Peach seed oil: what is it and what is it for? Apricot kernel oil is a favorite in the cosmetology industry. What is the difference between peach and apricot oil?

30.04.2022 Repair

Today there is a huge selection vegetable oils: from affordable ones that housewives use every day, to exotic ones that are added to holiday dishes and snacks. Apricot and peach oils belong to the second category. They have been used in cooking since time immemorial. These fatty, saturated oils are very healthy and nutritious. They are valued in cooking and cosmetology for their softening, moisturizing and cleansing properties.

Use in cooking

Apricot and peach oils are produced from the seeds of the respective fruits by pressing and filtration. As a rule, cold-pressed oil is consumed. It stores everything beneficial features. When purchasing apricot oil for culinary use, you need to make sure that it is intended for human consumption, as cosmetic oils some companies may add stabilizers. Only refined and deodorized oil is used for food. Its taste is mild and almost odorless.

Apricot or peach oil is used primarily as a salad dressing, alone or mixed with other oils. The subtle flavors of these oils do not distract from the main flavor of the dish, and their rich, buttery texture envelops each bite and enhances its flavor.

The price of these oils is quite high, so they are used in small quantities when cooking holiday dishes. If you mix apricot or peach oil with spices, you get an original dressing for potato or meat salad. These oils will be a good base for the lungs. The egg yolk should be mixed with a pinch of salt and a teaspoon of sugar until they are completely dissolved. Then add a spoonful of mustard and a spoonful of apricot oil and mix everything thoroughly.

Beneficial features

Apricot and peach oils contain 20% proteins, 57% polyunsaturated fatty acids, 20% sugars, 1.6% organic acids, vitamins C, D, E, group B, pectin, enzymes, minerals: potassium, calcium, iron, magnesium, iodine and zinc.

Consumption of apricot oil helps prevent various diseases: hypovitaminosis, kidney disease, gastritis, constipation, gastrointestinal diseases, cough, hiccups, diseases nervous system, stress, illness thyroid gland, diabetes, allergies. For people with kidney disease and of cardio-vascular system Apricot oil is useful as a product with a high potassium content, which helps eliminate excess water from the body.

Interesting Facts

Apricot oil has long been famous for its miraculous effects on the skin. It has high biological activity, slows down the aging process and is used to care for dry, wrinkled skin and prevent wrinkles. The oil is well absorbed and absorbed by the skin, penetrating deeply and nourishing the skin. It is indispensable in case of shortage nutrients, adverse effects environment, has a pronounced positive effect on burns or cracks in the skin, and is used as a beach oil.

Calorie content and the nutritional value apricot oil

Calorie content of apricot oil - 899.1 kcal.

Nutritional value of apricot oil: proteins - 0 g, fats - 99.9 g, carbohydrates - 0 g

Peach oil for the face and body has an overall positive effect only through regular and correct use. You can purchase this unique extract at any pharmacy or cosmetology center. Many people believe that peach oil for facial skin is made from natural and fresh pulp of ripe fruits. This is far from true, since completely different ingredients are used in production - fruit seeds. Under pressure, this natural “life-giving” extract can be squeezed out of the hard crust. By adding a few useful microelements to it, you can offer customers an excellent remedy for combating acne and other minor defects, as well as for prolonging natural beauty and youth.

Properties of unique peach kernel extract

The benefits of the described product are limitless, but its main use is in cell restoration. Most cosmetologists advise using oil instead of face cream, the properties of which are based on eliminating wrinkles and preventing aging. Thanks to its beneficial properties and chemical composition, this product has an anti-inflammatory, moisturizing and strengthening effect, which allows you to give your facial skin the necessary tone and elasticity.

Among other things, peach oil is used in cosmetology due to:

  1. The presence of fatty acids - linoleic, stearic, palmitic and others - which lead to safe facial peeling and also affect the acceleration of cell regeneration.
  2. Cosmetic peach oil for the face is recommended for use due to its rich content of vitamins B and E, beneficial microelements - calcium, phosphorus, iron. The presented vitamins and microelements help restore cells and strengthen them, therefore the described product is used in the treatment of damaged hair and nails.
  3. The presented composition is not harmful for use by children, because the composition does not contain harmful chemicals. The product does not cause allergic reactions.
  4. Useful for use in the treatment of wounds, burns, skin lesions in the form of dermatitis.
  5. Almost any face mask based on the product described has an excellent moisturizing effect, which should be used for dry skin, and also maintains elasticity.

The use of peach oil is applicable for the procedure with any skin type. The main condition is right choice components for preparing a mask, since when interacting with other substances, the properties of the described product can radically change.

How to use peach oil in cosmetology

Now we should talk about how to use the presented composition to help your skin recover, acquire natural youth and elasticity.

Peach oil mask for oily skin

Mix low-fat cottage cheese and the main product in equal proportions. Rub everything thoroughly and apply to facial skin. After 15-20 minutes, rinse off the entire composition. It is recommended to use peach oil for the face in combination with cottage cheese to eliminate oily shine, which often appears on oily skin. You should use the mask as needed, but not more than 3-4 times a week.

Face mask with peach ingredient for dry skin
Mix a teaspoon of the main ingredient, one yolk and a dessert spoon of fresh sour cream. Apply the composition to the skin of the face for a quarter of an hour. This method perfectly moisturizes the skin, prevents its premature aging, and also perfectly restores the slightly “plumpy” oval of the face.

Facial scrub with peach oil

You can use peach oil for the face in the form of a scrub no more than 1-2 times a week. To prepare the composition you will need 2 tablespoons of melted honey, a teaspoon of the main ingredient and one pinch of peach or apricot kernel powder. The resulting mixture should be applied to the face with gentle massage movements. After a short massage, the composition is washed off.

Oil instead of cream

Cosmetic peach oil for the face can be used as a regular cream. The “cream” is applied in a thin layer to the face, after squeezing a small amount onto a sponge or cotton pad. Your task is to thoroughly rub a small amount of peach facial oil over the entire treated area. They also cover the ears and décolleté area. The above use is the answer to the question: is it possible to smear the face with peach composition?

Peach oil for face against wrinkles

Prepare an excellent composition with cream. Here you will need peach pulp in the amount of two tablespoons and the same spoon of the main ingredient. All components are thoroughly mixed, and a tablespoon of cream is added to the mixture. The mask is applied to the face for a quarter of an hour.

Peach oil for face for acne

Prepare peach oil lotion for daily use. Take two glasses of rose petals and a glass of the main ingredient. Boil the entire contents in an enamel pan until the petals are completely discolored. After boiling, the composition is left in a tight container for a day, after which the lotion is filtered. Its use on the face has two purposes - removing makeup, preventing and eliminating acne, and preventing the formation of wrinkles, as evidenced by numerous positive reviews.

Any face mask should be used as directed. You should not leave the composition on your face for more than half an hour. You only need to wash off warm water. It is better to use peach kernel oil for the face to prevent problems rather than to treat them. Apply peach oil to your face using a cotton pad or a special soft sponge.

Peach composition or apricot oil for the face?

Most representatives of the fair sex do not pay due attention to the obvious differences in peach and apricot composition. After all, these seemingly similar fruits have similar beneficial properties. However, we are talking only about the pulp, but the benefits of the substances contained in the seeds should be discussed separately.

If the product described in the article is used to eliminate wrinkles and restore skin elasticity, which results in beneficial properties, then apricot oil for the face is in most cases used to moisturize the skin, which significantly prevents flaking. Both types of oils have the same price, but their properties are completely different.

Despite the many similarities, the differences between peaches and apricots are significant. If you understand them, then it will be impossible to confuse these fruits in the future.

Despite many similarities, the difference between peach and apricot is significant

Origin of species and their distribution

Apricot is a fruit tree belonging to the Plum genus. It has been known since time immemorial, first appearing in the Ararat Valley area about 3 thousand years ago, brought there from China. Scientific name: Prunus armeniaca.

Peach belongs to the Almond subgenus. Its homeland is unknown, but its most likely origin is China. The plant was brought to Europe from Persia, which explains its name.

Both cultures are thermophilic, therefore they are comfortable in southern regions, not characterized by harsh winters. Successful cultivation apricot production is possible in much colder areas, especially now that breeders have developed many winter-hardy varieties.

Fruit qualities

Characteristics of apricot fruit:

  • yellowish-orange coloration, marked by a one-sided blush;
  • round or slightly elongated shape, which is convex regardless of the variety;
  • average weight of 30-40 g;
  • velvety skin, the pubescence of which occurs, but is not particularly pronounced;
  • rich sweet taste, possible due to the content of a large amount of sugars;
  • dryish pulp.

Features of peach fruit:

  • various color options: from yellow to dark pink;
  • many shapes, among which you can find both convex and flat, which is determined by the specifics of a particular variety (for example, the latter option is typical for fig peach);
  • average weight ranging between 80 and 110 g;
  • strong pubescence of the skin (the only exception is nectarines, which are a type of peach with a perfectly smooth surface, like a plum);
  • moderate sweetness, sometimes complemented by a barely noticeable bitterness;
  • very juicy pulp.

On average, a peach is about 2.5 times larger than an apricot, its color is more varied and it has several shapes.

The peach is about 2.5 times larger than the apricot and comes in a wide variety of colors.

Its flesh is juicier, and the skin almost always has a large number of hairs. Apricot fruits are characterized by increased sweetness, much less often characterized by the presence of a bitter aftertaste.

Differences between apricot and peach fruits include different compositions of vitamins and microelements:

  1. Vitamin A. In terms of its content, apricot is approximately 2.6 times ahead of peach. The more intense the color, the more of this vitamin there is.
  2. Vitamin C. Apricots have more vitamin C than peaches, 1.5 times - 10 mg versus 6.6 mg per 100 g of fruit.
  3. Vitamin E. The difference is that peach contains 1.5 mg per 100 g, and apricot 1.1 mg.
  4. Magnesium, primarily necessary for the nervous and cardiovascular systems. Peaches contain about twice as much as apricots.
  5. Zinc is primarily needed to maintain healthy hair, nails and skin. There is 25% more of this element in peaches.
  6. Apricots contain 1.6 times more potassium than peaches.
  7. The amount of zinc in both fruits is practically the same.

The amount of zinc in both peach and apricot is almost the same.

Other differences and features

  1. Peaches help speed up fat burning. By consuming them, you can quickly feel full, although energy value fruit is small.
  2. Despite its apparent tenderness, the peach is a very hardy tree, which compares favorably with most apricot varieties, and the only serious ailment to which it is not highly resistant is curling.
  3. The most noticeable drawback of peach is the ability to cause allergies, while apricots have this to a lesser extent.
  4. Apricot fruits are characterized by a high fiber content.
  5. Apricot oil is one of the the best means for massage and cleansing of the skin.

I started thinking about starting to use oils to take care of myself, my hair, and my skin after I went to the salon for a haircut from my hairstylist, from whom I have been getting my hair cut for a long time. I complained to her that my hair was in Lately They have deteriorated greatly, become dull, and after painting they stick out like a dandelion. And she advised me to try buying peach, apricot or almond oil for care.

At our pharmacy I bought cosmetic oils from Aspera. I immediately chose peach and apricot oils because I had used them before, albeit out of necessity, and never used them as a base along with aroma oils.

Since I often use both peach oil and apricot oil together, I will not separate them into a separate review and will describe my impressions of them in one review.

In general, I will say that both oils are cosmetic and should only be used externally. In addition to the oils themselves, the composition also contains a vitamin-antioxidant complex - vitamin C and the antioxidant "Flavor Plus". Both oils are used separately and together, as a base and independently.

********Apricot oil*********.

More precisely, apricot kernel oil. Sold in a dark glass jar. We have 30 ml 49 rubles

The oil has almost no smell at all, just a little bit of apricot kernels. The color is transparent, slightly yellowish. The consistency of the oil is not thick, probably something average in consistency.

Apricot oil is used for:

- skin care, face, body

For care when using tanning products and in solariums (my case!!!)

For hair care


*******Peach oil*******.

Also sold in a 30 ml jar, dark glass. It costs 60 rubles. At first I thought that it would smell like sweet peaches, but no, it has almost no smell, the consistency is not viscous, for example, like Vaseline or castor, closer to liquid or medium.

Peach is little used for:

- for lip skin care

Against cellulite

For hair care

For massage

Basically, I do not use these oils on their own, but in a mixture with each other or as a base for essential oils:

Patchouli Oil- nourishes, refreshes the skin, gives hair shine.

Jojoba oil- super oil! stimulates skin regeneration, eliminates dandruff, softens and moisturizes the skin

Lemon oil- gives a surge of energy, vigor, strengthens hair and nails.

Orange oil- helps in the fight against cellulite

Grapefruit oil- smoothes wrinkles, tightens pores, helps with cellulite

Lavender oil- very effective for skin diseases (acne, scars, dermatitis), reduces hair loss

Tangerine oil- I absolutely love its scent! The oil helps with cellulite and improves hair condition.

Burr oil. For me this is the most best oil for hair! In the photo there is oil in a jar that I did not buy but prepared myself at home.

****For hair****

I use peach oil, adding it to burdock oil (10% is peach oil, the rest is burdock) + one drop of tangerine, lavender, jojoba per 30 grams of burdock-peach oil


I apply oil to my hair, but I don’t heat it like burdock oil, I just iron it with a towel and put it on my head. I leave it on for 1 hour. Then I wash it off with shampoo, which I dilute 1:1 with water - this way the oil is washed off better

Your hair doesn't even need conditioner! The “dandelion” has disappeared from the hair (thank God!), and the hair itself feels thicker to the touch!

I also apply a mixture of burdock oil + peach oil to my eyebrows and eyelashes.

to grow faster and thicker!

****For body*****

The best recipe for me is a combination of citrus oils and apricot oil, which moisturizes the skin very well.

This is the combination I use for self-massage. I also mix 30 grams of apricot oil with 1 drop of essential oils of lemon, orange, and grapefruit. I apply it to my hand and then to my skin. It's very effective! If you have cellulite or dry skin, this mixture is simply ideal.

****For face****

For my face I use peach and lavender oils, adding them to the baby cream, 1 drop each. I apply cream to my face. I will say that the effect is no worse than from super expensive creams! Because of the oils, the consistency changes, the cream is absorbed better (well, for me, for sure)

Therefore, I can say that both apricot oil and peach oil "Aspers" They’re not even bad, I’m thinking of giving up store-bought balms and masks altogether for a while.

In addition, the aroma after such masks is simply super! Aromatherapy in its purest form! For example, I mix patchouli oil with apricot oil and apply it to my body! a very pleasant smell afterwards, for fans of Patchouli!

Note! Oils have contraindications and can cause allergies!

Despite the fact that the fruits of peach and apricot are very similar to each other, the difference between them is great: they have more differences than similarities.

Apricot and peach are significantly different from each other

Both crops are actively grown in the south and central zone of Russia. Low frost resistance complicates their growth in colder climates, but thanks to the work of breeders, some varieties can easily tolerate temperatures down to –30 °C.

Origin of peach and apricot

The homeland of apricot is China. From there it was brought to Armenia, Greece, and later to Italy. Over time, the culture spread throughout the world. The apricot tree belongs to the Rose Family and the Plum species.

The peach came to Europe and America from Tibet. There, in the mountain valleys, its wild relatives grew. Peach also belongs to the Rosaceae family, but is a member of the Almond genus. The almond tree is the closest relative of the peach.

Although these plants belong to the same family, there is a great difference between them. This is manifested not only in the appearance of trees and fruits, but also in their growth zone and chemical composition.

Peach is a close relative of almond

Differences in tree structure

One glance is enough to understand exactly how these trees differ. Peach is relatively low: its height does not exceed 2.5 m, but the crown is very spreading and reaches a diameter of 5–6 m. The height of apricot depends on the variety, varies from 2 to 4.5 m. The crown is compact, round in shape.

The peach root system does not lie very deep underground, so it is often damaged when digging it up. The apricot tree has very deep roots.

The leaves of plants also differ in appearance. In peach they are elongated, lanceolate, with small teeth along the entire edge. And apricots are heart-shaped, with a reddish elongated stem. Their edges are also covered with denticles.

Apricot leaves are round and heart-shaped

Differences between fruits

The main difference is the type and structure of the fruits, which also ripen in different time. Apricots, depending on the variety, produce a harvest in June or July, and peaches in July or August.

The following differences can be distinguished between the fruits of these plants:

  1. The apricot fruit is a juicy drupe with a smooth, flattened pit inside, while the peach has a grooved seed shell structure.
  2. The amniotic walls of the peach are overgrown, juicy and difficult to separate from the pit. Apricot has less thick walls. In most varieties, the seed is easily separated from the fruit.
  3. The pulp of cultivated apricot has a dense, uniform structure, while its wild representatives produce harsh fruits with fibrous walls. Color can vary from yellow to deep orange. Peach has very juicy flesh of light yellow or pinkish color.
  4. The skin of the peach is very hairy, unlike the apricot. Only nectarines are smooth - hybrids of peach and plum. Some varieties of apricot trees are prone to the formation of edging on the fruit.
  5. The apricot pit is edible. It can be sweet or bitter, tastes like almonds, and peach seeds are prohibited from being eaten. They contain amygdalin, which, when broken down, forms hydrocyanic acid - a powerful poison.
  6. Peach fruits are slightly larger than apricot fruits.

Beneficial properties of peach and apricot

Both of these fruits contain large amounts of sugar, so they are not recommended for people with diabetes. Apricot is rich in potassium, which helps support cardiovascular and kidney function. Peaches are a means to combat excess weight: the phenolic components contained in the pulp speed up metabolism and help in the digestion of fatty foods. They are used for fresh consumption, canning, making juices, purees and dried fruits. In dried fruits the concentration useful substances much higher.

Peach and apricot contain a lot of fiber, which improves gastric motility and prevents digestive disorders. Apricots contain much more of it.

Oils obtained from the seeds of these fruits are used in cosmetology to produce:

  • masks;
  • creams;
  • lipsticks;
  • mascara;
  • soap;
  • shampoos;
  • shower gels.

Apricots contain a lot of vitamin A and C. They help the body cope with colds and also have a general strengthening effect. Peach is rich in vitamins E, K and PP, which fight cholesterol in blood vessels and improve appearance skin, nails and hair.