How to cure the flu at home. How to quickly recover from the flu in one day. Folk remedies for flu for adults

30.04.2022 Electrics

Flu is an infectious disease transmitted by airborne droplets. Refers to ( acute respiratory viral infections). People of any age get sick, and outbreaks of the disease occur during the epidemic season. It occupies a special place in this group of infections.

The influenza virus damages the upper respiratory tract, mainly the trachea. In all regions during epidemics, influenza vaccines are widely used.

An acute respiratory viral disease affects the respiratory system. Penetrating into the body, the virus begins to multiply, penetrating inside cells. Depending on the type of antigen, the following types of influenza are distinguished:

— Virus type A in 1-1.5 months it can affect about 50% of the population of a given area. Even domestic animals can get sick with this type: birds, horses, pigs. The possibility of transmission of infection to humans from a sick animal has not yet been sufficiently studied.

- Option type B does not spread as quickly as type A. The epidemic lasts no more than 2-3 months, covering about 25% of the local population. Outbreaks of influenza B are recorded in children's camps, schools, nursing homes, and among the elderly.

- Flu typeC It is rare - from one case to another, but is observed in all regions.

Thus, people are more likely to get influenza A and B.

Like other respiratory diseases, the flu begins quickly and severely. On the first day of the disease, body temperature rises sharply from 30⁰ to 40⁰C. The patient feels chilly, severe chills are less common.

As the fever increases, a headache occurs, localized in the area of ​​the eyebrows and forehead. The patient complains of pain in the lower back, joints, muscles, in particular the lower extremities.

His face is red, his skin is hot and dry. In young people, enlargement of the cervical lymph nodes is possible. There is photophobia, burning in the eyes, they are shiny and moist.

Pain occurs when moving or pressing on the eyeballs. On the second day, flu symptoms are supplemented by nausea and vomiting, which usually occurs after taking medications or food. Body temperature drops to normal after 2-3 days; in other cases, fever can last up to seven days.

Influenza affects the upper respiratory tract in the form of , rhinitis,. The nose is stuffy, there is a runny nose, pain and sore throat, a painful dry cough, and hoarseness.

When examining the throat, redness of the pharyngeal mucosa is visible, with granularity specific to influenza. The main symptom of influenza is soreness behind the sternum, indicating damage to the trachea.

A rash may appear near the nose and... Depending on the severity of the disease and the degree of intoxication of the body, the following forms of influenza are distinguished:

Light form characterized by inflammation of the mucous membranes and an increase in temperature up to 38 degrees.

Moderate form occurs with an increase in temperature of 38.1⁰-40⁰, headache, weakness, moderate. Chest pain with a painful cough is possible.

In severe form The body temperature rises to 40⁰ and higher, the patient is shivering, has a severe headache, body aches, no appetite, nausea. Chest pain and cough.

Unlike adults, the flu progresses differently in children and the symptoms are more pronounced. Conservative treatment in this category of the population lasts from five to eight days, and complications of the disease occur more often among children.

Since the late sixties of the last century, the drug has been widely used for the treatment and prevention of influenza type A Amantadine.

This drug is still prescribed for chemoprophylaxis and treatment of respiratory viral infections, although it is most often used for Parkinson's disease(parkinsonism).

IN last years There is a high level of resistance of type A viruses to amantadine, and therefore the pharmaceutical industry produces new drugs - Oseltamivir And Zanamivir.

The attending physician may prescribe antiviral drugs to a patient with influenza, such as Ribavirin, Arbidol, Virazol, Remantadine, which have an antiviral effect against influenza A and B. They are most effective at the very beginning of the development of influenza.

Painful cough relieved by taking mucolytic agents to remove mucus. These include Bromhexine, Lazolvan, Ambrohexal.

For gargling, use a solution of furacillin 1:5000, infusions of herbs sage, calendula, chamomile.

Patients with mild and moderate forms of influenza can be treated at home in compliance with sanitary and anti-epidemic requirements - regular ventilation of the room, allocation of separate dishes, bed linen, towels, and personal hygiene items.

After recovery, the patient must gradually adapt and slowly transition to a normal active lifestyle.

Complications are more common among patients who self-medicate or have not undergone any treatment. However, in some cases, despite comprehensive treatment, flu symptoms do not subside, but progress.

A common complication of influenza is influenza viral pneumonia, which can be registered among previously healthy patients, but people suffering from chronic lung diseases and cardiovascular pathologies are more often ill.

Occasionally, against the background of questionable recovery, after the disappearance of the main symptoms of influenza, after some time (usually 2-3 days) the patient’s condition worsens and appears bacterial pneumonia accompanied by cough and purulent sputum.

The source of this complication turned out to be pathogenic bacteria that multiply in the pharynx, leading to a weakening of the protective forces of the bronchi. This complication is treated with antibiotics.

Prevention of influenza infections

The source of influenza infection is a sick person. Transmission of the virus occurs through airborne droplets when talking, coughing, or sneezing. Infection is possible through public objects, a handshake, and everyday contact.

Once in the respiratory tract, the virus multiplies and damages epithelial cells. It then penetrates into other tissues of the respiratory tract. The incubation period ranges from a couple of hours to two to four days.

The virus survives in the external environment for 2-3 weeks at a temperature of +4⁰. Loses biological activity completely or partially after a few minutes under the influence of temperature +50⁰...+60⁰.

Modern disinfectants (bleach, chloramine) kill the virus instantly.

To ensure the prevention of influenza infection, you should avoid contact with patients in the first days of the disease and during fever.

The concentration and virulence of the influenza virus sharply decreases on days 5-7 of the disease, which reduces the risk of infecting surrounding people.

Flu is treated all year round, but more often during epidemic outbreaks. Anti-influenza vaccinations are carried out in schools and closed children's institutions taking into account the epidemic season.

Only newborn children under one year of age do not get the flu, since they receive protective antibodies from their mother's milk.

Recipe No. 1

To reduce the effects of fever, apply a grated raw potato wrapped in a piece of gauze to your forehead along with the peel and adding 1 tbsp. apple cider vinegar.

Recipe No. 2

Pour a glass of whole village milk into an enamel pan, add 1/2 tsp. ginger, turmeric, ground red pepper. Place on low heat, cook for 1-2 minutes. Cool, add 1/2 tsp. unsalted butter , 1 tsp. natural honey.

Drink 200 ml three times a day

Recipe No. 3

The product is intended to relieve the symptoms of rhinitis during the treatment of influenza. Grind the leaf, add 1 tbsp. honey, juice of one bulbs, mix the ingredients thoroughly.

Place in a piece of gauze and apply to the nostrils, previously lubricated olive oil.

Recipe No. 4

Colds and flu are treated at home with tea brewed with leaves. currants: per glass of boiling water - 1 tbsp. raw materials. Leave covered for ten minutes and strain. They cook it exactly the same way.

In cold seasons, a person is often faced with the inability of his body to resist various viruses and bacteria. Flu is a viral disease that must be treated with a doctor. However, many people consider the flu to be a non-serious disease, so they can treat it at home, making their own diagnoses and sometimes even without taking any measures.

The flu should be treated as soon as possible, since, unlike a cold, it will go away on its own only if it develops complications. The site gives recommendations on how to eliminate the flu, but does not advise treating yourself. You definitely need to see a doctor, but traditional methods medical treatment can be intensified.

Influenza is characterized by infection by various strains of viruses, some of which are safe for humans, while others are dangerous. The difficulty of treatment lies in the fact that dangerous strains of viruses are constantly mutating. Doctors have to constantly develop new drugs and vaccines for prevention. By the way, the most the best way To avoid getting the flu is to get vaccinated. However, in rare cases, even this does not save a person from the disease, so treatment must be done with a doctor.

Can the flu be cured at home?

Flu can be cured at home only with early stages its development. Usually a person does not even distinguish the flu from a cold, so he is treated in the usual ways. The first thing to do when you have the flu is to take sick leave from work and stay in bed. The first mistake of all sick people is that they try to endure the disease “on their feet”. But at the same time they forget that the disease takes away their strength, which is not enough for a complete recovery.

You can go to work while you have the flu, but you shouldn’t count on a quick recovery. Moreover, complications may arise that the person will then have to treat.

The second mistake that needs to be eliminated during treatment is the reluctance to see a doctor. What does this mean?

  1. The person does not know what he is being treated for, so he selects medications that may not contribute to recovery.
  2. A person does not receive information about which medications can be used to quickly recover.
  3. A person does not have good reasons to stay at home, since sick leave is issued by the attending physician.

During the flu, you need to stay in bed. However, you shouldn’t hope that drinking hot tea with lemon and watching TV will make the flu go away. We remind you that we are not talking about a cold, when a person simply has a cold or is hypothermic. We are talking about influenza - a viral disease. If the immune system decreases so much that it is not able to cope with the remaining virus, then the infection will spread through the respiratory tract.

The flu is known for greatly weakening the immune system and allowing the infection to develop into other, more serious illnesses. While the flu can be treated on your own at home, more serious illnesses will have to be treated with a doctor.

Those at risk who should not get the flu and who are most susceptible to the disease include:

  • Diabetics.
  • Pregnant women.
  • Infants.
  • Aged people.

The next mistake when treating influenza at home is that a person gives himself little time to recover. The minimum amount of time a person must spend on home treatment, is 7 days. Usually the high temperature subsides, and the first signs of improvement occur 3-4 days after the start of treatment. If a person, at the first signs of improvement, gets up and goes to work without resting, then he provokes the development of complications. The body has not yet gotten rid of the influenza virus, and the person no longer adheres to the recommendations for recovery.

At the first signs of influenza, you should consult a doctor, and before visiting him, take the following measures:

  1. Take antiviral medicine.
  2. Refuse from physical and mental activities.
  3. Take antipyretic medicine if the temperature is above 38°C.
  4. Drink more liquids: teas, fruit drinks, compotes and vitamin drinks.

How to treat the flu?

When treating influenza, you need to use an integrated approach: treat yourself and use doctor’s recommendations, use medications and traditional methods of treatment, treat yourself at home, but be sure to invite a doctor to your home. If you attack the influenza virus from all sides, then you can quickly get rid of it.

Pharmacology offers the following drugs to eliminate the virus:

  • Arbidol - a medicine that will help relieve flu symptoms, quickly lead to recovery and restore immune strength.
  • Anaferon - the medicine helps strengthen the immune system, which will be able to fight the virus.
  • Amiksin is a medicine to eliminate flu or colds.

Traditional methods can be used to eliminate influenza. However this method cannot be used as the main one. You need to use medications and folk remedies to speed up your recovery. The following recipes will be useful:

  1. Stir 4 egg yolks until foamy, add sugar and 400 g of warm beer. Add 5-6 cloves, a little cinnamon and finely ground zest to the mixture. Cook for 7 minutes without boiling. Take 250 ml three times a day.
  2. 2-3 tsp. Stir beet juice with a teaspoon of melted honey. Instill the resulting mixture 4-5 times during the day.
  3. Wash the onion and place it, along with the peel, in a saucepan with water that should completely cover it. Add 60-70 g of sugar and cook for 35-45 minutes over low heat. Strain the broth and cool. Take 1-2 tbsp 30 minutes before meals. l.

For a quick recovery you need comprehensive treatment

The doctor must prescribe medications that will fight the virus and improve immunity. Folk remedies will help strengthen the immune system and relieve symptoms. Comprehensive treatment will help you recover quickly. And one of the effective folk remedies is inhalation, in which you can use potatoes along with the peel or herbs (chamomile, sage, eucalyptus).

Drink more water: fruit or chamomile tea, rosehip tincture. If you are not allergic, you can eat more citrus fruits. You can also use raspberry jam or honey. Don't forget about onions and garlic, which affect the virus itself.

Humidify the air, constantly ventilate it in the room. It should not be stale, dry or too hot. Eliminate fatty foods, alcohol and meat from your diet. Give up physical and intellectual stress for a while. Stay on bed rest until you are fully recovered.


Influenza can be easily cured because it is localized in the upper respiratory tract and can be controlled. However, if you neglect all the recommendations and do not get treatment at all, you can allow the flu to cause complications. The prognosis worsens if left untreated. It is also better to consult a doctor about treatment methods, so that traditional methods only complement the effect. A complex approach will solve the problem and save a person not only from the flu, but also from its complications.

Flu or ARVI familiar to each of us. Not always, when we feel the first signs of a viral disease, we consult a doctor. Sometimes there is neither time nor opportunity for this.

In order not to remain idle, we suggest using tips on how to treat the flu at home.

Bed rest. If you feel unwell, the first thing to do is go to bed. “Carrying” an infection on your feet is extremely dangerous; in such cases, the risk of complications increases several times. Since your body must fight infection, creating the conditions necessary for this is your first priority. A sick body should not waste its energy on physical activity.

Professional help. Only an experienced doctor can figure out exactly what kind of infection you have picked up. He will also determine which medications are best to take. in this case. As you know, viruses and bacterial infections need to be treated differently.

Drink plenty of fluids. Treatment for influenza involves drinking plenty of fluids. Ideally, these should be warm, slightly sour compotes, teas, juices, fruit drinks, rosehip decoction. This will help you reduce intoxication in the body, thin mucus when coughing, and compensate for water loss during intense sweating. Raspberries are suitable as a folk antipyretic, but in addition to it, you should also drink other liquids. When coughing, you can drink warmed milk with cocoa butter or sage, as well as warm milk with alkaline mineral water without gas. But we’ll talk about cough suppressants separately.

Temperature. An elevated temperature is a sign that your body is fighting an infection. There is no need to lower the temperature above 38.5 degrees (only if you can tolerate it without problems). Such a high temperature creates an excellent barrier for the proliferation of viruses. If it is knocked down too early, complications of the disease are possible. Today there are many medicines, which not only bring down the temperature, but also reduce inflammation and relieve pain. Miracle figs beneficial features which is used for a variety of diseases, will also help overcome high fever. You should mix 2 tbsp. spoons of dried figs with milk or water (1 cup).

We help the body fight the virus. In the first days of the disease, antiviral drugs are especially effective: aflubin, arbidol or other analogues. Among folk remedies, a 1:1 mixture of onion juice and honey (take 1 teaspoon every 30 minutes) has worked well. Lemon is a powerful antioxidant that reduces intoxication in the body and has a detrimental effect on the virus. If you have stomach problems, you can eat lemon “in its natural form” (without adding it to tea). Antibiotics should only be used in consultation with a doctor as they are only good for bacterial infections.

Eliminate symptoms. You can successfully fight a runny nose, sore throat and cough even at home.
When fighting a cough, remember that the sputum must be diluted. Here you should remember about drinking plenty of fluids. In addition, there are many expectorants with similar effects. If you have a slight fever, then steam inhalations with herbal infusions (calendula or chamomile) will also be very useful. Let’s not forget about folk remedies for coughs.
When choosing nasal drops give preference to oil-based products. They not only make breathing easier, but also do not dry out the mucous membrane. To relieve swelling in the sinus area, use antihistamines. The nose can be washed with a decoction of St. John's wort.
Regular gargling will quickly relieve your sore throat. Use decoctions of chamomile, calendula, sage or special ready-made medicinal solutions that can be bought at any pharmacy. Another common option is lozenges or lozenges, which are good for a sore throat.

Treatment of influenza at home will be successful if you promptly recognize the type of viral infection and choose the right medications. Be always healthy!

Surely, everyone at least once in their life has encountered the flu, which they themselves have suffered from or have observed the development and course of the disease in loved ones. And this is not surprising, because influenza is considered the most common infectious disease, capable of annually causing massive “outbreaks” and even epidemics. To be prepared to fight this disease, you need to know what the symptoms and causes of its development are, who is at risk and how to treat the flu at home. But first, it’s still worth understanding what it is.

Influenza is an acute viral disease that can affect not only the upper but also the lower respiratory tract. As a rule, it is accompanied by intoxication and can lead to the development of severe complications, including death. However, this complication most often occurs in children and elderly patients.

It’s worth saying right away that influenza and ARVI are similar diseases and symptomatic manifestations and by routes of infection. But this is not the same thing at all. The flu, unlike the common cold, is much more severe, is accompanied by pronounced intoxication and often leads to the development of serious complications.

Forms of influenza

Depending on the severity of the flu, it is divided into the following forms:

  • light;
  • average;
  • heavy;
  • hypertoxic;
  • lightning fast.

Causes and types of influenza

The disease develops after the influenza virus of the same name enters the body. Depending on what virus caused the development of influenza, it is customary to distinguish between the following types of this disease:

  • caused by group A viruses. Such viruses are prone to mutation and contribute to the development of complications. The course of the disease is extremely severe;
  • caused by viruses of group B. Just like viruses of group A, they mutate. The disease is relatively mild. Complications occur in rare cases;
  • caused by viruses of group C. The mutation process is practically absent, the course is quite mild. Children are most often affected by the disease.

Features of influenza viruses

These specific viruses are not afraid of the cold. This is what causes seasonal “outbreaks” of influenza. But they die when heated, and even more so when boiled. Influenza viruses, when introduced into environment, become unstable. However, the risk of infection remains for 24 hours after they are released into the external environment by the body of an infected person.

How does flu infection occur?

Perhaps the most common method of infection is airborne. In the process of talking, coughing or sneezing, microscopic particles of the patient's saliva are released into the environment. They contain millions of influenza viruses. Hovering in the air, they can get onto the surface of the mucous membranes of a healthy person. Thus, infection occurs.

If you observe the picture through a microscope, for example, after a patient sneezes, you can see how a “cloud” consisting of bacterial dust, large-droplet and small-droplet particles of saliva spreads around. Large droplet particles are not so scary, because they can provoke infection of a healthy person if he is in close proximity to a sick person.

And bacterial dust and small droplets scatter several meters from the source of infection. Just a light blow is enough for them to move hundreds of meters away, since their settling speed is too low. They can hover in space for several hours. By settling on pieces of furniture, floors, and walls, these small particles can remain viable for a long time. Therefore, if you are treating the flu at home, make sure that the risk of infecting loved ones is minimized.

Influenza viruses can survive:

  • in the air – 9-12 hours;
  • on the surface of the skin – no more than 15 minutes;
  • on the surface of the paper - about 12 hours;
  • on glass surfaces – 10 days;
  • on fabric surfaces – about 10 hours;
  • on the surface of plastic and metal – 2 days;
  • in bronchial secretions, in which the influenza virus is already present - 10-15 days.

Based on the above, we can conclude that the Influenza virus is least likely to survive on the surface of the skin. So if you have the flu and sneeze, cover yourself with your hand if you don't have a paper or tissue to hand. This will slightly reduce the radius of spread of viruses in the environment.

In addition, you can become infected with the flu not only through direct contact with an infected person, but also by sharing kitchen utensils and hygiene items with him. Also, the flu is most likely to affect the body of a healthy person if he touches, for example, a computer keyboard, telephone or door handle with whom the patient had contact.

All this suggests that it is advisable to isolate a sick person in separate room, which should be well ventilated several times a day.

Mechanism of development of influenza

The influenza virus can enter the body of a healthy person through the mucous membranes of the pharynx, trachea, nose or larynx. When the virus enters the body, it actively reproduces. The incubation period can last from several hours to 2 days. There are cases when this period was about 5 days.

Actively multiplying, the virus is able to infect the tissues of all mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract in a short time. It would be useful to know that the virus is not able to infect the mucous membranes of other internal organs, for example, the intestinal or stomach mucosa.

After a maximum of 5 days, the reproduction of the virus in the body stops. What exactly causes the stop is still not clear to doctors. But from that moment on, the sick person ceases to pose a danger to others. Properly organized treatment for influenza at home can give positive results - the patient begins to gradually recover.

How does the flu progress?

With any form of influenza, the patient, to one degree or another, experiences catarrhal symptoms and signs of intoxication. And in rare cases, the presence of a hemorrhagic component can be noted. These pathological conditions have their own characteristic signs.

Intoxication 1. Temperature 38 ⁰ C - 40 ⁰ C

2. Headaches radiating to the forehead and eye sockets

4. Nausea

6. Weakness

7. Joint pain (especially in lumbar region, lower limbs) and muscles

8. Loss of appetite

Catarrhal phenomena 1. Pain when swallowing

2. Watery eyes, burning of the mucous membranes of the eyes

5. Cough (mostly dry)

Hemorrhagic component 1. Hemorrhages on the surface of the skin

2. Hyperemia of the facial skin (the rest of the skin is pale)

3. Sinus bleeding

4. Hemorrhages on the surface of the mucous membranes of the eyes and oral cavity

5. Dilated scleral vessels

It is also worth noting that manifestations of intoxication are observed within 4-5 days. If they continue to be present longer, it means that bacterial complications have developed.

Who is at risk?

Those most susceptible to developing influenza are:

  • people suffering from various immunodeficiencies (acquired or congenital);
  • children under 2 years of age (not fully formed immune system);
  • people whose immunity is weakened;
  • elderly people.

Factors predisposing to severe influenza

  1. Pregnancy and lactation period.
  2. Chronic diseases of the hematopoietic organs, lungs, heart, blood vessels and kidneys.
  3. Diabetes.
  4. Tendency to allergic manifestations.

General flu symptoms

Symptoms of influenza, regardless of its form, include:

  • convulsions;
  • high temperature that lasts for at least three days;
  • hemorrhagic skin rashes;
  • shortness of breath;
  • headaches that cannot be relieved even by taking strong analgesics.

Possible complications of influenza

All complications can be divided into two main groups - bacterial and viral. If everything is clear with viral complications, because the etiology of influenza is viral, then patients may have questions about bacterial complications. The fact is that, against the backdrop of the colossal expenditure of all reserves to fight the main viral infection, the body’s immunity may not have enough strength to suppress pathogenic bacteria.

Thus, bacteria are attached to viruses. This is most likely to happen if the patient has chronic bacterial diseases, which, as a rule, worsen after the flu. Patients are often interested in how to treat the flu at home if its complications develop. Experts assure that self-treatment in such situations can lead to even more disastrous consequences and recommend immediately contacting a medical facility.

Bacterial complications can manifest as:

  • septic condition. Characterized by the penetration of bacteria into the blood with subsequent reproduction. This condition is extremely serious and often leads to death;
  • encephalitis, meningitis. When a patient experiences foci of inflammation in the tissues and/or mucous membrane of the brain. Most often, this complication occurs in people with immunodeficiency;
  • glomerulonephritis. Spicy inflammatory process, which occurs in the tissues of the renal tubules, which leads to impaired renal function;
  • frontal sinusitis, sinusitis, otitis. Such conditions are perhaps the most common complications of influenza. Characterized by the presence of a bacterial infection in the hearing organs and nasal sinuses;
  • bacterial pneumonia. It usually manifests itself after a couple of days after the onset of relief. First, a cough appears with the release of green or yellow sputum, then the body temperature rises. It is extremely important not to miss the onset of bronchial pneumonia and to begin treatment in a timely manner so as not to aggravate the problem even further.

Viral complications can manifest as:

  • pericarditis and myocarditis (rare);
  • infectious-toxic shock. It is characterized by an extreme degree of poisoning of the body, which entails disruptions in the functioning of vital organs. Some of the first manifestations are a drop in blood pressure, tachycardia, and renal dysfunction;
  • primary viral pneumonia. It is considered a fairly rare but serious complication of influenza. Viruses, through the tissues of the bronchial “tree”, enter the lungs from the upper respiratory tract. The onset of primary viral pneumonia is similar to influenza, in contrast to which it progresses greatly. An extreme degree of intoxication is noted - cough with the discharge of a small amount of sputum (sometimes with the presence of blood), shortness of breath with the subsequent development of respiratory failure. A predisposing factor to the development of such a complication of influenza is the presence of heart defects, especially mitral stenosis.

Diagnosis of influenza

It is very important to differentiate influenza from other diseases with similar symptoms. The doctor makes a diagnosis based on:

  • clinical picture;
  • epidemic data;
  • laboratory tests (swabs from the oropharynx and nasopharynx with isolation of the virus strain).

Flu: how to treat it at home?


These procedures can be performed twice a day (morning and evening). The duration of each procedure should be from 5 to 10 minutes. Inhalations can be prepared using medicinal herbs and essential oils.

Herbs suitable for inhalation:

  • calendula;
  • lavender;
  • ginger rhizomes;
  • sage;
  • chamomile;
  • St. John's wort;
  • yarrow.

Essential oils suitable for inhalation:

  • menthol;
  • eucalyptus;
  • pine trees;
  • fir;
  • cedar;
  • bergamot;
  • lemon;
  • cypress

If you don't have special device for inhalation - a nebulizer, you can fill a sink or large container with boiling water and, covering your head with a towel, breathe in the healing vapors.

Sinus rinse solution

A soda-salt solution also helps get rid of a runny nose during flu. To prepare it you will need to mix a pinch of salt (sea or table) and baking soda. Dilute the mixture with a few drops of boiled water. To carry out the rinsing procedure, it is best to use a ball syringe (can be replaced with a regular syringe without a needle).

Leaning over the bathtub or sink and pinching one nasal passage, pour the prepared solution into the free nostril, gently pressing the syringe plunger. After this, carefully blow your nose. Then you can proceed to rinsing the second nasal passage.

  1. During treatment, the patient is recommended to drink as much fluid as possible. Warm drinks enriched with vitamin C are perfect, for example, berry fruit drinks, compotes, rosehip infusions, teas with lemon. By consuming at least 2 liters of such drinks per day, the patient can speed up the detoxification process. That is, rid the body of toxic agents formed as a result of the vital processes of viruses.
  2. If possible, take a warm shower with the bathroom door tightly closed (not during an acute period of illness). Having created the effect of a sauna, the mucus in the sinuses will take on a more liquid consistency and the airways will be cleared.
  3. During acute course The disease requires bed rest, and it is not recommended to work at the computer, watch TV or read a book. After all, these activities prolong the course of the disease and weaken the body, which is already weakened by the flu. Treatment at home should take into account the possible development of complications.

Decoction of black currant branches

Pre-wash the twigs, chop them finely and add a glass of water. Boil for 10 minutes, then steam in a thermos for 5 hours. Drink a hot decoction at night. For more good taste Sugar or honey can be added to the decoction.

Eucalyptus leaf tincture

Place finely chopped eucalyptus leaves (30 g) in a glass jar, pour 200 ml of alcohol, which can be replaced with vodka. The lid should seal the jar tightly. Leave in a dark place for 7 days. Then strain the infusion, squeezing out the remainder through cheesecloth. Take 20 drops three times a day, diluted in 50 ml of water.

Herbal decoction

To prepare this decoction you will need to take the following herbs in equal parts:

  • peppermint;
  • sage;
  • pine (buds);
  • tall elecampane (rhizomes);
  • St. John's wort;
  • plantain;
  • “naked” licorice (rhizomes);
  • calendula.

For 100 g of collection you will need 500 ml of water. Boil for 30 minutes, leave in a thermos for 6 hours. Take 50 ml three times a day (after meals).

Flu prevention

1. Vaccination. Annual vaccination will help minimize the risk of contracting influenza viruses. It is best carried out in the autumn period of the year, before the onset of the first cold weather. To do this, you can consult a doctor or any vaccination center. There are three types of vaccine:

  • subunit. It is the purest and does not cause any side effects. Can be used for vaccination of children;
  • split vaccine. This vaccine contains only a portion of the viruses. It can cause some side effects. Recommended for use by adults;
  • whole virion. Represents whole influenza viruses - inactivated or live. Today, the use of this type of influenza vaccine has practically ceased. The fact is that the whole virion vaccine has a number of side effects and can cause the development of the disease.

It is also worth noting that children under 6 months of age and people who are allergic to chicken protein are not subject to vaccination.

2. Maintain personal hygiene. This is especially true for washing hands after visiting public places with large crowds of people, as well as after contact with people infected with influenza viruses.

3. Regular wet cleaning and ventilation of living quarters in which the patient was located.

4. Use of personal hygiene items and utensils.

5. Increased immunity. This includes regular exercise, a properly balanced diet, getting rid of bad habits(smoking, alcohol abuse). You should also avoid stress and give your body the opportunity to get quality rest at night.

In order not to wonder how to cure the flu at home, avoiding the development of any complications, it is recommended to follow the preventive measures described above. If the influenza virus does affect the body, you should immediately consult a doctor. And only after consultation with him can you resort to independent treatment of the disease. Be healthy!

With the arrival of winter, 60-80% of the population faces a severe and serious problem called influenza. This disease is caused by influenza viruses A, B, C, and is characterized by damage to the upper respiratory tract and severe intoxication. The flu is transmitted from a sick person with droplets of saliva when talking, coughing, sneezing, and has a high degree of contagiousness, which causes the development of epidemics in 90% of cases. As a rule, it is not the flu itself that is dangerous, but the life-threatening complications that arise from improper or untimely treatment. You need to know how to treat the flu at home in order to start fighting it in time and avoid negative consequences.

High risk groups

Anyone can get the flu, but the risk increases significantly if you:

  • children under 3 years old;
  • persons taking acetylsalicylic acid for the purpose of treatment and prevention;
  • pregnant women;
  • people over 65 years of age;
  • those suffering from chronic pathologies (bronchial asthma, obstructive pulmonary diseases, kidney failure, heart failure, mental disorders, epilepsy, diabetes mellitus);
  • persons with immunodeficiency.

Main symptoms

Recognizing flu symptoms at home is not difficult. It begins acutely, sometimes with lightning speed. Symptoms of intoxication come to the fore: the temperature rises to 39-40°C, severe weakness occurs, and severe headaches, joint and muscle pain occur. The person cannot get out of bed, refuses to eat, and limits conversation. On the 2-3rd day, tickling, burning, sore throat, dry cough, slight mucous discharge from the nose and difficulty breathing appear.

Principles of flu treatment

It is necessary to begin treating the flu at home immediately after the first signs appear in order to speed up recovery and minimize the risk of complications. With timely treatment, mild influenza lasts 3-4 days, moderate influenza lasts 5-7 days, severe influenza lasts more than 10 days. Without adequate treatment, mild forms of the disease may go away on their own, but the recovery period will take 10-14 days. Untreated severe flu threatens fatal or in best case scenario, long-term treatment and rehabilitation in a hospital setting.

Treatment of influenza with traditional methods will be most effective if you adhere to an algorithm for providing care, which includes:

  1. Mode.
  2. Compliance with hygiene standards.
  3. Diet.
  4. Fight dehydration.
  5. Specific and nonspecific antiviral therapy.
  6. Symptomatic treatment (anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, antitussive).
  7. General strengthening measures (vitamin therapy, hardening).

When the flu occurs in a child under 3 years of age and the symptoms are difficult to eliminate, you should consult a doctor!

Regime and hygiene for influenza

If the question arises of how to cure the flu at home quickly and effectively, then you should start by organizing a regimen and optimizing living conditions, which provide 50% of the success of improving the condition.

A person with ARVI is very weak and requires the help of others. Bed rest is required, with restriction of any activity for the first 2-3 days of the disease. Getting out of bed is allowed in cases of emergency for a few minutes. When moving, the load on the cardiovascular system, blood supply to the brain deteriorates, dizziness may occur, followed by loss of consciousness.

The patient's room should be ventilated 3-5 times a day. If this does not happen, viruses exhaled into the air accumulate in high concentrations, which slows down the healing process and reduces the effectiveness of treatment.

The second way to prevent the accumulation of viral particles is to change bed linen and clothing daily.

The patient should have a personal toothbrush, a towel, a comb and dishes, which must be washed immediately after eating and rinsed in boiling water.

Medical nutrition

There are recommendations on how to get rid of influenza and ARVI using proper diet. Its goal is not to “feed” the patient, but to provide the body with easily digestible nutrients, vitamins, microelements. You need to eat often, at least 6 times a day, in small portions.

Authorized products:

  • light broths (chicken, turkey);
  • vegetable soup, puree;
  • lean boiled, baked meat;
  • steamed meatballs;
  • Steamed fish;
  • vegetables and fruits rich in vitamins (citrus fruits, carrots, fresh peas, potatoes, all types of cabbage, tomatoes, currants, spinach, parsley, wheat sprouts);
  • dairy products;
  • buckwheat porridge;
  • soft-boiled eggs;
  • crackers;
  • liver.

Prohibited products:

  • fatty, fried meat;
  • smoked sausage, fish;
  • fresh baked goods;
  • conservation;
  • chocolate, cocoa, candies;
  • spices and herbs;
  • ice cream;

Food should be freshly prepared, warm, lightly salted, and not contain preservatives, flavors or colorings. Chew thoroughly, slowly, so that pieces of food do not further injure your irritated throat.

Treatment of dehydration

The fight against fluid loss must begin immediately. The main cause of dehydration is high temperature. You should drink at least 3 liters of warm liquid per day in small sips. Teas, compotes and juices with high content vitamins C, B1, B2, B6 and E.

Vitamin C is one of the main ones in the treatment of colds. The influenza virus destroys vascular walls, which manifests itself in the form of bruises, hemorrhages in the sclera and, in severe cases, internal organs. Vitamin C increases the body's resistance to infections, restores damaged tissue, increases vascular tone and reduces their permeability.

The storehouse of this vitamin is:

  • decoction of rose hips, sea buckthorn, dill;
  • currant and rowan compotes;
  • apple, lemon, orange, tomato juices;
  • raspberry tea.

You should drink at least 1 liter of these liquids daily.

B vitamins increase cell resistance to viral toxins, improve and accelerate metabolism, and ensure normal functioning of nerve cells.

Should be used:

  • kiwi smoothie, raw pumpkin;
  • corn broth;
  • dairy products;
  • apple, tomato juices;

Vitamin E protects cells from toxins, providing a powerful antioxidant effect. There is a lot of it in:

  • vegetable oils (sunflower, olive, soybean). You need to take 1 tablespoon daily;
  • apple-banana, pear, orange juices.

In addition, you need to drink warm herbal teas. The most popular flu remedies are:

  • tea with thyme, sage and chamomile;
  • tea with fennel and linden blossom;
  • mint tea with nettle and sage.

To prepare them, you need to take 2 tablespoons of the herb, pour 1 liter of boiling water, and leave for 30 minutes. Take 250 ml 4 times a day.

Without adequate compliance drinking regime It is impossible to imagine a complete treatment!

Antiviral therapy

Many people are interested in how to quickly recover from the flu and not spend a lot of money. The disease is caused by a virus, so the main goal of therapy is to neutralize it. This can be done in two ways.

In the first case, they resort to the use of specific drugs that act directly on the viral cell. These include: Remantadine, Oseltamivir and Arbidol.

  • Remantadine is the most common and inexpensive drug. Take for 5 days according to the following scheme: 1st day, 2 tablets 3 times a day, on days 2 and 3 – 2 tablets 2 times, on days 4-5, 2 tablets once in the morning;
  • Oseltamivir is taken 1 capsule morning and evening for 5 days;
  • Arbidol should be taken for 3 days, 2 tablets 4 times a day.

Treatment with these drugs is effective if used from the first day of symptoms.

Second, no less effective method– treatment with folk remedies with antiviral activity. This treatment is more common due to its low cost and the absence, according to people, of a “chemical” effect on the body.

The most effective homemade antiviral herbal remedies:

  1. . A product that has no analogues in its antibacterial and antiviral properties. It is superior to many drugs. The therapeutic effect is observed when consumed raw or in cooking, in the form of an infusion, by instilling juice diluted with water into the nose. Use in any form at least once a day.
  2. Echinacea infusion. It has a powerful immunostimulating and anti-inflammatory effect. Pour a teaspoon of herb with a glass of boiling water and leave for 10 minutes. Take 3 times a day.
  3. Elderberry decoction. Take 7-10 dry berries, pour a glass of boiling water for 30 minutes. Take 50-70 ml 3 times a day.
  4. Tea and infusion from ginger root. The drug should be taken with caution in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract with high acidity. Tea warms well and eliminates chills. Pour a teaspoon of grated root into 150 ml of hot water, add mint and a teaspoon lemon juice. Apply 5 times a day.

Combating the main symptoms

High temperature is the main cause of deterioration and malaise. You need to get rid of it gradually, and do not strive for a rapid decrease to 36.6°C. To eliminate fever and increase sweating, take elderberry decoction, cranberry juice, and raspberry tea. If the temperature does not decrease, it is necessary to wipe the limbs and forehead with a vinegar solution diluted with water in equal proportions.

For a sore throat, gargling with a soda-salt solution and lubricating the throat with an iodine solution can help.

The most popular folk remedies for cough are prepared on the basis of warm milk with the addition of honey, garlic, propolis, banana pulp, and ginger. You need to take this milk in a volume of 250 ml at night.

How and how to treat the flu is decided by each person individually. The main thing is that it is a comprehensive and rational treatment that can eliminate dangerous symptoms. It must be remembered that older people and children are more prone to severe flu and rapid development of complications, therefore, if there is no positive dynamics in the first 2 days, you should immediately consult a doctor.