Play a musical instrument. Dream interpretation: play musical instruments in a dream. Musical instruments - Miller's dream book

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Dream interpretation: play, musical instruments in a dream

Search results for the dream book: play, musical instruments (10 matches total).

Play, musical instruments (according to Morozova's dream book) - Hearing playing musical instruments or playing yourself - to joy, success. Only playing the drum or the organ means dark news, and sometimes the news of death. To play the trumpet is fortunately; on the whistle and harp - to marriage; on balalaika - to profit; on the piano - goodbye; on a tambourine - to gossip; on the flute - to failure. On other instruments - to well-being.

Game, play, player (according to Miller's dream book) - A dream in which you see yourself as the hero of a computer game means that you are trying to escape from a reality that does not suit you, and create your own fictional world. Seeing gambling in a dream means that you should be extremely careful, as you run the risk of being drawn into some kind of questionable story. If in a dream you play chess, then in reality stagnation in business and deterioration of health awaits you. Losing a game of chess - to the intrigues of enemies. To win is to overcome all difficulties. If you dreamed that you were buying educational games for your child, then in real life you realized the need for a good education, however, it is possible that this happened quite late.

Play cards with the vampire - For a woman: a dream in the spring - to engage in a risky venture in the hope of getting rich. In the summer - to the manifestation of excessive gullibility. In autumn - to the thirst for strong impressions. In winter - to excessive suspicion.
For a man: a dream in the spring - to extortion and blackmail. In the summer - to a rash act. In the fall - to a forced consent to a dubious proposal. In winter - to communicate with quarrelsome people.

Cornet (musical instrument) (according to Miller's dream book) - The cornet that you see or hear in a dream means kind signs of attention that strangers will soon show you.

Music (according to Miller's dream book) - Hearing beautiful music in a dream means that you are destined to enjoy the joys of life. If you don't like the music, then in reality some unpleasant events await you, possibly related to family matters. Hearing symphonic music in a dream is a pleasant pastime.

Dream interpretation of the XXI century

Musical instruments in a dream why dream

Musical instruments - Seeing musical instruments in a dream - to get long-forgotten pleasures; if they are broken, it means that receiving pleasure will be interrupted by the intervention of an uninvited company.

To see a guitar hanging on the wall in a dream - to pleasure, to play on it - means to find out interesting news in reality, to hear it - to grieve about what was in your hands, and you did not take the opportunity. Buying a guitar in a dream is a sign that you have to make a choice.

An electric guitar in a dream is a harbinger of your aspirations to find a common language with those who are unpleasant to you, but really need; to play on it is to make an annoying mistake and reveal the secret at the most inopportune moment.

Hearing bass playing in a dream means that someone is trying to harm you by creating various obstacles in your path.

Seeing a piano in a dream is a harbinger of some fun event or meeting, playing it is a sign that your undertaking will bear good fruit.

If you dreamed about a broken and upset piano, it means that in reality you are tormented by the lack of recognition of your services to society. Seeing an old piano in a dream is a sign that your troubles are the result of neglecting good advice. For a girl in a dream, learning a complex melody means that one of her friends will show deeper feelings for her than just friendship. If in a dream you see a piano or play it, it means that old friends or former employees will let you know about themselves.

In a dream, hearing an organ in a church - to the collapse of the family, sad chanting in a dream accompanied by an organ - to tedious work, a quarrel with friends.

Seeing an accordion in a dream or hearing a game on it is a pleasant pastime, an invitation to a celebration.

Hearing a button accordion in a dream - to the appearance of your faithful assistant and friend. Seeing how you play it is a sign that you will delight your family with something.

Hearing the accordion in a dream - for entertainment, getting rid of sad memories. For a young woman to see herself playing the accordion is a harbinger of meeting with a loved one, the union with whom will be happy and long. If the accordion is out of tune, it means that your close friend may get sick.

Seeing yourself or someone playing the cello in a dream is a great joyful event.

Seeing a pipe in a dream is good news, it is also a sign that you will have unusual hobbies, blowing a pipe - to fulfill your desires.

Seeing a violin in a dream is a fun pastime, good luck in love, adding to the family. Playing the violin in a dream with the orchestra is to show you all kinds of honors, alone is a sign that you will find comfort and peace of mind.

Seeing a balalaika in a dream is a joy, fun. Hearing praise for your balalaika in a dream means in reality to receive an undeserved reprimand. If a string breaks while playing the balalaika, this promises an unexpected change in your plans.

Hearing the sound of musical cymbals in a dream - to the illness of an elderly person from your environment.

Seeing a drum in a dream is a sign of good luck and prosperity for sailors, fishermen and merchants. If the sound of the drum is muffled, it means that some of your friends need help, loud is a harbinger of happiness, prosperity, and a successful career. If in a dream you beat a drum, it means that a guest who has arrived from afar will visit you.

Seeing or playing a pipe or a small flute in a dream means that despite rumors spread about you, your reputation will remain impeccable, hearing the sounds of a pipe means that soon you will have to defend your honor or the dignity of people close to you; for a woman, this is a sign that marriage with a military man awaits her.

Miller's dream book

Musical Instruments - The dream of musical instruments promises long-awaited pleasures. If the tools are broken, pleasure will be spoiled by the intervention of an uninvited alien company.

This dream tells a young woman that she will be able to arrange her life the way she wants.

Women's dream book

Why does a woman dream of Musical instruments, what is this dream about?

Musical instruments - To see musical instruments in a dream is a long-planned entertainment. Broken tools indicate that your pleasure will be spoiled by intruders. For a young woman, such a dream portends the opportunity to make her life the way she wants to see it.

Dream interpretation of Simon Kananit

Why do musical instruments dream in a dream

Musical Instruments - Property of No Use

Collection of interpretations of Zhou-Gong

Why do Musical Instruments dream in a dream

Give another person a longitudinal flute - portends fame, glory. Give a man castanets - portends a squabble. You press a stringed instrument to your chest - There will be support, help from another person. Playing the Sheng instrument - Heralds a change. You play the longitudinal flute and beat the drum - There will be joy, a holiday. Another person plays musical instruments - You will be recognized as right in court proceedings, litigation.

Music Box - A mechanism that produces repetitive music. This image may indicate a mechanism of latent obsession or the manifestation of schizophrenia (see toy).

Musical equipment - No sound - expectation of change.

The new and most complete dream book of 1918.

Why do Musical Instruments dream

Mandolin - Playing a mandolin in a dream means that you will have to spend a lot of effort, time and nerves to reach a decision in your favor of an extremely important matter for you, on which your entire future career largely depends. Hearing the sounds of a mandolin portends longing, despondency and disappointment. Broken mandolin speaks of the onset of unfavorable life circumstances for you.

Dream interpretation musical instruments

Why do musical instruments dream if in real life you are far from playing them? As practice shows, representatives of the fair sex often see similar dreams, but it is not always possible to explain the nature of their origin.

What do dream books say?

According to the dream book, musical instruments are a very complex image that can be interpreted in different ways.

Much will depend on the little things that are usually forgotten after awakening. To begin with, music occupies a large place in everyone's life, and therefore each instrument leaves a certain imprint.

Let's listen to Miller

Play in a dream

As the dream book describes, playing a musical instrument is a long-awaited benefit. If the person playing starts to juggle, then in reality everything will not go according to plan. A sleeping person needs to stock up not only with patience, but also with caution in making their own decisions, since each will play a big role.


If a representative of the fair sex sees such a dream, then she will be able to make all her immodest dreams come true. The main thing is to do, and not to think about what a difficult path lies ahead.


If a young guy sees objects of musical art and tries to play on them, then most likely he wants to take the first steps towards an independent life. Getting away from parental care is not as easy as it seems at first glance.

Let's listen to the Canaanite

I dreamed of a varied instrument

Why is the musician dreaming? The dream book tries to focus on the fact that a person should appear in life who brings a lot of benefit. There is only one important addition: it is necessary not only to give the good, but also to share it.

Modern dream book

If you were to see a musical instrument, then in reality you are waiting for the pleasures that you dreamed of. The instrument itself is of great importance.

According to the dream book, a musician playing a guitar dreams of those people who are expecting interesting news. Listening to the sound - to an unfulfilled dream through your own fault. Sometimes, in order to achieve a result, there is not enough courage, and therefore you need to overpower yourself and do what you have dreamed of for so long.

You may dream of an electric guitar, symbolizing the constant desire to find a common language with people who do not give any pleasure. Having started the game, you can make a fatal mistake. The dreamer will reveal all his trump cards, having lost a lot of advantages.

I dreamed of a melody on a guitar

The sound can be different, and therefore it must be analyzed:

  • a cheerful melody - to great luck in everyday affairs and good health;
  • a sad melody - to tragic news;
  • discordant chords - to an unpleasant and annoying business.


If the dreamer witnessed the play on the church organ, then in reality a family discord may begin.A sad melody accompanied by an organ - to a friendly quarrel or uninteresting work. In any case, you urgently need to review your behavior and identify problem areas. If things continue like this, the situation will get worse.


Hearing the sound of an accordion is an adventure that will leave a pleasant aftertaste behind. If a young girl sees such a dream, then she will have a meeting with a very interesting person. He can become a reliable chosen one for life. A close friend's illness is possible if false notes are heard.

Other interpretations

If you managed to see them, then in reality unplanned entertainment will be expected. The main thing is to relax and enjoy it. Seeing a broken tool is a sign that your pleasure will be spoiled by uninvited guests, but you cannot change the situation.

Playing a musical instrument in a dream - TO PLAY a musical instrument in a dream means a signal of an impending danger that threatens you and your family because of the insincerity and deceit of your subordinates, who are ready to betray you at any moment, as soon as you find yourself in a weak and vulnerable position. Beware of being stabbed in the back by your co-workers and colleagues !.
If you dreamed of playing the balalaika, it means that in reality you will be able to overcome all the hardships, sorrows, trials and hardships that befell you.
Playing the flute means that you will soon lose your peace, perhaps even your sanity, if you do not stop paying attention to stupid and worthless things.
If you play by sheet music, it means that in reality you will be infinitely happy and prosperous in everything. Soon you will become the owner of vast fertile lands and pastures. In addition, it is possible to purchase real estate as well as movable property. In a word, such a dream promises wealth and prosperity.
Play hymns in a dream - evidence that in relations with people around you you are not always correct and attentive, very often you have no sense of tact at all, so you try to force all your loved ones to obey your conditions unquestioningly,.
To put it harsher and rougher, but stating real facts - literally dance to your tune. In a word, such a dream characterizes you as a very eccentric, spoiled and capricious person, accustomed to fulfilling all his desires.

The dream has come true once 5 5

Seeing musical instruments in a dream is a long-planned entertainment. Broken tools indicate that your pleasure will be spoiled by intruders. For a young woman, such a dream portends the opportunity to make her life the way she wants to see it.

Interpretation of dreams from the Modern dream book

Dreaming Musical Instruments

Symbols depend on certain instruments.

Piano: can mean "keys to life".

Flute: can remind you of nature, freedom and childish purity that lies in you and me.

Drums: May indicate primal, primitive instincts.

Organ: is a homonym for a male organ or other organs contained within the body.

Harp: can remind of heavenly harmony and angels.

Harmony, wandering minstrel: indicates pleasant pastime with friends and contentment with life.

Bagpipes: a symbol of camaraderie.

Interpretation of dreams from the American dream book

What does sleep mean Musical instruments

Musical instruments - pleasure, entertainment.

The broken ones are unexpected guests.

To play some musical instruments - you decide your own destiny.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation for the bitch

See Musical Instruments in a dream

Enjoy your vacation.

Imagine that you are playing the instruments you dreamed of, and everyone around you admires this music.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of Simeon Prozorov

What do dreams mean? Musical instruments

Various musical instruments dream of a variety of pleasures, the onset of a pleasant period in your life.

Defective, damaged tools - to outside interference in your affairs.

Musical instruments can also mean property that does not generate income, does not have material value.

Interpretation of dreams from Rommel's dream book

Dream about Musical Instruments

Musical instruments dream of great pleasure. But, if they are broken, the pleasures will be interrupted by something or someone.

If a young woman sees a musical instrument in a dream, then she will have a chance to make her life the way she wants to see it.

Interpretation of dreams from the Psychological dream book

What does musical instruments mean in a dream

A dream in which you see musical instruments portends pleasure and love.

If a girl has a dream about musical instruments, it means that she can make her life the way she wants. She will be lucky and will be able to achieve whatever she wants.

Interpretation of dreams from the Love dream book

Meaning of dreams Musical instruments

Seeing musical instruments in a dream promises long-awaited pleasures.

If they are broken, the pleasures will be interrupted by the intervention of an uninvited motley company.

If a young woman sees this dream, it portends her a real opportunity to make her life the way she wants to see it,

Interpretation of dreams from Miller's dream book

What does Musical Instruments mean in a dream?

Another person plays musical instruments - you will be recognized as right in court proceedings, litigation.

Interpretation of dreams from a Chinese dream book

Meaning of Sleep Musical Instruments

For long-forgotten pleasures.

Broken musical instruments - enjoyment will be interrupted by the intervention of an uninvited company.

A guitar hanging on the wall is for pleasure.

Play the guitar - find out interesting news.

Hearing a guitar means grieving about what was in your hands, and you did not take the opportunity.

Buying a guitar in a dream is a sign that you have to make a choice.

An electric guitar in a dream is a harbinger of your aspirations to find a common language with those who are unpleasant to you, but really need.

To play the electric guitar is to make an annoying mistake and reveal the secret at the most inopportune moment.

Hearing bass playing in a dream - someone is trying to harm you by creating various obstacles in your path.

Hearing slow pleasant music in a dream - to good health and good luck in business.

Dissonant discordant chords - to occupation with unpleasant, annoying business.

A sad melody - to sad news.

Organ in the church - to the collapse of the family.

Sad chanting in a dream accompanied by an organ - to tedious work, a quarrel with friends.

An accordion or hearing a game on it - to a pleasant pastime, an invitation to a celebration.

Hearing a button accordion in a dream - to the appearance of your faithful assistant and friend.

If you play the accordion, you will delight your family with something.

Hearing the accordion in a dream - for entertainment, getting rid of sad memories.

To see herself playing the accordion is for a young woman a harbinger of meeting with a loved one, an alliance with whom will be happy and long.

The accordion is out of tune - your close friend can get sick.

For those who play the cello themselves or someone else - to a great joyful event.

A musical trumpet - to good news, you will also have unusual hobbies.

Blowing a musical trumpet - to the fulfillment of desires.

A violin is a fun pastime, good luck in love, an addition to the family.

Playing the violin in a dream with the orchestra is to show you all kinds of honors.

Play alone - you will find comfort and peace of mind.

Balalaika in a dream - to joy, fun.

Hearing praise for your balalaika playing in a dream means getting an undeserved reprimand.

A string burst while playing the balalaika - promises an unexpected change in your plans.

The sound of musical cymbals - to the illness of an elderly person from your environment.

A drum in a dream is a sign of good luck and prosperity for sailors, fishermen and merchants.

The drum sound is muffled - some of your friends need help.

The sound of the drum is loud - a harbinger of happiness, prosperity, a successful career.

Beat the drum - you will be visited by a guest who has arrived from afar.

They saw a pipe or a small flute or play them - despite the rumors spread about you, your reputation will remain.

You hear the perfect sounds of a pipe in a dream - soon you will have to defend your honor or the dignity of people close to you.

A pipe in a dream - for a woman - let a marriage with a military man await.

Interpretation of dreams from