Mesomorph training for weight in the gym. Nutrition for a mesomorph - features, products and sample menu. Overtraining or underrecovery

27.09.2020 Electrics

Physiologists distinguish three body types: ectomorphic , mesomorphic And endomorphic .

Knowing your body type is an important part of the training process. Knowing your characteristics, you can easily choose the one training program, which will be more effective for further progress.

To determine your body type, measure your wrist circumference. For adult men of average height, the following scale has been adopted: if this indicator is in the range from 15 to 17.5 cm, this indicates a fragile bone foundation, from 17.5 to 20 cm - medium, and over 20 cm - strong. Typically, the wrist circumference is proportional to the ankle circumference, which is almost always 5-6 cm larger. However, in some people, the lower half of the body is more massive than the upper: for example, the wrist can have a girth of 16.5 cm, and the ankle - 25 cm. It also happens the other way around, when the ankles are almost no different from the wrists.

These body types are not universal for every person. Many people have characteristics from different body types. Combinations are most often found between ectomorphs and mesomorphs or between mesomorphs and endomorphs. It is not uncommon to meet a person who is a pure mesomorph, but at the same time gains weight like a true endomorph.

Workout programs for every body type

1. Ectomorph

If nature has “rewarded” you with an ectomorphic body type, do not despair. On the one side quick exchange substances prevents effective weight gain, but with the right approach, these “disadvantages” can easily turn into advantages. The main attention should be paid to basic exercises. Training should be intense and last no longer than 45 minutes. For each muscle group you need to do 4-6 sets of 6-8 repetitions, this will ensure the maximum possible progress. It is for the ectomorph that the rule “More is not better!” is very important.

Training program for ectomorph:

DAY 1 (legs, shoulders)

1) Squat 3x8
2) Leg press or hack squats 3x6-8
3) Standing barbell press from the chest or behind the head 3x6-8
4) Seated dumbbell press 2x6-8

DAY 2 (rest)

DAY 3 (chest, triceps)

1) Bench press 3x8
2) Incline bench press or push-ups on wide bars 3x6-8 (with weights)
3) French bench press or standing 3x6-8
4) Arm extensions on a block while standing 2x6-8

DAY 4 (rest)

DAY 5 (back, biceps)

1) Wide grip pull-ups (with weights) 2 to maximum
2) Deadlift 3x6-8
3) Bent-over barbell row or 2x8 T-bar row
4) Lifting the barbell for biceps 3x6-8

DAY 6-7 (rest)

2. Mesomorph

Mesomorphs are most predisposed to strength sports. They have naturally developed muscles, a long torso, a wide chest and shoulders, and a low percentage of body fat. They quickly increase strength and gain lean muscle mass, so if you were born a mesomorph, consider yourself very lucky!

You need to train on a three-day split program, since a three-day split is most suitable for building muscle mass. A special feature of training for mesomorphs is that they can include isolation exercises to improve muscle shape when working on weight. The number of approaches per muscle group is 6-8, the number of repetitions is 8-12. In one workout we work 2-3 muscle groups.

An example of a weight training program for a mesomorph:

MONDAY (back, shoulders)

1. Pull-ups on the bar with weights, 2 sets to failure;

2. Deadlift 3x8;

3. Bent-over barbell row 3x10-12;

4. Standing chest press 3x8-10;

5. Lifting dumbbells through the sides 3x12;

6. Lifting dumbbells through the sides in an incline 2x12;

7. Press 5x25.

WEDNESDAY (chest, arms)

1. Bench press 3x10;

2. Dumbbell bench press on an inclined bench 3x12;

3. Dumbbell flyes lying on a 2x12 bench;

4. Lifting the barbell for biceps 4x10;

5. Lifting dumbbells for biceps 3x12;

6. French bench press with a barbell lying on a 4x10 bench;

7. Extension of arms on a block downwards 3x12;

8. Press 5x25.

FRIDAY (legs)

1. Squats with a barbell on the shoulders 3x10-12;

2. Leg press 3x8-10;

3. Leg extension on the machine 2x12-15;

4. Leg bending on a 3x8-10 machine;

5. Sitting/standing calf raise 4x12-20;

6. Press 5x25.

3. Endomorph

Endomorphs are genetically prone to obesity. They type easily overweight, which is deposited mainly on the stomach, hips, shoulders and chest. Therefore, training for endomorphs has its own significant differences.

You need to train according to a three-day split program. The program is based on heavy basic exercises that help gain muscle mass and burn a large number of calories. The duration of each workout for endomorphs should be between 90-120 minutes, be sure to start with a thorough warm-up and end with a cool-down. Rest between sets is minimal, approximately 60-90 seconds.

Training program for endomorph


1.) Squats with a barbell on the shoulders 4 sets of 12-15 reps.
2.) Leg press on the machine 3 sets of 12 reps.
3.) Extend your legs on the machine for 3 sets of 12-15 repetitions.
4.) Bend your legs on the machine 3 sets of 10-12 repetitions.
5.) Standing barbell chest press 4 sets of 10-12 reps.
6.) Seated dumbbell overhead press 3 sets of 12 reps.
7.) 2-3 abdominal exercises.


1.) Bench press on a horizontal bench 4 sets of 10-12 times.
2.) Incline dumbbell press with your head up for 3 sets of 12 reps.
3.) Dumbbell flyes lying on a bench 3 sets of 12 times.
4.) French bench press with EZ bar lying 3 sets 10-12 times.
5.) Extension of the arms downwards on the block 3 sets of 12 times.
6.) 2-3 abdominal exercises.
7.) Run, jump rope or other aerobic exercise for 10-12 minutes.


1.) Pull-ups on the bar with a wide grip to the chin or chest, 4 sets of 8-15 reps.
2.) Deadlift 3 sets of 8 reps.
3.) Bent-over barbell rows 3 sets of 10-12 reps.
4.) Bent-over T-bar rows to the chest for 3 sets of 8-10 reps.
5.) Standing biceps curls 3 sets of 8-10 reps.
6.) Lifting dumbbells for biceps while sitting, 3 sets of 10-12 times.
7.) 2-3 abdominal exercises.
8.) Run, jump rope or other aerobic exercise for 10-12 minutes.

Of all body types, mesomorph is the most the best option for competitive bodybuilding. He is characterized by a wide chest and shoulders, average speed metabolism, muscle development. It is relatively easy for these lucky people to gain muscle mass and also get rid of fat deposits.

Positive and negative qualities of the mesomorphic somatic type


With a calculated training and nutrition program, a mesomorph can reach a competitive level after 2 years of regular exercise. The mesomorph’s body processes proteins coming from food very well into muscle tissue. Being the owner of this body type is the dream of any bodybuilder.


The only disadvantage of this type is associated with the frequent laziness of its owner. Very often, mesomorphs do not achieve any average results and relax, do not follow the training and nutrition program, and because of this they cannot fully realize their genetic potential.

Training program

If you are new to bodybuilding, then you need to try to work out as many muscle groups as possible in a workout (the whole body in 1-2 workouts). As muscle mass and strength indicators grow, the split program (working out individual muscle groups in different days). At the beginning of training, you should focus on basic exercises and only then “finish off” with isolating exercises. A good warm-up is required before performing working approaches.

Standard split training program for mesomorphs

We train 3 times a week, every other day.

Day 1 (back, shoulders):

  • Pull-ups on the bar (4 sets to failure);
    Bent-over barbell row (4 X 8-12 reps);
  • Upper block pull (4 X 8-12);
  • Army press (4 X 8-10);
  • Barbell row to the chin (4 X 8-10);
  • Lifting dumbbells in front of you (4 X 8-12).

Day 2 (chest, arms):

  • Incline Press (4 X 8-12)
  • Incline Dumbbell Press (4 X 8-12)
  • Dumbbell fly (2 X 8-12)
  • Barbell curls for biceps (4 X 8-12)
  • Exercise “Hammer” (4 X 8-12)
  • Close-grip flat bench press (4 X 8-12)
  • French press (4 X 8-12).

Day 3 (legs):

  • Squats with a barbell (2 warm-up + 3 working sets of 10-12 repetitions);
  • Leg press on a machine (3 X 8-12);
  • Leg extensions on the simulator (3 X 8-12);
  • Standing calf raises (4 X 12-20).

Cardio for mesomorph

To maintain an ideal dry appearance, mesomorphs should pay attention to cardio training 2-3 times a week. 20-30 minutes of cardio (running, brisk walking, swimming, team games) will help you look more ripped and will help improve your metabolism. For full recovery after heavy strength training, the interval should be at least 48 hours, and the duration of sleep should be at least 8 hours.


It is very important to plan a diet that would allow you to minimize body fat. It is necessary to control the amount of calories consumed, reduce the amount of fat, and focus on high-protein foods (eggs, low-fat cottage cheese, fish, beef). The required amount of protein can be calculated using the formula 2.5 grams per 1 kg of body weight. Embrace the principle separate power supply– eat small portions 5-7 times a day, get up from the table and go to bed with a slight feeling of hunger. If you can stick to the right training program for a mesomorph, monitor your nutrition and the quality of recovery processes, you will look like a worthy competitor in the eyes of professionals.

In any business, the naturally gifted and lucky person performs best. The rest need to carefully work out their pros and cons, get acquainted with the sea of ​​information, and create a unique new system life activity.

For a novice bodybuilder, it should include all areas:

  • daily routine
  • nutrition rules
  • warm-up, basic exercises
  • additional loads (for example, morning jogging, etc.)
  • learning the basics of self-massage and auto-training for post-training relaxation
  • mastering breathing and concentration

Each of these points is important; neglecting the little things can reduce your efforts to zero.

Mesomorph how to determine a training program and nutrition

Greetings to all lovers healthy image life and sports!

We wrote about human body types in this article. Later they studied the training and nutrition of the ectomorph. Up next today detailed description Mesomorph body type, how to determine? Let's go through the mesomorph training program, nutrition for this body type.

Mesomorph physique

The mesomorphic body type is very suitable for bodybuilding and fitness. Typical for such people. Powerful muscles, wide chest, broad shoulders, narrow waist. The standard of the Greek warrior. Of course, such characteristics are suitable for men, but there are also mesomorphic girls.

If you have the above characteristic features body, you can easily get into the desired shape in the gym in the shortest possible time. The body easily reacts to severe physical activity with free weights and exercise machines. Using a variety of exercises in the mesomorph training program, the maximum output result is achieved.

The mesomorph figure is determined and achieved through a variation of intense workouts with changes to less intense ones under the supervision of an experienced specialist in the gym. It turns out to be a double effect of increasing muscle mass and strength in the face.

For the mesomorph body type, cardio training is suitable. If a woman has a similar figure. Be sure to run on cardio equipment three times a week for 20 minutes. Don't forget to warm up and cool down.

Mesomorph body

The strength training program for mesomorph physical exercises includes a number of features. It is easy for a person with such a figure to do various complexes, the main thing is to perform exercises with a change of pace. Change the number of repetitions and approaches. Regularly changing training complexes allows you to achieve high-quality results in pumping muscles, achieving mass, and then definition.

  • Super set. Two exercises for one muscle group, without a break.
  • Repetitions are partial. Do strength exercises not at full amplitude, increasing the weight of the burden.
  • Forced repetitions. Perform the last approaches, when the muscles are completely clogged, with the help of a partner.
  • Preload. Before heavy exercise, challenge your muscles with isolation sets.

Mesomorph person

Before building a program, keep a diary and write down all the changes and your feelings. Be sure to divide the muscles into main groups (chest, legs, back) and train the latter in 3 sets - 12 repetitions. Do not bring your body, your body to overtraining. Don't swing often or for long periods of time. Injuries and sprains will keep you away from the gym for a while.

The training program for mesomorphs includes a recovery period. Unlike other body types, mesomorphs are defined by their endurance and are able to perform strength exercises with heavy weights. Rest for people with such shapes should be complete. Sleep at least 8-9 hours. How to recover after a workout, go through this article.

Nutrition for mesomorph

For them, muscle growth is not a problem; gain occurs quickly. The percentage of subcutaneous fat remains minimal. Products – eggs, pork, potatoes, durum pasta, vegetables. The calculation includes (weight X 30 kcal) + 500 kcal. Considering 3 grams of animal protein per kg of live weight. Average BJU ratio (proteins - 40%, carbohydrates -50%, fats - 20%). Drink plenty of plain water.
Meals during drying for mesomophres include a hearty breakfast. During the day, eat often in small portions. You should eat more than half of your daily food in the first half

Eliminate flour, chocolate, alcohol, and pay attention to sports complexes. Include chicken, beef, fish (seafood), low-fat dairy products, oat bran in your dry diet

Calorie content is determined by multiplying the athlete's weight by 30 kcal and subtracting 500 kcal. BZHU (proteins - 3 grams per kg of weight, 0.9 grams of fat per kg, the rest is carbohydrates).
Mesomorph weight loss. I think paying attention to mesomorph girls, it is not much different from nutrition when drying the body. We eat 7 times a day, giving preference to low-fat cottage cheese, boiled chicken breast, eggs (2 pieces per day), buckwheat, bulgur, beef, fruits, vegetables. Observe drinking regime. The average daily amount includes 270 grams of protein, 60 grams of fat, 300 grams of carbohydrates.

Nutritional features of mesomorph women

  1. Presence of fats (red meat, vegetable oil, omega-3 fats)
  2. Sports nutrition (protein, BCAAs)
  3. Balanced, regular meals without fasting
  4. Vitamin and mineral complexes
  5. Eat small portions, but often.

Eating to overcome old habits

Fun fact: thin people tend to eat a lot more than fat people. Metabolism in the intestines is rapid, and energy is transformed into jerky movements and nervous reactions. It is necessary to deceive the body, force it to store substances, change the transformation.

How to shake established stereotypes of reactions? Change the amount of calories you consume every other day. Example: the first day - 3000, the second - only 1000, the third - 3200, the fourth - 1500 kcal. Fasting is allowed - 1 day. Over the next 4 days, eat with a gradual increase in calories. We recruit from 3000 to 3500 per day. Repeat the cycle, increasing the calorie content at the end by another 200 kcal. Be sure to monitor your health.

This irregular eating schedule is used when weight growth stagnates. It's not about increasing appetite, but about shaking the body, short-term forced stress. Reduced loads during this period will help cope with it. Gradually form good habit: eat more often, dividing portions.

Training programs for girls

Not only men, but also women are ectomorphs. Many people think that this is their huge advantage and they can eat whatever they want and not gain weight. But we have already looked at this issue - any excesses have consequences, including disordered eating. Ectomorph girls need to work on themselves no less than men.

Exercises in the gym

The training program for an ectomorph girl for two days should look something like this:

Monday (upper body)
Dumbbell bench press4x12


Wide grip lat row4x10


Makatserchyk -

Seated delt press in a simulator4x12-15

Makatserchyk -


Dumbbell curls while sitting on an incline bench3x12

Makatserchyk -

Thursday (lower body)
Squats at Smith4x12


Lunges with dumbbells3x10

Makatserchyk -

Leg curls in a lying machine3x15

Makatserchyk -

Weighted calf raises4x15

Bench crunches3x12-15

Three-day split option:

Seated chest press4x12

Makatserchyk -

Seated dumbbell press4x12

Makatserchyk -

Wide grip barbell row4x12-15

Makatserchyk -

Overhead dumbbell extensions3x12

Vitaly Sova -

Kickback with dumbbells3x10-12

Makatserchyk -

Bench crunches3x12
Wednesday (back + biceps)
Barbell row to the belt4х12,10,8,6

Makatserchyk -

Wide-grip lat pull-down to chest4x10-15

Makatserchyk -

Horizontal block pull3x10

tankist276 -

Close-grip lat pull-down3x10

Makatserchyk -


Friday (legs + abs)
Squats at Smith4x12
Leg press in the simulator3x12

Deadlift on straight legs4x12
Lunges in Smith3x10

Alen Ajan -

Calf raises in the gym4x15

Makatserchyk -

Reverse crunches on a bench3x10-12

Despite the fact that the split coincides with the men's program, it is not a classic ectomorph mass training program. Here we introduce some isolation exercises to protect the fragile female joint and ligament system from unwanted injuries. In addition, there is significantly less axial load on the spine, there are no heavy deadlifts and squats with a barbell, as in the program for ectomorph men.

Workout at home

You can train not only in the gym, but also at home. Even a girl can take the first steps to improve her physical fitness at home. All you need is a pair of collapsible dumbbells.

Training program for an ectomorphic woman at home for two days:

Monday (upper body)

One-arm dumbbell row4x10
Pullover with dumbbell lying down3x10-12

Seated dumbbell press4x12

Makatserchyk -

Swing dumbbells to the sides while standing4x12-15

Makatserchyk -

Standing dumbbell curls3x12
Overhead dumbbell extensions3x12

Vitaly Sova -

Thursday (lower body)
Plie squats with dumbbells4x15


Lunges with dumbbells4x12

Makatserchyk -

Crunches on the floor3x12-15

Elbow plank3x40-60 seconds

Makatserchyk -

Split for three days:

Monday (chest + shoulders + triceps)
Wide grip push-ups (if you don’t have the strength, you can do it from your knees)4x10-15

Andrey Bandurenko -

Seated dumbbell press4x12

Makatserchyk -

Dumbbell row to the chin4x12-15

ruigsantos -

Overhead dumbbell extensions3x12

Vitaly Sova -


Makatserchyk -

Wednesday (back + biceps)
Deadlift with dumbbells4x12

One-arm dumbbell row4x10
Pullover with dumbbell lying down4x12

Nicholas Piccillo -

Standing dumbbell curls4x10-12
Friday (legs + abs)
Goblet squats with dumbbells4x12

Deadlift on straight legs with dumbbells4x12
Lunges with dumbbells4x10

Makatserchyk -

Crunches on the floor3x12-15
Elbow plank3x40-60 sec

Makatserchyk -

Project expert. Training experience - 12 years. A good theoretical basis on the training process and proper nutrition, which I am happy to put into practice. Need a recommendation? This is for me :)

What is a three-day split and how does it work for mass?

The training program for a three-day split varies depending on the athlete's training level and goals that he sets. So, there are three-day programs for weight, relief, etc.

The basic principle of a three-day split for bulking is that it involves antagonist muscles (most often these are the chest and biceps muscles, legs and shoulders, back and triceps).

Second important point is the achievement of supercompensation by the muscles. This will indicate the effectiveness of the training. The main emphasis is on basic exercises, and only after them comes isolating exercises.

Related article: “Goblet Squats”

A three-day program for mass requires maximum dedication, working to the limit of your capabilities, only then will it give effect

The training pace is extremely high with a relatively short training duration (no more than 40-50 minutes), with minimal rest between approaches (no more than 40-60 seconds) to ensure maximum hypertrophy of muscle fibers. In fact, this is the main condition for building muscle mass.

To effectively build muscle mass, two more conditions are necessary: ​​complete recovery and proper nutrition.

A three-day split involves each of three training days a different set of exercises; this way, the muscle group being trained will have enough time to recover.

Do not forget that muscle growth occurs mainly during sleep (this is due to the peculiarities of hormone production), so the athlete needs to sleep at least 8 hours.

During intensive training, the athlete's body requires an increased amount of protein and other elements, which requires a completely different nutritional structure than usual in order to create optimal conditions for anabolism.

Related article: “Halotestin”

To compensate for the deficiency of necessary elements, it is often recommended to use sports supplements. This is especially true for a natural who does not use steroid drugs.

The question is often asked: is it possible to conduct effective workouts at home?

It should be understood that for beginner athletes it is difficult to independently compose the correct scheme three-day split training, designed for two weeks.

In addition, at home, as a rule, there is no such special equipment, like in the gym, and exercises with dumbbells alone will not give the desired result.

It is not enough to just watch a video on how to do the exercises correctly, and in the gym this will be supervised by an instructor.

It is especially important for beginner athletes to adhere to the principle of load progression - then the result will be more obvious

Features of training and diet

A special figure requires a special approach both in the training process and in creating a diet. A well-designed training program for an ectomorph is not all that is needed to obtain the desired result. Proper nutrition for this body type is of paramount importance.


The issue of nutrition for ectomorphs is extremely important - without a normal diet and healthy food, no amount of training will help.

Misconceptions about nutrition

There is an opinion that ectomorphs can eat anything. Like, the main thing is to eat required quantity calories, then there will be growth.

This is a big misconception for a number of reasons:

  1. Firstly, you can’t dial your daily norm calories from sweets and fast food and not get health problems.
  2. Secondly, such a diet will slow down your metabolism over time, and you will gain excess fat. In this case, there can be no talk of any muscles: muscles do not grow from fat and sugar, they need protein, which is practically absent in such products.
  3. Thirdly, over time, the gastrointestinal tract will begin to reject junk food. You will want to eat normal healthy food. But since you are used to stuffing everything into yourself, proper nutrition will not cause much appetite, and you will eat a maximum of 2 times a day. This will make you even thinner than you were before you started training.

If on any one day you reach your quota from such food, it’s okay. But you can’t eat like this all the time.

bit24 -

Distribution of BZHU in the diet

This does not mean at all that ectomorphs should adhere to the strictest diet, which will consist 100% of healthy products. On the contrary, a small amount of simple carbohydrates in their diet will definitely not harm them. For example, immediately after training.

There should be a lot of carbohydrates in the diet, at least 5 g per 1 kg of body weight. If the weight does not grow, gradually add 0.5 g of carbohydrate per 1 kg of body weight and monitor the changes. With protein, everything is simpler: consistently eat 2 g of protein per 1 kg of body weight. This is enough to restore and grow muscle mass. Consume about 1 g of fat per 1 kg of body weight - this way you will increase the total calorie content of your diet and consume enough “fuel” for the normal functioning of the hormonal system.

The most desirable products for consumption are:

  • proteins: chicken, turkey, eggs, white and red fish, beef, pork, cottage cheese and other dairy products, whey protein;
  • fats: fish oil, linseed oil, avocado, nuts;
  • carbohydrates: oatmeal, durum wheat pasta, rice, buckwheat, pearl barley, vegetables, fruits.

Of particular importance are breakfast and pre-workout meals (1.5-2 hours before training). They must be rich in carbohydrates to charge the body with energy for fruitful work.

After training, it is advisable to take a gainer or whey protein with a small amount (about 50 g) of simple carbohydrates. Protein is also recommended to be consumed between meals to maintain constant protein synthesis in the body.

Before going to bed, it is recommended to drink casein (long-absorbing protein) or eat 250-300 g of cottage cheese to protect yourself from catabolism during the entire night's sleep. Do not forget to consume enough fiber for normal absorption of food, then any problems with the gastrointestinal tract will bypass you.


The central place in the training program for gaining mass for an ectomorph is given to basic exercises. Include isolated movements to a minimum, since they are not so effective and involve only one muscle group. Cardio should be excluded altogether, unless you have a health indication for it.

Three workouts a week will be more than enough, but it’s better to start with two - in the first workout, load the entire top, and in the second - the bottom. Training should be intense, but short - no more than 1 hour, maximum 1.5.

Try to constantly increase your strength. The stronger you are, the more potential your muscles have to grow. Therefore, exercises such as bench press, deadlift and barbell squats cannot be ignored. By progressing in these exercises, you are sure to become stronger and bigger over time. But under no circumstances increase the working weight to the detriment of technique.

And when you gain the necessary foundation of muscle mass and strength and visually look more like a mesomorph, you can slowly add cardio and isolated exercises to locally work out certain muscle groups.

Training for mesomorph

The training process for this somatic type requires a lot of attention. Otherwise, results will not be achieved. Here are the basic principles for athletes with this body type:

It is important to change your workout routine regularly;
Constantly change weights;
Good effect gives a sharp change in the duration of training;
Different number of approaches;
Changing the sequence of training schedules.

Any workout for a mesomorph must involve at least 30% of the muscles, only then can you notice some clear result. Good training for such people is considered to be working with dumbbells, barbells, squats, and classic deadlifts. Moreover, it is recommended to work with heavy weights for 2-3 weeks, and then arrange a lighter program for 1-2 weeks.

For a mesomorph, it is extremely important not to forget about cardio exercises. Here it is also worth taking a mixed approach

It is better to make stayer running the main training. It is optimal to run 10-15 kilometers per workout. Every third lesson, sprint training is carried out. To do this, do 7-12 100-meter races with a one-minute break between them. This combination of long and short running will allow you to effectively burn fat tissue.

Now let's look at how best to create a training program directly for one lesson. It is best to calculate the weight of the projectile so that you have enough strength to do 8-10 repetitions. In this case, it is worth highlighting four approaches for each exercise. But there are nuances here. If you plan to increase mass, then you can increase the weight of the shells, but do no more than 8 repetitions at a time. If you are in the drying stage, then you can increase the number of repetitions to the maximum. It is advisable to take someone’s help and do the last approaches all the way.

Classic mesomorph training program for mass

First day of training

  • Deadlift 3 x 8
  • lifting the barbell while lying down 2 x 6;
  • lifting the barbell while lying down with a positive angle of 3 x 6;
  • lifting weights with a positive angle 3 x 8 – 12;
  • overhead push through sides 3 x 8;
  • Military press 3 x 8;
  • lifting the body with a positive angle 3 x 10 – 12.

Second day

  • hyperextension with weights 3 x 15;
  • deadlift 4-8 x 6 – 8;
  • lifting the barbell to the waist in an inclined position 3 x 6 – 8;
  • lifting the barbell to the chin 3 x 8;
  • dilution of weights in an incline 3 x 10;
  • shrugs 3 x 10 – 15;
  • reverse twist 3 x max.

Third day:

  • squat with the apparatus on your shoulders 4 x 6 – 8;
  • kicking 3 x 10;
  • leg bend in the simulator 3 x 12;
  • lifting with weights on socks 3 x 10 – 15;
  • overhead press 3 x 8;
  • lifting dumbbells in front of you 3 x 8;
  • twist 3 x max.

Fourth day:

  • Curled barbell curl 4-8 x 6 – 8;
  • dumbbell curl 3 x 8;
  • hammer lift on Scott bench 3 x 10 – 12;
  • French press 3 x 8;
  • extension from behind the head 3 x 10 – 12;
  • parallel bars push-ups 2 x 10 – 15.

Mesomorph recovery and training

Having time to recover is, in general, task No. 1 in any sport! The same task faces all other athletes, and not just the mesomorph, but it is most difficult for him to recover correctly. Moreover, the point is not in the recovery itself, on the contrary, the mesomorph recovers faster, reaches supercompensation faster, due to which it increases the intensity of the training, as a result, the athlete eventually falls into overtraining. On the other hand, you shouldn’t wait too long between workouts either, since each workout should progress the load, which will stimulate hypertrophy of muscle fibers.

Mesomorph training should also occur at the moment of supercompensation, just like ectomorph and endomorph training. Supercompensation is the moment during which your muscles have not only recovered from the previous workout, but also slightly increased in volume. The increase in muscle volume is due to the fact that during training the athlete damages myofibrils, then the body restores them, but in case it suddenly has to perform a similar load, it restores it not just to the level that was before the training, but beyond it, so that the next time the load was easier to complete. If the muscles are not used for a long time, then the body burns muscle tissue as unnecessary.

Rapid recovery allows the athlete to use high-intensity training regimens, but to avoid injury and overtraining, the athlete must use microperiodization. Thus, the training scheme for a mesomorph will look something like this: an easy week, two medium and one hard. During the easy week, you can use the ectomorph training program, during the middle weeks, the endomorph program, but during the heavy weeks, use the strength training program. This way, you won’t push yourself into overtraining, and you’ll be able to diversify the load and specifically “pump up” different muscle qualities.

Another important aspect of recovery is nutrition. Any system of meals is suitable for a mesomorph; it is only important that the athlete receives more than two grams of protein per day for every kilogram of his own weight, and also that the calorie balance is always excessive

For a mesomorph, if he is not competing in competitions, there is no need to deliberately “dry”; you can pump up your abs by simply adding a little cardio exercise and leg lifts at the end of the workout. Regarding sports nutrition, then the mesomorph can afford any food additives depending on how the diet is composed. Just like an ectomorph, a mesomorph will benefit from eating something sweet or drinking a gainer at the end of a workout.

Before breakfast – 300 ml of boiled water room temperature with honey melted in it Breakfast - muesli with cookies and green tea Second breakfast - veal with beans and fresh vegetables Lunch - any first course and pork with any coarse cereal Afternoon snack - boiled chicken breast with vegetable salad Second afternoon snack – boiled pollock with boiled brown rice and seaweed Dinner – cottage cheese with prunes, honey and walnuts, you can add dried apples and wash it down with kefir

In order to increase the effectiveness of training, a mesomorph must necessarily consume more calories than he expends, and also eat enough vitamins and protein. Protein should be obtained from meat and cottage cheese, at least 2g per day per kilogram of body weight. That is, if you weigh 90 kg, then you need to eat at least 180 grams of protein. You can calculate the number of products needed to satisfy this standard using the product composition table. But it is best to select the calorie intake individually, adjusting it depending on the results. If subcutaneous fat does not grow, but strength indicators improve, then everything is fine, nothing needs to be changed. If subcutaneous fat begins to increase rapidly, then the calorie content should be reduced, and if the body begins to not have time to recover, then, on the contrary, it should be increased.

Other training programs

Training programs for mesomorph, ectomorph, endomorph

First: frequency of training and its frequency.

Ectomorphs are required to choose exclusively separate training systems. Each workout is a pumping of a separate part of the body. Whenever you have time between workouts, use it to benefit your muscles. Rest and make sure that if some part of your body is not yet ready for future loads, then you should postpone classes.
Any training regimen must change once a month. Scheme improvements are welcome. We increase the load on the muscles slowly and gradually. We decided to increase weight - then we do it step by step. We observe the number of approaches, repetitions and you will be convinced that a little time will pass and you will begin to lift the weight more and more.

Second: training intensity

Each time we do not forget to increase the intensity of training. But each intense workout should not take much time. Don't tear your muscles in vain. Now let's talk about reps and sets.

In each workout, we thoroughly work out absolutely every muscle, but we use basic movements - heavy ones. The number of repetitions for a given body type should range from five to ten times. If he talks about approaches, then for each part of your body they vary from six to eight. We observe moderation in everything. You just need to feel any load, but “don’t push the horses.” It also happens that you swing and swing, but there is zero result. Then you shouldn’t give up everything, the result will come.

Try this scheme. Each muscle group is pumped ten times, with approaches also ten times. When you train, remember: your focus is not on reducing time, but on the intensity of work with heavy weights. The minimum rest time between sets is one minute. The rest time between training different parts of the body is approximately five minutes. Also use in your training: trisets, supersets and the like.

Third: recovery after training

Sometimes the period of muscle and strength recovery can take from one day to a week. Each body recovers differently. If you feel muscle pain, fatigue and similar things, postpone training, do not overload your body. You need to sleep eight to ten hours a day for full recovery. If time permits, it will be useful to arrange a quiet hour, but only an hour and not a minute more.

Fourth: aerobics and similar exercises.

Any gym should have an exercise bike or treadmill. So, sit on a bike three times a week or run on a treadmill, but again with rest, otherwise overload on the machines will knock you out of your usual training pattern. Low heart rate during such training should not last more than twenty minutes.

Fifth: watch your diet

You will have to eat a lot, almost seven times a day, but in small portions. We eat approximately every two and a half hours. Look at the daily ration norms:

A) proteins should be between twenty and thirty percent

B) carbohydrates should be at least fifty percent

C) fat should be from twenty to twenty-five percent.

Protein, or rather its norm per day, is three and a half grams per kilogram of your live weight. Before going to bed, or rather an hour before bedtime, drink one glass of protein. Sugar should be partially eliminated from your diet, but try to eat as much fiber as possible throughout the day. Your diet simply must contain products such as beans, corn, pasta or noodles, as well as any vitamin complex.

Sixth: your lifestyle

If you are nervous and stressed, this will serve as a kind of brake on achieving results during training. Learn to relax, you can do yoga, meditation and the like. We completely exclude all active actions that lead to energy costs. During the day we drink up to three liters of liquid.

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Since the body of a mesomorph is predisposed to rapid weight gain, intense training with heavy weights is suitable for them. But to achieve best result It is recommended to constantly change the program, the number of approaches and repetitions, so that the muscles do not get used to it and do not stagnate. It is best to do 3-4 weeks of intense training and heavy weights, and then 1-2 weeks to reduce the weights and increase the number of approaches.

The training should start with basic exercises and “finish off” with isolating exercises, which will help create a beautiful relief. Split training is also suitable for mesomorphs, with working out one part of the body in one day.

As for aerobic training, you shouldn’t get carried away here. 25-30 minutes of cardio exercise will be enough; longer workouts can lead to the opposite negative result.

You shouldn't work too hard in the gym, as this can lead to overtraining. Pay attention to rest and sleep for 8-9 hours, this will help restore strength.

Split training program for mesomorphs

The training is designed for three days, you need to do it every other day.

Day 1 (back, shoulders):

Pull-ups on the bar (4 sets to failure);

Bent-over barbell row (4 X 8-12 reps);

Upper block pull (4 X 8-12); Army press (4 X 8-10);

Barbell row to the chin (4 X 8-10); Lifting dumbbells in front of you (4 X 8-12).

Mesomorph is one of the three most common. The main characteristic of mesomorphs is a sincere love for physical training and a naturally athletic physique. It is believed that only 10-15% of all people are mesomorphs, but most professional athletes and fitness models have exactly this somatotype.

Often mesomorphs have increased level testosterone and rapid metabolism in the background good appetite. This allows them to quickly gain muscle mass while following any correct training program. Another advantage of this body type is the wide bone structure, which helps to sway and gives the figure visual massiveness.

At the same time, the main problem of mesomorphs is that they often take an accelerated metabolism for granted, and with age they lose their shape. A special role is played by the love of food - if during regular training calories do not have time to be stored in fat, then with a plentiful diet and sedentary life, the belly begins to grow and the level of bad cholesterol increases.

Mesomorph: key characteristics

In the introductory material about the three body types, Fitseven mentioned that the characteristics of mesomorphs are broad shoulders, a developed chest, medium or large bones, and low level fat with fairly noticeable and dense muscles. The wrist circumference of a mesomorphic man, measured along the line of the watch, is usually 17-20 cm.

Externally, the body of a mesomorph is characterized by straight lines and large shapes - a square head, a triangular torso, massive legs. In adolescence, they usually look older than their age due to a more developed figure and a noticeable athletic physique - high level testosterone affects the depth of the voice and the activity of hair growth on the body.

Training program for mesomorph

A mesomorph is more of a weightlifter or sprinter rather than a marathon runner. This is why regular, high-intensity training is best suited for athletic body types. In this case, glycogen (carbohydrates stored in the muscles) is used as fuel for the muscles, rather than fat reserves, which are consumed during prolonged training at a medium and low pace.

Another feature of choosing a training program for a mesomorph is the extremely rapid adaptation of muscles to loads. The best strategy would be to regularly alternate 6-8 weeks of training in various programs - from hypertrophy training to swimming, interval training high intensity () and .

How to pump up a mesomorph?

Separately, we note that an athletic physique rarely manifests itself - in order to gain the first kilograms of muscle mass, a mesomorph will in any case need months of persistent physical training and proper high-calorie nutrition. At the same time, the best training strategy for pumping up the body will be to perform basic program weight training.

After the body weight reaches at least 70-75 kg (with a standard height of 180 cm), it is recommended for the mesomorph to switch to. For each muscle group, perform 2-3 exercises in 4 sets of 8-12 repetitions. The choice of exercises depends, first of all, on the goals of working out lagging muscles, as well as on the available equipment.

Mass training program

Monday - chest, triceps, front deltoids

  • - 4 x 8-10
  • - 4 x 8-12
  • - 4 x 8-10
  • Dumbbell flyes on an incline bench - 4 x 8-12
  • - 3-4 x 8-12
  • Lifting dumbbells in front of you while standing - 3-4 x 10-12
  • - 3-4 x 8-12

Wednesday - back, biceps, rear deltoids

  • - 4 x 10-15
  • Reverse dumbbell flyes lying down - 4 x 12-15
  • - 4 x 8-10
  • - 3-4 x 8-12
  • - 4 x 8-10
  • Bent over dumbbell swings - 3-4 x 12-15
  • Hyperextensions - 4 x 12-15

Friday - legs, abs, cardio

  • Treadmill mode - 10 minutes
  • - 4 x 8-12
  • - 4 x 8-10
  • Roller crunches - 3-4 x 8-10
  • - 4 x 8-10
  • - 4 x 60-90 sec
  • Leg extensions in the simulator - 4 x 8-10

Mesomorph: nutrition for weight

The main differences in the metabolism of mesomorphs are reduced production (2) and high P-ratio(the body's ability to absorb protein from food). Essentially, mesomorph muscles receive more nutrition, store more, and recover faster after training, allowing athletes to exercise much more often.

Due to high levels of growth hormone and testosterone, mesomorphs practically do not gain fat mass, so until a certain age they can afford high-calorie nutrition with virtually no restrictions. However, this is the problem with an athletic body type - mesomorphs often tend to underestimate the importance of diet for losing weight.

How to lose weight as a mesomorph?

Uncontrolled consumption of carbohydrates disrupts the body's response to insulin and worsens hormonal balance, even in the genetically lucky. At the same time, the high level of testosterone in mesomorphs causes accelerated fat deposition in the abdomen, while simultaneously increasing the risk of developing heart disease.

In order to lose weight, mesomorphs are recommended to eat a diet with a maximum limitation of fast carbohydrates. First of all, any sweets, pastries, and desserts should be excluded from the diet. In addition, to lose weight, mesomorphs must regularly perform, first of all, long-term cardio at an average heart rate.

Mesomorph: nutrition strategy for weight

When eating for weight, mesomorphs should pay special attention to the amount of saturated animal fat. In order not to gain excess weight, they are advised not to exceed the consumption of 10-15 g of such fats for every 1000 kcal. Otherwise, they risk increasing their levels of “bad” cholesterol. In this case, the total share of fats should not exceed 30-35% of the total calorie content.

For muscle growth, the level of carbohydrate consumption is acceptable at the upper limit (about 2-3 g per kg of body weight), with an emphasis on and. They also have a positive effect on weight gain. However, as we mentioned above, in the absence of regular exercise, excess carbohydrates will quickly lead to excess fat gain - especially around the belly.


A mesomorph is an athletic body type that has the genetic prerequisites for quickly gaining muscle mass without growing fat. Most effective training for mesomorphs are high-intensity short loads and team sports. To lose weight, this body type needs cardio and avoiding fast carbohydrates.

Scientific sources:

  1. Multilevel modeling of somatotype components: the Portuguese sibling study on growth, fitness, lifestyle and health,
  2. Somatotype and stress hormone levels in young soccer players,