When to massage the prostate. Prostate massage: indications for the procedure and different types. After the course of procedures

Prostate massage is one of the simplest effective techniques to achieve a speedy recovery from some diseases. Often, men who have been prescribed a course of procedures by a doctor ask themselves the question: "Is prostate massage useful?"

When a urologist prescribes a prostate massage to his patients

When prostate massage can harm the patient

Positive effects of the procedure


Before getting a massage, a man needs to prepare for the procedure. On the evening before or in the morning on the day of the planned manipulation, it is necessary to cleanse the lower intestine (it is impossible to massage with an empty intestine) using an enema.

One hour before the procedure, you need to drink a few glasses of water to partially fill the bladder.

Procedure progress

The massage should be done by a trained healthcare professional (urologist, nurse) or a male relative.

  1. The man takes a position comfortable for influencing the organ: lying on his side with bent legs, standing with emphasis on the table, kneeling with emphasis on the elbows.
  2. The physician puts on disposable latex gloves and lubricates the index or middle finger with grease or petroleum jelly.
  3. With your free hand, you need to push the man's buttocks apart. Insert the prepared finger into the rectum, at a depth of about 5-6 cm to find a tubercle corresponding to the prostate. Find the frontal groove and both lobes of the gland.
  4. Make stroking movements from the periphery to the center, starting from the right lobe, for 30-90 seconds.
  5. The medic removes his finger.
  6. At the end of the session, it is useful to perform an enema with a warm decoction of chamomile.
  7. If necessary, you can collect the secretion separated through the urethra.
  8. A man should urinate after a massage session.

Possible complications of the procedure


Subject to all the rules, massage can lead to a good result. If for one reason or another it is inconvenient for a man to regularly go to the clinic, you can massage the prostate gland at home on your own or with the help of a relative.

The need to prescribe a course of procedures should be determined by a specialized doctor who analyzed the disease and possible contraindications.

Wife will help her husband by doing a procedure at home such as a prostate massage What is prostate milking? How is this procedure performed? Prostate massage: what does this procedure give and in what cases can it be prescribed?
Can prostate massage be done to men diagnosed with prostate adenoma? What is prostate massage: therapeutic effect, possible techniques, contraindications

Massaging the prostate gland involves stimulating the prostate gland in order to improve health or provide sexual stimulation. The prostate gland can be massaged externally or by inserting a finger into the anus and gently affecting the muscles of the prostate. Before we get acquainted with exactly how to perform prostate massage, we will learn more about the prostate gland itself and its functions.

The prostate gland is an important gland in the male reproductive system. It is located under the bladder, surrounding the urethra, and is about the size of a walnut. This gland performs the function of producing alkaline fluid, which, when mixed with sperm, forms sperm. The fluid it produces is 50-70% of the semen. The alkalinity of the semen helps to prolong the life of sperm in the acidic environment of the vagina and thus increases the likelihood of fertilization.


The prostate gland is partly made up of muscle tissue, which promotes sperm production during ejaculation. The muscles of the prostate gland also help control the flow of urine and prevent urination during intercourse. Among other things, the prostate plays an important role in the formation of male sexual response.

How to massage the prostate gland?

You can massage the prostate gland yourself, but it can also be done by your doctor or sexual partner. Although this procedure is embarrassing for some men, it can significantly help those who suffer from any complications associated with the prostate gland. There are three types of prostate massage - external, internal and using a special device (massager).

The prostate gland can be massaged externally by massaging the area between the anus and the base of the penis, called the perineum. The prostate gland is located just above the perineum. To begin the procedure, you need to make sure your nails are clean and trimmed.

Run your fingertips along the length of the crotch to find a small indentation on the crotch surface. This is the place to be massaged. To stimulate the prostate gland, slide your fingers back and forth over the area. This type of massage can induce ejaculation. If pain appears during the massage, it is not carried out correctly and should be stopped immediately.

Before starting an internal prostate massage, you should make sure your hands are clean and your fingernails are trimmed. If necessary, empty your bowels before starting the procedure. Then, put on sterile latex gloves and apply a water-based lubricant to your fingers. Slowly insert your finger into the rectum through the anus and move it to a depth of about 5-7 cm towards the navel. You should reach the prostate gland, which feels like a soft, round mass.

Gently massage the sides of the gland in a wave-like motion, bypassing its central part. The central region contains sensory nerves that can be damaged by intense massage or exposure to the tips of the nails. This type of massage can also cause ejaculation and should be stopped immediately if pain occurs.

There are several devices available on the market for performing prostate massage. These devices enable hands-free massage and are generally quite easy to use. Internal massage devices act on the sphincter muscles to stimulate the prostate, while external massage devices massage the prostate, affecting the perineum.

Benefits of prostate massage

  • Prostate massage helps diagnose and treat many sexual health conditions.
  • It has become widespread and is used as an alternative therapy for the treatment of prostatitis, inflammation of the prostate gland.
  • Massaging the prostate gland can help heal impotence and erectile dysfunction by improving semen flow and blood circulation.
  • Such massage can help prevent or treat enlargement of the prostate gland caused by the build-up of semen pressure in the prostate gland.
  • It can improve the flow of urine, which worsens due to an enlarged prostate gland.
  • Massaging the prostate gland helps to remove congestion in the prostate, thus reducing the likelihood of infection.
  • It promotes increased testosterone levels and may improve sexual experience.

Possible dangers

The prostate gland is a soft internal organ. Intensive massage of this gland or damage to its sensory nerves can have serious consequences. It can lead to a form of blood poisoning called septicemia. In people with prostate cancer, this massage can cause cancer cells to spread to other areas of the body. In addition, problems such as periprostatic hemorrhage can result. Therefore, it is highly recommended that you consult your doctor and get his approval before resorting to prostate massage.


The modern rhythm of life, unhealthy diet and ecology do not affect people's health in the best way, and a disease such as prostatitis has become a frequent occurrence. Representatives of the stronger sex began to encounter him earlier, and the consequences of this ailment are dire. One of the methods of salvation is considered to be prostate massage, to which many men are dismissive. Believing that they can limit themselves to taking medication, they do not pay attention to the recommendations of doctors. So, prostate massage: benefits and harms. Should we close our eyes to this procedure?

What is prostate massage for?

The prostate in men is a very important organ, its functions are to preserve reproductive qualities and the pleasure obtained from intimate life. To avoid inflammation of this organ, you should resort to a means such as massage. Thanks to such stimulation, blood and lymph circulation increases, the prostate receives more substances it needs and better gets rid of all unnecessary ones. The slightest pain associated with the prostate leads to the fact that the man becomes irritable and unhappy, begins to feel weak and general ill health.

Sick prostate massage: benefits and harms - these doubts plague many. Do not suffer, go to the doctor! The procedure is prescribed by a doctor who, after examining, decides if you need it. Manipulation helps the gland both become more susceptible to drugs and get rid of toxins formed during inflammation. There may be discharge that determines the condition of the prostate and how strong the inflammation remains. Massage helps the work of specific male organs, improves potency, erection, has a strengthening effect on the nervous system.


Doctors recommend massaging the prostate for many urological problems. Massage helps to avoid stagnation of juice in the prostate gland, removing it along with bacteria, their waste. If the inflammation is running, then only a therapeutic massage will help get rid of pus: thanks to stimulation, blood supply and lymph flow of the prostate improve.

The disease often occurs due to stagnation of blood in the gland, and massage, by improving the supply of oxygen to tissues, effectively resists this. The result is that the drugs get into the affected gland faster, their absorption and treatment efficiency improves, the risk of inflammation in the prostate and relapses decreases. Often, prostate diseases lead to problems with potency, erection. Treatment and massage help to get rid of the disease and restore the former confidence in male strength, the acuteness of feelings during orgasm, the duration of intercourse.


Massage can be harmful. If done ineptly or not applied lubricant, then the condition of the prostate can worsen, the inflammation will become more severe, and lead to the occurrence of an adenoma. Massage is contraindicated if a man has:

  • hemorrhoids;
  • stones or tumors in the prostate;
  • calcite;
  • severe adenoma;
  • difficulty urinating;
  • bacterial infection.

If the person who does the massage does not have experience and does not know exactly how to do it, then he can injure the large intestine, provoke an autoimmune reaction. In each case, it is necessary to undergo a diagnosis, get a doctor's recommendation, and another lesson or two from an experienced nurse. If you are hesitant to ask how to stimulate the prostate, there are videos available that describe the procedure from and to.

How to do prostate massage yourself at home

Massage of the prostate at home is permissible only in the absence of a strong inflammatory process in the body, otherwise any manipulation can lead to a sad outcome. If you are not sure, then it is better to be examined first, a specialist can suggest a way to improve the condition and suggest the necessary therapy. Massage can be done only two days after its completion.

During the procedure, an assistant is needed, the wife will be the best choice, she will cause the husband the least amount of inconvenience. Doctors recommend the knee-elbow position as optimal, but only a few will be able to do manipulations in this position on their own. For those who still fail, the following technique is suitable:

  • Sit comfortably on your back with your knees to your chest.
  • Hold your legs with one hand and massage with the other.
  • Prostate stimulation should only be performed when the bladder is full to support the gland itself during the procedure.


Put on the hand, which is the main one, a medical glove. Apply petroleum jelly to your index finger, then inject it into your rectum. First, you need to gently stroke the prostate from the outside towards the ducts, making sure that the movements are unhurried and careful. Then the massage becomes more intense. It is necessary to press on the prostate, increasing the force of the impact. Having found a dense part of the prostate with your finger, you should press harder, and on the soft parts, reduce the pressure. If you do everything right, you will not feel any pain.

Using a massager

A special massager for the prostate, called urological, is a device consisting of a blower, a pressure gauge, a check valve that connects the tubes, a pulsator and a working chamber. Before the procedure, an ultrasound condom is placed on the working chamber and then lubricated with a water-based lubricant. The camera is inserted into the anus, with the help of a blower it expands to the red mark on the pressure gauge.

The massage consists in forcing air into the working chamber by compressing the pulsator once every one to two seconds. It should be done within 5-10 minutes daily for at least ten days. In addition to the massage itself, such exercises will have a beneficial effect on the blood supply to the pelvic organs, their lymph supply, and will train the muscles of the gland.

Video tutorial of massage for prostatitis in men

How and what to do direct and indirect prostate massage yourself? Contraindications to prostate massage.

The prostate gland or prostate is a very important organ in the male body. It is directly related to the male genitourinary system. With any changes, inflammation and formations in the prostate, these systems fail. One of the most effective ways to treat the male prostate gland is its massage.

Can I give myself a prostate massage?

Many men are afraid or ashamed of such manipulations as prostate massage. They are even ready to risk their male health, just not to go to "shameful" procedures. Few of them know that prostate massage can be done at home when no one sees anything.

Prostate massage with your own finger: benefits

First of all, it should be said that it is necessary to engage in such manipulations only as directed by a doctor. It is the doctor who will be able to guide his patient on what kind of massage he needs to use, how long it should last and how often it should be performed.

From a medical point of view, the benefits of prostate massage are as follows:

  • improves blood flow in the organ
  • the effect of the drugs is enhanced by accelerating blood flow
  • all metabolic processes in the body are normalized
  • inflammation of the prostate is suppressed, its swelling goes away
  • together with the secretion from the prostate gland, all pathogenic bacteria come out

For men, such processes are extremely important, since thanks to them the following happens:

  • the duration of sexual intercourse increases
  • orgasm becomes more pronounced
  • increased libido
  • potency increases

Types, methods of prostate massage to yourself

Today there are 2 types of prostate massage - external and internal. In turn, internal massage is divided into the following subspecies:

  • finger prostate massage
  • hardware massage
  • hydromassage

There is also an internal form of massage of the prostate gland with bougie. However, such a procedure should be carried out only under the supervision of a doctor in a hospital setting.

How can you massage your own prostate yourself?

  • Naturally, the first thing that comes to mind when mentioning self-massage of the prostate at home is a finger.
  • Also, the prostate gland can be kneaded with the help of special devices - you can buy them at the pharmacy or do it yourself.
  • For a home hydromassage, you will need a rubber bulb with a special solution (manganese, chamomile or furacilin).

Pose for massage the prostate to yourself: photo

  • The most successful position for self-massage of the prostate gland is considered to be a position in which a man lies on his back, bending his knees and pulling them to his chest. In this case, it is advisable to spread the legs a little to the sides. A man can hold his legs with one hand and massage with the other.
  • If desired, a similar procedure can be carried out in the same position, but on the side. However, many patients note that doing prostate massage on the back is still more comfortable than on the side.
  • Some men prefer to massage the prostate in the knee-elbow position.
  • The posture when the man sits on his haunches, spreading his bent knees to the sides is also considered to be quite difficult, but convenient for performing such manipulations.
  • For problems in the joints of the legs, a man can choose a standing position in which the body must be placed on the table.
  • It is also possible to use a position in which the patient lies on his stomach with his knees tucked under him.

Direct massage of the prostate through the rectum by yourself. How to give yourself a medical massage of the prostate with your thumb: technique

Before starting to massage the prostate gland, it is necessary to carry out thorough preparation:

  1. Place of massage (bed, floor, sofa) is best covered with some kind of cloth (towel, sheet).
  2. An hour before the procedure, the patient needs to drink 1 liter of pure water so that at the time of massaging the prostate gland, his bladder is full.
  3. Before the procedure, you also need to cleanse the intestines of excess feces. To do this, it is advisable to put a cleansing enema based on a solution of furacilin, potassium permanganate or chamomile infusion.
  4. The hands of a man require special preparation - they must be thoroughly washed and their nails cut off.
  5. It is recommended to wear gloves, a fingertip, or a condom on the hand or finger that is supposed to be massaged.
  6. For better sliding, it is advisable to lubricate the rubber surface of the protective layer with petroleum jelly, special lubricant or baby cream.
  7. Immediately before the massage, the genitals and perineum must be thoroughly rinsed and wiped dry.

Algorithm of actions:

  • Having done all the preparatory procedures and lying down in a comfortable position, we insert our finger into the anus to a depth of about 5 cm.
  • On the front wall of the intestine, we grope for the prostate gland - it will somewhat stand out against the background of other intestinal tissues and somewhat resemble a walnut.
  • We begin to stimulate the prostate by gently stroking it from the sides to the center - you can alternately stroke one side and then the other (about a minute).
  • Gradually increase the pressure on the harder parts of the prostate, and decrease the pressure on the soft ones (about a minute).
  • At the final stage of the massage, we make a stroking motion downward along the central groove of the prostate.
  • With a careful movement of the hand, we remove the finger from the anus.

  • All the time the massage is carried out, a man needs to monitor his well-being - the absence of pain and discomfort is considered the norm.
  • During the massage, a man can feel a small amount of liquid (3-5 drops) coming out of him. This fluid is nothing more than the juice of the prostate gland.
  • The patient needs to empty the bladder immediately after the procedure. Together with urine, the remainder of the secretion will come out. It is also necessary to pay attention to them, since they can be used to judge what processes occur in the prostate. A clear liquid will be considered the norm, yellowish discharge indicates the presence of pus and inflammation in the gland, and bloody discharge indicates tissue damage. In the last two cases, it is best for a man to give up self-massage of the prostate and seek help from a doctor.

Inguinal, indirect self-massage of the prostate to oneself: description, diagram, video

  • We place our palms over the pubic symphysis so that they touch.
  • With the third and fourth fingers, we begin to light pressure on the skin of the abdomen.
  • Move our fingers to the right a few centimeters, taking the squeezed skin with us.
  • We do a similar manipulation to the left.
  • Move our palms up a couple of centimeters.
  • We repeat the procedure with pressure and stretching to the sides.
  • Similarly, we rise to the navel twice more.
  • Having reached the navel, in the same way, we gradually lower our hands to the pubic joint.
  • We repeat the massage on the sides.
  • After the procedure, we empty the bladder.

Indirect Prostate Massage: Video

Prostate massage to yourself with a massager: technique, scheme

  • Today, special massagers can be purchased at the pharmacy or other medical centers for performing prostate massage. When choosing such a device, it is imperative to take into account the physiological characteristics of the structure of the male body. Based on them, it is necessary to select an individual length, width and shape of the apparatus.
  • Having acquired a massager, it is also very important for a man to read his instructions.
  • It will not be superfluous to consult a doctor regarding the nuances of such procedures.
  • Typically, prostate massage with a massager is performed using the same technique as a finger massage.

Prostate massage yourself - how not to harm: tips and tricks

To prevent prostate massage from becoming nasty, the patient is advised to adhere to all the rules and advice of doctors. At the slightest sensation of pain, the procedure must be stopped. In the presence of unhealthy discharge, it is also better to refuse massage.
The following conditions and diseases can be contraindications to prostate massage:

  • Acute prostatitis
  • Hemorrhoids
  • Inflammation in the rectum
  • Inflammation of the urinary system
  • Cancer or inflammatory diseases of the prostate
  • Anal fissures
  • Fever
  • Launched adenoma

Dear Men! As much as you are ashamed and afraid of your problems, you definitely need to go to the doctor with them. Only he can help you and prescribe adequate treatment. Prostate massage is not something terrible, but it cannot be called a panacea. If necessary, this manipulation will speed up the healing process and quickly restore your self-confidence. Health to you!

Prostate massage: Video

Many men are faced with a disease such as prostatitis. Why does it appear, how to deal with it, how to properly massage the prostate, and why is it needed at all?

I will tell you about this in this article.

The causes of prostatitis

The prostate is the most vulnerable gland in a man's body. The most common reason is a sedentary lifestyle. After all, the body is given to us not only for sitting at the computer, but also for pleasure. Therefore, do not forget, and at least sometimes get up and move.

Another reason is poor nutrition. High-calorie foods, fast foods, convenience foods, trans fats. If, during the treatment of prostatitis, you correct your diet, the result will not be long in coming.

Men who have infectious diseases after the age of 40 increase their chances of getting prostatitis.

It was also noted that men who have prolonged abstinence are also susceptible to similar ailments.

The most optimal treatment is prostate massage. Who will do this, a specialist or your devoted half, is up to you. But I’ll say that there is nothing complicated in the process, and your wife can easily cope with it if everything is done correctly and patiently. Another thing is whether you entrust this process to her, and whether she will go for it. Personally, my opinion is that husband and wife should be together not only in joy, but also in illness. If necessary - make a duck, if necessary - massage the prostate.

How to do prostate massage?

To get started, you need to stock up on grease and rubber gloves. A condom is also suitable. Before the procedure, drink more water so that your bladder is full. Then he squeezes the prostate, as a result of which, it is pressed closer to the finger of your masseuse.

Next, you need to try as much as possible to relax the muscles of the hip and anus. The most optimal poses: The first is on the right side, having waited knees to a stomach. The second is to kneel on the floor or bed with a crustacean, while resting your elbows on the floor / bed.

Of course, not every man will do this with his wife, from a moral point of view, but I tell you, my dear readers, that every loving woman will be only happy to help you. And believe me, in spite of the procedure, we will do it with love, as we take great care of you and your male health.

After you have taken the right position, your spouse should put on a glove / condom and apply a generous amount of lubricant. Finger input must be performed as carefully as possible and slowly. If it hurts you, tell her about it so that she would be less assertive. The lower part of the prostate gland is located approximately at a depth of 5-6 cm.

When she has entered the desired depth, let her gently feel for it with her finger and begin to massage. Movement should be gentle, not persistent. After you get used to these movements, and they cease to bring you discomfort, you can proceed to a more intensive massage.

Massage should last no more than 2 minutes. Before finishing, you need to repeat several times by moving your finger up and down. This will squeeze out the inflammatory secretion of the gland. It is recommended to repeat this massage every 2 days.

The benefits of this massage

The fact that prostate massage will help you cope with prostatitis, I think it’s not worth talking, this is understandable. But the fact that as a result of this massage, you will get in a sexual life, I will write to you.

Impotence. This massage can help not only prevent impotence, but also help men who have experienced this. With regular massage of the prostate, blood flow to the penis increases, which helps reduce the effect of erectile dysfunction.

Enhanced orgasm. Stimulation of the prostate gives a man a chance to feel an orgasm, something like a female vaginal. From that and in our world is full of bisexuals and homosexuals. Neither I, nor you, have the right to judge these people. Everyone lives as he wants!

If, during prostate massage, you suddenly experienced a similar orgasm, you should not look for homosexual inclinations in yourself. Homosexuals are not those people who experience anal orgasm, but those who are interested in their own kind (that is, men).

Contraindications to massage

I think all of you boys are adults, and you understand that with prostatitis, self-medication is not worth it. If, after a full examination, you are recommended this treatment method, then go ahead. You can only hurt yourself.

Further, exacerbation of inflammatory processes, prostate adenoma, thrombosis, tuberculosis of the prostate gland, hemorrhoids. With these diseases, in no case do not stimulate your prostate, because the harm done to your body can be very serious.

avtor: Svetlana Krems, for the site