Why does the skin peel? Peeling and dry skin (xerosis): how to treat dry skin with keeper balm. Foods rich in certain vitamins

The cosmetic defect, which is referred to as, appears on the face, around the mouth, on the cheeks and near the eyebrows, as well as on the palms, elbows, knees, and feet. It is more often encountered by women, especially those who carefully adhere to hygiene rules, and expectant mothers.

This condition of the skin may be normal, but sometimes it reminds you: it’s time to observe yourself and identify additional symptoms of health problems.

Peeling and disease

- a sign not only of externally unfavorable factors, but also possible diseases. More often these are dermatitis of various natures, endocrine diseases, and bacterial infections.

Dry skin becomes an auxiliary sign in diagnosis.

  1. The condition of the skin reflects improper bowel function. It is slowly absorbed nutrients and microelements, so peeling may appear around the mouth, on the cheeks, and elbows. This diagnosis is characterized by discomfort in the abdominal area and flatulence.
  2. . Thyroid gland, the adrenal glands and ovaries produce hormones responsible for the strength and elasticity of blood vessels and moisturizing the skin. With their excess or deficiency, the skin suffers. Dryness, tightness, and creases appear, turning into a network of small wrinkles. Hormonal peeling is often characteristic of women during pregnancy and menopause.
  3. . At elevated level blood sugar, the body tries to reduce it by eliminating excess liquid. Dry mucous membranes, a feeling of thirst, sudden changes in weight lead to disruption of metabolic processes in the skin. The skin itches and may crack and peel.
  4. Ichthyosis. The disease is hereditary, manifests itself in the form of keratinization of the skin, reminiscent of scales, hence the name - “ichthys” means “fish”. But this disease is also preceded by a lack of hormones.
  5. Eczema, seborrheic dermatitis, psoriasis. Groups of dermatitis are caused by nervous tension, hormonal imbalances, heredity, encounters with microbes, allergens. Itching, redness, cracked skin and peeling are symptoms of diseases; they can worsen and are chronic.
  6. Fungus. You can become infected if you do not follow the rules of personal hygiene. Fungus of the feet, nails, and hands is common. It is accompanied by brittleness and whitening of the nail, and the formation of microcracks.
  7. . With it, dark red spots are characterized by independent appearance, without visible prerequisites. They may be accompanied by a rash and localized on the surface of the entire body.

The list of diseases that cause peeling is wide. These include scarlet fever, autoimmune diseases, and allergies. Look at the rest of the symptoms. Based on a combination of other signs, diagnoses are made. But the problem is not always related to health.

Video Peeling of the skin LOCALLY. Dermatologist's opinion

When is it not about illness?

The skin acts as a physiological barrier between the environment and the body. It often takes the brunt of unfavorable factors. These include climatic conditions such as wind, sun, frost; quality of water for washing. Chlorinated or hard, it will definitely lead to peeling.

Frequent hygiene procedures, the use of hard towels, and soap that dry out the skin lead to a decrease in the protective function of the skin. A protective film, for which the sebaceous glands are responsible, ceases to form on the surface.

Selected cosmetics that are not appropriate for your age and their frequent use are also on the list of factors that cause skin peeling.

Use boiled or settled water for washing; purchase soap with a neutral pH value. Cosmetologists advise replacing the standard washing procedure by wiping the facial skin with frozen green tea, a slice of cucumber or chamomile infusion. But there are many more useful recipes in your home arsenal.

Folk remedies: 5 beauty secrets

There are many treatments and self-care tips to prevent your skin from flaking. From this list it is easy to choose budget and easy-to-prepare ones. It is important that they have no contraindications, and the components are always available in the refrigerator or on the cosmetic table.

They use it, it can be refined. Sometimes they take it as a basis. Add a couple of drops of almond and peach to it and apply to the area with flaky skin. This is a useful alternative to nighttime moisturizer. It soothes and prevents aging.

Use masks based on fatty kefir or cottage cheese; if you are not allergic to bee products, add honey in a ratio of 2 spoons to 1. The product is simmered in a water bath until the ingredients are mixed, applied to the skin and kept for no more than half an hour.

A mask based on ripe banana and olive oil also has a rejuvenating effect. The ingredients are mixed and the product is applied to steamed skin. The remains are washed off.

It is important to maintain proper hygiene. After washing, problem areas are treated with Vaseline, and before going outside - with moisturizing cream. And provide the body with fluid: drink enough water. And for every cup of coffee there should be another glass of H2O.

Medicine is omnipotent: 5 useful drugs

Each product purchased at the pharmacy has contraindications. You need to read the instructions before purchasing. But the benefits of ointments and creams remain external method application and, as a result, a minimum number of side effects.

If peeling skin causes discomfort, you can take it without a prescription. It is approved for use by both infants and nursing mothers, so other categories of the population also safely use it. Contains the substance dexpanthenol. It belongs to, promotes hydration and fights flaking.

Has a similar effect. It is indicated for skin lesions, prevents peeling, but turns the skin yellow. It is best used on open surfaces of the body.

Pantoderm ointment also made it into the top three. It softens due to Vaseline and beeswax in the composition. Allowed even for the smallest babies.

Increasingly, Emolium is also used for peeling of the epidermis. The product is effective for roughness and dryness leading to exfoliation. This product comes in the form of a bath emulsion, shampoo and cream. Prescribed for dermatitis, it contains vegetable oils and triglycerides of fatty acids. Differs in medical and cosmetic orientation.

Pregnant women and nursing mothers should not use it, which is approved for other groups of people with peeling. The product is based on an analogue of the adrenal hormone. It is not advisable to get carried away with the ointment, but it is effective for flaking, dryness, swelling, and also has soothing, anti-inflammatory properties.

Important! If you had to go to the pharmacy for a remedy against peeling skin, it is better to stop at baby milk, butter, or choose a lanolin-based cream. This is a natural fat that coats the wool of sheep. It is used to soften and moisturize the skin.

Dependence of peeling on skin type

There may not be a problem with peeling. It has been proven that there are four types of epidermis. People with a normal type are distinguished by elastic, pink skin, moisturized and elastic. They rarely go to a cosmetologist about peeling. With the oily type, there is excessive production of sebaceous secretions, so dryness does not threaten such people either.

With combination skin type, which is the most common, the areas around the eyes and mouth will be dry. With the dry type, wrinkles already appear in young years, the skin becomes tight and begins to peel off. People with the last 2 types have to turn to the services of a cosmetologist more often to provide the affected areas with nutrition and hydration.

Cosmetic procedures to protect beauty

When making an appointment with a professional, you expect long-lasting results and effectiveness. The possibilities of such cosmetic centers are wide. Anti-flaking treatments contain required steps. This is a peeling that cleanses the epidermis of dead particles, then promoting the regeneration of the skin.

The following procedures are often performed:

  • Mesotherapy. Vitamin complexes are injected 4 mm under the problem skin. IN in this case– hyaluronic acid. It is part of the intracellular fluid, connective tissue, therefore it is not rejected by the body.
  • Peeling – program, fruit acids. Cleanses the skin, preparing it for the next stage.
  • Intensive nutrition and hydration courses. Apply moisturizing masks.

The disadvantages of beauty salons are unqualified professionals and the high cost of individual procedures. The advantages of a center with a decent reputation are efficiency, since it is impossible to independently nourish the skin at its average depth.

Skin condition and diet

The appearance of the epidermis directly depends on the intake of vitamins, microelements and nutrients into the body through food. leads to fragility of blood vessels; if there is not enough elasticity, you need to pay attention to vitamin E; dry skin is observed even with a minimal amount of vitamin A. It is responsible for the ability of cells to regenerate.

The diet should include:

  1. Retinol, aka vitamin A. Included in apricots, liver, butter, egg yolk. There is a lot of it in green and orange vegetables.
  2. Ascorbic acid, or C, there is enough of it in cabbage, citrus fruits, spinach. Fresh greens are rich in them.
  3. Vitamin E found in vegetable fats. You need to eat 1 tbsp. oils per day - and peeling of the skin will not bother you.

It is important that with an excess of vitamins, dryness and tightness of the epidermis also appear. You need to consume everything in moderation, preferably from food rather than multivitamin complexes. In their natural form, they are absorbed faster.

When do you need to see a doctor?

If peeling causes discomfort, is accompanied by specific symptoms such as ulceration, bleeding, pain, or affects large areas of the body, contact a therapist. Based on the examination and general tests, he will give a referral to a specialist: a venereologist, gynecologist, endocrinologist.

If cosmetic procedures do not give the expected effect, also consult a doctor. If the patient turns out to be healthy, the issue can be resolved by improving nutrition and gentle care methods.

VIDEO Dry and flaky skin - how to get rid of it?

There is nothing surprising in peeling skin in winter: on the one hand, an icy wind blows on our delicate faces, on the other hand, indoor heating dries us out. Not every skin goes through these tests without any losses: it often begins to turn red and peel. It may not aggravate its roughness, and in some cases even cause it. proper care: poorly chosen cosmetics, washing with aggressive products that violate the protective layer, insufficient hydration. Also, peeling skin can indicate a lack of vitamins A and E in the body, allergies and skin diseases.
If you are faced with the problem of peeling skin, you need to take more care of it, following several rules. Firstly, forget about cosmetics containing alcohol (ethanol) - they irritate and dry the skin even more. Secondly, wash your face with gentle foams, milk or special oil and avoid more aggressive gels and scrubs with zinc and salicylic acid. The third rule is to use nourishing cream morning and evening, and go outside only when the cream is completely absorbed (after 20 minutes), otherwise it will not protect against frost and wind. It’s good if the cream contains panthenol, vegetable oils, glycerin - they soften the skin and nourish it. It is also important to apply nourishing face masks: you can buy ready-made ones or make them at home. For example, masks based on vegetable oils- almond, from apricot kernels or wheat germ: mix 1 tsp. oil with 1 tsp. honey, you can add a little banana pulp, apply for 20 minutes. You can also make a homemade scrub once a week: soak rolled oats flakes ground in a coffee grinder in cream for five minutes, then massage your skin with this mixture and rinse with water.
If you can’t get rid of peeling, you can go to a beauty salon. Depending on the condition of your skin, the cosmetologist will offer different procedures: exfoliating peeling based on fruit acids, smoothing the skin and removing dead skin scales, deeply moisturizing masks, filling the skin with moisture and restoring its protective barrier, or mesotherapy with hyaluronic acid, normalizing metabolic processes in the internal and external layers of skin.
For those who periodically experience peeling skin, dermatologists recommend drinking more mineral still water (up to 1.5 liters per day). And no, it cannot be replaced with tea, coffee or sweet soda. Also, the condition of the skin can be improved by regular consumption of foods containing omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin A (olive oil, trout, mackerel, liver, sour cream, feta cheese), or vitamin complexes and dietary supplements for beautiful skin.

The face and its even tone are one of the main advantages of a woman. But how often does it become capricious under the influence of a variety of factors and the question arises: if the skin on the face is peeling, what to do, how to restore its matte and velvety appearance in a short time? Let's find out.


Peeling never starts just like that; it is always caused by exposure to certain factors on the face. The functioning of the sebaceous glands in men is slightly different and they are bothered by this problem much less often. Women's skin is more delicate, it requires mandatory and high-quality care, and from a very young age. If it is broken, and the skin of the face is dry and flaky, what should you do in this case? First, find out why these obvious cosmetic changes could occur.

External factors

If there is itching, tightness, redness, or the skin of the face is very flaky, what to do should be decided immediately. It is simply impossible to apply cosmetics to such skin; it only further emphasizes all the flaws on it. The face becomes extremely sensitive to any kind of touch and becomes even more inflamed, and all because its protective layer is damaged, and in order to begin a quick and high-quality recovery, it is necessary to find out and eliminate everything possible reasons of this phenomenon.

The external group of factors includes everything that can affect our skin from the outside - these are sudden temperature changes, burning frost or direct rays of the hot sun. With their strong impact, they can destroy the skin's defenses and lead to very disastrous consequences. For these purposes, there is a large selection of protective products, with varying degrees of impact and individually suitable for the specified skin type. They play a significant role in our protection, and every self-respecting girl simply will not leave the house until she has applied a protective agent appropriate to a certain time of year on her face.

Skin care

We should also talk about cosmetics, if the skin on your face is peeling, what to do and how to apply it is also an important question. This problem can be safely attributed to external factors, since inept use of cosmetics, and moreover, low-quality ones or those with an expired expiration date, can lead to very disastrous consequences for the skin. It seems completely simple solution, but nevertheless, this method really works - sometimes you just need to choose the right and comprehensive care from a line of products pre-thought out by the manufacturer so that the problem disappears without a trace.

Basic principles of care

When the skin on your face is very flaky, you can understand what to do by paying attention to the rules for basic care. Are you doing everything right?

  1. The face must be cleansed daily of impurities accumulated on it, and in the evenings - of cosmetics. This ritual should be followed strictly, no matter how tired you are and want to lie down. All these particles of dust and cosmetics have a very negative effect on our skin, weakening its protective abilities. Make it a rule to wash your face every day in the right way and use the necessary care both in the morning and in the evening, before going to bed. The skin should also rest all night, gain strength and be able to recover.
  2. Washing with regular soap is a bad habit. Until a certain age, its drying effect on the skin may not be noticeable, but it is there, and every year it becomes more and more difficult to restore the balance disturbed by soap to the skin. As a result, a problem arises - very dry facial skin (flaking). What to do? Just replace the soap with a good, suitable type of foam for washing, which, acting gently on the skin, eliminates all possible impurities and helps maintain its proper balance.
  3. It is important to properly care for your face after washing. You should not rub it red-hot with a fluffy towel, as many do - until it “squeaks”, by which the quality of skin cleansing is assessed. Cosmetologists have long recommended changing the approach to these manipulations, and to remove excess moisture, simply blot your face with a special paper napkin. Any rough impact on the skin leads to damage to its upper layers, which will require long-term recovery and may manifest itself in the form of peeling and redness.
  4. You can cleanse the skin properly and deeply in a more delicate way - with the help of special tonics and lotions that penetrate into its inner layers and remove all the dirt accumulated there, thus you can quickly get rid of blackheads and acne, at the same time eliminating redness.
  5. The skin on your face dries and peels, what should you do if all the rules described above are followed? Check your care products to see if they contain alcohol? Experts have long proven that its presence in any care products has a negative effect on the skin, causing an imbalance in the water balance. Replace them with natural cosmetics, and before purchasing, spend a little time studying their composition.

Quality water is important

It is important to remember that we live in an age technical progress, When environment filled harmful substances extremely. When we go outside, we expose our skin to the harmful effects of a host of factors - polluted air, strong exposure to the sun and water, sudden changes in temperature, which are beyond our power to eliminate. But reducing their effect on the skin and learning to properly care for it is already ninety percent of success, and here the purity and softness of our water plays a big role. If the skin on your face is peeling, what should you do? Wash with clean, filtered, pre-prepared water. Start doing this daily, make it a rule to help your face renew itself morning and evening, and soon the difference will be visible to the naked eye. If there is inflammation, use decoctions useful herbs, and in the case of a clear decrease general tone It is useful to wipe the skin with ice cubes made from them.

Internal factors

If care has already been established, but the root causes have not been eliminated, why the skin on the face is peeling, what should you do in this case? This means that the point here is in the internal state of our body, which needs to be carefully analyzed. It is quite possible that this is simply a seasonal lack of vitamins that needs to be replenished.

  • Eat more chicken eggs To eliminate the deficiency of vitamin A in the body, you need to consume butter, herbs, and fruits with a bright orange color in the required quantities.
  • All B vitamins are found in abundance in cabbage, apples, brown rice, fatty fish, dairy products and black bread.
  • Seeds and all types of nuts are a real storehouse of vitamin E, which is responsible for the high-quality renewal and restoration of skin cells. There is a lot of it in cucumbers, broccoli and potatoes.
  • Don't forget about grains and oils that contribute to proper operation intestines and enrich the body with vitamin F.

Proper nutrition, in the absence of more serious diseases, will quickly bring your skin in order.

Eliminate inflammation

The skin on your face is peeling and red, what should you do? Review your diet, even adding healthy products, but leaving fast food will not achieve anything. Coffee, alcohol, chips, crackers, a lot of fatty, smoked and sweet foods are a direct path to the appearance of constant inflammation on the face and its unpresentable appearance. Nutritionists around the world strongly recommend forgetting about these products once and for all, and making your diet extremely healthy and correct. This is a matter of habit, within a month the skin on your face will clear up, inflammation will go away, and with them unsightly defects in the form of constant peeling that cannot be masked, and you simply won’t want to eat junk food anymore.

How to quickly get rid of peeling

Having found out why the skin of the face is very peeling, it is easier to decide what to do. So, we have a number of factors that lead to this problem:

Any damage or injury to the skin, most often due to improper care;

Heredity or initially dry skin type, which requires careful selection of cosmetics;

Loss of moisture due to atmospheric factors (dry air in the room, severe frost, direct sunlight, salt water, wind);

Allergic reactions to any product or medication;

Improper care, poorly selected cosmetics, used in excessively large quantities.

To begin with, you should quickly eliminate all visible cosmetic defects, and for this it is best to go to the salon.

A specialist in a beauty salon will carefully examine your face and prescribe the procedure necessary to eliminate this problem; it works best with all types of peeling:

Program peeling;

Various options for deep skin hydration;


Gentle peeling based on fruit acids;

Mesotherapy, performed with preparations containing hyaluronic acid, promotes the rapid restoration of the skin and its smoothing.

If the skin on your face is peeling, what to do should be decided by a specialist who can prescribe more serious treatment:

Often cosmetologists use a course of pharmaceutical masks containing hydrocortisone in an integrated approach;

A five percent cream based on Aquaphoror eliminates peeling very well; it is intended to treat exclusively problem areas, but it can be used for no more than two weeks, since the drug has a strong effect and is addictive.


It is impossible not to pay attention to this aspect, since it is detected in literally every second inhabitant of our planet. Those who suffer from allergies from time to time already know its distinctive signs: itchy skin, the sudden appearance of spots and inflammations on it, which involuntarily scratch, and, as a result, lead to even greater irritation and flaking.

If the skin on your face peels for this reason, what should you do? The photo indicates the distinctive features of this feature. Doctors advise using special ointments for these purposes:

  • "Trichopolus".
  • "Boro-plus."

And if medicine is powerless, then traditional methods treatments have been producing results for a long time and are very popular. In this case, a simple vinegar compress will help to quickly relieve unpleasant itching and remove inflammation. It is able to even out the complexion, remove red spots and stop the development of allergies. Just do not use pure concentrate; vinegar should be diluted by half with water before use.

Home care

Dead cells formed on the surface of the skin must be systematically and carefully eliminated, this contributes to its good cleansing and proper renewal. Therefore, to keep your skin beautiful, learn to use special scrubs to cleanse it twice a week. They can be purchased, but they always contain a sufficient amount of chemicals that we do not want, so it is better to prepare a good natural scrub yourself.

Coffee scrub

The easiest to prepare and very effective. Ideal option for lovers of brewed coffee, just mix the remaining grounds with a few drops healthy oil(castor, flaxseed, olive), apply to the face and massage it well for several minutes. Afterwards wash off warm water without using cleansers.

Cucumber scrub

In winter, the skin on your face peels off a lot, what should you do in this case? The best option What remains is the use of home methods, namely a cleansing mask based on cucumber, known for its moisturizing and cleansing abilities. Grind the cucumber using a fine grater, mix it with a couple of spoons oatmeal and let the mixture brew well. Apply the mass to the skin in a circular motion, massaging and cleansing it, during which time it will have time to be saturated with the beneficial components of the scrub and cleanse well.

Scrubs give wonderful results, but you shouldn’t overuse them, one or two procedures per week are enough, systematicity and integrated approach to solving the problem.

Useful masks

If the skin on your face peels in winter, he knows what to do traditional medicine. It is able to eliminate all defects caused by external factors, as well as fill the skin with useful and necessary vitamins and minerals.

  1. Wash your face with honey water - it's very effective way quickly eliminate flaky spots on the face. Just add a spoonful of honey to pre-filtered water, let it dissolve and rinse your face with it several times.
  2. Oil-based masks - they instantly eliminate dryness and tightness of the skin. You will need peach, grape, almond or wheat germ oil. Mix it with honey in equal proportions and apply to cleansed skin for fifteen minutes.
  3. Milk masks can relieve even severe inflammation, refresh the skin, and make the complexion even and matte. Pulp fresh cucumber mix 1:1 with sour cream (kefir, natural yogurt, cream or yogurt), apply an even layer on the face, leave for twenty minutes.

Skin care does not take much time, but gives amazing results that are best reflected in appearance and lift your spirits.

Other causes of peeling

If the symptoms of the disease are not similar to allergic reactions and are not caused by external factors, care and nutrition are established, and the skin of the face is dry and flaky, what should you do? Let's look at more serious reasons for this problem.

  1. If there are small spots and pimples, pronounced and convex, it may be rubella or chicken pox. It is better not to scratch these irritated areas of the body; stains may remain that will be difficult to get rid of; immediate consultation with a specialist is necessary to prescribe the correct comprehensive treatment.
  2. Another option for this phenomenon may be the presence of a fairly serious disease - seborrheic dermatitis, which can manifest itself in the form of redness and peeling. In such a situation, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Replacement of skin cells occurs constantly in every healthy inhabitant of the planet. In some cases, we notice exfoliated scales, but usually we don’t attach much importance to this. Visible peeling is observed in cases where the body is not completely healthy, especially when the disease affects the skin.

Why does my skin peel?

There are many reasons that can cause peeling of the skin: diseases, increased sun exposure or chapping of the skin, irritating effects of soaps and shampoos. In short, everything that can cause accelerated death of skin cells. These common causes of desquamation (separation of scales) are determined empirically; they can be eliminated without the involvement of specialists.

  • frequent hot baths, sauna. The skin adapts to high temperatures, but pays for it with increased cell wear. At a more physiological temperature, these phenomena disappear completely
  • constant use of hard sponges causes mechanical damage to skin cells;
  • household chemicals may provoke contact (allergic) dermatitis. In this case, it is necessary to perform skin tests, identify the allergen and replace the provoking agent with an analogue that does not contain a component that is aggressive to the skin.
  • low humidity, chapping– cause dry skin, which also causes peeling;
  • unbalanced or insufficient nutrition, vitamin deficiency. The skin requires a certain balance of nutrients and vitamins, otherwise the epidermal cells die faster. Peeling is a symptom of vitamin deficiency due to retinol (A) deficiency;
  • age-related changes also lead to accelerated cell death.

Peeling can be a symptom of various diseases. In case of abundant or atypical separation of scales, an urgent consultation with a dermatologist is necessary.

Seborrheic dermatitis

It mainly affects the head and face area, causing red, scaly spots on the skin, incl. scalp, dandruff. The disease is caused by the fungus malassezia furfur, or more precisely, by reduced host immunity. Fungi of this family live on everyone’s skin, but are activated only in certain cases. Seborrheic dermatitis is similar to a number of more unpleasant conditions, so consultation with a dermatologist in this case is mandatory.

Early diagnosis and treatment are of great importance. If left untreated, the lungs are affected, nervous system, kidneys - up to death.

The disease is incurable, but it is possible to convert SLE into an inactive (dormant) form, which will significantly slow down the destructive process. The main treatment method is hormonal anti-inflammatory drugs. In addition, during periods of exacerbation, courses of plasmapheresis are carried out. Stem cell transplantation techniques exist to treat SLE, but they are quite expensive and there is little research on the effectiveness of this method. Periodic courses of vitamin therapy are mandatory.

Any form of lichen is manifested by constant peeling

(squamosal lichen)- silvery scales forming characteristic plaques. For unknown reasons, some areas of the skin decide to accelerate their development cycle. The peeling and strange shape of the spots and the color of the scales are caused by the rapid rate at which skin cells are replaced.

The first lesions appear on the rubbing elements of the skin - elbows, knees, and the skin of the buttocks. In the future, psoriatic plaques can appear everywhere, incl. on the scalp and skin of the genital organs. Unlike fungal infections or eczema, psoriasis occurs on the outer, rubbing part of the joint. The disease is seasonal - it worsens in winter, or when provoked by sunburn in summer. Treatment allows you to slow down the development of the process and reduce peeling.

Pityriasis versicolor appears in the form of spots of various colors - from white to brown. The skin in these areas peels, and mild itching is possible. The spots tend to enlarge and merge, up to the entire area of ​​the affected part of the body. The disease is caused by a fungus. The easiest (home) way to determine the diagnosis is to apply a 2% iodine solution to the spot and surrounding skin. If the spots are darker, it is pityriasis versicolor (this is how the fungus reacts to iodine).

It is treated for a long time, under the supervision of a dermatologist. Solariums, beaches, etc. are prohibited.

(flaky roseola)– an acute disease that is not prone to chronicity. Leaves the patient independently 2 months after the start. It begins with the appearance of a maternal plaque, then numerous rashes form throughout the body. The rash is rarely located on the face - mainly on the chest and limbs. The scales form a sort of collar of scales around the center of the main plaque. The color of the elements is mainly pink, changing to brown as the disease progresses.

Most patients experience itching and flaking. Pityriasis rosea is treated only symptomatically - ointments and creams are prescribed to reduce discomfort.

Herpes zoster (shingles)

It has nothing to do with true lichens. Caused by one of the ones that causes chickenpox in children (Herpes zoster). Rashes in this form are located along the arches of one of the intercostal nerves.

The disease is accompanied by peeling and intense itching and pain. In addition, after a herpes attack, the healing tissues can impinge on the nerve endings, which causes severe pain. Herpes zoster especially often affects older people.

One form of disease prevention is chickenpox (history). If your child has had chickenpox, he will not be at risk for herpes zoster in old age. Treatment is standard for herpes infection (antiviral drugs). The disease is prone to recurrence.

Skin mycosis (fungal infection)

Characterized by peeling skin with constant itching. Local redness of the skin appears, usually round or oval in shape. With mycosis, blisters often form in the affected area.

The fungus tends to spread, so the peeling areas grow. Typical is the addition of mycosis of the feet and nails, as well as mycosis of the perineum. Mycosis of the scalp is accompanied by severe dandruff.

The likelihood of curing mycosis increases with timely contact with a dermatologist. Chronic mycosis is not only difficult to treat, but also provokes the development of other diseases - genital herpes, psoriasis, etc.

Almost any skin lesion is associated with a disruption of the mechanisms of local and general immunity of the body. If you want to get rid of itching, red spots and flaking of the skin for a long time, consult an immunologist.

Skin metabolic disorders due to changes in hormonal status

  • use of hormonal contraceptives often causes dryness and flaking of the skin and is the cause of a fungal infection. The fact is that selecting an individual dose of a hormone is a rather delicate process, and the drugs available on the market cannot take into account all the nuances of your body. In these cases, consultation with a gynecologist-endocrinologist helps. Manufacturers' assurances about the complete harmlessness of this product should not be trusted;
  • beginning of sexual activity, separation from a regular partner also in some cases cause peeling of the skin and provoke profuse dandruff;

Peeling skin on the face - probably most people have encountered a similar problem at least once in their lives. It all starts very harmlessly: a slight feeling of tightness and dryness, which ultimately leads to the formation of areas of peeling.

The problem can also appear on the head, in the eyebrow area. Some people are helped by nourishing and moisturizing creams, others are saved by ointments like “Rescuer”, others use medicines and go on a diet.

To choose the appropriate treatment method, it is necessary to determine the nature of the disease, after which a competent course of therapy can be established.

Self-activity in such matters is fraught with the development of pathology. How to avoid unpleasant consequences and solve this problem is described below.

Causes of peeling

Dry skin is a condition that can affect everyone at some point in his or her life, especially during the cold winter months. Although this is not a serious health problem, it can be a serious inconvenience associated with flaking, itching, irritation and embarrassment.

First of all, it is necessary to determine the nature of the occurrence of peeling. There are several main reasons leading to the formation of pathology:

  • dehydration of the body;
  • improper skin care;
  • frostbite, chapping or burns;
  • disruptions in the gastrointestinal tract, ulcers;
  • problems with hormonal levels and lack of nutrients.

You can begin to eliminate peeling only after determining the cause of its occurrence. Otherwise, the treatment will not only not bring results, but will also worsen the situation.

There is one universal way to check the severity of the problem: carry out a 7-10-day course of treatment and monitor the results. If the peeling disappears and does not reappear, then the pathology does not have serious grounds.

If this problem plagues the patient for a long period of time, then you will have to consult a doctor to determine the causes of its occurrence.

The skin can peel off from either incorrectly selected cosmetics. If you have combination/oily skin, then you should only use cosmetics for this skin type, and not for all types, or even worse - for sensitive or normal skin.

It is necessary to monitor the functioning of the sebaceous glands, the condition of the epidermis depends on this. Therefore, try to determine your type and choose the right care products.

If a problem appears in a newborn, then you should not self-medicate, but show the baby to a doctor.

In this article we will talk about eliminating peeling that has arisen due to everyday causes: dehydration, improper care, burns or frostbite.

In all other cases, treatment should be prescribed by a doctor, because doing it on your own can lead to disastrous consequences.

Some information about fungal infections

Serious peeling can be caused by fungal infections of the skin. Dermatologists use the definition of “mycosis.” The basis of treatment is the use of antifungal drugs and special ointments, which are prescribed by the attending physician.

First you need to undergo a laboratory examination, this will involve scraping the skin. Tests must be taken in the morning, preferably without washing your face for at least a day.

This will help identify the pathogen and establish competent treatment, because not all antifungal drugs have a wide spectrum of action.

The use of ointments and taking tablets without a doctor’s prescription is prohibited - this approach can lead to the growth of fungus on the skin.

Normally, every person has a skin fungus (not to be confused with). But the reproduction of the pathogen begins only when favorable conditions are created for it.

As a rule, this happens against the background of stress, poor nutrition, chapping of the skin, hormonal imbalances and improper care.

What vitamins are missing?

Often, a lack of certain vitamins and microelements can lead to dry skin. Typically, the problem arises from a deficiency of:

  • vitamins A, C, E, P and group B (B1, B6, B12);
  • selena;
  • zinc;
  • potassium;
  • calcium;
  • gland;
  • magnesium

It is this group of substances that is responsible for the health of skin, nails and hair. In general, all these substances contribute to maintaining health, but their deficiency also affects the condition of the skin. Therefore, it is important to know which vitamins are missing.

If a person observes the occurrence of problems during the off-season, then, most likely, the cause of peeling is vitamin deficiency.

Vitamin complexes help combat this problem, but their choice should be approached with care. Some multivitamins include only one group of elements, although they write on the packaging that this is a broad-spectrum drug.

To avoid making mistakes when choosing, you should pay attention to the composition of each tablet, which is described in the package insert or on the back of the package.

What to do if the skin on a man’s face peels?

Men's skin is thicker than women's, and this is explained by the physiological characteristics of the sexes. If peeling was caused by vitamin deficiency or prolonged exposure to the sun/cold, then the problem can be solved quite simply:

  • it is necessary to take a course of taking a vitamin complex;
  • include in your diet foods rich in vitamins A, E, P and group B (buckwheat, liver, butter, carrots);
  • use moisturizing creams with SPF 20 or higher;
  • apply ointments like “Bepanten” to the places where peeling is most pronounced;
  • You should temporarily avoid washing with hot water.

What else can you do if a man’s skin is peeling? It is recommended to refrain from bad habits, especially from drinking alcohol.

It is necessary to increase the amount of water taken, but to prevent overhydration (excessive fluid intake). Daily norm consumption of pure distilled water for a man weighing 70 kg is 2.1 liters.

If precautionary measures and careful care do not produce results within 3-4 weeks, then this is a serious reason to consult a doctor. The possibility of fungal infection or other dermatological problems should be excluded.

Women should treat their skin with great attention, because by nature they are blessed with a thin and sensitive dermis. In women, wrinkles appear earlier than in men, because the amount in the skin of women is naturally lower.

It is for these reasons that the fair sex is more likely to encounter problems such as dryness and flaking.

Even with complete skin care, you have to resort to cosmetic procedures and surgical intervention, but if you carefully monitor the condition of the dermis, you can delay the time of contacting surgeons.

What to do if peeling occurs in winter? Chapping is often the cause of this problem. To avoid this, you should use moisturizing creams that protect against cold and wind.

What to do at home if the skin on a woman’s face is peeling? There are a number of ways to moisturize your skin and quickly get rid of flaking:

  1. Start taking a multivitamin complex.
  2. Enrich your diet with fruits fresh vegetables, meat and dairy products. Butter in reasonable doses helps restore skin.
  3. Apply masks made from full-fat kefir, olive oil, honey, and egg yolks.
  4. Eliminate use hot water when washing (after all, half of this often begins to appear this problem), give up soap and switch to special gentle substances (foams for sensitive skin).
  5. Use face creams containing panthenol, urine (at a concentration of up to 5%), glycerin and (shea, olives).
  6. Treat areas of peeling with ointments such as Bepanten and Solcoseryl - they will accelerate the regeneration processes in the upper layers of the skin.
  7. Instead of aggressive makeup removers, use milk for dry and sensitive skin.
  8. Increase water intake in the ratio of 30 ml per kilogram of weight (if you weigh 50 kg, you need to drink 1.5 liters of water).

This is a list of basic tips for detecting problems such as dryness and flaking of the dermis.

Normally, stable, proper care should lead to the desired effect, however, if within a short period of time (up to 1 month) the situation does not improve, you will have to visit a general practitioner for a recommendation.

When pimples and acne appear, it is forbidden to use drying agents, because... This problem occurs against the background of dehydration of the skin. Using products containing alcohol will make the situation worse.

What should you not do if peeling occurs?

There is also a list of actions that are highly recommended not to be performed if dry skin is detected:

  • use peeling ( , );
  • try to remove dead skin particles (with a washcloth or homemade peeling products);
  • apply powder to “cover” defects (this will only aggravate the situation and highlight the peeling even more, drying out already dehydrated skin);
  • use fatty creams that clog the skin around the clock;
  • steam the skin when inhaling, visiting saunas and baths.

Any aggressive impact on the upper layers of the dermis will only aggravate the situation and injure it even more. This problem must be dealt with as delicately and carefully as possible.

All owners of sensitive skin should know that tap water saturated with chlorine and other antiseptics causes severe dryness skin.

Frequent visits to the pool can cause serious problems Therefore, every time after attending training, it is necessary to use moisturizing and nourishing creams to prevent drying of the skin.

Question - answer

You need to understand that the condition of the skin also depends on the water with which a person washes his face. It can be very dry and lead to disruption of microflora. This also happens if a person washes his face using regular soap.

This often happens due to the development of psoriasis or psoriasis. In the first case, the lesions will have a yellowish or brown tint.

It is impossible to accurately answer this question, since there are various reasons that provoke such a symptom. This could be psoriasis, dermatitis, lack of vitamins, etc. Therefore, it is better to go to a dermatologist.

Peeling skin around the mouth

Many of these reasons, at first glance, have nothing to do with skin diseases, especially in the area around the lips. But, if you examine each of them more carefully, much becomes clear.

For example, alcohol leads to dehydration. And products with lanolin do not allow the delicate skin of the lips to breathe, which leads to clogging of the pores, and then to drying out the upper layers of the dermis.

How to quickly get rid of the problem?

Cheilitis is not so easy to deal with and ordinary creams or healing agents will not be able to have the necessary effect.

There is one effective method, which is prescribed by experienced dermatologists: you need to mix Solcoseryl and zinc ointment in a 2:1 ratio.

Solcoseryl is available both in the form of a gel and an ointment, but to treat this ailment you will need an ointment - thick, white, with a light characteristic aroma.

The resulting mixture must be thoroughly mixed and then applied in a thick layer to the affected areas of the skin. Store the product in the refrigerator and apply as needed.

After application, the ointment will begin to melt on the skin. After 30 minutes, the remaining product can be removed by blotting it with a soft paper napkin. A new layer can be applied immediately.

The combination should be used until the skin is completely restored and applied as many times as needed. Cheilitis, which can disturb the patient for a long time, will disappear in less than a week.

If this remedy does not produce noticeable results within 10 days, then you need to seek help from a doctor.

The topic of peeling skin on the face is very extensive, it is difficult to cover it in several chapters. You need to know that each person may have individual causes of pathology. Anna Avaliani

practicing cosmetologist

Often the problem appears due to the influence of external factors. It could be cold, inappropriate cosmetics, etc. People often think that peeling occurs only in those with dry skin, but this is not so. The problem can also affect people with oily skin. I advise you not to wash your face with regular soap, as it dries it out, and products that contain alcohol are also not suitable.

Aisha Baron

plastic surgeon

Determine your skin type, and then select suitable skin care products. A variety of foams and gels are great for washing. Don't rub your face too hard with the towel, just blot it slightly. After this you need to use tonic and cream. Before going outside in frosty weather, you should apply cream to your face 30 minutes before.

If the use of classical means of protection does not produce results, then it is necessary to consult a doctor to determine the presence of certain diseases. The problem cannot be ignored for a long time, otherwise it can lead to chronic diseases.