Genetic poverty article. Poverty Habits: Genetic Poverty. Constraints to Success

Natalia Grace is a wonderful specialist in the field of psychology, a successful lecturer, TV host, author of various personal growth trainings. At her seminars, important questions are addressed: how to achieve financial well-being, what is the law of genetic poverty and how it arises in the mind of a person. Her methods of attracting money into their lives are incredibly successful with the audience: more and more people are thinking about the causes of poverty and want to become rich, wealthy, and prosperous.

One cannot but agree that it is financial independence that gives complete freedom. However, sometimes from childhood, the idea that he is not worthy of money is firmly strengthened, that the funds are obtained by hard labor. As the practice of Natalia Grace shows, such beliefs are no more than prejudices that prevent you from realizing your bold dreams. The author identifies four causes of genetic poverty that impede self-realization in the full sense of the word. They are based on the thinking of the individual, attitude towards oneself and the way of perceiving the surrounding reality. In this article, we will also look at other factors that affect human consciousness.

genetic poverty?

According to the universal mechanism, we are arranged in such a way that we absorb the information of the environment in which we are for a long time. A bad beginning affects us in the same way as a good one, leaving its indelible marks for life.

Imagine a situation: a child is growing up in a family. He has an individual character, traits inherent in him alone. But at the same time, he is very susceptible to outside influences: parents, school, social conditions put their ideas and beliefs into the little person. And if the family, for some reason, is poor, there is a high probability that the child will grow up to be inclined to poverty - he absorbed these beliefs, they became his ideas.

Natalia Grace identifies 4 causes of genetic poverty. They, she believes, contain the basic laws that do not allow a person to get rich, even if he has been working for quite a long time, tirelessly.

Family environment

There are families in whose apartment a frankly miserable atmosphere reigns. This fact negatively affects the mind of the younger generation. The child's consciousness is arranged in such a way that he, like a sponge, absorbs the worldview of his parents: how they act in certain situations, what they think about life and what they talk about.

If the father and mother do not care about the cleanliness and order reigning in the room where the baby lives, then there is no need to expect the child to grow up neat. Dirty dishes sitting in the sink all day, peeled wallpaper, dust covering furniture - all this does not reflect in the best way on the child's worldview, his value system. He gets used to it, and then he will not even think that everything could be different. It has long been noted that dirt is a constant companion of poverty. Note that you don't even want to bring anything new to an uncleaned apartment full of trash and dust.

It's a shame to spend money on yourself

This belief is most often born in the minds of those young people who in childhood were in every possible way limited by adults. For example, to the daughter's request to buy a doll, the mother systematically replied: "We have no money." Gradually, the child gets used to this scenario, and even stops asking what he wants. What's the point of this?

Then it becomes even sadder: growing up, such people do not become happier. They still live with endless expectations, but in fact they do not come close to what they want. It is expensive to buy a beautiful fur coat, which is why we have been wearing the same down jacket for the fifth year, trying to save as much as possible. This is what genetic poverty is.

Why are you not destined to get rich? If you think about this question, then it's time to analyze your childhood. Destructive beliefs are already in your cells, bones, blood.


In Soviet times, it was customary to store things in many houses “just in case”. On the balcony, there were deposits of various objects that had long been out of use. The worldview of the Soviet man is that of a beggar. His vision was limited in advance by endless attitudes and prohibitions, and many products were in short supply. Now is a completely different time. So why are we still afraid to give up the illusion of calmness and stability that didn't actually make people happy?

By scolding the present time and the current state of affairs, people deprive themselves of the opportunity to accept the existing position. To be successful today, you need to do more than just work hard from morning to night, as it was before. It is necessary to act with concentration and purposefulness: this is the only way to achieve any desire. But people who are accustomed to constant savings find it difficult to believe that all aspirations will be rewarded. Genetic Poverty Law does not allow the transition to financial well-being. People get used to deny themselves even the necessary, and this becomes the norm of their life.

Subconscious programming

It is not the lack of money as such that makes a man a beggar, but the fear of spending it on his whims. When parents refuse to buy a new toy for a young child, what do you think the baby experiences? Annoyance, resentment, regret. With the repeated repetition of such an experience, the child begins to feel that he is not worthy of expensive gifts. It is noted that if every day with a child to say the words "expensive, we cannot afford it", then he will lose faith in his own capabilities. This is what Natalia Grace is talking about.

The law of genetic poverty states: personality is formed in early childhood. Motivation and drive to take action determine 90 percent of our income. Accordingly, a lot in our life depends on the efforts made. On the website "Genetic Poverty" you can find a description of examples of how we program ourselves for failure, from where human self-doubt comes from.

Who is guilty?

The human psyche is so arranged that always in unforeseen cases that are negative in nature, it is looking for someone to whom it is possible to shift the responsibility for failures. That is, if, for example, it is impossible to earn more money, then the family, husband, or anyone else is to blame.

In fact, this is a departure from reality, and only a few are able to truly sensibly realize what is happening to them. Remember, excuses are the words that a loser says. We can hide behind endless depression and doubt, but life will not become easier.

Constraints to Success

Sometimes it happens that we want to achieve a goal. But there are a number of reasons why this goal cannot be achieved. The first thing worth noting is the lack of knowledge of one's purpose. It happens that a person is already over 40 years old, and he has not yet chosen the desired goal for himself. This episode is no exception, this is how most people live, and only a small percentage comes to the truth.

The next point is fear of action. It arises when a person seems to know what he wants to achieve in life, but does not take any steps in order for desires to become reality. Not knowing how to handle money also contributes to an internal stop. Some people mistakenly believe that certain conditions of life must occur for action. But, it should be noted, there are never ideal circumstances! You just need to know what you want and go for it, no matter how hard it is. Genetic poverty arises where there is self-doubt, the habit of living without planning or analyzing.

The mutually motivating relationship of money and dreams

As the author rightly notes, a person believes only with an eye to the past. If a person has had a lot of sad experiences with money in life, it will be difficult for him to accept certain things in the future. This is how genetic poverty is formed. Grace clearly demonstrates to her listeners in seminars that money is a tool for achieving a goal, but not the goal itself. Yes, funds can be a great soldier, but nothing more. Therefore, it is not money that makes us happy, but the opportunities that it opens up. And then if a person expresses a willingness to act in accordance with his abilities, which does not always happen. No matter how it sounds.

When there is a dream in the heart, it itself is ready to guide us. All that is needed is the permission of the personality itself and its desire to act in accordance with its purpose.


The ability to organize your time is one of the key points in the direction of success. If you find it difficult to simply force yourself to complete the required task, this is the path of a failure. Self-organization is important precisely because time is the only irreplaceable resource. Money can always be earned, but unfortunately, an adult does not gain strength and energy every year.

To achieve success, it is necessary to clearly understand what we want to get as a result. For this, self-organization plays a key role, it leads to victory. Everything matters: the time of awakening, the effort spent, helping someone, the deeds done. You need to live with specific desires and take certain actions to solve a significant problem. The only way. Ephemeral fantasies don't work and don't come true.

Can't live with anticipation of the future

Sages know that only the present moment has the highest value - this is our real opportunity for self-improvement. Realization of human abilities and potential begins where the intention is formulated. The one who dreams of a bright future and does nothing at the same time is like a windmill - he fights against illusions. Genetic poverty is insidious in that a person often does not notice it. He is trying to take some action that is actually false, wrong. And then, in indelible bitterness, he asks himself why nothing is working out.

Wealth is a state of mind

A wealthy person is not one who has a lot of money at this moment, but one who can increase his capital, strives for self-development and self-improvement. The best investment is investment in yourself, in education, in creativity. The law of genetic poverty applies only to those who are afraid to take risks, try new things, and focus on old patterns of behavior. Everyone can change their lives for the better. To do this, you need to clearly understand what needs to be done, what steps to take.

Thus, the causes of genetic poverty should be sought in deep childhood. It is there that all the mechanisms that we set into action with our thoughts, feelings, emotions are concentrated. How to change your life for the better? How can you stop hoping, believing, striving for what you want? Yes, we must act. But only a competent approach is necessary to everything. You need to learn to listen to yourself, your heart. When a person has a highly developed intuition, it is very difficult to deceive him.

For some, money means power, for others - freedom and independence, for others - pleasure. But for all of us, money is first and foremost a necessity. A modern man without money feels helpless: even a wallet forgotten at home is perceived by many as a disaster! Not surprisingly, regardless of the contents of the pockets, money is always scarce ...

Why are most Ukrainians poor? What is the "psychology of poverty"? What bad habits keep us from getting richer? The Internet newspaper found answers to these and other questions.

The psychology of poverty

According to statistics, more than 8 million people have an income below the subsistence level in Ukraine. In every hundredth Ukrainian family last year, one person had less than UAH 300 / month, in every 16th - from 300 to 480 UAH / month, in every seventh - from 480 to 660 UAH / month.
Psychologists argue that the wrong attitude towards money, which, as a rule, comes from the family, is to blame. Unfortunately, our parents were not familiar with the "psychology of wealth", in connection with which the "psychology of poverty" flourishes in the country to this day.

"Careless attitude to money, contempt for wealth, aggression towards those who are richer - all these are the features of the" psychology of poverty. " psychologist Marina Derkach tells the Internet newspaper.

According to her, the "psychology of poverty" leads to the fact that the newly-born Ukrainian rich simply do not pass the test of money. "If a person, as they say, is" fixated on money ", believing that it is the amount of money that measures his significance, if he is indiscriminate in spending, throwing money left and right, or, on the contrary, is immensely stingy and saves on the essentials - all this means that a person could not pass the test of wealth, "says the psychologist.

Bad habits

Experts believe that a number of "bad habits" lead to poverty. According to, these are, first of all:
- self-pity (this is a sure way to get a low-paying job and drag out a miserable existence);
- greed (a person programmed for wealth is ready to pay their real value for things);
- engaging in hated activities (because of this, a person is initially ready for failure);
- measuring success with money (money does not bring happiness);
- unreasonable spending (a loan taken for business development is reasonable, but for the purchase of a luxury foreign car, which at the moment is "not affordable", is destructive);
- the desire to receive instant benefits (a person does not see prospects);
- the habit of wasting time (for a successful person, time is money);
- comparing oneself with others (a person feels dependent on the success of others);
- the inability to say "no" (this skill is a must for a successful businessman).

Myths and reality

Many people who have not managed to attract money to their side are not ready to admit the existence of "bad habits" in their lives and prefer to reassure themselves with myths that they themselves invented, and which are easily refuted by the surrounding reality:
- if I chose another profession, I would be rich (reality: there are millionaires in every profession);
- if I lived in a rich country, I would be rich (reality: there are millionaires in our country);
- if my parents were rich, I would also be rich (reality: most of the richest people come from poor families);
- if I studied well, I would make a lot of money (reality: statistics suggest otherwise);
- if I was at the right time in the right place, I would become successful (reality: very rich people were not lucky and went to success gradually);
- if the employer (wife, government, friends) appreciated me, I would become rich (reality: each person is responsible for his own success);
- if I work hard, I will become rich (reality: practice shows that poor people work hard).

In fact, the main thing that prevents a person from becoming rich is his inability, unwillingness and unwillingness to take responsibility, says psychologist Sergei Steblinsky. "We are used to hoping for someone - that someone will go," break through ", organize, bring ... But this does not correspond to the psychology of a successful businessman. Every person, even occupying the lowest rung in the service hierarchy, should have an active life There are not so many such people in our society, so it is not surprising that in the world Ukraine is assigned a rather passive role, "the psychologist said to the Internet newspaper.
Psychologists say that a person receives exactly as much money as he is ready to let into his life. Therefore, the first thing to do is to believe and realize that you can get a lot of income in any country and in any, even the most difficult situation. It is believed that each person can easily increase their income by at least a third in a month. You just need to stop feeling sorry for yourself and get down to business.

Problems are also stepping stones to success.

Having carefully studied the biographies of 300 celebrities who have achieved the greatest success in various fields, the researchers came to the conclusion that a quarter of them were disabled - blind, deaf, paralyzed, writes The rest of the celebrities grew up in poverty, or at least went through really hard times in their lives. But these people were different from the rest in that they did not use their problems as excuses, but turned them into steps to success.

According to the therapist Michael Hall, Ph.D., any problem is generally a cause for joy. The worst thing to do when you see an obstacle is to feel bad. As soon as you encounter a problem - shout "Hurray!", The psychotherapist advises.

Hall gives an example in support of this. The only thing that prevents the eagle from flying faster is air resistance. But if there was no air, the eagle would not have been able to take off at all! Thus, what most interferes with flight is also a prerequisite.

If problems are removed from life, there will be no achievements, so the presence of obstacles is a necessary condition for success, Hall is convinced. And since problems are inevitable, the ability to solve them will always be in demand and will lead a person with such a valuable skill to success.

At the same time, according to Steblinsky, it is unlikely that it will be enough to simply give oneself the “be successful” attitude and become one. First, it takes time to change your psychology. Secondly, all people are different, and they differ from each other primarily in their aspirations. So theoretically everyone can become successful and rich, but in practice everyone has their own potential. Therefore, the speed of movement to success, as well as the level of success itself, will be different for everyone.


What are the causes of poverty? Is it really only the lack of money to blame? In fact, poverty in most cases is not a person's material condition, but a psychological one. Lifestyle, actions and thoughts are the factors that make you "hang" in a state of poverty for many years. Popular lecturer and business coach Natalia Grace tried to explain in one of her books what genetic poverty is. As it turned out, there are 4 factors that program people to be poor.

Based on the book by N. Grace "The Laws of Grace"

Factors Programming Poverty. Causes of genetic poverty

Cause of Genetic Poverty # 1. Mentality

As a child, at a classmate's home, we often jumped on the couch until we saw the adults. We were very pleased with the springs, in some places very close to the surface; I was delighted with the dust that flew in clubs from the sofa from our jumps. When, twenty years later, I went to my childhood friend, in horror I saw in the corner the same sofa on which we once jumped.

It hadn't changed much, as far as I could remember, but now I was shocked by the poverty and squalor of the environment. I mentally calculated how much it might cost to buy a new sofa, replace greasy chairs, a mirror, broken and sealed with a chocolate wrapper. As we talked, in my imagination I whitewashed the ceiling and changed the wallpaper. I wanted to wash the windows covered in flies, throw out the sticks and cardboard sticking out from under the sofa, a broken flower pot tied with a stocking. "What if money is bad?" - I thought ... But my brain resisted and offered me to buy at least an inexpensive adhesive film in the color of wood and paste over the table with it. Everywhere I looked, my gaze came across some kind of breakage, dirt, stains and debris.

The brain suddenly said to me: "Why do you think there is always dirt next to poverty?" Now I am asking you the same question.

Even if you replace the word “always” with “almost always” or “often”, it doesn't make it any easier. Dirt is not a manifestation of lack of money, but of mentality. Think about it: dirt is a manifestation of the corresponding mentality. And since dirt and poverty are neighbors, then poverty is a kind of mentality.

Poverty is in an unwashed head.

Cause of Genetic Poverty # 2. Philistinism

At school I had an amazing teacher of literature - Tamara Grigorievna, an outstanding mind, a very perceptive woman. She somehow dropped a phrase that I have remembered for the rest of my life. Someone asked her what philistinism meant, and she replied: "Philistinism means drinking from an old shabby mug when a new one is in the sideboard."

So it is customary in many Russian houses: money is set aside for a rainy day, a new cup is in the sideboard for a white day, only a white day rarely comes, and all life is filled with black. Those who live in anticipation of the future never come. And then I realized this: it's a shame to be a beggar; ashamed to be dirty. It is a shame to have devastation in my head, which inevitably affects both the home and the mentality of children.

Living in anticipation of the future leads to devastation.

Cause of Genetic Poverty # 3. Cinderella Complex

I know a woman who has been saving up money for over twenty years to buy a dacha. She raised two daughters alone. The girls lived from hand to mouth, on nothing but porridge, and the eldest of them told me how ashamed she was to go out into the yard in old corduroy trousers with patched knees. The girl grew, and every year her trousers magically grew. The fabric tucked underneath was unfolded centimeter by centimeter. She was not as faded as the rest of the leg, and this betrayed beggarly tricks. Apparently, this is where the expression came from: "The need for invention is cunning."

It is not worth telling that the system in the state does not allow earning enough.

I do not scold the system, but rot in the brain. For the same money, you can look dignified or beggarly. When the mother finally bought the dacha, both grown-up daughters had not the slightest interest in this dacha, but endlessly reproached the mother for not teaching them what it meant to be a woman. The girls have a Cinderella complex. They, accustomed to seeing worn chairs and old dishes, shabby towels and coats seven years ago, later, becoming adults, were afraid to spend money on themselves.

Every time they bought something, their mood spoiled: they seemed to feel unworthy of new good things. This, my friends, is called in two words: genetic poverty. She is already conscious, in cells, in blood, in bones.

The fear of spending money on yourself makes you a beggar.

Cause of Genetic Poverty # 4. Subconscious programming

Children who see shabby corners are unknowingly programmed for poverty. Already in adolescence, they begin to realize its severity. Anton Pavlovich Chekhov also noted that peeling walls and dirty corridors have a bad effect on a student's ability to learn.

Dirt and poverty suppress a person, the usual kind of squalid environment programs to be a failure.

You could argue to me that hatred of poverty stimulates some people to develop and earn money, but I will answer you that many more people break down under the unbearable burden of poverty. The words "trouble" and "poverty" have the same root. Drive the trouble away from you. Drive poverty away. How I like the phrase: "Wealth is a state of mind." So, poverty is also a state of mind.

Wealth and poverty are the state of your mind and your thoughts.

And she called it "The Law of Genetic Poverty".

“As a child at a classmate's home, we often jumped on the couch until the adults saw it. We were very pleased with the springs, which in some places came very close to the surface; I was delighted with the dust that flew in clubs from the sofa from our jumps. When, twenty years later, I went to my childhood friend, in horror I saw in the corner the same sofa on which we once jumped. It hadn't changed much, as far as I could remember, but now I was shocked by the poverty and squalor of the environment. I mentally calculated how much it might cost to buy a new sofa, replace greasy chairs, a mirror, broken and sealed with a chocolate wrapper. As we talked, in my imagination I whitewashed the ceiling and changed the wallpaper. I wanted to wash the windows covered in flies, throw out the sticks and cardboard sticking out from under the sofa, a broken flower pot tied with a stocking. "What if money is bad?" - I thought ... But my brain resisted and offered me to buy at least an inexpensive adhesive film in the color of wood and paste over the table with it. Everywhere I looked, my gaze came across some kind of breakage, dirt, stains and debris. The brain suddenly said to me: "Why do you think there is always dirt next to poverty?" Now I am asking you the same question. Even if you replace the word "is always" on "almost always" or "Often", it doesn't make it any easier. Dirt is not a manifestation of lack of money, but of mentality. Think about it: dirt is a manifestation of the corresponding mentality. And since dirt and poverty are neighbors, then poverty is a kind of mentality. Yes, poverty is in an unwashed head.

At school I had an amazing teacher of literature - Tamara Grigorievna, an outstanding mind, a very perceptive woman. She somehow dropped a phrase that I have remembered for the rest of my life. Someone asked her what philistinism meant, and she replied: "Philistinism means drinking from an old shabby mug when a new one is in the sideboard."... So it is customary in many Russian houses: for a rainy day money is set aside, for a white day there is a new cup in the sideboard, only a white day rarely comes, and all life is filled with black. Those who live in anticipation of the future never come. And then I realized this: it's a shame to be a beggar; ashamed to be dirty. It is a shame to have devastation in my head, which inevitably affects both the home and the mentality of children.

I know a woman who has been saving up money for over twenty years to buy a dacha. She raised two daughters alone. The girls lived from hand to mouth, on nothing but porridge, and the eldest of them told me how ashamed she was to go out into the yard in old corduroy trousers with patched knees. The girl grew, and every year her trousers magically grew. The fabric tucked underneath was unfolded centimeter by centimeter. She was not as faded as the rest of the leg, and this betrayed beggarly tricks. Apparently, this is where the expression came from: "The need for invention is cunning." It is not worth telling that the system in the state does not allow earning enough. I'm not scolding the system, but rot in the brain. For the same money, you can look dignified or beggarly. When the mother finally bought the dacha, both grown-up daughters had not the slightest interest in this dacha, but endlessly reproached the mother for not teaching them what it meant to be a woman. The girls have a Cinderella complex. They, accustomed to seeing worn chairs and old dishes, shabby towels and coats seven years ago, later, becoming adults, were afraid to spend money on themselves. Every time they bought something, their mood spoiled: they seemed to feel unworthy of new good things. This, my friends, is called in two words: genetic poverty. She is already conscious, in cells, in blood, in bones.

Children who see shabby corners are subconsciously programmed for poverty. Already in adolescence, they begin to realize its severity. Anton Pavlovich Chekhov also noted that peeling walls and dirty corridors have a bad effect on a student's ability to learn. Dirt and poverty suppress a person, the usual kind of squalid environment programs to be a failure. You could argue to me that hatred of poverty stimulates some people to develop and earn money, but I will answer you that many more people break down under the unbearable burden of poverty. The words "trouble" and "poverty" have the same root. Drive the trouble away from you. Drive poverty away. How I like the phrase: "Wealth is a state of mind"... So, poverty is also a state of mind. "

Four stories that will change your understanding of the origins of Genetic Poverty and Poverty.

1. Mentality

As a child, at a classmate's home, we often jumped on the couch until we saw the adults. We were very pleased with the springs, in some places very close to the surface; I was delighted with the dust that flew in clubs from the sofa from our jumps. When, twenty years later, I went to my childhood friend, in horror I saw in the corner the same sofa on which we once jumped.

It hadn't changed much, as far as I could remember, but now I was shocked by the poverty and squalor of the environment. I mentally calculated how much it might cost to buy a new sofa, replace greasy chairs, a mirror, broken and sealed with a chocolate wrapper. As we talked, in my imagination I whitewashed the ceiling and changed the wallpaper. I wanted to wash the windows covered in flies, throw out the sticks and cardboard sticking out from under the sofa, a broken flower pot tied with a stocking. "What if money is bad?" - I thought ... But my brain resisted and offered me to buy at least an inexpensive adhesive film in the color of wood and paste over the table with it. Everywhere I looked, my gaze came across some kind of breakage, dirt, stains and debris.

The brain suddenly said to me: "Why do you think there is always dirt next to poverty?" Now I am asking you the same question.

Even if you replace the word "is always" on "almost always" or "Often", it doesn't make it any easier. Dirt is not a manifestation of lack of money, but of mentality. Think about it: dirt is a manifestation of the corresponding mentality. And since dirt and poverty are neighbors, then poverty is a kind of mentality.

Poverty is in an unwashed head.

2. Philistinism

At school I had an amazing teacher of literature - Tamara Grigorievna, an outstanding mind, a very perceptive woman. She somehow dropped a phrase that I have remembered for the rest of my life. Someone asked her what philistinism meant, and she replied: "Philistinism means drinking from an old shabby mug when a new one is in the sideboard."... So it is customary in many Russian houses: for a rainy day, money is set aside, for a white day there is a new cup in the sideboard, only a white day rarely comes, and all life is filled with black. Those who live in anticipation of the future never come. And then I realized this: it's a shame to be a beggar; ashamed to be dirty. It is a shame to have devastation in my head, which inevitably affects both the home and the mentality of the children.

Living in anticipation of the future leads to devastation.

3. Cinderella complex

I know a woman who has been saving up money for over twenty years to buy a dacha. She raised two daughters alone. The girls lived from hand to mouth, on nothing but porridge, and the eldest of them told me how ashamed she was to go out into the yard in old corduroy trousers with patched knees. The girl grew, and every year her trousers magically grew. The fabric tucked underneath was unfolded centimeter by centimeter. She was not as faded as the rest of the leg, and this betrayed beggarly tricks. Apparently, this is where the expression came from: "The need for invention is cunning."

It is not worth telling that the system in the state does not allow earning enough. I'm not scolding the system, but rot in the brain. For the same money, you can look dignified or beggarly. When the mother finally bought the dacha, both grown-up daughters did not have the slightest interest in this dacha, but endlessly reproached the mother for not teaching them what it meant to be a woman. The girls have a Cinderella complex. They, accustomed to seeing worn chairs and old dishes, shabby towels and coats seven years ago, later, becoming adults, were afraid to spend money on themselves.

Every time they bought something, their mood spoiled: they seemed to feel unworthy of new good things. This, my friends, is called in two words: genetic poverty. She is already conscious, in cells, in blood, in bones.

The fear of spending money on yourself makes you a beggar.

4. Programming

Children who see shabby corners are subconsciously programmed for poverty. Already in adolescence, they begin to realize its severity. Anton Pavlovich Chekhov also noted that peeling walls and dirty corridors have a bad effect on a student's ability to learn.

Dirt and poverty suppress a person, the usual kind of squalid environment programs to be a failure.

You could argue to me that hatred of poverty stimulates some people to develop and earn money, but I will answer you that many more people break down under the unbearable burden of poverty. The words “trouble” and “poverty” have the same root. Drive the trouble away from you. Drive poverty away. How I like the phrase: "Wealth is a state of mind." So, poverty is also a state of mind.

Wealth and poverty are the state of your mind and your thoughts.

Based on the book by N. Grace "The Laws of Grace"