Kyphotic placement of the cervical spine. Kyphotic spinal deformity: what is it? What is deformation

10.07.2020 Electrics

The cervical spine should have a normal curve, called lordosis. Cases of its straightening indicate a pathology that has arisen - kyphotization of cervical lordosis.

It is believed that this pathology rarely occurs; it can be caused by injuries, various diseases of the spinal column, and rickets.

As a result of pathology of the vertebrae of the neck, through the central openings of which vessels supplying the brain with blood and nerve fibers pass, kyphotic deformation of lordosis occurs, the main symptoms of the disease are:

  • Pain in the neck, head,...
  • , his horse racing.
  • , hearing impairment.
  • Limited neck movement.
  • Frequent muscle spasms, numbness in the limbs, tingling painful sensations in the back of the head, lower jaw.

In addition to the discomfort experienced by a person, he gradually develops a stoop from the spinous processes. The unnatural position of the vertebrae causes pain throughout the entire spinal column.

Kyphotic deformity of the cervical lordosis leads to pinching of the vertebral artery, which is fraught with serious complications such as paralysis.

Treatment of kyphotic pathology

Treatment of this disease begins with determining the diagnosis, which requires an individual approach to each patient.

The reasons that cause straightening of cervical lordosis with kyphotic deformity may be different.

The general condition of the patient and the degree of damage to the vertebrae of the neck are assessed. Complete recovery requires a long period, possibly with scrupulous adherence to the doctor’s recommendations.

Sequence of treatment:

  1. Elimination of pain syndrome with medications.
  2. Therapeutic exercises are aimed at strengthening the muscles and ligaments of the back, improving blood circulation, and flexibility of the vertebrae.
  3. . Relieves muscle spasm, relieves pinched nerves.
  4. Manual influence.
  5. Wearing special corsets.

When lordosis is straightened with the formation of kyphotic deformity, but has a mild or moderate degree of disease, good results Manual therapy may help in treatment.

The doctor uses his hands to influence the collar area of ​​the neck, spine, and surrounding tissues. By doing this, he achieves the return of the vertebrae and spinal discs to their original places. Blood pressure normalizes and headaches go away.

Diagnosis: cervical lordosis straightened with the formation of kyphotic deformity is not a death sentence. Only in very advanced cases do doctors resort to surgery.

Physical therapy helps well with treatment. Exercises relieve muscle tension, strengthen ligaments, and normalize blood circulation in the spinal column.

Therapeutic exercises are selected individually for each patient in order to strengthen the muscle corset.

Preventive measures

It should be remembered that kyphotic deformity of cervical lordosis is treatable, but it is better to prevent it than to treat its consequences.

To do this, you need to regularly exercise, swim, and actively spend your free time. You need to move a lot, maintaining correct posture not only when walking, but also when sitting and standing.

To prevent cervical kyphosis, you should exercise by performing special therapeutic exercises on the recommendation of a doctor. Such gymnastics will be an effective preventive measure for numerous ailments of the spinal column as a whole.

If you want to get more information and similar exercises for the spine and joints from Alexandra Bonina, check out the materials on the links below.

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The information in the articles is for general information purposes only and should not be used for self-diagnosis of health problems or medicinal purposes. This article is not a substitute for medical advice from a doctor (neurologist, therapist). Please consult your doctor first to know the exact cause of your health problem.

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The spine of a healthy person has natural physiological curves, but if the curvature in the thoracic region increases significantly, a so-called “round back” is formed, then this is a direct sign of kyphotic deformity. In this case, the shoulder girdle moves forward, and the chest narrows, increasing its anteroposterior size.

What are the main reasons for the development of this condition?

The causative factors of the disease include the following:

  • Genetic predisposition, congenital weakness of the ligamentous apparatus musculoskeletal system;
  • Traumatic injuries of the spinal column;
  • Damage to intervertebral cartilaginous discs by such a pathological process as osteochondrosis;
  • Weakness of the back muscles;
  • History of poliomyelitis, bone tuberculosis, radiculitis or radiculopathy;
  • Incorrect posture while sitting and walking, lifting heavy objects and other increased stress on the spine.

How does kyphosis of the thoracic spinal column manifest itself clinically?

Clinical signs of kyphosis of the thoracic spine include:

  • posterior curvature of the spine in the sagittal plane;
  • Tilt of the shoulder girdle forward and down;
  • Reducing the volume of the chest and abdominal cavities;
  • Visible stoop, the appearance of a hump in the thoracic region;
  • Difficulty breathing, shortness of breath with moderate physical activity and even at rest, which occurs due to a significant decrease in chest excursion, active participation accessory respiratory muscles, which also require large amounts of oxygen to function;
  • The emergence of various diseases internal organs, which are innervated by roots emerging between the vertebrae of the thoracic spinal column.

What therapeutic measures exist to reduce and eliminate kyphotic deformity?

It is advisable to begin treatment of this disease, which is terrible for its complications, at the earliest early stages. In this situation, an integrated and systematic approach is needed, which is based on the following therapeutic activities and procedures: physical therapy, massage, physiotherapeutic techniques, medications, a balanced diet with an increased amount of vitamins and minerals consumed, as well as wearing a special corset that strengthens the back muscles.

According to many qualified doctors, therapeutic exercises help best in the early stages of kyphosis.

Here are some examples of simple exercises:

  1. To begin, take a knee-elbow position, straighten your spine in the cervical and thoracic regions, and spread your elbows as far apart as possible. In this position, start moving forward (approximately 50 steps);
  2. Take a gymnastic stick while lying on your stomach, place it on your back in the area of ​​the shoulder blades and clasp it tightly with your hands. Throw your head back, try to lift yourself up, and then return to your starting position. Try to complete ten such repetitions during one session;
  3. Lie on your back, place your arms bent at the elbow joints along your torso. During a deep breath, try to bend as much as possible in the thoracic spine, with the points of contact with the floor being your heels, buttocks, elbows and the back of your head. Try to perform as many repetitions as possible, each time returning to the starting position;
  4. Squats with a gymnastic stick. To perform this exercise, you need to stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, take a gymnastic stick and place it above your head on your back, then begin squats, trying to constantly keep your back as straight as possible, returning to the starting position each time.

The information presented is not intended for self-medication. It is not guaranteed to be accurate or applicable to you. Contact medical specialists!

As we described in the article containing, kyphosis as such is more of a symptom than a disease. However, it is a completely independent launching pad for many ailments.

Among the latter there are those that can make a person disabled until the end of his days.

What does advanced kyphosis lead to?

Let's start with the basics to help you understand the main risks.

Postural distortion is nothing more than anatomical disorder chest (and sometimes the upper lumbar region).

Most typical consequences

A change in the shape and position of the vertebrae is necessarily reflected in the position of the ribs. Over time, their mobility becomes significantly limited.

The ribs compress the organs located inside. The most significant pressure is placed on the lungs, a key element of the respiratory system. Their constant presence in constraint over time provokes the development of pulmonary failure. This is the first complication of kyphosis, the most typical.

Let's discuss further. Come on, what else is in the chest? That's right, heart. His work also requires normal physiological conditions. In addition to pulmonary failure in a person with kyphotic posture, cardiac failure is often added.

But these are not all possible surprises.

Other complications of kyphosis

With severe thoracolumbar deformity and with compensatory lordosis, the abdominal cavity is compressed. The result is the development of chronic diseases of the digestive organs - the stomach and intestines.

The liver also suffers.

An additional negative factor is the insufficient supply of oxygen to the mentioned organs, which is explained by inappropriate conditions for the proper functioning of the heart.

We will not say that every patient diagnosed with kyphosis is at risk of gastritis or colitis. You just need to understand that even a prerequisite for the acquisition of such ailments can be the last straw, added to other reasons for the development of a particular disease.

The worst thing

Finally, let's think about the most frightening type of complications of kyphotic spinal deformity - impaired motor functions. It happens when the modified vertebrae begin to press on the spinal canal, which contains the spinal cord.

Unfortunately, sometimes incorrect posture leads to paresis and paralysis. Occasionally, pressure on the spinal cord sets the stage for inflammatory diseases - e.g.

For some, the most terrible complication may not even be paralysis, but deformity. Angular kyphosis gradually turns into a real hump.

The spine is our internal frame. It performs supporting, motor, shock-absorbing, and protective functions. Violation of these functions occurs with spinal deformities. To get them back, you need to engage in prevention and timely treatment of spinal curvatures. Pathology is handled by an orthopedist, vertebrologist and neurologist. It all depends on the cause of the curvature and the presence of concomitant pathologies. Normally, it has several bends in each of its sections, which are located in the sagittal plane (when viewed from the side).

Physiological curves of the spinal column

  • Cervical and lumbar lordosis. Formed in the process physical development child when his motor capabilities expand (begins to hold his head and sit). They are a convexity of the spine anteriorly.
  • Thoracic and sacral kyphosis are formed in utero, the baby is already born with them. Represented by a convexity at the back.

In the frontal plane, the line of the spine runs along the middle axis of the body. Active and correct holding of the body in space is posture. Spinal deformation leads to the development of pathological posture and vice versa.

Types of disease

What are the types of spinal deformities? What worries you most often? modern man? Scoliosis develops in the frontal plane. This is a curvature of the spinal column relative to the midline to the right or left. In the sagittal plane, an increase in the arc of physiological curves (hyperlordosis, hyperkyphosis), a disappearance or decrease in curves (flat back) and combined curvatures combining two directions (lordoscoliosis, kyphoscoliosis) are observed.

Why does curvature occur?

The causes of spinal deformity can be congenital or acquired. Congenital etiology is associated with vertebral pathology:

  • Underdevelopment of structural components.
  • Additional elements.
  • Fusion of adjacent vertebral bodies.
  • Non-fusion of arches.
  • Wedge-shaped.

The causes of acquired spinal deformity can be:

  • Systematically incorrect posture.
  • Rickets (calcium balance in the body is disturbed, bones become fragile).
  • Polio.
  • Osteochondrosis and osteodystrophy.
  • Injuries, hernias and tumors of the spine.
  • Pleurisy is a pathology of the respiratory system with severe pain. Usually one side is affected, on which the patient lies. The load on the thoracic region is uneven, causing curvature.
  • Shortening of one of the lower limbs - the load is distributed unevenly.
  • The absence of one arm or leg and, as a result, imbalance.
  • Weak muscle mass that is unable to withstand the curvature of the spine.
  • Mental disorders (depression, when shoulders and head are constantly drooping).

Curvature of the spinal column can affect any part of it.

Cervical spine deformity

  • Torticollis is a pathology in which the head is simultaneously tilted to one side and the neck is turned to the other.
  • Kyphosis - posterior. This is a rare occurrence.
  • Lordosis is an increase in physiological bending. The neck stretches forward, the shoulders round, and a stoop develops.

Causes of congenital torticollis:

  • incorrect intrauterine position of the fetus;
  • birth injuries;
  • spasm or shortening of the neck muscles;
  • congenital pathology of the cervical vertebrae (Klippel-Feil disease);
  • rotational subluxation of the 1st cervical vertebra.

Causes of acquired deformity of the cervical spine:

  • installation torticollis - when a child takes an incorrect position in the crib for a long time;
  • compensatory - for inflammatory diseases of the ear, purulent processes in the neck (the child spares the sore side and tilts his head to the healthy side);
  • fracture, dislocation or subluxation of the first cervical vertebra;
  • osteomyelitis, tuberculosis, tertiary syphilis - the vertebrae are destroyed, axial deformation of the skeleton occurs.

Treatment of torticollis

Conservative methods:

  • massage;
  • physiotherapy;
  • treatment by position;
  • physical therapy;
  • water procedures in the pool using a circle for newborns;
  • wearing a collar that fixes the cervical spine in the correct position.

Surgical treatment is performed if there is no effect from conservative:

  • myotomy - dissection of the neck muscle;
  • plastic surgery (muscle lengthening).

Kyphosis and lordosis are treated with conservative methods (physical therapy, massage, drug pain relief, muscle spasm relief).

Thoracic disorders

Kyphosis is accompanied by deformation in the form of increased physiological bending. There is a pathological bending backwards with the formation of a round back. Acquired kyphotic deformity of the spine is more common.

Causes of thoracic kyphosis:

  • Weakness of the muscle corset, which does not have time to form following the accelerated growth of the child.
  • Early rickets (up to 1 year) - the thoracic and lumbar regions are affected. The deformity disappears in the supine position (unfixed curvature). The severity of the pathological bend is aggravated when the child sits and stands on his legs.
  • Late rickets (5-6 years) - fixed kyphosis and kyphoscoliosis develop.
  • Osteochondropathy is observed at the age of 12-17 years. Boys suffer more often. In the medical world it is called Scheuermann-Mau disease. Dystrophic changes develop in the vertebral bodies and a fixed wedge-shaped deformity of the spine is formed.

Treatment of thoracic kyphosis

Rachitic deformity is treated conservatively: swimming, vitamin therapy, exercise therapy, pine baths, massage, wearing a special three-point corset. The disease may disappear without a trace.

Juvenile kyphosis is treated comprehensively: massage, special exercises to strengthen the muscle corset, medicinal improvement of trophism of the osteoarticular system. Often it is necessary to use surgical methods of therapy: different kinds instrumental fixation of the spine.

Lumbar deformity

Lordosis is a curvature of the spinal column with the formation of a bulge in the front. Therapy is based on combating the disease that caused the curvature. They use traction, special patient positions, physiotherapeutic procedures, physical therapy and restorative massage courses.

Causes of lumbar lordosis:

  • deformation to compensate for rachitic and tuberculous kyphosis;
  • dislocations of the hips that occurred during childbirth;
  • contractures of the hip joints.


Scoliotic spinal deformity can affect any level of the spinal ridge and affect several sections, causing an S-shaped curvature. Prepubertal girls are more susceptible to the disease.

  • Congenital scoliosis is associated with the presence of a fusion of several vertebrae, the presence of accessory vertebrae, and an abnormality of the structural components of the vertebra. Occurs in babies under 1 year of age. Progresses slowly, bending lines are not clearly expressed.
  • is formed during the pathological development of the lumbosacral region. It is detected at the age of 9-11 years and progresses rapidly. The line of curvature is observed in the lumbar region.
  • Neurogenic scoliosis develops as a result of poliomyelitis, syringomyelia, and myopathies. The developmental mechanism is associated with damage to the motor roots of the spinal cord. Functional muscle failure develops. In parallel, dystrophic changes in the spine occur.
  • Rachitic scoliosis. Due to calcium metabolism disorders, bone tissue becomes soft. Under static loads, physiological bending increases. If the body is positioned incorrectly in space, scoliosis quickly forms.
  • - This is the most common spinal deformity. It is a multifactorial disease: impaired spinal growth rate, neuromuscular insufficiency, active period growth in children and increased physiological loads on the skeleton. There is a disruption of endochondral bone formation in the vertebrae with the subsequent development of osteoporosis and spinal disorders.

In 1965, V.D. Chaklin radiographically identified 4 degrees of spinal deformation in scoliosis:

  • 1st degree - 5-10 degrees;
  • 2nd degree - 11-30;
  • 3rd degree - 31-60;
  • 4th degree - more than 61 degrees.

Clinical manifestations of scoliosis:

  • In the 1st degree, in a standing position, there is weakness in the muscular corset of the back and abdominal wall, different levels of the shoulders, the angles of the shoulder blades are located at different levels, and asymmetry of the waist triangles. In the thoracic region there is a noticeable curvature, in the lumbar region there is a muscle thickening on the opposite side, which is also visible when the body is tilted forward. On x-ray there are no signs of vertebral rotation. The pelvis is located in a horizontal plane. When lying on your back, weakness of the abdominal muscles is noted.
  • At the 2nd degree, an S-shaped curvature of the spine is visually determined. There are rotations of the thoracic vertebrae, and deformation of the chest occurs. The tilt test shows protrusion of the ribs on one side or the muscles of the lower back. Progression occurs as the child grows.
  • At grade 3, severe skeletal deformation is determined. The rib hump is clearly visible and the line of the shoulders coincides with the line of the pelvis. The venous plexus of the spine is compressed. There may be disturbances in the respiratory system.
  • At grade 4, there is a severe degree of deformation of the entire body. Growth stops, the relationship between internal organs is disrupted. Compression of the spinal cord leads to the development of paresis. X-ray reveals wedge-shaped vertebrae.

Scoliosis is a serious disease that can lead to permanent loss of ability to work (disability).

Treatment of scoliosis

Spinal deformities in children should be detected in the initial stages. In such cases, you will only need to correct your posture, physical exercise, swimming, organizing the right workspace, maintaining an adequate work and rest regime, proper nutrition.

Non-operative treatment is aimed at fixing the spine in the correct position by wearing corrective corsets, training the back and abdominal muscles. The child's room should have a special bed with a hard mattress and an orthopedic pillow.

The second degree is treated conservatively; as the process progresses, children are sent to specialized sanatoriums. A planned course of non-operative treatment is carried out in orthopedic departments. The method of traction using lateral traction is used. This treatment lasts 2-4 months. Traction is often a preoperative preparation for stages 3 and 4. The achieved level of correction is recorded promptly using special tools.

Indications for surgical treatment

  • An aesthetic defect that worries an adult or the parents of a small patient.
  • The angle of curvature is more than 40 degrees, but with incomplete growth.
  • Any deformation greater than 50 degrees.
  • Persistent neurological complications and pain syndrome.
  • Deformations accompanied by disorders of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems.

Types of surgical treatment

There are 3 methods: operations with anterior access, with posterior and combined. The essence of the operations is to introduce metal structures into the spine, which can be static or movable. The advantages of a dynamic implant: it can be adjusted, ensuring the correct growth of the child, and allows you to play sports. The design is not externally visible and can be used in the treatment of severe spinal deformities in adults. It allows you to fix the curvature and stop its progress.

Prevention of spinal curvature

  • Early detection of congenital curvatures of the spinal column (examination by an orthopedist in the maternity hospital is carried out at 1, 3, 6 months and a year) and their correction.
  • Identification of acquired deformities in preschool and school age during medical examinations and applying appropriate corrective measures.
  • Control your posture. From childhood, children need to be taught to keep their backs straight. Schools must have desks with adjustable table and chair heights. During work, it is necessary to take short breaks with walking to avoid static load on the spine.
  • Timely detection of rickets, polio, tuberculosis and appropriate treatment.
  • Preventive courses of general massage for passive strengthening of the muscular corset.
  • Playing sports to strengthen your back and abdominal muscles.
  • Swimming.
  • In the absence of limbs, it is necessary to decide on prosthetics.
  • Wearing orthopedic shoes with different leg lengths.
  • When lifting heavy objects, it is necessary to distribute the load evenly on both halves of the body.

  • Eat right, food should be balanced in terms of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, vitamins and microelements. Avoid overeating and gaining excess weight, which serves as an additional factor in the development of spinal deformities.
  • Avoid standing in one position for a long time, arrange physical exercises.
  • Organize a proper sleep schedule. The bed should be hard, and it is better to purchase an orthopedic pillow in a special salon.
  • If vision is impaired, it is necessary to consult an ophthalmologist (with reduced vision, a person may take a forced position, stretch his neck and aggravate cervical lordosis).
  • Fight depression and apathy.
  • Observe precautions to prevent injury.
  • Treat hernias, osteochondrosis, and spinal tumors in a timely manner.

Timely treatment can completely eliminate spinal deformity.

Designed to provide it with the proper level of elasticity and shock absorption during movements. Therefore, there are physiological bends that exist in every department - lordosis and kyphosis. But there are situations when deviations from the norm are observed and curvatures appear. An example of this is pathological kyphosis. Why it develops and what needs to be done to correct it, a specialist will tell you after an appropriate examination.


The appearance of backward curvature of the spine is caused by the influence of various external and internal factors on the axial skeleton. Although the axial skeleton has sufficient strength and resistance to stress, long-term disorders cause structural changes in the segments and parts of the spine. They are congenital or acquired. Therefore, the causes of cervical or thoracic kyphosis are:

  • Developmental anomalies.
  • Posture disorders.
  • Osteochondropathy.
  • Rickets.
  • Osteochondrosis.
  • Tuberculous spondylitis.
  • Paralysis of the back muscles.

Thus, depending on the predisposing factor and the mechanism of development, there are postural (stooping), degenerative, post-traumatic, paralytic, etc. Consequently, kyphosis can occur in people of any age, affecting children and the elderly relatively equally.

Thoracic and cervical kyphosis appears due to structural disorders in the spine, causing improper load distribution and deviation from the normal axis.


Kyphotic spinal deformity is a pathology that can be seen visually. But besides this, there are other signs of a subjective and objective nature. People often present complaints that can be mistaken for symptoms of other diseases, but careful questioning and an objective examination will determine accurate diagnosis. The main symptoms of pathological kyphosis will be the following:

  • Pain in the back or neck.
  • Feeling of stiffness in the spine.
  • Limitation of mobility.
  • Spasmodic contractions of the back muscles.
  • Feeling of numbness, tingling of the skin.
  • Muscle weakness in the limbs.

In severe cases, even compression of the spinal cord occurs, which leads to conduction disorders (motor, sensory and autonomic). Symptoms are largely determined by the level of damage. Therefore, we should dwell in more detail on the kyphosis of various parts of the spine.

Cervical region

If it happens backwards, then symptoms begin to appear indicating a disruption of innervation and blood flow in the head area. The main troubles arise due to brain hypoxia or venous stagnation. Such patients will feel:

  1. Headache.
  2. Dizziness.
  3. Flashing "floaters" in the eyes.
  4. Noise in ears.
  5. Pressure rise.
  6. Bad dream.
  7. Problems with memory and attention.

Sometimes, when it is pronounced during head movements (turns, bends), short-term loss of consciousness – fainting – can be observed. But their cause lies not in the brain, but in the spine.

Cervical kyphosis can be suspected based on the presence of the deformity itself, as well as symptoms from the head and upper extremities.

Thoracic region

The most common is thoracic kyphosis. This is explained by the presence of a physiological backward bend, which only intensifies under unfavorable influence. Taking into account the severity of the pathological curvature and the magnitude of the angle of inclination to the vertical axis, the following degrees of thoracic kyphosis are distinguished:

  • 1 – angle 31–40 degrees.
  • 2 – from 41 to 50 degrees.
  • 3 – from 51 to 70 degrees.
  • 4 – more than 70 degrees.

People with an asthenic build may have a kyphotic posture, but lying on their stomach straightens the spine, which will not happen with a pathological curvature. At first, the deformation is noticeable only to a specialist, but over time, others begin to notice it. Patients are characterized by a stooped position, the shoulder girdle protrudes forward, the chest flattens, and the head tilts. A characteristic hump appears. Lumbar lordosis also increases, which is a compensatory reaction designed to reduce the load on the underlying parts of the spine. With severe kyphosis, the following symptoms appear:

  • Shortness of breath on exertion.
  • Cardiopalmus.

Cardiopulmonary insufficiency may develop, the functioning of the digestive system may be disrupted - the risk of cholecystitis and duodenitis increases. Over time, degenerative changes form in the spine and intervertebral hernias appear.

Curvature of the thoracic region is associated with noticeable disturbances in the functioning of internal organs.


If kyphosis develops in the lower back, then the upper segments adjacent to the thoracic vertebrae. And in the lower ones there is a smoothing of physiological lordosis. Patients are characterized by forward deviation of the pelvic region, sunken abdomen, and rounding of the lumbar region. The pain radiates to lower limbs. At the same time, other areas of the musculoskeletal system also suffer: knee joints (due to compensatory hyperextension), feet (clubfoot). There are disturbances in the functioning of the intestines and organs of the urinary system.


To confirm pathological kyphosis, additional research is necessary. This is necessary to clarify the degree of curvature and identify accompanying conditions. They use instrumental diagnostic methods, which include:

  1. X-ray.
  2. Magnetic resonance imaging.
  3. Computed tomography.

In case of deformation of the cervical spine, angiography or Dopplerography of the vessels of the neck and head is important. It may also be necessary to conduct neuromyography and other studies confirming dysfunction of internal organs with pathological kyphosis.

The diagnostic program for kyphosis is focused on identifying structural changes in the spinal column and determining their degree.


The therapeutic program for kyphosis is determined by the level of damage and the degree of curvature. In the early stages, conservative correction is indicated, while in advanced cases it is very difficult to do without surgical intervention. But in any situation it is necessary A complex approach to therapy involving the use various methods to eliminate kyphosis.

Orthopedic methods

The severity of kyphosis can be reduced using orthopedic correction methods. They are used for any degree of pathology, but are not equally effective for every curvature. The following methods of treatment are recommended:

  • Wear a custom corset.
  • Lie on your stomach with a special support under your chest.
  • Sleep on hard.
  • Maintain correct posture.

Orthopedic correction is carried out when there is sufficient mobility of the spine, and in the case of ankylosis it is usually ineffective. Some of these principles can also be used as preventive measures aimed at preventing the development of kyphosis in predisposed individuals.

Orthopedic correction – important point in the treatment and prevention of pathological kyphosis.

Medication correction

For kyphosis, and medications. If patients experience pain, then non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Dicloberl, Nimesil) are needed. To eliminate muscle spasms, muscle relaxants (Tolperil, Mydocalm) are used. In addition, functional disorders of internal organs may also require appropriate correction.


Methods of physical influence complement the effects of drugs. Thanks to treatment procedures, it is possible to reduce the severity of pain and myotonic syndrome and improve blood flow in the affected areas. To do this, use the following methods:

  1. Wave treatment.
  2. Electrophoresis.
  3. Reflexology.
  4. Myostimulation.

Each method is used according to indications and taking into account the patient’s existing diseases. The course of treatment is determined individually.


A mandatory component of the treatment of spinal curvatures is. With the help of exercises, improved posture, strengthening of the back muscles, and expansion of the range of motion in the spine are achieved. A slight kyphotic deformity can be corrected with regular exercise. The physical training complex consists of exercises selected for each patient individually. These may include the following:

  • Lying on your back, raise your straight legs up.
  • Lying on your stomach, lift your upper body off the surface and hold it suspended.
  • From a standing position, tilt your torso forward so that it is parallel to the floor.
  • Hanging on the bar.

Swimming helps well, as it develops all muscle groups, helping to strengthen the physiological corset of the back.

Gymnastics requires patience and determination, since in case of spinal curvature it must be carried out for a long time.


Kyphosis is an indication for spinal traction. This treatment is aimed at relaxing the muscles, restoring the normal structure and biomechanics of the axial skeleton. Traction therapy can be performed using several methods:

  • Underwater and “dry”.
  • Horizontal, vertical and inclined.
  • With its own weight or with additional loads.

The most physiological is horizontal traction, which is performed in water. Then the spine does not experience additional overload.

Manual therapy and massage

Manual methods can also help straighten thoracic or cervical kyphosis. They restore the functioning of muscles and ligaments, improve blood flow in tissues, and help restore the support and motor patterns of the spine. Massage and manual therapy techniques are used in combination to provide gentle mobilization of curved segments.


With severe kyphosis or advanced deformities. Surgical intervention is intended to correct a cosmetic defect and relieve the patient of painful symptoms. First, the curvature itself is eliminated, and then the spine is fixed in the achieved state using spinal fusion and metal structures. However, it should be remembered that such correction can only be carried out after skeletal growth is complete. After the operation, rehabilitation treatment begins.

It is not difficult to get a curvature of the spine; it is much more difficult to correct it. Kyphosis requires long-term and persistent therapy, the effectiveness of which depends on the degree of deformation and its duration.