What to read to a child 6 7 years old list. What to read to a child of seven? Books about nature and animals

19.02.2021 Plumbing work

Elena Sutyrina

Dear Parents! In accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard (by federal state standard, we invite you to familiarize yourself with the list of recommended fiction for reading for 6-7 year old children. Of course, this does not mean that you should only read these books. It is important to take into account the desires and interests of the child himself.

Suggested list of fiction:

Russian folklore.

Songs. "The fox went rye ..."; "Chigariki-chok-chigarok ..."; "Winter has come…"; "Mother spring is coming ..."; "When the sun rises, dew will fall on the ground ...".

Calendar ritual songs. "Kolyada! Kolyada! And there is a carol ... "; "Kolyada, kolyada, give me some pie ..."; "How did the carriage go ..."; "Like an oil week ..."; "Ting-ting-ka ..."; "Maslenitsa, Maslenitsa!"

Jokes. "Brothers, brothers."; "Fedul, what did you pout on your lips?"; “Have you eaten the cake?”; "Where is the jelly - here and sat down"; “Silly Ivan.”; “I knocked it down, I knocked it down - here's the wheel”.

Fables. "Yermoshka is rich", "Listen, guys."

Fairy tales and epics. “Ilya Muromets and the Nightingale the Robber” (entry by A. Hilferding, excerpt); "Vasilisa the Beautiful" (from the collection of fairy tales by A. Afanasyev); "The Wolf and the Fox", arr. I. Sokolov-Mikitova; Dobrynya and the Serpent, retelling by N. Kolpakova; The Snow Maiden (based on folk stories); "Sadko" (entry by P. Rybnikov, excerpt); "Seven Simeons - seven workers", arr. I. Karnaukhova; "Sonko-Filipko", retelling by E. Polenova; "Do not spit in the well - it will be useful to drink water", arr. K. Ushinsky.

Folklore of the peoples of the world.

Songs. "Gloves", "Ship", translated from English. S. Marshak; “We went through the spruce forest”, trans. from the Swede. I. Tokmakova; “What I Saw”, “Three Revelers”, trans. with French N. Gernet and S. Gippius; "Oh, why are you, lark ...", Ukrainian, arr. G. Litvak; "Snail", mold., Arr. I. Tokmakova.

Fairy tales. From the tales of C. Perrault (French): "Puss in Boots", trans. T. Gabbe; "Ayoga", Nanaisk., Arr. D. Nagishkina; “Everyone got his own,” Estonian, arr. M. Bulatova; "Blue Bird", Turkm., Arr. A. Alexandrova and M. Tuberovsky; "White and Rose", per. with him. L. Cohn; "The most beautiful outfit in the world", trans. from japan. V. Markova.

Works of poets and writers of Russia.

Poetry... M. Voloshin. "Autumn"; S. Gorodetsky. "First snow"; M. Lermontov. Mountain Peaks (from Goethe); Yu. Vladimirov. "Orchestra"; G. Sapgir.

"Readers, tongue twisters"; S. Yesenin. "Powder"; A. Pushkin. "Winter! A peasant, triumphant ... "(from the novel" Eugene Onegin "," Bird "; P. Solovyov." Day and Night "; N. Rubtsov." About the Hare "; E. Uspensky." A Terrible Story "," Memory "; A . Block. "In the meadow"; S. Gorodetsky. "Spring song"; V. Zhukovsky. "Skylark" (abbr.); F. Tyutchev. "Spring waters"; A. Fet. "Already all the pussy willow" ( excerpt); N. Zabolotsky. "On the river."

Prose. A. Kuprin. "Elephant"; M. Zoshchenko. "Great Travelers"; K. Korovin. "Squirrel" (abbr.); S. Alekseev. "The first night ram"; N. Teleshov. "Ear" (abbr.); E. Vorobiev. "Broken wire"; Yu. Koval. "Herbal Rusachok", "Stozhok"; E. Nosov. “Like a crow on the roof got lost”; S. Romanovsky. "Dancing".

Literary tales... A. Pushkin. "The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Heroes"; A. Remizov. "Bread Voice", "Geese-Swans"; K. Paustovsky. "Warm bread"; V. Dahl. "The Old Man-Years"; P. Ershov. "The Little Humpbacked Horse"; K. Ushinsky. "Blind Horse"; K. Dragunskaya. "Medicine for obedience"; I. Sokolov-Mikitov. "Salt of the earth"; G. Skrebitsky "Everybody in his own way".

Works of poets and writers from different countries.

Poetry. L. Stanchev. "Autumn scale", per. with bulg. I. Tokmakova; B. Brecht. "Winter conversation through the window", trans. with him. K. Oreshina; E. Lear. "Limerick" ("Once upon a time there was an old man from Hong Kong ...", "Once upon a time there was an old man from Winchester ...", "There lived an old woman on a mountain ...", "One old man with a scythe ...", translated from English by G. Kruzhkov.

Literary tales. H. K. Andersen. "Thumbelina", "The Ugly Duckling", trans. from dates. A. Hansen; F. Salten. "Bambi", trans. with him. Yu. Nagibina; A. Lindgren. "The princess who does not want to play with dolls", trans. from the Swede. E. Solovieva; S. Topelius. "Three rye spikelets", trans. from the Swede. A. Lyubarskaya.

Compositions for memorization.

I. Akim. "April"; P. Voronko. "There is no better homeland", trans. with ukr. S. Marshak; E. Blaginina. "Overcoat"; N. Gernet and D. Harms. "Very, very tasty pie"; S. Yesenin. "Birch tree"; S. Marshak. “The young month is melting.”; E. Moshkovskaya. “We ran to the evening”; V. Orlov. "You fly to us, little skvorushka."; A. Pushkin. "The sky was breathing in autumn." (from Eugene Onegin); N. Rubtsov. "About the hare"; I. Surikov. "Winter"; P. Solovyov.

"Snowdrop"; F. Tyutchev. "Winter is angry for a reason" (and others at the choice of parents)

For reading in faces.

K. Aksakov. "Lizochek"; A. Freudenberg. "The Giant and the Mouse", trans. with him. Y. Korinets; D. Samoilov. "The Elephant has a birthday" (excerpts); L. Levin. "Chest"; S. Marshak. "Cat's House" (excerpts).

Additional literature.

Fairy tales. "White Duck", rus. from the collection of fairy tales by A. Afanasyev;

"Boy with a finger", from the fairy tales of Ch. Perrault, trans. with fran. B. Dekhtereva.

Poetry. “So the red summer has come…”, rus. bunk bed song; A. Block "In the meadow"; N. Nekrasov. "Before the rain" (abbr.); A. Pushkin. "For the spring, the beauty of nature ..." (from the poem "Gypsies"); A. Fet. “What an evening ...” (abbreviated); S. Black. "Before bedtime", "The Wizard"; E. Moshkovskaya. "Sly old women", "What are the gifts"; V. Berestov. "The Dragon"; L. Fadeeva. "Mirror in a Showcase"; I. Tokmakova. "I'm sad"; D. Harms. "Cheerful Old Man", "Ivan Toropyshkin"; M. Valek. "Wise Men", trans. with words R. Sefa.

Prose... D. Mamin-Sibiryak. "Medvedko"; A. Raskin. “How dad threw a ball under the car”, “How dad tamed a dog”; M. Prishvin.

"Chicken on poles"; Yu. Koval. "Shot".

Literary tales. A. Usachev. “About the smart dog Sonya” (chapters); B. Potter. "The Tale of Jemima Nyrnivluzhu", trans. from English I. Tokmakova; M. Aimé. "Paints", trans. with French I. Kuznetsova.

Remember, seven-year-olds need:

Continue develop children's interest in fiction, replenishing the literary baggage with fairy tales, stories, poems, riddles, counting rhymes and tongue twisters;

- educate a reader capable of experiencing compassion and empathy for the characters in the book, identifying with your favorite character. Develop a sense of humor in children;

- draw children's attention to expressive means (figurative words and expressions, epithets, comparisons); help to feel the beauty and expressiveness of the language of the work; instilling sensitivity to the poetic word;

Continue improve the artistic and speech performance skills of children when reading poems, in dramatization (emotionality of performance, naturalness of behavior, the ability to convey one's attitude to the content of a literary phrase with intonation, gesture, facial expressions);

Help children explain the main differences between literary genres: fairy tale, story, poem;

Continue introduce children to illustrations by famous artists.

Please do not refuse your child to read their favorite books. Give your children as much time and attention as possible, remember that "a happy childhood cannot be returned, but it can be gifted!"

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Image library:

At such a young age, the child will only be able to judge how tasty and convenient the book is to use - in other words, whether it fits in the mouth. Nevertheless, reading aloud to unintelligent babies is not at all as meaningless as it seems at first glance. Firstly, this is a kind of communication with the child, and secondly, listening to you, the baby learns to speak. Poems and songs are especially useful: even very tiny kids perceive rhythm well and are able to distinguish parental intonations.

How to read?

  • In a quiet environment. Remove toys that might distract your child and turn off the computer and TV.
  • Recite expressively and emotionally, carefully pronouncing all sounds. Speak lower, higher, faster and slower - in general, amuse your baby in good faith.
  • Show the crumb of pictures: it's good if you have different versions of images of the same creatures.
  • Demonstrate to the child the actions that are described in the verses and nursery rhymes. Butt for a horned goat, stomp for a clubfoot bear and growl for a tiger.
  • As soon as the baby gets tired of the book, stop reading and put it aside for a day.

What to read?

  • Short, correctly rhymed poems about animals, toys and the world around them.
  • Poems with onomatopoeia.

What to buy?

  • Durable, "indestructible" and safe toy books that you can chew with pleasure, wrinkle and even bathe in the bathroom.
  • Books with "live" illustrations: furry animals, croaking frogs, etc.
  • Books with simple, vivid and realistic pictures.

List of references 1. Aleksandrova Z. "Dandelion", "New Snow" 2. Aronzon L. "Who dreams of something" 3. Barto A. "Toys" 4. Bergelson A. "Hurray for a mosquito" 5. Berestov V. "About the car" , "Merry summer" 6. Blaginina E. "Poems for children" 7. Zakhoder B. "Songs of Winnie the Pooh" 8. Kozlov S. "I'm lying in the sun", "Panda" 9. Lagzdyn G. "Cockerel", "Bunny, bunny, dance!" 10. Mayer N. "Forest laughs" 11. Marshak S. "Children in a cage" 12. Moshkovskaya E.E. "Zoo" 13. Pikuleva N. "Poems for the smallest" 14. Russian folk nursery rhymes. "Magpie-white-sided", "Bells, little bells", "Ladushki", "I'm going to see a woman, to my grandfather", "Bayu-bajushki-bau", "Ladybug" 15. "Rhymes of Mother Goose", children's English poetry in the translation of S. Marshak and K. Chukovsky 16. Stepanov V.А. “How do you live? What are you chewing? " 17. Serova E. "A Glorious Family", "Who Lives in the Forest" 18. Tokmakova I. "Summer Rain", "Seasons" 19. Chebyshev A. "Hedgehog Visiting a Giraffe" 20. Chukovsky K. "Hedgehogs are laughing "," Bunny went out for a walk "

Books for children from 2 to 4 years old

Books for children from 2 to 4 years old

Now the child already understands the words spoken by adults, shows interest in everything around and is struggling to imitate mom and dad. One fine day, you may find that the baby is very intently "reading" aloud to his plush zoo. In general, it's time to start reading more serious and meaningful!

How to read?

  • Make reading a child-friendly ritual. For example, do this before bed — always at the same time.
  • If you started reading a fairy tale to your kid, and he fell asleep or was distracted, then next time you will have to start from the first page. It is still difficult for such young children to remember and combine in their heads different episodes of one story.
  • Do not be lazy to read the same thing over and over again if your little conservative asks about it. Use the children's love of repetition to memorize poetry and stories.
  • Do not be afraid to use words that are unfamiliar to your child. First, he probably understands much more than you think. And secondly, the expansion of vocabulary will greatly spur the development of speech.

What to read?

  • Short stories. Let them highlight one event or several, but occurring linearly, that is, one after the other.
  • Small poems (4-12 lines).
  • Poetic riddles.
  • Animals and toys are still at their peak. But now the cheerful story about the "ko" grazing in the meadow is no longer enough for the kid - now he needs some kind of relationship, interaction between the characters.

What to buy?

  • Books with large and very simple illustrations corresponding to the text.
  • Look for books that allow your child to do something on their own - put stickers, paint pictures.
  • Give preference to durable and inexpensive editions, the time for reading rare books will come later.
  • List of references 1. Andersen G.-H. "Thumbelina", Ognivo "," The Tale of the Steadfast Tin Soldier "2. Barto A." We are with Tamara "," Younger Brother "3. Garshin V." The Frog Traveler "4. Grimm." The Bremen Town Musicians "," The Wolf and the Seven little kids "," Boy-with-finger "," Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs "," The Brave Tailor "5. Dahl V." Old Man-Year-Old "6. Donaldson D." Gruffalo "7. Ershov P." The Little Humpbacked Horse " 8. Zakhoder B. "Teddy Bear" 9. Kipling R. "The Jungle Book", "On the Distant Amazon" 10. Levin V. "Stupid Horse" 11. Mamin-Sibiryak D. "Fairy Tales", "Alenushkin's Tales" 12 Marshak S. "The Tale of a Stupid Mouse", "Cheerful Account" 13. Mayakovsky V. "Every page, then an elephant, then a lioness", "What is good and what is bad?" 14. Mikhalkov S. "My Puppy", "Stubborn Frog", "Three Little Pigs" 15. Moritz Y. "The Roof Was Going Home" 16. Perrot Sh. "Puss in Boots", "Little Red Riding Hood", "Cinderella", " Sleeping Beauty "17. Russian folk tales." Turnip "," Kolobok "," Teremok "," Geese-swans "," Three Bears "18. Sef R." Who looks like whom "19. Suteev V." Under the mushroom "," Chicken and Duckling "," Who Said Meow? " 20. Tolstoy L. "Fairy tales and stories" 21. Tuvim A. "Alphabet", "Where are the glasses" 22. Kharms D. "Amazing cat", "Liar", "Ship" 23. Chukovsky K. "Tsokotukha fly" , "Cockroach", "Crocodile", "Telephone", "Moidodyr" 24. Charushin E. "Tomka", "What a beast" 25. Yasnov M. "Collector of icicles" "Bunny went out for a walk"

    Books from 4 to 6 years old

    Books for children from 4 to 6 years old

    If a child has not yet learned and loved to read, this is such a tragedy, next to which even the death of Pompeii fades. At least, this is what everyone around you will begin to convince! In no case do not succumb to these provocations and do not panic: everything will be fine - and will read, and love, and even ask you to write it to the library.

    How to read?

    • The child already quite decently perceives the text read by the normal parental voice. But, of course, light intonation will not hurt.
    • Children no longer get hung up on one fairy tale as much as before, but for a better perception, it still makes sense to read books several times - this makes it easier to remember the details.
    • Read the chapters if they are small, otherwise separate the text yourself into separate semantic chunks. This “fractional approach” will help encourage your child to learn to read on their own. Stop literally "at the most interesting place", and then feel free to start going about your business: he wants to know what will happen next, let him take the book himself.
    • If the child's questions baffle you, then together with him look for answers to them in paper encyclopedias and reference books. The Internet is a poor helper in teaching reading, there are too many temptations.
    • Take the child to the children's library. Show and let them look through a variety of publications: miniature books and huge atlases or photo albums.

    What to read?

    • Adventure stories, novels and novels full of exciting events.
    • Stories in the spirit of "good fellows a lesson" are moderately moralizing and by no means boring.
    • Encyclopedias for preschoolers and younger schoolchildren.
    • Teaching aids to prepare for school.
    • Books related to the events taking place around the child. For example, before the New Year, you can read stories about Grandfather Frost, and before May 9 - war stories.

    What to buy:

    • Books with complex illustrations designed for a long study.
    • Children's magazines and comics.

    List of references 1. Bazhov V. "The Silver Hoof" 2. Burnett F. "Little Princess" 3. Bianki V. "Stories about Animals" 4. Volkov A. "The Wizard of the Emerald City" 5. Voronkova LF "Girl from the City" 6. Gaidar A. "Chuk and Gek", "Blue Cup" 7. Gauf V. "Dwarf Nose", "Tale of the Caliph-Stork", "Tale of Little Flour" 8. Galliko P. " Thomasina "9. Dr. Seuss" Tales "10. Zoshchenko M." Stories about Lele and Minka "11. Kozlov S." Hedgehog in the Fog "," In the native forest "12. Krylov I.А. "Elephant and pug", "Crow and fox" 13. Lagerlef S. "Wonderful journey of Niels with wild geese" 14. Lindgren A. "Emil from Lönneberg", "Kid and Carlson" 15. Milne A.A. "Winnie the Pooh and all, all, all" 16. Tales of the peoples of the world 17. Nosov N.N. "Dunno and His Friends", "The Adventures of Kolya and Misha", "Entertainers", "Dreamers" 18. Oseeva V. "Blue Leaves", "The Magic Word", "Which is Easier" 19. Oster G. B. "Kitten by named after Gav and other stories "20. Prishvin M." Forest owner "21. Pushkin A.S. "Fairy Tales" 22. Raspe R.E. “The Adventures of Baron Munchausen” 23. Rodari J. “The Journey of the Blue Arrow” 24. Romanova N. “The Red Dot Ant” 25. Russian folk epics 26. Tolstoy A.N. "The Adventures of Pinocchio" 27. Wilde O. "Star Boy" 28. Uspensky E. "Crocodile Gena and His Friends", "Holidays in Prostokvashino" 29. Chandler HJ "Tales of Uncle Remus" 30. Chaplin V. "Kinuli "

    Books for children 7 years old

    Books for children 7 years old

    Now, not only you, but also the class teacher will determine your child's reading circle. Make a contract with the young student: every month you go to the bookstore and buy two books there - one you choose, the other he.

    How to read?

    • It's time to finish reading aloud, perhaps five to ten minutes - at night, so that you can sleep better. It is really time for the child to start reading himself.
    • Read fairy tales and fables by role.
    • Teach your child to write poetry or, for example, write stories that continue his favorite books.
    • Watch the young bibliophile read aloud. Does he get confused in words, does he swallow syllables, does he put stress correctly, etc. Carefully correct all mistakes, and if the baby suddenly has problems with pronunciation and reading comprehension, be sure to consult a doctor.
    • A first-grader almost every day gets homework “to read a text from such and such to such and such a page” - as a result, a pleasant earlier activity turns into a painful obligation for him. Do not forget to praise the student so that he does not lose motivation at all.

    What to read?

    • Unadapted children's works with a full-fledged plot and complex sentences.
    • What "everyone reads". At this age, it is very important for children to feel “their own” in a team of peers, so they will have to endure a little.
    • E-books. There is no escape from technology, so it is better to use them for good.

    What to buy:

    • Books from the school curriculum.
    • Books about the hobbies of the child. If the kid loves cats, choose a zoological encyclopedia (or a cat detective), if he is fond of hockey - sports, etc. Even for cartoons and computer games that often distract children from reading, you can pick up appropriate novelizations or art books.

    List of references

    1. Adams R. "Inhabitants of the hills"

    2. Barry J. "Peter Pan"

    3. Hoffman E.T.A. "The Nutcracker and the Mouse King"

    4. Graham K. "The Wind in the Willows"

    5. Dahl R. "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory"

    6. Darrell J. "My Family and Other Animals"

    7. Dickens D. "Stories for Children"

    8. Dragunsky V. "Deniskin stories"

    9. Konopnitskaya M. "About the gnomes and the orphan Marys"

    10. Crews J. "My great-grandfather, heroes and me", "Tim Thaler or the sold laugh"

    11. Carroll L. Alice in Wonderland, Alice Through the Looking Glass

    12. Legends and myths of Ancient Greece

    13. London J. "White Fang"

    14. Lewis K. "The Chronicles of Narnia"

    15. Nekrasov A. "The Adventures of Captain Vrungel"

    16. Odoevsky V. "Town in a snuffbox"

    17. Olesha Y. "Three Fat Men"

    18. Preisler O. "Krabat", "Little Baba Yaga", "Little Water"

    19. Raud E. "Muff, Boot and Moss Beard"

    20. Seton-Thompson E. "Stories of animals"

    21. Task S.E. The secret of the red cat

    22. Twain M. "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer", "The Prince and the Pauper"

    23. Frisch K. "Ten Little Uninvited Guests"

    24. Ekholm J. “Tutta Carlson. The first and only "

    25. Jansson T. "Memoirs of Moomin's dad", "The wizard's hat"

The books in this section are very different. There are stories for all tastes: scary tales (for example, fairy tales of different peoples in the retelling for children), and funny and funny adventures (for example, the adventures of Dunno and Mafin's donkey, Pinocchio and Moomins, Koska the rabbit and Pippi Longstocking) , and the ironic narratives of Gregory Oster and Alan Milne. There are short fables and long stories, poetry and prose. But let us note that there are fewer and fewer poems, and more and more prose. After all, children of this age already really like fascinating stories full of adventures and suspense.

Some of these books are published in different versions - with a large number of bright pictures or in a more "adult" form, where there are few or no pictures at all. Preschoolers, even the oldest and the smartest, are better off buying books in a bright and colorful design, pictures help them imagine the heroes of the book and the events that happen to them.

At this age, the child usually already knows how to read and the task of the parents is to teach himget pleasure from this process. It is very important that a work that is not difficult for its age does not fall into the hands of a little fidget. Otherwise, the child will not understand well what he is reading, and this can discourage interest in books for life. Therefore, when giving your child the first books for independent reading, choose those with a lot of pictures and little text. Let the child read "Ryaba Hen" and "Kolobok" himself. Familiar fairy tales will help you painlessly overcome the stage "I read that - I don't know what."

However, even if your child already reads well himself, be sure to continue reading aloud to him, as reading is a huge work for a child at this age. Imagine that someone suggested that you solve trigonometric inequalities at your leisure, you would wrinkle your nose and prefer an alternative form of relaxation. The difference between you and your child is that at the age of thirty you can get involved in trigonometry, but you can not. A child in his six years needs to get carried away with reading - there is a school ahead, where you will have to read every day, in large quantities, and preferably - with pleasure.

And, most importantly, read yourself at home. If mom sits down on the sofa every evening with a book, and dad regularly studies magazines with interest, the baby will be sure: daily reading is the same "compulsory life program" as TV or morning washing.

References for children 6-8 years old

  • Alexandrova T.I. "Little brownie Kuzka", "Katya in the toy city"
  • Andersen G.-H. "Thumbelina", "The Ugly Duckling", "The Snow Queen"
  • Bazhov P. "The Silver Hoof", "The Jumping Fire", "The Blue Snake"
  • Bianki V.V. Non-fairy tales ("Bear-head", "Spider-pilot", "Sinichkin calendar", "Forest Gingerbread Man-Thorny Side", "How the Fox Hedgehog outwitted", etc.)
  • Bond M. series of books about Paddington Bear ("Paddington Bear is Home Alone", "Paddington Bear and Christmas", etc.)
  • The Brothers Grimm Fairy Tales ("Three Golden Hair", "White and Rose", "Lady Blizzard", "King Thrushbeard", etc.)
  • Epics (Ilya Muromets and Nightingale the Robber, Dobrynya and the Serpent, etc.)
  • Westley A-K. "Mom, Dad, Grandmother, 8 Children and a Truck", "Anton's Little Gift"
  • Wislander D. and T., Nurdqvist S. series of books about Mama Mu ("Mama Mu on the swing", "Mama Mu on the tree", etc.)
  • Gribachev N. "Hare Koska and his friends"
  • Gubarev V. "The Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors"
  • Dragunsky V. "The Secret Becomes Revealed", "Childhood Friend", "Top Down, Obliquely"
  • Driscoll D. series of books "Stories about the city of shoes"
  • Druzhkov Y. "The Adventures of Pencil and Samodelkin", "Magic School of Pencil and Samodelkin"
  • Ershov P. "The Little Humpbacked Horse"
  • Zhitkov B. "How I Caught Little Men", "What I Saw" (a unique book for curious children)
  • Zabolotsky N. "How mice fought with a cat"
  • Zakhoder B. Poems and Tales
  • Zoshchenko M. cycle of stories about Lelya and Minka
  • Kataev V. "Seven-color flower"
  • Kinkade L & E. "Forest Stories with Little Willie and His Friends"
  • Kipling R. "Elephant", "Rikki-Tikki-Tavi", "How the leopard became spotted", "How the first letter was written", "Why does a rhinoceros have wrinkled skin", etc.
  • Kryukova T. "House upside down" and others.
  • Kuprin A. "Elephant"
  • Levinova L.G., Sapgir G.V. "Adventures of Kubarik and Tomatik or fun mathematics"
  • Levitan E. "Our Sun", "The Stars Are Sisters of the Sun", "Everybody Dances in the Family of the Sun", "The Moon is the Granddaughter of the Sun" (series "Astronomy for Smart Children")
  • Lindgren A. "The Kid and Carlson Who Lives on the Roof"
  • Lofting H. "The Story of Dr. Doolittle"
  • Mamin-Sibiryak D.N. "Alyonushka's Tales"
  • Marshak S. "Twelve months"
  • Medvedev V. "Adventures of Sun Bunnies"
  • Milne A. "Winnie the Pooh and All, All, All"
  • Mäkelä X. "Mr. Au"
  • Nesbit E. "The Princess and the Cat"
  • N. Nosov "The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends", "Bobik Visiting the Barbos", short stories ("Mishkina's Porridge", "Telephone", "Dreamers", "Our Skating Rink", etc.)
  • Nurdqvist S. a series of books about Petson and Findus ("Fox Hunt", "Stranger in the Garden", "Birthday Pie", etc.)
  • Oster G. "A kitten named Woof", tales about an elephant, a monkey, a boa constrictor and a parrot, "Legends and myths of Lavrovy lane", "A tale with details"
  • Perrault S. "Little Red Riding Hood", "Puss in Boots", "Cinderella"
  • Prishvin M. "Lisichkin Bread", "Forest Doctor", "Hedgehog", "Golden Meadow" and others.
  • Preisler O. "Little Baba Yaga", "Little Waterman", "Little Ghost"
  • Prokofieva S. "The Adventures of the Yellow Suitcase", a series of books about the adventures of Snow White, etc.
  • Pushkin A.S. "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish", "The Tale of the Golden Cockerel", "The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Bogatyrs", "The Tale of the Priest and His Worker Balda"
  • Raud E. "Muff, Polbootinka and Mokhovaya Beard"
  • Rachel R. "Piccoletto"
  • Rodari D. "The Adventures of Cipollino", "The Journey of the Blue Arrow"
  • Russian fairy tales in retelling for children: "Sivka-Burka", "Princess-frog", "Bird's tongue", "Frost", "Finist - a clear falcon", "Snow Maiden", "Marya Morevna", "Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka "," By the Pike's Command "," The Tale of Ivan Tsarevich, the Firebird and the Gray Wolf "," The Tale of the Silver Saucer and the Pouring Apple "," The Tale of Rejuvenating Apples and Living Water "," Come There - Not I know where, bring that - I don’t know what ”,“ Ivan is a widow's son ”,“ Wonderful berries ”,“ Lipunyushka ”,“ Vasilisa the Beautiful ”,“ Khavroshechka ”,“ The Sea Tsar and Vasilisa the Wise ”, etc.
  • Tokmakova I. “Alya, Klyaksich and the letter“ A ””, “Maybe Zero is not to blame?”, “And a cheerful morning will come”, “Marusya will be back again”, “Happy, Ivushkin!”
  • Tolstoy A. "The Golden Key, or the Adventures of Pinocchio" and other fairy tales
  • Topelius S. "Sampo-Loparenok"
  • Usachev A. "Smart dog Sonya", "Santa Claus from Dedmorozovka" ("School of Snowmen"), "Black-Black Cat"
  • Uspensky E. "About Vera and Anfisa", "Uncle Fyodor, a dog and a cat", "Holidays in Prostokvashino", "Down the magic river", "Colorful family"
  • Harris D. "The Tales of Uncle Remus"
  • Hogarth E. "Mafin and His Merry Friends"
  • Charushin E. "Nikitka's friends", "Bear", "Volchishko" and others.
  • Black S. "My dog's thoughts"
  • Chukovsky K. "Barmaley", "Cockroach", "Crocodile", "Stolen Sun", "The Adventures of Bibigon", "Miracle Tree"
  • Sharov A. "The Adventures of Ezhenka and Other Drawn Men"
  • Janson T. "Little trolls and a terrible flood", "The comet flies!" (in another translation - "Moomin and the comet"), "The wizard's hat", "Memoirs of the Moomin dad", "Dangerous summer", "Magic winter", "About the last dragon in the world"

Compiled by E.V. Gilmutdinova

Hello, friends!

In our street stands beautiful weather - I want to walk, ride a bike and rollerblades, climb trees and slides. And I will tell you about what we managed to read for a long autumn-winter period and that, in general, you can read a child 5-6 years old. :)

At this age, many children already read themselves. It is a pity that some moms and dads then stop reading. After all, he already knows how! The logic is usually like this: I will stop reading, he will want to and will "stretch himself"... But I still think that this is not the age and not the kind of thing when you can throw it into the water and either come out and learn to swim, or you're out of luck ...

A common problem: the child can read, but does not read and asks the parents. On the one hand, the child does not like to read because of the low reading speed, on the other hand, in order to increase the speed, it is necessary to read. Contradiction. But, by the way, it is solved quite easily. tRIZ methods... It is necessary to separate these two processes in time: there is a time when a child reads himself, and there is a time when his parents read to him.

Gleb has been reading for a long time himself. I have already read several plump books with small fairy tales and stories. I wrote about our first books. But now the interests of the child go far beyond the possibilities... I would like to read or listen to 10-15 pages, but you can only read one! Yes and font in booksthat are truly exciting small child - definitely not for preschoolers or even first graders.

But it is important not only to continue reading, but also to know what to read to the child... You can often hear the complaints of parents “the child used to love when people read to him, but now he is somehow not very much”. And it turns out that the Adventures of Dunno and the tales of the Brothers Grimm are still being read to him. (These are wonderful books, but the library still needs to be updated and the repertoire constantly expanded.) Books should "grow" with the child or at some point they will get bored, like a pyramid and a tumbler.

I'll tell you about some books that we have read in the last 6-8 months... Of course, this is far from all - there were still many New Year stories, encyclopedias, ordinary fairy tales, informative stories.

I read this book when I was in 3rd grade. We lived in a village and more than once dug out a bear when planting potatoes; fought aphids on apple trees; Colorado beetles were collected from leaves. therefore then this book made a huge impression on me. After all, I saw all these insects, held in my hands, and now they were told about them, and even in such an unusual form.

For Gleb it was a “doubly” new world. A city child does not even see an ant so often. Literally after each chapter, we looked for the mentioned insects on the street, if possible, or at least photos in encyclopedias.

And of course, this book is just for this age: exciting, dynamic, educational. It’s hard to imagine better.

“This universe is full of things that are necessary
to see through, that is, to investigate in terms of their bite, and
also, possibly, grub; full of mysterious
places where you can make entertaining experiments for
figuring out where is the best place to make puddles. "

Someone might say that these are “strange fairy tales” or “for an amateur”. It seemed to me that this almost philosophical tales that ask deep questions for thinking about the eternal... And do not think that there are "too adult topics" here, but the children need something simpler. This is not true. Over many things that the child would not think about for a long time, he begins to think now. His view of the world and people is expanding at lightning speed. Much faster and more efficient than reading the same encyclopedias.

And of course, for everyone who wants to, but does not know how to develop a sense of humor in children - I highly recommend it. There is something funny or ironic in almost every line.

A story about a doctor who has magic pills to cure cowardice and sadness. And these pills, along with the suitcase in which they were lying, “get lost” and a series of adventures and “strange” events begins.

In my opinion, this is one of those books when the child cannot tear himself away, and somewhere deeply, deeply, a solid foundation is being formed - reading is an incomparable pleasure... Unfortunately, this foundation does not appear by itself - its place can easily be taken by playing games on the iPad or watching cartoons.

During this year we have read a lot of history books... It all started last summer with legends of the Flying Dutchman... This book was read with Gleb in 7 days, while we were on a water-kayak trip. And then it started: king Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table, Iliad, Odyssey, twelve labors of Hercules. Of course, they did not read in a row. After each book you need a good break: you get tired of the language and style of storytelling.

But I'm glad that in the classroom in the theater studio Gleb can “show” (depict with gestures or body movements) King Arthur. But often children easily show "cars", "luntik" and fall into a stupor when they hear the task to show the knight of the Round Table.

The story of a red-haired boy who lived quietly in a village near Leningrad, and then was forced to move with his mother to the other side of the world - to Kamchatka.

This is not a fairy tale or an adventure novel or a historical tale., and at first it seems - will not hook a modern child who does not understand what it means to have a haircut with cologne, or why meet a sailor, and what, in general, this sailor is remarkable for. But Gleb liked it very much (maybe because he also wants to meet, but only with the driver :))). AND i had a lot to discuss: about the Soviet Union, and about travel, and just about the life of other people.

Spoke a little about this book in an article about unexpected children's thinking ... This book is a treasure trove of all kinds of TRIZ questions and tasks. Anyway, the three naxitralles are very creative, and your child can become the same just by watching them and trying to help in every “difficult” problem.

I cannot openly recommend all the stories in this book. On the one hand, it is interesting that the main character, already an adult dad, who talks about his childhood, has a lot of pressing childhood problems. Anyway, Gleb “found” many of his problems: touchiness, selectivity in food. Awareness of the problem, even through the main character, is a reason to work on oneself, sometimes even unconsciously. Maybe, of course, Gleb simply “outgrew”, but, to my happiness, after some time after reading the book we stopped hearing: “I'm offended by you!”. But some of the conclusions that the author makes, and the straightforward morality in some of the stories repulsed me. But this again gave many reasons for discussion - which in itself is good.

I did not know about such an author - Vangeli Spiridon Stepanovich, nor about the book, of course. But gladly plunged into the unfamiliar world of the Moldovan village... I will not tire of repeating: it is important for children not only and not so much to know wild animals, modes of transport, rivers in Africa, the capitals of Europe, or to count to n-twenty. These are the books, which tells about such an unusual, completely different life, from food, ending with the daily routine and views on the meaning of life, truly expand the understanding of the world.

I left a book double feeling... On the one hand, Gleb understood the boy's feelings - our grandmothers also live far away, they come 1-2 times a year for 5-10 days. On the other hand, it seems that the boy has a “strange” relationship with his parents. They seem to be lacking something, and so the poor boy makes up for this lack by fantasizing on a tree or communicating with an elderly neighbor. The more loving adults around the child, the better.... But still if have loving parents, there cannot be such an urgent need for a “caring adult”.

But, in any case, an interesting, calm, quivering story.

Here is such impressive list for the summer I did it. Now you know, what to read to a child 5-6 years old.
Good luck with your choice of books and enjoy your reading!

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    I found inaccuracy in the article: the book "sunny boy" - you give an illustration of the Book for parents raising special children by the author O. Stepanova, and you mean, apparently, this book http://www.labirint.ru/search/Sunny%20boy/ author S. Sakhorov.

    Ksenia Nesyutina


    My kids love books. My son has been able to read for three years now, but we still continue to read as well. This is already like a tradition or even a ritual before going to bed. Sometimes I just read, sometimes take turns with him, then we discuss what we read together. Last summer we began to read a series of books about the adventures of Karandash and Samodelkin, these books are liked by both our eight-year-old son and five-year-old daughter. We all laugh together.


    That's right, Ksenia, we must continue reading)) My daughter is 11 years old, and we very often read to each other and sometimes we distribute dialogues by roles. You can have a lot of fun when reading together))
    For some reason, "The Muff" did not work for us, maybe it was too late to start this book.


    Ksenia, an interesting review. We, too, have now begun to read "The Adventures of Gugutse", the same author recently completed another book "Chubo from the village of Turturik". I really liked these books, they are so unusual. There are such non-trivial decisions, such turns of events are unpredictable. I agree that such books teach you to think outside the box, expand the framework, break patterns.
    We are not yet five years old, but I keep a note of many of the books from your review, at home there is already a whole shelf to grow. While there is something to read and at our age.
    And from Dunno, we have only read "The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends", but we have not yet reached the Sun City and the Moon, although we read a lot. And what, at the age of five, this is no longer interesting for children?

    Ksenia Nesyutina

    Dunno on the Moon - you can read at 8-10 and it will be interesting. We started a year ago, but it looks like it was early. I meant that Dunno is a fairly popular work and parents fall into the trap of rereading it and rereading it. Many still try to remember books from their own childhood - this is wonderful, but reading with my children, I understand how much I missed in my childhood! This I mean that sometimes you just have to look for interesting books. Perhaps you just did not read them, and your child will be a little more lucky)


    I see, Xenia. We don't have such a problem. I read a lot to children, much more than in my childhood. I am happy to master new works. I just don't have time to read the same thing several times. We have such a list that has not yet been read, two shelves are in line. I have another problem - not what to read, but when to read all this? There are so many wonderful publications now! There is so much at home and so much you want. Actually, that's why I started a blog to share with people. No need to go to the library yet. there is something to read at home. In general, I plan to borrow books later in the library that do not need to be re-read often. You can't buy everything.
    Now we have mastered Dunno in a sunny city, while the child was sick, they read it in 3 days. The book makes a very ambiguous impression. There are whole pieces that I would only read to a child at school. The narration and description are very protracted, for a preschooler it is difficult, for me it was even boring that there were preschoolers. But places where active action and dialogues are interesting. And yet the idea of \u200b\u200bcommunism is clearly visible. But the children do not yet understand this, of course. Still, it is worth considering how to correctly present the ideas of building society from this book, especially for schoolchildren.

The coefficient of utility from reading together with the child is very high: the benefit is incommensurably high in relation to the time spent, albeit with a prerequisite for the systematic nature of these costs.

And the benefit is not only in the formation and development of the child's mental and emotional potential, but also in laying the basic principles for building the child's relationship with society in general, and with various representatives of society in particular.

Using the examples of the heroes of the books, it is easier to explain what good and evil, bad and good deeds are.

Where else can you get so many examples?

Only books should correspond to the age interests and needs of the child. After all, they develop imagination, horizons, the ability to fantasize, teach to be friends, love, empathize, dream, joke.

Books should not be empty and, moreover, harmful.

You can, of course, limit yourself to showing cartoons and films, but this way you will introduce the child to the director's fantasy. Through reading books, you pave the way for the development of his own imagination, and then offer to compare with the director's fantasy.

The meaning of fairy tales

Start introducing your child to reading with folk tales. The concepts of good and evil, bad and good, are clearly separated in them, they are not confused, but clearly expressed and clearly outlined, which corresponds to the level of development of the consciousness of children 3-4 years old.

In folk tales, the everyday wisdom of our ancestors is, as it were, preserved, they teach that good and evil must be deservedly deserved.

Of course, in life everything is more complicated, evil does not manifest itself so clearly, but often hides under the guise of good. But this understanding should come in time, do not rush the time. Don't ignore fairy tales, even if they seem out of date to you. They provide the child with the basics of concepts on which the basic ideas about human feelings, about the principles of building relationships between people are based.

Choose fairy tales with high-quality presentation: with beautiful literary translation and literary processing.

For example, Andersen's fairy tales, without processing, are not adapted to the perception of modern children. His instructive deep fairy tales without processing are suitable for older children, if the child himself can look at history through the prism of modern reality, and if it is interesting to him.

Be sure to take note:

Some of the best and most famous translators of children's books:

  • Roots Chukovsky.
  • Nikolai Chukovsky (son of Korney Chukovsky).
  • Boris Zakhoder.
  • Samuil Marshak (translations of children's, and not only, poetry).

One of the most famous fairy tale tellers is Alexey Tolstoy.

These are classic writers. Their works and translations date back to the past century. But after all, the concepts of good and evil can also be attributed to the classics, they do not age. Their works will introduce the child to the classic literary language and figurative art style of writing.

And remember: books, like any knowledge, must be age appropriate.

Folk tales

Russian folk tales in the processing of Alexei Tolstoy.

There are many of them, the most famous are:

  • "By the pike's command."
  • "Princess Frog".
  • "Go there - I don't know where, bring that - I don't know what."
  • "Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka".
  • "Morozko".
  • "Ivan Tsarevich and the Grey Wolf".
  • "Bubble, straw and bast shoe."
  • "The Man and the Bear".
  • "Swan geese".

Epics about heroes.

In the literary adaptation by Alexander Afanasyev:

  • "Alesha Popovich".
  • Ilya Muromets and the Serpent.
  • "The story of the glorious hero Ilya Muromets and Nightingale the robber."
  • Nikita Kozhemyaka.
  • "The feather of Finist is clear of the falcon."
  • "Pokatigoshek".

There are also many famous Russian folk tales: about Elena the Beautiful, and about Koshchei the Immortal, and about Ivanushka the Fool - were retold by Alexander Afanasyev.

In literary adaptation by Irina Karnaukhova:

  • "Volga Vseslavievich".
  • Mikula Selyaninovich.
  • "Alyosha Popovich and Tugarin Zmeevich".
  • "About Dobrynya Nikitich and the Serpent Gorynych."
  • “How Ilya became a Hero from Murom”.
  • "Ilya Muromets and Nightingale the Robber."
  • “About the beautiful Vasilisa Mikulishna”.
  • "Svyatogor the Bogatyr".

In this processing, epics are presented in a simple and accessible language for children.

Fairy tales of the peoples of the world.

  • Tales of Slavic peoples:
  1. Ukrainian;
  2. belarusian;
  3. moldavian.
  • Fairy tales of the peoples of the north.
  • Tales of the peoples of the East, the most famous of which are presented in the series of fairy tales "A Thousand and One Nights".
  • Scandinavian fairy tales.

Finish your introduction to folk tales by watching cartoons. For example, animated fairy tales from the series "Mountain of Gems" will acquaint a child with a modern interpretation of not only Russian fairy tales, but also fairy tales of other nations.

Stories in verse

Poems are easily perceived and recorded in children's memory. Try memorizing the most interesting passages with your child.

  • For young children.

Roots Chukovsky. Tales in verse:

  1. Aibolit.
  2. "Fly Tsokotukha".
  3. "Cockroach".
  4. "Stolen Sun".
  5. "Moidodyr".
  6. "Fedorin's grief".

Samuel Marshak. Children's poems:

  1. "Children in a cage".
  2. "That's how absent-minded."
  3. "The Tale of the Stupid Mouse."
  4. "Baggage".
  5. "Merry ABC".
  6. "Cheerful account".
  7. "A Lesson in Courtesy".
  8. English and Scottish ballads and poems. One of the most famous is "The House That Jack Built".

Sergey Mikhalkov. Children's poems and fables:

  1. "What have you got?"
  2. "Uncle Styopa".
  3. "As an old man sold a cow."

Alexander Pushkin. Fairy tales:

  1. "The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Bogatyrs."
  2. "The Tale of King Soltan".
  3. "The Tale of the Golden Cockerel".
  4. "The Tale of the Goldfish".
  5. “The Tale of the Priest and His Worker Balda”.
  6. "Lukomorye has a green oak."

Extend the pleasure of getting to know Pushkin's work with animated adaptations of these fairy tales, and then they will remain in the child's memory for life.

World classics

  • For young children.

Charles Perrault. Fairy tales:

  1. "Cinderella or a crystal slipper."
  2. "Puss in Boots".
  3. "Sleeping Beauty".
  4. "Tom Thumb".
  5. "Donkey skin".
  6. "Red Riding Hood".

The Brothers Grimm. German folk tales as literary adapted by the Brothers Grimm:

  1. "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs".
  2. "The Bremen Town Musicians".
  3. "The Brave Tailor".
  4. "Mistress Blizzard".
  5. "King Thrushbeard".
  6. Rapunzel.
  7. "The wolf and the seven Young goats".
  8. "Pot of porridge".
  • For preschool children.

Hans Christian Andersen. The most famous fairy tales:

  1. "The Snow Queen".
  2. "Thumbelina".
  3. "Wild Swans".
  4. "The little Mermaid".
  5. "Princess on the Pea".
  6. "Flint".
  7. "The Steadfast Tin Soldier".
  8. "Swineherd".
  9. "Ugly duck".

Carlo Collodi “The Adventures of Pinocchio. The history of the wooden doll "in the literary treatment by Alexei Tolstoy:

  1. "The Golden Key, or The Adventures of Pinocchio."

Gianni Rodari "The Adventures of Cipollino".

Rudyard Kipling. Fairy tales:

  1. Rikki Tikki Tavi.
  2. "Baby elephant".
  3. "A cat that walked by itself."
  4. "Where does a rhinoceros have a skin?"
  5. "Where did the battleships come from?"
  6. "Why does a camel have a hump?"
  7. "Where does a whale get such a throat?"

Many of these fairy tales have not only animated film adaptations, but also their own film versions. Interest in the fairy tales of the world classics does not disappear, and modern film adaptations appear, for example, the rather new cartoon Rapunzel.

Adventure stories

With the cycles of adventure stories, begin to acquaint the child closer to 5 years old, when the level of perception, the ability to remember and analyze, is already more developed. With them, you can start teaching your child to read on their own.

These fabulous adventures will give your child a long journey into the invented world of fascinating stories from the lives of heroes.

Some of the stories could well have happened in his childish world, and it is easy to pick up a prototype for each character from the child's environment, including himself.

During the reading of all the stories from one cycle, the child will surely become attached to some beloved character, whom he will both empathize with and rejoice with.

This is very reminiscent of a friendly affection. The child will want to return to the world of adventures of his favorite characters again and again, and this will help to generate another desire - to quickly master independent reading (from personal experience).

  1. Yurye Genevieve. A series of adventures "Once upon a time there were rabbits" with very "live" illustrations by Loic Juannigo. Therefore, it is suitable for teaching a child to read independently.
  2. Edward Uspensky. A series of adventures "Crocodile Gena and Cheburashka".
  3. Alan Milne. Fairy tales "Winnie the Pooh and all-all-all" translated by Boris Zakhoder.
  4. Astrid Lindgren. "The Kid and Carlson Who Lives on the Roof."
  5. Joel Harris. Bratz Rabbit's series of adventures "The Tales of Uncle Remus" is a collected and literary processed Negro folklore.
  6. Rudyard Kipling. A series of stories about Mowgli from The Jungle Book.
  7. Tove Jansson. A series of adventures "All About Mummies".

After reading the books, do not forget to introduce your child to their animated film adaptations.

Russian classics

Acquaintance with the works of Russian classics for your child will be very informative and instructive. Through their works, as through a "window", a child will be able to look into the past centuries, get acquainted with the life of people of that time and hear fabulous, and not only, stories told in classical artistic language. He will plunge into the atmosphere of those times, imbued with the same feelings as children of many generations. After all, the main feelings and concepts do not change over the years, or even over the centuries, they are understandable to children of our time.

The proposed works are designed for preschool children, so start introducing them to a child from 5 years old.

Lev Tolstoy. Proverbs, Fables and Tales. Notable stories:

  • "The Lion and the Dog".
  • "Two brothers".
  • "Shark".
  • "Kitty".

Sergey Aksakov. "The Scarlet Flower".

Vsevolod Garshin.The most famous fairy tale - "Frog traveler".

Dmitry Mamin-Sibiryak.The most famous fairy tale - "Gray neck".

And your joint warm literary evenings will remain a kind and bright memory in his heart. This is the main magic of books.