How to treat heart failure. Heart failure: treatment at home. Contraindications to physical activity

10.07.2020 Repair

What is heart failure? What are the symptoms of this disease? What methods are used to treat heart failure? Is it possible to overcome this disease using alternative medicine? You can find answers to all these questions in this article.

What kind of illness is this?

Before answering the question: “How to treat heart failure?”, you need to understand what we are talking about. So, this term means a pathological condition in which the main organ (heart) cannot provide tissues and organs the right amount blood for the metabolic process.

There are two forms of heart failure: acute and chronic. In the first case, self-treatment, or with the help of herbs, is out of the question. Because the acute form of the disease is very dangerous. It is in this case that surgical intervention may be necessary.

And for other types of pathology it is possible to use folk remedies. But even in this case, total control of a specialist will be required.

How to treat chronic heart failure? The answer to this question will be given in another section of the article.

What are the symptoms of the disease?

Signs of this pathology are weakness in various types stress and causeless (not related to a cold) cough, drowsiness. In addition, such people experience disruption of the gastrointestinal tract.

Patients often ask the question: “Why? This is also one of the symptoms of the disease. If you follow all the doctor’s recommendations, as well as take all the necessary medications, you can get rid of shortness of breath.

In addition, a person with this pathology may experience swelling of the extremities, disorientation, and pulmonary wheezing.

Patients with heart failure also complain of swollen neck veins and rapid pulse, as well as little or no urine. As a result of the latter, swelling appears. This makes it difficult for a person to move. But how to treat edema in heart failure? The answer to this question will also be given in one of the sections of this article. It should be recalled that therapy can be carried out both with the help of medications and folk remedies.

What are the reasons for the development of the disease?

Typically, the source of heart failure is heart disease. These include myocarditis, cardiomyopathy, cardiosclerosis.

The disease can also develop as a result of complications of infectious processes or a heart attack.

A pathology such as heart disease also does not allow the pumping function to be performed. As a result, some departments are overloaded. Over time, deformation of the heart is observed, which indicates a loss of functional qualities.

Constant or too high blood pressure is a source of depletion of the heart muscle.

An ailment such as inflammation of the heart sac is considered to be the reason for restricting the movements of a vital organ for a person.

Another source of the pathology in question is cardiac tamponade. In this case, we are talking about the accumulation of a large volume of blood in the ventricle. As a result, heart contractions become difficult.

Very large amounts of physical activity are also harmful. They cause rapid depletion of the organ's functionality.

If a large amount of fluid is administered intravenously, the heart muscle is overloaded.

Liver and kidney diseases are sources of circulatory overload.

How to treat heart failure in older people? Before answering this question, it is necessary to establish the cause of the disease.

Sometimes the source of pathology is several diseases.

A disease such as mitral valve disease inevitably leads to the development of heart failure. The way out of this situation is to replace it with prosthetics through surgery.

How does chronic heart failure develop?

The progression of this disease is gradual. That is, here we are talking about the fact that this pathology develops over several years. And people need to consult a specialist at the beginning of the development of the disease. But this is not always done.

The first signs of the disease begin to appear with intense physical exertion. As a rule, a person complains of shortness of breath and rapid heartbeat. Sometimes swelling is observed.

With the second degree of insufficiency, persistent disturbances in blood circulation appear. As a result, the person cannot work. But in the second stage, these symptoms disappear with rest.

The latter is characterized by severe dystrophic changes in organs. At this stage, the tissue structure is already irreversibly damaged. The person feels bad even at rest.

Is it possible to treat heart failure in this case using folk remedies? Yes, but you definitely need supervision and recommendations from a doctor.

Which ones are there?

This type of illness can develop not only due to problems with the main vital organ.

The source of acute heart failure is bleeding or difficult childbirth, infection or stroke, as well as overdose of alcoholic beverages or medications.

In addition, this type of disease is a complication of chronic heart failure. Therefore, when the first symptoms of the disease appear, it is necessary to urgently consult a specialist.

One of the symptoms of an acute condition is a sharp decrease in cardiac output. This symptom is characterized by loss of consciousness and a thread-like pulse.

Another symptom of this type of illness is high blood pressure lung capillaries. This case is characterized by coughing up blood, wheezing in the lungs, as well as severe difficulty in the lungs. It is when this symptom appears that the question is asked: “How to treat acute heart failure?” In this case, only medications or surgery will come to the rescue. Self-treatment with folk remedies is out of the question. Because this will only make the situation worse. Need to know what's possible death which occurs as a result of myocardial infarction.

The next symptom of acute heart failure is narrowing of peripheral capillaries. It is otherwise called cardiogenic shock. The person becomes pale, has no urine, and sweating increases.

How to provide first aid?

How to treat heart failure? What to do in a situation where a person has this kind of situation?

This disease is very life-threatening, so when the first symptoms appear, you should definitely consult a specialist.

If a person becomes ill on the street, then it is necessary to call an ambulance.

After that, the patient should be seated on a bench. It is necessary to keep your feet on the ground. This will cause blood to flow away from the lungs. If you have such an opportunity, then warm the person’s feet.

To increase the volume of the chest, you should raise your shoulders. Note that in this case there is no need to raise your hands.

If the patient does not develop symptoms such as a bluish tint to the skin and cold sweat, then he can be given a nitroglycerin tablet. If these signs are present, this medicine should not be given under any circumstances. Because it can be fatal.

They will be needed in order to avoid further complications. Before answering the question: “How to treat heart failure in older people?”, Let's consider some recommendations.

So, therapy includes not only taking medications, but also a correct lifestyle.

This means giving up smoking and alcohol abuse. In addition, you should monitor the amount of salt in your food. It should be lightly salted. It is also necessary to monitor the amount of liquid you drink. Its volume should not exceed 1.6 liters.

It is also necessary to maintain mandatory control over body weight. Physical activity should also be limited or kept to a minimum. In case of serious condition of the patient, it is recommended only

Treatment for this disease is considered effective if the patient and the attending physician notice that symptoms such as shortness of breath and rapid heartbeat have decreased. In addition, one of the obvious characteristics is an increase in the amount of blood that is ejected by the left ventricle, as well as the absence of clinical manifestations of fluid retention in the tissues.

What medications are needed for the disease?

So what medications treat heart failure? Usually under the standard scheme drug therapy involves the use of a loop diuretic.

How else to treat chronic heart failure? For example, experts prescribe a drug such as Digoxin. It is the drug that is considered an effective cardiac glycoside. In addition, it is recommended to take it with the medications described above.

In order to reduce the likelihood of developing acute heart failure, Spironolactone is prescribed. If there is concomitant angina, then taking nitrates is necessary. And anticoagulants are prescribed, in turn, in order to eliminate the possibility of blood clots.

How to treat heart failure at home?

As a rule, after all measures have been taken to assist the patient, and also when his condition has stabilized, he is discharged from the hospital.

Usually a specialist prescribes a treatment regimen. In addition, you should follow a diet. The treatment result will be effective if all recommendations are followed. Responsibility, of course, lies with loved ones and relatives.

So how to treat heart failure? It is imperative to follow the regime. If a specialist has prescribed the patient to give up all kinds of exercise, then this should be done. Since any small work can lead to complications, for example, the development of acute heart failure.

Another condition is the establishment of a favorable diet. A person should eat as often as possible and in small portions. It is not recommended to eat very hot or cold food. Also, you should not eat after six o'clock in the evening.

In addition, it is necessary to remember to adhere to the water and salt regime. This has already been discussed in more detail above.

What diet should you follow if you are sick?

How to treat heart failure in older people? This point also includes following a diet. As a rule, it is prescribed by a specialist.

You should remove foods that contribute to weight gain from your diet. These include pasta, fatty meats, white bread, and sweets.

Products must be processed in such a way that they retain more useful substances. Vegetables must be cooked until half cooked over low heat. It is best to boil or bake them.

The patient needs to consume about three servings of both vegetables and fruits throughout the day.

Also, the patient’s diet should not contain foods such as animal fat, meat, fish broth, chocolate, alcoholic beverages, coffee, tea.

How to treat heart failure with folk remedies?

The long course of the disease requires the use of unconventional methods of therapy. At the same time, you should know that everything must be consistent with the recommendations of the attending physician. Also, do not forget about diet and medication.

How to treat heart failure with folk remedies? The fact is that there are many recipes for decoctions and infusions that are recommended for the presence of this disease. Each of them will be discussed in the following sections of the article.

Do not forget that acute heart failure does not require treatment with alternative medicine. Because here we are talking about an emergency situation that requires urgent use of medications. Therefore in in this case you should contact an ambulance.

What means are needed to improve metabolic processes in the heart muscle?

This section of the article will discuss recipes for alternative medicines.

How to treat Asparagus is very useful. To prepare the product you will need a whole plant. Three tablespoons of asparagus are poured with boiled water, and then infused for a couple of hours. The infusion should be taken every two hours, one large spoon.

Another useful raw material is jaundice grass. To prepare the medicine you will need a whole glass of it. The herb will need to be placed in a gauze bag. A glass of sugar and about three liters of cold boiling water are added to it. The infusion should be sent to a warm place for half a month. You need to take half a cup three times a day.

Vitamin tea also helps. It nourishes the tissues. To prepare it you will need nettles, black currants, and rose hips. The contents will need to be poured with boiling water and left in a thermos for a couple of hours. After straining the infusion, add a small spoon of honey. It should be taken after meals.

To stimulate regenerative processes, tea made from rowan and rosehip is recommended. The contents should be infused in a thermos for 60 minutes. Afterwards it is filtered and a small spoon of honey is also added. It should be consumed instead of regular tea.

What remedies help reduce fluid in the body?

In this section of the article you can find the answer to the question: “How to treat edema in heart failure?”

So, in this case, lovage root tincture will come to the rescue. You will need 100 grams of this herb. It is filled with medical alcohol and then sent to a dark place for half a month. The finished tincture should be drunk three times a day, one large spoon.

How else to treat leg swelling due to heart failure? A collection of bearberry and hernia also helps well. The herb will need to be poured with water, and then boiled in a saucepan for 15 minutes. Afterwards it should be strained and consumed three times a day before meals.

How to treat heart failure with folk remedies? An infusion of horsetail, wheatgrass and juniper has a positive effect. The contents are poured with a cup of boiled water, and then infused for half an hour.

To reduce fluid in the body, horsetail with birch leaves is also used. The collection is poured with boiling water and infused. You need to take half a cup four times a day.

How to treat leg swelling due to heart failure with other herbs? Renders good help in this situation, an infusion of juniper, angelica and cornflower. This decoction should be infused for half an hour. Then strain and drink four times a day. This infusion has a visible positive effect on severe swelling of the legs.

What drugs reduce cardiac stress?

In this section of the article we will talk about soothing teas.

So how do you treat heart failure in people? A collection of herbs such as lemon balm, mint and valerian helps well. The contents are poured with a glass of boiled water, then infused for 20 minutes. It should be consumed twice a day, half a cup before meals.

Another collection consists of herbs such as fennel, motherwort and caraway. This collection, which is also poured with boiling water, should be taken four times a day.

How to treat heart failure in older people? A collection of chamomile, hawthorn, motherwort and cudweed is suitable as a soothing tea. The contents are filled with boiled water in a thermos and infused for 7 hours. This remedy should be consumed three times a day, half a cup before meals.

A little about disease prevention

In order not to ask the question: “How to treat heart failure?”, you must adhere to some recommendations.

If you have had an infectious or rheumatic disease, contact a specialist in a timely manner. Since these are the diseases that can trigger the development of heart failure.

You should undergo annual preventive examinations. Thanks to them, it will be possible to identify the disease in time and begin the necessary treatment.

You shouldn’t overstrain your body with physical activity, but you shouldn’t forget about simple exercise. There is no need to abuse alcoholic beverages. Don't forget to watch your diet. It must be balanced, that is, we are talking about a sufficient amount of nutrients, minerals and vitamins.

If there is such bad habit Just like smoking, you need to give it up. In addition, it is necessary to monitor the condition of organs such as the kidneys and liver. If their work is disrupted, problems with blood circulation may occur.

Remember that when the first signs of heart failure appear, you must urgently consult a specialist.

Heart failure is a syndrome that can be caused by acute or chronic disturbances in the functioning of the heart, as a result of which the organ cannot cope with the required blood supply to the cells.

The condition is accompanied by the development of shortness of breath and rapid physical fatigue. At the onset of the disease, the chambers of the heart become enlarged, causing an increase in the volume of ejected blood.

In the future, this provokes an increase in the heart muscle so that the organ can cope with the increase in load, but sooner or later its capabilities are depleted.

  • All information on the site is for informational purposes only and is NOT a guide to action!
  • Can give you an ACCURATE DIAGNOSIS only DOCTOR!
  • We kindly ask you NOT to self-medicate, but make an appointment with a specialist!
  • Health to you and your loved ones!

The body as a whole reacts to the lack of circulating blood. There is a narrowing of peripheral blood vessels in order to normalize blood pressure. There is a redistribution of blood from less important organs to the most important ones - the heart and brain.

During this time, a person may not experience significant symptoms. However, there will come a time when the heart cannot cope with the load, then there will be difficulties with breathing, fatigue, chronic cough, and in later stages - swelling. At this time, you should consult a doctor.


When diagnosing, it is necessary to use an integrated approach. It is important not to miss the time when the pathology begins to develop, since timely diagnosis and treatment increase the patient’s chances of a long life.

During the examination, the doctor examines the patient with a stethoscope, determines the presence of wheezing, and identifies the location of fluid accumulation: in the lungs or in the pleural cavity.

Manifestations of heart failure are murmurs associated with disruption of the heart valves and a higher than normal heart rate.

The patient is prescribed an X-ray examination, which excludes or confirms fluid stagnation in the lungs, an increase in the shadow of the heart, which indicates a left-sided form of the pathology.

Electrocardiography, echocardiography, radioisotope angiocardiography, and coronary angiocardiography are also used. These methods allow you to definitively confirm the diagnosis and see defects, as well as assess the extent of existing lesions.

Treatment of heart failure

Depending on the form of the disease, it is determined how to treat heart failure in a person. In this case, different approaches are used in treatment.

Acute form

A feature of development is the rapid deterioration of a person’s condition. If help is not provided immediately, the attack can be fatal within a few minutes.

Symptoms that you need to know in order to immediately call an ambulance:

  • rapid development and strengthening;
  • rapid breathing accompanied by whistling;
  • blue discoloration of the skin;
  • rise in blood pressure;
  • a little later - the appearance of foamy sputum on the lips, which is a sign of pulmonary edema.

The patient should be immediately hospitalized in the intensive care unit.

Before the ambulance arrives, you must:

  • try to calm the patient, as additional anxiety worsens the condition;
  • provide oxygen access;
  • the patient should be in a semi-sitting position - this will ensure the outflow of blood from the lungs;
  • place a tablet (2) of nitroglycerin under the tongue, it must be given every 10 minutes, while simultaneously monitoring blood pressure;
  • after 10 minutes, tourniquets are applied to the thighs to reduce the volume of circulating blood;
  • in case of cardiac arrest, chest compressions and artificial ventilation must be performed until the ambulance arrives.


Requires long-term treatment and constant monitoring of the patient's condition.


The standard treatment for heart failure consists of the following classes of medications:

Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors
  • They are taken to lower blood pressure.
  • Medicines in this group include: captopril, lisinopril, enalapril.
  • The action of the drugs leads to vasodilation, as a result of which blood pressure decreases, normal blood flow is restored, and the load on the heart decreases.
Beta blockers
  • The products are intended to restore heart rhythm.
  • These include: carvedilol, metoprolol, bisoprolol.
  • Diuretics are used to relieve swelling.
  • With the development of swelling, there is a rapid development of stagnant processes in the lungs.
  • Pulmonary edema is one of the most dangerous complications of heart failure, leading to death.
  • Along with this, it should be remembered that diuretics, by removing fluid from the body, can provoke the occurrence of calcium and magnesium deficiency.
  • These microelements are extremely necessary for the patient’s normal condition. Therefore, the use of diuretics should be combined with the use of these substances.
  • Diuretics include: Lasix, indapamide, bumetanide.
  • These drugs are used to restore myocardial contractility.
  • These include: digoxin, corglycone, strophanthin.
  • The effect of these drugs is to increase the force of contraction of the heart and slow down the heart rate.
  • Drugs in this group are highly effective for the treatment of heart failure, but they can only be taken under the supervision of a specialist.

If drug therapy does not provide significant improvements or the patient’s condition is aggravated by the presence of heart defects that aggravate the course of the disease, then surgery may be recommended.


Patients with heart failure should monitor their. It should be sufficiently high in calories, easily digestible and free of salt.

The optimal diet is to organize 4-5 meals a day, you should eat in small portions. The diet should not include coffee, strong tea, chocolate, spicy and smoked foods, or alcoholic beverages.

Salt consumption should be limited to 3-4g per day. If a deterioration in the patient's condition is detected or swelling develops, you should switch to a salt-free diet.

It is also necessary to control the amount of fluid consumed, the volume of which should not exceed 1.2-1.5 liters per day. The total volume includes any liquid, including soup.

Patients are advised to consume foods characterized high content potassium Therefore, the table should have:

  • bananas;
  • nuts;
  • peaches;
  • raisin;
  • Brussels sprouts;
  • baked potatoes;
  • dried apricots;
  • veal.

The use of these products is especially important for patients taking glycosides and diuretics.

At the initial stage of the disease, it is possible to feel better as a result of changing your diet.

Folk remedies

Methods can be used as additional treatment for heart failure traditional medicine:

  • A decoction of elecampane roots and oat grains. The roots are harvested in early spring or late autumn. They need to be washed, crushed and dried in the oven. To prepare an oat decoction, pour half a liter of boiling water into ½ cup of unrefined grains and keep on low heat until it boils. Pour the resulting decoction into a third of a glass of elecampane roots, bring to a boil again and leave covered for 2 hours. After straining, add a couple of tablespoons of honey. The product is ready for use; you should drink half a glass half an hour before meals 3 times a day for 14 days.
  • Grind 2 bean pods (fresh or dry), add 750 ml of water. Bring to a boil over low heat and cook for about 5 minutes. Add a teaspoon of crushed motherwort leaves, hawthorn flowers, mint, lemon balm, and lily of the valley leaves (flowers) to the water. Keep on fire for another 3 minutes, leave for about 4 hours and filter. The finished drink is kept in the refrigerator. Take 4 tablespoons 20 minutes before meals three times a day. Before going to bed, add 20 drops of Zelenin to a portion of the decoction.
  • Wash half a kilo of fresh hawthorn berries and add a liter of water. Bring to a boil and keep on fire for 20 minutes. After straining, add honey and sugar 2/3 cup each. Stir and refrigerate. Take 2 tablespoons before meals for a month.
  • For heart failure, it is useful to eat viburnum berries. They are beneficial when consumed both fresh and frozen. To prepare an infusion of viburnum, thoroughly mash a tablespoon of berries, add a tablespoon of honey and pour a glass of boiling water over the mixture. The drink should brew for about an hour. Drink half a glass 2 times a day. The duration of the course is 30 days, after which a break is needed. A total of 4 courses per week should be conducted. You can make jam or jam from the berries; in this form, viburnum will also retain its medicinal properties.
  • Mix yarrow, lemon balm and valerian root (3:1:1). Take a tablespoon of the resulting raw material and add half a liter of cold water, leaving to brew for 3 hours. Afterwards you need to boil the drink, cool and strain. You need to drink a glass of infusion a day.
  • Pumpkin helps with swelling. You can make juice from it (half a liter per day) or eat 500g of grated pulp daily.
  • Another anti-edema remedy is grated potatoes. It is not used internally, but in the form of compresses on the swollen area. The vegetable compress is fixed with a fabric bandage.
  • Spruce needles and birch leaves are crushed. Take 2 tablespoons of the mixture, add half a liter of water, boil and keep on low heat for 20 minutes. The drink must be cooled and strained. Drink a quarter glass 4 times a day half an hour before meals. The duration of treatment is 2 months.
  • Steelweed root (3 parts), birch leaves (3 parts), flaxseeds (4 parts) are crushed and mixed. Pour a glass of boiling water and leave for 30 minutes. Take 25g three times a day 30 minutes before meals.
  • There is another remedy, before using which you need to consult a doctor due to its strong effect. Tincture of hawthorn leaves (20 ml) and its flowers (20 ml) is mixed with tinctures of lily of the valley, arnica and foxglove (10 ml each). The resulting product is taken 30 drops three times a day before meals.

Therapy in the elderly

The regimen is no different from the treatment of other patients. However, when prescribing drugs, the specific effects of drugs on the body of older people must be taken into account.

Here are some things to consider for effective therapy:

  • decreased absorption of drug components;
  • the amount of water in the patient’s body;
  • slowing down metabolic processes;
  • deterioration of kidney function;
  • work of the enzyme system;
  • presence of concomitant diseases;
  • low adherence to treatment.

For treatment the following are used:

  • ACE inhibitors;
  • beta blockers;
  • aldosterone inhibitors.

The accumulation of aldosterone causes the formation of abnormal collagen, which increases myocardial stiffness, fibrosis develops, and perivascular edema of the heart muscle is observed. The drugs should be used constantly, but in small doses.

Effective treatment of heart failure at home is carried out only in integrated approach using both medications and traditional medicine. Treatment of heart diseases at home is considered a completely reasonable method, but still, it is necessary to study detailed information about the disease and rehabilitation methods.

Heart failure is a pathology characterized by disruption of the normal functioning of the heart. Its cycle of work begins with the intake of blood into the ventricle, after which it enters an artery or vein. The ventricle constantly pushes out blood through contraction, which ensures normal blood supply. In heart failure, the ventricle stops contracting or, conversely, becomes full. This creates excess pressure in the muscle organ. The main cause of heart failure is myocardial overwork, which disrupts the circulation of oxygen and nutrients, which can lead to blood stagnation.

A disease such as chronic heart failure most often occurs suddenly, but with timely treatment or prevention, the pathology disappears, and the person tolerates physical activity much easier.

If the signs of the disease are ignored, serious complications, concomitant diseases and pathological changes in the cardiovascular system arise. vascular system. This disease is considered more common in frequency of occurrence than infectious diseases. Chronic heart failure affects 3% of the world's population and in most cases people aged 65 years.

Failure of the left ventricle of the heart can lead to the following disorders:

  • stagnation of blood in the pulmonary circulation;
  • frequent shortness of breath or suffocation;
  • hemoptysis;
  • myocardial infarction;
  • development of hypertension;
  • cardiac asthma;
  • diffuse cyanosis;
  • pulmonary edema, accompanied by a severe cough with sputum mixed with blood;
  • the appearance of wheezing.

With heart failure of the right ventricle, pathologies develop such as:

  • Stagnation of blood in the blood vessels of the systemic circulation.
  • Swelling of the legs.
  • Small diuresis.
  • Cutting and aching painful sensations in the right hypochondrium.
  • Swelling of the veins located in the neck.
  • Enlarged liver.
  • Ascites.
  • Increased central venous pressure.
  • A significant slowdown in the speed of blood flow throughout the body.

Regimen for heart failure

At home, treatment of heart failure can begin with determining an individual regimen for the patient. The disease manifests itself primarily in heart fatigue, so it is worth establishing for the patient permissible level physical activity, which does not cause palpitations, shortness of breath, pain or discomfort.

Many negative factors can lead to the occurrence of the disease:

  1. Constant worries.
  2. Excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages and coffee.
  3. Intense mental activity.
  4. Overeating at night.

This doesn't mean you have to give up active life and stay in bed all the time. You just have to remember that excessive negative emotions and physical activity should be minimized. In addition to conversations with a psychologist, doctors recommend using sedative herbal medications. After the symptoms are eliminated, short walks in the fresh air and even feasible work around the house or in the garden are allowed.

Diet for heart disease

A balanced diet is an important aspect both during inpatient treatment and during home rehabilitation of cardiac pathologies. Thanks to the diet, it is possible to maintain a harmonious combination of vitamins and microelements necessary to maintain the normal functioning of the cardiovascular system. Key rules of nutrition for heart disease:

  • You should avoid eating large amounts of food to prevent obesity and overload of the muscle organ.
  • Food should be easily digestible and prepared by steaming, boiling or stewing.
  • Nutritionists advise eating food 5-6 times in small portions during the day;
  • It is necessary to limit the consumption of foods containing cholesterol, fats, sugar and salt.
  • Substances that stimulate cardiovascular and nervous systems, it is recommended to exclude, namely:

  • alcoholic drinks;
  • strong tea and coffee;
  • pickles;
  • spicy dishes.

You should not eat foods that cause flatulence (bloating due to fermentation of food), as the body temperature rises and the heart begins to work harder. These products are:

  • legumes;
  • cabbage;
  • grapes and grape juice;
  • carbonated drinks.

To treat heart failure, your doctor may prescribe the following at home:

  • Karel's diet;
  • diet No. 10C and No. 10A;
  • potassium diet.
  • buckwheat and oatmeal porridge;
  • cottage cheese;
  • lean varieties of meat and fish.

Treatment of heart failure at home

Before treating heart failure at home, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

It is the specialist who will help you develop the correct diet and physical activity according to your current health status. Therapeutic measures carried out by the patient at home independently will serve to minimize the risk of further development of the pathological disease. Among them:

  1. Organization of more gentle physical activity (only light morning exercises or walking short distances).
  2. Correction of diet.
  3. Quitting bad habits (excessive drinking of alcoholic beverages and smoking tobacco products).

In addition to following a diet and minimizing physical stress on the heart, the patient is recommended to sleep on a high pillow. To prevent swelling of the legs, you should place a thin pillow under your feet. General recommendations must be followed at home and the instructions of the attending physician, namely:

  • Use of medications.
  • The use of sedative herbal medications.

Traditional methods of treating heart disease

In addition to basic drug therapy, it is necessary to treat heart failure using folk remedies. Before using medicinal herbs, you need to determine whether there is an allergic reaction to the components, as well as whether certain methods of alternative medicine are effective in each individual case.

Popular traditional medicine recipes that help with heart failure are:

  • Periodically chewing lemon peel.

The zest contains a large amount essential oils, due to which the work of the heart improves significantly.

  • A decoction of strawberry fruits and leaves.

Should be filled hot water dry fruits and strawberry leaves. The broth should be boiled for 10-15 minutes, then left for 2 hours. Accept healing agent 3 times a day, 1 tbsp. spoon.

Pour boiling water over the dry flower and tricolor violet leaves and leave the broth for up to 2 hours. You need to take the medicine 2 times a day, 100 ml.

  • Elecampane, oats and honey.
  • A decoction of a collection of medicinal herbs.

Alternative medicine offers the treatment of heart disease with a decoction of: hawthorn, motherwort, lemon balm and mint. The decoction should be taken before meals, 1/3 cup.

  • Baths.

Pine baths before bedtime can normalize heart function. This method will help relieve fatigue, irritability and quickly relieve depression.

Traditional methods of treating swelling

Diseases of the cardiovascular system are often accompanied by swelling of the limbs, which causes discomfort. Edema is an accumulation of fluid in the human body. When blood flow is disrupted, water can accumulate in the vessels, from where it penetrates into the tissues of the body.

A fruit and vegetable diet will help remove excess accumulated water. Patients can consume foods such as:

  • cucumbers;
  • eggplant;
  • boiled potatoes;
  • lemon and lemon zest;
  • onions and garlic;
  • parsley;
  • parsnip;
  • raw cabbage in small doses.

For swelling of the extremities of cardiac origin, use pumpkin juice or raw pumpkin pulp. An excellent option is apple-curd fasting days.


The further condition of patients diagnosed with heart failure depends on the underlying disease or negative factors that led to the disease. If the original source is found and treated, there is a high probability that the patient will recover. Otherwise, the attending physician only stops the progression of the disease. The patient at the initial stage of the pathology retains his ability to work. However, if heart failure is ignored, it decreases, and then is completely lost, and the patient may become disabled. If the disease is not treated, the person may eventually die.

Before using certain treatment methods, you should consult your doctor. In severe conditions, there is no need to self-medicate, including with alternative medicine.

Today, almost everyone experiences the syndrome chronic fatigue, expressed in rapid fatigue. Many people are familiar with rapid heartbeat or dizziness that occurs for no apparent reason; shortness of breath that appears when walking quickly or while climbing stairs on foot to the desired floor; swelling in the legs at the end of the working day. But few people realize that all these are symptoms of heart failure. Moreover, in one form or another they accompany almost all pathological conditions of the heart and diseases of the vascular system. Therefore, it is necessary to determine what heart failure is and how it differs from other heart diseases.

What is heart failure?

With many heart diseases caused by pathologies of its development and other reasons, circulatory disorders occur. In most cases, there is a decrease in blood flow into the aorta. This leads to things happening in various organs that impair their functionality. Heart failure causes more blood to circulate, but the speed at which the blood moves slows down. This process can occur suddenly (acute) or be chronic.

Video: Heart Failure – Medical Animation

Acute heart failure

All activity of the heart is carried out by the heart muscle (myocardium). Its work is affected by the condition of the atria and ventricles. When one of them stops working normally, myocardial overstrain occurs. This can be caused by damage to the heart by various diseases or abnormalities that occur outside the heart. This can happen suddenly. This process is called acute heart failure.

Etiology of acute form

This can be caused by:

  1. Coronary insufficiency;
  2. Valve malformations (,);
  3. Chronic and acute processes in the lungs;
  4. Increased blood pressure in the pulmonary and systemic circulation systems.


Clinically, acute heart failure manifests itself in different ways. This depends on which ventricle (right (RV) or left (LV)) the muscle overstrain occurs.

  • In acute LV failure (also called) attacks mainly occur at night. A man wakes up from the fact that he cannot breathe. He is forced into a sitting position (orthopnea). Sometimes this does not help and the sick person has to get up and walk around the room. He experiences rapid (tachypnea) breathing, like a hunted animal. His face takes on a grayish, bluish color, and pronounced acrocyanosis is noted. The skin becomes moist and cool. Gradually, the patient’s breathing changes from rapid to bubbling, which can be heard even at a great distance. Occurs with pink, frothy sputum. BP - low. Cardiac asthma requires immediate medical attention.
  • In acute right ventricular failure, blood stagnation occurs in the vena cava (inferior and superior), as well as in the veins of the systemic circle. The veins of the neck become swollen and blood stagnates in the liver (it becomes painful). Shortness of breath and cyanosis occur. The attack is sometimes accompanied by bubbling Cheyne-Stokes breathing.

Acute heart failure can lead to pulmonary edema (alveolar or interstitial), causing. Sudden weakness of the heart muscle leads to instant death.


Cardiac asthma (the so-called interstitial edema) occurs with infiltration of serous contents into the perivascular and peribronchial chambers. As a result, metabolic processes in the lungs are disrupted. With the further development of the process, liquid penetrates into the lumen of the alveoli from the bed of the blood vessel. Interstitial swelling of the lung turns into alveolar swelling. This is a severe form of heart failure.

Alveolar edema can develop independently of cardiac asthma. It can be caused by AC (aortic valve), LV, and diffuse prolapse. Conducting clinical trials makes it possible to describe the picture of what is happening.

  1. At the moment of acute failure, in the pulmonary circulation system there is a rapid increase in static pressure to significant values ​​(above 30 mm Hg), causing the flow of blood plasma into the alveoli of the lungs from the capillaries. In this case, the permeability of the capillary walls increases, and the oncotic pressure of the plasma decreases. In addition, the formation of lymph in the lung tissues increases and its movement in them is disrupted. Most often, this is facilitated by an increased concentration of prostaglandin and mediators, caused by increased activity of the sympathoadrenergic receptor system.
  2. The delay in blood flow in the pulmonary circle and accumulation in the left atrial chamber is facilitated by a sharp decrease in the atrioventricular opening. It is not able to allow blood flow into the LV in full. As a result, the pumping function of the pancreas increases, creating an additional portion of blood into the pulmonary circle and increasing venous pressure in it. This is what causes pulmonary edema.


Diagnosis at a doctor's appointment shows the following:

  • When performing percussion (tapping to determine the configuration of the heart, its position and size) in the lungs (its lower parts), a dull, box-like sound is heard, indicating stagnation of blood. Swelling of the mucous membranes of the bronchi is detected by auscultation. This is indicated by dry wheezing and noisy breathing in the lungs.
  • Due to the developing emphysema of the lung, the borders of the heart are quite difficult to determine, although they are enlarged. Heart rhythm is disturbed. Develops (pulse alternation and gallop rhythm may occur). Typical for pathologies of valve mechanisms, bifurcation and intensification of the second tone can be heard above the main artery of the lung.
  • Blood pressure varies over a wide range. Central pressure in the veins is also increased.

The symptoms of cardiac and bronchial asthma are similar. To accurately diagnose heart failure, a comprehensive examination is necessary, including functional diagnostic methods.

  • On x-rays Horizontal shadows are visible on the lower parts of the lungs (Kerley lines), indicating swelling of the septa between its lobules. The compression of the gap between the lobes is differentiated, the pattern of the lung is strengthened, the structure of its roots is vague. Main bronchi without visible lumen.
  • During the test, LV overload is detected.

Treatment of acute heart failure requires emergency medical therapy. It is aimed at reducing myocardial overstrain and increasing its contractile function, which will relieve edema and chronic fatigue syndrome, reduce shortness of breath and other clinical manifestations. In this case, compliance with a gentle regime plays an important role. The patient must be provided with rest for several days, avoiding overexertion. He should get a good night's sleep (at least 8 hours of sleep at night), and rest during the day (reclining for up to two hours). A transition to a diet with limited fluid and salt is required. You can use the Carrel diet. In severe cases, the patient requires hospitalization for inpatient treatment.

Drug therapy

Video: how to treat heart failure?

Acute coronary insufficiency

With a complete cessation of blood flow in the coronary vessels, the myocardium does not receive enough nutrients and lacks oxygen. Coronary insufficiency develops. It can have an acute (with sudden onset) and chronic course. Acute coronary insufficiency can be caused by severe anxiety (joy, stress or negative emotions). It is often caused by increased physical activity.

The cause of this pathology is most often vasospasm, caused by the fact that in the myocardium, due to impaired hemodynamics and metabolic processes, products with partial oxidation begin to accumulate, which lead to irritation of the receptors of the heart muscle. The mechanism of development of coronary insufficiency is as follows:

  • The heart is surrounded on all sides by blood vessels. They resemble a crown (crown). Hence their name - coronary (coronary). They fully meet the needs of the heart muscle for nutrients and oxygen, creating favorable conditions for its work.
  • When a person practices physical work or simply moves, there is an increase in cardiac activity. At the same time, the myocardial need for oxygen and nutrients increases.
  • Normally, the coronary arteries dilate, increasing blood flow and providing the heart with everything it needs in full.
  • During a spasm, the bed of the coronary vessels remains the same size. The amount of blood entering the heart also remains at the same level, and it begins to experience oxygen starvation (hypoxia). This is acute insufficiency of coronary vessels.

Signs of heart failure caused by coronary spasm are manifested by the appearance of (angina pectoris). A sharp pain squeezes the heart, preventing it from moving. It can radiate to the neck, shoulder blade or arm on the left side. The attack most often occurs suddenly during motor activity. But sometimes it can occur at rest. At the same time, a person instinctively tries to take the most comfortable position to relieve pain. The attack usually lasts no more than 20 minutes (sometimes it lasts only one or two minutes). If an attack of angina continues longer, there is a possibility that coronary insufficiency has turned into one of the forms of myocardial infarction: transitional (focal dystrophy), small focal infarction or myocardial necrosis.

In some cases, acute coronary insufficiency is considered a type of clinical manifestation, which can occur without pronounced symptoms. They can be repeated repeatedly, and the person does not even realize that he has a severe pathology. Accordingly, the necessary treatment is not carried out. And this leads to the fact that the condition of the coronary vessels gradually worsens, and at a certain moment the next attack takes on a severe form of acute coronary insufficiency. If the patient is not provided with medical assistance, a myocardial infarction may develop in a matter of hours and sudden death may occur.

– one of the main causes of coronary insufficiency

Treatment of acute coronary insufficiency involves stopping attacks of angina. For this we use:

  1. Nitroglycerine. You can take it often, as it is a fast but short-acting drug. ( For myocardial infarction Nitroglycerin does not have the required effect).
  2. Helps to quickly relieve an attack intravenous administration Eufillina (Syntophyllina, Diaphyllina).
  3. A similar effect has No-shpa and hydrochloric Papaverine(subcutaneous or intravenous injections).
  4. Seizures can be stopped intramuscular injection Heparin.

Chronic heart failure

With the weakening of the myocardium caused by, chronic heart failure (CHF) gradually develops. This is a pathological condition in which the cardiovascular system cannot supply the organs with the volume of blood necessary for their natural functionality. The onset of the development of CHF occurs secretly. It can only be detected by testing:

  • A two-stage MASTER test, during which the patient must go up and down the stairs with two steps, each height 22.6 cm, with the obligatory ECG taken before testing, immediately after it and after a 6-minute rest;
  • On a treadmill (recommended annually for people over 45 years old, in order to identify cardiac disorders);


The initial stage of CHF is characterized by a violation of the correspondence between cardiac output per minute and circulating blood volume in a large circle. But they are still within normal limits. No hemodynamic disorders were observed. With the further development of the disease, all indicators characterizing the processes of central hemodynamics have already changed. They are decreasing. The distribution of blood in the kidneys is disrupted. The body begins to retain excess water.

Kidney complications are a characteristic manifestation of congestive CHF.

Both left and right ventricular cardiovascular failure may be present. But sometimes it is quite difficult to differentiate types. Blood stagnation is observed in the large and small circles. In some cases, there is stagnation of only venous blood, which overwhelms all organs. This significantly changes its microcirculation. The speed of blood flow slows down, the partial pressure sharply decreases, and the diffusion rate of oxygen in the cellular tissue decreases. A decrease in lung volume causes shortness of breath. Aldosterone accumulates in the blood due to disruptions in the excretory tract of the liver and kidneys.

With further progression of cardiovascular failure, the synthesis of hormone-containing proteins decreases. Corticosteroids accumulate in the blood, which contributes to adrenal atrophy. The disease leads to severe hemodynamic disturbances, decreased functionality of the lungs, liver and kidneys of the liver and their gradual degeneration. Water-salt metabolic processes are disrupted.


The development of CHF is facilitated by various factors that influence myocardial tension:

  • Pressure overload of the heart muscle. This is facilitated by aortic insufficiency (AI), which can be of organic origin due to chest trauma, aneurysm and atherosclerosis of the aorta, septic. In rare cases, it develops due to dilatation of the aortic mouth. In AN, blood flow moves in the opposite direction (to the LV). This helps to increase the size of its cavity. The peculiarity of this pathology is its long-term asymptomatic course. As a result, LV weakness gradually develops, causing heart failure of the left ventricular type. It is accompanied by the following symptoms:
    1. Shortness of breath during physical activity during the day and at night;
    2. Dizziness associated with sudden standing or turning of the body;
    3. and pain in the heart area with increased physical activity;
    4. The large arteries in the neck constantly pulsate (this is called “carotid dancing”);
    5. The pupils alternately narrow and dilate;
    6. The capillary pulse is clearly visible when pressing on the nail;
    7. Musset's symptom is observed (slight shaking of the head caused by pulsation of the aortic arch).
  • Increased volume of residual blood in the atria. Leads to this factor. The pathology of MV can be caused by functional disorders of the valve apparatus associated with the closure of the atrioventricular opening, as well as pathologies of organic origin, such as stretching of the chords or prolapse of the valves, rheumatic lesions or atherosclerosis. Often, MV insufficiency is caused by too strong expansion of the circular muscles and fibrous ring of the atrioventricular orifice, expansion of the LV, provoked by myocardial infarction, cardiosclerosis, etc. Hemodynamic disturbances in this pathology are caused by blood flow in the opposite direction (reflux) at the time of systole (from the ventricle back to the atrium ). This occurs because the valve leaflets sag inside the atrial chamber and do not close tightly. When more than 25 ml of blood enters the atrial chamber during reflux, its volume increases, which causes its tonogenic expansion. Subsequently, hypertrophy of the left atrial heart muscle occurs. An amount of blood will begin to flow into the LV that exceeds that required, as a result of which its walls will hypertrophy. CHF gradually develops.
  • Circulatory failure can develop due to primary pathology of the heart muscle in the event of large-focal infarction, diffuse cardiosclerosis, cardiopathy and myocarditis.

It should be noted that most often the cause of the development of circulatory failure is a combination of several factors. A significant role in this is played by the biochemical factor, which is expressed in disruption of ion transport (potassium-sodium and calcium) and adrenergic regulation of the myocardial contraction function.

Congestive form of CHF

With circulatory disorders in the right atrium and ventricle, congestive heart failure of the right ventricular type develops. Its main symptoms are heaviness in the hypochondrium on the right side, decreased diuresis and constant thirst, swelling in the legs, and enlarged liver. Further progression of heart failure contributes to the involvement of almost everyone in the process internal organs. This causes a sharp weight loss for the patient, ascites and impaired external respiration.

CHF therapy

Treatment of chronic heart failure is long-term. It includes:

  1. Drug therapy aimed at combating the symptoms of the underlying disease and eliminating the causes contributing to its development.
  2. A rational regime, including restriction of work activity according to the forms and stages of the disease. This does not mean that the patient must remain in bed all the time. He can move around the room, and exercise therapy is recommended.
  3. Diet therapy. It is necessary to monitor the caloric content of food. It must comply with the patient’s prescribed regimen. For obese people, the calorie content of food is reduced by 30%. On the contrary, patients with malnutrition are prescribed enhanced nutrition. If necessary, fasting days are carried out.
  4. Cardiotonic therapy.
  5. Treatment aimed at restoring water-salt and acid-base balance.

At the initial stage, treatment is carried out with vasolators and alpha blockers, which improve hemodynamic parameters. But the main medications for the treatment of chronic heart failure are. They increase the ability of the myocardium to contract, reduce the heart rate and excitability of the heart muscle. The patency of impulses is normalized. Glycosides increase cardiac output, thereby reducing diastolic pressure in the ventricles. At the same time, the need of the heart muscle for oxygen does not increase. It is noted that it is economical, but powerful work hearts. The group of glycosides includes the following drugs: Korglykon, Digitoxin, Celanide, Digoxin, Strophanthin.

They are treated according to a special scheme:

  • The first three days - in a shock dosage to reduce and relieve swelling.
  • Further treatment is carried out with a gradual reduction in dosage. This is necessary so as not to cause intoxication of the body (glycosides tend to accumulate in it) and not lead to increased diuresis (they have a diuretic effect). When the dosage is reduced, the heart rate is constantly monitored, and the degree of diuresis and shortness of breath is assessed.
  • Once the optimal dosage has been established, at which all indicators are stable, maintenance therapy is carried out, which can last quite a long time.

Diuretics remove excess fluid from the body and treat heart failure. They are divided into four groups:

  1. Ethacrynic acid And Furasemide- forced action;
  2. Cyclometazide, Hydrochlorothiazide, Clopamide- moderate action;
  3. Daytek (Triamterene), Spiranolactone, Amiloride, Veroshpiron- potassium-sparing diuretics intended for long-term use.

They are prescribed depending on the degree of imbalance of water-salt metabolism. In the initial stage, accelerated-acting drugs are recommended for periodic use. With long-term, regular use, it is necessary to alternate moderate-acting drugs with potassium-sparing drugs. The maximum effect is achieved with the correct combination and dosage of diuretics.

To treat congestive heart failure, which causes all types of metabolic disorders, drugs that correct metabolic processes are used. These include:

  • Isoptin, Phytoptin, Riboxin and others - ;
  • Methandrostenolol, Retabolil- anabolic steroids, promoting the formation of proteins and accumulating energy inside myocardial cells.

In the treatment of severe forms good effect gives plasmapheresis. In case of congestive heart failure, all types of massage are contraindicated.

For all types of heart failure, it is recommended to take: Kaviton, Stugeron, Agapurin or Trental. Treatment should be accompanied by the mandatory prescription of multivitamin complexes: Pangexavit, Hexavit etc.

Treatment with traditional methods is allowed. It should complement the main drug therapy, but do not replace it. Calming preparations are useful, normalizing sleep and eliminating cardiac anxiety.

An infusion of flowers and berries helps strengthen the heart muscle blood red hawthorn, fruits rosehip. Have diuretic properties fennel, cumin, celery, parsley. Eating them fresh will help reduce the intake of diuretics. Infusion is good for removing excess fluid from the body birch buds, bearberry (bear's ear) And lingonberry leaves.

Medicinal plants in combination with bromhexine and ambroxol effectively eliminate cough in heart failure. Soothes cough infusion hyssop. And inhalations with extracts eucalyptus help cleanse the bronchi and lungs in case of congestive heart failure.

During the period of therapy and subsequent rehabilitation, it is recommended to constantly engage in physical therapy. The doctor selects the load individually. It is useful after each session to take a cold shower or douse yourself with cold water, followed by rubbing the body until slightly reddened. This helps to harden the body and strengthen the heart muscle.

Classification of CHF

Heart failure is classified according to the degree of exercise tolerance. There are two classification options. One of them was proposed by a group of cardiologists N.D. Strazhesko, V.Kh. Vasilenko and G.F. Lang, who divided the development of CHF into three main stages. Each of them includes characteristic manifestations during physical activity (group A) and at rest (group B).

  1. Initial stage (CHF I) - occurs secretly, without pronounced symptoms, both at rest and during normal physical activity. Slight shortness of breath and rapid heartbeat occur only when performing unusual, more difficult work or increasing the load during training process among athletes before important competitions.
  2. Severe stage (CHF II):
    • Group CHF II (A) - manifested by the occurrence of shortness of breath when performing even habitual work with moderate load. Accompanied by rapid heartbeat, cough with bloody sputum, swelling in the legs and feet. Blood circulation is impaired in the small circle. Partial decrease in working capacity.
    • Group CHF II (B) - characterized by shortness of breath at rest, to the main signs of CHF II (A) are added constant swelling of the legs (sometimes certain areas of the body swell), cirrhosis of the liver, cardiac, ascites. Complete loss of ability to work.
  3. End stage (CHF III). It is accompanied by serious hemodynamic disturbances, the development of congestive kidneys, liver cirrhosis, and diffuse pneumosclerosis. Metabolic processes are completely disrupted. The body is exhausted. The skin takes on a light tan color. Drug therapy is ineffective. Only surgical intervention can save the patient.

The second option provides for the classification of CHF according to the Killip scale (degree of exercise intolerance) into 4 functional classes.

  • I f.k. Asymptomatic CHF, mild. There are no restrictions on sports and work activities.
  • II f.k. During physical activity, the heart rate increases and slight shortness of breath occurs. There is rapid fatigue. Physical activity is limited.
  • III f.k. Shortness of breath and palpitations occur not only under the influence of physical activity, but also when moving around the room. Significant limitation of physical activity.
  • IV f.k. Symptoms of CHF occur even at rest, intensifying with the slightest physical activity. Absolute exercise intolerance.

Video: lecture on the diagnosis and treatment of heart failure for doctors

Circulatory failure in childhood

In children, circulatory failure can manifest itself in both acute and chronic form. In newborns, heart failure is associated with complex and combined. In infants, early and late myocarditis leads to heart failure. Sometimes the cause of its development is acquired heart defects associated with pathology of valve mechanisms.

Heart defects (congenital and acquired) can cause the development of CHF in a child of any age. In younger children school age(and older) CHF is often caused by the formation of rheumatic carditis or rheumatic pancarditis. There are also extracardiac causes of the development of heart failure: for example, severe kidney disease, hyaline membrane disease in newborns and a number of others.

Treatment is similar to drug therapy for chronic and acute heart failure in adults. But unlike adults, small patients are prescribed strict bed rest, when all the necessary movements are performed with the help of their parents. Relaxation of the regime (allowed to read in bed, draw, and do homework) for CHF II (B). You can begin to independently perform hygienic procedures and walk around the room (light regimen) when CHF moves to stage II (A). It is recommended to take magnesium supplements (Magnerot).

First aid for heart failure

Many people are in no hurry to provide themselves with the necessary medical assistance when attacks of heart failure occur. Some people simply don’t know what to do in such cases, others simply neglect treatment. Still others are afraid that frequent use of potent drugs may cause addiction to them. Meanwhile, if symptoms of acute coronary insufficiency occur, if treatment is not started in time, death can occur very quickly.

First aid for acute attacks of heart failure consists of taking a comfortable position and taking a quick-acting drug (Nitroglycerin with Validol under the tongue).

You can take these drugs more than once. They do not accumulate in the body and are not addictive, but you should always remember that Nitroglycerin is capable significantly (and quickly) lower blood pressure, and, besides this, some patients simply cannot tolerate it.

For people diagnosed with mild heart failure (f.k. I or stage I CHF), sanatorium-resort treatment is indicated. It has a preventive value and is aimed at increasing the functionality of the cardiovascular system. Thanks to a systematic, properly selected alternation of periods of physical activity and rest, the heart muscle is strengthened, which prevents the further development of heart failure. But when choosing a sanatorium, it is necessary to take into account that patients with cardiovascular diseases are contraindicated:

  • A sharp change in climatic conditions,
  • Moving long distances,
  • Too high and low temperatures,
  • High solar radiation.

Resort and sanatorium treatment is strictly prohibited for patients with severe clinical manifestations heart failure.

Treatment of heart failure can be either medicinal or folk. People suffering from this disease often experience severe loss of strength and depression, so every effort must be made to help the patient cope with the symptoms of the disease.

Treatment of heart failure is a set of measures aimed at prolonging the patient’s life and getting rid of concomitant diseases. One of the mandatory conditions for treatment is pathogenetic therapy. The underlying disease is treated in the following ways:

  • if arterial hypertension is observed, then the pressure is monitored and reduced;
  • Heart defects and thyroid dysfunction are treated through surgery;
  • myocardial revascularization and optimal antianginal therapy are prescribed for ischemic heart disease.

Heart failure can be acute or chronic. Treatment is selected depending on the form of the disease.

Treatment of acute form

The acute form of the disease requires timely drug treatment. Urgent care is provided by administering fast-acting drugs intravenously. Here are the urgent measures needed:

  • shortness of breath is relieved by suppressing the respiratory center with a solution of Morphine or Promedol;
  • if blood pressure is high, slow drips with ganglion blockers are given;
  • in order to dilate blood vessels, the patient is given a Nitroglycerin tablet;
  • if the blood pressure is high, diuretics are used;
  • In some cases, it is necessary to supply oxygen through a pressurized cylinder to increase blood oxygenation.

All these actions are used by doctors when providing emergency care. medical care patients with heart pain.

Treatment of chronic type

For the chronic form of the disease they are used medical supplies the following groups:

  1. Diuretics (Furosemide, Hypothiazide, Veroshpiron) are prescribed in a minimal dosage so that potassium is not removed from the body. In parallel with them, potassium-containing drugs are prescribed - Asparkam or Panangin.
  2. Cardiac glycosides are drugs that are prescribed only by a doctor, selecting individual scheme appointments for each patient. While taking the drug, you need to monitor your heart rate and regularly take a cardiogram. The drugs accumulate in the body, so an overdose may occur. Under the influence of glycosides, the contractile ability of the myocardium increases, the time of blood filling and rest of the heart chambers increases, and the pulse becomes less frequent. These preparations are made from plant materials.
  3. Anticoagulants are prescribed - drugs that reduce blood clotting and prevent the formation of blood clots.
  4. The course of treatment includes anabolic steroid and calcium antagonists.
  5. Be sure to take multivitamin complexes.

In case of chronic heart failure, diet is required. The diet should include easily digestible foods that will not put much strain on the digestive organs. It is important to limit your salt intake, which makes you thirsty. It is advisable to reduce the amount of water you drink per day. If there is a mild form of heart failure, then this restriction may not be adhered to. Under no circumstances should you independently reduce or increase the dose of medications prescribed by your doctor. This may cause undesirable consequences.

Folk remedies

Treatment of heart failure at home is possible not only with the use of medications, but also with the help of folk remedies. Traditional methods- This is an auxiliary therapy, so they cannot replace medications. Before use, you should definitely consult your doctor. For example, medicine has approved the medicinal properties of hawthorn flowers and fruits, and rose hips. Celery, parsley and lingonberry leaves, birch buds, fennel fruits, caraway seeds can be used as diuretics. If there is congestion in the lungs, then a decoction of hyssop and eucalyptus inhalations are suitable as an expectorant.

Folk recipes that help with heart failure:

  1. You can make a decoction of oats and elecampane roots, leave it for 2 hours and take 1 tbsp daily before meals. l., mixing with honey.
  2. A decoction of mint, motherwort, lemon balm, as well as fruits, leaves and flowers of hawthorn can be prepared in a thermos. To prepare the drink, take dried fruits and leaves in equal parts. The prepared mixture requires 10 parts of water. This remedy is used 1/3 cup before meals.
  3. Juice from viburnum berries (fresh or frozen) is a proven remedy for heart failure.
  4. To normalize heart function and calm down, you can take baths before bed with the addition of pine decoctions.
  5. Pumpkin juice or pumpkin pulp is used as a diuretic for edema.

Hawthorn is a universal aid for heart failure. This plant helps lower blood pressure, increases exercise tolerance, and reduces heart rate. Hawthorn is most often prescribed if heart failure is due to hypertension. You can prepare decoctions and tinctures yourself, but it is better to take factory-made products in capsules and tablets so that the daily dose is the same.

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Folk remedies should absolutely not be used if the patient is in serious condition. When using homemade tinctures and decoctions, you cannot refuse the main treatment with medications. Traditional recipes are used mainly as means of saturating the body with vitamins and minerals.


During treatment for heart failure, the patient's body experiences a magnesium deficiency. It is output to significant amount along with urine from the body, and this causes deterioration in health. Therefore, during treatment it is important to take medications and products containing magnesium. Elderly people suffering from heart failure are deficient in thiamine. With its deficiency, the functioning of the brain and heart is significantly impaired.

The cause of thiamine deficiency in the body is the use of diuretics.

Therefore, in combination with diuretics, the doctor most often prescribes vitamin B1.

By treating heart failure at home, following all the recommendations of your doctor, you can significantly improve your quality of life. During treatment medicines It is not forbidden to take supplements that significantly increase the effect of treatment. You can play sports, but only after consulting a doctor. If walking is uncomfortable, some exercises can be done while sitting or lying down. Be sure to constantly monitor your heart rate and blood pressure. If heart failure develops due to diabetes mellitus, you need to monitor your blood sugar levels.