Gift for March 8th to a 12 year old girl. Ideas for original gifts for Women's Day

The holiday of March 8 is a long-awaited day for any representative of the fair sex, regardless of age. Even very little ones look forward to cute gifts, and even more so for older girls. And then the difficult question arises: “what can you give to a girl 13, 14, 15, 16 years old on March 8?”

Since the eighth of March is a ladies' holiday, surprises that successfully emphasize the charm of a girl will not hurt at any age. It is not so easy to please a child of this age with a future gift, best solution– build on the interests of the future recipient of the surprise. And remember that there is a category of surprises that are equally attractive to any girl, regardless of hobbies and interests.

How to give a girl your present?

Maybe it will be a discovery for some that not all girls adore fanfare and elaborate presentation of a gift; for many, it is the surprise itself that is important, and not the pathos around it. Although a little festive “tinsel” never hurts.

How to add a touch of romance to your holiday greetings? We offer a couple of interesting options for consideration:

Note As a rule, relatives and parents know what exactly the girl is interested in. And knowing this, you can easily choose the most successful gift for March 8th for a girl 13, 14, 15, 16 years old. Well, if certain doubts still arise, there is always a way out - to unobtrusively find out what the young lady wants and dreams of.

Unforgettable experiences for girls on March 8

Do you want to give a girl a truly unforgettable surprise that will evoke indescribable admiration? Feel free to choose a present-impression for a girl 13, 14, 15, 16 years old on March 8th. The imagination here is limitless! Here are a couple of examples:

Surprises from a series of fun ones for girls on March 8

At the age of thirteen to sixteen years old, you can present something really cool on March 8th. Below we offer a list of fun surprises for a girl 13, 14, 15 years old:

Attention! All the girls love the festive atmosphere around them. Therefore, in the process of preparing your congratulations, be sure to pack the surprise in an original way. You can also choose a variety of stickers with inscriptions, these can be heartfelt words or cool phrases.

Presents from the “useful” category on March 8 for girls

Practical gifts are also good choice for any holiday, and March 8 is no exception. They will always be useful to the recipient in the future. To make your choice easier, we offer a list of good practical surprises for a girl aged 13, 14, 15 and 16 years old for the holiday of March 8:

Advice Talk to the girl more and try to understand her interests and tastes. Do not impose your own preferences and desires. And then your present will absolutely hit the mark!

Inexpensive does not mean banal

Below in the article we have prepared a list of inexpensive, interesting surprises for girls on March 8 at 13, 14, 15, 16 years old. What you can choose:

We recommend Having decided to present it to the girl on March 8 inexpensive option gift, pay close attention to the quality of such an item. It is better to choose a small accessory of excellent quality than an obvious fake of something pretentious and expensive. You can also complement the gift with an unusual bouquet of Kinder surprises.

A couple more options for cool girly surprises for March 8

A good present for a 13th and a 16th birthday are sometimes completely opposite things. But in both cases, you can choose something worthy. For a girl entering the difficult period of “adolescence” (thirteen to fourteen years old), we offer:

If the future recipient of the surprise is already fourteen to sixteen years old, then you can present something more mature. We recommend:

  • so-called “helium anthill”. What is he? Inside the glass anthill there is a gel that the ants feed on. It's funny, you'll agree;
  • unusual columns “Dancing fountains”. What's the trick? In such products, the water is illuminated and moves to the beat of a musical composition;
  • special microphone for computer. In our time of general computerization, this is a truly irreplaceable thing, especially when the microphone is effectively designed;
  • set for marigold design. Good idea a present for a real young fashionista;
  • unusual glowing pillow. A super cute little thing that will make every true girl happy!

Delicious surprises for those with a sweet tooth on March 8

Almost all girls of any age have a sweet tooth. Oh, how they love to pamper themselves with a variety of delicacies! And why not give a girl 13, 14, 15, 16 years old a chic, delicious gift on March 8? So, choose:

As you can see, for young people aged thirteen to sixteen years, you can always choose a mass interesting ideas and options for gifts that will really please the girl on this spring day. Above we have listed the most popular ones that will appeal to all young girls. With such a list it will be easier for you to choose something worthy.

You can always choose a cool present for the future hero of the occasion, from inexpensive simple things to luxury surprises. And remember that your sincere attention and love are important.

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  • What can you give to girls in grades 9, 10, 11 on March 8?

On International Women's Day, it is customary to give gifts and congratulations not only to women, but also to little girls, since they are primarily considered the embodiment of delicate beauty, softness, and defenselessness. Girls are actually carriers of real feminine traits. From childhood, a girl must understand and share such an important role in this world and feel protection and tenderness from the male sex. First, she will accept gifts from her dad and brother, then from her neighbor at school, and then from her beloved man with children. For this reason, children should select gifts for March 8 carefully and with full responsibility in order to form the correct traits and appearance of the worldview in the girl.

Gifts for girls on March 8

Nowadays, everyone treats women, girls, and grandmothers with respect. Women are considered the weaker sex than men. They give up their seats on public transport, and open doors for women. They are also given flowers, jewelry and other gifts. Today it is difficult to imagine a completely different picture. But many years ago everything was completely different.

About 200 years ago there were simply no schools for girls; they were not allowed to go to regular schools. There was an opinion that the female race does not need to acquire new knowledge and develop, it is enough for them to lead household and raising children. Women's rights and freedoms were severely infringed. For example, women's voices were not taken into account in elections, women were not allowed to be leaders. In return, women could work in factories and factories. Working there was very exhausting for women and did not bring good financial resources.

Of course, women did not like this arrangement at all. And there were even those who decided to object to this state of affairs. For this reason, in the 20th century, women decided to assert their own rights and responsibilities. The demands and numerous complaints of women who worked hard in factories were heard. In 1908, a demonstration was held in the American city of New York, led by Clara Zetkin. After 2 years, it was decided to celebrate a new holiday on the calendar every year - Women's Day.

IN Russian Federation This holiday was celebrated for the first time only in 1913. It was from that year that every year women not only received special attention in their direction, but were also reminded of their own rights.

Currently, the holiday has already lost its political connotation. When the USSR collapsed, March 8 became just one of the joyful holidays. In addition to a reminder of women and their beauty on this day, March 8 also represents the arrival of spring.

Children's gifts for March 8

  1. Girl aged 2-3 grade.
  2. High school.

At any time, any girl wants a certain gift for March 8th. In more younger age You can simply ask the girl what gift she wants for March 8th. In this way, you will be able to avoid all sorts of childish whims about “the gift is wrong, the doll is wrong, and I don’t want a dress at all.”

Gifts for first grade girls.

At the age of seven, a crisis occurs in the child’s psyche when the leading activity changes from constant play to study. A child’s interests change, and accordingly, their desires change. Therefore, it is very important for girls to be given all due protection and care during this time. Dad and mom are always obliged to be close to their little, shy first-grader: support her in everything and, of course, pamper her. After all, children grow up so quickly, then you want to pamper them, but they have already flown away from the family nest. International Women's Day is a good reason to buy not only useful things as gifts for your child, but also to fulfill her wishes.

What gift should I give a first-grader girl on March 8?

Focus on her desires. But if the girl does not express any wishes or you want to surprise your daughter, give gifts that are suitable for this age:

  • Little lady's suitcase - in such a suitcase a little fashionista will be able to put her own jewelry, hair clips, elastic bands and other things that are very important for a girl of this age. In addition, such a gift for a girl on March 8 will teach that all things should be in their places, especially children's hairpins and elastic bands.
  • A stylish children's handbag with a wide belt - your daughter has already matured and you should get used to the fact that she is no longer interested in babies and dolls in strollers. She wants to stand out beautifully against the background of her other first-graders and girlfriends. The time comes when your child will ask you for stylish things, beautiful handbags, and all because girls look up to their mothers.
  • Night light ball. Is your daughter afraid to sleep alone? Maybe she's afraid of the dark? In this case, a night light will resolve the issue. There are many models of night lights on the market that, on the contrary, will calmly put your baby to sleep. As a gift for children on March 8, you can use starry sky projectors - a fairly popular night light with soft light that displays stars and the moon on the walls and ceiling. The picture displayed may vary, let your daughter choose the one she likes.
  • Bed linen with images of your favorite cartoon characters. Continuing the question about independent sleep. Help will be provided by beautiful bedding, which will depict characters from your girl’s favorite cartoon. This gift is suitable for a 7-8 year old girl.
  • Pajamas with cartoon characters. No less attractive for a girl will be soft pajamas with her favorite characters. In such pajamas you will definitely have only vivid and magical dreams.
  • Kits for creativity. If your child is growing up to be quite a creative person, be sure to support this. Buy the necessary sets based on your child’s interests. For example, a set of pencils, felt-tip pens, paints for those who like to draw; a small toy piano for a musical girl, kits for weaving bracelets from rubber bands.

Girl aged 2-3 grade

Your daughter is growing faster and faster and has less and less time for fun activities and games. Never scold a child if she suddenly decides to play, conduct an experiment, or do something with her own hands. It is not recommended to give a gift for a girl on March 8 that is related to educational activities. Give this only if she herself asks you for it, since the educational process is already considered the most important part in the life of an 8-9 year old girl.

What gift should I give for March 8th to a girl 8-9 years old?

  • Personal diaries and notebooks in bright and colorful covers. At this age, girls already have their own secrets, which she will not want to share with her parents, but will happily share with her diary. She will keep all her most important experiences, joys, and achievements. Never look at the diary in a way that your daughter will notice. Such a turn will greatly upset her. It’s better to take time and control what you write when your daughter is not there. Such a gift for March 8th for an 8-year-old girl will be the most interesting and optimal.
  • Bicycle, roller skates, scooter and other gifts for active play. Despite the fact that it’s not quite warm outside yet for rollerblading, your daughter will be delighted with such a gift and will look forward to warmer weather.
  • A cookbook for girls with bright illustrations. Such a gift for March 8th for an 8-year-old girl will be very useful, since at this age girls begin to be interested in how food is prepared. Encourage this and give appropriate gifts.
  • Big teddy bear. Every girl dreams of such a gift. The bear will certainly become her favorite toy. Give your child soft toys, because later she will grow out of this age, but she will have a pleasant memory.
  • Sets of experiments. Lately In stores you can find many kits for children that help carry out interesting experiments. For example, give an 8-year-old girl a magical tree as a gift on March 8, which will grow into bright crystals before her eyes.

High school.

Secondary school is already adolescence, 11-14 years old. It seemed that just recently the girl asked for dolls as a gift for March 8th, but now she no longer needs them. At her age, cosmetics, shoes, beautiful and fashion clothes, a handbag instead of a pink children's briefcase. And in this case, nothing can be done - girls want to look good and impressive, and changes in the body are to blame for this.

Yesterday's child at home is today already a teenager. And adolescence, as we know, is a difficult time. Don't get angry if your daughter suddenly puts on your lipstick or maybe she took your mascara - she's growing up. What gift for March 8th is suitable for a girl of this age? Of course, you can give a new phone, a player, jewelry, and cosmetics, but such gifts can be left for all her subsequent birthdays and the New Year. International Women's Day is a reason to celebrate, not spoil your children.

  1. Board games. Give it to your girl interesting games who develop erudition. She will happily play such games with her friends or parents on warm family evenings.
  2. Cognitive sets. Your daughter may be interested in solar energy and electricity. Or an amazing crystal growing kit.
  3. Creative sets. Surely your daughter is interested in something - drawing, needlework, painting ceramics, etc. You can give similar sets to your daughter on March 8th.
  4. Beautiful dress and shoes. As teenagers try to measure themselves against who is best dressed, good gift on March 8th for a girl - a dress and shoes. You can be sure that she will wear it to school literally the next day.

International Women's Day is a good time to tell your girl how wonderful she is. The right gifts for March 8 will perfectly emphasize the fact that you are undoubtedly proud of your child.

What to give children as a gift from dad on March 8th?

Of course, when choosing a gift for March 8 for your granddaughter or daughter, you should initially take into account her age, interests and hobbies - some girls love to draw, others enjoy a complex construction set. And all because every child is an already formed person with his own interests and character.

Grandfathers spoil their granddaughters even more than fathers. Let's figure out what kind of gift the strong half of humanity can give to granddaughters and daughters on March 8th.

  • A set of harmless cosmetics for children. Of course, every girl looks at her mother and sees how she puts on makeup when she goes out somewhere. Unwittingly, the girl also begins to show interest in cosmetics. But adult cosmetics can be harmful to children's skin. Therefore, children's cosmetics were developed on a harmless basis. Now your baby can put on makeup with her mom.
  • Hair accessories. Many girls have long hair, so you can choose hair sets as a March 8 gift for your granddaughters and daughters. These can be beautiful elastic bands, headbands, hairpins, etc.
  • Handbag. A comfortable backpack or handbag with a character from your favorite cartoon series is an excellent gift for granddaughters and granddaughters on March 8th.
  • Jewelry for children. There are many sets of jewelry for children that your little one will appreciate.
  • Accessories for a children's room. You can give your girl an interesting bean bag chair or a donut pillow.

Gifts for girls on March 8 at school

Children's gifts for March 8 at school can bring quite a lot of trouble for the parent committee. Parents are required to take into account the age and preferences of girls in the class, but it will be difficult to please everyone. Gifts at school must be the same for every girl so that there is no misunderstanding. Consider below children's gifts for March 8 at school.

  • A box for storing secrets. Good option gift for teenage girls who dream of hiding all their girl diaries and secrets in a safe place.
  • Cosmetic mirror with an interesting shape. There may be different options: chocolate, Oreo cookies, heart, etc.
  • Notebooks and personal diaries. Girls really like to keep profiles for friends and other things.
  • Cosmetic bag. A small cosmetic bag can also serve as a pencil case for school supplies.
  • Hairbands and other accessories. Girls love theirs long hair and beautiful hairpins and elastic bands will always be an irreplaceable and joyful gift.
  • Cups with interchangeable pictures. Chameleon cups will undoubtedly delight girls and will be an excellent children's gift for March 8th.

There can be quite a lot of options. Each children's gift for March 8 should be wrapped in a beautiful package and put there with a beautiful card with congratulations from the boys of the class.

With the onset of spring and preparation for the first spring holiday, parents, teachers and boys begin to think about what to give a girl on March 8th. A gift for a young representative of the fair sex should be special and suitable both in age and in the theme of the holiday.

It is worth remembering that March 8 is a day of solidarity for working women, and not just a holiday of spring and kindness. Therefore, this day should remind growing girls of their capabilities and fortitude.

In addition, traditional flowers and sweets are more suitable as gifts for older women and girls and are more formal and business-like in nature. At the same time, a girl can receive toys, cosmetics, and trinkets for any other holiday - birthday or New Year.

Girls are different. Not all girls enjoy playing with dolls and cross-stitching. Many girls prefer to assemble construction sets, ride a bike or paint the walls in their room.

Any activity you enjoy can become a good hobby, develop a creative eye, or physical strength. You only have to watch a child to understand what he needs to be happy.

Therefore, only parents, knowing their child, will answer exactly what can be given to a girl on March 8th. However, there are several universal gifts that can interest a girl or give some ideas to relatives and friends who are desperate in search of a present.

What can you give to a girl:

Present Description

Books. This could be a great gift for girls who love and don't like to read. If a girl likes certain books, then you can try buying her something new from her favorite author or genre.

For example, if a girl likes books about Harry Potter, then you can offer her other fantasy authors - Pratchett, Tolkien, Dahl. These authors have both serious works and books for children.

A girl who doesn't like reading may like interactive books with lots of illustrations and interesting tasks.

Plant. This gift will decorate a girl’s room and teach the girl responsibility, because the plant needs to be looked after, watered and provided with light. If the girl is quite active and disappears all day in class and on the street, then the gift may be unsuccessful.

But needlewomen and homebodies will absolutely love it. It is better to choose small, unpretentious young plants without inflorescences.

You can set a task for the girl: if she takes care of the plant properly, it will bloom beautifully and decorate her room.

Kits for creativity. This is a difficult choice because ready-made sets There are very, very many items offered by craft stores.

Sets include everything necessary materials, as well as instructions for creating any kind of craft: from cross stitch to stained glass.

Alternatively, you can choose from a variety of puzzle games, including jigsaw puzzles.

Notebooks and diaries. Many girls love to keep a diary and write down their thoughts, so a beautiful notebook can be a wonderful gift.

Bookstores also offer ready-made illustrated diaries on certain topics.

A watch is a useful gift, especially if the girl is constantly busy, goes to clubs and sections and needs to keep track of the time.

A beautiful watch with cartoon characters or simply an original design will decorate your wrist and remind you of the time.

Of course, there can be many more gift options. It all depends on the personality of the girl herself and the budget available to the donor.

Advice! Don't just give a sweet gift. Candy can be an addition or a polite gesture from the guest. Little girls, as a rule, receive a handful of candies for every holiday, so March 8 won’t stand out in any way. In addition, teenage girls are unlikely to appreciate sweets as a gift, especially from a loved one.

March 8 – good reason to find out what the girl lives and thinks about. This is a day of respect for women of all ages, so it is better to give the girl small, but useful and practical gifts than to formally make do with trinkets and sweets.

The best gift is handmade

Parents, brothers and sisters with a creative approach always know what to give a girl on March 8th. If your head doesn’t give you rest, and you have plenty of time for creativity, then you can come up with something original and original. Even simple thing, made with love, can pleasantly surprise and make a young lady happy.

Several ideas and master classes for hand-made gifts are offered, and the video in this article will clearly show how to make a gift for a girl.

So, the simplest thing you can make is a postcard. A simple card with satin flowers looks beautiful and spring-like.

To make such a postcard, you need to prepare the following materials and tools:

  • satin fabric;
  • canvas or canvas;
  • thick paper for the base of the card;
  • thread and needle;
  • glue;
  • scissors;
  • beads;
  • candle and matches.

Instructions for implementation:

Action Description

cut a small square (about 7x7 cm) from the canvas and unravel the edges to create a fringe;

cut circles from satin fabric different sizes for petals;

singe the edges of the candle so that they bend slightly;

connect the petals together, sewing a bead in the center, as shown in the photo;

make leaves: cut ovals from green fabric and singe along the edges;

make several colors, repeating steps 2-4, and try on all the details on the canvas;

glue the elements to the canvas;

bend the paper in half to make a blank for the postcard;

glue the canvas with flowers on top of the card;

the postcard is ready!

The box is a great gift for a girl. You don’t have to do it yourself, just buy and paint the blank or decorate it in decoupage style.

The box itself can be made from matchboxes, gluing them together and decorating them with scrapbooking paper, lace, ribbons, and accessories. You can also cover a cookie or candy box with paper or fabric, transforming it into a box. It may turn out to be an original author's item.

It is recommended to watch what other gifts you can make from scrap materials in the selection of videos:

Advice! If you can’t create something yourself or simply don’t have enough time, don’t despair. You can buy a gift and wrap it yourself. Packaging can be the most unusual of ordinary materials. Just look at a few packaging options to get inspired.

For my son on February 23rd. Today we have an equally interesting task. The spring holiday of March 8 - International Women's Day - is coming very soon, so we will talk about what gifts you can give to girls. But first, a little history.

What to tell your daughter about March 8?

We are accustomed to the fact that nowadays everyone treats girls, young women, mothers and grandmothers with great respect. Representatives of the female gender are given seats, doors are opened for them, they are entrusted with important responsible work... And girls and women are also given flowers, sweets and other pleasant gifts, and not only on holidays! Today it is difficult to imagine that many, many years ago everything was completely different.

Just 200 years ago, girls were not allowed to go to school - or rather, there were simply no schools for girls! It was believed that they did not need to acquire knowledge like boys, because they were not needed to manage the house or raise children. Women's rights were also severely limited. For example, women could not vote in elections or hold leadership positions. Instead, they were given jobs in factories and factories, the work of which was very exhausting, took a lot of time and did not bring much income.

Of course, women did not like this state of affairs. Therefore, at the beginning of the twentieth century, they decided to declare their rights. The complaints and demands of women working in factories were heard when a demonstration led by Clara Zetkin took place in New York in 1908. Already in 1910, it was decided to annually celebrate a new, wonderful holiday - International Women's Day.

In Russia, Women's Day was first celebrated on March 8, 1913. Since then, every year, representatives of the fair sex not only received special attention, but also did not forget to remind them of their rights and opportunities.

Over the years, March 8th has lost its political connotation. After the collapse of the USSR, it remained one of the most pleasant and joyful public holidays. In addition to the personification of femininity, beauty and good mood International Women's Day also reminds us of the arrival of spring, which we look forward to every year. This means that on March 8 the whole world becomes more cheerful, kinder and happier.

Day 8 March is awaited not only by adult women, but also by little girls. They know that in honor of this holiday they will be given gifts, like for a birthday or. And who doesn't love gifts? That's why to the International women's day you need to prepare responsibly if you have a daughter.

For first-graders. Sweet, fragile, shy first-graders need your care and attention throughout the year. Agree, first grade is a turning point in the life of every child. This is a year of change, self-organization, a time of making new friends and new responsibilities. Therefore, parents should always be there: support and, of course, pamper! March 8th is a great occasion to buy not only useful, but also, most definitely, very pleasant things.

Gift for a first grader A young lady's suitcase - for fashionistas who love jewelry, unusual hairstyles and secrets. A stylish handbag with a wide long belt or an adorable articulated doll. A night light ball that emits soft light, silhouettes or the starry sky onto the walls and ceiling, bed linen or soft cozy pajamas with bright images of characters from your favorite cartoons - so that you can have pleasant dreams about magic and miracles. And for creative girls - a set of felt-tip pens for drawing on fabric or a set for embroidery with beads or floss.

2-3 grades. The girl is growing up, and there is less and less time for entertainment. Try not to deprive your child of the opportunity to play something fun, experiment, make something with his own hands, or just have fun. We advise you not to give your daughter gifts related to her studies (unless, of course, she asks for it herself), because study is already the most important part of a schoolgirl’s life.

Gift ideas for March 8th for a girl Notebooks and diaries in colorful covers with cats, bunnies or hearts for storing the most important and secret information. Ahead of its time - a beautiful bicycle, rollerblades or scooter, so that in May you can ride as much as you want! A cookery book with bright illustrations and step-by-step instructions - for little housewives. And for the soul - a large teddy bear and a magical tree that grows with bright crystals on a cardboard base right before your eyes.

High school. Girls grow up very quickly. Just recently they played with dolls, but today they dream of real cosmetics, wear high-heeled shoes and a miniature handbag instead of a large briefcase. And nothing can be done about it - they want to look fashionable and beautiful at the age of 11-12. Of course, you can give your teenage daughter something ultra-modern: a new mobile phone, mp3 player, perfume or jewelry, but leave it until your birthday. March 8th is a reason to please, not spoil.

Gift for a girl 10-12 years old on March 8 Board games - for attention, luck, accuracy or simply educational - for cheerful girls and friendly company. A learning kit for learning about solar energy or electricity, as well as an amazing kit for growing a real crystal, will appeal to those who love to learn. For creative girls - kits for drawing, handicrafts, scrapbooking, painting on ceramics and other kits. Puzzles and puzzles will help develop logical thinking and keep your child engaged. An elegant dress or shoes will also be a win-win gift option.

March 8th is a great opportunity to once again tell your daughter how smart and beautiful she is. Properly selected gifts will perfectly emphasize how proud you are of the girl, how pleased you are to please or surprise her. The main thing is, don’t put off buying gifts until the last minute, rush is a bad help.

Virpi Richter,
expert of a German online store of children's goods,
clothes and toys