as recharge with positive energy. At the same time, you don’t have to worry about pumped-up muscles, because they help restore their tone, but not pump them up, like bodybuilders.

On top of that, such classes can be conducted with a minimum amount of props. The main attribute required for training is a step platform. In addition, you may need dumbbells, a ball and a wide elastic band.

Basic rules of training

Before studying step aerobics lessons, videos of which are in our article, you should master the basic rules of the direction. Firstly, choose comfortable shoes and clothes for classes (they should not restrict movement and should not be too loose). During training you need to drink water.

If you decide to do step aerobics, you should not overdo it and devote time to exercise every day. For such classes, a schedule every other day is sufficient. By training at this pace, you can lose weight without much stress and be charged with positive energy and vigor.

Step aerobics promises quite attractive results for those who want to lose weight. If you exercise regularly 3 times a week and eat right, you can lose one kilogram every 7 days. However, you should make sure that the weight does not come off faster. In addition to this, you can create an individual training program and... Examples of suitable sets of exercises with different levels of difficulty can be found below.

For those who decide to attend group classes, it is worth knowing that the training will be effective if the group does not consist of more than 20 athletes. If for any reason you do not feel comfortable in a group, you can always change it, order an individual lesson or create an individual program for studying at home.

When doing aerobics on a step platform, do not forget to monitor your own sensations. If an exercise causes discomfort or pain, you should skip it. It is especially important to monitor your feelings for those who have health problems.

Examples of workouts

Step aerobics can consist of different exercises that teach basic directional movements step by step. For example, a video with an entry-level lesson will help beginners master the simplest movements that can be performed with a step platform.

By following all the recommendations of a step aerobics trainer, you will be able to notice a gradual decrease in body weight and an improvement in your figure. Training of this kind at first will allow you to tone your muscles and within a few weeks you will notice positive trends in changes. In addition, regular practice will help prepare the body for a more intense training regimen.

You can also learn basic steps and simple aerobic exercises on a step platform at home using the following video. On it, trainers clearly explain what and how to do during classes.

For those who are interested in losing weight at home using this approach, the program is suitable special exercises in the video below. This complex is aimed specifically at stimulating the burning of subcutaneous fat, which will ensure uniform weight loss.


When starting to practice step aerobics, it is important to clarify whether there are any contraindications for practicing this sport. Contraindications for such training are:

  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • chronic liver and kidney diseases;
  • varicose veins on the legs;
  • back diseases (especially the lumbar spine);
  • joint pain lower limbs.

Since the main load during exercise falls on the heart, people who are at risk should be careful when performing exercises on the step platform. It also wouldn’t hurt to practice carefully for those who have a tendency to have problems with the functioning of the musculoskeletal system. In this case, it is better to prefer arthrosis, hernias, etc. In any case, before signing up for training or starting to do step aerobics at home, it is advisable to consult your doctor for advice.

As a rule, step aerobics classes are extremely beneficial, but in some cases they can harm your body.

If you've been practicing for long enough, you've probably repeatedly thought about what effect these workouts have on your body. Today I will talk about the benefits that step exercises bring to our body and in what cases step aerobics can be harmful. The benefits and harms of step aerobics (either the first or the second) appear depending on how competently you approach your training.

Step aerobics is a type of health fitness that was invented in America in the eighties of the last century. The basic principle that forms the basis of step aerobics is the principle of going up and down steps.

This movement mechanics has a positive effect on the leg joints, in particular the knees, improving their mobility and strengthening the surrounding muscles. To the boring walking up the steps, classical aerobics exercises were added, performed to rhythmic music.

This is how step aerobics appeared - one of the most interesting areas of group fitness training. Step aerobics combines beneficial properties classical aerobics and exercises that have beneficial influence on the joints of the lower extremities. What are the benefits of step aerobics? I will talk about this below.

The benefits of step aerobics

So, the benefits of step aerobics (about possible harm step aerobics will be discussed below) is as follows:

  1. Step aerobics, like any aerobic or cardio workout, has a beneficial effect on the condition of the cardiovascular system. With regular exercise, a person increases the volume of the heart muscle and maximum cardiac output (this is the amount of blood pumped by the heart in one beat), increases the density of capillaries, normalizes the pulse at rest, decreases the pulse during exercise, and reduces the risk of heart disease and heart attacks. Blood pressure also returns to normal.
  2. The supply of tissues with oxygen and nutrients improves, the level of hemoglobin and red blood cells increases, and the volume of circulating blood generally increases. It is due to the fact that when doing step aerobics, nutrients actively enter the tissues surrounding the joints, the joints recover faster. Low-intensity step aerobics is indicated for the recovery of knee joints after injuries. Due to a large number of flexions and extensions, joint fluid, the so-called “lubricant,” is actively released, and the joints become more mobile.
  3. The body accelerates metabolism and increases the production of the hormone calciotonin (this hormone is responsible for the absorption of calcium).
  4. Also, when doing step aerobics, it increases muscle tone, resistance to muscle fatigue increases, and the amount of subcutaneous fat decreases.
  5. The respiratory system also does not remain indifferent. The vital capacity of the lungs increases, and the pulmonary blood supply improves.

As you can see, step aerobics has a huge number of advantages. But, in some situations, step aerobics classes are harmful, no matter how sad it is. Let's look at these situations and try not to fall into them.

The harm of step aerobics

I hope that the benefits and harms of step aerobics covered in the article helped you understand the impact of these fitness workouts on your body. Take care of your health, strengthen and train your body. And then your health will become stronger day by day, and training will bring only positive emotions!

For more than 30 years, step aerobics has been the most popular type of group exercise in the world of fitness. It is not only the benefits for the body that make this direction so popular, but also the very atmosphere of the class and the variety of choreographic combinations. And most importantly, this area can be practiced at home, it is important to monitor the technique and choose energetic music.

What is step aerobics?

Step aerobics is a high-intensity type of aerobics using a step platform. Performing a combination of basic steps on the platform, in the form of dance sequences, strengthens the cardiovascular system, improves muscle tone, speeds up metabolism, and burns subcutaneous fat.

Step aerobics appeared in the 1980s, when classical aerobics was at the peak of popularity, fitness trainers Gene Miller and Kelly Watson developed dance moves using a step platform, which are still used in all clubs today. Step ups to the rhythm of music at a high speed, suitable for burning fat, will provide a workout for the entire body, improving overall health. physical fitness and well-being. Step aerobics classes will help you lose weight and strengthen your muscles even at home.

However, aerobic exercise may be too intense and puts a lot of stress on the heart, so consult your doctor before starting.

The intensity of the workout is determined by the speed of the music, The optimal tempo is 135 – 145 beats per minute. Sometimes, an advanced level of load can reach a rhythm of 150 beats. But this pace can be dangerous for beginners.

The benefits of step aerobics

  1. Cardiovascular system. Step aerobics is a way to force the lungs and heart to work with increased speed. Exercise prevents heart and arterial diseases. The more blood enters the muscles, the more oxygen they receive. In general, the body's endurance increases and its recovery rate increases. When you exercise, your heart rate increases and your breathing becomes faster. This type of activity affects the cardiovascular system and makes it stronger over time. Regular cardio exercise can help prevent high blood pressure and heart disease.
  2. Musculoskeletal system. Muscle health is related to bone density and strength. Step aerobics can improve bone and joint health and prevent future problems. This type of fitness is aimed at increasing bone mass and density. This is due to the specific nature of the exercises - the loads of jumping and hitting, that is, the constant tension and pressure caused by the exercises stimulate the bones to create more bone cells, thereby increasing their density, size and strength. Essentially, this is the same process as muscle growth. Step aerobics helps fight the effects of degenerative bone diseases and prevents osteoporosis.
  3. Step aerobics for weight loss. One of the biggest benefits you can get from aerobics is weight loss. Since step, together with strength exercises, burns more calories, respectively, from fat. 45 minutes of step aerobics burns up to 450 calories. If you want to burn as many calories as possible, then you need to increase your pace and also increase the height of your steps. Overweight, or even obesity, can cause problems with bones and joints, heart, lungs, cause stroke or diabetes. Therefore, aerobics is a great way to stay fit and help reduce the risk of all health problems.
  4. Mental health. Load causes the brain to throw out chemicals, known as endorphins. Endorphins are hormones that make you feel happy, causing a feeling of delight and satisfaction. Without enough endorphins, you can become depressed, tired, and constantly experience stress and anxiety. People suffering from depression, anxiety and other mental problems can safely take up step aerobics classes.
  5. High speed metabolism. Another benefit that can be associated with step aerobics is that your metabolism increases dramatically. This helps break down fats already stored in the body as fuel for energy. High intensity training can also increase the production of human growth hormone. As we get older, the body produces less growth hormone, thereby stimulating the aging process and also reducing the metabolic rate.
  6. Load versatility. Another advantage of step aerobics is that it is universal. People of all fitness levels can do this activity because the load and difficulty can be easily modified to suit everyone. Beginners can perform the movements more slowly, on a low platform, while advanced ones can increase the tempo, difficulty of the sequence and height of the platform.

Contraindications to step aerobics classes

Step platform and sports equipment

The most necessary attribute for training will be a step platform. There are several types different sizes and height, each platform is selected depending on the level of training, price, quality, brand, etc.

Cloth should not constrain the body; it is advisable to choose clothes made of elastin.

Sneakers should be comfortable, it is advisable to choose.


Beginners and experts of step aerobics, men and women of any age, everyone can practice this type of fitness and get many benefits from it. Simple step aerobics moves for 45 minutes will help you burn up to 450 calories and look great at the same time. Simple exercise will strengthen your heart, lungs, bones, muscles and overall well-being. Three workouts a week for an hour are enough to keep you healthy and fit.

Exercises on the step platform in video format