What games for the whole family at home. Family game night. Dance battle or flash mob

10.06.2021 Design and interior

Vova is 9 years old, he sits in the chair opposite and draws his family. In the picture, mom, dad, grandma and he are occupying separate rooms, in which everyone is busy with their own affairs. Mom is cooking food in the kitchen, dad is at the computer, grandma is watching a TV series. “And I do my homework, and then play on the tablet,” Vova completes her drawing. “Would you like it differently?” - I ask. I ask, but I already know the answer. Of course yes!

About the same, but with minor changes, Artem, Petya, Arina and other children who were brought to see me talk about their family. They have different families, different problems, but the basic needs are very similar - to be loved and spend quality time as a family.

Therefore, I have collected some of the most favorite games for children and me that will help the family have fun and solve many psychological problems.

These games do not require any material costs, just a piece of your time.

Games for children from 2 to 6 years old

Game "Confusion"

The optimal number of players is four. The three join hands and become entangled, crawling through each other's arms and legs. The fourth one goes out the door and then comes back to unravel. The disentanglers change alternately. If there are three of you in the family, then you can untangle yourself. Believe me, it's not that easy =)

This game promotes physical contact, which is essential for children to mental development, especially for those who don’t like him very much or have already grown beyond the age of hugging.

Game "Hide and Seek"

You can hide a toy in a small apartment. The choice of toy can tell a lot about a player. For example, my little client hid a potty toy during a meeting, thus acting out his embarrassment and aggression on others about fecal incontinence.

This game is very useful during the period of separation of children from their parents: the crisis of 3 years, adaptation to kindergarten and school, adolescence. By losing in the game, children transform experiences and feelings into their mental reality, and then bring them to life.

Game "Blind Man's Bluff"

Blindfolded, you need to catch any family member and name him.

This game promotes the release of accumulated emotions, cohesion, and tactile contact.

Game "Palms"

Trace the child's palm on three sheets of paper. Together with your child, color your palms red, green and yellow. Showing a red palm, the child should stand still without moving. Showing yellow - speak in a whisper and walk on tiptoe, green - shout loudly and run fast. Alternate your palms.

The game teaches volitional regulation, switching attention, listening, and the release of energy.

Game "Name Calling"

When passing the ball, call each other “names.” It could be fruits or vegetables: “Oh, you’re a carrot” or “You’re a lemon.”

The game relieves aggression and allows it to be expressed in an acceptable form. There is always anger at parents, because they scold, forbid, and do not understand. With this game you give your permission to be angry and accept it, and this is the best prevention of psychological and even physical diseases.

Competition "Boasters"

There are two options for bragging: about yourself and about your neighbor. Boasting about yourself every night when the family gets together can boost self-esteem, build trust, and simply let you know how your day went. By bragging about each other, we remind ourselves that we value and love in our family, we teach them to be attentive to each other, to look closely and listen. For example: “You were very fast today when you got ready for school.”

Game "Raft"

Everyone is sailing on a ship. Suddenly - a shipwreck. Everyone needs to sit on a small raft (a mat or square with boundaries marked) and decide what to do next.

This exercise is aimed at increasing family cohesion. The main thing is to give the child the opportunity to “write the script”, and your task is to correct it (give a hand if you want to “fall into the sea”, resolve conflicts, teach skills to get out of trouble). difficult situations, stimulate imagination).

Games for children from 6 to 14 years old

Children of this age can find their favorite pastime in the games listed above and vice versa.

Bowling game

Play sets are sold in children's stores, but you can play with anything. The pins can be books, which fall easily from almost any ball.

This game promotes self-control and, like all competitive games, teaches you how to lose. By encouraging and helping, while playing with their parents, children live through their failures and prepare to enter competitive adult life.

Game "Crocodile"

One by one, it is necessary to show (without words) an animal; at an older age, an abstract concept or emotion.

The familiar game teaches communication, increases self-esteem, attentiveness, stimulates imagination, and increases vocabulary.

Game "Family History"

In a circle, everyone offers one proposal to make scary story(funny or fantastic). The resulting story can be acted out.

In the story, as in life, you have different events, but a common family history.

Game "True or False"

After throwing the ball, we ask a question to one of the family members. You need to answer: “true or false.” If the participant gives the correct answer, the right to ask passes to him. Depending on the statement, the game can be educational, bonding and relaxing. If you want to learn capitals, ask: “Is it true that the capital of Kazakhstan is Astana?” There is a misunderstanding between you: “Is it true that I am offended/judgment/dislike you?” Want to talk about sex, but don't know how: “It's true that the only effective way prevent pregnancy - a condom" (to prevent embarrassment for the child, mom can ask dad a question, but the child will definitely receive important information for him).

Game "Who am I"

Each player writes the name of a literary character/actor/cartoon character on a small piece of paper and passes it to the other so that no one can see. We hold the leaf on our forehead. As a result, the player sees the names of everyone except his own. Players take turns asking those around them leading questions. Questions should be such that they can be answered “Yes” or “No”.

The game promotes communication, imagination, and attentiveness.

Great games are mafia, sea battle And "dots" on paper . As well as games that can be purchased in stores: chess, checkers, dominoes, lotto, monopoly, darts, twister, Jenga, Pentago, backgammon, table hockey, football, bowling, snooker, golf and many others.

Be kids with kids and feel how great it is!

The best way to bring families together and improve the relationship between children and parents is to create a tradition of family game nights involving parents and children. Put this day (once a month or once a week) in your diary and make it mandatory. Naturally, your activities will change as your children get older, but the essence of family nights will remain the same - fun, games and time spent together.

Photo © Old Fashioned Families

How to organize family games?

Here are some tips on how to organize and successfully host a family game night. Start by having something like a picnic at home with food or sandwiches on a blanket on the floor, or eating breakfast instead of dinner. Allow a couple of hours for all activities (prepare a variety of games in advance). You can play two quick outdoor games, solve a couple of puzzles, and only after that sit for about twenty minutes playing an interesting board game. Plan the evening around your family's lifestyle, interests, ages, and everyone. Children who are just starting to walk also love to participate in family games. Kids will also enjoy listening and watching what is happening.

Indoor outdoor games

Outdoor games will help raise the morale of those present. Play a few age-appropriate games and then move on to board games.

Games at the kitchen table

Put the plates aside - it's time to play! Choose your favorite word game or riddle, creative activity or a classic board game. But almost any child will get bored playing the same board game for an hour and a half. That's why board games must be alternated with active fun.

Street games

When it's warm outside, go out into the yard with your children. An evening in the fresh air will be brightened up by any game ( kite, soap bubbles, volleyball with a fly swatter, festival of colors, etc.).

The best games for family night

It is believed that tradition is the glue that holds a family together. Accordingly, gaming traditions, one of which are family games, can unite you throughout all stages of your child’s growing up. You can include in your evening program one of your favorite games - one that both parents and children will be happy to play under any conditions.

Family trifles

Ask questions about people and events related to your family. Suitable for children 3-10 years old.

Ask about small details related to the past or present of your family members, home, pets, etc. Questions are asked to each player. You can ask a three-year-old child: “What did grandpa drink one day last summer when he said. that you’ve never tasted anything more terrible in your life?” ( Tomato juice). Trust me, you will learn more details than you might expect. For older children who are familiar with family history, you can ask a question like: “What was the name of our neighbor who lived in the pink house?” Children should also ask questions of mom and dad.

Animal charades

This option classic game Ideal for children of all ages from 3 years old. Animal parodies are always fun. To play you will need: paper, markers, scissors, bowl.
Remember 20 animal names with your children. These could be animals that live in a zoo or on a farm, pets and others. Write the names of these animals on small pieces of paper and fold them into four. Place the papers in a bowl and stir.

A participant is selected who must pull a piece of paper out of the bowl, read the name of the animal and silently imitate it. The rest of the players guess the word. The smallest actors, if necessary, can voice the animal to help guessers. All children take turns portraying animals. Play just for fun, or score a point for the first person to say the correct word.

Traditional charades

If you are playing with older children (ages 7 and up), choose the traditional version of charades with different categories. Instead of the names of animals, write on pieces of paper the names of books or movies, names famous people, lines from songs or quotes. Show which category the word belongs to: make a gesture as if you are opening a book (book), making a movie with an old-fashioned camera (film), put your hands at your sides (person), write a few words in the air (quote), etc. As a hint, you can show on your fingers the number of words in the name, which word you are going to show, how many syllables or letters it has. You can come up with your own rules, this needs to be discussed before the game starts. For older children and adults, the display time should be 3 minutes.

Twenty questions

You need to guess the word using 20 questions. For children from 3 years old.
Choose one player to be the first to wish for a person, place or thing. The rest of the participants take turns asking clarifying questions. Let’s say the word “sandwich” is in your mind. If small children participate in the game, you can name the category: “I made a wish for something from food.” Then the player sitting on the right asks a question that can be answered “yes” or “no”: “Is this eaten with a spoon?” Having received an answer to his question, the participant has the right to name his guess.

Hello, dear readers. Any holiday is a reason to get together! But even the closest people who have something to talk about sometimes get bored at home gatherings. This is where the time comes interesting and fun competitions, which should improve everyone’s mood and make your celebration unusual. In this article I want to offer you my competitions that are suitable for people of all ages. You can also choose gifts for your loved ones, using the tips from my new article Or congratulate your relatives

Have you already prepared gifts for your loved ones? If not, then the article " What to give a girl"will be useful to you.

For the seed, I prepare some interesting gift, which I wrap in several layers of newsprint (the more, the better) and tie with a ribbon. I say that a package has arrived, but, unfortunately, it was not said who it is for, and I suggest that all guests take turns removing layer by layer of packaging. The one who removes the last layer from the parcel turns out to be the lucky recipient))).

And now the competitions:

Competition 1. Roll up a gift.

Two participants come out and stand side by side, shoulder to shoulder. The hands touching are tied, and with their free hands (one with the left hand and the other with the right hand), the participants must put a gift in the container, close it, wrap it carefully in newspaper, tie it with a ribbon and tie a bow.

2 or 3 pairs are called up and whoever ties the knot faster and more accurately wins. Required: 3 containers, the gift is taken from the table. 3 ribbons and 3 double sheets of newspaper.

What to give a girl?

Competition 2. Don't slam on Wednesday.

Any number of participants. Everyone is sitting at the table. The presenter begins to list the days of the week out of order and clap his hands for each name. The participants in the game repeat the claps after him. You need to clap every day of the week except Wednesday. Whoever slams the word “Wednesday” is eliminated from the game.

Competition 3. Plasticine nose.

Each participant is called in turn, blindfolded, and given a plasticine ball in his hands. The one who most accurately sticks a plasticine nose on a photo of the birthday boy or such a character with his eyes closed (see picture above) is the winner.

Competition 4. Words from matches.

To conduct the competition, you need: at least two participants; depending on the participants, the same number of matchboxes with matches; host of the competition.

The presenter thinks of a letter, and the participants of the competition must come up with and lay out a word from matches for this letter, the one who completes the task faster wins, if it happens that several participants do this at the same time and the number of letters in the words coincides, then the number of matches determines the winner , spent to construct the word.

Competition 5. “Tailor”

To conduct the competition, you need: two presenters; four participants; 30 clothespins.

First, four participants are selected, from whom we form two pairs. One participant from the pair is blindfolded, and the leader pins 15 clothespins on the clothes of the second in different places. The task of the one who stands blindfolded is to find all 15 clothespins in 3 minutes and remove them. The team that completes this task faster will become the winner.


Competition 6. “Where is the gift?”

To conduct the competition, you must:

  • prepare small notes on paper;
  • several participants (the more, the better);
  • balloons for each participant;
  • present.

To begin with, you need to write something funny on small pieces of paper, for example, “Look further” or “He who does not take risks, does not drink champagne,” and on one write “Gift.” Then carefully place in each balloon a piece of paper and inflate them. Then we hang them on a thread. Participants must guess which ball contains the prize. Participants take turns choosing balloons and popping them together. Then they unwrap the piece of paper, if it says a gift, then the winner is given a gift.

Competition 7. “Colors”.

The players stand in a circle. The presenter commands: “Touch yellow, one, two, three!” Players, as quickly as possible, try to grab a thing (object, part of the body) of the hidden color on the other participants in the circle. Those who do not have time are eliminated from the game. The presenter repeats the command again, but with a new color. The last one remaining wins this competition.

Competition 8. Associations.

Everyone is given a piece of paper and a pen. One of the guests names a word from the women's and men's dictionaries. Then everyone writes associations from the first word to the second. Whoever comes up with the shortest and most logical association wins.

Competition 9. Question - answer. I prepare cards with questions and answers in advance. The questions are tricky and interesting. I invite each guest to choose a question and answer at random (without looking), sometimes the combinations are simply hilarious. For your convenience, I have grouped the questions and answers into a text file. You can download it

And of course, one of the most important things is for the presenter to be in a good and cheerful mood. Then he will be able to infect everyone present with his optimism.

The blog also has a selection that is very fun! Tested on myself! Very fun competitions, especially when the fairy tale is played out by roles. You will find all this in the article.

Competition 10. Gifts

A very pleasant end to the festive evening. Everyone loves to receive gifts. There are quite a few who experience genuine pleasure in giving them. I'm sure you are among them. Unfortunately, budgets are often limited, but don't despair. You can use my gifts or take care of gifts in advance and order them on one of the most popular online stores.

If my publications interest you, then I suggest you keep abreast of the latest updates on the site.

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When it’s cloudy and dreary outside, and everyone stays at home, you don’t have to be bored!

Family games for children and adults will help you while away a rainy evening, arrange a fun holiday for a group of different ages, or just have fun for no reason.

The whole family is at home: what to do?

Family games not only unite a small and friendly team, but also develop individual abilities - ingenuity, logic, memory, observation, speed of reaction, imagination.

They are very useful for kids, but no less important for older ones.

After all, it is at such moments that people feel truly family and friends, turning into a strong family from advertising posters.

An ideal option for spending time together at home is a game whose rules are clear and accessible to all participants, grandmothers and toddlers alike.

Below we will present you the most popular family games for children and adults.

Some require props (game board, chips, cubes, cards, outfits, pencils, paper), which should be thought about in advance. Others are completely spontaneous and require no preparation.

Floor and board games for the whole family

It’s great when you have a magical shelf in your arsenal with treasured boxes, purchased on occasion or without.

“Monopoly”, “Settlers”, “Operation”, “Family”, “Scrabble” (aka “Scrabble” or “Wordmaker”), “Activity”, assorted adventure games with chips and dice...

Detective, strategic, economic, card, humorous and serious, all these family board games will add a unique flavor to your everyday evenings.

Unusual card games (the classic “Uno”, its humorous analogue “Svintus”) require a special deck of cards and knowledge of the rules.

For “Twister” you will need a branded set consisting of a floor covering with multi-colored circles and a spinning “drum”, and also the remarkable flexibility of the participants (it’s almost like yoga!).

Don't forget about your favorite classics, especially if you're playing with elderly relatives.

The older generation will be happy to join in such quiet family games as lotto, dominoes, backgammon, checkers or “Battleship”.

The whole family can collect puzzles of increased complexity with their favorite landscapes or characters. And also, train your memory and manual dexterity with the help of the Memory game.

The most creative companies can conduct experiments and show tricks - there are a lot of thematic sets for this.

Contact games (creative, with elements of communication and guessing)

If you are tired of everything you have and want to get some fresh inspiration and creativity (and the right team has gathered), play creative or theatrical games.

1. "Associations"
Participants are divided into teams. Cards are prepared in advance, on each of which 8-10 words (objects) are written.

The player’s task is to use associations to explain the meaning of each word so that his team can guess.

The more points from the card are solved, the more points your group has. Adjectives with the same root cannot be pronounced.

2. "Crocodile"
A similar game, only the word guessed by the host or the opposing team must be explained using gestures and pantomimes (without uttering a sound).

With a small number of people, you can play without dividing into teams - then the one who guessed goes “to the board” to show a new word.

3. "Who am I?"
Another guessing game for which you will need stickers with adhesive backing and felt-tip pens. Participants come up with pseudonyms (“code names”) for each other.

Real people or movie characters are chosen (from Carlson, Kolobok and Batman to Madonna and Michael Jackson). Names are written on paper and pasted on the participants' foreheads.

The hero, who is destined to find out who he is, asks simple questions, the participants answer “Yes” or “No”. Example: “Am I a cartoon character?”, “Am I round?”, “Do I like honey?”

4. “We have contact!”
The chosen leader thinks of a concept or object and names the first letter (for example, “T”).

All other participants come up with words starting with the letter T and try to describe them to each other, but without the leader guessing.

If someone in the team understands what his friend is trying to communicate, he says: “There is contact!” From this moment on, within 10 seconds the presenter must also guess this word.

Don't know? Then the participants pronounce it simultaneously on the count of three, after which the presenter is obliged to give out the second letter of the hidden word. Now “Contact” includes items starting with two letters, and so on.

The dialogue goes something like this:
– I have my word. This is a delicious dessert from cream cheese and eggs.
- There is contact! (count to ten, the host does not know the answer)
- One, two, three - Tiramisu.
- Okay, the second letter is O. Now you need to come up with words starting with “TO.”

5. “Make up a fairy tale”
A game that requires a minimum of paraphernalia - just paper and pen. The team needs to compose a fairy tale.

The difficulty is that each participant writes only one sentence on a piece of paper, completely unaware of what his previous colleague came up with.

Then the page is folded and passed to the new participant, and so on in a circle. At the end, the fairy tale is solemnly read aloud: as a rule, it’s never boring!

6. “What’s missing/changed?”
A game to develop memory and attention. The participant must remember as accurately as possible everything that is on the table or in the room.

Then he goes out and the team makes changes to the interior. The player must guess which item is missing or has changed its place.

7. "Masquerade"
Trying on yourself unusual images- a favorite activity for children, but adults will not be bored at your costume ball.

The game options vary - you can come up with outfits from scrap materials (paper, beads, glue, fabrics, ribbons, felt), or use those prepared in advance.

Based on the results of dressing up, you can organize a costume procession, a competition for the best image, or stage a play for grandparents.

8. “Fanta”
At major holidays, the adventurous game “Fanta” remains the most favorite pastime of guests.

Cards with assignments are placed in a magic bag, and each participant asks the question “What should this phantom do?” takes out one at a time.

To add excitement, some variants of the game include valuable collateral (a banknote, a phone, a toy).

The most important thing is that tasks for forfeits are humorous, decent (we play with children!), safe and not offensive!

Games for the whole family: games for the home, for family leisure, holidays, entertainment, for family unity and recreation, educational games for adults and children, flip-flops, family win-win lottery.

Games for the whole family

In this article you will find:

  1. Games for the whole family with words.
  2. Educational games for the whole family for children's parties, hikes, entertainment, family leisure.
  3. Family win-win lottery.

Games for the whole family They unite, make holidays and family evenings bright and memorable, lift spirits and develop abilities, promote the development of creativity, the ability to manage one’s behavior, rejoice and empathize with each other.

Section 1. Games for the whole family: games with words.

In this section you will find word games for the whole family that do not require visual material. They allow children to become familiar with letters, learn to select words with a specific letter, and build sentences. And in the game of shifters, language abilities and ingenuity develop, children get acquainted with stable expressions of the Russian language.

Cablegram (family game for adults and children from 5-6 years old who know letters).

You can play this game while walking, on the road, or at home. You will need paper and pencil.

How to play:

Step 1. Write the name (child, grandmother, your name, dog's name, etc.) on a piece of paper in a column. You can also write just a word. The word must consist of 5 or more letters.

Step 2. Together with the children, come up with your own interpretation of this word, i.e. a sentence in which words begin with the letters of a given word and follow in order.

Example 1.

G - Giant

R - robot

Sh - hat

A – ataman

The sentence turned out like this: “A giant robot is looking for the ataman’s hat.”

Another version of the same name: “A loud roar frightened the walking artist.” Or: “The robbers said to the inspector: “The sixth one has been arrested.” Or: “The goose lay down, pretending to be the skin of an antelope.”

Example 2.

S - Sergey

B - in the evening

T - hard

A - apricot.

The result was a sentence: “Sergei ate a hard apricot in the evening.”

The sentence must make sense, although elements of fantasy or humor are allowed.

Find a surprise (treasure)

The whole family can play this game (the parents come up with the task). For kids, the task will be in pictures, for older preschoolers and younger schoolchildren - in the form of cards with words (“table”, “on the window”, “in the closet”).

Step 1. Hide your surprises unnoticed from children in different places in the apartment.

For older children (who are learning to read or already can read), lay out the path clues in the form of words or short phrases. For example, a hint for children 5-7 years old - the word “window” is written in large letters on the note. This means that you need to look for the next path sign on some window in the apartment. For children over 7 years old, the hint may be different: “Look on the window.” Or a hint in the form of a riddle, a rebus, or a “guess the missing word” task.

Step 2. The child is looking for a surprise either according to the plan or according to the way signs (they found a note on the table with the word “window”, went to look on the windows. On the window in the kitchen they found the clue “cabinet”. We went around different cabinets in the house and found the clue “sofa”. On the sofa under found a surprise with a pillow.

Step 3. The child always receives his own surprise (calendar, small toy, piece of paper with a picture, etc.), even if he needed help along the way.

This game is very interesting for children and they enjoy reading the words and learning to use the plan.

Find it and name it.

We are looking for objects in the room that contain “Sasha’s letter” (that is, the letter C), mother’s letter, and so on. We name objects one by one in a circle (all players take turns choosing words with one given letter


Gifts from Santa Claus

(Fairies, Sorceresses or any other fairy-tale hero)

The game develops memory. You can name any imaginary gifts in it, the most fantastic ones.

Sit in a circle. The first player, for example, dad, begins the phrase: “Santa Claus (or any other character) gave me ...” and adds a specific gift, for example, paints.

The second player, for example, a child, repeats after the first: “Santa Claus gave paints to Dad” and continues the phrase: “And he gave me skates.”

The third player repeats what the first and second said and adds his own, for example: “Father Frost gave paints to Dad. He gave Dima skates. And he gave me a bag of happiness.”

And so they repeat in a circle until someone makes a mistake. The task is not to make a mistake until the last!

Game of Changelings.

Game for adults and children school age. The players' task is to unravel famous expressions said backwards. For each guessed expression, the player receives one chip. The one who guesses the most shapeshifters wins. He is awarded a medal. The rest of the players are also awarded, but with a certificate for participating in the game.

Here are our favorite game-changers that we played during the past New Year's holidays in our family, with colleagues at work, and with friends.

First, give the players a few examples of shifters and their answers, and then start a fun game of riddles:

Section 2. Games for the whole family: educational games.

Games for the whole family from this section they develop attention, imagination, arbitrariness of behavior, creativity, social skills, attention.

If I were a king

The game develops imagination.

Before the game agree with the children where you can get things for her (from the nursery, or just from the living room, etc.). And say that the rule of the game is that after use, all things will need to be put back in their places.

Step 1. The first team starts (choose it by lot). They say: “If I were (hereinafter called the role, for example, king), then I would have (hereinafter called 5 objects, for example, throne, crown, servants, palace, mantle).

Step 2. The other team must quickly find these things in the room within the 3-5 minutes allotted to them. For example, a scarf can become a robe. If the chair is draped with a blanket, it will be a throne. At the signal, preparations end.

Step 3. The second team presents to the first what they came up with. And the first one evaluates. Then the teams change places and the game is repeated.

For the game you can take on different roles: professions (doctor, ship captain), fairy-tale characters (Cinderella, king, Pinocchio, etc.)

At the end of the entire game, all things are put in their places.

Package with a gift.

This game can be played by the whole family or a group of friends. Moreover, the more participants there are, the better.

This game develops a very valuable moral quality of a person is the ability to share with others and the ability to abide by the given word and rules, the ability to rejoice at the success of another person and not perceive it as a personal defeat.

Before the game, prepare:

First. Bundle. Take a small surprise and wrap it in paper. Secure with tape (clear tape). Then wrap it again in a layer of paper and secure it with tape again. And so on until you get a bundle of many layers of paper. Fasten the layers so that you can easily unfold them during play.

Second. Surprises for each player (picture, calendar, candy, nut or something else).

How to play:

Stand or sit in a circle. Three of you can play with your child. Or maybe in a large circle of acquaintances and friends. Turn on the music and pass the bundle to each other in a circle while listening to the music.

When the music stops (you can either assign someone, such as grandma, to be “in charge of the music” or pre-record the music with pauses), the bundle stops. The player who has it in his hands unties it. And then he passes the package with a surprise around the circle. The bundle becomes lighter and lighter, and no one knows when the layers will end and the prize will finally appear.

With each step, it becomes more and more difficult for the child to pass the package and you really don’t want to give it away! But you have to share, because the rule of the game is to pass it on as soon as the music starts.

At the end of the game, the last player – the “lucky one” – unwraps the package and receives a surprise! But all players must also receive a little surprise so that the children can rejoice together.

Traffic light.

Use a rope or line on the floor to mark two lines - the starting line and the line for the traffic light. One person in this game will be a traffic light. We choose him according to the counting rhyme.

The players stand at the starting line, and the traffic light stands on the other side of the room with its back to the players.

The players’ task is to quietly approach the “traffic light” and touch it. The game ends when everyone has touched the traffic light.

How to play:

The traffic light counts to 10: “One, two, three, four, five” and suddenly quickly and unexpectedly says: “Red light,” immediately turning to the players. Players must freeze in place at this signal. If the traffic light notices that one of the players is continuing to move, it sends them back to the starting line.

You can confuse players by changing the tempo of the count, making pauses.

The game teaches children to manage their behavior and control their movements.

Magic melody.

This experimentation game will be interesting for children of any age and adults. Take glasses or glasses. It is better to find a set of identical glasses or glasses (6-12 pieces), but if there is no set, then you can take identical jars or identical glass bottles.

Pour water into the dishes so that it is at a different level in each vessel. Show your child how to make sound, for example, by gently knocking a spoon on a glass (glass). Let the kids experiment. Let them try to understand which vessels produce a higher or lower sound. You can also use drumsticks.

Try playing different melodies on this unusual musical instrument from dishes.

It's me!

This game can be played both at home and outside in the summer. The minimum number of players is 4 people.

Everyone stand in a circle. Or sit in a circle on chairs. One player (we choose him according to the counting rhyme) is the driver. He names the other two players, for example: “Mom and Dasha.” At these words, mom and Dasha should change places with each other, that is, mom should sit in Dasha’s place, and Dasha should sit in mom’s. At the same time, the presenter tries to be the first to take someone else’s place - either mom’s or Dashino’s. Whoever is left without a place leads in the next game.

The game develops attention and reaction speed.

Section 3. Win-win lottery in verse.

For family holidays, a win-win lottery in verse is good, which unites adults and children and always causes delight and laughter. Each player in a circle draws out a note on which his winnings are written. If an adult pulls it out, then he reads the note himself. If it is a child, then his parent reads the note (even the youngest children participate in our lotteries).

Options win-win lottery with children a lot - here is our family version, which everyone really liked and has already been used many times in different variations :). In the lottery we make sure to include not only valuable prizes, but also humorous and unexpected surprises. Prizes are awarded by leading lotteries. Players are NOT warned that there are empty tickets or surprises in the lottery.

A fun, win-win lottery has one more advantage - this game can also be used in families in which there are people with disabilities. disabilities(this is relevant for us). And they will feel in this game on an equal footing with everyone else, which is great :).

Notes – descriptions of win-win lottery prizes.

If you love chocolate,
You will be incredibly happy.
If you don't love it, it doesn't matter.
Mom will eat it then! (small chocolate)

To whom soap, to whom candy wrapper,
And you got a bow! (hairpin - bow)

So that I can always be with friends
You taste sweet tea,
On the holiday with congratulations

Get this mug! (disposable mug or toy cup)

So that the hairstyle is beautiful,
You are given this comb! (comb)

Quiet! Attention! Sensation of the century!
Hey trumpeters! Play emergency!
Look at this man!
He's now.. (pause) lost! (no prize)

To become a great mathematician,
You just need this notebook. (notebook)

I don't want to be greedy!
I'll give you a candle! (candle)

Well, you are just great!
For this you get a cucumber! (cucumber)

Wanted to get a flashlight?
And you just got a ball! (balloon)

There is no better prize in the world -
You a box of chocolates (empty box)

A souvenir for your kind eyes!
And this is... (Fairy tales)

Don’t think about being angry with us – lemon will come in handy on the farm! (lemon)

Here's the ticket, here's the ticket, don't rummage through the rooms,
Consider that there is no winning - cry and calm down. (Handkerchief).

You and your companion will never be lost!
You won't come home hungry from any of your guests! (disposable spoon)

There is no better win
Than a cellophane bag (New Year's bag).

For good people we don't feel sorry for anything
Get a cool jump rope as soon as possible. (Jump rope)

Do you want to be strong, like a gin?
Get some vitamin. (Carrot).

My dear friend, get some candy,
Just don’t eat it yourself, give it to your neighbor. (A large chocolate candy that needs to be given to the neighbor sitting next to you at the table)

You and your companion never lose heart!
Rub it on any place in a hot bath! (washcloth)

But this is a fork! Get it, honey! (disposable fork)

Give me your hand! Get the onion head! (onion)

Will better mood! You get cookies (pack of cookies)

Here is your lucky ticket, hold your pencil tightly. (Pencil)

Your winnings are quite rare,
You are happy, there is no doubt.
You didn’t get three candies,
And... three pieces of candy paper!!! (three candy wrappers)

Happiness fell into your hands.
You got potatoes!

Comrade! Believe, hope and wait!
Your winnings are ahead! (Nothing)

Don't be bored today! Get it delicious tea! (tea)

Better draw a cloud. Here's a blue pen for you (ballpoint pen)

To keep the jar full, you need a lid (a lid for the jar)

They wanted to win a piano, but what they got was a calendar. (calendar)

Receive the main prize - this is a small surprise (something valuable, the main gift of the lottery).

And not empty, and not dense! Win – forks of cabbage! (head of cabbage)

You are extremely lucky! Hug your neighbor on the right! (no prize)

Take this coin, my friend, and joyfully walk around the world! (1 ruble coin).

To be clean and beautiful
Get that soap (soap)

All diets are not scary for us,
If we have candy (candy)

You were quite worried.
But there is no loss!
You got beets for your ticket
To make vinaigrette.

Have fun games and harmony and peace in your family! I really want to believe that games for the whole family described in this article will bring many joyful, bright moments into your life! I wish you success in carrying them out!


"Speech development from 0 to 7 years: what is important to know and what to do. Cheat sheet for parents"